89-990 I - C�TV CLERK - FINAN�E GITY OF S I T PALTL Coun 1 _ANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council e olution i ::' �:� , , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Da� ����/�� Out of Committee By D e Wf�REAS, the Division of Public ea h has requested t City Council to hold a public hearing to consider th advisability and essity of the correction or wrecking and removal o a two-story, wood fr , fire damaged, single family house, which 's ocated on property ereafter referred to as the "Subject Propert " nly }mown as 97 Minnehaha Avenue East, Saint Paul, Minnesota, th Abstract property s legally describ�d. as: Lot 6, Block 110, Schiff nn's Subdivision of Bl k 109 and 110, Lyman Dayton's Addition, cr. rding to the recor plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey Co ty Minnesota. �. WHFREAS, based u�n the recor s �n the Ramsey Count Recorder's Office on November 17, 1988 the followin rsons are owners, ' terested parties or respc�nsible �rties of the S 'ec � Property: Virgi). . Burns, 2127 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, NLN 55 04; Norwest Bank St. P ul, National Assoriation, 55 E. .`�th Street, S . :�ul, MI�t 55101 Attn: Cal Gr_eening; Minnesota Housing Finance Agency 4 0 Sibley St. , Suit 300, St. Paul, MN 55101_; George J. Morill.i, Addre U own; Franres L. rilli, Address Unknown; Norwest Bank St. Paul, fo rly dba Northwes rn National Bank of St. Paul , 55 F.. 5th St., St. Pa l, MN 55101; Energy R ource Center, 427 St. Clair Avenue, St. Paul, Nl�i 51 2; Greg Paranto, 2 0 W. Co. 42, Burnsville, I�IIQ 55337; P.E.D Pr j Services, 12th F1 r City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fourth Street, St. Paul, MN 55102, Attn: She Pemberton; David E. Passons, Address Unknown; Mai-i yn E. Passons, Addres. Un]mown; Joel Burns, Address Un}�own; Clifford H. o , Address Unknown; rnadine E. Brown, 2196 Lower Afton Road Apt. #3 1, t. , St. Paul, NI�T 5 119; Knutson Mortgage and Financial Corp. , 8400 No n ale Lake Boulevard, Suite 700, Bloomington, NdV 55437 Attn: C e 1 Perez; Federal N ional Nk�rtgage Association, P.O. L�ox 24850, s Angeles, CA 90024; ussel Corporation, Inc. , 1850 Como Avenue, St. aul , !�IIV 5510�, Attn: J lie O'Donnell; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond iu� n avor , Goswitz Rettroan + , Sc6eibel g nst BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ' e City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � ����1 By tapproved by Mavor: Date _ Ap r ayor fo bmiss to Council I _. By I I _ �f9'`�d DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITL4TED 4-27-89 GREEN SHEE No. 2 5 7 8 CONTACT PER80 d PHONE • INITIAU DA INITIALIDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpI Steven R. Roy �� An�N�v 0 c�Ty c�.�RK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO DCiET DIRECTOR ; �FIN.�M(�T.SERVICES DIR. YOR(OR A8SI8TAN � TOTAL�Y OF SIQNATURE PAQES 2 (CLIP ALL LO ATI NS FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION RE�UESTED: City Council to pass this resolution which il order the owner t tear down or complete repair of this building within thirty (30) y of the mailing of his resolution or the City will tear down the building. The subject p pe ty is located at 9 6 Pqinnehaha AvenuemEast. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw pq a RsHct(f� COUNCIL ESEARCH REPORT OPTIO _PLANNINO OOMMI8810N _qVll SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ �MMENTB: _STAFF _ _DISTRICf OOURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTiVE7 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whero,Wh�: This building is a nuisance according to Chap er 45 of the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code. The owners were given an order to repair or t ar down the building January 10, 1989 but failed to comply. The house has been unoccup ed since Ma.y of 1988. The house has been vacant since May of 1988, and the building h s emained vacant sin Ma.y of 1988. