89-980 WNA�E -� CITV CLERK � P�.NK - FINANCE �y CO Cil CANARV -bEPARTMENT GIT 1 OF S I a Pavr. / BI.UE - MAYOR FIl NO. � � Counc ' olution ;r���� ; _____. Presented By � � r � j � vReferred To ��'�1C-� Committee: Da ���� �'9 Out of Committee By Da WHEREAS,plansfaMinnesotaDepaztmentofT 'on(MaDOT)S.P. er 6283-137 and 6283-143(T. H. 94=392j have been d by MaDOT showing sed alignment,profiles,grades and cross sections for the o ction of I-94 between e Lafayette Bcidge and Third Street as pact of its program to reco I-94 b�ween downtown ' eapolis and downtown Saiat Paul,and WHERF,AS,bridge plansfor this freeway constructi h to be modified afterthe' tial design because bridges Numbered 62875 and 62876(the bri ges urying mainline eastbo and westbound traffic overthe Buriington NathernR ' )were extended to !y accomodate abicycle trail gropased byt,he Parks Dep nttobe constcvcted bel ebridges and to the east side of the railroad tracks,and WHEREAS,storm sewers will be consTructed to c Ci stormwaterflow aswell starmwater flow fram t6e freeway,aad WHIItEAS,the modified bridge plans and added bri ge onswction costswill t 41,737.01 to be paid by the Ciry to the State from CIB funds, th Ciry's share of the sewer Yswction costs will tatal�29,653.92 to be paid by the City to e from Sewer Bonds. T totat to be encumbered by the Ciry to the State for this project b $571,390.93,now,there BE IT RESOLVED,that t,he City of Saint Paul appro e DOT plans Numbered S. . 6283-137 and S. P. 6283-143(T. H. 94=392)and approve an e into Agreement Numb 650 with MnDOT for�571,390.93 to be paid to MnDOT fro CI funds and Sewer Bonds f t�he costs af e�ctendi.ng bridges Num.bered 62875 and 62876, aad or e Ciry's share of the sew onsuvction costs,and BE TT FL'RTHER RESOLVED,that the proper City ici s are directed and authori d to execute saidagreeme�rt. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor , Goswitz ` Rettman � scneine� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form A p oved by ty orney' Adopted by Council: Date l Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � J J gy, dlpproved by Mavor: Date Ap r y Mayor for Su io to Council By WNiTE - CITV CLERK pINK .� FINANCE GITY OF INT PAUL ouncil (�/�C/,�'; G CANARV - DEPARTMENT jy@ NO. " ' ��" � 1 BLUE - MAVOR � Council esolution ' , Presented By Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By te BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City h y requests that a Suppl mental Agreement between the Minnesota Departm t Transportation and th City be prepared whereby ornamental rails similar to ha on the Mounds Boule d Bridge be extended along the west side of Mounds Bou ev d irom the bridge to Si Street, and that the City ag�ees ta fund the c�fferenc in ost between the railin and the vinyl chain link fence which is presently proposed oximately $48,000, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thai the City h requests that the vinyl hain link fence proposed for the east side of Mounds I vard from Interstate 9 o Third Street be constr�ucted only from Interstate 94 0 out S�rey Street ext ed so that the adjacent property along Mounds Boulev d i not sep�ated from th Boulevard by the fence. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departme of: Yeas Nays Dimond Js."' PubliC Works (DJD) 6-19-89 �� [n Favor --so� Rettman � sche;be� _ Against BY �nnn.. W1�SOII n �� Z 2 �7 Form Appr y City t e Adopted by Council: Date Certified as- ouncil . BY By A►ppr e by Mavor: Date — � JUN 2 31989 Approved by Mayor Eor S mission to Council r $ BY �+��ltSl�9 J U� - 119� � � _; __ . . �+�Ti - C�7v _L�nK I oiH�c - r�..��nC[ COLLflC12 i �,� C�w�AV - OEV�wTrrE�+T G I ;Y O F S I vT PA U L File N 0.--���=:�-�1l=-__. e�uC - .��ron � � Counci esolution � ��-- -� Presented By Referred To Committee: I Date Out of Committee By Date WHIItF.A.S,plans for?