89-988 �\`; � GTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIL O. �,�� PRELIMINARY ORDER By File No. S89 8 thru S8948 Votin� In the Matter of $idewalk construction a /o reconstruction at the following w� locations: 6 S8938 Both sides E. Arlingt n venue from Haze� wood Street to G rmain Street � 6 58939 Both sides Barclay S r et from E. Ivy enue to E. Ar in ton Avenue 6 58940 Both sides E. Cotta e venue from N. W ite Bear Avenue t F andrau Street i 6 S8941 Both sides E. Hawth r e Avenue from Ed� erton Street t ayne Avenue i 6 S8942 Both sides E. Hawt or e Avenue from N� White Bear Avenue o an Dyke Street i I 6 58943 Both sides E. Idah A enue from E. Shl re Drive to Duluth t eet 6 S8944 Both sides Nebrask venue from Hazel� ood Street to Ger ai Street i 6 S8945 South side E. Ora ge from Forest Str et to Cypress Street 6 S8946 Both sides Reaney A enue from N. Wh ' e Bear Avenue ro Van D ke S�reet 6 S8947 Both sides LaCrosse Avenue from N. uth Street to Nokom s venue 6 S8948 West side Nokomi enue from E. Ma nolia Avenue to E. G ranium Avenue COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the uncil: Date_����� Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Certified sed Council Secretar Long Rettman � In av r By Scheibel Sonnen � A ain Wilson Mayor JUN - 51� pUg�� ��;� 101989