89-1021 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUACII i- GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA U L �`Ile N � �—�D�" BLUE - MAVOR t E nc 'l Resolution �� Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ( D 68396) for the tra fer of an On Sale Liquor (C) , On Sal S nday Liquor, Off S e 3.2 Malt, Entertainment I an R staurant (N) Licen currently issued to E & E Inc. DBA va s Victorian Lounge, William G. Evans , Pres. , at 859 Thom s , be and the same is ereby transferred to Rentiel Inc. DB Billy's Victorian Ba William J. Leitner, Jr. , Pres. at the same dd ss. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De tment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz �h�� � _ Agains BY Sonnen Wilson JUN — � �89 Form Appr ved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certified Pass � ncil , eta � BY � � <� By (r r ' 1 t#pproved b Mavor D ��� _ 7 Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council � By BY PUBlISt�fD J U N 17 19 9 ,� � , � ��,�a.t,,, �►,�� ����� � �. �ar�heai f�iR N �#��E�t` No: 002479 . CONTACT PER�ON .. . . � DEPAR7MENT DiRECTOR MAYOR(OR ASStBTAWI')� . Kri s VanHorn �" F� _ �e� � ���TM�� '� COHTACT OEPT. � � � CO�lMCT PIidVE NO. - �� � ��7 DIRECTOR ��Counc i 1 Re�search � . Fi nance & Pq mt. 298:�056 0'��: � �An«�� — i i . Transfer of an On Sale Liquor C) On Sale Sunday Li uor, Off, Sale ° 3.2 Malt, Entertainment I and es aurant (A) License ' Notification Date: Hearing ate: June 6, 1989 �no�s:c�vw�(A)a�«cR1) c�cx. n�voar: .. . .PLANNMp COMM18810N t�VIL SERVICE COMMI3310N �1E IN DATE OUT ANALVST .. PFIONE NO. � ZONUlO COMMI33101�1 � 19D 826 3CFqOL BOARD . . . . . � � � �. STAFF . . � CHANTER C�AMMSSION .. . ETE IS- . ADDt INFO.ADOED* � RET'D TO GONTA�T W�7'IfIJEA�T . . � � � - � _ . _WR AWL II�O. �_FEEDBRG7C AODW�' . . - d3TRIC1'COIRJCIL - . . . .. " *EXPLANA . . -- . . . - . ... . SUPPOWTS MIHICN COIINCH.OBAECTIVE? . � . � . � . . ' . � . . .. .. .. . � . �..\ � . . � . . . . . ._ . � .. . , Nf11A7111G PNOBLEM.�SIIEr OPPORTUtM1Y(YN�o.Whet.W119n�WIMfe�VMhy): Rentiel Inc. DBA Billy's Victo ie Bar, Wi11iam J. L 'itner, Pres. , � request Council approva"t `of hi a plication for the �ransfer of the On Sale Liquor (C), On Sa1e Su da Liquor, Entertai nt T, Off .Sale 3.2 Malt and Restaurant (A) Li en e currently issued to E' & E Inc. DBA Evans Victorian Lounge at 859 ho s � : ..,�c�row ccowe«�.�..�,�s►: � : Al] applications and fees have be n submitted. All equired departments _ have reviewed and approved thi a plication. cor�ol�+cES Mm�.vunen.a�a to w�am): , • . _ . �u.��mr�s: . coMs 1118TORY/PRECEDENTS: �" - ���ch Center �EC�issuES: :.:::�;: r��:.;�.,�� �d�aY 12 ���� 1. If tt�e Council Research analyst d�termines that the Gre�en Sheet cx�ntains irtfur�atio�t ..� sufficient to meet Gouncil-determined standards, he/she checks `Complete As Is." 2. 1f the C�uncil Research artal�rst has icnowledge of additional p�tinent information, c�rnplaints, or controversy regardirig an issue, helshe cltecks "Additional Information Added,° summarizes that information under "Exptanation," and attaches any supporting documerrts.A copy of tMese . . documer�ts.must be ssni.imrrzediatplY tc�the contact persnn,who pre�ared the green.sheei. 3. If certain data is missing, the Council Research analyst checks "Return for AdditionaF IMormation" and retums the Green Sheet to the Contact Person, requesting .specific information on a "Request for Additional Mformatien" sheet. The Counci! Reseacch ar�yst checks the appropriate bax(es) on the "RequesY' forrh and I�ts sp9�ie data, exainp�s, �or definitions needed for each. 4. The Council Researeh'analyst and administration t�llect any�pertineM"ConsNh.re�t �eedback" such as summ�ries of pho�►e calfs, letters, etc. from couneiimembers' o�c�sg anci'`�e Informatian and Complairrts Office. If such information is available, the Council Research _ analyst summarizes it:under"Explanation°and checks "Ccrost�tueM�feedbadc Acided." - INITIATING PROBLEM, I�SSUE, OPPORTUNITY WMO initia#ed