89-968 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � /^ PINK -�FINANCE q I1nC11 `�/y_�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF A NT PA U L �j le NO. �� � BI.UE - MAVOR Cou cil solution � ' � i ___ Presented By Referred To Committee: L��ate Out of Committee By te I RESOLVED, That the Council o t e City of Saint Pa 1 hereby approves and ratifies the attache I dependent School D strict No. 625 1988-89 Compensation Resolution r ga ding confidential lassified and unclassified supervisory employee . � � i I � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested art ent oE: Yeas Nays Dimond 0 ICE OF PERSO N D LABOR RELATIONS Long In Favor Goswitz �be� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson JUN — 8 ��7 For Appro ed y�C ttorney Adopted by Council: Date ` ,� Bv ) , Certified Pas Council S e � y sy, � �����'�`�-h- � r- Appr by iVlavor: Date �N - 9 �� Approve Mayor f r Submis n o cil PbBlt�iED J UN l. 7 196 � . . . � . C�0"+-t!� OEPARTMEHT/OFFl(�/COUNpL DATE INITIATE � w O Personnel & Labor Relations 5-15-8 GREEN SHEE No. �'�' corir�cr��a w�e iNm�u a► i�xnnuon� � P��r ar�croR �qTY COUNCIL James C. Lombardi 292-7301 �� Q ATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON OOUNdL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO � UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES qR. � AYdi(�i ASSIST � TOTAL N OF 81�iNATURE PA�8 � (CUP ALL L CA IONS FOR SIDiNATUR� ACTION REWESTED: This resolution approves the Independent ch ol District No. 62 1988-89 Compensation Resolution regarding confidential classif ed and unclassified s ' ervisory employees. REOOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(ly a Rs�ect(F� CO�iNCIL C I E/RESEARCH REPORT _PLANNING COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION """""� ECEIVED PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ C�AMENTB: �J�„ —o����«,RT — M Y 2 2 y SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? �1TY �TT����Y OR'S OFFICE INITUITINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where,Why): None ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: See attachments D18ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The provisions of this School District C mp nsation Resolution ould not supercede Civil Service Rules. ouncil Research Center P�IAY 2 4�989 TOTAL AMWNT OF TRANSACTION NO COSt to City CpgT�pEyENUE BUDOETED RCLE ONE) 11E8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORAAATION:(EXPWN) II :. , . . . . . . I ���Q- 9�� � � . ; � INDEPENDENT SC O L OISTRICT NO. 2S BOAR O ECUCATION S111NT PA L UBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: April 4, 1989 � TOPIC: Approval of 1988-1989 Comp ns tion Resolution ad sting wages and benefits confidential la sified and unclass ied supervisory employees A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1) The five employees whose posit on fall into this�gr up are by law exluded from the classified su er isory bargaining u it because of the confidential nature of the r ositions. Histori ally, both the ' City of St. Paul and the Schoo D strict have treate these employees identically with their collea es who are in similar titles in the civil service professional su r sory bargaining u t. i 2) In the meeting of the Board o E cation on March 1 1989, a new labor agreement was approved it the St. Paul Supe isors Organization, which represents that unit. 3) This Compensation Resolution ro ides for the profe ional confidential supervisory classified and un la sified positions t same wage adjustments (3.25� increases n 988 and 1989) and e same benefit adjustments as were provided n he 1988-1989 contr t with SPSO. - 4) Five employees are currently ff c.ted by this resol ion. 5) Submitted by Phyllis E. Byers N gotiator, and Davi A. Bennett, Superintendent of Schools. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education appro e nd adopt the 1988- 989 Compensation Resolution herein described, and ut orize the appropri te District officials to implement its terms. . . j � � � I . . . . . . ��._y�� , . � � � INDEPENDENT SCH L ISTRICT NO.625 ;' 1988-89 COMPENS I RESOLUTION I This Compensation Resolution shall apply to the cla 'rfi and unclassified(or Ex� pt) Employees of the District holding the following titles: Assistant Director of Perso ei ' Associate Director of Perso nel i Chief Accountant Director of Food Service (u la s'rfied) Employee Benefits Manag r Manager of Facility Mainten nc (exempt) Manager of Facility Operati ns exempt) Personnel Assistant IV 1. Employees employed in the aforemention d c ss'rfied, unclassified, an or exempt supervisory titles and positions which are considered co fid ntial shall be placed in a lary range equal to the 1988 and 1989 