�linnesata Department of ortation(MaDOT)S.P 'umber 6283-137 aad 6283-143(T. H. 94=392)have b n ared by NinDOT show' proposed silignment,profiles,gcades and crosssectioas for e econstruccionof I-94 be eathe I,afa}'etxe Bddge und Third Street as parc of iu program to co a I-94 between down wn Minneapolis and downtown Saint Pavl, aad �ifHEREAS.bridge plans for this freeway co cti had to be modified after e inicial design because bridges Numbered 62875 and 62R76(th bri es carrying mai.nline e onnd and ' westbound traffic overthe Burli.ngton Nort6ernR ' ad tracks)were ea�tended safely accomodate abic3-cle trail pcoposed by the Packs ep ent to be construcced low the bridges " � - and to the east side of che railroad tracks,and «HERE.35,s2orm sewers will be construc�ed to -Cicy stocmwateri7ow as ell as s�ormwater flow from the freewa}, and «'HERE��,the modified bridge plans and adde bri ge consuuction cosuw� ocal S541,737.01 to be paid by the Cit��co the Scate irom CIB fund , the CiN's share of t�e s e:cons'�c-i:c�.ic� c�su v�ill total�29,653.92 to be paid by the City o e State from Sewer Bond The tocal to be encumbered by the CiR'to the State for this proje w be S57I,390.93,now, erefore BE iT RESOL�'ED,cl�at the Cit�-ol Saint Paul a pro e;�1nDOT plans tiumbe d S. P. 6283-137 and S. P. 6283-143 (T'. H. 94=392)and approve and enter into.3greement�vTu ber 65650 with �inDOT for�571,390.93 to be paid co ivfnDOT m CIB funds and Sewer Bo ds for the cosu of ei-tendiag bridges'vumbered 62875 and 62876, d rthe Cit,y-'s Share of the r�er consuuction costs, and BE IT FL-RTHER RESOLVED,that the proper C ry icials are directed and au ocized to execute sandagreement: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depart ent of: / Dimood ` �os In Favor , Gosw;tz � � Rettman � Sche;bd Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C y Attocney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY — g�. Appruved bv Wavor: Dale _ Approved by :4tayor E c Submission io Council I i � , � ._T:. - _. , .. , .r ..�.iv . . .. . _ l ~a-�n�.. .. �.� � . .� ,.� ., �� 1 1 1 l� ��l ►J�1 I -\ � 1 1 �) L Council '.�1.'.J(. — nAA. �,. File N�. Co cil Resolu 'on � Presented By I Referred To Committ Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT rU�Ti-iEn R�SGLVE�, that e ity hereby rec�uests th a Supplemental A�reement ber,veen �F�e �linnesota ep ment cf Transportati and the �ity be - prepare� wh�r2�y crrar;�:ental rails �il to that on t,tie Moun 8oulevard Bridge be extenc�Pd alcn� the �!�est sice of Ulcu ds �oulevard �rom the bri e to Sixth S�eet. and That the City ac�ees to iun� the � nce in cost between �ing and the v�nyf cnai� fink fence wh�ch is presentiy po ed. approximatel 48 C0. d BE IT FURTHEP �;�SOLVED, that th Cit hereby requests ihat t e vinyl chain link fence proposed fcr the east side of Mo nd Boulevard �rom (nter te 94 to Third Str�et be constructe� �nly �rem Interst te 4 to abcut Surrey S�e ex�endeu so that ihe adjacert prcperty along Mcurus S ul vard is nct separated � m t�e Boufevard Fy ?he `ence. 1 G ��-�-'�-� � G �'�y�� � �� � � i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Departme t of: Dimond Public Woz'ks (DJD) 6-19-89 ��s in Favor ��sW,t, C..�.-,�-�; - � ,�_�;.r��������sl Rettma� . B l� ;� s�nr�ne� _ A ga,n s t Y , , Sunnen �� , � Wilson Form Approved by City A orney Adupted by� Council: Date Certified P�::�ed bt• Council Sec:e'ar•; BY B i -- Approved by 4lavor. Date ___ __ pproved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council Bv ---- ------- ---- -- BY � �� � ���-y . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ity ereby requests that Supplement�,� Agreement between the Minnesota Dep rt ent of Transportation nd the City be prepared whereby ornamental rails simil r t that on the Mounds oulevard Bridge be extended along the west side of Mounds Bo levard from the bridg to Sixth Street, and that the City agrees to fund the diffe en e in cost between th railing and the vinyl chain link fence which is presently propo ed approximately $48,0 0, and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ity ereby requests that t e vinyl chain link fence proposed for the east side of Mou s oulevard from Inter ate 94 to Third Street be constructed only from Interstat 9 to about Surrey Stre e�ended so that the adjacent property along Mounds Bo lev rd is not separated f m the Boulevard by the fence. � i �c�'`f—��y� . 4. 6/27/89 Final Order: Recon tr tion of B-624 cur Laid over in and gutter and remo i legally installed Committee to asphalt boulevard a place with , 7-5-89 appropriate landsca ing on the South side Winter Street from pi ol Blvd. to Capitol Heights at 10 apitol Blvd. 5. Final Order: Impro ing the alleys in Approved 3-0 Block 26, Chas. Weid 's Subd. of Blocks 25 and 26 Arlington Hil s ddition by grading alley to the easterl N rth-South alley and grading and pavi g he westerly North- South alley from Si A enue to the north line of Lot 24 in sa'd lock 26. Also construct a sewer in th alley for storm water purposes. Als f r slope construction in the bo e said alley grading and paving. (P oject bounded by EDGERTON, SIMS, PAYN A D YORK) . (Laid over in Committee b/ /8 ) . 