89-1011 �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA LT Council _/a�� CANARV - D�EPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File - NO. oun i Resolutio �� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, the Division of Public Hea th of the Department Co�[rnunity Services of the City of Saint Paul has determined t t ch of the struct es identified in this resolution have been determined to "Vacant Building" n accordance with Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative C ; nd WEIEREAS, the owners have been �xZt on no ice to register th se structures pursuant to Section 43.02 of the Legislative Cod d inforn�ed of the iretnents to maintain and secure said structures, to provi e lans and a time e for the rehabilitation or d�nolition of the structures as w 11 as the ongoing r �rements of paying vacant building registration tees; and RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Sa'nt Paul hereby dir ts the Division of Public Health to file with the City Clerk, c of this resolut' n regarding each of the follaaing described structures which been determined be a "Vacant Building": tr ct Property 234 Arlington Avenue E. J. W. Bass' Garden Lots, Lots 3 thru 8 nd 23 & 29 W 100 f of E 250 ft of part in N 226 ft of SE 1/4 of Sec 19 T 29 R 22 f t 4. 335 Aurora Avenue Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnolds Addition to St. Paul W 40 ft o Lot 10, Block 2. 940 Barclay Street Fairchild's Rearrang�nt of Lots 8 15 Inc of Block 1 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots to St. Paul ex S 20 ft, I,ot 4, B1 k l. 438 Beacon Avenue Howard Park N 30 ft af Lot 77. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm t of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor caswitz Rettman ��;�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ved by Ci ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � s/2zf�c Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve May or ' sion to Counci� By � ��i��� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNdL DATE ITIA D Community Services 5- 9- 9 GREEN S EET No. 2 6 0 8 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE I AU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIFiECTOR �CRY OOUNpL Steven R. Roy 292-7716 crrv�rrcRN�r cmc�K F MUST BE ON COUNqL A4ENDA BY(DAT� BUD(iET DIRECTOH �FIN.�MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. June 23, 1989 au►roR oR�ssisr � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP L� OCA T ACTION REQUES'TED: MAY 2 5 1989 MAY 191989 Approve the attached resolution. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw lN a Rele�(R) COU MITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL BERVICE COMM18SiON ��v PHONE NO. _ae coMMmEe _ RE .��D _STAFF _ OOMME —�R���«,� — MAY 2 21989 SUPPORT$WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? �Ys� C�r�l�R INITWTING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITV(Who,N�he4 WMn,Whsro,Wh�: These buildings are "Vacant Buildings" ur ant to the provis' ns o� Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owner h e been put on noti e to register their "Vacant Building". ADVANTA(aE8 IF MPROVED: The public will be placed on notice that th se buildings are " cant Buildings" and are subject to the registration requirem t of Chapter 43 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code. This notice is required to be fil i accordance with 5 ction 43.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPF�VED: None DISADVANTAQES IF NOT MPROVED: The public will not be placed on Notice th t hese buildings are 'Vacant Buildings" and that they are subject to the registration eq irements of Chapter 3. We will not be in compliance with Section 43.05 of the Saint a Legislative Co � ncii Research Center `��HY 2 6 i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a T/REVENUE BUDOETED(G ONE) YE8 NO 03227 FUNDINQ SOURCE IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . ��,a,, � 1463 Burns Avenue Auditor's Sti�bdivision No. 62 St. Pau , 'nn. all of Lot 4 & E 60 ft of S 150 ft of Lot 3 & EX S 150 ft; E 120 ft of SD, 3, Block 34. 690 Burr Street Subdivision of and Addition to Irvin 's dition of out lot to Saint Paul, Lot 13, Block 2. 1064 Bush Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St. P ul County of Ramsey, State of Minn. ex E 45 ft, Lot 11 and all of Lot 12, Block 9. 895 Central Avenue W. Milton Addition, Lot 22, Block 3. 594 Cook Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, 40 45 thru 49, Lot 11 Block 6. 293 Dayton Avenue Dayton and Irvine's Addition to Saint Pa 1, Lot 31, Block 8 . 686 Dayton Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 2 Block 3. 969 Dayton Avenue Forepaugh's Division A, E 40 ft of Lo 5 Block 1. 984 DeSoto Street Fairview Addition, Lots 8 & Lot 9, B1 13. 394 Dewey Street Union Park, NWLY 1/2 of Lot 54. 396 Dewey Street Union Park, Lot 55. 1137 Edgerton Street Bea�re & Kellys Addition to Saint Pa , y Co., Minn., x W 16 ft, Lot l, Block 12. 484 F�Znd Avenue �niths Subd. of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 1 , t 19, Block 10. 582 F,clmund Avenue Smiths Subdivision of Block 12, Stinso s ivision of St. Pau , Minn. Lot 36, Block 12. 672 Edmnu�d Avenue Syndicate No. 2 Addition W 11 35/100 f o Lot 13 and ex W 2 4/10 ft, Lot 14, Block 1. 730 Fairview Avenue N. College Place, West Division, Lot 11, 1 k 12. 1158 Forest Street Eastville Heights, W 6 ft of S 26.5 ft of Lot 14 & S 26.5 ft f Lot 15, Block 6. � � � ti�"� � - S� . . ������ 320 Front Avenue Courtland, an addition to St. Paul, Mi ., Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 1. 981 Fuller Avenue University Subdivision of Lots l, 2 3 & 8 Hyde Park, y Co., Minn., Lot 16, Block 4. 454 C�,00drich Averiue E. H. Hawke's Sub. to Winslows Add. to he Town of St. Pa , Minnesota Terr. Lot 4, Block 19. 672 Greenbrier Street Schurmeier and E�ans Addition to St. Pa 1, N 50 ft of Lots 16, 17 and Lot 18, Block 2. I 683 Hague Avenue Condom.iniiun Niunber 144, St. Albans T rr ce Condominiiun, Un' No. B-1. 109 Hawthorne Avenue W. Wifelburg Hills, Lot 26, Block 6. 466 Iglehart Avenue Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to . aul E 19.34 ft of t 8 & all of Lot 7, Block 21. 827 Iglehart Avenue Edwin Dean's Subdivision of part of �t & Lott's Outlots the City of St. Paul, Lot 17, Block 3. 780 Jackson Street Drake's 2nd Addition to St. Paul, Mi . t 11, Block 2. 111 Jessamine Avenue W. Stinson's Rice Street Addition to the it of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 20, Block 6. 