89-1005 wH�Te — cirr CLERK COUrtC1I PYNK -.FINANCE GITY OF S INT PALTL �0�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR F1I ' NO• - Counci es uti n � Presented By .�� ,�; � ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Division of Parks and Recrea io is committed to p viding a safe, hazard-free environment for program participants, spe ta ors and employees. WHEREAS, Division's First Aid Program goa s ates that each Par and Recreation employee promote safety awareness, prevent potenti 1 ccidents and provi emergency assistance until professional care is available. WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recrea io will develop emer ncy procedures, review and update all accident reports, supply first ai kits for all faci 'ties and vehicles and provide first aid training for all Divisi n taff. WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 1 .0 .O1 of the City Ch ter does certify that there are available for appropriation rev nu in excess of thos estimated in the 1989 budget; and ', WHEREAS, The Mayor, recommends the following changes to the 198 budget. Current Amended Budget an es Budget FINANCING PLAN 001 General Fund Fund Balance Unreserved Undesignated 0.00 9,297.00 19,297.00 All Other Financing 1 3,907,698.00 0.00 123,907,698.00 - ------------ -------- -------------- 1 3,907,698.00 9,297.00 123,926,995.00 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � . s�ne;be� _ Against BY Sonnen �'tleeu Form A oved by C y torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counci( Secretary By- ' ��" By Approved by Mavor: Date Appr d by Mayor f Sub si n to�oun_cil By . . . , - y G��l�" DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Community Services/Parks & Rec 4-28-89 GREEN SHEE No. 2 7 2 8 WNTACT PERSON d PHONE ��� INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNdL � ITY ATTORNEY �GTY CIERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) lWUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �j �FIN.Q MOT.SERVICES DIR. AYOR(OR A881ST � .hC i gf ACCO TOTAL#�OF 816NATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL L T ONS FOR SIGNATUR� 8 Parks & Recreation ACTION RECUESTED: Approval of council resolution amending .198 b dget to initiate F rst Aid Program for Division of Parks and Recreation. i�COMMENDA710N3:Approvs(ly a Re�ect(F� (A1lNql I�PORT OPTION ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISBION _qVIL SERVICE COMM18810N _pB OOMMIITEE _ OOMMENTS: _STAFF _ —o�����«,� — �I�'Y ������`��� SUPPORT8 WNICFI COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INRIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNRY(Wla,Whet,When,Where,Wh�: Division of Parks and Recreation conducted s udy of Division-wi e first aid practices. Results of the study are basis for attached pr posal. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Division of Parks and Recreation will: 1) develop emergency procedures 2) review and update accident reports 3) provide first aid kits for Division e 'cles and facilitie 4) provide first aid training for all 'vi ion staff DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Program will cost the City $19,297 to impl e . REC ED MAY � 1989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO: BUDG�T ��ICE Division of Parks and Recreation will not le to implement t First Aid Program. Cou cil Research Center MAY 2 4 �989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 19'29� COST/REVENUE BUOOETED(q E ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTiVITY NUMBER 031 FINANqAL iNFORMATIOPI:(EXPLAII� New Activity NOTE: CAMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE C3REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the�ve most ftequent types of documeMs: CONTRAC'FS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. INtiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attorney � 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Axounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fln &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) � Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. DepartmeM Accountent 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAseistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ail others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PACiES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pages. ACTION RECIUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issne