89-984 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F I NT PA U L ouncil _ � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR !iC NO. --- � .,. .e Council e tion �i �`; � � _ - - � _.._ _- : , Presented By -�� ., °� Referred To Committee: ate �� � Out of Committee By ate r' �,,� WHEREAS , on March 28 , 1 8 , the Division of Public Health inspected the property at 4 4 South Point Do glas Road, Saint Paul , Minnesota, and determi ed that a nuisanc existed on said property; and WHEREAS, on March 30, 198 , said Division s t written orders to Warren W. and Carol J . ch ldt of 444 So h Point Douglas Road, the fee owners of said r perty, advising hem of the exact nature of the nuisance which o sisted of an ol porch, chimney, wood and debris along with re a ' ing walls of a emolished house; and WHEREAS , said orders req i ed said owners o abate the nui- sance by April 24, 1989 , and t ey filed a time y appeal of said orders with the City Clerk; an WHEREAS , the City Counc 1 on April 25 , 989 conducted a public hearing on said appeal an affirmed the D vision' s cleanup order and determined that th ondition of th property is to be corrected within thirty (3 ) ays excepting t at the retaining walls will be allowed to stand n w, therefore, b it RESOLVED, that the order o the Division i� hereby affirmed except as modified herein; and b it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in th event the work is not completed within thirty ( 30) days, the it may proceed t perform or com- plete the necessary work w' th the costs in urred therefrom collected in the same manner a p ovided by law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays � , Dimond IT VICES �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman °J B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson I f� _ � �� Form by ity Adopted by Council: Date /����` . Certified P• -s y uncil , et B By� Approved 'Wavor: te _ , � Appro by Mayor for Su si n to Cou�cil By J PUBt.ISli�D J UN 1 019&9 , ���Q�� DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INfTIATE Communit Services/Div. of Public 5�x2�a GREEN SHEE No. 2 6 0 4 CONTACT PERSON Q PHONE H23�.tY1 PARTMENT DIRECTOR I �CITY OOUNpI INITIAUDATE John Betz/292-7771 �� irv�rroAr�r CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENOA BY(DATE� ROUTMrO � UDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MQT.SERVICES DIR. A S A P � AYOR(OR A8818TAN � TOTAL�OF SIC;NATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL L AT NS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REGUEBTED: , Resolution affir�ting the Divi 'on of Pub�.ic Healthts clean-up order regarding 444 S. Pt. Douglas , REC�IVED REOOMMENDAT10N8:Approve(A)a Reject(R) CQUNq�. E/pESEARCH REPORT OPTION _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL BERVICE(�MIMI3SION ��YST PHONE NO. _GB COMMITTEE _ �� _STAFF _ OOMMENTB: e —°'�'��«'� — M�Y 1. � 1989 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL�JECTIVE? INITIATINCi PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(1Nho,Whet,When,Whsre,Why): Council Resolutiox� �ffirming t'he Divis on of Puhlic �I�alth�s lean-up order regarding 444 S. Pt. pouglas �id. In the event t'� n isattce isn't abate ' by the property owner within thirty (30) days, t'he City may ro eed to perform the ecessary clean-up work. A public hearing was held ix� f7cont of 'he City� Council on Ap 1 