89-1038 . . , � ` � / �� � .1 J f • /, } t.. ' . '., - . ' -, l �£.�%� _�l�' �;}. :;1_ , ,�� � �,. �- � � , � �'_ ~___�"` �� ;� _,. WMITE - C�TV CLERK COI1flC11 /y' PINK - FINANCE C I TY O SA I NT PAU /J C>.— BI.UERV - MAYORTMENT File NO. ` /� - Coun ' Resolutio � � ` � � ;' / 9 ,, Presente By � �° _ �� ����L�,e��� J ` \� �'/� l�Referred To �+ � Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 504 q 'res the creation o replacement housing when a governmental unit displa s en or more units o affordable rental housing in the city in any year; a WHEREAS, the city council of St. P 1 has been working on the replacement housing ordinance, which is qui e 'milar to the new s ate legislation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th city council here acknowledges and supports the intent and the let er of the new replace nt housing law, and directs the appropriate city st ff to implement the r lacement housing law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by rtment of: Yeas Nays ' Dimond • �� ` � � [n F vor co�� Rett�"ea Agai st BY Scheibel " , Sonnen - Wilson �" Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council gy BY . ��3 ���'�o�� . , 4 . . y DEP ENT/OFFICEIOOUNpI DATE NITI 13 3 4 ' � s GREEN SHE Na ,Nm��A,� CONTACT PERSON 3 P� DEPARTMENT DiRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL � — �`-'� ���_ NUM�R CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DA7� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. ' MAYOR(OR ASBIBT � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL O TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: i�.�?� ,�' �� � ` �� .�� � RECONIMENDATION8:Approve(N c►RN�ct(F� EE/f�BEARCH i�PORT OPTI ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COIdMI8310N T ,SEFiVI C MMIS810N _pB OOMMfTTEE (l_ � _BTAFF _ COMMENTB _DIS7RICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH NdL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATiN(�P LEM,183UE, NITY(Who.Whet,When,Where.Wh�: /��p� `�� 0 a�� ADVANTAOES IF/1PPROVED: DISADVANTAflEB IF APPROVED: . � . DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: )I ' I _ � � ` �/�a��`���� /� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; �� COST/REVENUE BUD ED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(DCPLAIN) i' � COMMITTEE REPORT Page Two Housing and Economic Development C mm'ttee Meeting Date: June 28, 1989 the St. Paul Civic Center fo a hletic events, and equesting the Mayor to form an ad hoc committee f epresentatives as isted to study the feasibility of cooperation w th the U of M to host ockey games (C.F. 89-946) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L 7. Hearing to consider the Appe 1 f Laurel Ann Marc to a Summary Abatement Order for propert lo ted at 230-240 Da COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TO DE E APPEAL AND TO P CEED WITH THE ASSESSMENT 8. Appeal of Charles Rafferty o decision of the H itage Preservation Commission regarding the we t ing of Gillette Ho ital located at 1003 E. Ivy Street CO1�Il�iITTEE RECOMMENDED THE A P L BE LAID OVER IN MMITTEE UNTIL AFTER AUGUST 31, 1989, AND THAT I A SO BE REFERRED TO E HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR THER ACTION 9. Resolution requesting the nd Port Authority onsider and adopt replacement housing policie s milar to St. Paul' (C.F. 89-867) CONIl�IITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A 10. Ordinance enacting the rep c ent housing polic and providing procedures for its impleme ta 'on (C.F. 89-760) CONINIITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR A 11. Resolution to bring city t c mpliance with the w state law on replacement housing (C.F 8 -1038) CO1�Il�SITTEE RECOMMENDED WITH RA AL OF THE RESOLUTI 12. Ordinance amending Section 18 .04 (4) of the Leg slative Code pertaining to Truth in Housing forms nd requiring a zoning classification (C.F. 89-1045) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AN I DE INITE LAYOVER IN C MMITTEE, PENDING A STAFF RECOMMENDATION � Members: , � .CITY OF SAINT PAUL 8��� W��son, chair ;;;;�;;�� Tom Dimond OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: WILLIAM L. WILSON RECEIVED MARK VOERDING Councilman Committee Report Leg,s,a=��eA�de JUN 2 91989 To: Saint Paul City Council ci�Y c�EK�c � � From : Housing and Eco o ' Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the MAY 10, 1989, committee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Consent to issuance of $2,890,000 tax exempt Port Authority revenue bonds for Source, Inc. � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION (original resolution and green sheet attached) 3. Summary presentation on Economic Development Strategy COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED REVIEW PROCESS (no Council action required) 4. Approval of bonds for COPCO, sublease to Colder Products Company COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION (original resolution and green sheet attached) 5. Resolution accepting the Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy, requesting the shorter list of priority strategies be incorporated into the City' s Administration' s work program, requesting said Strategy be used as background information for updating the Comprehensive Plan and to evaluate private development proposals to guide city and neighborhood action and investments on the Near East Side (C.F. 89-844) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED (map clarifications listed on attached sheet) 6. Resolution supporting the position of Governor Perpich pertaining to the ' U of M sports facilities, encouraging the continued and expanded use of CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � 612/298-4646 8�46