951 Jessamine Avenue E. Eastville Heights, Iat 19, Block 11. 281 Kellogg Boulevard E. Hopkins Addition to St. Paul, Lots 4, a d Lot 6, Block 1. 520 Kent Street Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, of S in n's Division of S tion 36, Town 29, Range 23, ex S 59 8/10 ft, Lot 16, Block 2. 719 Kent Street Michel's Subdivision of Block 4, Stinso 's Division ex S 33 7 /100 ft, Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 1. 174 Lafond Avenue Hewitt's Subdivision of Block 31 and So th half of Block 23 o Lafond's Addition subject to widened Lafond Avenue. The N 15 ft of E 40 ft of ock 31, Lafonds Add. and in SD Hewitts Sub, Lot 2, Block 31. 296 Lafond Avenue Lafonds Addition to Saint Paul, Minneso 1/2 of Lot 1, Bloc 27. /,� �� <�b ` ��\ � ` . . �-��=���� 305 Lafond Avenue Bacon & Colemans Subdiv. of Block 2 fonds Addition to . Paul with drive esmt; Lot 14. 336 Lafond Avenue E. Wallrich's Subdivision of Part o ond's Addition to t. Paul, E 50 ft of Lot 1. 390 Lafond Avenue S�miths Stzbdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 an 8, Lot 28, Block 629 Lafond Avenue Syndicate No. 3 Addition, Lot 28, B1 k 1. 734 I.afond Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Additi n o the City of St. ul, Minn. Lot 14. 996 Laurel Avenue S�mit Park Addition to St. Paul in ey County, Minneso , Lot 4, Block 31. 45 Lyton Place Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, ex N 1 f for alley, Lot 17, Block 4, Lockeys Add and in SD Lytons Add, Lot 5, Block 1. 686 Magnolia Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, 40 45 thru 49, Lot 4, Block 4. 1369 Marion Street Rice Street Villas Sizbd. Lot 15, Bloc 5 1577 Marion Street Rice Street Villas, Lot 11, Block 5. 937 Marshall Avenue Marshall Boulevard Addition to the Ci y f St. Paul, Lot 25 nd the W 1/2 of Lot 26, • Block A. 1657 Marshall Avenue Conver and Theopold's Rearrangement o B k 8, Excelsior P k, Lot 9, Block 8. 2318 Marshall Avenue Desnoyer Park Ramsey Co., Niinn., N 33 /1 ft of Lot 3 and a 1 of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 47. 681 Mendota Street Otto's Stabdivision of Block 105 of L yton's Addition St. Paul, Lot 1, Block 105. 1179 Minnehaha Avenue E. E. C. Bowen's Addition W 6 ft of Lot 1 a d all of Lot 16, B k 2. 327 Morton Street E. West Side Land and Cottage Cos subdivi io , Lot 20 and Lot 2 Block 36. 661 Ohio Street Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, Lot 3, B k 16. � �� �\2 - 4 - � � ��=�o�� 572 Ottawa Avenue Langevin`s 4th Addition to St. Paul ex lley, Lot 7, Bloc 4. 991 Otto Avenue Woodford Park, St. Paul, NLinn. Lots 20 I,ot 21, Block l. 1089 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the C' y f St. Paul, Minn., Lot 3, Block 4. 1120 Payne Avenue Holterhoff and Mead's Addition to th C ty of St. Paul, y County, Minn., N 14 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 3. 1131 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the Ci y f St. Paul, Minn., t 7, Block 3. 2281 Priscilla Street St. Anthony Park, Minnesota, Lot 20, B1 k 27. 1381 Prosperity Avenue Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 ex 100 ft; Lot 5, B k 1. 995 Reaney Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St. u , County of Ramsey, State of Minn., Lots 21 & Lot 22, Block 20. 485 Rice Street Brand's Capitol Addition, Lot 4, Bloc 1 794 Rice Street Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 15, B1 k 3. 1081 St. Paul Avenue Bordner's West View No. 2, Lot 29, B1 k 2. 736 Selby Avenue Holco�ibe's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo s 4 and Lot 15, Bloc 6. 936 Selby Avenue S'�nith and Taylor's Addition to the Ci y f 5t. Paul, Lot 4, lock 3. 940 Selby Avenue Smith and Taylor's Addition to the Ci St. Paul, Lot 5, lock 3. 941 Selby Avenue Smith and Taylor's Addition to the Ci o St. Paul, Lot 18, Block 2. 1066 7th Street W. Finch's Addition to St. Paul, ex 7th S r t, Lot 3, Block 3. 198 Sherburne Avenue Magoffin and Breckenridges Addition to St Paul, Lot 8, Bloc 4. 551 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, of S in on's Division of ion 36, Town 29, Range 23, Lot 18, Block 2. �` �� 5 - �tin.\ � �� �a�, 553 Sherburne Avenue Michel`s Subdivision of Block 14, o S inson's Division o Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, E 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 2. 562 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisio N 9.4 ft of Lot 1, B ock 2. 586 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Division t 7, Block 2. 590 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Division t 8, Block 2. 688 Sherburne Avenue Syndicate No. 1 Addition, Lot 3, B1 k . 1465 Sherburne Avenue Lyman D. Bairds Addition, Lot 19, Bl k . 886 Shertiaood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add. , St. Paul, ., Lot 16, Block 4. 892 Sherwood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add. , St. Paul, nn , Lot 15, Block 4. 786 Sims Avenue Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul 0/ 5 thru 49, Lot 8, ock 30. 483 6th Street E. Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, Vac A1 ey Accruing & Lots 5 ru Lot 8, Block 35. 783 6th Street E. I Belmont Addition to the City of St. P ' 1, Lot 1 873 6th Street E. W. Grube's Subdivision of Block 104, Dayton's Add. to . Paul, Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block 104. 93 Sycamore Street W. Lyton`s Addition to St. Paul, Lot 31, 1 k 3. 600 Thomas Avenue Smiths Subdivision of Block 12, Stinso s ivision of St. Pau Minn., Lot 11, Block 12. 723 Thomas Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Addition to he City of St. Pa , Minn. E 30 ft of Lot 20. 468 University Avenue W. Mackubin and Marshall's Addition to St. Pa 1 Subj to avenue; ts 7, 8 and Lot 9, Block 2. 581 University Avenue W. Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Division ex S 0 ft for avenue, 25, Block 2. �L � `�-n'\ - 6 - �` . ����o�`i 643 University Avenue W. Syndicate No. 1 Addition W 13 8/10 f o Lot 26 and all of t 25, Block 1. 1129 University Avenue W. Sanborn's Midway Addition to St. Paul nn. W 6 ft of Lot 5 & all of Lot 24, Block 8. 1890 University Avenue W. Hinkel's 3rd Amendment to Union Park, ey Co., Minn., Lo 188 thru Lot 193. 446 Virginia Street Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnolds Addition to St. Paul S 41 47/1 ft of N 82 94/100 ft of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 5. 684 Virginia Street H�hrey's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 1 , Block 4. 43 Water Street E. Bazil and Robert's Addition to West S . ul, County of Dak , Territory of Minn. in the City of St. Paul revised descript' n Lunber 693 A speci c part of govt Lot 7 in Sec 6 T 28 R 22 and part of Lots 3 th t 6, Block 4. 621 Wells Street Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 f lington Hills Add'tion to St. Paul E 1/2 of Lot 26, Block 35. 703 Wells Street Munger's Subdivision of Block 33 of Ar in on Hills Addition the City of St. Paul, Lot 11, Block 33. 493 Whitall Street Echnund Rice's First Addition to St. Pa 1 x N 40 ft, Lot 5, ock 3. 2005 Wilson Avenue Hudson Road Gardens ex N 12 ft of E 12 f ; W 70 ft of E 147 t of Lot 5, Block 1. 663 York Avenue Jose� R. Weide's Subdivision of Block 27 Arlington Hills A ition to St. Paul, Minn., Lot 22, Block 27. Tor en Property 224 Avon Street N. Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Donnelly' dition to Holcombe s Addition to St. Paul. 1884 Beechwood. Avenue Lot thirty-nine (39) in Block six (6) i 'ghview Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on file d f record in the of ice of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 1488 Charles Avenue Lot 10, Block 1, Lyman D. Baird's Addit on ����G `� _ ` ��t - 7 '�� �-`�l���ali' 1025 Fairview Avenue S. The South 70 feet of the North 140 f t f the East 150 fee of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgciunbe Hills. 775 Front Avenue Lot 8, Block 14, Royal Oaks, an P,ddit�on to the City St. Pa 1. 2133 Ivy Avenue E. Lot 23, Block 4, Hillcrest Terrace. 902 Payne Avenue The South fifty (S.50) feet of Lots s xt n tl6) and sevent n (17) in Joseph R. Weide's Subdivision of Block 27, Arli n Hills Addition St. Paul, Minn., according to the recorded plat thereo o file and of recor in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said ey County. 975 Reaney Avenue I Lot 18, Block 20, Terry's Addition to th City of St. Paul. 1493 Rice Street Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Rice Street V'll . 1700 Stewart Avenue Lot 8, part of Lots 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 nd 18, block 32, West End lying 62 feet easterly of a line described as begi 'ng at a point on the st and west quarter line of Section 14, Tawnship 28, Range 23, is nt 658.89 feet ea t of the west quarter corner thereof; thence run northerly a a angle of 92 degr s 43 minutes with said east and west quarter line for 179.77 ee and lying 50 feet sterly of a line run northeasterly at right angles to last n ioned line from la described point, a distance of 12 feet to the point of i ing of the line de ribed; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees for 10 feet; thence defl t to the right on a 6 degrees 00 minute curve tdelta angle 1 d rees 54 minutes 3 secondsl for 248.51 feet; thence deflect to the right on S degrees 30 minutes e (delta angle 35 degrees (12 minutes) for 414.12 feet; he ce on tangent to 'd curve for 122.38 feet and there terminating, together with t t part of the southw terly 1/2 of Alaska Avenue vacated accruing to the above p o rty, Except all ri t of access, being the right of ingress to and and egress fr e above described act to Trunk Highway 35E. See Doc�ent I�hunber 456755. That part of the North 5 chains of Gov r nt Lot 2, Section 4, in Township 28 North of Range 23 West of the 4th Principal r' ian that lies wes rly of a line described as follaws: ConTr�encing at the inters i of the easterly 1'ne of Adrion Street with the North line of said Goverrunent Lot ; ence southeasterly at an angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes from said north lin of Lot 2 to the south line of said North 5 chains. 1581 White Bear Avenue N. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, L.T. Lawton's ivision of Lot No 8 of Kerwin's Outlots. and, �` � � � _ 8 _ �� WHITE - C1TV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUnCIl / CAKIARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L ���0`/ BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• Counc l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FUR'I�t RE50LVED, that the Council of th City of Saint Pau authorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a copy of this Re olution with the y County Recorder. 9 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm t of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor cosw;tz Sc6ebel J Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN — 6 �89 Form Approv b City ttorney Certified Pa_s` d ��t� _ �y ,Counc'1 . et BY G V Y� j°, B}, '��� � ti, Approved by Yla or: te _ ��UN ' � � Approved May o bm ion to Coun '1 � `� I pUBItSlED JUN 17 1989 �f��o�i 1463 Burns Avenue Auditor's S�abdivision No. 62 St. Pa 1, 'nn. all of Lot 4 � E 60 ft of S 150 ft of I�t 3 & EX S 150 ft; E 120 ft of S , t 3, Block 34. 690 Burr Street Subdivision of and Addition to Irvi ' Addition of out 1 s to Saint Paul, Lot 13, Block 2. 1064 Bush Avenue � ° Terry's Addition to the City of St. a 1, County of Ramse State of Minn. ex E 45 ft, Lot 11 and all of I,ot 12, Block 9. 895 Central Avenue W. Milton P►ddition, Lot 22, Block 3. 594 Cook Avenue E. Arlington Hills P,ddition to St. Pau , 0/45 thru 49, Lot , Block 6. 293 Dayton Avenue Dayton and Irvine's Addition to Sai ul, Lot 31, Block 2. 686 Dayton Avenue Holcombe's P,ddition to Saint Paul, t , Block 3. 969 Dayton Avenue Forepaugh's Division A, E 40 ft of t , Block 1. 984 DeSoto Street Fairview Addition, Lots 8 & Lot 9, 1 13. 394 Dewey Street Union Park, NWLY 1/2 of Lot 54. 396 Dewey Street Union Park, Lot 55. 1137 Fdgerton Street Beaupre & Kellys Addition to Saint u , Ramsey Co., Minn. ex W 16 ft, Lot l, Block 12. 484 Edna�nd Avenue �niths S�zt�d. of Blocks 9, 10, 15 an 1 , Lot 19, Block 10. 582 Edmund Avenue Smiths Subdivision of Block 12, Sti Division of St. ul, Minn. Lot 36, Block 12. 672 F�.ind Avenue Syndicate No. 2 Addition W 11 35/10 f of Lot 13 and ex 23 4/10 ft, Lot 14, Block 1. 730 Fairview Avenue N. College Place, West Division, Lot 1 , ock 12. 1158 Forest Street Eastville Heights, W 6 ft of S 26.5 t f Lot 14 & S 26.5 t of Lot 15, Block 6. � - 2 - ���-/D�! 1463 Burns Avenue Auditor's S�abdivision No. 62 St. Pau , 'nn. all of Lot 4 � E 60 ft of S 150 ft of Lot 3 & EX S 150 ft; E 120 ft of SD t 3, Block 34. 690 Burr Street Subdivision of and Addition to Irvin 's ddition of out lo to Saint Paul, Lot 13, Block 2. 1064 Bush Avenue � ° Terry's Addition to the City of St. ul, County of Ramsey, State of Minn. ex E 45 ft, Lot 11 and all of Lot 12, Block 9. 