the probtem, issue, or opportunity tfiat this project/request is related to? WHAT is the problem, issue, or opportunity? WHEN did the prc�lem, issue, or qPPartunity originate? How bng has it been known? � - WHERE is the problem, �ssue, or opportunity located? _ WHY does it constitute a probiem, issue, or opportunity for the City of St. Paul ar� its citizens? - It is not necessary to use c�mplete sentences. Begin answers ta each of these questio� with verbs �nrherever possible. JUSTIFlCATION Exan�ples: cost sav�gs,productivity improvements, Pre�rentative maintenance, energy:o�servatiori, risk managemer►t, private sector job creation, tax base expensior►, housing opportun�ties, self- reliance. Include oost/benefit information, including Aet present�alues or leng� of payback period, ff known. � CONSEQUENCES _ What negative effects might this pco}ect produce (e.g., traffic delays, noise, tax irx:►ease)?To wFwm? When? For how tong? ALTERNATNES List the other options co�'ed. Specify their advant�es/strengths under PRQ3 .and #�eir disadvantages/weaknesses ur�t,ier CONS. � H�TORY/PRECEDENTS - F�aa dc�es th� c�are'wifh Fiow`comp�ra�ite ac�.have:k�stor�ealty been a�lish�c! in Sei�t Paut? in o#�er juristlictions? Does this break °tradrt+un'or any`iega! preceder�ts? LEGAL ISSUES Is any legislat�n required? How do legal issues affect aftematives? ` PERFORMANCE I�TORY OF SPONSORING FlR1i1/ORGANIZATION/PRINCIPAl3 How well has the requesting organization used funds before? Have they met their. objectives? Stayed within budget?What is the. reputation of the principals? STAKEHOLDERS For non-routir�e issues, list the various persons/groups (i.e., stakeholders) who are taking positions on the issue. indicate: • whether they favor (+), oppose (-), or are neutral (fl) to its passage; � whether they wiN (Yes) or wiil not (No) testify. • use (?).ff un�ure.what their positions are. $ummarize in incomplete sentences or phrases, beginning with verbs. HQ1N PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED Siate obJectives in both quantity and time (e.g., Increase low-income housing by 15% by ,90.) Spee�r the "�dica�c" that;wiil be msasur�d (e.g., number of:lovir-in�me housing pert�its)�and .the measureAnerrt goal.far eacli of the first two.years (e.g., 1000 permits, tirst year; 1400, second.ysar).. EVALUATK)N RESPQNStBILR'Y E;ist t�e persvn c�le for rrieasu�eng and reporting the program's perfornza�u� in the C�uarterJy _ Perfam,ar�c� Fieport. . � � ��-�°a� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMI IS TION DA ,�/a,j�� / oZ INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant��_n���� �Y�L• _ Home Address �j m; nn�ht,,� Rus ine s s Name �1 �� i(r� � h Home Phone — `��5� Business Address 5� ��.c�m[.� Type of Licens (s)�JRr�. � �.t�..ct, •�,. .._._ , Business Phone � -- (�(y y� y ti� Public Hearing Date �� Lic�eis�e�I.D. 4� at 9:00 a.m. in the C ncil Chambers 3rd floor City Hall an Courthouse State Tax I.D. l ��.� �5�� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� 11 A to Applicant I�'ederal Firea 4� �� Public Hetiring DATE INS EC IUN REVtEW VERFIED ( 0 TER) COMMENTS Approved ot proved � Bldg I & D 3 i� � , � v Health Divn. � ' I � �« � �� i Fire Dept. i3j � I � I �� � � Police Dept. � j I � '� o �, ►,� � License Divn. � � I � � v� City Attorney � �l, � , o.�, Date Received: Site Plan a. � I� To Council Rese rch !'j � 1 � �� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord p�.. � � � � � . . � ��--�oal plication No. Date Received BY CITY OF ST. PAUL, 'MI NESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOX CA IN6 LIQUOR LICF.