89-994 ' ! l� ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COU IL FILE NO. ' FINAL ORDER � ��°:.�,.... - gy _ , _ File . Z-8.7th sYID6B Voting In the Matter of r�ao�ts �zistias st t 22� d�!`ici�t tte 1� and r�tainia� Ward �nalls ov�r bridge �o. 8b bet�e�eea P�a� A aad I�tnds Bl�rd. � Alsc> rsao�� �ra2b. raili s and li�htina. ; aeeonitr�ct r�taining ls x+�Its, railiags an ligbting for Bridge ifo. 9A336 b�t�ee P A� and M�aa Blvd. under Preliminary Order " ` � � approved � � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul h co ducted a public hearing u on the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the ity harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all pers s, bjections and recommenda i ns pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, t ere re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Cit of aint Paul does hereby ord r that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dire ted and authorized to pro ed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the om letion of said improvemen the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the s me o the City Council in accor nce with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the ouncil: Date JuN — j � Yeas� Na s ���s ��, Certifie assed y Council Secretar � �'�. �t� I Fav r By SCheii�2 p� Sanntn Z/ A ain 1i31aoe �UN _ 5 � Mayor pUBUSN� JUN 101989 s 1 �I`-_�j�-�'� L ' RE 4 12/8 CA"—a s QEPARTMEI�T/OFFlCE/�,OUNqI DATE INITIATED � /� Z O �Public Works - Bxidge 3-30-s9 REEN SHEET No. `t� CONTACT PERSWJ 8 PHONE INITIAU'DATE INITIAUDATE DEP MENT DtHECTOR �CITY COUNpL K e v i n N e 1 s o n � 6 314 �� nrroRN�r 0 c�Tr c�RK MUST BE ON COUNpL AGENDA BY r� 4���L�g ROUTINO BU ET DIRECTOR �FIN.i MOT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's f ce no MA oR�o�,�sr [i] Council Re TOTAL�i OF SIONATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL L TI S FOR SIONATUR� ACT10N REOUE8TED: Fir�l Order. E. 7TH ST. RET�INII� WALLS B '�e Fb. 90386 between qne Ave. and Mout�ds Blvd. Remove existirg trestle, r�ralks, roili a lightirg. Construct 'mng walls, walks, railingsandlighting. (File . E. 7th Bridge) t�coMMEwDnnoriS:Mw�e W a�sc�(R) COUNqI ITT EAFiCFI REPORT _PLANNINO COMM18810N _pVIL 3ERVICE COMMISSION AWILY8T PNONE NO. _dB COMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WIiICN COUNdI OBJECfIVE9 INITIATIN(i P � , n, �Why): The existing trestle is badly �#eriorated a ta be replaced. The estle supports the south eastbound lane a� the�uth r�ral k. The raiti bo#h sides of E. 7#h are teriora#ed and ne.ed to be repl�l. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: t. lawer mai nte�r�e costs. 2. Prorrides a safer raadw�y,sidereralk end aili . 3. Provides an attr�ctive crossing af the S tlollorr are,a. DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: East 7th r►ill be restrict�to#hree lar�es r rreeks duri nq canstruc n. tbrrever,four l�nes rrill be open for the remai�er of#he project. truction will take appro tely 6 month�. D18ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The south eestbound lane and south wal ari 1 eventually trerre to be c . There l�ave been a number of localized failures of tf� roadway str u es. There rrilt be traffic delays if the tres e i ciosed. , _ - The roed currently carries Z0,000 icl per day. ���'n�?! Res��rch Center ' /�P� ? � ;;::�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 617 O O O (�gT/REVENUE 8 (dRCLE ONE) YE$ NO FUNp�Np SOU�In D 0 T M S A pCr�vt7r NuMae C 8 8—2 S 0 10 FlWINCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) i Mn/DOT $529, 000; M A $88, 000 ' � •s c � • � � ' o NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE tNCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE tN THE PURCHASIN(�OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below are prefened routlngs for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized OOUNCIL RESOIUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exiets) Accept.GraMs) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Cfty Attomey 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Srca. Director 5. (�ty Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief AccountaM, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNGL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 7. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Axournant 2. Gty Attorney 3. Depertment Ofrector 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Dfrector 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountar►t, Fln�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepertmeM 2: City Attomey 3. MayodAssistant 4. Gty qerit TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pa�s. ACTION REGIUESTED Describe what the proJect/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal ordbr or order of importance,whichever is rtwst eppropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Completa ff ttre issue in question has been presented before any body, public or prlvate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate whi�h Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by Ifsting the key word(s)(HOU31N(i, RECREATION, NEI(iHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNC�L INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditbns that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED .indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there aro speciflc ways tn which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�ect/action. DISADVANTAQ�ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past proceases might this projecUrequeat produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic deleys, noise, tax increases or assessmenta)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequeru�s if the promised actfon is not epproved�Inability to deliver�rvice?Continued high traffic, noise, euxident rate? Losa of revenue� FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . . I ��-�� � Members: CITY O AINT PAU Roger J. Goswitz� chair � �,,;,, Janice Rettman _�����i g: OFFIOH3 O � CITY COQNUI Tom Dimond � Date: May 17, 198 Co m ttee Report RECEIVED , , � MAY 171989 To: Saint Paul City Coun il � CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utili i , and Transp rtation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air 1. Approval of minutes f ay 3, 1989. Hearing Date ' 2. 6/1/89 RATIFICATION OF ASS SS NTS: For constr tion Approved of storm sewer syste c nnections incident to 4-0 the CLEVELAND/ST. C AIR AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Work co pleted during 1988 construction season. 3. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: , For a ng a temporary e ement Approved under and across e est 20 feet of L s 10 4-0 thru 20, Block 8, er ill's Subdivision Rice � Street Villas for th ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS AREA � . STORM SEWER PROJECT 4. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: . Re ov existing struc rally Approved deficient trestle a d retaining wall over 3-0 Bridge No. 90386, lo ated on E. SEVENTH STREET . between Payne Ave ue and Mounds Blvd. Also remove walks, rai in s and street li hting. � Reconstruct retain g alls, walks, raili gs and street lighting fo Br dge #90386. 5. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF AS ES ENTS: For cons uction Approved . of sanitary sewer an water service con ctions 4-0 incidental to th D E/HOYT AREA STO SEWER PROJECT. Work ompleted during 1988 construction seaso . 6. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF AS ES MENTS: For cons ruction Approved of storm sewer se vice and water service 4-0 . connections incide ta to the SEVENTH/F K AREA SEWER PROJECT. , Wo k completed duri g 1988 construction seas . 7. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: I pr ing SARGENT AVENU betweet� Approved Snelling and as al, as part f the 4-0 SYNDICATE/FAIRMOU T SSP PROJECT, by gr ing and � paving and inst 11 ng a green lante style street lighting sy tem. Also connec ions if requested by prop rt owner. ; i CITY HALL SEVEN H LOOR SAINT PAUI.� MINNESOTA 55102 �.. - ��� ��� I � 8. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Improv g ELBY AVENUE bet en Approved Howell and Fairvie , as part of he 4-0 CLEVELAND/PORTLAND CS P ROJECT by grading nd paving and installin a green lantern st et lighting system. Als c nnections if reque ed by property owners. 9. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Improv ng LYTON PLACE from ice Approved Street to Sylvan Str et Atwater Street rom 3-0 Rice Street to Sylvan tr et, Hardenbergh P ace w/amend.to from Lyton Place to wa er Street and Ste lar delete Street from Lyton P ac to Atwater Stree as Lyton P1. part of the SYLVAN/A KE AREA CSSP PROJEC by from F.O. grading and paving nd constructing a s eet lighting system. A1 0 onstructing connec ons if requested by prope ty owners. 