89-998 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUf1C11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PALT ��—�'Q� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Coun 'l Resolutio 53� ____J Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That application (ID 24 64) for a General pair Garage License by Firestone ir & Rubber Company A Firestone Store at 2269 Ford Pa kw , be and the same s hereby approved. I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays R uested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor coswilz Rettman � B Scheibel A gai n s t Sonnen Wilson JUN — � �9 or Approved by Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date . Certified : e b o ncil re BY �/Z i""�� By- � Approved b : avor• __ �UN — 5 '�! A pro ed by Mayor for Submissi to Council By � Y PUBItSt�D JUN 101989 ����' DEPARTMENTlOFFlCEJOOUNqI DATE INI o 17 6 6 Fi nance Li cense GREEN SiH AT NO. INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqI C • � _ � � CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUBT 8E ON COUNdI A(iENDA BV(DATE) BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVIf�S DIR. 5-30�89 �MAYOR(OR A881ST TOTAL fi�OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP LL ATIONS FOR SI�iNATU ACTION RE�UEB'TED: Approval of an application r General Repair Ga age License. Notification Date: 5-10-89 Hearin Date 5-30-89 REO�AMENDATIONS:Apprars(N ar Rejact(R) CIL MIT1'EElRE8EARCM REPORT OPTIONAL YST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMIS810N _CIVIL BERVICE COMMiS310N _GB COMMITTEE _ MEN : _STAFF _ � _DISTRICT COURT — 8UPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Whsrs, y): Firestone Tire & Rubber m ny DBA The Firesto e Store at 2269 Ford Parkway, reque ts Council approva1 of its app1ication for a Genera1 Repair Gar ge LicenSe. . A11 fees nd app1ications have been received. All re uired. divisions - 1ice, Fire, License and Zoning have given t i approva1s. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: If approval is given, ir stone Tire & Rubbe Co. ,will operate a Firestone Store at 22 F rd Parkway. DISADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION /REVENUE BUDQETED(dRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE VITY NUMBER C��``"'"'+ ��`��`�!�r�� ���'�►+A C FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � 1 {`��5� ��/3`� 1 C� . ��--��� IiIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMIIVIS RA ION llATE ` ''��� �/ � 7 Z� � INTERPF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A n Proce sed/Received Lic Enf Aud � � � �✓►'�Son Applicant "IY�S-�'pn� � Ir2 f �bbf �C) Home Address 300 CI �� �'�`� � Rusiness Name }"I r eS�h� S��D✓ Home Phone S�o �`3 C�g� Business Address ao��p �D�Cl 1' Type of License ) (..� QYLQ✓Q� ��Qqt►r Business Phone Public Hearing Date � � p License I.D. 4� � 3�O at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha er , g. �� ���� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. llate Nutice Sent. ..µ� Dealer 4f � �' to Applicant + � �� '�l d rederal I'irea �6 �U �" Public Hc_aring DATE I�'S EC IUN REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 UTER) CUMMENTS A roved ot A roved � Bldg I & D � � � �1 � �� Health Divn. ' ;, �1� � � Fire Dept. I � � S � � O � Police Dept. I �n� /a �"� �f'a1 � � License Divn. S $ � � � City Attorney � � � � , � Date Received Site Plan � 0 � � (,� � To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter � �' I ate from Landlord �� CITY OF AL PAUL �� �Q d ' � DEPARTl�iT OF FINANCE A MANAGFaiEN? SERVIC S LICENSE AND E IT DIVISI0�1 i i Th�se statasent for� ass issusd in duplicate. ease answ�r all q otiono fully and co�pl��sly. Thia applicatiop i� tborou�bly ch�ci�d. Any 1 fication vill bs •� gos d�nial. .