in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Councfl objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key woM(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need br your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by lawi charter or whether there are speciflc ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecf/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this proJecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, axident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must teilor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to c�st?Who is going to pay? WHiTE - CITY CLERK PfN�» -jFINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council �� ��R CANARV - DEPARTMENT `/'j�`Jf� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `"`'�•� — Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Amended Budget Ch n es Budget SPENDING PLAN 001 General Fund Community Services Department Parks and Recreation Division 03105 First Aid 0131 Salaries 0.00 7 997.00 7,997.00 0259 Manikins and Film Rental 0.00 1 600.00 1,600.00 0356 First Aid Supplies 0.00 7 700.00 7,700.00 0389 Supplies 0.00 2 000.00 2,000.00 All Other Spending 123 907,698.00 0.00 123,907,698.00 -- ---------- -- ------ -------------- 123 907,698.00 19 297.00 123,926,995.00 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves th se changes to the 198 budget. Approval Recommended f , �� Budget Direc or : COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm nt of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� in Favor Goswitz Rettman � �hQ1�� _ Against BY Sonnen .��ilsett �N — 6 � Form Approved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s � il S et y BY— � : B}, l Approve by YI or: e IllAt _ 7 'rl Appr d by Mayor fo ub s ion ss�l �-,� By ppgUSliE� �UN 17 1989 . ' � � . . - � ���/�� DIVISION OF P AND RECREATION FIRST ID PROPOSAL BACKGROUND The Division of Parks and Recre ti n has always been ommitted to provide a safe, hazard-free enviro en for program parti ipants, spectators and employees. In spite of that commitment, a serious accident at one of our facilities prompted t e ayor and City Coun il to request that the Division of Parks and Recr at on upgrade the fir t sid practices of all employees. The Division's Aquatics unit i o e of the nation's aders in first aid training. Their employees are ra ned to t�cidle ever emergency situation encountered. Every secti n n the Division wil be directed to meet the first aid standard establi he by the Aquatics U t. Division personnel recently co du ted a study of cur nt Division-wide first aid practices. Results of tha s dy are the basis r this proposal. DIVISION-WIDE FIRST AID PROGRAM GOA : Each Parks and Recreation emplo ee shall promote safe y awareness, prevent potential accidents, and be bl to provide emerge cy assistance until professional care is available PROGRAM COMPONENTS: 1. Division emergency procedures de el ped. • 2. All accident reports reviewed an u dated. 3. First aid kits provided for all iv sion facilities an vehicles 4. Training sessions that provide t e owledge and skill needed in most emergency situations PROGRAM COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS: 1. Safetv Orientation Two-hour safety orientation ses io s outlining the Di sion's first aid policy and procedures will� be pr vi ed for all Divisio staff. 2. Safetv and Emergencv Procedures Each facility manager will deve p comprehensive em gency action plan for their facility. This plan il outline emergency rocedures at each facility. Issues outlined in e h omprehensive emer ncy action plan include: * Following the correct chain c mmand * How and when to use 911 * How to design accident charts th t track accidents nd their locations, identify problem a ea and determine phy ical site changes, and * How to analyze hazardous area , quipment to make c nscious decisions on the Division's r sp nsibility for lega liability. � . . : . . ��''J�=/OD� FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 3. Accident Reports Division staff will update cur en division accident eports with the assistance of the City Att rn 's Office. All e loyees will be trained in the correct procedures f r illing out Divisio accident reports during the safety orientation sessi s. 4. First Aid Rits Having the right tools to use ' emergency is cri cal. Although � most Division facilities and vehicl ve first aid kits, the contents