89-952 ,----� '; �� i � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIII ILE NO. F I N A L O R D E R � F �,.''�,-_ � . -,. _�...,-�,--,____ � By � ' � /�. File No. ' iasi�a � � Voting In the Matter oif�j��dw�e bat�en 1 Str�eet at�d lrai �v A�ranne. as paTt Ward of tlte q.r►�elaad/?ortland SP hRoj�t b� gr�elta� �S aad � installi� a sreea Iaatarg tr t lishting aTst ilso ato�, sanitsr� aad at�r co�set s if ra�essted � t prop�rt� o�ers. i under Preliminary Order app roved ' � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has cond cte a public hearing upon th� above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Ch rte � and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, obj cti s and recommendations p taining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefor , b it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sa' t P ul does hereby order that he above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directe an authorized to proceed wi the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the comple on f said improvement, the per City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shail report the same to e ty Council in accordance w h Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council Date ��,Y � � �89 Yeas� Nays ��t= Certified P e Cou il Secretary � � In Favor By 1�tt�am � �hlibtl ✓ Against � �+�s�te ; �� Mayor i MAY 3 0 t989 � �p JUN 101989 � p�vlo�w►ron ' a►�e wrtu��eo �e� �+ inance '& Management Servi.ees ^ 3/�9/89 �R�� i7���� N�.. �. . COlIlACT � . . oEPARIL194r dR[C�OR �. . � IMt�i(OR A�8T1ifR? � . Peter White � F�a�oa�rr e� _ 2 atv a�c . °0"r � � �*� I Cauncil Research ` eal Estate 298-5317 �� crrynrrora�v , — � _ . ` � : ater than notin, I�o" aq, �pr�: " r . MnsC e on . Ageada Apr#.1 4th. 1. Setting date of p�tblic.Elearing �2. Approval of`'the pavi.rig and lightiing praj ct on 5elh� Avenue be` een Howe11 Street and airview Avenue - a part of the Cleveland/Por la d Area°:�Sewer and S eet Paving and Lighting Pro ect. Finance Fi�e ;� 18517B I�iM�llDd►'ti�oNi:(Mpcu+UN o►Relea(�) C4tlMd1. : .: . . . '1�M'w10 C0M1MS81oN C�v0.BenV�CE o0MI11ssroP� . �TE� � � '�oUr � Milltr8T� � , Pl+o�lElq. . . ; �OIINIO 001MIIBBION IBO 62B 8ClIOOL OO/iRD .. . . . . � � � . . . A STAFF CWIRIER OOMM�8610N COAAPL A3 IS -AODL NFO.ADDED* FO�R A Oi�� _�* DI6IiYCr OdM(:IL � . . . � . . . *EXPLWATtON: � � . . - . . � . - SWPORTS WMIClI�COUNCIL O&IECTNE9.. �.1: . . . � . . � � . � . . . � Ward 4 wrt�►n�a�noe��n,�,oriomuwrr�wno,wnar.w�.wr�.va+r): _ The Cleveland/Portland CSS� Project has been p oved and construct on will start this spring. This is �n "Add. O�i" Street .due to the bid co n in lower than est ted. This freed up some . _ extra funds. to.add this street. ,�►�cca.ue.�.�.y�a�a�y..:a.�: , _ : . . , . - Paving and updated lightiag'results in les u eep to the City a upgrades the neighborhood. ,, �(W4wt.�1M1Nr,rNf To YYlam): . .. Abutting property owners will pay $24.00 per fr t foot. . Assessments paqable over not more than 20 ye rs " a.r�rurnES• . _ e�s _ - . It would be inconsistant with City Policy not to do this project at this time �,� a. Y; ��search Center_ _ MAR 3 0 i�89 �r��: _ Routine follows City Policy and Procedure ��s: None aC this time � . , ,. . �!���•l�jJ�� �. _ � �Ir ,__ �i = 6rt"._...