�lSE _ SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICAT NG LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI G IQUOR LICENSE OFF SALF INTOXICATING LI UOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVE GE LICEYSE ON SALE WINE L CE SE rections: This form must be filled out with t pe riter or by printi in ink by the sole owner, by eact� partner, by each per an wha has interest i excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in w ic the name of the 1 ense will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT T R VIEW BY THE PUBLIC AppTication for (name of license) v'� ►� , T: o � _ 5� • �a M�tl , Located at (address) g J� N• � �Name under which business will be operated , ia►.h. , True �lame (rt'i � Jd�� �Y . Phone � ' S First Middle ai en Last , Date of Bi rth /2" �3~ � P1 ace of Bi h 5�. � . Month, Day, Year , Are you a cit�zen of the United States? Native ✓ Naturalized , Home Address 3 W, �V1Vl ' Home 7elepho e 7��'�75� . Including your present business/employment, wh t business/employme t have you followed for the past five years? Business/Empioyment Address D/` /Y��i�Ci cv S �. - 1 o e ui . Marri ed? �e 5 I f answer i s "yes" , 1 i t he name and addres of spouse. hr� ' 9�3 I�J � KK�e,P� S�• . �t c� �. er- I0. Have you ever been canvicted of any 1 y, srime or violat n of any city ordinance, _ ��other than�traffi c? Yes•_ ✓ ��y�/�a/ Oate of arrest 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest � _ 19 �� Charge Canvictfon Sentence� /li. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �G et i1 Liquor Federal x Stamp 1�� will be used. �.1 7 ,I I2. Closest 3.2 Place hu ct� 7�• 5 akK School S-�. ttqK�S 13. Closest intoxicating liquor place. S le ' �aN Off Saie 1�4+1►�P.��4. Licuor 14. List the names and residences of thre p rsons of Ramsey Co ty of good moral character, not related to the applicant or finan ia ly interested in t premises or business , who may be ��eferred to as to the applican 's character. Name A ress e s 1'0� — a . � �O r�h D 3 N. U' �rJ �� - os'e U r��� • j c4v rS� .� � r 'c � w. /.�/ N. 5.�.Pa► I5. Address of premises far which applica io is made J� � ' Zone Cl ass i fi cati o� Phone o��1•3'(��i�� 16. Bet��veen what cross streets? i °�' V o Y`., hich side oT Stre�t �� I7. Are premises now occupied? What Business? —5 i r / How Long? �a ,}�s. I8. List licenses which you currently hoi , r fanaerly he1d, o may have an interest in. D 1S �i 19. Have any of the licenses listed by ya i No. I8 ever be�n voked? Yes Vo �_ If answer is "yes", list the dates an asons Z0. If business is incorporated, give at of incorporatio� P�, Z 19� � , an� attach copy of Articles of Inc rp ration and minutes t f�rst meeting. ��y lvaL ' 21 . List all officers of the corporati n, giving their names, office held, home address and home and business telephone number . S . /' , 3 �1. �a - ��- - o? • �o � 22. If business is partnership, list p rt Qr(s) , address and elephone numbers. Name �I�il� dd ess Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this bu iness or premises? :, 24. Are you going to operate this busi es personally?�(�5 . If not, who will operate it? Name om Address Phone � 25. � Are you going to have a manager or as istant in this busi ess?�_. If answer is "yes" , give name, home address, an h e telephone number Name II H e Address Phone ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR M TE IAL SU6MITTED WILL ESUIT IN OENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have a sw red a11 of the abov questions, and that the information contained therein is true a d orrect to the best f my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that h ve received no mone or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection it the transfer af th's license, from any persan by way of loan, gift, contribution or o he ise, other than a1 eady disclosed in the apQiication which I have herewith submi te . ' . �State of Minnesota) � � � ' • V County of Ramsey ) "' Signatur of p icant Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� day of �19�_ . . ,� „C, ����,.1�, , KC`��-� �. '1''�MMa i j_,w � �;t's� Notary uo i c, Ramsey County Mi nnesata � ��- ' ���.,� � �ra My cortmi ss i on exQ i res :� r�,�;�, tx�fe ,��� 2 1 � i . ���o , �;?':��o;.