of some kits could contain more approp a supplies. Divis n managers will identify: * Which vehicles and fa li ies need first ai kits * How many kits per faci it or vehicle are n ded * What should be in eac t e of kit per faci ty * Procedures for refilli g ach First Aid Kit. Instruction on how to use the b si first aid kit wil be covered in the Red Cross Approved Basic First 'd nd CPR Training C1 ss. 5. TraininQ After interviewing section and ni heads in the Divi ion, it was determined that four types of traini g essions are neede in order to meet the entire Division's First Aid and af ty Training needs. They are: BASIC FIRST AID AND CPR TRAININ - A 10-hour American Red Cross approved training session empha iz ng basic first aid skills, CPR (one-man) , personal safety, acc de t prevention, repo t writing, emergency procedures, legal res on ibilities, and the Division's rules and regulations in dealing with me ical emergencies f r all 750 Division staff inembers. Currently the Red Cross charges $3 per participant a 8-hour session or $26,250 for all Division emp oy es. If we train a d then use Division instructors to teach t e 0-hour class, the ost will be reduced to approximately $18 pe e ployee. (This incl des salary costs, books, manikin and film en al and other suppl es.) SPECIAL FIRST AID NEEDS - An ad it onal 4-hour sessio designed to respond to specific needs ident fi d that are not cov red adequately in the basic class. (For examp e, several maintenanc units need additional training in chemical or gas inhalation. F resters have requested training on removing re s from live electr al wires and Zoo Keepers need additional tr ining in dealing w th animal bites.) The Division recommends th t approximately 25 employees receive this additional trainin . LIFEGIIARD TRAINING - A 25-hour e ican Red Cross app ved class covering requirements and respo si ilities of lifegua s including training, preventive life guard ng, emergencies, reco s, reports equipment� health and sanitatio , ater rescues, sear and recovery operations, weather and enviro en al conditions, wat front areas. In addition, lifeguards are req ir d to take a 12 hou Professional CPR (2-man) course. 2- � . . ; . . ��q--`a�� FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 I INSTRUCTOR TRAINING - By train ng Division staff to ach the basic first aid class the Division w 11 be able to save mo y and create sessions designed to meet Divi io needs. A 20-hour erican Red Cross approved course to will er ify division instr tors to teach one of the following: basic F rs Aid and CPR class (14 instructors needed) , professional CPR cour e 4 instructors need ) , and a 30-hour program required for lifeguard tr ining instructors instructors needed) . By implementing this extensive tr ining program, Div ion staff will be trained to handle medical e er ency situations fo the approximate two to five minutes prior to a a amedic unit arrivi on the scene of an accident. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON TRAINING * All Red Cross Certificates expir ye rly; therefore, s ff inembers need to be retrained yearly. The ret i ng process or rece tification will take only half as many hours bec se it is a review. at means the recertification training for the 0- our Basic First Ai Class should take only about 5 hours to comple e hile the lifeguard recertification training should take only about 1 h urs to complete. * The Red Cross has updated its Cer if cation Programs, s all Red Cross instructors must be retrained. K y quatics instructor will undergo retraining in April. Division st ff will then be able o begin the 10- hour Basic First Aid and CPR Trai in in May 1989. � Staff in daily contact with the p bl c or who work in h zardous conditions are the Division's pri ri y for training. Th refore, we � recommend that all programming st ff (both full and par -time) receive training as soon as possible. An en ire list of Divisi training priorities can be found on Page 4 * Once current full time employees om lete Basic and Fir Aid Training, ongoing monthly training sessions wi 1 be held so that 1 new employees are trained within 30 davs � bei ired IMPLEMENTATION After examining section budgets, D vi ion managers agree to absorb all costs related to the first two progr omponents. Those mponents will develop emergency procedures, and re ie and update accide reports. Therefore, this budget request will on entrate