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The City wi11 tear down the building and elimi at a nuisance if the owners do not comply with the Council Order. . DISADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: It will cost the City approximately $5,000.00 t $ ,000.00 to tear do the building. The cost will be assessed against the property. DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: If the building is not torn down, a nuisance wil c ntinue to constitu e a serious health hazard (potential fire danger, rodent and in ect harborage, pot tial crime, blighting influence on the neighborhood) . C,�,�„��.�. ,�` r 'M1 �. � ., _ : �„ Cen�er. �,';;M,f e7 �,:��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : /RE ENUE BUDOETED(CiRCLE ONE) YES' NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACT ITY UMBER 33261 FlNANCIAL INWRMATION:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of dxuments: ' CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOWTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. GraMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 8. Chief AccountaM, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initisting Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. DepaRmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAasistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of psges on which signatures are required and e�ercl� each of these pages. ACTION RE�UESTED Descrtbe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish fn either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objecUve(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditfons that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speci�ic wa in which the Gry of Satnt Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?Whe�?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? � � ' . C�����o inh�;REAS, the Division of Public H 1 has issued orders identified as a "Dangerous Structure Notice" dated v r 11, 1988 whic is attached and incorporated as part of this Reso t' n by this refere . This order was served in accordance with the pro is' ns of Chapter 45 the Saint Paul Legislative Code on all owners, ' ested parties and ' esponsible garties of the Subject Property �o�an !to he enforcement of� cer. The riotice and order infornied these parti s t the two story, frame, fire damaged, single family house 1 on the Subject Pr rty is a dangerous structure and a nuisar�ce t to Sections 45.� , Subd. 3, and 45.02, Si�bd. 10 of the St. Paul ' 'slative Code. The vember 11, 1988 order also had attached to it a is of deficiencies r rding the house on the Subject Property, said 1 st is attached and i rporated as p�art of this resolution; and I Wf�RF,AS, the November 11, 1988 o er infonnecl all awner�, interested parties and responsible parties that he must either repai the house on the Subject Property by correcting th 1 st of deficienciesl y d�nolish the house, either action to take plac January 10, 1989. j Wf�2EAS, no action has been taken� r rding compliance ith the November 11, 1988 notice and order, s a result the Div sion of Public Health requested that a public heari scheduled to takejplace on Thursday, June 1, 1989 for the City il to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correc 'o of the nuisance co ition or in the alternative consider the dem�lit' n nd reartioval of this house; and W�S, the above referenced r , interested parti and responsible parties have been served 'ce in accordance th the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Sain ! P 1 Legislative Cod of the time and purpose of the June l, 1989 hear'ng fore the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held befo e he Saint Paul City uncil on June 1, 1989 and all testimony and evid �e as considered by t Council. NC�W, Tf�REF0�2E, BE IT RESOLVED t t based upon all of e testimony and evidence presented at the June 1 1 89 hearing the Sai Paul City Council hereby adopts the following in ings and Order con rning the house at 976 Minnehaha Avenue East: ' I 1. That on May 24, 1988 the hou ocated on the Subj t Property was determined to be vacant and open to cc ss. The house hasl emained vacant ar�l has been either open or boarded i e May of 1988. 2. That since May of 1988 the C ty of Saint Paul has n several occasions issued orders to the owner make this house s e and not accessible On two occasions, beca o the inaction on t part of the owners, the City has had to hire a i te contractor to e the house secure and not open to access. 