salary ranges applicable to em loyees employed in clas5' ied supervisory titles in District non-confidential positions which ar in t e same pay grade and o upational group as the confidential titles. , Employees employed in the aforemen ion d titles and positions � hich are considered confidential and which are in pay grade in which there are no cla$ ified supervisory non- confidential titles, shall be placed in the 1 8 nd 1989 salary ranges w ich would be applicable to employees employed in ctassified supe is non-confidential positia s, if they existed, in the same pay grade and occupational group a 'the confidential titles. i The 1988 wage adjustments shall be effe ive anuary 1, 1988. The 1989 wage adjustments shalt be effe ive December 31, 1988. 2. Employees employed in the aforemention d Y es shall continue to be c� ered by the vacation schedule shown below: y�ars of Service � Less than 8 years 15 ays After 8 years through 15 ar 20 ays After 15 years and therea er 251 ays 3. For employees employed in the aforeme ion d titles: ' 3.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGF� EMENT to provide for employees such health and life in ur ce contributions as are vided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGR E ENT. � 2 - i � . . . . . v ��_ ��� . � i . . 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Classified C nfideMial Supervisors 3.6 Effective March 1, 1989, full-time e pl ees who retire and who eet the conditions set forth in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 but who m et one of the conditions s forth in 3.5.1 shall be eligible for the following percenta es of the amount contribut d by the EMPLOYER toward heafth insurance for active e pl yees in the same health an. Such retirees shall be eligibte for such contribution unti the reach sixty-five (65) yea of age. Combination of Age Co tri tion for ontribution for and Years of Service Si gle overage amily Coverage 0 90% 83 8 % � 80°0% 82 � % ��o° _ 6 % 60/o 80 5 % � 50% 3.7 For employees hired or appointed a itle in this group, prior to ecember 31, 1988 who retire at age sixty-five (65) or old , t EMPLOYER will provi such health insurance contributions toward employee eal h insurance plans as � e provided for by the EMPLOYER for retirees sixty-five (65 years of age or older approved by Board of Education action. 3.8 For employees who retire at the e f sixty-five (65) or older for early retirees upon reaching age sixty-five(65), and w o h ve completed at least tw nty (20)years of service at the time of their retirement, he MPLOYER will provid such health insurance contributions toward employee he Ith insurance plans a are provided by the EMPLOYER for retirees sixty-fiv (6 ) years of age or older approved by Board of Education action. For such empl ee or early retirees who ha e not compteted at least twenty (20) years of service a th time of their retireme , the EMPLOYER will discontinue providing any health nsu ance contributions upon heir retirement or in the case of early retirees upon rea in age sixty-five (65). Fo purpose of this Article, employment in either the City of ain Paul or Independent Sc ool District No. 625 may be counted in meeting the twent (2 ) year requirement, ex pt for service prior to a resignation. 3.9 A retiree may not carry his/her s use as a dependent'rf such s use is also a District/City retiree or DistricUCity employee nd ligible for and is enrolle in the DistricUCity health insurance program. 3.10 For each eligible employee cove d this RESOLUTION wh is employed full-time and who selects employee health in ra ce program, the EMPL ER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $ .0 per month, whichever i less. For each full-time employee who selects family co era e, the EMPLOYER will ntribute the cost of such tamily coverage or$180.00 per ont ,whichever is less. � 3.10.1 Effective April 1, 1989 he ntributions specified i Section 3.10 above are amended to a maxim m ontribution of $80.00 er month for employee coverage,or a maximu co ribution of$190.00 per nth for family coverage. - 3 - � - 4 - � . - - . - 6 - � • � � � . �� i � �� � M� � . ri ao a� r ui o � c�cn � ao� r � � � N N N N N � .r n� �O 1� M N vj � ` � C� � �N � y `\_�`\ � 00 OD f�O� O 'r`C 0�0 V� � � N NN N � � � � N / M 7 � O� � N N M I � � � C y O)d' N LA N LL� � � m � O r- N tC � � r N N N N � � � O O � � � Q-�- � �A�G �- � � � � �'O 1lY � C 00 � ' N1� X X � � � �y U � ��A d � � O� � C rr �" r NN N �� 3 � � � (� � C O 3 d � � C Q cC � � � N � (�j O� 1� C C� g � � o Xa � � � �� a�o ,�/� rno °v � N a� Q� � T T �� r v, T N � N O M � •V•�j 'pp �y �A aQ m LL� L�L � �'3 N a� G� O O p � � � Q W � 1A tn L � CC � �O �G N d � 0 � N �� 01 p �1� Q � ` ` � �- �N C C � � 1n� m � � � E M � � � 1� � OD� t N � Rf w � r �� � � � � U a � � cv � � g o c '� ^M n N^ 0�0 � � r � � C1 �G �G � r-Ln �C �O N I� CCO � M c� CC f� ap � r r- � �- � � (V � +�- � c� "L" C � N � d �� � �N LN N G' � � N O OD � �7 � � NM � �^ O r � � r � N � � � � � T �� � � � � � � � N �r (� � (� N � �Ln C'7 . M W eN- 1� 2' � NN � �� NNI � � � � � � � � � V � 7 0 N N � O�0 0�0 N 0�0 G�0 N C�0 C�D � C�D C�0 $ .G d N � N N � 0� N � m N � � � � OC7 � O(� � OM � OCh � � � rO� r N � N e- N � � C9 O�- C7 O� C'3 O� A - i � i _ il WMITE — CITV CIERK � � ' � � ' PINK — FINf,NCE TF' *T C �1CII (/I� }/��� CANARV — DEPAFTMENT G I TY OF A NT • A l.i L /J (/ BLUE — MAVOR F• NO• cJ �`�� - Council solution ; CITY CLERK � Presented By Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committee By te RESOLVED, That the Council o t e Citv of Saint Pa hereby approves and ratifies the attache I dependent School D' trict No. 625 1988-89 Compensation Resolution r ga ding confidential assified and unclassified supervisory employee . il � i I il i � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart�ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond OFFICE OF PERSOjI�(NEL AND LABOR RELATIONS �os In Favor I Goswitz Rettman ��;� Against BY � Sonnen � w�u�oo Form Approved by C��y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date il Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY i gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor �dr Submission to Council �� By By I I i i DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED � R � Personnel & Labor Relations 5-15-89 GREEN SHEE NO. �'E CON7ACT PER30N R PHONE INITUW DA INfT1AUDATE AR7I�AENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNpI James C. Lombardi 292-7301 �� ATTORNEY �cmaF�uc MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 AAOT.BERVIf�8 pR. YOR(OR A8SI3T � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES � (CLIP A�L L AT NS FOR SIONATURE) ' .� CJ- � ACTION REQUESTED: This resolution approves the Independent S ho 1 District No. 625 1988-89 Compensation Resolution regarding confidential classifi d nd unclassified su ervisory employees. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(Ia or Rsject(R) (;QUN(�l E/pE$EAqCH pEpQpT _PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION _pVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION ��VBT i PFIONE NO. _pB OOMMITrEE _ COAAMENTS: _8TAFF _ _018TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNpI OBJECTIVE7 INt'MT1NO PROBLEM,I83UE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who,Wh�6 Whsn,Whsro,Wh�: None �ov�rrrnoes iF�oven: � See attachments I�i . DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None . as�ovMrr�oes iF Nor�oveo: ; The provisions of this School District Com en ation Resolution w� ld not supercede Civil Service Rules. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION i NO CO S t t O C i t y T/REVENUE�UD�iETE�( q,�� YEg NO FUNDING SOURCE CTMTY NUMSER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) . . . . . � I � � I �� � -��� . i INDEPENDENT SCH O �ISTRICT NO. i� 80ARD F EOUCATION � SAINT PAU P BLiC tCHOOLS I i i . �ATE: April 4, 1989 I ' TQPIC: Approval of 1988-1989 Compen at on Resolution adju ting wages and benefits confidential cl ss fied and unclassif ed supervisory employees A. PERTINENT FACTS: 'I 1) The five employees whose positi s all into this�gro are by law exluded from the classified sup v ory bargaining uni� because of the confidential nature of thei p itions. Historic ly, both the ' City of St. Paul and the School i rict have treated hese employees identically with their colleagu s o are in similar tles in the civil service professional supe i ory bargaining uni 2) In the meeting of the Board of du ation on March 14, 989, a new labor agreement was approved wi h e St. Paul Superv ors Organization, which represents that unit. 3 This Com ensation Resolution e ) p pr vi s for the profess nal confidential supervisory classified and uncl ss fied positions the ame wage adjustments (3.25� increases in 19 8 and 1989) and th same benefit adjustments as were provided in th 1988-1989 contrac with SPSO. � 4) Five employees are currently af ec ed by this zesolut n. 5) Submitted by Phyllis E. Byers, eg tiator, and David . Bennett, Superintendent of Schools. � I i B. RECOMMENDATION: ; I . - That the Board of Education approve an adopt the 1988-19 9 Compensation Resolution herein described, and au ho ize the appropriat District officials to implement its terms. � � � ' � I � � i � I . . . . . . � �� ', ������ . � � r INDEPENDENT H OL DISTRICT NO.625 � 1988-89 COMP NS TION RESOLUTION i I This Compensation Resolution shail apply to the la ified and unclassified(or� empt) Employees of the