++ 1) AppllcaCiou for (typ� of 11C�DSS) Gener 1 epair License 2) Nams of applicant Firestone Tire & Rub er Com an 3) Applicant's titl� (corporats officer. eo e wner. partaer. oth r) Corporate Officer .. ,-- 4) Na�e und�r which thi• bu�in��• vill b� c nd cted: ��-' =.; Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Fi estone Store ' Applicant Coopany �a�e Do Buains�� Aa �� S) Busine�� telephone number 1-612-690-5 �23 .; r7 _. G� 6) If applicant i�/haa b��n a �arrisd fs e. liat maidon sus� N A 7) Data of birth N/A /,-I�3 �v A� N/A place of b1 h N/A ��h���nlc� — . 8) Ara you a citizsn ot ths IIaitsd Stat�a N/A Nativ� N/A Nsturalizad N/A 9) Are you a r��istsrsd vot�s? N A �.o ere? N A � 10) Homs addr�as OT h v �s! Phons � N/A �//����� I1) Prs��At bu�ia��� addr��s p Bu� as Phon� 1-612-561-0811 Brooklyn Ce te , MN 55430 12) Iacludin� your pss�snC bu�iu�a�/nplo , t+hat busin�a�/ loys�at hsvs you tollorid for th� past �ivs ysass. Buainsss/E�loyaant �ddr�as Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 205 N. l�Iichig Ave. , Suite 3800, Chicago, IL , p 0601 � �O- O �.�y3� 13) Marri�dl ,J�IA If ansW�r is "ys�". 1 c nawe and addrsa oi �pou.�. � Od �h SSy y 14) Hava you evsr beea arrastsd fos an o fe ae that hsa r�oult in a conviction? � If answar is "ys�". liat dats� of ar sa a. where. charg�s. onfiction�, and s�ntauc�a. Dats of arrsst N/A �_. 1 N/A Where N/ Charge N A Conviction N A Sentenca N/A � � I �� ��� Date of arre�t N/A , 19 N Where N/A Charga N/A Coaviction N/A � Sontsnca /A 15) Attach a copy h�r�to of a l�as� a�r�es nt or proof of ownsr� ip for th� prasia�� at which a lics�s vi11 b� luld. See Attach d 16) Attach to thia application a d�tailed es ription of th� ds gn, locatiop. and oquas� footage of the prasiaea to be license (s te plan) . Buildi Dept� City of St. Paul has a complete set of plans on file. Bldg. er it 4�068244 issued /9/88. See attached copy. 17) Give nasas and sddrasa�� o! tvo psrso o are local r�sid to who cau �iv it�fas�ation concerain� you. Nam� Addraos Firestone Store � 491 Jackson St. , St. Paul, MN 55101 Firestone Store 2401 Hudson Ro d, St. Paul, MN 55119 18) Addr�aa of prssios• for which Licsase or Permit is mads. Addreas 2269 Ford Parkwa , St. Pau , 55116 Zo Classification Commercial � 19) Batve�n what crosa atreet�? t�Thich s1d� of strut? North - 20) Are prs�i��• nar occupiad? No �_ Wh�t bu�ia�as? N A Har lon�? N/A 21) Liat lic�os�(s). busin��• oa�(�) . ocation(�) vrhich y u cnss�s�tl� lwld, lort�sly h�ld. or �ay hav� sn iat�ssat in� aad loca lo s of •aid licsaa�( ). We currentl have all the re uired li enses to do busine s in St. Paul, MN at Firestone stores 491 Jackson Street, 2401 Hu so Road and 1170 Rob rt St�eet, W. St. Paul, MN. 22) Hav� any of the lic�nss� listad by u n Np. 21 aver b�� rwoksdt Ysa Mo �_ If answr 1s "y��". liat datas and ae ns. 23) Do you have an intsreat of any type in any other busiasas or businase pssds�s not listsd in f�21? Yes _ No = If anaw r s "yes", list bus a�, buola��i addrsss, aad tala— phon� nusbsr. 