3. That the owners of the Subj t roperty have r ly failed to register and pay the vacant buildin f for this struct as r��;red by City ordinance. ��\� , z- � . � � - � ��--.�9d 4. That there are now and have n ince May of 1988, ltiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code vi lations in existe at the Subject Property. � 5. That the owners, interested i s and responsible rties of this house are as previously stated i t 's resolution. The individuals have been properly served notice of e 1, 1989 hearing concerning this house. 6. That the awners, interested ' s or responsible rties have been ordered to repair this house and failed to do so. 7. That on November 11, 1988 a us Structure Not' e was sent to the o�wners, interested parties and re ible parties orde ng these persons to either demolish the house r repairs and co�t ect the list of deficiencies by January 10, 1989. 8. That the order of November 11 1 88 has been disrega� ed by the owners, interested parties and respon ib e parties. 9. That the twoo story, vaood fr , ire clarnaged, singl family house located on the Subject Property is a n erous structure r Section 45.01, Subd. 3, of the Saint Paul Le� sl tive Code in that is "any structure which is potentially dange us to persons or pro y inclucling but rtiot limited to", "a structure whi h s in danger of part�'al or com�lete collapse". 10. That the tw�o story, wood fr , ire damaged, singl family house located on the Subject Property is a ui e as defined r Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 10 in that it is a gerous structure located in the City of Sain P ul that has crea a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threa n the public peace, ealth, safety or sanitary condition of the City or hi h is offensive or s a blighting inf luence on the carr�xanity. i 11. That the cost of abatement of hi nuisance is est' ted to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or e tement involves e�nolition of a house other than a structure accesso a residential bui ding. . The Saint Paul City Council her es the following rder: 1. The above referenced owners, in rested parties responsible parties and their assigns shall make th Subject Property fe and not detrimental to the public peace, hea h, safety, and welfa arul remove its blighting influence on the c it by rehabilitating � his l�ilding and correcting those deficiencies se f rth in the list pr iously referenced in accordance with all a li le codes and ord' es, or in the alternative by demolishing the '1 ing and filling th site in accordance with all applicable codes 'an ordinances. The ilitation or d�nolition of this house m�zst be leted within thirt (30) days of the date of mailing of this resoluti n. cr ��� ~� _ _ � �3 � WNITE —,F�TV CL6RK 11/�C1I ��/`jj/����nnn PINK � — FINANCE GITY OF A NT PALTL 1 J� � - C�ANARV — DEPARTMENT �ye NO• ;I' � �� BLUE — MAYOR Council solution Presented By Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By te 2. If the above corrective acti n �s not cc�leted wi in the thirty (30) day time geriod, the proper Cit o icials of the Cit of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatev r eps are necessary demolish this building and fill the site and ha ge the costs incur against the Subject Property pursuant to the pro is'ons of Section 45. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the house is to be demolished by the ty of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixt es of any kind which 11 unreasonably interfere with the dem� it on and removal sha be r�aved fro�n the building by the owners, in re ted parties and re nsi.ble parties by the end of the thirty (30 y time period. If he personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall r ve and dispose of such property and fixture a is provided by la . 4. IT IS FURTEIER ORDE�2ED that a ce ified copy of thi resolution and the incorporated Order and list of d fi iencies be mailed the last laiowtl address of the owners, interes parties and respon ' le parties pursuant to Section 45.11, Subdivisi n 5) . 4- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm t of: Yeas Nays Dimond .