89-1024 WHITE ��C�TV CLERK C nCII �+ PANK - FINANCE CITY OF A NT PAUL F e NO. d 7 l�'2�� - CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Council solution j 7 ) �� Presented By � � eferred To I Committe�: D te � "���� Out of Committee By D te , e epartment o ommunitp Services iv sion of Libraries, id exg end $141,723.17 for electricity (1988 budget was $100,000) and id expend $30,860 for team (1988 budget was $24,000) , and - WHEREAS, The Division of Libraries has availabl $ 27,000 for electri ty and $24 720 for steam in th 1989 budget and will need additiona f nds to meet their ligations �or electricity and steam, and WHEREAS, The Mayor� pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, es certify that there are available for appropriation reve ue in excess of thos estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor reco�ends the following cha ge to the 1989 budge Current Amended FINANCING PLAN __Budget____ hanges __Budget_ - --------- --- U01 General Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated- 0 23,500 23,500 All Other Financing 124,154,156 0 124,154,156 ------------ - --------- ------------ 124,154,156 23,500 124,177,656 SPENDING PLAN � _. _ _ OU1 General Fund Community Services Department Division of Libraries 03404 Library Maintenance Services 03404-0371 Electricity 127,000 17,000 144,000 03404-0374 Steam 24,720 6,500 31,220 03404 All Other Spending 683,065 0 683,065 Al1 Other Spending 123,319,37-1 0 123,319,371 ------------ - --------- ------------ 124,154,156 23,500 124,177,656 _ _ _ _ NET CHANGE 23,500 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves the e hanges to the 1989 udget� �,r'� Ap� oval Recomng d - -- -'�-T" -- Budget i ector COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departme of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor � � cosw�� (Amend2.wkl) Rettman B �he1�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form A pro ed by C' tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By �� �� � , B5, f, /� j` / \. A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date App o Mayor for �ss' n to Council ..� gy B WHITE --,CITV CLERK PAJK - FINANCE C I TY OF � A NT �AU L C uncil p amendment BIUERY - MAVORTMENT � e NO. p�-1024 Council solution �,1 : � Presented By Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By te AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , he above appropri ion increase will only be used for its in e ded purpose of ying bills against the identified expen e codes , and is n to be transferred or used for othe urposes ; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that a unspent porti of the above appropriation increase will e exee�pt from the pending Reduction Incentive For Gene al Fund Activitie as outlined in Budget Policy 0-8 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departme t of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Scheibei � _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson AW' '� 7 '�9 Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas• by Council Sec ry By gy, Approve M vor. Date 'G � $ � Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council By BY �B� h'�G u 6 1989 . ._ ........ �,,..�,�....;_:�:.: _ � - ;..�.;.� , . GITY OF S NT PAUL � .. - _ '"" �'" eiii°ii'n � �� OFFICF. OF TA ITY COIINCIL - Committ e Report ���-/��� � Finance Mana ement & Personnel Co mittee JULY 1, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 10, 98 , meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 19 9 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Contin en Reserve to Police Administration for full-t me position to oversee license renewal and appl ca ion process. (Referred from Council March 2, ai over July 10 for amendment) � 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending th 1 89 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the Financing & pending Plans for Community Services Utility N ed . (Referred from Council June 6, laid over J ly 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amending th 1 89 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financing S ending Plans for Community Services Division f ibraries Maintenance Services. (Referred fr m Council June 8, laid over July 10 for am nd ent) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending the 19 9 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Financing & pending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance imp ov ments activities. (Referred from Council June 20, ai over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amending th 1 89 budget by Withdrawn . addding $17,068 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Services Adm ni tration. (Referred from Council aune 27, it drawn by Administration) 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declaring in en to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt to res lv firefighters resolution issue. CTTY HALL SEVE TH FLOOR S T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 46 �..,,�„ ,-.,,,..,..,.. �..c,.....,-�. ...:,.-�.. ..,....r .._ ..........-�.-. ..., r.�........ ......_..,.,,ro..,,..�..._. , .,.� ---- -�,.nr..�.r� ..-..- ....�.-.s±F, - ,.. .. -� .�w.. «.;' . .,. ...� ' ,.. .. . _ .' .. ��-<" . �. . .. .. . . ._ .. . „+.�... ,:.,.. . ... _ .,.�:_ ._. ' . .. 4. Discussion of Police and Fire Pension Consolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - directing the Port Authority Laid over to use funds from its net income to refund to St. Paul taxpayers $1,639,504 collected in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22) 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 8/P1 adding $15,733 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Special Projects-Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11); and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing a Federal Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Council July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Chapter 33 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to reimbursement for car expense by providing a monthly increase for elected officials. (Referred from Council June 15) 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amending Section 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to procedures for the acquisition and improvement of property (Referred from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Section 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to special assessments. (Referred from Council June 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amending Chapters 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pertaining to building (presenter is requested trades business licenses and certificates of to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred from Council May 23, laid over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - amending the Salary Plan and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Unclas- resolution � sified Positions. (Referred from Council May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - granting wage and benefit Approved provisions of contracts between the City and the Supervisors Organization to non-represented managers who elected not to be covered by the new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Referred from Council July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - amending Section 28.B of the Approved Civil Service Rules concerning compensation. (Referred from Council July 13) . , . ���oa� DEPARTMENTIOFFl�COUNCIL OATE INITIATED REEN SHEET No. 18 3 3 Communit Services - Libraries 3/31/89 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DE ARTMENT DIRECTOR 'N�I�DA� �GTY COUNGL �NITYAUDATE Gerald W. Steenber 292-6211 ,,�' F�, ATTOHNEY CITYCLERK MUST BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNI�i BU ET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. OR(OR ASSIBT � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L TI S FOR SIGNATUR� ACiION REDUESTED: Provide additional funds for 1989 electrici y or Saint Pau1 Pub1 c Library � ��a Provide additional funds for 1989 steam for Sa nt Paul Public Lib ary � APR � � RECOMMENDATIONB:Approvs(IU or ReJect(R) COUNqL COM ITTE H REPORT OPTI _PLANNINC�COMMI8810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION '�'NALY�� D ���I�'�,,, �>�1 Y �(,,.� _GB COMMITTEE _ —$T,�,� — �►''�� 3 i9 9 MA�, � � —o������ — � .. 19� Y 0� 1989 8UPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE7 Mq�OR'S F ll�Ef�� . �..�: INITWTIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn.Whsre,Why): Insufficient funds in the 1989 budget to e the Saint Paul Pub ic Library's anticipated obligations for electricity and steam for h library system ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The Saint Paul Public Library will be abl t meet its obligati s for 1989 and pay the invoices for electricity and steam in a t me y manner D18ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: RE EIVED �PR $ 1989 BUD T 0�'FICE DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Insufficient funding for electricity and te m would force the ivision of Libraries to reduce level of lighting/heat/air conditi ni g to unacceptable man.working conditions. `�ncil Research Center MpY 2 5 �989 . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 23,5OO CpgT/REVENUE BUDQETED( ON� YES �l)� � _r. �uNa�o sou� 1989 General Fund Bud et ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)