6. Resolution 89-978: pp oving amendments Laid over in to the CABLE ACCESS T. PAUL INC. By-Laws committee to as proposed by the C SP Board of Directors 7/19/89 on May 29, 1986. (R fe red to Committee 6/1/89) . 7. Resolution 89-979: A pr ving amendments to Laid over in the CABLE ACCESS ST. PA L INC. By-Laws as committee to proposed by the CASP Bo rd of Directors on 7/19/89 May 9, 1989. (Refer ed to Committee 6/1/89 . 8. Resolution 89-980: ut orizing proper Approved 3-0 City officials to ex cu e an agreement with the State Depar me t of Transportation for C ty s share of costs of sewer and bridge or on I-94 between the LAFAYETTE BRIDGE an THIRD STREET. (Referred to Committ e /1/89). 9. Ordinance 89-1002: n rdinance granting Laid over in permission to Burlin to Northern Railroad committee to Company to construct o erate and maintain 7/5/89 an OPTICAL FIBER COM UN CATIONS CABLE in the public right-of- ay from the Burlington Northern ra ks south of I-94's Sixth Street Ramp to th Burlington Northern offices on if h Street between Sibley and Jackson. Re erred to Committee 6/6/89). � � � 10. Resolution 89-1009: Amending the 1986 CIB Laid over in budget by adding a252,000 for SHEPARD ROAD � CommitteE to consulting design fees. (Referred to 7�5�gg Committee 6/6/89) . 11. Resolution 89-770:, Requesting the Mayor to Laid over in direct the Department of Finance and Management con�nittee to to reduce by �28,000 the 1989 assessment against 7/5/89 properties which did not receive promised street cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (Referred back to Committee 6/8/89). 12. Street and Alley Assessment Notices. (Laid over Laid over in in Committee 6/7/89) . Committee to 7/5/89 13. Resolution 89-323: Plan to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Laid over in Committee 6/7/89) . Committe� to ' 7/5/89 14. Ratification of Assessment for Summary Abatement Laid over in for property at 2219 Summit Avenue (PIN 05-28- Committee to 23-13-0067) . Referred to Committee 6/13/89) . 7/5�gg 15. Other Business. , �,�� ���� Members: - ' CITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair �""""� ' Janice Rettman !��L!?u! OFFIC� O T E CITY COUNOIL I Tom Dimond 1 Date: June 21, 198 Com it ee Report RECEIVED To: Saint Paul City Counci JUN 211989 ClTY CLERK From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transpor tion Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C a r 1• Approval of minutes o June 7, 1989. Hearing Date Approved 3-0 2• 6/21/89 Final Orders: Sidew lk construction and/o reconstruction at t e ollowing locations S-8911 - Both sides E. MINNEHAHA AVENUE Approved 3-0 from Cypress to Ear S reet; , S-8912 - South side MO TREAL AVENUE from St. Paul Avenue to leveland Avenue; S-8913 - Both sides �IL ARD AVENUE from S. Cleveland to Return ou t; Both sides VILLARD COURT from V'l1 rd Avenue to cul- � de-sac; 6/21/89 S-8914 - South side RO T AVENUE from N. Approved 3-0 Western Avenue to Ar nd 1 Street; S-8915 - Both sides . AWSON AVENUE from Rice St. to Park St. ; S-8916 - East side W ST INSTER STREET from E. Hyacinth Avenue t E. Cottage Avenue; I I CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOUR SA[ PAUI.� MINNESOTA 55102 �. e � i 6/27/89 S-8917 - East side ARUNDEL STREET from Approved 3-0 Holly Avenue to Ashland Avenue; , S-8918 - Both sides MARSHALL AVENUE from Kent Street to N. Dale Street; S-8919 - North side THOMAS AVENUE from Virginia St; to N. Western Street; S-8920 - East side N. VICTORIA STREET from St. Anthony to W. Central Avenue; South side W. CENTRAL AVENUE from Victoria to N. Avon Street; West side N. AVON STREET from St. Anthony Avenue to W. Central Avenue; North si.de ST. ANTHONY AVENUE to W. Central Avenue; North side ST. ANTHONY from N. Avon to N. Victoria (with integral curb) (Maxfield Elementary School site) . 7/6/89 S-8921 - Both sides ELEANOR AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Chatsworth Street to 160 feet west of Rogers Street; . S-8922 - Both sides E. GEORGE STREET from S. Robert Street to Livingston Avenue; South side E. GEORGE STREET from Livingston Avenue to Gorman Avenue; S-8923 - South side E. WYOMING STREET from Woodbury Street to Brown Street at 314 W. Wyoming Street; S-8924 - Both sides CHARLES AVENUE from N. Milton Street to N. Chatsworth Street. 