89-970 WHITE - CITV CLERK C flCll PINK - FINANCE GITY OF A NT PALTL � P� BI.UERy - MAVORTMENT F� N0. ��� - Council solution ; ;%15 , �� � Presented By �Referred To Committee: D te � ���� Out of Committee By D te An Administrative R so ution changing the ate of pay for Fire Tra ni g Assistant in the alary Plan and Rates of C mp nsation Resolution RESOLVED, that the rate of pa f r the classificati of Fire Training Assistant be changed from the rate se forth in Grade 34 Section ID6, to Grade 37, Section ID6, of the Fire No -Supervisory Stand rd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensat on and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this r so ution shall take e fect and be in force on the first pay period afte t e passage, approval , and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested Departm t of: Y�S vimona Nays (� OFFICE F PERSON EL ND A OR RELATIONS Lo� (� In Favor Goswitz � Rettman s�ne;ne� � _ Against BY �s�� R. i4.�l. wa�on �N � j � Form A prov by Cit Attotney Adopted by Council: Date Ceriified Ya d y Counci c tar By � ` sy A►pprov by Mavor: Date � j 4 �� Appr d by Mayor for ubmis ' n t Co�cil _� By _�'�-•'�_ i � ; � �� 'J"� ti 4198 , � . � r " ��-�7D DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED P'ersonnel� & Labor Relations 03/22/89 GREEN .S�"�EE NO. 9� � OONTACT PE PHONE I�MTW.I DATE INITIAUDATE ��'' Q�� ARTMENT OIRECI�OR �CITY OOUNqL Sheryl��e/I�ick Kre er'' - ��� ATTORNEY �cm cx��ac MUBT BE ON OaJNpI AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNi�i ET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 OIR. YOR(OR AS818T ' � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL L TI NS FOR SI�NATUF� ACi10N REWESTED: Change the rate of pay for the title Fir T aining Assistant f m Fire Non-Supervisory Grade 34 to Grade 37. RECOMMENDATION8:Approw pq a Rysct(F� COUNqL RESEAFiCFI REPORT _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _pVIL�RVICE COMMISSION �YST PH�IE NO. _CIB COI�AMIITEE _ _�� _ COMMENT8: _DISTRICT WURT _ SUPPORTS WHlpl COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INfT1ATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Nl��WMn�When�Wh,�: ECEIVED See attached. M R 2 41989 U GET (�FICE ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: 1. Re-establishes internal pay equity ba ed on QES evaluation. : The ciass is currently 11.028 below the City's Pay Eq ity Line. 2. Restores the Fire Department's abilit t attract and retai employees in this class. DI8ADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVED: Restores the rate of�pay for this class ac to Grade 37 for f ure new incumbents. This will not, however, increase the rat o pay £or present i umbents, as all present incumbents are currently paid in Gr de 37. 018ADVANTACiE8 IF I�T APPROVED: l. The City will not have taken action t e iminate an underpa ent relationship after having identified the class as ei g 11.02� undercomp sated. 2. The Fire Department will have an incr as gly difficult tim attracting qualified individuals to the Fire Tra i Assistant class. The Office of Personnel and Labor Relations and the Fi e Department have cumentation on the difficulty in attracting Fire Departm t ersonnel to this ass. Torn��MOUNT oF rw►NSncrioN = zero dollars in 1989 T�R�u�supo�r�p�q pw� y�s No FuNaNO sou� nnrv Nu� uncii Research Center FlNANqAI INFORMIITION:(EXPWN) IfIAY � �7 iJOJ . . I �:�,y y7o Title: Fire Training Assistant Initiating Problem. Issue. OpportunitX: This action results from an agreement bet ee the City and Fire� ighters Local #21 to study the Fire Training Assistant clas a a condition of si ing the 1988 bargaining agreement. The Fire Training Assistant class was stu ie during the 1984 C pensation Study and the consultants recommended a decreas i pay from Fire Gra e 37 to Grade 34. Presently, all incumbents are paid in Gra e 7. During negotia ions, it was agreed that the class would be reduced to Grade 4 or hires after Jan ary 1, 1988. This decrease was conditional upon a review by th Classification an Compensation Division, and the pay was to be determine b QES evaluation. e result of the most recent job study found significant c an es in the Fire Tra ning Assistant job since 1984, which warranted Grade 37, due to an increased empha is on training department-wide and an increased sophisti at on of the training� curriculum offered. Additional Cost Breakdown: No new positi ns are expected for 1 89, therefore there should be no additional c st in 1989. Any cost would be for future hires that would have been paid in Gr de 34. 5yr rate 5yr rate Bi-weeklv Annual Grade 37 $1,599.05 $41,575.3 Grade 34 $1,463.54 $38,052.0 Potential added cost per position: $135.51 $3 523.26 � . , . . ���-��� CITY SAINT PAUL Offi o Personnel and La r Relations Classi ic tion and Compensa on Division 26 'ty Ha11, Saint Pa , MN 55102 12-298-4221 TO: Gary Olding, President Fire Fighters Local #21 FROM: Rick Krey'er%� Office of Personnel and r Relations DATE: February 24, 1989 RE: T�aenty Day Notice It has been determined that the c s specification of re Training Assistant should be revised to re le a .clarification duties and a change in minimum qualification , have attached a py of the class specification for your revi . Please notify me thin twenty days of receipt of this memo, if u ish to discuss th e changes. If I do not hear from you within a timeframe, I will ssume agreement and will proceed with t ocess. I will also be processing a resol ti increasing the r e of pay for Fire Training Assistant from Grad 3 , Section ID6 to G de 37, Section ID6 of the Fire Non-Supe is y Standard Ranges n the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Re 1 ion I hereby waive the time remaining n his 20 day notice or the purpose of revising this class spe' i cation. Gary Olding Date i . �� -�1 �O •a ' ;� I CITY F AINT PAUL INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Chai Fi nce, Management and I ersonnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director ? '. I,`� � � � � I DATE: May 4, 1989 I RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Reco me ded Change in Employ� Salary Rates � ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Fire Trai 'ng A sistant DATED: 3/22/89 ;X,?