89-1026 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Co cil /� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT - �O. r../O./ � BI.UE - MAVOR F] ��� Council solution 15`'� - �/3v/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Da ��� Out of Committee By Da � BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the it of Saint Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Ra ge Capita�. �mprove ent Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, a h retofore adopte and amended by this Council, it is hereby further ame de in the followi g particular: Current Amended Year Fund Log No. Project A ropriation C ange A�propriation 1989 CIB 5-5521 Irvine Ave. Wall 110,000.00 -8 ,000.00 27,000.00 (Abandcned Proj . ) CIB Marshall -0- 8 , 000.00 83, 000.00 Lighting "!'h� St. Paul Long-Ran Capita.l ILnprover.�Fr, �udget Committee rece ed this requcs; on (date) �" �' anci r�commends � . Stgned: � � _. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVE � � � Eugen A. Sch ' 1 er, Director Gregor es Finance and Management Services Budget ' rector COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays � Dimond T / �� In Favor coswitz Rettmas� - s�ne;n�� _—�_ Against BY Sonnen , Wilson Ju� _ � � Form A ro d by City A ney Adopted by Council: Date /. Certified Pa s y ouncil S tar � BY — gy, A pro by Mavor: Dat JUN — �9 App y Ma r f r ission to Cou cil - POBII�D J UN 17 198 � � � ��-��� � . . . pEpApTMENT/OFFlCE/OOUNqL ` DATE INITIATED Pur�i�c 43orks 5-2-s9 REEN SHEET � No. 19 5 2 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE IN171AU DATE INITIAUDATE � EP MENT DIRECfOR �CRY COUNGL D a n i e 1 J. D u n f o r d Nu� � TY TTpRNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO U DIRECTOR�� �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DtR. MAY (OR A8S18TANn TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCA ION FOR SIANATUR� ACTION REQUEBTED: Transfer $83,000.00 from the Irvine Av . all (Abandoned roject) to allow the installation of a lantern lighting sys em on Marshall Ave - Fry to 600 feet east of Snelling. This work is the Ci y' share to nsta 1 this system in EIVE� HECOM ENDATIONB:App►as W a Rekct(F� COUNCIL CO�A E I�FI I�PORT OPTIONAL ' PLANNINO OOMM18810N _CIVIL b'ERVICE COMMI3SION A�Y� M AY 2 5 1989 P"°"E"°. �pB COMMITTE _ _STAFF _ COMMENT3: � _������ _ �IIAYOR'S OFFICE �y, .f: .,r,,.,d � suPPOArs wHict+oouNa�oaie � a� INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsre,Why): The Department of Transportation of th , tate of Minneso is letting a con- tract to reconstruct Snelling Ave. fr ' ayton Ave. to C ncordia Ave. and on Marshall Ave. from Fry to 600 ' east o S elling in 1989. Transferring these funds will allow a lantern type stree 1 ghting system t be installed on the Marshall portion of this project. Th e isting liqhting 'system on Snelling will be reconstructed at no cost to t e ity. ApVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: The existing lighting on this portion of Marshall is mou ted on NSP wood poles is sparsely spaced and is not adequat f r a roadway of his type. Installing the lantern lighting system will upgr de the lighting t meet current standards and also be congruent with he existing lante system on Marshall between Fry and Fairview and that wil e installed on rshal��vED the River and Otis Ave. . DISADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED: • F�ICE OF THE D1R�C� Initial cost of installation and hig e operating cost PqR7MENT pF �rNq�E Q � MANAGFMF�� g�RtiiCES RECEIVED ��IqY 3 198 asnova�rnoes iF raT�rROVe�: BV dGETp�� The street lighting on Marshall woul n t match other a eas of PI`a���6a11 Ave. that currently have lantern systems r re planned to h ve lantern systems installed,and the light levels would no be brought up o standards. o�;�c�f Re�:e�rch Center i�la� 2 6 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED( CLE ON� YES NO FUNDINQ SOURI� ACTIVITY NUMBER FiNANGAL INFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN)