89-1007 WHITE - GTV CLEAK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF S I NT PAU L Co ncil � �� CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR FI N " Counci s , tio � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: D e Out of Committee By D e WHEREAS, the Department of Communit S rvices recommends quisition of 378 West Wheelock Parkway, described a L ts 5 and 6, Block , Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 2, and WHEREAS, the purpose of said acquis ti n is to add to Whe ock Parkway, and WHEREAS, funds are available from t e etropolitan Counci ' s Indian Mounds Park reimbursement, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by th C uncil of the City Saint Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor and advi e f the Long Range C ital Improvement Committee, that the Capital Improvement B dg t for 1989, as her ofore adopted and amended by the Council , is hereby fur he amended to includ the following new project: C RR NT AMENDED APPR PR ATION CHANGE APPROPRIATION Metro Parks Grant (Indian Mounds Park Reimbursement) $95 00 .00 -$95,000. 0 -0- C89 Capital Projects Ledger Wheelock Parkway Acquisition -0 +$95,000. 0 $95,000.00 APPROVED AS TO FUNDIN . APPROVED: . ,1 /�n i ��� Direct , Finance d Management Servi �ud e�r,Di c r Th� St. a 1 ng-R�ng� aA��:,: �I? t€, .�3�:a �L�dget C m teo zoc�;•�ed fihi����,;;d c.;, ;;; � 3�+ anc�.c:�:t� r.z�:�;:�d� C:-.-G' �i� `� " � COUNCIL MEMBERS •-. Req.uested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays Dimond Communi t $ 1 C Lo� In Favor Goswitz I Rettman O �be1�� Against —seenen. Wilson y�'�� ��N � � 1� Form Ap ov d by City orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa d b Council tetary By ��� By Approve�y, avor: Date _�89 Appro Mayor mi ion to Council By �� =�-�� �, - B -�� � - --J� PU6lISlF� .1 UN 2 41989 .� . � � �=��7 DEPAHT�AENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED � w ^ GREEN SHEE No. �a� � CONTACT PERSON d PMONE INITIALI INITIALIDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �Gl'Y COUNdL John Wirka 292-7400 N�� iTrnTroRN�r �GTYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL ACiENOA BY(DA'f� ROUTNIO UDQET DIRECTOR ;�fIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Ma 18, 1989 � YOR(OR AS813TA � Chi ef ACC FM TOTAL#OF 81GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL L A ON8 FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of appropriation of proceeds from Me ropolitan Council ' Reimbursement Grant to Wheelock Parkway acquisition. RECd�AMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) CQ�jH(,yL OPTION _PLMININ(i COMMI3810N _CIVIL 3ERVtCE COMMISSION ��YST PHONE NO. � � �pB COMMITiEE A D i s t r i c t 6 �STAFF _ COUCIC�� COMMEM'S: 4' �, MAY 1 J 1989 —����� _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE7 0 FICE OF THE DIRECTO ; � �.,� ^, ���,����� Recreati on D PARTMENT OF FINANC � t INRIATtN(i PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whst,Whsn,Where,WhY): Property at 378 West Wheelock is for sale; op ortunity to add to heelock Parkway, preserve and restore the adjoining bluff a ea Funds available om Metropolitan Council 's Reimbursement for 1985 Indian Mo nd Park acquisition. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Appropriation to acquire additional land o W eelock Parkway fro ing seller. Removal of substandard dwelling, restorati n f parkway and adjo g uff area. M ; 2 51989 M OR'S OFfICE DISADVANTAGES IF APPF�VED: Reduced property tax revenue ($1,039.08, 1989 taxes) DIBADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: No appropriation for acquisition Co ' cif Research Center ��IAY � :�� �i��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 95^OOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI LE ONE) YE8 \ NOI �J FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � n d FINANCU4L INFORMATION:(EXPWI