District holding the following titles: 'I Assistant Director of Pe on el i Associate Director of Pe so nel �I Chief AccountaM '� Director oi Food Service (u lass'rfied) i Employee Benefits Man ger , Manager of Facility Maint na ce (exempt) I�II Manager of Facility Oper tion (exempt) j I Personnel Assistant IV �I 1. Employees employed in the aforementio ed class'rfied, unclassified, /or exempt supervisory titles and positions which are considered nf errtial shall be placed in salary range equal to the 1988 and 1989 salary ranges applicabte e ptoyees employed in cla ified supervisory titles in District non-confidential positions which a e in the same pay grade and ccupational group as the confidential titles. Employees employed in the aforeme tio ed titles and position which are considered confidential and which are in pay grad s i which there are no cl sified supervisory non- confidential titles, shall be placed in the 1 88 nd 1989 salary ranges ich would be applicable to employees employed in classified supe is ry non-confidential positi s, if they existed, in the same pay grade and occupationat group a th confideMial titles. i� The 1988 wage adjustments shall be effe ive anuary 1, 1988. i�� The 1989 wage adjustments shall be effe ive ecember 31, 1988. !i�I 2. Employees employed in the aforemention tit s shall continue to be cc� ered by the vacation schedule shown below: � Years of Service Less than 8 years 15 ys After 8 years through 15 y rs 20 ys After 15 years and thereaft r 25 ys 3. For employees employed in the aforemerrt' ne titles: �, 3.1 The EMPLOYER will continue f r t e period of this AGRE MENT to provide for employees such health and I'rfe ins an contributions as are pro ided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGRE ME T. � . . . �q-96d� � I � ; , 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Class'rfied nfiderrtiai Supervisors 3.2 The EMPLOYER will for the pe iod of this RESOLUTION ntribute for full-time employees who retire after Dece er 1, 1987 and who select health insurance plan provided by the EMPLOYER and u il s ch retirees reach sixty-fi (65) years of age,the cost of such retiree coverage or$1 6.3 per monih whichever is ess. For such retirees selecting family coverage, the co t o such family coverage r $318.41 per month, whichever is less. 3.3 The EMPLOYER will for the period i t s RESOLUTION provide r half-time employees who retire after the time of execu on f this AGREEMENT an until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of a e fty percent (50%) of ch health insurance contributions and life insurance co rib ions as are provided by e EMPLOYER for full- time employees who retire under thi A REEMENT. 3.4 Employees who retire after execu ion of this RESOLUTION st meet the following conditions at the time of retiremen to e eligible for the Distri contributions to health insurance set forth in Article 3.2 an 3.3 3.4.1 Be receiving benefits from p blic employee retiree act vering employees of Independent School Distr' No 625 at the time of retire nt AND 3.4.2 Have severed their relatio hi with Independent Scho I District No. 625 under one of the early retiree plan . , 3.5 Effective March 1, 1989 in addition to eeting the eligibility requ ements stated in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 above, retiring employee m t also meet the followin ndition in order to be eligible for the early retiree insuran b efits set forth in Article 3 and 3.3. 3.5.1 Must be at least 58 years f a e and have completed years of employment with Independent School D tri No. 625/City of Saint Pa I OR The combination of their ag an their years of service t equal eighty-five (85) or more OR Must have compteted at lea t th rty(30)years of service. 3.5.2 Retiring employees appoi ed o a title in this unit prior o December 31, 1988, are not required to meet th eli ibility requirements of thi section 3.5. i 2 - . � � � � � - � � -9�� , G;.�.,�' � 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Classified onfideMiai Supervisors 3.6 Effective March 1, 1989, full-time mp oyees who retire and wh meet the conditions set forth in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 but who ee none of the conditions t forth in 3.5.1 shall be eligible for the following percent ge of the amount contrib ed by the EMPLOYER toward heafth insurance for active m oyees in the same health lan. Such retirees shall be eligible for such contribution un il th y reach sixty-five (65)ye rs of age. Combination of Age C rrtr ution for orrtribution for and Years of Service S gl Coverage Family Coverage 84 0% 90% 83 0% 80% 82 0% 70% 81 0% 60% 80 0% 50% 3.7 For employees hired or appointed o a title in this group, prior to ecember 31, 1988 who retire at age sixty-five (65) or old r, t e EMPLOYER will provi such heaith insurance contributions toward employee ea h insurance plans as re provided for by the EMPLOYER for retirees sixty-fiv (6 ) years of age or older approved by Board of Education action. 