89-1001 WMITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF A NT PALTL C uncil �hS�i�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT gQ'� /�/ s BLUE -MAVOR � e NO. � • -� Or n nce ���'� { jc�aynce N O.!" �/���— , � � �---<____ r Presented By ' �a , l efe d To Committee: ate '� �/ Out of Committee By ate ``-� An ordinance t p rmit the imposi ion of fines for certai 1 cense violation in on-sale intoxicatin 1 ' quor establishm nts. THE COUIVCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOES ORDAI : ec ion 1 Section 409.26(b) of h Saint Paul L islative Code is hereby amended by adding th ollowing new pa agraph at the end of said subsection (b) : "For those violations , hi h occur in on-s le intoxicating liquor est b ishments, liste above in numbers 4, 5 , 6, 8 , nd 11 , the Coun 1 may in its discretion impos fine in lieu o a suspension on the first appearanc , n accordance wi the following schedule who e mounts are pres ptivel.y appropriate : Seating capacity 0- 9 500.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seating capacity 10 -1 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000.00 Seating capacity 15 - 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500.00 Seating capacity ov r 200 . . . . . . . . . . . 2000.00�� S ction 2 This ordinance shall t ke effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passag , pproval and pub ication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by D artment of: Dimond �� In F vo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � Agai St BY Sonnen � w'�i°=� ���± �AVt7 Z 2 Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass y Council Secre y By �J �- �� "'� '-� By c Appro Mayor: Dat '-�- � 3 Approv yor for Submissi t B p�L�� s EP - 2 a �St _ �- � �y � - = � �_ ,o_ 3rd _ �� ����4 pted - �a - g Yeas a I � �� ,�y- / _ �7� � . '� � SCfiEIBEL �`< Y�� y�.•: ?��: . .���.:sx .. . - . , . �:X L���-"`" � • Members: - ���'"�-, Janice Rettman, chair / � �= CITY OF S NT PAUL Biil Wilson :/� '� �s��.;:� _ �/�� f���`� `��`'� : OFFICE OF TH C TY COUNCIL Bob Long (� �-�,,. ....... r���.� Date: August 3, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson C o m m i te R e po rt To: Saint Paul City Council ` From : Community and Hu Services Co mittee Janice Rettman, Ch i A meeting of the Community and Human Se vi es Committee was h d on Wednesday, August 2, 1989. l. A roval of Minutes of Jul 19, 198 etin . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 5/5/89, Item N . First Readin - 9-1001 - An ordinance amendin Section 409.26 of the Le sl tive Code allowin ines to be im osed in lieu of sus ensions. (For referra t the Communit and uman Services Co�ittee.) (Laid over to Au ust , 989 for draft ordi ance to be com osed usin the seatin rationale in li o fines in the matr x on all items exce t Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, and 10.) Substitute ordinance recommended or approval on 3- 3. Cit Council A enda 6/15/89, Item No 2: First Readin 89-1082 - An ordinance amendin Section 409 of the Le is at ve Code ertainin to the hasin out of Private Club Licenses .in favor of On Sale Intoxicatin i uor Licenses. (For referral to the Communit and Hu n ervices Committee. Recommended for approval on 3-0 ot . 4. Ordinance increasin amblin ma a r wa es and worker a es. This ordinance is resented as an out rowth of is ussion in the Comm it and Human Services Committee. Recommended, on 3-0 vote, to be la ed on City Council agenda for action. S. Child Care Financin Pro ram, a r quested b Gre Da dson, Nei hborhood Development Division of P.E.D. Discussion was held. cc: Al Olson Ed Starr CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNFS A 55102 612/298-5289 a�ss OyLo �,2—�✓ 'd'Q_� � � � ., � : . . C�'e-3'n-�►�V �" �, . (�,.rL.