� [n Favor cosw;tz ���� Rettman J B sche;ne� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson p� JUN — � ��7� Form Appr d b City ttorne�y Adopted by Council: Date L/ �f Certified Pas e b�(�ic,il Se ary BY � '�-(� `� 3 U�� � By t�pproved M vo : _ JUN — � ^"^ Approve ayor u ion to Council f-- � ' c pt7B�tSN�D Jt1N 101989 II �� ���d ar:;._=o,. IITY OF SAINT PAUL • ,d DEPARTMEN7 OF OMMUNITY SERVICES �� _'��_� ' �� DI ISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,• `�n,�m.��' S55 Cedar S reet, Saint Paul,MinnesoW 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer R�C�'�V�(� Mayor April 2�, 1989 MAY 011989 c�rY c�t�crc Mr. President and MemY�ers of the City Council Re: 976 Minnehaha Avenue East Date of Hearing: June 1, 1989 , District Council: 4 Honorable Council: I The Division of Public Health is hereb s itting its repor on the condition of the structure at the l�ation refer ed to above. The owners of record are: Virgil A. Burns 2127 Marshall Ave. Fee Owner) St. Paul, M[�T 55104 Norwest Bank St. Paul, National Assac. 55 E. 5th St. Mortgagee) , St. Paul, NIl�l 55101 Attn: Cal Greening Minnesota Housing Finance Agency 40� Sibley St. , Suite 30� Nbrtgage Assignee) St. Paul, NIlV 55101 ' George J. Morilli Mortgagor) (LTNEQ�TOWN) Frances L. Morilli tMortgagor) (UNIQ�TOWN) Norwest, fornlerl dba Y Northwestern National Bank of St. Paul tMortgage Assignee) 55 E. 5th St. St. Paul, NI�I 55101 Attn: Cal Greening Energy Resources Center 427 St. Clair Ave. (Mortgagee) St. Paul, NIl�T 55102 , � iI Mr. President and Members of the City Council April 27, 1989 Page -2- The owners of record are: tcontinued) ' Greg Paranto 2500 W. Co. 42 Realtor for Virgil . Burns) Burnsville, NH�1 55337 P.E.D. Project Services 'i � 12th Floor City Hall Annex Mortgage Assigned �o) 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul NIlV 55102 Attn: Sheryl Pemberton David E. Passons Mortgagor) (UNfQ�IOWN) I Marilyn E. Passons (Mortgagor) (UNfQ�TOR�VN) Joel Burnsor (Mortgagor) (UNIQ�iOWN) Clifford H. Brown (Mortgagor) (UNfQ�TC7WN) Bernadine E. Brown t�`'1o�9a9or> 2196 Lawer Afton Rd., Apt #301, St. Paul, NII�7 55119 Knutson Mortgage and Financial Corp. 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd., Stiiite 700 ' (Mortgagee) Bloomington, NIl�1 55437 Attn: Cheryl Perez Federal National Nbrtgage Assoc. � (Nbrtgage Assignee P.O. Box 24850 I Los Angeles, CA 90024 Sussel Corporation, Inc. 1850 Cosno Ave. �1`'��9a9�> St. Paul, 1�fl�1 55108 Attn: Julie O'Donnell The legal description of the abstract��pr perty is: Lot 6, lock 110, Schiffmann's Subdivision of Blocks 10 a 110, Lyman Dayto 's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereo , nd situate in Rams County, Minnesota. The l�uilding is a two-story, wood fr , fire damaged, sing e family house. The subject property has been unoc 'ed since May 1988. The house meets one or more of the c di ions that constitu a dangerous stnn�ccture, as defined in Chapter 45 t e Saint Paul Legis ative Code. � Mr. President and Members of the City Council April 27, 1989 Page -3- On November 11, 1988, the Division of ic Health mailed a order to the owners, interested parties and respons bl parties of this b � lding requiring that the building be either repaired, y orrecting the atta ed list of deficiencies, or demolished on or befo e anuary 10, 1989. I , smuch as the orders have not been corc�leted to the at sfaction of the Di 'sion and the continued abandoned condition of the b il ing contributes a ighting influence and potential hazard to the neighborh , it is the recomnen tion of the Division that the City Council pass a es lution ordering th� owners, interested parties and responsible par ie to either repair demolish the building in a timely manner to the sat sf ction of the City. In the event the owners, interested pa i s or responsible ies fail to comply with the Council Resolution, th D vision of Public H lth should be authorized to demolish the building an a sess all costs inc red in the demolition against the real estate as ial assessment t be collected in the same manner as taxes. Yo truly, ,,, / � f rank A� taf fen n �� Environmental alth Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City Attorn y Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, Building Inspecti n Warren Frost, PED District Housing Inspector I . �.