895 Central Avenue W. Milton Addition, Lot 22, Block 3. 594 Cook Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, 40 45 thru 49, Lot 11 Block 6. 293 Dayton Avenue Dayton and Irvine's Addition to Saint Pa 1, Lot 31, Block 8 . 686 Dayton Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 2 Block 3. 969 Dayton Avenue Forepaugh's Division A, E 40 ft of Lo 5 Block 1. 984 DeSoto Street Fairview Addition, Lots 8 & Lot 9, B1 k 13. 394 Dewey Street Union Park, NWLY 1/2 of Lot 54. 396 Dewey Street Union Park, Lot 55. 1137 Edgerton Street Beaupre & Kellys Addition to Saint Pa 1, Ramsey Co., Minn., x W 16 ft, Lot 1, Block 12. 484 F�nind Avenue Smiths Subd. of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 6, Lot 19, Block 10. 582 Fdmiuid Avenue S�niths Subdivision of Block 12, Stins ns ivision of St. Pa , Minn. Lot 36, Block 12. 672 EdmA.uid Avenue Syndicate No. 2 Addition W 11 35/100 Lot 13 and ex W 4/10 ft, Lot 14, Block 1. 730 Fairview Avenue N. College Place, West Division, Lot 11, 1 k 12. 1158 Forest Street Eastville Heights, W 6 ft of S 26.5 f of Lot 14 & S 26.5 ft of Lot 15, Block 6. � 2 - ��`o�� 1463 Burns Avenue Auditor's Stiabdivision No. 62 St. Paul nn. all of Lot 4 �& 60 ft of S 150 ft of Lot 3 & EX S 150 ft; E 120 ft of SD, Lo 3, Block 34. 690 Burr Street Subdivision of and Addition to Irvine s ddition of out lot to Saint Paul, Lot 13, Block 2. 1064 Bush Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St. P ul County of Ramsey, tate of Minn. ex E 45 ft, I,ot 11 and all of Lot 12, Block 9. 895 Central Avenue W. Milton P,ddition, Lot 22, Block 3. 594 Cook Avenue E. Arlington Hills P,ddition to St. Pau1, 40 45 thru 49, Lot 11, Block 6. 293 Dayton Avenue Dayton and Irvine's Addition to Saint a , Lot 31, Block 8 686 Dayton Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 2, Block 3. 969 Dayton Avenue Forepaugh's Division A, E 40 ft of Lot 5, Block 1. 984 DeSoto Street Fairview Addition, Lots 8 & Lot 9, B1 k 3. 394 Dewey Street Union Park, NWLY 1/2 of Lot 54. 396 Dewey Street Union Park, Lot 55. 1137 Fdgerton Street Beaupre & Kellys Addition to Saint Pau , y Co., Minn., W 16 ft, Lot 1, Block 12. 484 Edmund Avenue Smiths Sulx1. of Blocks 9, 10, 15 and 1 , t 19, Block 10. 582 Edmund Avenue Smiths Subdivision of Block 12, Stinso s ivision of St. Pau Minn. Lot 36, Block 12. 672 Edm�znd Avenue Syndicate No. 2 Addition W 11 35/100 f o Lot 13 and ex W 2 4/10 ft, Lot 14, Block 1. 730 Fairview Avenue N. College Place, West Division, Lot 11, 1 12. 1158 Forest Street Eastville Heights, W 6 ft of S 26.5 ft f t 14 & S 26.5 ft f Lot 15, Block 6. � - 2 - ��/0// 305 Lafond Avenue Bacon & Colemans Subdiv. of Block 2 fonds Addition to . Paul with drive esmt; Lot 14. 336 I.afond Avenue E. Wallrich's Subdivision of Part o fond's Addition to t. Paul, E 50 ft of Lot 1. 390 Lafond Avenue S�niths Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, a d 8, IAt 28, Block . 629 Lafond Avenue Syndicate No. 3 Addition, Lot 28, B oc l. , 734 Lafond Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Addit on to the City of St. aul, Minn. Lot 14. 996 Laurel Avenue St.mmit Park Addition to St. Paul in ey County, Minnes , Lot 4, Block 31. 45 Lyton Place Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, ex N 0 t for alley, Lot 1 , Block 4, Lockeys Add and in SD Lytons Add, Lot 5, Block 1. 686 Magnolia Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Pau , 0/45 thru 49, Lot , Block 4. 1369 Marion Street Rice Street Villas Stzbd. Lot 15, B1 k 5. 1577 Marion Street Rice Street Villas, Lot 11, Block 5 937 Marshall Avenue Marshall Boulevard Addition to the it of St. Paul, Lot 5 and the W 1/2 of Lot 26, • Block A. 1657 Marshall Avenue Conver and Theopold's Rearrang�nent of Block 8, Excelsior ark, Lot 9, Block 8. 2318 Marshall Avenue Desnoyer Park Ramsey Co. , Minn., N 3 /10 ft of Lot 3 an all of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 47. 681 Mendota Street Otto's Sti.ibdivision of Block 105 of n Dayton's Additio to St. Paul, Lot 1, Block 105. 1179 Minnehaha Avenue E. E. C. Bowen's Addition W 6 ft of Lo 1 and all of Lot 16 Block 2. 327 Nbrton Street E. West Side Land and Cottage Cos subd vi ion, Lot 20 and Lo 21, Block 36. 661 Ohio Street Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 3 Block 16. � - 4 - �f�/0!/ 305 Lafond Avenue � Bacon & Colemans Subdiv. of Block 22 La on s Addition to St. ul with drive esmt; Lot 14. 336 Lafond Avenue E. Wallrich's Subdivision of Part of La on 's Addition to St. aul, E 50 ft of Lot 1. 390 Lafond Avenue S�niths Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 an 8 Lot 28, Block 8. 629 Lafond Avenue Syndicate No. 3 Addition, Lot 28, Bloc 1. 734 Lafond Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Addition to he City of St. Pa , Minn. I,ot 14. 996 Laurel Avenue S�,urcnit Park Addition to St. Paul in e County, Minnesota Lot 4, Block 31. 45 Lyton Place Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, ex N 10 t or alley, Lot 17, lock 4, Lockeys Add and in SD Lytons Add, Lot 5, Block 1. 686 Magnolia Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul, 0/ 5 thru 49, Lot 4, lock 4. 1369 Marion Street Rice Street Villas Subd. IAt 15, Bloc 5. 1577 Marion Street Rice Street Villas, Lot 11, Block 5. 937 Marshall Avenue " Marshall Boulevard Addition to the Ci y f St. Paul, Lot 25 nd the W 1/2 of Lot 26, • Block A. 1657 Marshall Avenue Conver and Theopold's Rearrang�nent o B ock 8, Excelsior P rk, Lot 9, Block 8. 2318 Marshall Avenue Desnoyer Park Ramsey Co., Minn., N 33 8/ 0 ft of Lot 3 and 11 of I,ots 1 and Lot 2, Block 47. 681 Mendota Street ' Otto's Sia.bdivision of Block 105 of L Dayton's Addition St. Paul, Lot 1, Block 105. 1179 Minnehaha Avenue E. E. C. Bawen's Addition W 6 ft of Ipt 17 and all of Lot 16, lock 2. 327 Morton Street E. West Side Land and Cottage Cos subdi is on, Lot 20 and Lot 1, Block 36. 661 Ohio Street Dawson's P,ddition to Saint Paul, Lot 3, Block 16. � - 4 - ����oi/ 572 Ottawa Avenue Langevin's 4th Addition to St. Paul x lley, Lot 7, Block 991 Otto Avenue Woodford Park, St. Paul, Minn. Lots 0 Lot 21, Block 1. 1089 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the Ci y f St. Paul, Minn., t 3, Block 4. 1120 Payne Avenue • Holterhoff and Mead's Addition to t 'ty of St. Paul, sey County, Minn., N 14 ft of I,ot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 3. 1131 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the C ty of St. Paul, Minn. Lot 7, Block 3. 2281 Priscilla Street St. Anthony Park, Minnesota, Lot 20 B ock 27. 