99-1086ORIGINAL council File #` '�q� ,�Q'( Green sheet � I O 3 O O 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date IO i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to s serve on the OUR FAIR CAROUSEL, INC. Board of Directors. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APPOINTMENT Kathy Garlock REAPPOINTMENT Vic Wittgenstein REPRESENTING Greater Ramsey County REPRESENTING Saint Paul Parks and Recreation These terms shali expire on February 28, 2001. 17 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy By: r,�rz: ay: Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � �/� !1 /''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ( � i Adopted by Council: Date ��,k io \44 T � ° l ° 1- to8�6 i Mayor Coleman`s Office ���� 10-29-99 GREEN SHEET No10�009 �.�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �� �,,.,.�, ❑ �,� .,�,�� ❑ �,�,,.�a ,. wvoRlw�Masc�tti ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Rathy-Garlock and the reappointment of Vic Wittgenstein to sexve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Dixectors. Kathy Garlock appointed to serve as a representative of Greater Ramsey County and Vic Wittgenstein reappointed to serve as a representative of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE S Has this P�soMrm ever vrorked uMer a conUact fa this tlepartment7 VES NO Fias this PNaoMim erer been a dlY empbyee9 YES NO Does this PersoNfi�m Oosaess a sidll rwt normalbPOSSesaeE DY any curreM dlY emploYee7 YES NO Is ihis pdsoNfimi a tarpeted veMOR YES NO ACTNItY qIIMeER (GRCLEONE) VES NO ����t? ��nt�r ������G Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i7 Saint Yaul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember NTichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Couneilmember James Reiter v 'e_.:... <�__� �. ,.v,..�: FROM: DATE: � Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor November 1, 1999 Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors ;`���d� � � ��� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following individuals to serve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors. Kathy Garlock will be appointed to serve as a Greater Ramsey County represemative. Vic Wittgenstein is reappointed to serve as the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation representative. Our Fair Carousel, Inc. terms shall expire on February 28, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kathy Garlock's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Liz Anderson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Vic Wittgenstein, Director, Saint Paul Parks and Itecreation R 09i15i1999 1�:�9 FROn STRTE FRR� lNS. f - � ���q TO 2668515 � .. �—� ,. ^" OFFTCE OP TH� MAYOR 390 CZTy HALT, SATI�tTYAUL,MINNESO'x'A SSIQ2 Phone: (651) 266-8525 FAX: (652) 266-8513 Name: Gr� Home Address: _ _ �Q�_ ������� � Street Telephone Number(s): (IncludeArea Codes) P�anning Aistrict Council: Preferred Maiiing Address: - What-is your occupation? _ klace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: c;� P.01 �q-,o�� L zsp' Y � (,l'ty Conncil Ward: What Skills, training or experience do you possess for the �, - �.�-�l 's) forwhich you seek appointment? �i.� ����.� 7` / � The informacion inciuded in this application is considered private data according fo the 1�Iinnesota Government Data Pracfices Act_ As a result, ihis information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 3-Z 6-99 i/1999 13:39 FBO � a 'i.l: c':ic._�.,.: .: � _ ... - v t . s.. i �'� .. .. .f '�' L�. Y�j�.'�' - �\-��.�1 •'�? _ .<�: .;. . . .... � }a��: : •]�� `�" ic �� � � � :�` � !'::v,.'.; -�.. _' . G!� ress'._ : :.`;;�� ' ..: . � '�-'� ' - ..?;� : - " � �~ . - `�:_.._ _ � =. ;:-. - e �-=.._;.