�.. `;!_ _ �,n oF ^INT P/1UL . ��I. V^r�.._ INTERDEP^RT E AL MEMOR/►NDUM �l ia�:;�.ti�s � �=F__.�: == � 1.� . �111JfiC� "e� ;:i�i;._ ,...�;�. ..- �.: �� TO: Pete White FROM: Tom Kuhfeld � DATE: March 13, 1989 SUBJECT: 1989 Add-On Streets Would you please set up a hearing for he oilowing street worlc be added to the 1989 CSSP Projects. This work would inc ude street paving, lig ting and service connections for sewer and water if req es ed. The estimates in lude lantem style lighting on the Selby Avenue and Sarg nt venue Projects for a 24.00 per assessable foot, and bent straw lightin o the Lyton Place Proj ct for a$21.00 per foot assessment. Selby Avenue between Howell S ee and Fairview Avenu as part o�the Clevelar�dlPortland CSSP Proj in ouncilperson Kki Sa� nen's ward. 1�5�7 Estimated Asse s nt $20, CIB Total Estimated $80,0 t ts« � Sargent Avenue between Snellin A enue and Pascal Str t, as part of the Syndicate/Fairmount CSSP Proj ct i Councilmember Ro rt Long's ward. I$511 Estimated Asse sm nt $ 32,Oq CIB Total Estimated Co t $130,Od Lyton Place from Rice Street to yl n Street, Atwater St et from Rice Street to Sylvan Street, Hardenbergh Pla e f m Lyton P1ace to A ater Street and Stellar Street from Lyton Place to Atwat r treet, as part of the S IvaNAcker CSSP C�s5µi� Project in Councilperson Janice e man's ward. Estimated Asse s ent $ 50,0 0 CIB 4 Total Estimate C st $290,0 0 �' TEK:caw �i � . •: ' C�/ o `�� - "14 dd On �� ���. ,�.�1 '..i. :r• ' St �by �Vt. — � �O wt �� 5f. �� i '�irdte .� 4vt i� o '^ ._._, ' z ,c , :;* � �= �� N a � —, �_ � � J �5.��:* � —1 U �--- ---J l �, 1 �, y —4vE, � �,: _� L OAYT�N � n ����* � , � I � �: :1.::• �:�' , � � � � y ' � �� , a! —' ',�::::•:: :• — n r t �` � � * # '':� '* t. —� L � ••• W 1 ��'� �1 =�. C 0 L L EG .» .�'.;'�.':��A�irr �:�:°�'� - � _ r � R � � I :�. Q � ' . W * . � � . � J • � � �* � .� �'.•-.-n .�_ . �r.r�.+.r:�. W_ � �T�s-AV. u�ST. TNOMA ,. :;:� :::�- :�� : ��� -- _ � � .,�. • - � :� ':� � I 'I�: �.� L �- ., .w�, • ., '� � �i��� '►..1�����`��o.n,a`'1�~'' '. �; , >>► :.1.1. r— • iw ��,� /'�f''�..� , � ':� •;. '�� � :� i � :�r —.� �i . ' . ., . .., . . '.. •:::'.'• . t_ ��* -�._,�: � .�' ,o ,; o m�-� ��. c SU M M IT. o, .���� AVE� , ;; ,. . . � 3� ��'��, m t�,�''''�'� � ► �J� �' 3RAN0 'r/i; . � I � l�J ��,�-�� •' ll NCOIN �. W �_� - --1 � � ,�i ��� W—� � CLEVELA D / PORTLAND i (MRB �3,�4) � STREETS TO BE IL D s:::<><..s.;::;<,<:>:::�:::>::::�:. 2,7 MILES• PAVED IN 1989 A ED � i 0.8 MILES•' OILED STREETS -- PAVING D LA ED I0.6 MILES SEWER CONSTR CT N ����i ON STREET T BE RECONSTRUCTED I1.9 MILES 312�/SS ON "OTHER' - ( EPAIR TRENCH) I1.4 MILES • Inciudes: Prior - 0.3 miles SA ( * * * ) - no street asses�ment •• Includes:Cfeveland - 0.3 iles CA ( _ * • j - no street a essment I 198 � i I �� � �v / � ST. P AUL I Y CDUNC�IL � Pr�Cr PUBLIC HE R NG NOTI E PUBLIC IMPROVEM T CONS RUCTION . � ,' ity Council District #4 Dear Property Owner: CEIVED ; Planning District Council 13 M Y 12�9�9 Fi 1 e No. 185176 C TY CLERl�. To decide on whether o roceed with gradin! and paving SELBY AVENUE PURPOSE between Howel l Stree an Fai rview Avenue a part of the CLEVELAND/PORTLAND C SP PROJECT. Also, to nstall green lantern lighting, service co ne tions for sewer andlwater will be installed A N D if