1381 Prosperity Avenue Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. W 100 ft; Lot 5, lock 1. 995 Reaney Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St P ul, County of Rams , State of Minn., Lots 21 & Lot 22, Block 20. 485 Rice Street Brand's Capitol Addition, Lot 4, B oc 1. � 794 Rice Street Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 5, Block 3. � 1081 St. Paul Avenue Bordner's West View No. 2, Lot 29 B ock 2. 736 Selby Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul ' ts 14 and Lot 15, ock 6. 936 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's Addition to th C ty of St. Paul, Lo 4, Block 3. 940 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's P,ddition to t 'ty of St. Paul, Lo 5, Block 3. 941 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's Addition to t e ity of St. Paul, 18, Block 2. 1066 7th Street W. Finch's Addition to St. Paul, ex' 7t Street, Lot 3, B1 k 3. 198 Sherburne Avenue Magoffin and Breckenridges Addi 'o to St. Paul, Lot 8 Block 4. 551 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 1 , f Stinson's Divisi of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, Lot 18, Block 2. � - 5 - � �'j'--/D// 305 Lafond Avenue Bacon & Colemans Subdiv. of Block 2 fonds Addition to t. Paul with drive esmt; Lot 14. 336 Lafond Avenue E. Wallrich's Subdivision of Part f fond's Addition t St. Paul, E 50 ft of Lot 1. 390 Lafond Avenue S�niths Stiibdivision of Blocks 2, 6, ,7 nd 8, Lot 28, Bloc 8. . 629 Lafond Avenue Syndicate No. 3 Addition, Lot 28, 1 k 1. 734 Lafond Avenue I Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Addi io to the City of St Paul, Minn. Lot 14. 996 Laurel Avenue S'�mmit Park Addition to St. Paul i ey County, Minne ta, Lot 4, Block 31. 45 Lyton Place Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, ex N 10 ft for alley, Lot 7, Block 4, Lockeys Add and in SD Lytons Add, Lot 5, Block 1. ' 686 Magnolia Avenue E. Arlington Hills Addition to St. Pa 1, 40/45 thru 49, Lot 4, Block 4. 1369 Marion Street Rice Street Villas Subd. Lot 15, B oc 5. 1577 Marion Street Rice Street Villas, Lot 11, Block . 937 Marshall Avenue Marshall Boulevard Addition to th Ci y of St. Paul, Lo 25 and the W 1/2 of Lot 26, • Block A. 1657 Marshall Avenue Conver and Theopold's Rearrang�ne Block 8, Excelsi Park, Lot 9, Block 8. 2318 Marshall Avenue Desnoyer Park Ramsey Co., Minn. , 3 8/10 ft of Lot 3 d all of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 47. 681 Mendota Street ' Otto's Subdivision of Block 105 o L Dayton's Addit' n to St. Paul, Lot 1, Block 105. 1179 Minnehaha Avenue E. E. C. Bowen's Addition W 6 ft of t 17 and all of Lot , Block 2. 327 Morton Street E. West Side Land and Cottage Cos s i ision, Lot 20 and t 21, Block 36. 661 Ohio Street Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, t 3. Block 16. � - 4 - ��l�-/0/l 572 Ottawa Avenue Langevin's 4th Addition to St. Paul �ex alley, Lot 7, Bloc 4. 991 Otto Avenue Woodford Park, St. Paul, Minn. Lots 20 & Lot 21, Block 1. 1089 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the C'ty of St. Paul, Minn. Lot 3, Block 4. 1120 Payne Avenue • Holterhoff and Mead's Addition to e ity of St. Paul, y County, Minn., N 14 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 3. 1131 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the it of St. Paul, Minn. Lot 7, Block 3. 2281 Priscilla Street St. Anthony Park, Minnesota, Lot 2 , lock 27. 1381 Prosperity Avenue Rogers and Hendricks Acre IAts No. 2 x W 100 ft; Lot 5, lock 1. 995 Reaney Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St P ul, County of Rams , State of Minn., Lots 21 & Lot 22, Block 20. 485 Rice Street Brand's Capitol Addition, Lot 4, B oc 1. 794 Rice Street Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 5, Block 3. 1081 St. Paul Avenue Bordner's West View No. 2, Lot 29,' Bl k 2. 736 Selby Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul s 14 and IAt 15, ock 6. 936 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's Addition to th C'ty of St. Paul, Lo 4, Block 3. 940 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's Addition to th C ty of 5t. Paul, Lo 5, Block 3. . 941 Selby Avenue S�nith and Taylor's Addition to th� C ty of St. Paul, Lo 18, Block 2. 1066 7th Street W. Finch's Addition to St. Paul, ex th Street, Lot 3, B1 3. 198 Sherburne Avenue Magoffin and Breckenridges Addit' n St. Paul, Lot 8, Block 4. 551 Sherburne Avenue Michel's S��bdivision of Block 14, o Stinson's Divisio of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, Lot 18, Block 2. � - 5 - ���1��4�/ 572 Ottawa Avenue Langevin's 4th Addition to St. Paul e a ley, Lot 7, Block 991 Otto Avenue Woodford Park, St. Paul, Minn. Lots 0 Lot 21, Block 1. 1089 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the Ci y f St. Paul, Minn. , t 3, Block 4. 1120 Payne Avenue • Holterhoff and Mead's Addition to th C ty of St. Paul, y County, Minn., N 14 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 3. 1131 Payne Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Addition to the C' y f St. Paul, Minn. , Lot 7, Block 3. 2281 Priscilla Street St. Anthony Park, Minnesota, Lot 20 B ock 27. 1381 Prosperity Avenue Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. e W 100 ft; Lot 5, ock 1. 995 Reaney Avenue Terry's Addition to the City of St. Pa 1, County of Ramse , State of Minn., Lots 21 & Lot 22, Block 20. 485 Rice Street Brand's Capitol Addition, Lot 4, B oc 1. I 794 Rice Street Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot 5, Block 3. 1081 St. Paul Avenue Bordner's West View No. 2, Lot 29, B1 k 2. 736 Selby Avenue Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul, s 14 and Lot 15, ock 6. 936 Selby Avenue �nith and Taylor's Addition to th C ty of St. Paul, Lo 4, Block 3. 940 Selby Avenue Stnith and Taylor's Addition to th C ty of St. Paul, Lo 5, Block 3. 941 Selby Avenue �nith and Taylor's Addition to t 'ty of St. Paul, Lo 18, Block 2. 1066 7th Street W. Finch's Addition to St. Paul, ex 7t Street, Lot 3, B1 k 3. 198 Sherburne Avenue Magoffin and Breckenridges Addit on to St. Paul, Lot 8 Block 4. 551 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, o Stinson's Divisio of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, Lot 18, Block 2. � - 5 - ��--�au 553 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, of St'nson's Division of ection 36, Town 29, Range 23, E 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 2. 562 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Division N 9.4 ft of Lot l, B k 2. 