�,%Namo:- ' � ���" - � :�Address: = � �:�= =' � . � =" � ' Phone: om� r:.= . ' , � ;.. f= , � ' hame: r:: L_ �='• " Address: . Phone: 4 ;. � �'� ; ,. ,c iTPTE FARM iNS. '' :F'• . .� . �� �. �� i !`: �. S 9 P.92 ":.t.'a.' � : Ys y - `aq-lot�b:� �. �9—" %a-�t--�: rworki":� ��°�� - ' _' �)_� ? � � '" _ _' `" � - - _ � -�,e,�:�� %���:: .=.; � _ _ _ ` ��' : i::: . - �-.°_-.�--<'% .���'� �O ' : � �.. ` � Reasons for your interest in . :' - �. � : : `l'1� s�—s ��:�� .... e , . Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? IFso, when, ' and the circum� nce ? � . - : - " . � -=:. w �, �--" �r'� G . - J � , -.. , :. . . _. :. �. ::. ._�;:•-=:.:-,.. , � .. � 7 0� �il . q . . .�. Qy� •,-, ._ ., : __ <;... : . .. : : � . :'•°'. . . - . . � ' . . ' . � `y � . ya'a'.`..�y . �.." i.,f' ��n�_�%'..� ^. . � <' A����ti�ei i��%`. � � . ' .. "'.: \i��t :'� �•�l ��. ���✓��•� b�•>.�: �'�•.' ���� �. ;: . " In an attempt to ensure that committee represenQation teflects`tIre community; piease �; . check the line applicable to you.. "Z'his information is stricU Y: yolunta: ;; ."`;,'<.:�:, �_ ' ! . � - . . .. . . ' . . - .. + +4a.i��, LY'y.. - i �1 . � " i "- - _ .. - =i:.s•3 �White - F . Caucasian - - _( - =.His a'i ��'' ,.: , ):;.. _ - _ n c, _ '<,'�=:;.. r:;` . ��, _ _,,:.�,.V..� ::,.?��."rz£ _ - ' Black Afri "' �:`'=� " " - , � ,,,( canAmerican)r - _ __ .. , .� ::A,sian`orYaci6cTs[ander- y � . r�` ':�Ainerican Indiaq or Alaskan Esldmo�:� - " "?�`"�`` - `='" F x v -'"``: "' ::�'" .; .. �`--:?; =; �c...>;, :; � :., _ _ �' .�:. ..,. =ti_� �;�• . y°= � - `^, °' _ ;jey�=°ksc.. ,;:.:: _r<;:.:-:;' _ • _ - - :;��'::�:�:=�•_ � � ;; : _ _ . . . - ' - _ _ ; :',,..� ; v�Y ,,:�: - _ _y' - ' -::wr=�.'� ., � _ `"c„�i:�.-���Go .s:. _ .Nlate �Female�� ^�AafeofBi'rtfi:=:==<.=•�•;>�� f : _ _ -_ . ���_ _ _ _ ... _ �� � _ �.; ��.._. _ �:r:: �.�.:.;..,...:.. �. _ .. _ - - _ _�:_:...�.���. �.T _ . , _ _ ' ' _ _ :7C. L _ � i.:F.l ' i'��L`.�'.�'�'i� �h'% D' . - :-�:,;:: ssabled: ��Yes `�= � _ -. <.. _ .:�;�. r' - �o - �,.�-:�_.. .�; ;:��•:• X : - ��- � :,�:..., � - •�= -- . tS • ` h:.. , a . . _ .` r . �P'r „Y:'� .{i .. �. �-/ • � �S:' , ��..__ __ - " _ :G..G^.�-.:,i-:.sc% �....'. 'sC} . . C"Y ' ' " ' �,�Y�:�^;=� Ka:�''�:'.''�J � _ ' '_ . - . - .�_ .._�.'_ - _ _''!.`5��.:5�%''^'qE�a?5.sr,3' �. : . �.4.�1.�'4.;.4.��Y .K.r �/fi.�M�+� ' . .Ifspecialaccommodationsare ecif `"i ' �,."•" - ; F. ,P.. .Y��`� <.,:=,_ w... ..,.:>�.....�..� � ' . .. . ' . ' . ' ' ..:Ze.>� _ : .. `� :r!^'. _ . . . _ _ _;C': . Howdidvouheara6outthicnnrn;no� ���Gy,'?',f�Y �s.�`�lil�f�� c �n '~` � commitYee• � - a9-to�� 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT CO2fMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� COMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003290 DeLeo� Susan 1891 East orange Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 776-1747 AdminfOrganizational Marsie Leier 2473 N. Churchill Road Roseville, 55113 h) 484-6443 w) same Joe Weber 3720 Blackhawk Lake Ct. Eagan, MCI 55122 h) 454-7876 w) 645-6195 Col. John Kline 10085 170th St. Lakeville, 55044 h) 435-7532 w) same 003629 Garlock, Kathy 2022 Arkwright Street Maplewood, MN 5117 Flome - (651) 774-4314 Office Manager 9-15-99 Our Fair Carousel Board: Maureen Creason 6534 Upper 22nd Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 (651) 779-9272 Pam Griswold 1167 Saddlebrook Lane Woodbury, MN 55128 h) (651) 578-6890 (w) 651/578-4618 ELray Anderson 3210 Woodbridge Street Roseville, MN 55113 (h) 651/484-9543 w) (651) 484-7293 002385 Reagan� Maryjane Rachner 3 15 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 1340 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 6 2 04/22/97 W F 09/15/99 W F 03/26/97 W F a°� -�o SrL 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 �� CAMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor WARD PLANNING SENATS APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTAZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTFiER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ---°--� -^- --- --- Jamea Noonan 3b4 N. Owasao Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgta. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439 ORIGINAL council File #` '�q� ,�Q'( Green sheet � I O 3 O O 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date IO i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to s serve on the OUR FAIR CAROUSEL, INC. Board of Directors. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APPOINTMENT Kathy Garlock REAPPOINTMENT Vic Wittgenstein REPRESENTING Greater Ramsey County REPRESENTING Saint Paul Parks and Recreation These terms shali expire on February 28, 2001. 17 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy By: r,�rz: ay: Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � �/� !1 /''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ( � i Adopted by Council: Date ��,k io \44 T � ° l ° 1- to8�6 i Mayor Coleman`s Office ���� 10-29-99 GREEN SHEET No10�009 �.�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �� �,,.,.�, ❑ �,� .,�,�� ❑ �,�,,.�a ,. wvoRlw�Masc�tti ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Rathy-Garlock and the reappointment of Vic Wittgenstein to sexve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Dixectors. Kathy Garlock appointed to serve as a representative of Greater Ramsey County and Vic Wittgenstein reappointed to serve as a representative of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE S Has this P�soMrm ever vrorked uMer a conUact fa this tlepartment7 VES NO Fias this PNaoMim erer been a dlY empbyee9 YES NO Does this PersoNfi�m Oosaess a sidll rwt normalbPOSSesaeE DY any curreM dlY emploYee7 YES NO Is ihis pdsoNfimi a tarpeted veMOR YES NO ACTNItY qIIMeER (GRCLEONE) VES NO ����t? ��nt�r ������G Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i7 Saint Yaul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember NTichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Couneilmember James Reiter v 'e_.:... <�__� �. ,.v,..�: FROM: DATE: � Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor November 1, 1999 Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors ;`���d� � � ��� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following individuals to serve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors. Kathy Garlock will be appointed to serve as a Greater Ramsey County represemative. Vic Wittgenstein is reappointed to serve as the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation representative. Our Fair Carousel, Inc. terms shall expire on February 28, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kathy Garlock's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Liz Anderson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Vic Wittgenstein, Director, Saint Paul Parks and Itecreation R 09i15i1999 1�:�9 FROn STRTE FRR� lNS. f - � ���q TO 2668515 � .. �—� ,. ^" OFFTCE OP TH� MAYOR 390 CZTy HALT, SATI�tTYAUL,MINNESO'x'A SSIQ2 Phone: (651) 266-8525 FAX: (652) 266-8513 Name: Gr� Home Address: _ _ �Q�_ ������� � Street Telephone Number(s): (IncludeArea Codes) P�anning Aistrict Council: Preferred Maiiing Address: - What-is your occupation? _ klace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: c;� P.01 �q-,o�� L zsp' Y � (,l'ty Conncil Ward: What Skills, training or experience do you possess for the �, - �.�-�l 's) forwhich you seek appointment? �i.� ����.