10. RATIFICATION OF AWA 0 DAMAGES: (Amende ) - Approved For the MARSHALL/ INE SEWER SEP TION 4-0 PROJECT in the vicini y f Pascal and the M dway Shopping Center. I 11. RESOLUTION 89-706: c pting the report the Approved St. Paul Citizens ol d Waste Task Forc and 4-0 endorsing the gene al concept of develop g a comprehensive solid as e management syste and expressing apprecia io and commending o the task force for thei h rd work. (Referr to Committee 4/25/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89-731: Au horizing the prope City Approved officials to execute a agreement with the State 4-0 Department of Tran or ation authorizing Trunk Highway funds t e used for te orary construction or re is on of traffic sign s at various locations long I-94 corrid in downtown St. Pau . (Referred to Co ittee 4/27/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-769: ending the 1984, 1 86 and Approved 1987 CIB budget y transferring fund from 4-0 Johnson Parkway/E t hore Drive to EAST SHORE DRIVE from Johns arkway-Larpenteur Avenue project. (Referred to ommittee 5/4/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-770 Requesting the M or to Laid Over In direct the Departm nt of Finance and Ma gement Committee to to reduce by $28,0 0 he 1989 assessment gainst 5-31-89 properties which d d ot receive promise street cleaning service in the Fall of 1988. (Referred to Commi te 5/4/89) . I I � � � � I � . . ' � � �y� � 15. RESOLUTION 89-772: n ng 1989 CIB budget by Sent Back To transferring $150,000 un s for paving of PA AL Committee from Marshall to Co co dia. (Referred to without Committee 5/4/89). Recommend. 16. RESOLUTION 89-623: e ding C.F. 88-1757 by Sent Back to changing the width o c nstruction of PA AL Council w/o. from Marshall to Conc rd a from 44 feet, ith Recommend. parking on both sides to 36 feet, with par ing w/amendments on one side. (Laid ov r n Committee 5/3/89 17. RESOLUTION 89-625: o ing the State har ess Laid Over In for granting a vari nc to allow existenc of Committee to three utility poles it in the two-foot ear 5-31-89 zone required by M A standards on CHE NUT STREET between W. 7t a d Smith. (Laid ov in Committee 5/3/89) . � 18. RESOLUTION 89-323: P1 n to phase out ce tain Laid Over In water systems. (Laid ve in Committee 5/3/ 9) . Committee to 5-31-89 19. RESOLUTION 89-786: E ablish Toxic Ch ical Laid Over In Task Force. Committee to 5-31-89 20. REQUEST of Gary K st er for a waiver t the Denied street improvement eq irement for devel ment 3-0 . of property on SKYWA D IVE south of Highw od. 21. Other Business. � I i � I � ' ��e,,,�'C.. � � Cr� ST. PAUL I Y COUN IL ��-��� PUBLIC HE ING NOT� E , PUBLIC IMPROVEM T CONS RUCTION �2 CEIVED City Council District 417 Planning District 4�4&S Dear Property Owner: M 121"�� File No. X E. 7th C Y CLER�'� Bridge To decide on whether to proceed with E. 7t retaining walls over PURPOSEBridge No. 90386 bet ee Payne Avenue and ounds Boulevard. Remove _ existing trestle, w ks railings and ligh ing. Construct retaining ANDWalls, walks, raili s, and lighting. LOCATION :� Thursday, June 1, 1 89 at 9:00 A.M. HEARING City Council_Chambe s, Third Floor City H 11 - Court House • --------- ------------------ ------------y------------j Please note that th P blic Works Committ e of the Cit Council will discuss this item a d evelop a recommend tion to the full City Council. Please br ng any unresolved con erns that you may have to this meeting on e esday, May 17, 198 , in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:0 A. . ESTIMATED ON TRUCTION COSTS 17,000 FINANCING ESTIMATED IN NCING: INFORMATION Mn/DOT 529,o00 Minnesot S ate Aid 88 000 TOTA E IMATED FINANCING 617,000 , i � � I I I � i� i� ;� � . . _ �- � , � � I I I � J / . P�EL "OitD�EB " r Council File No. 89-713—By Tom Di on • �-;a In the Matter o �eYi��i��� g 4'a'i��ffci�a�#f�3t�a�ci �� r�g walls over$ridge�b°�9��r`��i' �PiV�:j�ni��d4"�v�;= '�mb�� walk�, railings.and ligbtiing: �eeQtist ct � a;�frt�q•�'a11s;'�altta�"r' �gs�rid lighting far Bi'idge No. 90388 betrovee Pa e Ave. and�'u,C"ourids$lvd: '�Tc{ting Ward 7. . ;: _ T.he.�ouncil af the City b�Saint I? i ving received the report bf e 1Kayd� upon thp above improvement,'and �SS ' g considered s9'iti'repo , hereby resolves: • , , 1. That the said report and e ame fs hereby appr.oved!with rio alternatives,aa�d that the esti t cast;thereof i�$617,Qt�f' anced by �innesQta'Department of'Tx sp ation�$529;000 an� �Quni ai State ; �a�ss,000. : 2. That a public hearing be had.�, �ca improvement on tlie.lst.c�' 'of June, 1989 at 10`.00 'clock a.m.,in Q uncil Chambers:of e i a an ' , qu ouse uilding.in t$e ity f S�int P�ul. . ' 3,,. '�t no;tice of�aid,pu�}li�C� la. ���i i$��C�l,�°�,t�e � ��� �ff�'tTie manner provide�by the C`�a ex, a�ing the ime ah e T� �g �1���t��'e°f��e�,'n?�'ro,verr}e ap the total cos�th�rso �'s;` }��i�:"' i:ir[s z _[ � !) F, � .��: ;n it rttt ,. . .i! ' �� - `n � ���� y F . `f.Y34l�'Di1 sh.�..�r�$��.rt�trti. �:��q<< ��;; ,,� �,, 4,t,.,..,n _� _. � � � . Adopted by the Council Ap�il Z5, 198 ,, , '� Appraved,A�ri125;9989.- ` ' (M 6� �) --_ il � � � I �