25, 1989. ADVANTAOES IF MPROVED: If tk�e nuisar�ce ist�'t abated within t'h �t (30) days, t'he Ci wi11 be allowed to abate the nuisance, and collect t�1e co t rom the property t es. D18ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: NQNE � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The t�uisance existit�g at 444 S. Pt. A g s Rd. would be a11 wed to rema.in if not abated by t1�e pra�exty ownex, ouncil Research Center. MAY 19 i9$9 ; TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = �1��A, T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI ONE) � NO FUNDINQ 80URCE A VITY NUMBER FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Cost incurred in cleaning he property will be c rged against the property tax. � �. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESQLUTION (Amend,Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) � 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director , , 2. lnitiating Department 2. Budget Director "' 3.' Ciry Attorney 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. . Finance&Mgmt Sw:s. Director 5. CRy Council 6. Finance AccouMing 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. , � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. InitiaUng Department Director 2. DepartmeM AccountaM 2. City Attomey 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City qerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fln 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepaRmeM 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAC3ES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and eaperclip each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicete which Councll objective(s)your project/request supports by Ifsting the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget proc�dure required by law/ charter or whether there are specif�wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneftt from this pro�icUaction. " ." �ISADVANTAt3ES IF�APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past procesaes might this projecUrequeB�produce if it is pasaed(e.g.,traffic delays, nofse, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When7 For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inebility to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer�two questions: How much is it going to cbst?Who is going to payT t;i r �. .r.:. -- � X��. � - \ .. . 'a. �r 4 <' �� � �- �t t t'�', ' t , d +� , � ', d t , � �� � .r� `i rt. ��.+�h� fb � > t. .. � s � �� � � � � .�c�-' � i °t - t �r :� . '� ,4 � �- � - . :: r ���, :..�/ 'r WWYF �- �1 ; •, � .,:. . .:. , '- � � � '�� ' � '`` ' �+s i '�..3 . . '� / .' �F �'� •r`„ ai ���*� , . s- ( ,� ) i ��� . . , '�. �' _ .':`� _`� .. . 1 - ' �r !i � � 1 t �v v '_ � �� - r !`� i �t �� f �� �� � y. 4��, � •.�i�f,��Ei'� "�+F'�„�i � t �� -� � �� ? < �� t � :, � n. . 7 � .. 1 s �a+9 ��- .., 1� �� � � � 3. ,',''. I�' ^-/� . ' I'.' :.1\ pri . t . n�;.-� i J : . ' ' , � ; �a;� . .�. "��r - �, Y. 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I a !n. E��� S�`�� ��.Y ,w � t.� { � � F l, ���k� �i �r� - �"�... : ? ,4�. t 4 '"�fir.g: ' - � ;- �/ '� � ��: � ` sr � r'� E r x. .`� � �� � �� � ��� . .. ,. .. . . . � i ., . , . . .. .. <_ . . .�_ J{. _., . _._. ,?,�. . , a.,-, .,..,...