� 7` / � The informacion inciuded in this application is considered private data according fo the 1�Iinnesota Government Data Pracfices Act_ As a result, ihis information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 3-Z 6-99 i/1999 13:39 FBO � a 'i.l: c':ic._�.,.: .: � _ ... - v t . s.. i �'� .. .. .f '�' L�. Y�j�.'�' - �\-��.�1 •'�? _ .<�: .;. . . .... � }a��: : •]�� `�" ic �� � � � :�` � !'::v,.'.; -�.. _' . G!� ress'._ : :.`;;�� ' ..: . � '�-'� ' - ..?;� : - " � �~ . - `�:_.._ _ � =. ;:-. - e �-=.._;.�,%Namo:- ' � ���" - � :�Address: = � �:�= =' � . � =" � ' Phone: om� r:.= . ' , � ;.. f= , � ' hame: r:: L_ �='• " Address: . Phone: 4 ;. � �'� ; ,. ,c iTPTE FARM iNS. '' :F'• . .� . �� �. �� i !`: �. S 9 P.92 ":.t.'a.' � : Ys y - `aq-lot�b:� �. �9—" %a-�t--�: rworki":� ��°�� - ' _' �)_� ? � � '" _ _' `" � - - _ � -�,e,�:�� %���:: .=.; � _ _ _ ` ��' : i::: . - �-.°_-.�--<'% .���'� �O ' : � �.. ` � Reasons for your interest in . :' - �. � : : `l'1� s�—s ��:�� .... e , . Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? IFso, when, ' and the circum� nce ? � . - : - " . � -=:. w �, �--" �r'� G . - J � , -.. , :. . . _. :. �. ::. ._�;:•-=:.:-,.. , � .. � 7 0� �il . q . . .�. Qy� •,-, ._ ., : __ <;... : . .. : : � . :'•°'. . . - . . � ' . . ' . � `y � . ya'a'.`..�y . �.." i.,f' ��n�_�%'..� ^. . � <' A����ti�ei i��%`. � � . ' .. "'.: \i��t :'� �•�l ��. ���✓��•� b�•>.�: �'�•.' ���� �. ;: . " In an attempt to ensure that committee represenQation teflects`tIre community; piease �; . check the line applicable to you.. "Z'his information is stricU Y: yolunta: ;; ."`;,'<.:�:, �_ ' ! . � - . . .. . . ' . . - .. + +4a.i��, LY'y.. - i �1 . � " i "- - _ .. - =i:.s•3 �White - F . Caucasian - - _( - =.His a'i ��'' ,.: , ):;.. _ - _ n c, _ '<,'�=:;.. r:;` . ��, _ _,,:.�,.V..� ::,.?��."rz£ _ - ' Black Afri "' �:`'=� " " - , � ,,,( canAmerican)r - _ __ .. , .� ::A,sian`orYaci6cTs[ander- y � . r�` ':�Ainerican Indiaq or Alaskan Esldmo�:� - " "?�`"�`` - `='" F x v -'"``: "' ::�'" .; .. �`--:?; =; �c...>;, :; � :., _ _ �' .�:. ..,. =ti_� �;�• . y°= � - `^, °' _ ;jey�=°ksc.. ,;:.:: _r<;:.:-:;' _ • _ - - :;��'::�:�:=�•_ � � ;; : _ _ . . . - ' - _ _ ; :',,..� ; v�Y ,,:�: - _ _y' - ' -::wr=�.'� ., � _ `"c„�i:�.-���Go .s:. _ .Nlate �Female�� ^�AafeofBi'rtfi:=:==<.=•�•;>�� f : _ _ -_ . ���_ _ _ _ ... _ �� � _ �.; ��.._. _ �:r:: �.�.:.;..,...:.. �. _ .. _ - - _ _�:_:...�.���. �.T _ . , _ _ ' ' _ _ :7C. L _ � i.:F.l ' i'��L`.�'.�'�'i� �h'% D' . - :-�:,;:: ssabled: ��Yes `�= � _ -. <.. _ .:�;�. r' - �o - �,.�-:�_.. .�; ;:��•:• X : - ��- � :,�:..., � - •�= -- . tS • ` h:.. , a . . _ .` r . �P'r „Y:'� .{i .. �. �-/ • � �S:' , ��..__ __ - " _ :G..G^.�-.:,i-:.sc% �....'. 'sC} . . C"Y ' ' " ' �,�Y�:�^;=� Ka:�''�:'.''�J � _ ' '_ . - . - .�_ .._�.'_ - _ _''!.`5��.:5�%''^'qE�a?5.sr,3' �. : . �.4.�1.�'4.;.4.��Y .K.r �/fi.�M�+� ' . .Ifspecialaccommodationsare ecif `"i ' �,."•" - ; F. ,P.. .Y��`� <.,:=,_ w... ..,.:>�.....�..� � ' . .. . ' . ' . ' ' ..:Ze.>� _ : .. `� :r!^'. _ . . . _ _ _;C': . Howdidvouheara6outthicnnrn;no� ���Gy,'?',f�Y �s.�`�lil�f�� c �n '~` � commitYee• � - a9-to�� 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT CO2fMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� COMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003290 DeLeo� Susan 1891 East orange Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 776-1747 AdminfOrganizational Marsie Leier 2473 N. Churchill Road Roseville, 55113 h) 484-6443 w) same Joe Weber 3720 Blackhawk Lake Ct. Eagan, MCI 55122 h) 454-7876 w) 645-6195 Col. John Kline 10085 170th St. Lakeville, 55044 h) 435-7532 w) same 003629 Garlock, Kathy 2022 Arkwright Street Maplewood, MN 5117 Flome - (651) 774-4314 Office Manager 9-15-99 