89-1002 WHITE � - CITV GLEqK PINK+ - FIk3ANCE COUIICII �/J //' -,CANARV -DEPARTMENT CITY SAINT PAU File NO. (�`,�`�OD� BLUE -.71AVOR • ` r ZIZLLIZCP. Ordinance N O. I Z � � Presented By ' ' �� j ! L� 1 eferred To ,_ -� Committee: Date t���, Out of Committee By Date AN GRD I NANCE GRANT i NG PERM I SS 10 T BURL I NGTON NORTH RN RAI!ROAD COf 1RANY, 176 EAST F!FTH �TREET, S I N PAUL, M I NNESOT�, 510? TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AN� MAI NTA!N N PT I�AL F I�ER COM N I CAT!QNS CABLE i N THE PUBL I C R I GH?-OF-WAY R THE BURL I NGTO�J RTHERN TRACKS SOUTH OF 1-9�'S �1Y,TH STRE T AMPS TO THE 6UR�1 GTON �JORTHERN JFFICES ON FIFTH STREET SETWEEN S SL Y AND JACKSON. The Council of the C ty f �aint Paul does o air�: Se tic� i . That permission is hereby c�rant?d to ur� ingt�n Northern Rai oaa Company, 176 East F�fth Street, Saint Paul, Min es ta 55102, hereinaf r called the "permittee," to cons�ruct, aperate an m �ntain an optical fib r communications cabie in th� public ri ht flt-way, in accorda e with the revised pians dated Decem�er 30, 198 a d approved by, and file with, the Saint Paul Departmert of Public Work , aid cable �s ta be pl ced along the fallowing described route: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep tment of: Dimond j WO�.i �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Sc6eibel Against BY • Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by ity Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Appro Mayor or Sub ' to ouncil By Y lst � -(� _ ' 2nn' ' ..._ 7� '�- a� 3rd �- ,J- Adopted -- �^_Jr'-�j Yeas Nays DIMOND �'y—�Q U� GOSWITZ l 7� 7'� LONG : : � RETTMAN SONNEN WILSON . PRESIDENT� SCHEIBE - . . . . /po� • - , � ' . � ��' BURLINGTON NORTHERN - 2 - ���° 7 � Beginning at the intersecti n f the Burlington No ern tracks and I-94 Sixth Street over as ; thence west to Ea Fifth Street; thence west along East Fi h treet to Broadway reet; thence south on Broadway Stree to ast Fifth Street; the ce west on East Fifth Street to the Bu lin ton Northern offices n the First Trust Center building,on the northeast corne f East Fifth and Jackson Streets. Section 2. That the Director of Public Wo ks s hereby authorized o issue a permit to Burlington Northern Railroad o pany for the constru tion, operation and maintenance of said fiber opti c le in accordance wi the revised plans dated December 30, 1988 on ile ith the Department f Public Works, and upon said permittee's complia ce with the following co ditions: a. That such work shall e ne in a manner whi h will leave the public right-of-way in condition acceptab to the City's Director of Publ' orks or his duly auth rized agent, and shall be a o plished in full compl nce with the "City of Saint Paul M nesota, Departmen of Public Works, Standard Spe ifi tions for Street Op ings.". b. That should the City, o ty or State's constr tion and operation in said publi ri hts-of-way require r moval, change of location, or alt ration of the facilitie covered under this permit, suc r moval, change of lo tion or alteration shall be ma e y the permittee with ut expense to the State of Minne ta County of Ramsey r City of Saint Paul. Further, t e ermittee shall at no st to the city, repair any dama e the facilities permi d herein, which may occur duri g t e normal course of ity maintenance and/or c n ruction of public facil ties. c. That the permittee sh II f Ily indemnify, hold h rmless and defend the City of Sai t aul, its agents, offic s and employees from any nd II damages, claims, osses, judgments, suits or e e ses and on account f all claims of whatever nature fo inj ry to person(s) and/ r property I � . . . �-�C/_/0 D� . /7�7� BURLINGTON NORTHERN - 3 - arising out of, or connec d ith, the constructio maintenance, relocation n /or removal of said f cilities and by the permission a d uthority granted her in. d. That, since the City is c rre tly considering new regulations regarding in tall tion of communicati ns systems in the public rig t- -way, including the quire- ments for obtaining of a ra