�Y � , . , L - � ,�'� � 9- 9�� SUMMARY ABATEME APPEAL APP CATiON RECEIVED Requestlnp a hearin� before City nc to app�t a �betement order MU8T BE FlLED qi C{T1f CLERK's OFFlCE, 3i�� CITY NA�L, E TH�PPEAL DEA P N E s��9 � AP LI ANT � . Nams Warren W. & Carol J. Schuldt p�� 4/4/89 �ddross 44'� S. Point Dou las Rd. �i Phon� 738-3355 St. Paul , MN D Im� phon� 69Q-8226 �� �p ��, 551T9-5368 ORDER BEING APPE L D - ATTACH ° OPY ;�From which offic� at� matle�d_��.i�Qq �/Re�arding prop�rty st 444 S. Point Douglas Rd po��� 4/6/89 �Issued to �Warren W. & Carol J. Schuldt �Nhat�ls appHcant�s Mt�nst In tfa prvperty Th i s ro rt i s a r m v �_ REASON APPEAL With the approval of the Health De artment e or ' � cited in the abatement were left in 1 u ' , walls and outbuilding for stora e. M int nt is to continu u ' orch for stora e ur o n and acce tab�e use for the sub 'ect ro ert he ro ert ouid m i t in d to a standard wh r or other n ' f/ �uc�u+trs nu� �.F�„fr,..,�,w.-t :4'�.' . .,ti.t '., '�,` .`;s� . �`.;,;�;, •. ..Y.. ''4;:c;" '�i.�.�..`+... ..��.;�' '`,.'..� �,�. •..�� �' �.t:;::i}:i:'i '>•.:: $? :. ` �' \�+.' .�,\•\v�: v'.t. .::J::.:N�.• ..,�y.�. \,M1 ��. �,.�~ �` � `�,. • �;;•�' .��r�a+.�:: �!yj��{ 'k'' � \w�'`'�`�'ti1,`'�.'• � � `•n�� �\. :.0 ,.,\`}�`.\.\•v\ _ �'' �ti.���:.:,.::5�� '�.:i2'.•';i �\.. 5. \'•�..�� � \'•:.4 \ ���• \.L;h.x yr•1,�;�`+.';: . ��.I�,r,.,/.��,v' ���`.' ♦�;�� . �:�ti��:, '\i�...�.�,`..} `4 .ti �i `k.� i�\i , � . �;�tiii{•`,:it.� ` tti.t� ..�.. v�y �:.,`.� ;.;:��;.+�.;:Y`:.+�.��.•;\}'{i;i::i:t.. S:k\�,�r,4.:.. �.., •. \.t�` .�' L � � �\ \, k w'\ t, `C;•x+•?�.: .``y `.:�ti�; ','@., \.. •.�� ..��'����"���.�:�,.. \\ � . y' .\ ti k:.��;::c`;:.' F1.�4l�..��. ��. \\:.�,..� ..,. . .:. . : �:'..�.:::;:.:;��::; � 4'':i\`v� .n\'i.+..'�." t \n.. 4, � \ ,�.�• •,i��. • .4. ..'\i.:tfi•t.: •i:v\i'�::'i��'��i:'.J.. . '. �y.� ''54:. ::.:..1.v . . .:. . . . . :::::::?::::::�::...;;.�.v4tlti.; .. . � ,� :�h v . .v..�.� ._ v:v :��• � �,�i �\�,tiv:Q ��;v.l 4� '•\�� ",4.4,�..�k\ \::i•�{tij: ::.�:::..., ii:!ii. '\\x`.u�i ��w" t�.,.'�. v4\v:. ''v ..k'+.� V..\ 2�`,�.,\.;'. ....... . .... ::..•:::.'c•x. ::;\;;.; �,�\`,�:' :�. ♦ .\ti , \\:�:�..,.::, i?:��•fi�:r\ ��A .� .� 1 �� �'}?� ��+.4NV:.`.ti: ♦. ::� :�'\ t�'i 1 ♦,�•: ::: . • ' v.�v• vi4�•� v\•k. \� •�v�'`. `'. \:...:�\j\y:'..�.j. .v� ::C:.\..r +.;\.. :4��.' 111R �.•�.�',;+*\"�•': :.�... .\v.J.�.. •t.:y.. .,}.. :'r'ti•:.....`w. � `ti �•:C� . �:�.. �a\'+••' ..+... \°... :�fi> :$i•:.• .�.. .�,. :r;;:; . ti., • . �:� :w\1�: �.k . �.v:+..+� .k. ;:i;ii:>.'t:� :�. � ..2., >..:a '.�'v }.�:. :. ;::. :. -.. _»:� . . .;•. �>:.: • ,� � ' ���� :.::;.... , +.. :���.;>�•:.:� ::t:.. ��:�.. :;�;'>�' ��?�'�� � c?.: �o\�,.. �..;.... �.., . ��.��.Y� � �� :.�. �,:>_..<. :_t.\ia+.\:fi ti::h ''�: . � \ t.� �.���`..��:'., ..,.'h� ,::~�_i �ti.:., �;�:,.'�},.4+�,•'':�:: . r ... � - 1 . . ` � 1NSTRUGTIONS TO CITY CLERK'S OFFlCE 1. D_o not accept appiication after appeal deadline or without copy of orders �°'�"'w�� '"° The appea! deadtine is 7 days after orrx�.�.. Mrwpraw�rsr�*"r� orrrr arwe �c w�i�.� �ww • � SUMYARY ABATEMENT OADER �. ��..` the date mailed, or the same as TM1 --_ T� ���°��`� the deadline given in the ard�r yw w h..ly n+lr rrl.wnrlst�wi'i/� . . . . whichever comes first. fM�heM�w�wtM� �� w wwY.MOrsf . MnN!M�Ilh�rl/M� `w�T��+'�"'i N�Y VNwU!N Y�MMY�U�M���M• MMM ' ML1�R TO YORr MT MM "�"""`°°"""`°"°" """"` 2. Within 2 weeks, set hearing date M Y��iiw�9��n�*N w�ir.M wMiw�N�o IM M�r, � w�a�rr tirpNlr N air f�7fff Yw�l1�aIM�aa . ��..,,,p,.,�.�.,.,,,�,..,.,�a.d,M�..,�,,,....� and place on agenda 1�dyaw6rwl`+w���MaYr�ltli Mr/Y�ir�wwwn�roY�4�rrM� °�^��-°°����"�~~'� Mark hearing date on front of ,��,.�.,�,.�.�«....aa.r.a..,�..�.�.�w.�.�.�.�.. nrrrww�rr�re�xw.rswnw a wn wt�r«w.n�i�••�w.. f11�QMasiwrMwi�M b�l�^0/Yrii�rt�fM�II�R MMM�►M+r f�R appl icati on .w�rnt.r..no � ..r�rb.�rrs+�ua 3. Determine the City Council district and citizen participation district . in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the application in the shaded area 4. Send notice of hearing, with copies of application and order attached, to: 1. The appiicant ; 2. Any other party to whom the summary aba#ement order is addressed 3. Office which issued the order 4. District council of#ice for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. After hearing send copy of the resotution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing 4-23-87 i _ 3 . .. . . I.. . _ . .-. __ _... _ . _..-. . . - t � • � � _ DEPARTMENT, OF C Iu1111UNITY SERVICES I Date of inspectlon; � DIVISIQN O P BLIC HEALTH ENVIRON�IENT L EALTH SECTION Mailed: 3�3� I�� Date Issued:, �S � A STREET ST. pAUI� IN ESOT11 SS101 y: CT:__ '���� 2 Z- 771 SU MMARY AB EMENT RDER �.�� � , / f�,3�d. To z . � , u dr ss �/ ;'�. �, lc� � To dr ss To dr ss As owner or person responsible for: �y , i � yau are hereby noti�ed to eliminate the following n is nce: r ' �-d � � �6.�) �v� 4i7�/1_ ti` ` L � v ) G✓ "� ,P '' �.2 C �L� � �' ` Z � `� /` � C � / � - � � / � —Q�.-L O ' Z. If you do not correct the nulsance by � or le an appeal, the City wlll correct the nuisance and charge all costs ag In t the property as � speclal assessment to be collected In the same way as property ta es (appeal Informatl n below) FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY ALSO ,� NECESSITATE COURT ACTION Iss ed b : ?,l/1� ��, Y if you have questions regar�ling this o e , the requireme ts or the deadline, you may contact the inspector by calli g 292-7771 betw en 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing befo e t e City Council by fili a written request with the city cle�c before the appeal deadline which is the de dline above or seve calendar days after the date mailed� whichever comes first. No appeals may ded after that date. You may obtain an application from the City Clerk's O i � Room 386� City Hal St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298-4231.You must sub It copy of thls ord wlth your sppllcatlon. If the City corrects the nuisance, the charges will incl de the cost of con�tion inspection� travel time, equipment� etc... The hourly rate will be around $t 2 00 4-23-87 � � �� F N r � � `�, (� ' i) t 1 t I i � CITY F �' �'' � INTERDEPART E� ��`, ' '% + �- � � �,� � � ;� � � � � :'�`� '+� �Y c�� _ � z a� t; Q �� r c��� �,� r y � ''� �; M E M O R A N D U M DATE : May 3 , 1989 N Y � TO: Albert B. Olson ,� � city Clerk � > � FROM: Edward P. Starr � N City Attorney " � w� � �'- '^ � � _ I have received your let- o �,,^ implementing the action � �� � appeal of Warren and Car �-. �-' a for the property at 444 �� .,; � M N Paul McCloskey of our o3 matter by May 17. Work- lems may result in this •� I have asked the assign �� in writing as to his or � , zs o, If our proposed deadli° � � me or Jane McPeak and ! � o"' which require special � � �L .� • o � 3�,� � � i N'a L �f- . ��I'+.+ 3�'tn EPS : jr � I � , I I �, I ,I � I