Our Fair Carousel Board: Maureen Creason 6534 Upper 22nd Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 (651) 779-9272 Pam Griswold 1167 Saddlebrook Lane Woodbury, MN 55128 h) (651) 578-6890 (w) 651/578-4618 ELray Anderson 3210 Woodbridge Street Roseville, MN 55113 (h) 651/484-9543 w) (651) 484-7293 002385 Reagan� Maryjane Rachner 3 15 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 1340 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 6 2 04/22/97 W F 09/15/99 W F 03/26/97 W F a°� -�o SrL 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 �� CAMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor WARD PLANNING SENATS APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTAZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTFiER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ---°--� -^- --- --- Jamea Noonan 3b4 N. Owasao Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgta. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439 ORIGINAL council File #` '�q� ,�Q'( Green sheet � I O 3 O O 4 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date IO i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to s serve on the OUR FAIR CAROUSEL, INC. Board of Directors. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APPOINTMENT Kathy Garlock REAPPOINTMENT Vic Wittgenstein REPRESENTING Greater Ramsey County REPRESENTING Saint Paul Parks and Recreation These terms shali expire on February 28, 2001. 17 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council SecretaYy By: r,�rz: ay: Form Approved by City Attorney BY: � �/� !1 /''�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ( � i Adopted by Council: Date ��,k io \44 T � ° l ° 1- to8�6 i Mayor Coleman`s Office ���� 10-29-99 GREEN SHEET No10�009 �.�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 �� �,,.,.�, ❑ �,� .,�,�� ❑ �,�,,.�a ,. wvoRlw�Masc�tti ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointment of Rathy-Garlock and the reappointment of Vic Wittgenstein to sexve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Dixectors. Kathy Garlock appointed to serve as a representative of Greater Ramsey County and Vic Wittgenstein reappointed to serve as a representative of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMffTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION SOURCE S Has this P�soMrm ever vrorked uMer a conUact fa this tlepartment7 VES NO Fias this PNaoMim erer been a dlY empbyee9 YES NO Does this PersoNfi�m Oosaess a sidll rwt normalbPOSSesaeE DY any curreM dlY emploYee7 YES NO Is ihis pdsoNfimi a tarpeted veMOR YES NO ACTNItY qIIMeER (GRCLEONE) VES NO ����t? ��nt�r ������G Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i7 Saint Yaul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember NTichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Couneilmember James Reiter v 'e_.:... <�__� �. ,.v,..�: FROM: DATE: � Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor November 1, 1999 Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors ;`���d� � � ��� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following individuals to serve on the Our Fair Carousel, Inc. Board of Directors. Kathy Garlock will be appointed to serve as a Greater Ramsey County represemative. Vic Wittgenstein is reappointed to serve as the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation representative. Our Fair Carousel, Inc. terms shall expire on February 28, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kathy Garlock's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Liz Anderson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Vic Wittgenstein, Director, Saint Paul Parks and Itecreation R 09i15i1999 1�:�9 FROn STRTE FRR� lNS. f - � ���q TO 2668515 � .. �—� ,. ^" OFFTCE OP TH� MAYOR 390 CZTy HALT, SATI�tTYAUL,MINNESO'x'A SSIQ2 Phone: (651) 266-8525 FAX: (652) 266-8513 Name: Gr� Home Address: _ _ �Q�_ ������� � Street Telephone Number(s): (IncludeArea Codes) P�anning Aistrict Council: Preferred Maiiing Address: - What-is your occupation? _ klace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: c;� P.01 �q-,o�� L zsp' Y � (,l'ty Conncil Ward: What Skills, training or experience do you possess for the �, - �.