89-971 WHITE - CITY CLENK PINN - FINANCE C I TY O F A NT PA U L uncil /�/+/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT .���/ •// BLUE - MAVOR ��le NO. • � - Council solution i �`� � IQ ; �4___ _, Presented By !/Referred To Committee: I� te � � �� Out of Committee By te An Administrative R so ution establishing the rate of pay for Golf Pro Ma ager in the Salary lan and Rates of Compensati n esolution. I RESOLVED, that the rate of pa f r the title of Gol Pro/Manager be set at the rate set forth in Grade 11 Section ID4, of t e Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ra es in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this es lution shall take fect and be in force on the first pay period aft r e passage, approv , and publication of this resolution. � � I � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart nt of: Yeas Nays ���d ICE OF PER EL LABOR RELAT Lo� [n Favor c�sw;tz � Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t Sonnen Wilson � � _ a �� Form prove by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s uncil tar By I + B5 � �l; prov by 14avor: Date — 9 �� Appr y Mayor f Submi 'on C�un ' B fUD4Wi1[J� .J Ui�S 1� � 8�7 i - � : . . . � ��� DEPARTMENTlOFFICEIOOUNqL DATE INITIATED �� Personnel & Labor Rela ions 4 26 89 GREEN SHEE NO. 9 � 7 OONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE ��� INITIAUDATE Sheryl Le/Ri ck Kreye x 4221 �+ P An�,�`� �.�KaL NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO DOET DIRECrOR �FlN.fl MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. YOR(OR A881ST TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES 1 (aIP ALL L AT NS FOR SK3NATUR� • ACT10N REOUEB'iED: Establish the rate of pay for the titl o Golf Pro/Manager Professional Supervisory Grade 11. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(ly a Rysct(Fry COUNCIL EJRESEARCM F�PORT OPT _PLANNINO OOMMI8SION _qVIL SERVICE WMMISSION ANALYST PHONE N0. _pB COAAMITfEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECfIVE7 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNfTY(Wta.What,When,Where,Why): See attached. RECEIVED ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: APR 2 e 1989 See attached. BUDGET O�fICE DISADVANTA(iE81F APPFbVED: City increases its employee benefit li bi ity for three addi onal employees. DISADVANT/�(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: The Parks and Recreation Divis.ion is t n orced to inapprop ately place the Golf Pro/Managers under another City title "Provisional" or " emporary" basis. This action would be required because e ew title, Golf Pr Manager, would not have an established rate of pay and th D ision can no long . use the former personal service contract arrangement. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 19,547.71 annual COSt T/REVLNIlE BUDOETED(CI ONE) YES NO FuNOUrc3 sour� cnvm Nu�R urc�� Research Center �wwc�u.iNr-oANU►noro:�cPwM fV�AY 1 9 ���� ... I I . , . ��-y�� GOLF RO MANAGER Initiating Problem. Issue Opportunity: The Parks and Recreation Division has h st ically hired Golf rofessionals under personal service contracts. It is now e 'ntent to hire thes positions under the Civil Service System. Additionally, the municipal golf courses we e operated each wi h one course manager and one golf professional. The Parks a creation Division as recently restructured their golf operations and c mb ned the two positi ns into one Golf Pro/Manager position for each course. The Office of Personnel and Labor Relati ns has studied the ne Golf Pro/Manager class and determined the appropriate rat o pay to be Grade 1 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. Advantages if Approved: Allows the Parks and Recreation Division to test for, hire, an pay personnel under the Civil Service title Golf Pro/Manager Eliminates the need for three personal s rvi ce contracts. Establishes an equitable compensation ra e ased on QES evalua on. City gains back revenues previously paid ou as commissions to olf Professionals. Cost/savings breakdown on next page. ,� I I , . . ; C,��_��G � Financial Breakdown fo Golf Pro Mana er I� Total additional cost for 1989: $105 34 .88 total compens� ion - 85 79 17 contract cost 'I n 1988 $ 19 54 .71 total additior� 1 cost I The total additional cost should be low r an the $19,547.71 �1 stimate, because the 1988 contract costs were not based on t re (3) full time posi� ions. Person #3 did not work a complete season, as Highland o course opened