89-969 wHiTe - urr CLERK COUrtC1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L I CANARY - DEPARTMENT . I Fll@ NO. � � ��� BLUE - MAVOR �C unc l esolution ��'��. �� � � � Presented By v Referred To Commi ttee: Date � �� �� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Res lu ion amending the C il Service Rules regarding Pa king Enforcement 0 icer. RESOLVED, that the Civil S rvi ce Rules be amende in Section 6.B, Examination Contents, so that t e ifth paragraph in id Section shall read as follows: "The weight of any oral tes s all not exceed 307 f the examination, however, this restriction ha 1 not apply in exa nations for any position listed under the ro essional/Administr ive Non-Supervisors, the Professional/Administr ti e Supervisors, the echnical Groups, Food Service positions, e� Po ce Officer.-, or P kin Enforcement Officer." No action taken by the Civil Ser ic Commission - June 8, 1989 �oan Jeff ey ecre ry COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Request y e nt of: Dimond OFF OF PERSON EL LABOR RELATIONS �� [n Favor Goswitz '�y�� �he� ° Against BY � �''`� Sonnen Wilson ��p JUN 2 1 1.709 Form A prov by �i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � �� \ Certified Pa: ouncil reta BY gy, t Appr y Mavor: Da � �L — 7 9 Appr Mayor f Su mi ' n cil B p�gt�i J U L 1519$9 i • ' - � � ��=g69 DEPARTAAEPIT/OFFICElOOUNpL DATE I TIA ffice of Personnel & Labor Relation 5- -8 GREEN S ET NO. 9 61 CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE � INITIALJDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR S �CRY OOUNpI David Kigin - 298-4221 N� GTY ATTORNEY �cmr c�wc MU8T BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� BUOOEf DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICE$dR. �MAYOR(OR A8SI8T � C i v i 1 S g r � 1 OIl TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES � (q.IP L L CATIONS FOR SIQNA ACTION REQUE3TED: Make change in Civil Service Rules re: Ex mination Contents ' ction 6.B RECOMMENDA7�ON8:Approve(p w Re�x,t(R) �� ��g�pEpppT O IONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y� �CGIVED P���. �/� _pB OOMMITfEE _ —oT����«,� — M AY 2 2 1989 ,��� Ay l� 1989 � ti � >„ 8UPPORTB WNICN OOUNpI 08JECME? � �►- � ; �'':, J INITIATIN(i PF�BLEM.ISSUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet.Whsn.�Nhere,WA»: Employees holding the title of Parking E fo cement Officer hav promotional rights to the position of entry level Police Officer u on completion of the ST certification program. Because of this relationship between pos ti ns, the Office of rsonnel and Labor Relations Office desires to test Parking Enforceme t fficer candidates the same method, not the same test, as applied to entry level Pol ce Officer candidates with a oral test. Clerical Bargaining Unit agrees with tes in process. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: This resolution will enable the Office of Pe sonnel and Labor R lations to conduct an oral test for Parking Enforcement candidates. By the time candidate are eligible to take the entry level Police Officer oral test, can id tes will have comp ted their POST training and have passed both written and skills t st . We would like t ' flexibflity of doing an oral only examination. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: C ncii Research CenteC ' . MAY 2 4 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI ON� YES NO FUNDINd SOURCE ITY NUMBER FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(IXPWN) . ., ��-�� 9. Resolution 89-969 - amending Section 6. of the A proved Civil Service Rules pertaining to Pa ki g Enforce- �� ment Offi er. (Ref rred from Counci J ne 1) ___ � � � 10. Resolution 89-1003 - amen "ng Sec io 1 of the L id over 3 weeks Civil Service Rules pertaining to pr vi ional employment. (Referred from Council un 6) ** Committee requests that discussion of ex ending the expiration date of the promotional li t or the position of Fire Department Captain b p aced on a City Council agenda prior to June 30. II � - ..._:.... ` � _.... .. . .._ . _ __ . _ _._-•-- _... .. ..._.•.....__. .�:.: .,_ _ _. ._.. ._. ... .._.. . .. ......._.....:�_ ... .,,. .....,�. .....�-. -- �.. _. . _;.:�.�...::.;,:x: �• - ! GITY OF SAINT PAUL • ' iil(�i la;n . OFFICF. OF T13� CITY COIINCIL • �CE�VE� Committee Report JUN 2 019$9 CITY CLERK Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee June 19, 1989 l. Approval of minutes of June 5, 1989, meeting. Approved 2. General discussion of the Mayor' s mid-year Continued discussion budget adjustmets. in three weeks 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks transferring $32,062 from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for fu11-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20 & June 5) 2b. Resolution 89-354 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks adding $51,661 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Vice Unit to conduct investigations of liquor and Class III license applicants. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20 & June 5) (Withdrawn by Administration) 2c. Resolution 89-830 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks - transferring $38,574 to Community Services Parks and Recreation Administration and Finance and Management Services for renovation of third floor of City Hall Annex. (Referred from Council May 9, laid over June 5) 2d. Resolution 89-820 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks adding $99,755 to the Financing and Spending Plans for City Attorney' s office automation project. (Referred from Council May 11, laid over June 5) 2e. Resolution 89-1004 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks adding $112,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Utility Needs. (Referred from Council June 6) 2f. Resolution 89-1024 - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over 3 weeks adding $23,500 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Referred from Council June 8) � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�4e