�-�l 's) forwhich you seek appointment? �i.� ����.� 7` / � The informacion inciuded in this application is considered private data according fo the 1�Iinnesota Government Data Pracfices Act_ As a result, ihis information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 3-Z 6-99 i/1999 13:39 FBO � a 'i.l: c':ic._�.,.: .: � _ ... - v t . s.. i �'� .. .. .f '�' L�. Y�j�.'�' - �\-��.�1 •'�? _ .<�: .;. . . .... � }a��: : •]�� `�" ic �� � � � :�` � !'::v,.'.; -�.. _' . G!� ress'._ : :.`;;�� ' ..: . � '�-'� ' - ..?;� : - " � �~ . - `�:_.._ _ � =. ;:-. - e �-=.._;.�,%Namo:- ' � ���" - � :�Address: = � �:�= =' � . � =" � ' Phone: om� r:.= . ' , � ;.. f= , � ' hame: r:: L_ �='• " Address: . Phone: 4 ;. � �'� ; ,. ,c iTPTE FARM iNS. '' :F'• . .� . �� �. �� i !`: �. S 9 P.92 ":.t.'a.' � : Ys y - `aq-lot�b:� �. �9—" %a-�t--�: rworki":� ��°�� - ' _' �)_� ? � � '" _ _' `" � - - _ � -�,e,�:�� %���:: .=.; � _ _ _ ` ��' : i::: . - �-.°_-.�--<'% .���'� �O ' : � �.. ` � Reasons for your interest in . :' - �. � : : `l'1� s�—s ��:�� .... e , . Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? 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C"Y ' ' " ' �,�Y�:�^;=� Ka:�''�:'.''�J � _ ' '_ . - . - .�_ .._�.'_ - _ _''!.`5��.:5�%''^'qE�a?5.sr,3' �. : . �.4.�1.�'4.;.4.��Y .K.r �/fi.�M�+� ' . .Ifspecialaccommodationsare ecif `"i ' �,."•" - ; F. ,P.. .Y��`� <.,:=,_ w... ..,.:>�.....�..� � ' . .. . ' . ' . ' ' ..:Ze.>� _ : .. `� :r!^'. _ . . . _ _ _;C': . Howdidvouheara6outthicnnrn;no� ���Gy,'?',f�Y �s.�`�lil�f�� c �n '~` � commitYee• � - a9-to�� 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT CO2fMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �� COMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003290 DeLeo� Susan 1891 East orange Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 776-1747 AdminfOrganizational Marsie Leier 2473 N. Churchill Road Roseville, 55113 h) 484-6443 w) same Joe Weber 3720 Blackhawk Lake Ct. Eagan, MCI 55122 h) 454-7876 w) 645-6195 Col. John Kline 10085 170th St. Lakeville, 55044 h) 435-7532 w) same 003629 Garlock, Kathy 2022 Arkwright Street Maplewood, MN 5117 Flome - (651) 774-4314 Office Manager 9-15-99 Our Fair Carousel Board: Maureen Creason 6534 Upper 22nd Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 (651) 779-9272 Pam Griswold 1167 Saddlebrook Lane Woodbury, MN 55128 h) (651) 578-6890 (w) 651/578-4618 ELray Anderson 3210 Woodbridge Street Roseville, MN 55113 (h) 651/484-9543 w) (651) 484-7293 002385 Reagan� Maryjane Rachner 3 15 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 1340 PAGE 1 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 6 2 04/22/97 W F 09/15/99 W F 03/26/97 W F a°� -�o SrL 11-01-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMHITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 �� CAMMITTEE : OFCB Carousel Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor WARD PLANNING SENATS APP DATE ETFI GEN DIS DISTAZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTFiER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ---°--� -^- --- --- Jamea Noonan 3b4 N. Owasao Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgta. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439