586 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisio , t 7, Block 2. 590 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisio , t 8, Block 2. 688 Sherburne Avenue Syndicate No. 1 Addition, Lot 3, B1 k 2. 1465 Sherburne Avenue Lyman D. Bairds Addition, Lot 19, oc 1. 886 Sherzaood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Paul ., Lot 16, Block . 892 Sherwood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add. , St. Paul nn., Lot 15, Block . 786 Sims Avenue Arlington Hills Addition to St. Pa 1 0/45 thru 49, Lot , Block 30. 483 6th Street E. Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, Va A ley Accruing & Lot 5 thru Lot 8, Block 35. 783 6th Street E. Belmont Addition to the City of S . aul, Lot 1 873 6th Street E. W. Grube's S�abdivision of Block 1 4, Lyman Dayton's Add to St. Paul, Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block 104. 93 Sycamore Street W. Lyton's Addition to St. Paul, Lo 3 , Block 3. 600 Thomas Avenue �niths Subdivision of Block 12, ti sons Division of S . Paul, Minn., Lot 11, Block 12. • 723 Thomas Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 A it'on to the City of t. Paul, Minn. E 30 ft of Lot 20. 468 University Avenue W. Mackubin and Marshall's Additio t St. Paul Subj to enue; Lots 7, 8 and Lot 9, Block 2. 581 University Avenue W. Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Div si n ex S 20 ft for a nue, Lot 25, Block 2. � - 6 - ��y'--/dl/ 553 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, f inson's Division Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, E 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 2. 562 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisi n 59.4 ft of Lot 1, Block 2. 586 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divis' n, Lot 7, Block 2. 590 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divis' n, Lot 8, Block 2. 688 Sherburne Avenue Syndicate No. 1 Addition, Lot 3, 1 k 2. 1465 Sherburne Avenue Lyman D. Bairds P,ddition, Lot 19, B1 k l. 886 Shersaood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Pau , �nn., Lot 16, Bloc 4. 892 Sherwood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Pau , 'nn., Lot 15, Bloc 4. 786 Sims Avenue Arlington Hills Addition to St. P ul 40/45 thru 49, Lot 8, Block 30. 483 6th Street E. Kittsons Addition to St. Paul, V ley Accruing & Lo 5 thru Lot 8, Block 35. 783 6th Street E. Belmont Addition to the City of . aul, Lot 1 873 6th Street E. W. Grube's S�.ibdivision of Block 04 Lyman Dayton's Ad to St. Paul, Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block 104. 93 Sycanare Street W. Lyton's P,ddition to St. Paul, Lo 3 , Block 3. 600 Thomas Avenue S7niths Siabdivision of Block 12, ti sons Division of . Paul, Minn., Lot 11, Block 12. � . 723 Thon�as Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 A it on to the City of t. Paul, Minn. E 30 ft of Lot 20. 468 University Avenue W. Mackubin and Marshall's Additio t St. Paul Subj to enue; Lots 7, 8 and Lot 9, Block 2. 581 University Avenue W. Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Div'si n ex S 20 ft for a nue, Lot 25, Block 2. � - 6 - (���'—`o« 553 Sherburne Avenue Michel's Subdivision of Block 14, of St'nson's Division of tion 36, Town 29, Range 23, E 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 2. 562 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Division N 9.4 ft of Lot 1, B k 2. 586 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisio , t 7, Block 2. 590 Sherburne Avenue Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Divisio , t 8, Block 2. 688 Sherb�zrne Avenue Syndicate No. 1 Addition, Lot 3, B1 k 2. 1465 Sherburne Avenue Lyman D. Bairds Addition, Lot 19, oc 1. 886 SheY�w�ood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add. , St. Paul ., Lot 16, Block 892 Shenaood Avenue Lane's Phalen Grove Add. , St. Paul ' nn., Lot 15, Block . 786 Sims Avenue Arlington Hills Addition to St. Pa 1 0/45 thru 49, Lot , Block 30. 483 6th Street E. Kittsons �dition to St. Paul, Va A1 ey Accruing & Lots 5 thru Lot 8, Block 35. 783 6th Street E. Belmont Addition to the City of . aul, Lot 1 873 6th Street E. W. Grube's Sti.iUdivision of Block 1 4, Lyman Dayton's Add to St. Paul, Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block 104. 93 Sycamore Street W. Lyton's Acldition to St. Paul, Lo 3 , Block 3. 600 Thanas Avenue Smiths Subdivision of Block 12, i sons Division of S Paul, Minn., Lot 11, Block 12. • 723 Thanas Avenue Chute Brothers Division No. 5 Ad it on to the City of . Paul, Minn. E 30 ft of Lot 20. 468 University Avenue W. Mackubin and Marshall's Additio t St. Paul Subj to a enue; Lots 7, 8 and Lot 9, Block 2. 581 University Avenue W. Subd. of Block 13, Stinsons Div si n ex S 20 ft for a nue, Lot 25, Block 2. � - 6 - ��—�a�� 643 University Avenue W. Syndicate No. 1 Addition W 13 8/l0lft f Lot 26 and all �Lot 25, Block 1. 1129 University Avenue W. Sanborn's Midway Addition to St. P ul Minn. W 6 ft of 25 & all of Lot 24, Block 8. i 1890 University Avenue W. Hinkel's 3rd Amenc�ment to Union Pa k, Ramsey Co. , Minn., ts 188 thru Lot 193. 446 Virginia Street Elfelt, Bernhe�mer & Arnolds Addit on to St. Paul S 41 4 /100 ft of N 82 94/100 ft of I,ots 1 and I,ot 2, Block 5. ' 684 Virginia Street Hiunphrey's Addition to Saint Paul, Lo 11, Block 4. 43 Water Street E. Bazil and Robert's Addition to We S . Paul, County of kota, Territory of Minn. in the City of St. Paul revised desc 'pt'on rnunber 693 A s ific part of govt Lot 7 in Sec 6 T 28 R 22 and part of Lots t I,ot 6, Block 4. 621 Wells Street Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Bloc ' 3 of Arlington Hill Addition to St. Paul E 1/2 of Lot 26, Block 35. � 703 Wells Street Munger's S�,ibdivision of Block 33 f lington Hills Add' ion to the City of St. Paul, Lot 11, Block 33. 493 Whitall Street Ed[raand Rice's First Addition to S . aul ex N 40 ft, LA 5, Block 3. 2005 Wilson Avenue Hudson Road Gardens ex N 12 ft of E 23 ft; W 70 ft of 147 ft of Lot 5, Block 1. 663 York Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Subdivision of 1 k 27, Arlington Hi ls Addition to St. Paul, Minn., Lot 22, Block 27. � T rrens Property 224 Avon Street N. Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Do el y's Addition to H combe's Addition to St. Paul. 1884 Beechwood Avenue Lot thirty-nine (39) in Block si ' ( ) in Highview Addi on to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on il and of record in he office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 1488 Charles Avenue Lot 10, Block 1, Lyman D. Baird' A dition. - 7 - ��-/D�/ 643 University Avenue W. S�ndicate No. 1 Addition W 13 _8/10 ft of Lot 26 and all of� t 25, Block 1. 