� � GZ • ,� `� M�HITE - CITV CIERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S I T PAUL Co cil /� BLUERr- MAVO(yTMENT FIl NO. �' • ��DD� c�ty Attny/PBB f � 1 Ordi nce ` Or nance r10. � �� . � Presented By �`� '� R e o �r �r�^��� � Committee: D e � � �� Out of C mittee By - D e An ordinance o mend section 40 . 26 of the Saint Paul eg slative Code to allow fines to be imp se in lieu of sus ensions . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAI : ' Se tion 1 Section 409 .26 ) of the Sa'nt Paul Legisla ive Code is hereby amended to read as fo lows : "(f) Other pe ltie . Nothing in th.i section shall restrict r 'm t the authority of the council to susp d up to 60 days , rev ke the license, or impos a ivil fine not t exceed $2 , 000, to impose on itions or take ny other adverse action in c rdance with la provided that the license h 1 er has been aff ded an opportunity for a e ing in the man r provided for in Section 310 .0 f this Code . he Council in its discretion a o the first a earance o an icensee r vi ation un e subsection above im ose ne o , OOO . 00 in lieu o a one-da sus ens on, or ,500 .0 i ieu o a two-da sus ensio , r 2 , 00 . 00 i lieu o a three-da sus ens o . Such ction al not be a deviation or de a ture fro the sum tive enalties s ecif' d in subsec 'on above and no findin s , de ermination or itten reasons shall be re uire t be made to su ort such action. " COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by De rtment of: Dimond ��g In Fa or coswitz Rettman s�heinet Again t BY Sonnen � �Ison Form Ap oved Cit At rney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by M or for Submission to Council By BY �- �. . ,�.a:,_ i �, f wH�Te - c�rr c��K `�. - �... ' :: _ � " ^r,...... i. PIHK �..�FINANCE . .:+f�`.. . � _ � � C � il . �w, ���tr.f� ( ��: .. 9/�LjN�JERr MAYORTMENT �ITY OF S I ��T- PALTL "��il � N0.^` �� �"""" � �Ji ►� S�/t�� . . - ' . _... � r �� Ordi ce r � nceNO. a . ; Presented By tr��`'( r' � ='� `�. �°'� '..�– n'� � v: � �efetre�--To �� '�� Committee: D ;�--��— Out of Committee By D e An oYdi� a�eeti+oa 26 0�' � ` tbs Sa£at Pav7: . lativ!� t�od� � Ilv�r finfs �o 'be" . iu li� of #.e�, � t�G'ZL t'�F '!H� CI'TT t!1► SJ� AtfL D(yS8 � � 1 S�cti�e +��9.�6�f� o� tt�r Pa�I L�i+sia m Coe�a is hrs�bT a�w�d�d t�+aR �c+�ad ,s� ol�lews t _ p . �t'l�i� ia �tl�ia secti.e�a � F-� s�l�zri��� 1 � t�i aat�aacit� f t�a = �il t�o smr�d -6t3 da�►s. r t�s `` 1,3,,c�tew, o�c i�ri� �� fi�s �st �aoc�w� $,���� � � y (riVRii � � 0� �'�it �!� �8 �! !�'�l � : j�7r� ., � '�i'� � ���IIM �3ii '�!�!!l � �R . . �i�� � �- e .p . ..� � .. . .. �� .. � � �� ��� i �� � �r � � �ti Orl ` �it"it � !i � d . « t� � � • i � s . � o a t a a � . m aar' s� �1` � ;t j COUNCIL MEMBERS ' - � Yeas Nays Requested by De ment of: Dimond . �ue In Fav r coswitz Rettman B , sche;n� Agains Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved b ' ity Attomey Adopted by Council: _ Date • - : , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . . By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May for Submission to Council By BY � , . . . . . .. WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S I T PAiTL Cou il ���`�v� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR FIl NO. Ordi CG Ord ance 1�0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Da Out of Committee By D e -2- � `� ec ion 2 This ordin ce shall take ef ect and be in f rce thirty days from and after it passage, ap r al and publica on. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depa m t of: Dimond �ng In F'av r Goswitz Rettman \ s�ne;n�o Agains BY Sonnen Wilson Form App oved by i A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by May r for Submission to Council By BY