89-958 il WHITE - CITV CLERK CO C11 /„/��� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF S I T PAUL FIl NO. 0 7 • • �----__� Council olution i ,�'���. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Dalt Out of Committee By D� e I RESOLVED: That application (ID #7 71 ) for a Gambling Ma ager's License by D. Joe Haller DBA Cli b heatre at Joe & S�, n' s, 949 W. 7th Street, be and the same is here y pproved/denied. I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departm� t of: Yeas Nays �. Diroond ) �ng / In Favor Goswitz Rettman v s�ne;ne� _ Against BY Sonnen I Wilson MAY �� � �v� � Form Appr ved by Cit� At rney Adopted by Council: Date . B 5-�� '� Certified Pas e n il S ta i�, Y i � ;����1�:' ,� Bl. , � � �;,�! v Yfavor Dat MAY 3 G t9 9 Approved by Mayor fo� Submission to Council Appro e gy BY � PilBlISHfD J U N 1 0 19$ �� �i _ �� �5-� IiiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINIST TI N UATE (p l� � / `� �� 0 I INTERDF.PARTMEI�TAi. REVIEW CHECKLIST A.pp r cessed/Rece ved by I Lic Enf Aud Applicant �, J D�- ��l- �t�� Home Address � � � � �� �r`��'�' Rusiness Iv'ame l_�t vY1�j �p�-I'YQ� Home Phone vZ a�— �(� �O(� Business Address (,(� ,�6e, ``� �-4-�,�5 Type of Lic.ense(s) C�(,�{�y� �v� M 9 � � r� '��st Business Phone Public Hearing Date � � g License I.D. 4{ I (� 7� � at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chaibers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � 'g' llate Notice Sent; ��I���� /�L.Ii1 Q/ Dealer 4� ►J � to Applicant lt�- �4 ) Peaeral rirearms �� II� N � Public He�.iring II DATE II�SPECT UN REVtEW VEKFIED (COMP TE ) IiCUMMENTS A roved Not oved Bldg I & D � � ��� ; i Health Divn. � , �`-'1� ' '� , Fire Dept. � � I I � � � I� � Police Dept. �-t''"�`� (y Ill I I� � �I 3 � ��. License Divn. i �� 1z���; �� �I City �,ttorney r. .� l� � p � �I � Date Received: � Site Plan �U I �- �I � � 8` To Council P.PSearcl� � Lease or Letter D te f rom Landlord � ��- II � . . . � � ����s� Cit� of S ia Paul j I � Department of Finance nd iKanagement Service� Divis ion o f License a d e r m i t R e g i s t r a t i o ni INFaRMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PE IT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB TIPBOARD S�iLES IN SAIiVT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in Liqu r stablishments - Ne Application) . . 1. FuII and complete name of organization w ic is applying for ll ense CLIM$, Inc . (Creative Learning Ideas for Mind a d ody) 2. Does your organization meet the definiti n f a "large" organi tion as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of Section 4 9. I of the Legislati Code? No Attach to this application pertinent fin nc al and/or organiza 'onal information to support your answer to this question. N TE Only 5 large org izations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations under the ev sed city ordinancet If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applicants will be selected randomly �� the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held 949 7 h St . MN St . P ul , MN Num er Street itq Zip 4. Name of manager signing this application wh will conduct, ope��te and manage Gambling Games D. Joe Haller Date o�l Birth 8/3/37 (a) Length of time manager has been memb r f applicant organi��tion 7 years 5. Address of Manager 500 N Robert St . 220, St . Paul M�1 55101 Number tr et City Zip � 6. Day, dates, and hours this application i f r 7. Is the applicant or organization organiz d nder the laws of tI� State of ,�T? Y es 8. Date of incorporation Ja u ry 14 , 1976 9. Date when registered with the State of M nn sota January ll , 1976 10. How long has organization been in existe ce. 13 ea rs - lI. How iong has organization been in existe ce in St. Paul? 12. WEiat is the purpose of the organization? T aches drama cla� es and performs plays on issues vital to disabled n a e-bodied yo . 13. Officers of applicant orgaaization: � Name Antoinette Johns Name Pe Wet ' Address 3300 Century Ave , WSL, MN 5 110 Address 500 N bert St . , St . Paul MN Title Treasurer D�B 7/22/44 Title Preside,n ` DOB �/ 27i 59 Name Milan Mockovac �recently . Name resigned , new sec y not yet I � Address appointed Address Title secretary DOB Title � DOB •s, II . . . � �� �� . � 14. uive names of officers, or any other per on wh�paid for serv�ces to the organization. Name t'eg Wetli Name Address �u0 N Robert St . , St. Yau Address I Title Executive Uirector Title (Attach separate sh et for additional nam� .) 