chise, license and/o permits from the City Council an t payment of franchi e fees or rent for the use of the pu lic property, and the Permittee has had an opportunity t r view the draft ordin ce that is intended to be introdu e to the City Council i the near future, and since t rmittee has reques d that its application for this pe mi be processed pendi g the adoption of such ordina ce nd regulations cont ined therein on condition that it will b b und by the terms an conditions to be contained in the p nd ng ordinance, this p mit and authority is hereby ra ted by the City Cou il upon the express condition th t t e Permittee shall ag ee, in writing, to be bound b t terms and conditio s of the pending communica io systems ordinanc s finally adopted by the City Co nci , and shall further ag ee to construct said lines in c nf rmity with the conditi ns of the draft ordinance. e. That the permittee must,be registered as an op �ator under Minnesota's one call un er round utility location ystem, in accordance with Cha te 216D of the Minnes ta State Statutes, and will take a y ecessary steps to a ure the proper Burlington North rn ersonnel are notifie of any work in this area under he ne call system. f. That the permittee agre s t comply with Chapt r 125 of the Saint Paul Legislati ode, as amended, p rtaining to street obstructions, in th c urse of installing or pairing said facility. . - . - � - � . . �=�f=/°o.� . . i�� �� . BURLINGTON NORTHERN - 4 - I g. That the permittee agr s o the following cons uction details: 1 . There is a new tra ic signal constructe at the intersection of ift and Wall Streets, ich includes cond it c ossings. Contact P lic Works Traffic Signal pe ations for locations. 2. Conduit is to b fo y-eight (48) inches inimum depth, encase in concrete, six (6) inc s, sides and top. It sha b constructed using t shadow duct concept, q iring four 2 inch duc under roadway or sid w Ik areas. A ribbon s all be laid along with the a le to alert its locatio or future excavations. 3. A temporary p tc will be placed until permanent repair can be a e. The permanent r pair must be made by a co tra tor approved by Pu ic Works Street Mainte an e Engineer. It will in ude normal asphalt with c nc ete base restoration lus any lane affected hal be cold milled one ) inch and overlaid with ne 1) inch of the Minne ota Department o Tr nsportation (MNDO ) 2361 wearing course mix. ' y raffic markings distu ed will be replaced with St Mark". 4. Any sidewalk re s disturbed by cons uction will be replaced b a icensed sidewalk co tractor. A separate per it f om Public Works Si walk Division is required. ( ull anel replacement o ly.) 5. The 24 inch s ni ry sewer line show on plan sheet one will be rel c ed at a future date t the east of the 60 inch st r sewer. A pull box i h some slack in it should b lo ated somewhere in t is area, so that if need b , t e fiber optic line can e adjusted without havin to splice it. � WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINk` �, - FIAIANCE GITY O AINT PAZTL Council ^� � BLUERy-MAVORTMENT File NO. ��''`�'`�� 0/ � �nce Ordinance N�. � �� /� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BURLINGTc�N NORTNERN - 5 - 6. Use of a pneuma-go he across 20 inch and 0 inch water ma�ns is pr� �bi ed. h. That this ordinance permit s al not be transferable o any successive owners. At such i e as the permittee ishes to transfer ownership of sai f cilities, Burlington arthern Ra�lrQad Company must mak w itten application to he Director af Public Works fc�r ar� m�ndment to this a dinance, which is subject t.o city revi w anr� approval by Cit Council. All terms and conditians of hi ordinance herein sh 11 remain in farce until such time as s id amendment is i� eff ct. i. That said permittee shall, ��+'th n thirty (30) days f m and after the pub;ication �f this ar inance, file written acceptance thereoF, specifi il agreeing to ail of t e provisions, terms and cc�ndi ion herein, with the Ci y Clerk. ec ion 3 That this or�inance shall take effe t a d be in force thirty 30) aays from and after its p�ssage, approval and pub ic ion. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Dep tment of: Dimond (� ��( ���0� � ��g [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman c7 �;� Against BY ' Sonnen Wilson �„ 2 7 ��9 Form Appr ved by ity Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass y uncil S et BY By Approv � Mayor: ate � Approv y Mayo for Submi to ouncil By BY PUB!!� AU G - 5 8 . � . . . : ���,00.� /7G7� 9. RESOLUTION 89-1 46: Directing the Pu lic Approved, Works Director o egotiate with all 3-1 parties stated o he 1987 discharge incidents to fu ly recover appropriat shares of fines le ied on the City by State or Federa r gulatory agencies nd that all monies re overed for the 198 discharge incid nt be deposited in t e Sewer Service F nd with appropriate b dget amendments to b m de in 1989 to reco er revenue to pay or fines levied again t the City. (Ref rr d to Committee 6/15/89) . 10. Ordinance 89-10 2: An ordinance gran ing Approved permission to B ri ngton Northern Rai road Company to cons ru t, operate and mai tain an OPTICAL FIBE C MMUNICATIONS CABLE in the public righ -o -way fram the Burlington Nort er tracks south of I 94's Sixth Street Ra p o the Burlington Northern office o Fifth Street betw en Sibley and Jack on (Referred to Comm'ttee 6 6/89) . 11. Resolution `89-1 09 Amending the 198 CIB Approved budget by addin $ 52,000 for SHEPARD ROAD consulting desi n ees. (Referred to Committee 6/6/8 ) . 12. Resolution 89-7 0: Requesting the Ma or Laid over to direct the D pa tment of Finance a d until first Management to r du e by $28,000 the 1 89 committee assessment agai st properties which d d meeting in not receive pro is d street cleaning August services in the Fa 1 of 1988. (Refer ed back to Commtitt e /8/89) . 13. Street and Alle A sessment Notices. Laid Laid over over in Committ e /21/89) . 14. Resolution 89-3 3: Plan to phase out Laid over certain water s st ms. (Laid over in Committee 6/21/ 9) 15. Ratification of As essment for Summar Delete the Abatement for p op rty at 2279 Summit Assessment Avenue (PIN 05- 8- 3-13-0067) . Refer ed (not to Committee 6/ 3/ 9) . Approved) . � � � . - ��-��-i�� 16. Ordinance 89-11 2: An ordinance amend'ng Approved Ord. No. 17443 do ted March 17, 1987 by adding parking et r zones on SIXTH S REET on the south si e rom Robert to Jack on Streets. (Refer ed to Committee 6/22/ 9) . 17. Resolution 89-1 37 Authorizing the Approved Director of Pub ic Works to issue to Macalester Coll ge or to a licensed a d bonded contract r permit to reconst uct sidewalk adjace t o the College, sub ect to terms and co di ions. (Referred to Committee 6/22/ 9) 18. Final Order: C st ucting a water mai in Approved WHEELOCK PARKW f om Edgemont Street to 170 feet east E gemont Street. A1 0 construct wate se vice connections. Constructing a an'tary sewer in WHEE OCK PARKWAY from E e nt Street to 170 et east of Edgemo S reet. Also, const uct sanitary sewer se ice connections. Laid over indefinit y 'n Committee) . 19. Resolution 89- 5: Authorizing appro al Approved of Ramsey Coun ans to construct LARPENTEUR' bet ee 35-E and Edgerton, bridge constru ti over Soo Line RR nd right-of-way a qui ition. (Laid over indefinitely i C mittee) . 20. RESOLUTION: Lo s lit in conjunction ith Approved the above 2 it ms. 21. Other Business. None , : : , ���/�0°� Members: CITY F SAINT PA Roger J. Goswitz, chair ' Janice Rettman ��������� OFFICE F T�IP CITY COUNC Tom Dimond ettiL 11�1� "� Date: July 5, 1 89 Co ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Cou c I From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Trans rtation Committee Roger J. Goswitz hair 1. Appraval of min te of June 21, 1989. Approved 3-0 Hearinq Date 2. 7/18/89 Ratification of Aw rd of Damages: Ta ng Approved a permanent eas me t on land describe as part Southeaste ly of SEVENTH STREET Lot 1 , Block 12 B unson's Addition f . the purpose of mp oving and maintain g the SEVENTH STR ET BRIDGE between Mou s Blvd. and Payne Av nue. 3. 