requested. I LOCATION � Tuesday, May 30, 198 , t 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chamber , hird Floor City Ha�l - Court House -------------------- -- ------------------�-------------------------- Please note that the Pu lic Works Committe of the City Council wi.11 � discuss this item an d velop a recommenda ion to the full City ' � Council . Please bri g ny unresolved conc�rns that you may have ' to this meeting on W dn sday, May 17, 19891in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 .M. FINANCING ESTIMATED CO ST CTION COSTS i $80,000 ESTIMATED FI AN ING: INFORMATION Assessment $20,0� Capital Im ro ement Budget 60,000 TOTAL ST MATED FINANCING $80,00�0 Estimated Rates: � i . - ���J�� . � . 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvin SE BY AVENUE betwee Approve Howell and Fairview, s part of th 4-0 CLEVELAND/PORTLAND CSSP RO ECT by grading an paving and installing gr en lantern stree lighting system. Also n ctions if requeste by property owners. 9. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvin L ON PLACE from Ric� Approved Street to Sylvan Stree , twater Street fr 3-0 Rice Street to Sylvan St ee , Hardenbergh Pla w/amend.to from Lyton Place to Atw te Street and Stell delete Street from Lyton Plac t Atwater Street a� Lyton P1. part of the SYLVAN/ACKE EA CSSP PROJECT from F.O. grading and paving and co structing a stre lighting system. Also on tructing connectio if requested by property o ers. 10. RATIFICATION OF AWARD 0 D GES: I (Amended) Approved For the MARSHALL/H IN SEWER SEPARATI 4-0 PROJECT in the vicinity f ascal and the Midw Shopping Center. 11. RESOLUTION 89-706: Acc pt ng the report of tl� Approved St. Paul Citizens Soli W ste Task Force a� 4-0 endorsing the general on ept of developing ' a comprehensive solid wast m nagement system a d expressing appreciation a d commending of t e task force for their ha d work. (Referred �o _ Committee 4/25/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89-731: Aut or zing the proper Cil�y Approved officials to execute an gr ement with the Sta e 4-0 Department of Transport ti n authorizing Tru k Highway funds to be u ed for tempora� y construction or revisio o traffic signals t various locations a ng I-94 corridor jn downtown St. Paul. (Re erred to Committ' e 4/27/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-769: Am d g the 1984, 1986 a��d Approved 1987 CIB budget by ra ferring funds fr, m 4-0 Johnson Parkway/East S or Drive to EAST SHa E DRIVE from Johnson P rk y-Larpenteur Aven e project. (Referred to C mm ttee 5/4/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-770: R qu sting the Mayor o Laid Over In direct the Department o F nance and Manageme t Committee to to reduce by $28,000 th 1 89 assessment agai�t t 5-31-89 properties which did no r ceive promised str� t cleaning services i he Fall of 19$�. (Referred to Committee /4 89) . I 2 . 