89-966 I WHITE - C�TV CLERK '�� PINK - FINANCE CQ /1CII BIUERy - MAypqTMENT CITY OF A NT PAUL F�� NO �R-Jc�b Co ncil solution i Presented By � Referred To Committee: D�te Out of Committee By D te RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul C ty Council does� ereby consent to and approve of the appointment, m de by the Mayor of the following-named person to serve as a member of the S int Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Bu e Committee. [CI ] Name Senate is rict C' ty Planning District Jeanne Hall 6 16 Jeanne Hall will fill the vacancy cr ated by the res gnation of Laurie Rockne. She will fill the re ainder of the t rm which expires November 1 , 1991 . j -,J r � I I � NCIL MEMBERS COU . Yeas Nays Requested by Departm� nt of. Dimond �� __� In Favor Goswitz �h;`�� D Against BY Sonnen � Wilson �p� MAY 2 5 I�� Farm prov d by Ci At r ey Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied - sed by Council Secre ry B3' I ����� � By ' � Approve .b avor./ Dat �AY 2 � Approv y Mayor fot Sub ' s' to Coi(ncil By C'a�����=�\�.____ � � RUBl1S�i�D J U"� - � 19 i �� /�� DEPARTMENT/OFFl(�JCOIJNqL DATE INITIATE Mayor Latimer' s of f ice 5/19/ 9 GREEN SHE No. 3 0 7 6 CONTACT PERSON d PNONE IMITUW INITIAL,�pATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNqL .� Ora Lee Patterson, 298-4323 � cmr�rroaN�r 2 �GTVCIERK 4 MUST BE ON WUNdL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROU71N0 BUDOET DIRECTOH �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES WR. AS 50011 AS Possible MAYOR(ORASSIST � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL L A ON8 FOR SIQNATURE� ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the appointment of Jeanne al to the Saint P ul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) . eanne fills the 'vacancy created by the �ermgexpi°reso�l?�����e Rockne & rep s nts Senate Dist ict 64, City District 1 . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(N a�(� COUNdI M REPORT OPTIO L _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERVICE COMMIBSION ��YBT PHONE N0. _pB()Q�T�E _STAFF �------ (�MMENT3: —DISTRi SUPPORTS' ��..; � , �f:/ � _ �� ✓ INfT1ATN0 ��'� ✓'�' `_�� °'���� "' � J� Lau: �' ' ' � � s resigned. Jeanne Hal wil /j���.�� 11/1/91. Darlene from the r �� Mayor s office al ed to Mae. She dropped this off and said Jim sign it and was goin ne ded to suspension g to bring it u tomorroW at the Cit P under ,wvnNr, Y C un il meeting, I talked to Lorraine at the Cit � and she said if it was y le s office under suspension, that glmng to be br ught up and they would not W�uld b in it in receive it firs , �SO I da not think it would Roseanne's process and she g° thr ug all of hers to ultimat ly ives the City Clerk) asnc Lorraine asked for and I will dro a copy °f the relol ti P a ��PY off for °n her. If you need further background check with Darlene or Mae. ' y°ll °u d DIE IETED(CI LE ONE) YES NO * ��—��f� CITY S INT PAUL INTERDEPARTM NT L MEMORANDUM May 24, 1989 I TO: Council President Jame S heibel II Members of the Saint P ul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson - Assistant to the Mayo RE: APPOINTMENT TO CIB CO IT EE Attached is the resolution app in ing Jeanne Hall' to the Capital Improvement Budget Com it ee. � Jeanne will fill the vacancy c ea ed by the resig ation of Laurie Rockne and fills the re ai der of Laurie's term, which will expire November l, 1991. ', Jeanne represents Senate Distr' t 64, City Planni q District 16, Also attached is a copy of Jea e Hall 's applicat on for your information. Mayor Latimer re e ts your conside ation and approval of this appointment. f you have any qu stions, feel free to contact me at 298-4323 . hanking you in vance. OLP:drm Attachments i cc: A1 Olson, For Council Agen a Tamsen Aichinger, CIB Staf Council Research Jim Murphy � � ^ .. _ � . � ��� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INtT1ATE0 Mayor Latimer' s of f ice 5/19/8 9 REEN SHEET NO. 3 a� 6 INITIAL/DATE INITIAIfpATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE D ARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNCIL ,j Ora Lee Patterson, 298-4323 "�ON nrroaN�,r 2 ; �CfTYCLERK 4 NUMBER FOR MUST 8E ON WUNqL AGENOA BY(DATE) ROU71N0 BU ET DIRECTOR I �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES aR. As Soon As Possible � M OR(ORASSIST � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LO TI S FOR SIGNATURE) � ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the appointment of Jeanne Ha 1 o the Saint Pauj Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) . Je nne fills the v� cancy created by the �ermgexpi°resoll�����e Rockne & repre e s Senate Distr'' t 64, City District 1 . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(l�a Reject(F� COUNGL COM TT RESEARCH REPORT OPTION ANALYST PHONE NO. _PUNNINC�COMMISSION _qVil SERVICE COMMISSION il _Ci8 COMMITTEE - ' COMMENT3: _STAFF _ .:, ,� _. _DISTRICT COURT - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 � � � � � � � INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORlUNfTY(Who�Wh�4 When.Whero.Wh»: Laurie Rockne, Senate District 64, C t District� l6 ha resigned. Jeanne Hal ��will fill the remainder of the` term. rm shall expir 11/1/91'. } I : , . ApVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . i . . : . . ...�� ,.. .: , . . . . . ..,�I: - r� . ,:.. DISAOVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: ,�I'��, I . q , s ; �. �',`�,, � � � ' C�' ��,� � _ � � ��� ��� v� ` �L� _ � � � b , � b� DISApVANT/►C/�ES IF NOT APPROVED: L 1 - � � � . �;�X � � �'A-1`.'� _ � (�`� �'��` � � �� ^bti� ��� � _, �Q CGt• ' ��, , + r ��" j��' - . " TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION -i � ' " T/REVENUE BUDdETED(CIR E ONE7 YES NO � � ' FUNDINO SOURCE IVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWt� - ..' = ; - . ' 3� . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � . . �' � � ��--y��l� CITY OF A1 T PAUL INTER�EPARTMEN Al EMORAN�UM i I May 24, 1989 TO: Council President James c ibel Members of the Saint Pau 'ty Council i FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the Mayo RE: APPOINTMENT TO CIB COMMI E I Attached is the resolution appoi ti g Jeanne Hall t the Capital Improvement Budget Commi te . Jeanne will fill the vacancy cre e b the resi n li Y g a ion of Laurie Rockne and fills the remai d r of Laurie's t rm, which will expire November 1, 1991. Jeanne represents Senate District 6 , City P�anning istrict 16. Also attached is a copy of Jeanne H 11 's applicatior� for your information. Mayor Latimer reque t your considera�'on and approval of this appointment. If y u have any ques�$ ons, feel free to contact me at 298-4323. h king you in ad�k nce. OLP:drm Attachments cc: A1 Olson, For Council Agenda Tamsen Aichinger, CIB Staff Council Research Jim Murphy , . I , wH�TE - Ci7r C�ERK PINK - FINANtE G I TY O F S I NT PA LT L ouncil �j/; / CANARV - OEPARTMENT J� `/ /� BI.UE -MAVOR IIC NO.�( �`�� Counci esolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: �'� ate Out of Committee By � ate - RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau ity Council doe� hereby consent to and approve of the appointment ade by the Mayo , of the following-named person to serve a member of the � int Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Bu g t Committee. [C� ] Name Senate i trict 't Plannin District Jeanne Hall 6 I6 Jeanne Hall will fill the vacancy cr ated by the res gnation of Laurie Rockne. She will fill the re ainder of the t; rm which expires November 1, 1991 . � '� I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departmeq� of: Yeas Nays Dimond � �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B � scne;be� Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form prov d by Ci � r ey Adopted by Councit: Date " �, Certified Yassed by Council Secretary gy s/r��� �' By Approved by Mavor: Date Approv y Mayor for S� ' s' to Coi(ncil By �. .. _ .. : .�: : . ,. _ _ , _. . -. . � . ,, � ;: i;;; . _ � , - - •, 5;, � ' ..-. --.- ��___ _"_ __ _ - - ,._; _ . . .� . . . . ' � . _ __.• -"' .._ .'��J _._ - . lst �`��_d'iCI . 2nd � ��i.� � 3rd / D �'9 - - � Adopt �� �� - - - . - Yeas � _ ,._ Nays '� - DIMOND � -. GOSWITZ �A C/—7 lo _ � LONG : : : 17t��� . I r - RETT1+� _ . _ SOiVNEN � " . � WILSON '� - . MR. PRESIDENT. SC Ig �, I " �`". `� ' . _ _ _ _ I _ _ - � -- - - - ;:, . ,. _ .. , . . .. . , _. ., ,:. .. _ _ e.,. ._ _ .. ,. . :, _ _ _ _. . . . .. . .. .J , ,. . _ ,, , . . - . . . ., : : :;... . . . .- i : ,_. .. _. , . .. :. - - :.... :_ . �. _ _ _ ,.� _ . .. , : . . _.. .. .. _.: .. .. . . . ;:� - �, _ - � '., - _ " < � � . � - � " =: I . , ,.: - _ , .: . ; � „ . - � . , _ ' � , . .. _ . �. ` ; ;:. . _ . . . . ..': : .. - - I � . : . � _ ; - : ; _ ,- -. . _ , - . .:: i � - _ ,.: , - ; � , . ; ,. . - .�,w�,., . _ . �,�. . ., .ft �... , :' .