on funding raining sessions that provide the knowledge d skills needed in m t emergency situations and on providing the firs a' equipment needed o render the first aid skills taught during the t i ng sessions. This intensified first aid trai n program is a new oject, so division managers were unable to bud ' t dequate funds in e 1989 budget. Therefore, we have developed the fol wi g priority order b sed upon the potential for Division staff to enco te life-threatening mergencies. � . . . - - . . I���/oa�' FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 DIVISION BASIC FIRST I D CPR TRAINING PRI RITIES Full-time Part-time AQUATIC STAFF - REQUIRED lifeguards, pool attendents ect. 1 96 PROGRAI�IING STAFF - TOP PRIORITY Recreation center staff 52 97 Park rangers 20 Ski patrol and golf rangers 32 Special program staff 8 g Zoo and conservatory staff 22 Refectory staff 107 Golf pro's/marina and ski staff 3 35 Municipal athletics and stadium s af 7 22 OPERATIONS STAFF - SECOND PRIORITY Maintenance and forestry staff 150 40 OFFICE - LAST PRIORITY Office, design and administrative st ff 50 TOTAL 293 457 Since our aquatics staff inembe ce potential emer ncy situations daily, are already required to take i t aid classes and ave training funds budgeted, they are our top pr ri y. Al1 programmi staff have daily contact with the public so the e our next priori Full-time staff will be trained first then par -t'me staff. Operati ns and forestry staff potentially work in hazardous o itions so they are the Division's third priority. We assume that admi is rative staff inembe s will be least likely to encounter life threatening ci cumstances, there re, that is our fourth option and lowest training pr or ty. Program costs have been estimat d o the best of our bility. In addition we have estimated the ongoi g osts needed to con inue the First Aid/CPR skills of all employees. Ou g al is to provide t e level of training each staff inember will need in a timely manner, a though we realize that all new programs genera ly need fine tuning o ce they have been initiated. � . ' � . , ' ��^��J FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 B G T PRO COST CURRENTLY BUDGETED 1. Safetv Orientation -0- 2. Safetv and Emergency Procedures -0- 3. IIpdate Accident Reports -0- 4. Training - required lready budgeted a. Lifeguard training for 50 e pl ees b. 10 Hr basic first aid/CPR i st ctor training (received a grant from the ra' ing competition fund to train Division empl e - Plans are underway to apply for funds to rain 10 more instructors) c. 12 Hr Professional CPR trai ng for 50 aquatics employees (because American e Cross updated its certification program only 8 ho rs of training is budgeted, the additional fo h urs needed will be listed in the next sectio .) d. Instructor Training for 3 Li eg ard Instructors and 4 Professional CPR Instr ct rs e. First Aid Kits and supplies or the Aquatics Progr TOTAL -p- -S ' . . � : . . ��'f=/l30.> FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 TRAINING AND FIRST AID KITS FOR PRO ING STAFF - (TOP IORITY) 1. Professional CPR TraininQ for 5 a uatics emvloyees @10.50 per employee (addition 1 our hours of train' g needed to complete hew Amerix an ed Cross requirem ts.) TOTAL $ 525 2. Basic First Aid & CPR TraininQ r ull time ro ramm staff * @ $18 per employee 52 Recreation Center Staff $ 936 8 Special Program Staff $ 144 22 Zoo and Conservatory staff $ 396 3 Marina employees $ 54 7 Municipal athletic/stadium s af $ 126 TOTAL - 92 FIILL-TIME STAFF $1,656 3. Basic First Aid & CPR TraininQ or part-time ro ramm staff @ $18 per employee 40 Park and golf rangers $ 720 * 97 Part-time recreation cente s aff $1,746 46 aquatic attendants and hel er $ 828 8 special program staff $ 144 12 Ski Patrol $ 216 35 Golf pro's/marina and ski ta f $ 630 22 Municipal athletics and st di staff $ 396 TOTAL - 260 PART-TIME STAFF $4,680 RENTAL FEE WAIVER FROM RED CRO S (420) TOTAL BASIC FIRST AID AND CPR ING NEEDS FOR PROGRAMMING STAFF $6,449 * The $18 fee per employee includes .50 rental fee fo mainikins and films. The Red Cross agreed to w iv this rental fee f 120 staff if we hold CPR on May 30, 31 and Jun 1. All full-time an 40 part-time programming staff employees will ne it from this $420 avings. 