�:;::Regrade Existing Create N Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR I NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs �E`�C:::::;Change in Costs General Fund see comments I�I see comments Strset Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund II Other. I Other: i Other: TOTALS 0 0 I 0 0 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In Gener I Fu d. II II Money Available In A Vacant Position In Authorize Bud et: II Money Available By Underspending Appropriation For ther Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For Sp cial und Is Attached I Other: I NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: Increase Property Taxes By: Increase Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: Other: II COMMENTS No people are expected to be hired in this position 1 ,therefore,there is no added 1 cost. The added 1989 cost if a person is hi�ed is: - -C ange--- Five Year Rates: Grade 34 Grade 37 Sal y ringe(44Ti) I Biweekly $1,463.54 $1,599.05 $1 5.51 $5.42 Annually ,s38,198.39 $41,735.21 $3, 6.8 $141.47 1990 costs could be obtained by inflating these�gu s b an assumed increase of 2.5a.fi cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson D partmenUOffice Director: $teve Conroy Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/FR_TRAIN 04-May-89 !I . . . ..... __ . _... ... _.. . . ,._. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ C��C"�7° 4. Resolution 89-906 - amending the 1 88 and 1989 � proved CIB budget by adding $150,000 for it ide tree planting. (Referred from Council ay 23) 5. Resolution 89-925 - amending the 1 88 CIB budget t� proved by adding $70,000 for the Valley R cr ation Center Site Improvement project. (Referr d rom Council � May 25) � 6. Resolution 89-974 - amending the 1 87 and 1989 CIB id over to 6/19 budgets by adding $250,000 to Cont ng nt Reserve for rainleader disconnection. (Referr d rom Council June 1) 7. Resolution 89-973 - amending the 1 89 budget by proved adding $20,000 to the Financing an S ending Plans for Citywide Data Processing Speci 1 rojects. (Referred from Council June 1) 8. Resolution 89-835 - approving and at fying agree- I proved ment between the City and the Tri- ou cil Locals � 120, 49 and 132, (Referred from C un il May 16) 9. Resolution 89-898 - changing the r te of pay for proved Affirmative Action Director in the Sa ary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti n. (Referred from Council May 23) . esolution 89-970 - changing the r te of pay for proved Fire Training Assistant in the Sal ry Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution t G ade 37, Section ID6. (Referred from Counc 1 une 1) 11. Resolution 89-971 - establishing t e ate of pay proved for Golf Pro Manager in the Salary P1 n and Rates of Compensation Resolution in Grad 1 , Section ID4 of the Professional Employees up rvisory Standard Ranges. (Referred from C un il June 1) 12. Resolution 89-972 - establishing t e ate of pay pproved for Human Rights Specialist in the Sa ary Plan I and Rates of Compensation Resoluti n. (Referred from Council June 1) 13. Resolution establishing the rate o p y for Public aid over to 6/19 Health Division Manager in Grade 3 , ection ID4 , I of the Professional Supervisory St nd rd Ranges j in the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pe sation Resolution. (Referred from Counci A ril 7, 1988) . . ..: _. . ._. _ .... _ . _ ..._...--- __. : . - � .__ - - -�- - . ._ ._. .. . _._ .. _ . __. . _... _ . _ .. .. _ _ .. . . ._ .. .._. ,..�._..�........,..._ '�_ - �c��vEO . - f GITY OF SAINT PAUL _ �:;;� �6��=��°� JUN o 619a9 . �' OFFICE OF 'PFIE CITY COUNCIL ` '�._.._ . C1TY �LE�tK : Committee Report Finance. Management. & Personnei Committee JUNE 5, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of May 15, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. General discussion of the Mayor' s mid-year Laid over to 6/19 budget adjustments. 2a. Resolution 89-35�. - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 transferring $32,062 �from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for full-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 2b. Resolution 89-354 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 adding $51,661 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Vice Unit to conduct investigations of liquor and Class III license applicants. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) (Withdrawn by Administration) 2c. Resolution 89-830 - amendirig the 1989 .k�udget by Laid over to 6/19 - transferring $38,574 to Community Services Parks � - and Recreation Administration and Finance and Management Services for renovation of third floor of City Hall Annex. (Referred from Council May 9) 2d. Resolution 89-82Q - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 6/19 adding $99,755 tq the Financing and Spending Plans for City A�torney' s office automation project. (Referred from Council May 11) 3. Resolution 89-908 - allocating $50,000 to the Sent out of Police Department for continuation and expansion , Committee without of the Beat Patrol Program for 1989, and trans- recommendation ferring $25,000 to a contingent reserve fund for ' possible overtime costs. (Referred from Council May 23) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�aa