7/6/89 S-8925 - Both sides GLENDALE STREET from Approved 3-0 Beverly Road to St. Anthony Avenue; S-8926 - Both sides LAUREL AVENUE from N. Pascal Street to N. Saratoga Street; S-8927 - East side S. MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. from Goodrich to Princeton; North side PRINCETON AVENUE from Woodlawn to Mississippi River Blvd. ; S-8928 - North side OTIS AVENUE from Approved 3- Pelham Blvd. to Eustis; S-8929 - South 0, delete side PRISCILLA STREET from Raymond Avenue 480 & 486 to Gibbs Avenue; Otis. S-8930 - Both sides LAFOND AVENUE from N. Approved 3-0 Hamline to N. Albert Street. 3. 6/27/89 Final Order: Reconstruction of 8-624 Laid over in concrete curb and gutter on the West side Committee to of LEECH STREET from Capitol Blvd. to 7-5-89 Capitol Heights at 610 Capitol Blvd. ��� ��a + . . AGREEMENT STATE F INNESOTA AGREEMENT N0. SERVICES DEPARTMENT F RANSPORTATION SECTION COOPERATI E ONSTRUCTION AG EE NT 65650 S.P. 628 137 (T.H. 94=392) S.P. 628 143 (T.H. 94=392 ) Fed. Pro . IR 094-3 (476) Agreement between AMOUNT ENCUMBERED The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, n (None) The City of St. Paul Re: City cost bridge and sto ewer ESTIMATED AMOUNT construction by the State o RECEIVABLE T.H. 94 in St. Paul $571, 390. 93 THIS AGREEMENT is made and en er d into by and tween the State of Minnesota, Department of T an portation, her nafter referred to as the "State" and the Cit o St. Paul, Min sota, acting by and through its City Council, h einafter refer d to as the I "City° . I -1- � 1�.7" . _ . . i C��y-��o � � ; 656�0 — I WITNESSETH: I WHEREAS the State is about o ward a contract for grading, surfacing, storm sewer and ri ge constructio and other associated construction to e erformed upon, long and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 94 fro gineer Station 3+81.4 ( 190 feet west of the Lafayette Bridg ) to Engineer Sta ion 99+46 .8 ( 1360 feet east of Mounds Boulev d in accordance ith State plans, specifications and special r visions therefo designated as State Projects No. 6283-13 ( .H. 94=392) an No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392 ) and in the r co ds of the Fede 1 Highway Administration as Minnesot oject IR 094-3 (476 ) ; and WHEREAS the State contract i cludes the cons ruction of storm sewer facilities which co le t and convey st rm water drainage from both highway right o w y and adjacent ity property; and WHEREAS at the City' s req es Bridges No. 6�' 75 and No. 62876 westbound and eastbound T u Highway No. 9� over the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, w re lengthened bl 76 feet over and above that length which i ecessary to acc� mmodate normal trunk I highway traffic; and I I WHEREAS the City has exp es ed its willing ss to participate in the costs of said storm e r and bridge c struction as hereinafter set forth. -2- I . �" � I • . ��`��� � ' � I _ __ II 65650 IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGRE D S FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I - CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST TE The State shall, in connection it the award of t e construction contract, administration of sai c ntract and the erformance of construction engineering for St te Projects No. 62 3-137 (T.H. 94=392) and No. 6283-143 (T. . 94=392) do an perform the following. Section A. Contract Award Duly advertise for bids and awar contract to th lowest responsible bidder for the Trunk H'ghway No. 94 gr ing, surfacing, storm sewer and bridg onstruction and ther associated construction in accor a e with State p ns, specifications and special provi i s bearing the ove project number designations and which ar file in the o ice of the Commissioner of Transportation a S . Paul, Minnesd a, and are � made a part hereof by reference it the same force� and effect as though fully set forth herein. -3 II N " ���.y�o 65650 Section B. Direction and Su er is 'on of Construc on Direct and supervise all constr c ion activities rformed under said contract, and perform all o struction engin ring and inspection functions necessary . o the satisfacto completion of said contract construction. Section C. Plan Chan es Addit'o al Construction Etc. Make changes in plans or in the c aracter of said contract construction, including the Cit ost participati n construction hereunder, which are reasonabi n cessary to caus said construction to be in all thin s erformed and co pleted in a satisfactory manner, and to th t