4. Special First Aid Needs Trainin¢ or 50 Zoo. Conservato and Special Program Staff @ 4.36 er employee TOTAL $ 21g TOTAL TRAINING NEEDS FOR PROGRAMM NG STAFF S6•667 5. Basic First Aid Kits 44 Recreation Center Facilities $1 0 $4 840 10 Ranger Vehicles @ $100 $1,000 4 Golf Clubhouses @ 110 $ 440 5 Picnic Pavilions(Highland, Che ok e, $ 550 Phalen, Harriet Island and Hid en Falls) 2 @ Conservatory, $ 220 1@ Watergate Marina, Town Squar P rk, $ 330 and Crosby Park Nature Center 3 Municipal Fields $ 330 TOTAL $7,710 AMOUNT ALREADY BUDGETED FOR FIRST I SUPPLIES (2,900) TOTAL FIRST AID KIT BUDGET FOR PR ING STAFF ,�4.810 TOTAL TRAINING AND FIRST AID RIT NEED F PROGRAMMING STAF $11,477 -6 : �� /04�� FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 TRAINING AND FIRST AID KITS � OP T ONS AND FORESTRY S FF -(SECOND PRIORITY) 1. Basic First Aid & CPR Trainina or 150 full time staf @ $18 per employee TOTAL $2,700 2. Basic F st Aid & CPR TraininQ fo 40 part-time staf @ $18 per employee TOTAL $ 72p 3. Special irst A�.�d eeds Trainin r 190 Operations a Forestrv sta f@ 4.36 per empl ye TOTAL $ 828 TOTAL TRAINING NEEDS �'�OR OPERAT ON AND FORESTRY STAF S4•248 4. Bas c First Aid Rits 26 Maintenance Vehicles @ $75 ea $1 950 � 3 Maintenance Buildings @ $110 ea $ 330 Highland & Como Golf, Como 0 fi 12 Forestry Vehicles @ $75 eac $ 900 TOTAL $3,180 5. Basic First Aid Kit Supplies (F i ties and vehicles which already have ki ) 4 Maintenance Buildings @ $50 c $ 200 9 Vehicles @ $30 each $ 270 TOTAL $ 470 AMOUNT ALREADY BUDGETED FOR FI D SUPPLIES (1.200) TOTAL FIRST AID KIT NEEDS FOR 0 IONS AND FORESTRY TAFF S2.450 TOTAL TRAINING AND FIRST AID KIT NEE S OR OPERATIONS $6,698 AND FORESTRY STAFF TRAINING AND FIRST AID KITS FOR OFF E TAFF -(LAST PRIORI ) 1. Basic First Aid & CPR Trainina f r 0 full time staff @ $18 per employee TOTAL � 900 4. Basic First Aid Kits 4 Administrative Offices @ 110 ea h ,� 440 TOTAL TRAINING AND FIRST AID KIT NEE S FFICE STAFF $1,340 SDZII+IARY TRAI IN FIRST AID KI S PROGRAMMING STAFF $6, 49 $4,810 OPERATIONS AND FORESTRY STAFF $4, 48 $2,450 OFFICE STAFF ,� 0 S� 440 GRAND TOTALS $11, 97 $7,700 19 297 7- . � . �. - ��-�-��o��. FIRST AID PROPOSAL April, 1989 1990 B GE NEEDS TRAINING FIR T AID KIT Instructor TraininQ Yearly Recertification/20 Instructo s $50 $1,000 Basic First Aid & CPR Trainin¢ 1. 12 monthly sessions for approxi at ly 10 new Division employees per m nt @ $18 each employee $2,160 2. Yearly recertification for 700 employees @ $12.50 each employ e 8 50 TOTAL $11,910 First Aid C�it Re ills 68 Facility refills @ $50 each $3 00 48 Vehicle refills @ $30 each 1 40 TOTAL $4 40 GRAND TOTAL $16�750 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Budget listed above is in addition t w at is already in t 1989 budget. We have explored both renting and pu ch sing manikins for R training. The National Red Cross Program curre tl charges $10 to re a manikin. So built into each CPR participant cost is a $3.50 manikin re al charge. If we train all 750 employees, it will os the Division $2,6 for manikin rental. We also requested help from the Fire De rtment. Unfortun ely they are unable to assist Parks and Recreatio b ause they also mus undergo retraining and then begin recertifyi g 1 of their profess onals. Manikins cost between $440 and $550 ( e nding upon size--i fant, child or adult) . Red Cross regulations requi o e manikin for eve two class participants. Therefore, eventually he Division will nee 20 manikins. Division staff will monitor manikin e losely over the ne t year so that we will be in position to determine et er we should purch se our own. BASIC FIRST AID RIT RE UI D FOR ALL FACILIT ES 200 Adhesive bandages/4"' 1"' large' nu kle, finger tip $ 15.00 20 Steri strips or butterfly bandage $ 6.00 3 rolls of adhesive tape $ 2.00 12 cold packs $ 18.00 6 hot packs $ 10.50 12 bee sting swabs $ 2.95 2 mild soap $ 1.00 1 dressing $ 3.00 2 triangular bandages 3.30 6 eye pads 9.40 100 2x2 sterile gauze 8.00 � . . „ ����0.�-- FIRST AID PROPOSAL April� 1989 100 4x4 sterile gauze $ 10.00 2 2" roller suze 2.00 8 $ 2 trauma bandages $ 5.00 1 stainless steel scissors $ 12.00 1 stainless steel tweezers $ 5.00 1 first aid text $ 7.50 150 medium, large, latex gloves $ 20.00 1 pocket mask $ 11.00 3 extra valves for pocket mask $ 9.00 1 blanket $ 25.00 TOTAL COST $225.25 This is retail cost� staff esti at s that actual cost f the kit will be $110 per facility. Specific cont nt in the kit will v y according to needs at each,facility or vehicle. e first sid kit abov was designed to meet OSHA requirements as well as da ly needs.