1129 University Avenue W. Sanborn's Midway Addition to St. Paul, 'nn. W 6 ft of Lot S & all of Lot 24, Block 8. 1890 University Avenue W. Hinkel's 3rd Amenc�ient to Union Park ey Co., Minn., s 188 thru Lot 193. 446 Virginia Street Elfelt, Bernheiurer & Arnolds Additio t St. Paul S 41 47/ 0 ft of N 82 94/100 ft of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 5. ' 684 Virginia Street H�hrey's Addition to Saint Paul, t 1, Block 4. 43 Water Street E. Bazil and Robert's Addition to West t. Paul, County of ota, Territory of Minn. in the City of St. Paul revised descri i rnunber 693 A s fic part of govt Lot 7 in Sec 6 T 28 R 22 and part of Lots 3 h Lot b, Block 4. 621 Wells Street Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 5 f Arlington Hills dition to St. Paul E 1/2 of Lot 26, Block 35. 703 Wells Street N�unger's S�.ibdivision of Block 33 of Ar ington Hills Addit'on to the City of St. Paul, Lot 11, Block 33. 493 Whitall Street Edmund Rice's First Addition to St P 1 ex N 40 ft, Lot , Block 3. 2005 Wilson Avenue Hudson Road Gardens ex N 12 ft of 1 3 ft; W 70 ft of E 47 ft of Lot 5, Block 1. 663 York Avenue Joseph R. Weide'.s Subdivision of B oc 27, Arlington Hil s Addition to St. Paul, Minn., Lot 22, Block 27. ' T rens Property 224 Avon Street N. Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Do el y's Addition to Ho ombe's Addition to St. Paul. 1884 Beechwood Avenue Lot thirty-nine (39) in Block six (6 in Highview Addit n to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on il and of record in e office of the Register of Deeds. Ramsey County, Minnesota. 1488 Charles Avenue Lot 10, Block 1, Lyman D. Baird' ition. - 7 - C��=�o�� 643 University Avenue W. Syndicate No. 1 Addition W 13 8/10 f o Lot 26 and all of t 25, Block 1. 1129 University Avenue W. Sanborn's Midway Addition to St. Pa �1, inn. W 6 ft of Lot 25 & all of Lot 24, Block 8. 1890 University Avenue W. Hinkel's 3rd Amend�ment to Union Par , ey Co. , Minn., ts 188 thru Lot 193. 446 Virginia Street Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnolds Additi n o St. Paul S 41 47 00 ft of N 82 94/100 ft of Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 5. 684 Virginia Street HLUriphrey's Addition to Saint Paul, t 11, Block 4. 43 Water Street E. Bazil and Robert's Addition to We S . Paul, County of kota, Territory of Minn. in the City of St. Paul revised descr' ' n niunber 693 A s ific part of govt Lot 7 in Sec 6 T 28 R 22 and part of Lots 3 th Lot 6, Block 4. 621 Wells Street Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 35 of Arlington Hills ddition to St. Paul E 1/2 of Lot 26, Block 35. 703 Wells Street Nhulger's Subdivision of Block 33 0 lington Hills Addi ion to the City of St. Paul, Lot 11, Block 33. 493 Whitall Street Ed�aand Rice's First Addition to S . ul ex N 40 ft, Lo 5, Block 3. 2005 Wilson Avenue Hudson Road Gardens ex N 12 ft of E 23 ft; W 70 ft of 147 ft of Lot 5, Block 1. 663 York Avenue Joseph R. Weide's Subdivision of � 1 k 27, Arlington Hi s Addition to St. Paul, Minn., Lot 22, Block 27. T rrens Property 224 Avon Street N. Lot 11, Block 1, Nininger and Do e y's Addition to Ho combe's Addition to St. Paul. 1884 Beechwood Avenue Lot thirty-nine (39) in Block si ( ) in Highview Addi on to the City of St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on fi e and of record in he office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, NLinnesota. 1488 Charles Avenue Lot 10, Block l, Lyman D. Baird' A dition. - 7 - � �—�o�i � 1025 Fairview Avenue S. . The South 70 feet of the�North 140 f of the East 150 f of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills. 775 Front Avenue Lot 8, Block 14, Royal Oaks, an Add ti n to the City St. ul. 2133 Ivy Avenue E. Lot 23, Block 4, Hillcr�st Terrace. ' 902 Payne Avenue The South fifty (5.50) feet of Lot si teen (16) and seve en (17) in Joseph R. Weide's, Slabdivision of Block 27, i n Hills Addition St. Paul, Minn. , according to the recorded plat the on file and of rec rd in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said y County. 975 Reaney Avenue Lot 18, Block 20, Terry's Addition to the City of St. Pa . 1493 Rice Street Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Rice Stree V llas. 1700 Stewart Avenue Lot 8, part of Lots 9, 10, 11, 16, 1 and 18, block 32, st End lying 62 feet easterly of a line described as i ing at a point on he east and west quarter line of Section 14, Zb�mship 28, Range 23 distant 658.89 fee east of the west quarter corner thereof; thence run r�orthe ly at an angle of 92 grees 43 minutes with said east and west quarter line for 17 .7 feet and lying 50 eet easterly of a line run northeasterly at right angles to as mentioned line fr last described point, a distance of 12 feet to the point f ginning of the li described; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degree f r 100 feet; ther�e eflect to the right on a 6 degrees 00 minute curve (delta an le 14 degrees 54 minu s 38 seconds) for 248.51 feet; thence deflect to the righ on an 8 degrees 30 mi tes curve fdelta angle 35 degrees �12 minutes) for 414.12 ; thence on tangent said curve for 122.38 feet and there ternni.nating, together it that part of the s uthwesterly 1/2 of Alaska Avenue vacated accruing to the v property, Except a 1 right of access, being the right of ingress to and and egre s rom the above desc bed tract to Trunk Highway 35E. See Doctiunent I�hunber 456755 That part of the North 5 chains f vernment Lot 2, S ion 14, in Township 28 North of Range 23 West of the 4th Prin i 1 Meridian that li westerly of a line described as follaws: Comnencing at the i te section of the eas rly line of Adrion Street with the North line of said Governmen t 2; thence south terly at an angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes from said no h ine of Lot 2 to th south line of said North 5 chains. 1581 White Bear Avenue N. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, L.T. n's Stiibdivision o Lot No. 8 of Kerwin's Outlots. and, - 8 - @,����o� 1025 Fairview Avenue S.. . The South 70 feet of the•Nort� 140 fee o the East 150 feet f Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills. � 775 Front Avenue Lot 8, Block 14, Royal Oaks, an Addit' n the City St. Pau . 