nd and as suppl mental to the contract, to enter into any ch ng orders or supp emental agreements with the State 's co tr ctor for the pe formance of any additional construction or con tr ction occasione by any necessary, advantageous or des ra le changes in ans . However, the State ' s District Engineer t akdale or his ly authorized representative will inform the a ropriate City ficial of any proposed change order or suppl m t to the const ction contract which will affect the •City cos articipation he under. Section D. Satisfacto Com 1 t'on of Contract Do and perform all other acts n functions nece sary to cause said contract to be completed 'n a satisfactory anner. � �-�9���° 65650 ARTICLE II - CONTRACT AWARD REC NDATION BY THE ITY Promptly following the opening, a ulation and ver fication of bids received for State Projects N . 6283-137 (T.H 94=392) and No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392) cons u tion contract, he State shall submit to the Director of Public W rks of the City a certified copy of the low bid and an abstr c of all bids re eived by the State for said project construct'o contract toget er with a request for the City' s recommend t on relative to he award of the construction contract for sa'd state projects . In the event the City desires to make recomme d tions relative the award of said construction contract, it s a 1 do so within n calendar days of the receipt of the afore a'd bid documents from the State in writing to the State ' s Contra t dministration gineer at St. Paul, Minnesota. Any recommenda i s made by the 'ty regarding the award of a construction cont ac for said stat projects shall be given due consideration bu shall not be 'nding on the State, and the State shall have he exclusive righ to determine , to which bidder said constructio c ntract shall b awarded in accordance with the State ' s "Sta da d Specificatio for Construction" , 1988 edition. , . � � � . . ��-y�v � II 65650 ARTICLE III - INSPECTION BY THE CI Y The construction of State Proje ts No. 6283-137 (T H. 94=392) and No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392 ) shal b under the supe vision and direction of the State; however t e city cost par icipation . construction hereunder to be pe fo ed under State Projects No. 6283-137 (T.H. 94=392) and No. 28 -143 (T.H. 94=3 2) may be inspected periodically by the C'ty s Director of P lic Works or his authorized representatives . I the City, afte the said city cost participation construction o k hereunder has een completed, believes said constru t on work has not een properly constructed or that the work is e ective, the Cit shall inform the State ' s District Engineer at 0 kdale in writin of such defects . Any recommendations ma e by the City reg ding the work performed under this agreement a e not binding on e State, and the State shall have the exclusi e ight to determi e whether the work has been satisfactorily per o ed by the State s contractor. Al1 work covered under this agre m t shall be perf rmed in substantial accordance with the fo esaid state pro ect plans, specifications and special provi io s . . ARTICLE IV - BASIS OF PAYMENT BY TH CITY Section A. Construction Costs The City shall pay to the State, as the City's full share of the costs of the contract constructi n o be performed ereunder, the � - - � . . �ry-��d " � 65650 costs of the construction descr b d below under " TY COST PARTICIPATION CONSTRUCTION" and o the costs of a contract change orders or supplemental a r ments which may� be necessary to complete said City cost part ci ation construct on and the cost of any settlements of clai s ade with the St te's contractor in connection with s id City cost parti ipation construction. � Said payment by the City hereun er of the City's s are of construction costs shall. be bas d n the final qua tities of City cost participation construction o k items perform d or the final payment quantity in the case of 1 n quantity item multiplied by the appropriate unit prices cont i ed in the const ction contract to be awarded by the St t hereunder and/ multiplied by the appropriate unit prices c n ained in any su lemental agreements to the State ' s contra t which provide f City cost partic•ipation construction. A SCHEDULE "I " , which lists all f he anticipated ity cost participation construction and c ns ruction enginee ing items to be performed hereunder, is attac ed hereto and made a part hereof by reference. . — . . � ��9-��� 65650 = --- -- It is hereby understood and agr ed that any and all liquidated damages assessed the State 's co t ctor in connect� on with the I construction performed under sa d contract shall x� sult in a I credit shared by the State and Ih City in the sa� proportion as � their total contract constructi n cost share is t� the total contract construction cost wit u any deduction � r liguidated damages . I CITY COST PARTICIPATION CONSTR CT ON . All of the following construct'on to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 4 rom Engineer St tion 43+81.4 ( 190 feet west of the Lafayett B idge) to Engine r Station 99+46 . 