��•��• ' ITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �: ' yC @� 11111;11111. �E i �� "" '' ' "` IVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH -;. i4 4 ��`°`� S55 C �Street,Saint P�ul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor — D�.'�TGEROLS TR CTURE NOTI E November 11, 1988 . . Virgil A. Burns , - 2127 Marshall Avenue Saint Paul, I�II�1 55102 RE: 976 Minnehaha Avenue East Schiffmann's Subdivision of Blocks 10 & 110, Lyman Daytc} 's Addition, Lot 6, Block 110. Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has dete ' that the above- ' ted building is a dangerous structure, which Chapte 4 of the St. Paul Le islative Code def ines as: "any structure which is potentiall Ida gerous to persons r property including but not limited to: (a) a structure which is in danger of partial or complet collapse; or � (b) a structure which has any exte io parts such as ch' eys, eaves, porches, siding, railings, or r' which are loose o in danger of falling; or (=c) a structure which has any part ch as porches, sta rs, ram�ps, � rails, balconies, or roofs whi h re accessible and ich are either collapsed, in danger of co lapsing, �or unablel support a person." The Ordinance further states that a dan er us �tructure is a 'sance and it may be ordered torn down by the City f you do not want have the City begin action to have the building or down you are here notified that the attached list of deficiencies s be repaired or yo must have the building torn down on or before Jan 10, 1989. Any re ir or de.molition must be ccxnpleted in accorda ce with all applicabl laws. If the work is not co�leted or if you v not had the build� torn down by the above date, the Division of Publ' ealth will refer t s matter to the City Council to receive authority r ze the building an charge all costs incurred against the real estate s special assessmen to be collected in the same manner as taxes. h City Council will ' chedule a public hearing to consider if the build' g hould be torn d if a public hearing becomes necessary, you w' 1 notified of the ime and date of the hearing and you will be all to present eviden to the City Council. A copy of this order will kept on file in t City . ' __ � i I I Dangerous Structure Notice 976 Minnehaha Avenue East nov�b�r 10, 1988 Page Ztao clerk's office and a resolution declar ng this propertg to a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County ec rder`s office. Co liance with the attached list of deficiencies c��ill r ve your building rom the list of dangerous structures, but it does n t n that the build ng complies with all applicable housing and buildi g odes. The date for compliance with these ord rs shall not be exten ed unless you receive written approval. from the Divi io of Public Health. . , If ��ou have any questions about this o de , please contact t e Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. - Sincerely, �G� �� STEVEN R. ROY Em�ironmental Health Program ^7anager SRR:la enclosure cc: Warren Frost Planning and Economic Developmentl . DEFICI CY LIST R 976 EAST 1�'II AVIIWE NOV�ER 8, 1988 All regairs and n�v installations mus made in accordanc with the appropriate codes. Permits must be o ta ned where changes d/or additions to an electrical syst�n r 'r upgrading of the rvice size to current National Electrical Code (N.E C. reqiurements. pliunbing repairs may necessitate updating of t e ixtures and/or pip g involved. A permit is required for any repair o n installation. ; P 'ts may be obtained from the Building Inspection an Design Division, 445, City Hall. I IO l. Door into hall from front porch d s not lock or latch. Repair door and frame so as to properly lock nd latch. 2. Door into hall from front porch, in ow area has been rded. Replace glass and remove board. 3. Hall area between porch door and nt door into unit h� fire and snoke d�maged plaster and panelin . Repair or replace a 1 damaged plaster and paneling. 4. Entrance door and frame into unit is fire damaged=--: Rep�'r or replace door and frame. LIVING ROOM (NORTH ROOM) 5. Ceiling and walls are smoke and flre damaged (burned t I ugh in spots) . Repair and clean all sur ac s and replace as n ed. 6. Floor covered with ash, melted ca � and other fire d is. Remove all fire debris from ro�n and re ir floor as needed. 