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL _:` �., ••:- �o : DEPAR tv1 NT OF FINANCE A D MANAGEMENT SERVICES '� wi�iii�i �' � ,�:--t_.1' �_ DIVISION OF LICENS AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION , �... ,.. Room 203,City Hali ��':wa... .:.a"• . Saint P�ul.Minnesoa 55102 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR AFFIDAVIT OF oN ALE LIQUOR TRANSFE I/WE E & E In . D A ' INTEND TO TR NSFER MY/OUR CITY OF ST. PAUL p�_SALE LIQUOR LICENSE 0. TO Renti 1 I � A P B�IC HEARING REGARDING THIS TRANSFER WILL BE HELD BEFO E HE LICENSE COMMITT E OF THE ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL AT 9:00 A.M. IN COUNCI C AMBERS OF THE CITY ANO COl7NTY COURTHOUSE ON J 19�c _. SIGNATURE OF TRA FEROR I/WE have posted this notice on the premise at notifying all of my/our employees of thi i tended transfer. is notice has been posted continuously for fourteen (14) days from ' ' 1 thru 19 I/WE have also paid all wages due and ow ng the persons employ by mejus and that I/WE have satisfactorily and complete?y compl ed with all contractu obligations pertaining to employer contributions to employee be ef t programs which i lude, but are not limit2d to pension, hospital , medical , life insu an e, profit sharing ograms, vacation and holiday benefits. Signature Signature State of Minnesota) )ss County of Ramsey ) b in `irst duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit be ring his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his ow k owledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and a t those matters he elieves them to be true. ' S 'gnature Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota My commission expires 19 . : � - G��9-�aal . . � .�,., .,' � C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL •' = DEPAR M T OF FINANCE A MANAGF.Iv1ENT SERVICES , : :. ' u ' OIVISION OF 110EN5 AND PERMIT ADMINlSTRATION : � ,��� Room Z03. Citv Hall S�+t P�ul.Minnesota 55102 Ce+o�Lacimer 11Aapor � . z�. I) Have you, '� � ��j`�'� � � , completed your inaacial obligatiaa to , , ,J ,I�' ._..�= �/� /� �, .�C (�a :'� ? � // L . `-�v � ���� -'���� 2) Was there any other cousideration o he than the original ale prfce of , ? /�,,� 'r��:�%�j'' (� v ••,Jw► 'i'�;,;�,��) L' /". / �� � ,-� , ' .� ' �' � ' ��� j � j�r�J,�r�. ��.- �L'�� r, ,-- � � -� � 4 ;,., �,; 3) Does '�f`'/����'�'� �+��` •% av any securitq inte st ia the busiaess known .i 1 � as ��✓��..� i�������'rn: '�"``� r roperty where the b siaess is Iocated? � � 'y,>�' ����. i � .1`,' �� -� � 4) List alI persons having a 5 percent ia erest or more in t s Liqnor License. /� I �f?.�'^ '� � ����' ?�, f��: yt� . � (+�-v. � •�� F� • State of Miaaesota) ) SS Couaty of Ramsey ) ,� n � ,: � / t` i % �J:" ,_j— � t,,r , -^^�-'"'-^,, l/�' ' rL'-- ""beiag f rs duly swora, depos aad says npon oath chat he has read the Eoregcing s�atemeat bea ia liis sigaature aad oas the conteats thereof, and that the same fs true of Eiis vwn tm 1 ge eacept as to t se. matters thereia stated upon iaformatioa and belief aad as to t os matters he believ th� to be crue. Subscribed and swora before me this • - day of •�, 19 �_ * y�+�^^^^^^�`" � Z66t 'Z'u�f�bx3 u �wwo�6W ,�" ,� G..,_ uNno�vio a � d10S3NNIW—�119 AatllON� vot ry Publ�ic, —�9. Couaty, Minaesota � N2lOH NbA l Y SIaN \�.►�� �._lw-t-c— � . �iy Co�ission eapires (� ti� � � - ,(����--/oa/ 5���i� �^U L !`�Y. CO U �L! ���1.� ,r. ��TC N 0 �� . ��C1���� L LsT�A� � �CEIVED APR 2 51989 ' CITY CLEFtK .. � y�_� : � � - Dear Property Owner: L68 6 .. : Transfer of a 0 Sale Liquor, On S e Sunday Liquor, Off Sale 3.2 1 , Entertainment I Restaurant license. PU�1 .'�_ 0 S� ,�. !��I I�;'��� Rentiel Inc d a 'lly'�s Victorian Ba William J. Le'tn Jr - President , ����'T_�� 859 Thomas Av ue � June 6, 19 9 9: 0 a..�. ��� �_`TC C:.cF Cauac� C ' ers, 3r� t2oor Cs r.a.L? - Cau-_ =ausa 39 .�.'�^�'.l52 Q !�^'�.LL �;T's+oII, �e7 ��C oL _""TC� dZ� I �Q _!C- S�*�+ �rag�eat S cas, 3ao� 2�3 C�::; t - Cour: �usa, �' s33rt �3Ll,l. ; OC3 Z°8-]t750 • T�� daca �g be c�aage� ai.c�a t t�e co�asaa� �d or ti:.eG?e��s ai c=e I.=csasa �d °_='= IIi�r�ion. r_ is suaozstaa �: t pou c=?= c�e C;c; C�z��� S �L--== '�C =�8-•iL?1_ ;_ 70 *��SZ C����� �OL�.