7/18/89 Final Order: A qu ring permanent eas ent Approved to construct, o er te and maintain st et lighting on the No th side of KELLOGG BLVD. , to be in ta led in conjunction ith the EAST KELLOG G TEWAY NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP PRO RA PROJECT. 4. 7/11/89 Final Order: • I pr ving MARKET STREET from Laid over in Fifth Street to Si th Street by remov ng committee 2 the existing pa em nt and constructin a weeks. brick surface o a new bituminous or concrete base, on tructing tree plan ers and planting tr es constructing a decorative glo t pe lighting system and doing all othe wo k necessary and incidental to s id improvement. C1TY HALL SEVENT F OUR SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTA 55102 ��a : ���=/oa� 5. Final Orders: Sidewalk construc io and/or reconstruction at the following lo ations: 7/11/89 S-8938 - Both sides E. ARLINGTON AVENUE Approved from Hazelwood Str t o Germain St. , S-8939 - Both side B CLAY STREET from Ivy Avenue to E. A li gton Avenue, S-8940 - Both side E COTTAGE AVENUE fr N. White Bear Aven e o Flandrau Street, S-8941 - Both side E HAWTHORNE AVENUE from Edgerton St. o ayne Avenue, S-8942 - Both sid s . HAWTHORNE AVENUE from N. White Bea A nue to Van Dyke Street, 7/11/89 S-8943 - Both sid s . IDAHO AVENUE fro Approved East Shore Drive o uluth Street, S-8944 - Both sid s EBRASKA AVENUE fro Hazelwood Street o ermain Street, S-8945 - South side . ORANGE from For st Street to Cypres S reet, S-8946 - Both si es REANEY AVENUE from . White Bear Avenu t Van Dyke Street, S-8947 - Both si es LA CROSSE AVENUE f m N. Ruth Street t N komis Avenue, 7/11/89 S-8948 - West s de NOKOMIS AVENUE fro E. Approved Magnolia Avenue to E. Geranium Avenue with Amendment S-8949 - East id BARCLAY STREET fro Approved Conway to E. T ir Street, with stipulation S-8950 - Both id s N. HOWARD STREET rom Approved E. Seventh Str et to Stillwater Aven e, 7/11/89 S-8951 - Both sid s LAKE STREET from Bush Approved Avenue to E. ev th Street, S-8952 - Nort s'de MANITOU AVENUE om Iroquois Aven e o Ruth Street, and est side N. RUTN TR ET from Manitou Av ue to Stillwater Av nu , S-8953 - Nort s de E. SEVENTH STRE T from Railroad Bri e o North Street S-8954 - Sou h ide E. THIRD STREET from Kennard Stre t o Flandrau Street. . �,���a�- . . 7/20/89 S-8955 - Both side B RDNER PLACE from S. Laid over Cleveland to Retur C urt, until next S-8956 - Both side S FINN STREET from available . Hampshire Avenue t M goffin Avenue, committee S-8957 - North sid L NCOLN AVENUE from . meeting. Fairview Avenue to S. Wheeler Street, S-8958 - South sid M NTREAL AVENUE from Davern Street to S F irview Avenue, S-8959 - Both side P LACE AVENUE from S. Fairview Avenue t S. Wheeler Street, 7/20/89 S-8960 - Both sid s ME AVENUE from S. Laid over Fairview Avenue t S. Howell Street, until next S-8961 - Both sid s T. PAUL AVENUE fro available Montreal Avenue t E gcumbe Road, committee S-8962 - Both sid s ARGENT AVENUE from . meeting. Snelling Avenue t S Saratoga Street, S-8963 - Both sid s TANFORD AVENUE fro S. Fairview to S. Wh eler Street. 7/20/89 S-8964 - Both sid s ESNOYER AVENUE fro Laid over Eustis Street to ur ew Street, until next available committee meeting. 7/20/89 S-8965 - New sid wa k construction on e Approved North side EAST EL OGG BLVD. from Broadway Street o pproximately 233 f t east of Broadway St eet. S-8928 - North s'de OTIS AVENUE from Laid over Pelham Blvd. to us is; (480 & 486 Oti until next laid over in Co it ee 6/21/89) . available committee meeting. 6. 7/13/89 Ratification�of As essments: Improvi Approved COTTAGE AVENUE ro Galtier Street to ice Street (to be k ow as the COTTAGE/GA IER PAVING AND LIGH IN PROJECT) . Work completed summe o 1988. 7. 7/13/89 Ratification of As essments: Constru tion Approved of the skyway id e crossing over FO RTH STREET between i ey and Jackson Str ets. To be complete b fall of 1989. 8. 7/13/89 Ratification o A sessments: For th Approved construction o a sanitary sewer and service connec io s in BREEN STREET om Hyacinth Avenu t Hawthorne Avenue. Work completed in 1 87