7. Wood burning metal fireplace cove ed ith soot and ashe Properly clean and service woodburner, or ve and close off c ' ey opening. 8. There are exposed and bare electr ca wires, burned out ts and switch. Repair in accordance wit S . Paul Electrical e and the N.E.C. DINING AREA (ROOM NORTEI OF KITCf�T) 9. Ceiling and walls are smoke and f're ged (burned th ugh in spots) . Clean and repair all sur ac s and replace as n ed. 10. Exposed and bare electrical wires ed switch wires. Regair and replace in accordance with St. Pa 1 lectrical Code and '' he N.E.C. . i� . . Deficiency List I��I 976 East Minnehaha Avenue i November 8, 1988 � Page 2 of 6 �i I 11. Therm�stat control for furnace ro en. Repair or repl ce thermostat. 12. Floor covered with fire debris r rds, papers, pian etc. ) . Remove al l f ire debris and ref inish f 1 r in a worl�nanl ike er. KITCFIIIV 13. Ceiling and walls smoke and fir ged (burned throl h in spots) . Clean and repair all surfaces an r place as needed. � 14. Cupboards, cabinets, kitchen a� i ces, sink area, al� smoke and fire damlged. Clean all surfaces. pa r or replace all yds, cabinets, appliances, and other ged items. i 15. Floor covered with fire debris. C1 n all fire debrisl�,i�from the kitchen areas and refinish floor ,as needed. 16. There are bare and exposed elect ic 1 wires (switches, l� eiling, outlets> . Repair all electrical wi es in accordance w�.�h St. Paul Electrical Code and N.E.C. il SECO R II STAIRWAY 17. Stairway to 2nd floor lacks prope ly installed handrailll Provide. I 18. Steps to 2nd floor and walls are ir and smoke damaged Properly clean all surfaces and repair as ed. SOUTH ROOM 19. Ceiling and walls are heat and ke damaged. Clean all surfaces and repair as needed. i 20. Northwest corner plaster has been �,br ken off. Repair a� danrzged plaster. 21. North wall outlet has been broken. pair. � 22. Fire and smoke damaged furniture, "nets, clothing in oom. R�r�ove and properly dispose of all, fi e debris, and cl floor. 23. Door and frame into room are fire ged (blistered) . epair or replace. � BATI�OOM li 24. Smoke damaged throughout room. C1 all surfaces (ceil g, walls, floor, handsink, tub, toilet, medi in cabinet) and repa any damage. I i Deficien List �Y 976 East Minnehaha Avenue November 8, 1988 Page 3 of 6 25_. Door and frame heat blistered. R 'pa�r. BEDROOM NORTH OF BATI�200M 26. Ceiling, walls and floor smoke g . Clean all surf es. 27. Holes in wall plaster (north and es walls) . Repair ir� a worlananlike manner. 28. Entry door and frame are blister epair. 29. Clothes, waterbed, drawers smoke ged. Clean and re ir, or remove and dispose of properly. NORTH BEDROOM 30. Smoke damaged ceiling, walls and 1 r. Clean all smok� damaged surfaces. 31. Plaster falling from ceiling and al , west end. Repai all damaged and missing plaster. i 32. Damaged furniture, clothes and ot 'er debris in room. � ean and repair, or dispose of properly. SECOND R INEF2AL 33. No smoke alarr,i in hall. Provide ro rly installed and intained smoke alarm. 34. Access to attic is boarded shut. IPr ide proper closur� for attic access. 35. Ceiling, walls, floor area and iling in hall are ke and heat c�maged. Properly clean all surf ce and repair. BAS 36. Basement steps lack handrail. Pr vi e. 37. Wall burned out (east side) . Re ir 38. Exposed electrical wiring. Prope ly lose off wiring. 39. There are exposed and hanging el tr' 1 wires from bas ' t ceiling (junction boxes, panel fuse box> . P perly close off a electrical wires. 40. Extension cord wiring out of gane x. Remove and pro 'de proper wiring in accordance with St. Pa E rical Code and .E.C. � . . Deficiency List 976 East Minnehaha Avenue November 8, 1988 Page 4 of 6 41. Open gas hookup east side. Proper y ipple off. j _ 42. Basement full of junk tmattress, x rings, clothes, e c. ) . Remove and dispose of properly. E OR i FRONT PORCH � 43. All porch windows and frames are 'r damagecl. Replace indows and frames as needed. 44. House siding sm�oke and fire damag ( listered and charr� ) , exterior porch and inside. Clean all smok ' ge and repair or � eplace all f ire clamaged areas. 