3.8 For employees who retire at the ge f sixty-five (65) or older r for early retirees upon reaching age sixty-five (65), and o ve completed at least nty (20)years of service at the time of their retirement, he MPLOYER will provid such health insurance contributions toward employee he Ith insurance pians a are provided by the EMPLOYER for retirees sixty-fiv (6 ) years of age or older approved by Board of Education action. For such empl yee or early retirees who h e not completed at least twenty (20) years of service a th time of their retireme , the EMPLOYER will discontinue providing any health nsu ance coMributions upon heir retirement or in the case of early retirees upon �eac in age sixty-five (65). Fo purpose of this Article, employment in efther the City of ain Paul or Independent Sc ol District No. 625 may be counted in meeting the twent (2 ) year requirement, exc pt for service prior to a resignation. 3.9 A retiree may not carry his/her se s a dependent if such s use is also a District/City retiree or DistricVCity employee d ligible for and is enrolled n the District/City health insurance program. 3.10 For each eligible employee cover d b this RESOLUTION who employed full-time and who selects employee heafth ins ra e program, the EMPLO ER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $7 .00 per morrth, whichever i less. For each full-time employee who selects famity cov ra , the EMPLOYER will c ntribute the cost of such family coverage or$180.00 per m nth whichever is less. 3.10.1 Effective April 1, 1989 t e ntributions specified in ection 3.10 above are amended to a maximu c ntribution of $80.00 r month for employee coverage,or a maximum nt ibution of$190.00 per th for family ooverage. . - - � O ����" � i ' 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Class'rfiedl oMidential Supervisors 3.11 For the purpose of this Article 3 full time employment is defi ed as appearing on the payroll at least 32 hours per wee or t least 64 hours per pay riod excluding overtime . hours. Half-time employment is d fin d as appearing on the p roii at least 20 hours but less than 32 hours per week or le st 40 hours but less tha 64 hours per pay period excluding overtime hours. 3.12 For each eligible employee cover d b this AGREEMENT who i employed half-time who selects employee insurance cove ag the EMPLOYER agrees' o contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed r f II-time employees selecti g employee coverage in the same insurance plan. For e ch half-time employee who elects family insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER will ntri ute fifty percent (50%) the amount contributed for full-time employees setecting f mil coverage in the same in rance plan. 3.13 The District agrees to contribute e st of life insurance. Th amount of Iffe insurance provided under this Article 3.13 hal be equal to the employ e's annual satary to the nearest full thousand dollars. Thi a ount of life insurance s II be reduced to $5,000 upon retiremeM and shall contin e u til the early retiree reac s age sixty-five (65), at which time all EMPLOYER paid I'rf in urance shall be terminate . For the purpose of this Article 3.13,the employee's annu I sa ry shall be adjusted to t salary as of the first day of the first payroll period after do tion of this AGREEM T. There shall be no retroactive increase in I'rfe insuran e verage. 3.14 The contributions indicated in this Art' le Three shall be paid to he EMPLOYER'S Group HeaRh and Welfare Plan. 3.15 Effective March 1, 1989, EMPLO ER ill corrtribute for each e loyee for participation in a dental care plan offered by e MPLOYER up to $16. 4 per month for single coverage, or up to$47.49 per mo th f r family coverage. i 3.16 Any cost of any premium for any istr' -offered employee or fa ily insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stat in his Article Three shall be aid by the employee.For employees I 4. For employees employed in the aforeme ion d titles: 4.1 Employees shall be eligible for s ve ance pay in accordance ith the School DistricYs Severance Pay Plan. The am unt of severance pay allow d shall be that amount permitted by state statutes subj t the provision that the imum amount allowed shall be $4,000.00 or as establis d section 4.2 of this Res I tion. 4.2 The Employer shall provide a sev ran pay program as set fort in this section: 4.2.1 To be eligible for the s ver nce pay program, an � ployee must meet the fotlowing requirements: Subsection 