89-1031 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII �jl/�+ � I/ BLUERV - MA�pqTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO. ��� d Counc l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y fficials are autho ized and directed to lease the parking lot area of a p ec of land commonly nown as the Glass Service property for the purpose f atron usage during the Minnesota State Baseball Tournament held during J ne 1989 and for the urposes of parking adjacent to the City's Municipal ta ium and as part of said lease, the City pledges to indemnify and hold har le s the Saint Paul P rt Authority, the owner of said property from all claims ri ing out of the usa e of said property during the tournament. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays I� Dimond �� �ng In Fa r Goswitz Rettman � Scheibel _ Again t �� Wilson _ a For ppro d b City tto Adopted by Council: Date < Certified Pas uncil Se t � Z� G ,� By, , r �t t�ppr by Mavor: e "�N � �� Approve May for ' sion to Council c PUBU� J UN 17 1 89 . , . �' �'-�o�' DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �O O [ COMMUNITY SERVICES 5-25-89 REEN SHEET No. � •� INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE ARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNCIL Bi 11 Peterson 292-7415 Nu�� C A7T�iNEY CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATEj ROU7INQ B ET DIRECTOR FIN.3 MOT.8ERVIGE3 DIR. June 1 1989 YOR(OR ASSISTAN ❑ TOTAL�i OF SIGINATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL L ATI NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUEBTED: Signatures of Department Director, City Att rn y, City Council , C y Clerk. REOOMMENDAT10N8:Approve W a Reisct(R) COUNCIL IA EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPT L qWALYST PHONE NO. _PLAWNINO COMMIS810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N _qB OOMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ �MENT3: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 Recreation INITIATIPK�PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whero.Why): To allow Municipal Stadium staff to use t e arking lot owned b the St. Paul Port Authority for over-flow parking during th S ate High School Ba ' ball Tournament. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPF�VED: Increased revenue for the City and orga 'ze parking for parti ipants. as�ov��es iF nPPROVe�: None. DIBADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of potential revenue and not eno gh parking for the ev nt. ����cr� �esearch Center �r��Y 2 6 i;`�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = -�' COST/REVENUE BU ED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE S ecial $21"V1C2S ACTWITYNUMBER ' 231�5 FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)