2133 Ivy Avenue E. Lot 23, Block 4, Hillcrest Terrace. � 902 Payne Avenue I The South fifty (5.50) feet of Lots s xt en (16) and sevent n (17) in Joseph R. Weide's SuUdivision of Block 27, Arli n Hills Addition St. Paul, Minn. , according to the recorded plat ther file and of recor in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said e CoUnty. 975 Reaney Avenue Lot 18, Block 20, Terry's Addition t e City of St. Paul. 1493 Rice Street Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Rice Street il as. 1700 Stewart Avenue Lot 8, part of Lots 9, 10, 11, 16, 18, block 32, We End lying 62 feet easterly of a line described as beg' ' g at a point on th east and west quarter line of Section 14, Tawnship 28, Range 2 , istant 658.89 feet st of the west quarter corner thereof; thence run northerl a an angle of 92 de ees 43 minutes with said east and west quarter line for 179. 7 eet and lying 50 f t easterly of a line run northeasterly at right angles to la t ntioned line from ast described point, a distance of 12 feet to the point of inning of the line escribed; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees or 100 feet; thence d lect to the right on a 6 degrees 00 minute curve tdelta angl 1 degrees 54 minute 38 seconds) for 248.51 feet; thence deflect to the right 8 degrees 30 minu es curve (delta angle 35 degrees (12 minutes) for 414.12 f ; hence on tangent said curve for 122.38 feet and there terminating, together wi h t part of the sou westerly 1/2 of Alaska Avenue vacated accruing to the abo e roperty, Except all right of access, being the right of ingress to and and egress fr the above descri tract to Trunk Highway 35E. See DocLmient l�hunber 456755. That gart of the North 5 chains of Go ernment Lot 2, Sec 'on 14, in Township 28 North of Range 23 West of the 4th Princi 1 Meridian that lies esterly of a line described as follaws: ComY�encing at the in r tion of the easte ly line of Adrion Street with the North line of said Government 2; thence southeas erly at an angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes from said nort 1' e' of Lot 2 to the outh line of said North 5 chains. I 1581 White Bear Avenue N. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, L.T. La 's Stiibdivision of t No. 8 of Kerwin's Outlots. and, - 8 - �����!! 1025 Fairview Avenue S. . The South 70 feet of the-Nort� 40 feet of the East 1 feet of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Bohland's Edgcumbe Hil s. 775 Front Avenue Lot 8, Block 14, Royal Oaks, an d 'tion to the City S . Paul. 2133 Ivy Avenue E. Lot 23, Block 4, Hillcr�st Terr e. 902 Payne Avenue The South fifty (5.50) feet of ts sixteen (16) and s enteen (17) in Joseph R. Weide's S'�abdivision of Block 27, Ar ington Hills Addit n to St. Paul, Minn. , according to the recorded plat t er f on file and of ord in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for sai ey County. 975 Reaney Avenue Lot 18, Block 20, Terry's Additi n the City of St. ul. 1493 Rice Street Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Rice Str et illas. 1700 Stewart Avenue Lot 8, gart of Lots 9, 10, 11, 1 , 1 and 18, block 32, West End lying 62 feet easterly of a line described as i ing at a point on the east and west quarter line of Section 14, Township 28, Rang 23 distant 658.89 fe t east of the west quarter corner thereof; thence run northe ly at an angle of 92 egrees 43 minutes with said east and west quarter line for 17 .7 feet and lying 50 eet easterly of a line run northeasterly at right angles to as mentioned line fr last described point, a distance of 12 feet to the point f inning of the li described; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90 degree f r 100 feet; thence eflect to the right on a 6 degrees 00 minute curve (delta an le 14 degrees 54 minu s 38 seconds) for 248.51 feet; thence deflect to the right on an 8 degrees 30 mi tes curve (delta angle 35 degrees (12 minutes) for 414.12 f t thence on tangent said curve for 122.38 feet and there tern�inating, together w th that part of the s thwesterly 1/2 of Alaska Avenue vacated accruing to the ve roperty, Excep�t a right of access, being the right of ingress to and and egres f the above descr' tract to Trunk Highway 35E. See Doc�m�ent Ni.unber 456755. That gart of the North 5 chains o ernment Lot 2, Sec ion 14, in Township 28 North of Range 23 West of the 4th Princ' 1 Meridian that lies westerly of a line described as follaws: Cam�encing at the in rs tion of the easte ly line of Adrion Street with the North line of said Government t 2; thence southeas erly at an angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes from said north li e of Lot 2 to the uth line of said North 5 chains. 1581 White Bear Avenue N. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, L.T. La n s Subdivision of No. 8 of Kerwin's Outlots. and, - 8 - - , � �� _ . � � � ��, . . � -- . � � � I w � � Q ' , ,r.{ � z o . i. � I 01 U '--I • •rl , i � .� � F- � �' , � � � � ro � � � I � � 'n � '� W N •r1 �' N . �] A p� m � . . OV r�-I . � +� v a`�i � � .r., x .s � v U (� .0 vl w.0 o a �� i � �� � � . v � � +., � � y � N C • � . . � �� � 'C � J O � � Q � o. E � � � � � � . � V O U � � CJ F- I-' lD Z � � O t �--� r-� Op V � UC� f`") I � . -�r—%nlf � - t�E�pRDEO � . . � � 1�� N �� � . �; � � OCT 2 19 g ;, _ ' ' � � ,; � t ;� V' � i:rt� � EJ'-.. , . �.J a,k F t.ti ,�(� L'� �j �` �� i� c�� 1' , � O � A�ry, � � �' .+ \ ..., � � I�Y.\ _` ' ` �_. -\' . F,.r � ' , _. .. ._ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) Albert . lson I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of Saint Pau1, Mi nesota, do hereby ertify that I have compared the attac d opy of CounciZ Fi No. .89=1011. .. . . . . . _ . . as adopted by the it Council.., June 6. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .19 89 . . . and approved by th M yor. . . . . . , , June 7� . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .19 89 . . . with the original he eof on file in my ffice. I further cer if that said copy i a true and correct copy of said original nd the whole thereof. WITNESS my h nd and the seal of th City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . , 1 th . _ , _„ day of . , SeQtember. .. , , ,A.D. 1989. . 'y��; ,' ' ity Clerk. � �������,�r - ,��t,�� �.....,�� ,p �' �� '�°'� � • ;1 � i • ti L f ! , '�,}M" 't -1� . � �oia ,.��r,r7�w�i . .•,� � ;r; y- �.:�l � � �'� + r-: . • ', 'r-, ' � , .. �� �i(�,y�'`, A'• I �iI! d t]� �,� °1♦�"�� _..+ 4 ['''} C.:. .gh, ..r �( 1 �:�� �..�t�s�;'srv,.5 � . 4.�� �� { � �9 ti�� $ .�.- l �� .: � ,. , . . ��.a�� ���•�•e��it� . �� -�9 r 34� .'�a.°� � ._J�rl '�d ` y i�: '�` � �v �;� ,� a a, ���'�������'`