8 ( 1360 feet east of Mou ds Boulevard) wit n the corporate city limits under State Projec s o. 6283-137 (T. . 94=392) and No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392) . 76 . 4 PERCENT The 48-inch storm sewer pipe i t manhole 0405, nd the 42-inch �; � � storm sewer pipe from manhole 04 5 to manhole 04 2 and out of `; ; manhole 0402 , together with m nh le 0405 and its casting assembly, as shown in the con tr ction plan for tate Project No. 6283-137 (T.H. 94=392 ) and as de cribed and tabu ated on Sheet No. 2 of the attached SCHEDUL " " • I 8- I i � . . ��y���° " 65650 -"- -- 10 . 871201 PERCENT Bridge No. 62875, westbound Tru k ighway No. 94 o er the \ Burlington Northern Railroad tr ck , with the exce tion of the item "Haul Salvaged Material" , Is escribed and ta ulated on Sheet No. 3 of the attached SCH DU E "I " . 4 . 653350 PERCENT Bridge No. 62876 , eastbound Tru ighway No. 94 o er the Burlington Northern Railroad tr k , as described nd tabulated on Sheet No. 4 of the attached S H DULE "I " . Note: An additional 76 feet of e gth was added t the designs of Bridges No. 62875 and No. 628 6 at the request f the City. The rates of cost participation w re determined b dividing the engineer's estimated cost for th dditional bridg length by the total engineer' s estimated const u tion cost for e ch bridge. The estimated cost of the additi n 1 length of eac bridge was decreased by a credit for the co t of the 76 feet f roadway which will not be built due to t e additional brid length. Section B. Prorated Constructio osts In addition, said payment by the C'ty shall also i lude an amount equal to the City' s final t tal share of co truction costs as determined in accordanc ith Section A. ove multiplied by the City' s prorate hare of the con act costs of Items No. 2021. 501 "Mobilization nd No. 563 . 601 raffic !�1/V" . . I � ��o - . . i ��� - — -- 65650 Control" . The formula by whic aid additional yment shall be determined is set forth in sa' ttached SCHEDUL "I" . Said additional payment represents th City's proport'onate share of the prorated item costs incur ed in connection w th the aforesaid City cost participation const uc ion. Section C. Construction En i e rin Costs In addition to payment of th a oresaid constru tion costs including the prorated item os s, the City sha 1 pay to the State a prorated share of th c nstruction engi eering costs for field engineering and inspec i , preparation progress and final estimates reports, rec r sampling, and terial testing and inspection which will be i curred by the S te in connection with said City cost partici t on construction Such construction engineering co ts shall consist o charges made by State personnel assigned to sa'd contract and f a classification no higher than "Principal E gi eer" (Resident ngineers assigned to State district offices a d placed in charg of construction projects are classified as r'ncipal Engineer�) as recorded under the State construction cos a counting work i em code numbers . appropriate for such const c ion engineeringlactivities on the I "Time Report" (Form TC 30) an the "Cost Dist ibution" (Form TC I 32 ) forms . Said City pror te cost share sha� 1 be determined I I i -10- ii � IY'" . . ���`9�0 " — -- � 65650 using the method and formula se f rth in said at ched SCHEDULE „I„ . (Note: For the purposes of e ti ating the City' share of said construction engineering costs s hown in the att ched SCHEDULE "I" , the State has used an amou t qual to 8 perce t of the estimated amount computed as th C ty's total shar of the aforementioned construction cos hich includes t e City's share of the prorated item costs . ) ARTICLE V - PAYMENT BY THE CITY Section A. Estimate and Advance e t of the Cit ' s Cost Share It is estimated, for accounting u oses, that