45. Porch floor charred about 30 gerc nt Repair floor andl esurface as needed. 46. Porch rafter boards exposed and c ' r ed with holes throl h roof. Repair or replace rafter boards a d oof. Regair or re� ace rafter boards and roof. - 47. Large picture window on porch is ded. Remove�boardl nd replace window and frame as needed. 48. Steps to front porch lack handrai . Provide. NORTH SIDE 49. Steps from sidewalk lack properly! in talled handrail. rovide. 50. Steps from sidewalk are broken. e ir. 51. Gtiitter has fallen dawn. Repair place. 52. Roof over porch is melted with e holes. Repair. l 53. Both 2nd floor windaws are broke o . Repair windowsl nd frames as needed. EAST SIDE 54. Soffit facia area burned in seve 'al spots. Repair. 55. Gtiitters burned and dawn. Repair !or replace. 56. Nine t9) windaws boarded or bro n, first and second f� r. R�c�ove all boards and repair windows f ames as needed. 57. Siding fire and smr�ke damaged in, ts. Repair. Deficiency List 976 East Minnehaha Avenue November 8, 1988 Page 5 of 6 58. Porch south end, fire damaged wal �s, eiling and floor. �l Repair and refinish in a worl�nanlike manner. 59. Porch south end, entry door into �t en is burned thro h in spots and severely fire and heat damag eplace. 60. Porch south end, steps lack handr '1. Provide properly j nstalled __ handrail. � - --- 61. Melted electrical wiring and exte i -cord wiring ori. ch. Repair all electrical wiring in accordan 'th St. Paul Elect cal Code and N.E.C. SOL�TH IIVD 62. Four windows broken, missing or r . Remove all ' ds and repair windows and frame as needed (firs a second floors) . 63. East corner is fire damaged (soff' cia, roofing) . R ir and replace as needed. 64. Extension-cord wiring from bas�re 'ndow to garage ( ed) . Replace and properly hook up in a nce with St. Paul Electrical Code and N.E.C. , WEST SIDE 65. South window boarded. Regair win nd frame as needed 66. South side siding is fire and smo ' ged. Repair or eplace. 67. Foundation south end, cement is fll i g off. Repair. 68. Exterior board (header) , rotted 'ssing, exposing ting �aood. Repair and replace all missing an r ting wood. 69. Second floor windaw boarded. Re "r indow and frame r�ve board. _ E 70. North window broken. Repair. 71. Garage door boarded with plywood ( ff alley> . Provide oper garage door and remove boards. Deficiency List 976 East Minnehaha Avenue November 8, 1988 Page 6 of 6 G - 72. After exterior repair of surfaces int all exterior faces to protect them fr�n the elements an d y. BASIC FA IL TIES 73. Water has been shut off. Providelwa er to building.- � 74. Electricity has been shut off. P ov' e proper electPi hook up to building. 75. Gas has been shut off. Provide p o r gas hook up to b 'lding. If you are unable to finance the corr t' n or rehabilitatim of the premises to comply with this order, t er are state and loca rehabilitation programs for which you qualify. Informat' n about these programs is available from the Depa n of Planninc�and no�mic Development, Rehabilitation Section a ( 12) 228-3105. Ask speak to a loan officer. 11 �, � �-g9� RECEIV�L3 CITY O SA NT PAUL INTERDEPARTME TA MEMORANDUM P�AY �� v �98� Comm�nity Servfces UEST FOR NU SANCE BUILDING DFM�LIT ON RESOLUTION t��`���� �� .�-..... ._,� M DiATE. ril 27 1989 A Y . � ' � 1989 'PO: John McCormick ..� �' � » �.. ;-: .. Assistant City Attorney �' �'"'�5'�� �� ���'�r�� FROM: Steven R. Roy �� ' Environmental Heal�Progr nager ;;; , � ;, �089 SUBJECT: COUNCIL HEARING F'OR 976 NII AVENUE EAST C �A�:: . .:'�y�Ci �ti�f��� The awners, interested parties and re sible garties of t above-noted building were sent an order to repair� or raze the building. They have failed to co�ly with that order. Our office ha requested a publi hearing before the City Council to obtain a Council orde f r the repair or d lition of these buildings. The Public Hearing is scheduled for; i DATE: Thur ly, June 1, 1989 TIME: 9:00 A M. , Please review the attached Resolution to be considered by t City Council. If you would like to make any changes, p ea e contact us. If t Resolution meets with your approval, please forward as s n as possible to Director of Comra�nity Services. SRR/kjl I