1. The em oy must be 58 years of ge or older or must be eligible f r p nsion under the "rute 90" or the "rule of 85" provision o the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). � � . � �����d 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Class'rfied nfidential Supervisors Subsection 2. The emplo ee ust be voluntarily separ ed from School District employme t o have been subject to paration by layoff or compulso ret ement. Those employe s who are discharged for cause, is nduct, inefficiency, inc petency or any other disciplina re son are not eligible f this severance pay program. Subsection 3. The emplo ee ust have at least ten (1 ) years of consecutive service un er t e classified or unclassif d Civil Service at the time of se rat on. For the purpose of his provision, employ- ment in eit er he City of Saint Paul or Independent School District No. 25 ay be used in meeting t is ten (10)year service requireme . Subsection 4. The emplo ee must file a waiver of r employment with the Director o P rsonnel, which will cl rly indicate that by requesting ev rance pay, the employ waives all claims to reinstatem nt r re-employment (of an type) with the City of Saint Paul r w' h Independent School Di rict No. 625. Subsection 5. The emplo ee ust have accumulated minimum of sixty (60) days of sic le e credits at the time of is/her separation from S@NICB. 4.2.2 If an employee requests se er ce pay and if the emplo e meets the eligibility requirements set forth a e, e or she will be grante severance pay in an amount equal to one-half f t daily rate of pay for t position held by the employee on the date of se ar ion for each day of accru d sick leave subject to a maximum of 200 accrued ick ave days. 4.2.3 The maximum amount of on y that any employee y obtain through this severance pay p�ogram is$ ,5 . 4.2.4 For the purpose of this sev ran e pay program, a death an employee shall be considered as separation of em loyment and, 'rf the empl ee would have met all of the requirements set fort ab ve at the time of his or h death, payment of the severance pay may be mad to he employee's estate or ouse. 4.2.5 For the purpose of this se er nce pay program, a tra fer from Independent School District No. 625 e plo ment to City of Saint ul employment is not considered a separation of mp oyment, and such transf ee shall not be eligible for this severance program. � 4.2.6 The manner of payment of uch severance pay shall be de in accordance with the provisions of the School Dis 'ct Severance Pay Plan� eady in existence. � � - 5 _ i _ _ ; ���-���� � � � i 1988-89 Compensation Resolution Classified C� fidentiai Supervisors � 4.2.7 This severance pay progra sh II be subject to and gov ed by the provisions of the original School Distric Se erance Pay Pian (which ows$4,000 maximum payment) except in those as s where the specffic pr isions of this section conflict with said Severan P y Plan and such cases the provisions of this section shall control. � 4.2.8 Any employee hired prior t D cember 31, 1984 may, i� any eveM, and upon meeting the qualifications f t is section or the origin 1 School District Basic � Severance Pay Plan (whic all s $4,000 maximum pa ent), draw severance pay. However, an election y t e employee to draw sev ance pay under either this section or the basic Sc ol istrict Severance Pay PI n shall constitute a bar � to receiving severance pay ro the other. Any employ hired after December 31, 1984 shall be entitled nly o the benefits of this se ion upon meeting the qualifications herein. i 4.2.9 An employee of Independe t S hool District No. 625 sh I not be eligible for the severance pay provision o thi section ff such employ is also eligible and a recipient of Early Retirem nt Incentive payment und the Memorandum of Agreement dated October 8, 983. ! 5. Except in case of malfeasance in office or will I or wanton neglect of ty, the Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify e plo ees against any tort cla or demand, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an Ile ed act or omission occu ing in the performance and scope of the employee's duties. 5.1 Notwithstanding (5), the Employer sha 1 not be responsible for ying any legal service fee or for providing any legal servi ar sing from any legal actio where the employee is - the plaintiff. 6. Employees covered by this Compensatio Re olution shall receive an improvements in fringe benefits granted to employees in non-con ide tial classrfied superoiso positions which are in the same pay grade and occupational grou . 7. This Resolution shall be effective on the d e o its approval by the Boar of Education except as otherwise stated herein. i . 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