15. Attached hereto is a list of names and a dr sses of all member� of the organizatioa. 16. In whose custody will organization's rec rd be kept? II Name �abriele Theel , finance mgr . Address S00 N Rc� ert St . , St . Paul , MN 17. List all persons with the authority to s gn checks for dispers� of gambling proceeds: Name D. Joe Haller N�e Peg Wet� " Address 500 N Robert , #22U Address S00 N I� bert , #220 � Member of i Member of DOB 8/3/3 7 Organization? Y e S DOB 10/1 U/4 9 i Organization? Y e s Name Gabriele Theel Name � Address 500 N Robert , #220 Address Member of Member of DOB �•Z��59 Organization? YeS DOB Organization? 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly unde st d the provisions d all laws, ordinances, �, and regulations governing the operation aritable Gamblingl ames? Yes 19. Will your organization's pulltab operati b operated/managed olely by members of your organization? qes no X Approx SOZ of pulltab sellers wi �3 a.ctors . 20. Has your organization signed, or does it nt nd to sign, a con lting agreement or a managerial agreement with any person or mp ny to assist youri rganizat XXX ith the pulltab sal.es and/or recording keeping? es no . -- I� If answer is qes, give the name and addr s f the person and/a company contracted. Name Address Name Address I If answer is yes, how will such a consult t be paid? (percent I e, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a cop o said contract to i his application. 21. Operator of premises where games will be el : Name Joe and Stan ' s $ar/ Louis S ' ri n ° � Business Address 949 W 7th St. , St. Pa 1 , MN Home Address 448 � Wheelock Pkwy. I I , . . ��'-� " � 22. a) Does your organization pay or intend to pay accountfng fee� out of gambling funds? yes no XXX . .. b) If you do pay accounting fees, to wh m ill such fees be p� d? Name Ad ress DOB Member of Orga iz tion? c) How are the accounting fees charged ou ? (flat fee, hourl� , etc.) d) What do you anticipate will be your av rage monthly deduc� on for accounting fees? 23. Amount of rent paid by apglicant organi at on for reat of the , all: — $100.00/Per we k 24. The proceeds of the games will be disbu se after deducting p� ze layout costs and operating expenses for the following pu po es and uses: � 51� will be used to fund the plays a d drama classes ; LIMB presents to disabled and ablebodied childre n schools , park�, ear:ly education pro rams etc . throu hout St . Paul . kemainin monie will be used to fund plays and classes throughout i nesota. � 25. Has the premises wt�ere the games are toibe held been certifie for occupancy .by the Yes . City of Saint Paul? 26. Has your organization filed federal fo 9 0-T? YeS• If ans� r is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answe i no, explain why. Any changes desired by the applicant associa io may be made onlq w��th the consent of the City Council. g zation Name . � � � Dat Y� � a e n e e � � /�l �� . i / ' Or n a n re ident or CEO � �G ���' ' ' Cit c aul Department of Fina e no roansgement Servic s �G�-�,� License d e�mit Division � ��' ty Hatl St. Paul, Mi e a 55102-298-5056 APPLICAT FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. N Renew a a -��- �� !.. , ^ Oate � � 19s%�": Cods No. Tftls of LiCenae From /'^ � t9'�_To ��' 19 - , 02�'�.7� �`�� �-li�! f�� /.�i1f e� � 07 •J' �, , D. �tr�� � ApplkantlCompa� ame 1 _ I � C� �q \ t b�l ! h0 .`�'Y� 1 Bua�n�ss Name 1 .l l �il+ � ''Y:i i I Buainess Addrsss Phon�Na � �, 1 1 0 Mail 0 S � ' Phone NO. ��t'_� �r'���L`\,' Jr '��:�� � o °��l�-� � (�'(c G� ManapsNOwner•N e 1 .� —" ' i� , ' „—( ,:�-,�.C� 1 Atansyer/GwnM•H t Addresa Phont Na 10�8 APDIfCatlon Fee 2 „ : _ � r � fieceived the Sum of 1 ��� . :; � � ; � — '- i `-� _�--- jv'+ •�;` c ManspsrrOwner•Ct ,S1ate 3 Zfp Code 100 Total 1 • . � _ "- �� � i' i'� 1 � ,� '�� '/ %i:�';/ ��. i ,: f.; licenae Inapector --��-/ By: � �' atur!01 plie�nt Bond• Company Name Poliey No. Expintfon Oa�e Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expvatlon Oate Minnesota State Identificatlon No. Social Security No. Vehlcle Information: S�rial NumOer �l�Numb�r Other � THIS IS A RECEII T OR APPUCATION � THi3 IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your applfeation fer Iteen wil eithec be qanted or rejectsd bi�t to ths provfsfons of the zoninq o►dlnanes�nd eomplstlo�ot the Insp�ctlons by tM Health, Fire. o�i 9 and/a Lka+s�1nsp�ton. $15.00 CHARGE FOR L ETURNED CHECKS , �1�-�-� � � ���