the ity' s share of the costs of the construction t be performed b the State hereunder which includes the Cit 's share of the p rated item costs plus the 8 percent constru ti n engineering st share (used for estimating purposes on y) is the sum of 71, 390 .93 as shown in the attached SCHEDULE " " The State shal , when a construction contract is awarded wh ch includes the City cost participation construction to be pe formed hereunde , prepare a revised SCHEDULE "I " based on th c nstruction cont act unit prices and submit a copy of said e ised SCHEDULE " ^ to the City. The City agrees to advanc t the Commission r of Transportation an amount equal to t e City' s total ost share as -1 - . . ���-��� . 65650 set forth in said revised SCHE UL "I" be it morelor less than said sum of $571,390 . 93 in acc rd nce with the fo lowing advancement schedule. CITY COST SHARE AD EMENT SC D LE Forthwith upon the execution of t is agreement an upon receipt of a request from the State for s ch advancement funds, the City shall advance to the Commi s 'oner of Transpo� ation an amount equal to the City' s cost s re of storm ser� r construction as described and tabulated on S ee No. 2 of the vised SCHEDULE "I " . On or before April 1, 1990, the Ci y shall advance to the Commissioner of Transportation n mount equal to he City's cost share of Bridge No. 62875 as se f rth on Sheet No 3 of the revised SCHEDULE "I " . On or before April 1, 1991, the i y shall advance o the Commissioner of Transportation a ount equal to e City' s cost share of Bridge No. 62876 as set f th on Sheet No. 4 of the revised SCHEDULE "I " . Section B. Final Pa ent b the Ci It is contemplated that all of t e onstruction to le erformed P under said contract is to be don o a unit price b sis . Upon the completion and acceptance of th construction p ovided for in -1 - k�� . . �i-��° _ � . 65650 - said contract and upon computin e final amount ue the contractor performing the const uc ion, the State hall compute the total cost of the City part ci ation construct on as set forth hereunder. If the total os of the City pa ticipation construction is less than the ou t of the funds dvanced by the City, then, and in that event, he balance of said advanced funds shall be promptly returned to t ity without int rest. If the total cost of the City particip i n construction xceeds said amount of funds advanced by the i y, the City agr s to promptly pay to the State the difference. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 15 .415, h State waives c im for any amounts less than $2 . 00 over the ount of City fu s previously received by the State, and the C t waives claim f the return of any amounts less than $2 . 00 o s ch funds advan d by the City. Section C. Acce tance of Cit ' s Fi al Cost Share a d of Com leted Constructi n It , is understood and agreed that th aforesaid comp tation by the State of the amount due from the Ci y hereunder sha I be final, binding and conclusive. It is f t er agreed that he acceptance by the State of the completed co t uction performe under the -1 - � . � � ��-��o _ - _- II 65650 contract shall be final, bindi g nd conclusive u on the City as to the satisfactory completion of said constructiln. ARTICLE VI - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section A. Plan Changes The City may request changes in t e plan by a dul adopted City Council resolution for State Pr j ts No. 6283-13 (T.H. 94=392 ) and No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392) o truction to be erformed hereunder in order to satisfact ri y complete the foresaid City - cost participation construction a d if the State etermines that said requested plan changes are ne essary and/or d sirable, the State will cause such changes i p an to be made a d appropriately alter the affecte c nstruction. Section B. Maintenance It is hereby understood and agre d that, upon the atisfactory completion of State Projects No. 6 83-137 (T.H. 94 392 ) and No. 6283-143 (T.H. 94=392) construct o , the City shal thereafter provide for the proper maintenan e, without cost o expense to the State, of all of the storm s we facilities co tructed within the corporate City limits un er said projec and that neither party to this agreement ha 1 drain any ad tional • drainage into said storm sewer f ci ities that is n t included in the drainage for which said sto s wer facilities ere designed I -1 - � . . _ . . ��9-��D _ __ -_- j 65650 without