lat� . If this position had worked 2080 hours (as we have estim te for 1989) , then t 1988 contract cost and commissions paid would have been hi e , and subsequently here would have been less difference between the 1988 and 198 c sts. Therefore, t e additional cost for three FTE going from the Personal Se i e Contract arrange ent to SPSO Grade 11 would actually be less than $19,547.17. Th actual cost or sa ings is expected to be minimal with primary emphasis on shif in from one payment echanism to another. The estimated cost of this transaction w 11 also vary based on golf revenues, benefit costs, and step increases for th i cumbents. The estimated savings were calculated as fo lows: Costs under Personal Service Contract Ar an eme nt in 1988: Contract Wages (Annual) Person 1 $ 24,000 'i Person 2 20,000 Person 3 14.490 $ 58,490 contract wages I II Plus Commissions (for year ending 12/31/ 8) � Person 1 $ 10,941.65 Person 2 9,746.71 Person 3 6.617.81 $ 27,306.17 additional c ssions Total Contract Pay = $85,796.17 annually, w' h no City benefits Costs under Civil Service S stem at SPSO ra e 11: Starting Salary: $ 1,080.45 biweekly at te A $28,091.70 annually (pe p rson) i Salary cost for three positions: $28,091 70 x 3 positions = $8 ,275.10 annually Total com ensation cost in 1989: II P $ 84,2 5. 0 salary cost (benefits were not paid in 1988) + 2 � benefit cost �, $105,3 3. 8 total annual cos� Estimated total additional cost for 1989: $105,343.88 totall ompensation - 85.796.17 contr� t cost in 1988 $ 19,547.71 totall dditional cost I � II � � ��, . � � �� �� � `�� . ': /� � x �I /4,G��`� /� � �,�- � CI OF SAINT PAUL °' Of ic of PersonneZ and bor Relations � CIa si ication and Compen ation Division 26 C�ty Xa11, Saint au1, MN 55102 '� 612-298-4221 � T0: Frank Staffenson, Pre id nt Saint Paul ,Supervisor 0 ganization j ��j,� i FROM: Rick Kreyer/�(, � Office of Personnel a d bor Relations II DATE: March 08, 1989 RE: 1�+renty Day Notice i It has been determined that the 1 s specification o� Golf Pro/Manager should be establish . I have attached a � opy of the class specification for your re e . Please notify me� within twenty • days of receipt of this memo� i yo wish to discuss is action. If I do not hear from you within t t imeframe, I will sume agreement and will proceed with the proces . I I I will also be processing a reso ut on to establish th� rate of pay for the title of Golf Pro/Manag r n Grade 11, Sectio ID4, of the Professional Supervisory Standar R nges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. �I I � � i � II I hereby waive the time remainin o tnis 20 day notic� for the purp,,c3 e of establihing this clas s ecification. %,^ ' —/;�//�., i �- ����l-- ���� � �.�/. F ank Staffenson Da�e I II � I � i� � i� . �� ��.- ��/ � CITY •F AINT PAUL � INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM �I I TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Chai Fin nce, Management and ersonnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director � �; (� �v� I ✓ �.x�- DATE: May 4, 1989 I � RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Reco me ded Change in Employ� Salary Rates I ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: GolfPr ana er DATED: 4/26/89 Regrade Existing ;;:3£i�;;;Create N Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs :�:::::;Change in Costs General Fund Street Maintenance Fund I Sewer Service Fund I Water Utility Fund Other. Special Service Enterprise Fund (1,197) 21,150 I 918 21,678 Other: Other. TOTALS (1,197) 21,150 I 918 21,678 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In Gener I Fu d. II Money Available In A Vacant Position In Authorize Bud et: Money Available By Underspending Appropriation For ther Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For Sp cial und Is Attached <::::;�k'X::::::;Other: Use dollars budgeted for contract servic an reduce profit. NEXT YEAR FfNANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: �ncrease Property Taxes By: fncrease Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: I Increase Sewer Rates By: z:>Jl'�X::;:<:Increase User Charges For: Golf I Other: i I COMM ENTS: Amounts/or 1989 and 1990 ref/ect the entire ye . 1 cost changes have been obtainel�by comparing 1989 with 1988. 