24) If buein�s� is iacorporat�d. �ivs d t• of incorporation Au s 3 � 19 00 _ and attach co of Articls� of Iaco o ation and minutsa f fisat n�ttin . �� � � � r�-��� . . . � 25) List all officar� of the corporation givi g heir nassa, office held. hows addr�ss. dat• of birth, aad bo�a and bwinsso t�lephone n bers. � J.J. Nevin--Chariman of the Board, 20 N Michigan Ave., Su e �3800, Chicago, IL 60601 1-312-819-0001. -- de & Ch ef 0 eratin 0 ficer, 1200 Firest e Parkwa , Akron, OH 44317. Tele hone 4� 1-216-379-7000 26) Ii the bueineea ia a partnerahip, liat p rt er(s) addrsea. pho e numbar, 4nd dat• of birth. 27) Are you going to opssate thi• busin�sa er onally? %w If t, who will opsrst• it? Giv� their naas. ho�ae addr�sa. dato of ir h. and telsphona n ber. • T' e & Rubber Co. 1200 F es one Parkwa , Akron OH. Local mgr. has not yet been assigned to this location. Th s b siness will open a out June , . 28) Ar� you �oing to havs a una��r or ars t t in this buait�� Yes If aaaM�r i� "y�s". �iv� na�, hoM addr�s�. dats oi birth e telaphona nwbsr The assistant manager has not yet b en assigned. Busines will open about June 1, 1989. 29) Hae anyoos you hava namad ia qusetions #2 through +i26 ev�r eea arssatad? �_ If answas ie "q�s". list nsss of psrwo, d�ts• o a reet. whars. char� s, coavictiow, apd a�ntsacs. 30) I D H 'son u derataad thi� ps s• �ay bs insp�ctsd by ths Polica, Fis�, Hulth, aud athar city ff cials at any and and all ti�ss rlNn tbs bu�in�a� i• in op�ration. State of Minnaaota ) ' ) A il 11 1 89 County of ita�s�y ) S nature of Applica D�ts • restone Tire & Rub er Co. D.D. Harrison eicg duly sworn, dspo a and saya upoa oatb th4t h� has raad th� fora�oing atat�'snt ea ing his signatura knows th� cont�nta th�rsof. and thaC the sam� is trus ot hia owa kn wl�dge except aa t thoo� msttsrs th�s�la atatad upon infoniation and bali�f and aa t c ose mattars hs b�l sv�• thss to b� tsw. Subscribed and swora to bsfor• a� thia 1� day of APril 1 89 -c:�:�.:z;.:,:� :��,.�.;.;��:��.��a.�.��;: • .. ..a., ,-„��.�� . � �. �, -� ;� _ _ , Notary Public, Hennepin ou t MII�i ��'�" , •" ;�'�`'y �:y� ?�%7i �'r.�w y, ,. My comsission expires _ R�v. 2/88 ���6 �, .. • - _. Ci of �aint Paul ` Department of Fina ce nd Management Servi s �����Q� License nd ermit Division 03 ity Halt St. Paul, Mi nes ta 55102•298•5056 �� APPLICA 0 FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLA NO. w Renew ao � o �� Date � � 19=,L i Code No. Title o( License From � 1�To 19� . ' ,2 , 120_ lao• ' ^ � �� �,�s�fl 1 l�':e.� ��IobPf� ,- r ,-�h� ApplieanUComp y Name �� , ✓ � 0 y�� S �,� 100 Buaineas Name �oo �2� � �'0�'d a✓ ! U� Business Addro Pho e No. 100 `� S � • T CI l,�.. � r� S�J//(p 100 Mail to Address Phone No. �oo �.� . t✓ ►'�5�+� MansqerlOwne Name ���r.. ,o0 2 rdD N� A-�.�� �Vo 3v�� � Uv9 100 AlanayenGwn •Home Addresa Phone No. 4098 AppliCation Fee , 50 —� ✓ Received the Sum of 100 �Y(� /•� n �ci + � � /�� f� , ManagerlOw •City.State 3 21p Code 100 T tal 100 _.-� UCense InSpeCtor �,'� By: �`�' Signature o(Applicant Bond• Company Name PoHcy No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. I Expiratlon Date Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: ��" Sfrial Number • ate umbsr • �tf18�: THIS IS A C IPT FOR APPUCATIO • THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application fo lice se will either be granted or r cted sub�ect to the provisfons of the zonin� ordinancs and compistion oi the fnspections by the Healt Fir ,Zoninp snd/or license Insp tors. af �. I ' i $15.00 CHARGE OR ALL RETURNED CHEC ,. .��-z�' �-� � -�� U� �/ � I