first obtaining permis io to do so from he other party. The drainage areas served by t e torm sewer facilities constructed under this agreeme t re shown in a dlainage area map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area° , hi h is on file inithe office of the State ' s District Hydraulicl E gineer at Oakda e and is made a part hereof by reference with he same force and ffect as though fully set forth herein. Section C. Claims . It is hereby understood and agr e that any and a employees of the State and all other persons e ployed by the S te in the performance of the construction a /or constructi engineering work or services required or pr v' ed for under t s agreement shall not be considered employe s f the City and hat any and all claims that may or might ar se under the Worke ' s Compensation Act of the State o M'nnesota on beha f of said employees while so engaged and Iny and all claims ade by any third parties as a consequence f ny act or omiss on on the part of said employees while so enga ed on any of the c nstruction and/or construction engineering o k or services t be rendered herein shall in no way be the o i ation or respon 'bility of the City. - 5- � I ���`9�� . � � I 65650 � It is hereby understood and agr e that any and a 1 employees of the City and all other persons m loyed by the Ci y in the performance of any of the main en nce work or se lices required or provided for under this agr em nt shall not belconsidered employees of the State and tha a y and all clai that may or might arise under the Worker' s C pensation Act the State of Minnesota on behalf of said em 1 ees while so e aged and any and all claims made by any thi d parties as a co sequence of any act or omission on the part of s id employees wh le so engaged on any of the maintenance work o s rvices to be re dered under this agreement by the City shall i n way be the obl gation or responsibility of the State. The City at its own expense w 1 defend, indemn' y and save harmless the State and all of i s agents, offic s and employees of and from any and all claim , demands , action or causes of action of whatsoever nature o haracter arisin out of or by reason of the City' s neglige cts or omission in connection with the maintenance work co er d by this agree ent. Section D. Nondiscriminatio � The provisions of Minnesota t tute 181.59 andl f any applicable ordinance relating to civil i hts and discrim nation shall be considered part of this agre m nt as if fully et forth herein. -16- i . � i ; ������ � 65650 � i � � Section E. A reement A roval Before this agreement shall b co e binding and e fective, it shall be approved by resoluti n f the City Cou � il of the City and shall also receive the ap r val of such Stat� officers as the law may provide in addition o he Commissionerlof Transportation or his duly authorized repre e ative. I i � � i I I I � i I i � I � � i I I � � I � I . i � � I � -17- I . � � G��-��o - i 65650 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parti s ave duly execut d this agreement by their duly authorized officers an caused their r spective seals to be hereunto affixed. I � � CITY OF ST PAUL Recommended for approval: (Signature and City Seal} By gy Director of Public Works I Mayor Approved as to form: Date By Assistant City Attorney By Direct of Finance and Date Mana ment Services Date DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF MI NESOTA Recommended for approval: By Q Depu y Commissioner BY �• s - ��- 9 of ransportation /� 19 Director - A reement ����� Services Section Date (Dat of Agreement) By District Engineer Approved: By Department d Administration Deputy Division Director I Technical Services Division I By I � (Aut rized Signature) Approved as to form and executio : Date By Special Assistant Attorney Gen ra -1 - � � I � � � � � � � � �o a � � E � � .,� a� � .� A � �+ � '� c0 O � � .,� a � � N � � f-� O zs z z - � o ° H � � Q o a� � a W �n � � •.i r-i rn � o m �n cn .7 t!l �d O f-1 H N GO t0 t0 N O� A � a w � E � �n � rn �o �n �no [� � � {-1 f� p i 00 O� .-i �' �O N O1 U O d-� � N a cr .-i M c� O c+� M U] '.Zi (/� .L�' t0 Ol O QJ 01 N �-1 � 'J-� � 4-I O � V] N f� tn � L17 � Lf') ( � N � +� N � LiT tir vT v� E N � � � E � H {..� U � �o H O �-7 � � � U U W U �O � .� � � h O N N Z ,��„� t0 'b - - •.-I fd G". z � �' � c � �," N aD � fd }-� t0 � .,.� � �3 +� � t� O tn 1-� ao z w +� N !A t0 UI �,.' 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