1988 Costs:1988 Wages($58,490)plus 1988 C mis ions($27,306)_$85,796 I 1989 Costs: SPSO,grade 11,siep A:$1,080.45 3 ositions at 2088 hours annually:$j1�,080.45x 28.1=$84,599 Current Year(1989)added sa/ary costs:$84,599-$8 796=-$1,197 Fringe benefits have never be%re been paid.Ad ed f'nges at 25a.fi:$84,599 x.25=$21��50 Assuming 2.54b negotiated increase in 1990. One incumbent did not work full time the entire 8 ason,therefore,part of the increaVs�e is due to assuming full time. cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson D partmenUOffice Director: �Cathy Stack Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/GOLF_PRO 04-May-89 I .:: w. -. ,.: ..- - -. :... :. ��u. . ...;. .�..._.,��.. . ,�. ... .�::�. . ..: ,_..�..�.�. .�.. .. . �. a.�. , ..: . ..:.. . ... . . _w_:....� . :_ .. � ��_ a� � t 4. Resolution 89-906 - amending the 98 and 1989 � pproved CIB budget by adding $150,000 for ci ide tree planting. (Referred from Council a 23) 5. Resolution 89-925 - amending the 98 CIB budget pproved by adding $70,000 for the Valley ec eation Center Site Improvement project. (Refer ed from Council I May 25) 6. Resolution 89-974 - amending,the 98 and 1989 CIB aid over to 6/19 budgets by adding $250,000 to Con in ent Reserve for rainleader disconnection. (Refer ed from Council June 1) 7. Resolution 89-973 - amending the 98 budget by pproved adding $20,000 to the Financing a d pending Plans for Citywide Data Processing Spec al Projects. (Referred from Council June 1) 8. Resolution 89-835 - approving and ra ifying agree- pproved ment between the City and the Tri Co ncil Locals 120, 49 and 132. (Referred from ou cil May 16) 9. Resolution 89-898 - changing the at of pay for pproved Affirmative Action Director in th S lary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolut on (Referred from Council May 23) 10. Resolution 89-970 - changing the at of pay for Approved Fire Training Assistant in the Sa ar Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution o rade 37, Section ID6. R 11. Resolution 89-971 - establishing he rate of pay Approved for Golf Pro Manager in the Salar P an and Rates of Compensation Resolution in Gra e 1, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Su ervisory Standard Ranges. (Referred from ou cil June 1) 12. Resolution 89-972 - establishing he rate of pay Approved for Human Rights Specialist in th S lary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolut'on. (Referred from Council June 1) 13. Resolution establishing the rate f ay for Public Laid over to 6/19 Health Division Manager in Grade 2, Section ID4 , of the Professional Supervisory S a ard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of mp nsation Resolution. (Referred from Coun "1 pril 7, 1988) � . . ..- - - _ ... __ . _._..._.�.___:. � . _ . . � - _. .......:......_ . . � . . . . . .... ....... .. .. __ ..__.. . . _. .... ...._ ._._._._....;,.._::__ - ,._ �fCEIVED . �;::� '�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL r ; -� �;. ��lg;�=p� �uN o s 19ag - -a .'�. �---�, OFFICE OF 'rHE CITY COUNCIL . ... CITY CLERK _ Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee JUNE 5, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of May 15, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. General discussion of the Mayor' s mid-year Laid over to 6/19 budget adjustments. 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 transferring $32,062 �from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for full-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 2b. Resolution 89-354 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 adding $51,661 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Vice Unit to conduct investigations of liquor and Class III license applicants. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) (Withdrawn by Administration) 2c. Resolution 89-830 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 - transferring $38,574 to Community Services Parks and Recreation Administration and Finance and Management Services for renovation of third floor of City Hall Annex. (Referred from Council May 9) 2d. Resolution 89-820 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 adding $99,755 to the Financing and Spending Plans for City Attorney' s office automation project. (Referred from Council May 11) 3. Resolution 89-908 - allocating $50,000 to the Sent out of Police Departraent for continuation and expansion ; Committee without of the Beat Patrol Program for 1989, and trans- recommendation ferring $25,000 to a contingent reserve fund for possible overtime costs. (Referred from Council May 23) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 •�ae