'I . . . ����- 15. RESOLUTION 89-77 : Ame III nding 1989 CIBI udget by Sent Back To transferring $15 ,0 0 funds for paving '� f PASCAL Committee from Marshall oncordia. (Refe red to without Committee 5/4/89) . '� Recommend. I 16. RESOLUTION 89-62 : Amending C.F. 88 1757 by Sent Back to changing the wi th of construction o� PASCAL Council w/o. from Marshall to Co cordia from 44 fe� , with Recommend. parking on both id to 36 feet, with parking w/amendments on one side. (La o er in Committee 5/� /89) 17. RESOLUTION 89-625 Holding the State armless Laid Over In for granting a v ri nce to allow exist� ce of Committee to three utility pol s ithin the two-foot� clear 5-31-89 zone required by M A standards on C� ESTNUT STREET between W. 7t and Smith. (Laid � ver in Committee 5/3/89) . !, � � I 18. RESOLUTION 89-323: lan to phase out �ertain Laid Over In water systems. (Lai o er in Committee 5/$ 89) . Committee to 5-31-89 19. RESOLUTION 89-786: tablish Toxic Chl mical Laid Over In Task Force. Committee to 5-31-89 20. REQUEST of Gary K st er for a waiver tp the Denied street improvement eq irement for devel� ment 3-0 ' - of property on SKYWA D IVE south of Highwd d. 21. Other Business. I I ,I il I � I I '', �I � 'I 3 'I Member • ����`�� . s. (�ITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair " �� ��,,,,, Janice Rettman _n=i�un OFFIQBS OF T ID CITY COUNCJIL Tom Dimond Date: May 17, 1989 RfCEWED Com it ee Report ' MAY 171989 To: Saint Paul City Counci • CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utiliti s and Transporl ation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, ir ' 1. Approval of minutes of y 3, 1989. Hearing Date I 2. 6/1/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESS EN S: For construct n Approved of storm sewer system c nn ctions incidental to 4-0 the CLEVELAND/ST. C AI AREA STORM SE R PROJECT. Work co pl ted during 1 8 construction season. 3. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: , For tak ng a temporary easem t Approved under and across the es 20 feet of Lots 10 4-0 thru 20, Block 8, Merr 11 s Subdivision of R e � Street Villas for the AL EMARLE/NEBRASKA A � . STORM SEWER PROJECT. . 4. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: . Remove e isting structura�. y Approved deficient trestle an etaining walls o� r 3-0 Bridge No. 90386, loc te on E. SEVENTH STR T , between Payne Avenue nd Mounds Blvd. A� o remove walks, railing nd street lighti� . - Reconstruct retaining w 11 , walks, railings d street lighting for Bri ge 4�90386. 5. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSM NT : For construct� n Approved . of sanitary sewer and at r service connecti� s 4-0 incidental to the DAL /H YT AREA STORM SE4� R PROJECT. Work co pl ted during 19 8 construction season. 6. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSM NT : For constructi� n Approved of storm sewer servi ce and water serv e 4-0 ' , connections incidental o he SEVENTH/FRANK A A SEWER PROJECT. , Work c pleted during 1 8 construction season. 7. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g GENT AVENUE betwe! t► Approved Snelling and Pascal as part of t1 e 4-0 SYNDICATE/FAIRMOUNT CSS P JECT, by grading aj d � paving and installing a reen lantern sty� e street lighting syste . Also connections f requested by property o e . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLO R ! AINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 ,s • ` i - i - � � � ,�� ������ _ - !I I I . ;i Summary of Engi ee ing Recommendatio�is � FTECEIVED Report Pre ar - May 11, 1989 Public H ri g - May 30, 1989 � MAY 1219a9 PRQIECT. CITY CLER�� Improving SELBY AVENUE between ow II Street and Fairvie�lr Avenue, as part of the Cleveland/Portland CSSP Project, y rading and paving � d upgrading the existing lantern style lighting system. Is storm, sanitary and' ater connections, if requested by the prop rty owners. , INITIATING ACTION: � This project was initiated upon a r ue t of Councilmember; iki Sonnen's Office as an "add on" project to be constr ct as part of the Clev and/Portland CSSP in 1989. EXISTING CONDITIONS: � This portion of Selby Avenue is a pr ximately 32 feet wid with an oiled surface and curbing in poor con tio . There is an existir� lantern style lighting system. ; PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: ' The proposed improvements e imilar to what is bein' done in other CSSP areas. The proposed street w t would be 32 feet, wF�ch is the same as existing. The existing tantern ty lighting will be upg��ded, and trees are not a problem for construction at hi width. � TIME SCHEDULE: - If approved, this project will esigned and added 'qo the Cleveland/Portland CSSP for construction this all ith a length of cons��uction time of approximately one month. ;'; . � i � ���s� IMAT A D FINAN I Street $65,OOO.dO Lighting TOTAL $80,OOO.d Financing: Assessments $20,0OO.OQ Capital Improvement B nd 60.000.00', TOTAL $80,000.00', For additional information, contact Tho a E. Kuhfeld at 292-6 76. RECOMMENDATION: '', This project is desirable but not necess f r the sewer separat n project. If it is not approved at this time, it would one as part of the c tinuing oil street paving during the second 10 years of e program. We su est the Council base its decision on the wishes o th people. '� Respectfully submitted, ',, Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works ,, ,, ,� � ,� ', � ,,, , 2 '','I '� '� , � II _ . .. _ _.... .. .. .. . .. . _ . .. . _..__.___. .�. .....- . ... ..'.._...-,... .._......�._�... ... � �...:.........'.�.�I.�. ._......Y.., .. . . ... . . , r l/� V / �_%"'� - ~14 dd On �� �� ' �� Jrt �d �vt. —�'I F�� wa !/ Sf. �F �. .�I r..r. :f.. ' y .� . . � r4/ 1'1�(��J Qy� .r, o ^' x —J-. ��' '• i � �� � � � � �_ �� �� ��� � �J ��-- -J a ��: N a __ r � �- r-�� r-- _� C ' p►rTO►+ ;:;* ` ` > � �.�"'� . * __ ;�:::.:�::::::;:;�:—':�':.•:•• —' > _ __� � o� � r e .. • ;* �► 3-: . _ * -.��. :� 1 �' �� _ . COL L EG .� �::~�' �;ci�rrr' �3�� .:x,.. --- � � ~ � r . l p :� Q . �: � W ]]� W � - . ��.•�.TS . :�r,rr�++�r .`F. � J- �,; 6, :-- � :•:;=:.� �.•.�.�:::�� :�:� -- W - . T�s-�v. -I ST. TNOM :::1 �::� �i = %S: � .. ,urw •.,ws � ��5� �'q" �� L. ��� �►``tJa�a�°� �y,"�' �•,; � : � :,1 r ,� ... ±• :� . i � ,��i'i..i ' � • =.;. .:' •',�.:: •�.; � '� � .� I — � ,0.-; � ��_� � C C�� �� l� „� ;: - .; ..,. . . SUMMIT � ' ��i �•AVE� . '���i t,��'''�'1�. - � ORANO �;�,/�y .� � � l.�J : � • r�LI NCOIN (-'�-- � .'.. . �u--1 � � Wi ►..� W� 1 CLEVELA D / PORTLAND (MRB y3,�4) STREETS TO BE �� � � '�, .7 MILES• PAVED IN 1989 A ED � � ,8 MILES" OILED STREETS -- PAVING D LA ED i .6 MILES SEWER CONSTR CTI N ��� ON STREET T BE RECONSTRUCTED 1.9 MILES 3l21/88 ON "OTHER" - ( EPAIR TRENCH) ' 1.4 MILES ' Includes: Prior - 0.3 miles A * * * ) - no atreet assea� ent •• includes:Cleveland - 0.3 m les A ( * * * ) - no street as essment 1989 . • - ['4`S a�P�._: M .. . � :�'^.�' . - ��-.-,f._ {{ x- ,�4�:. ,� ,. �JJ - � r�� 3�� � � �� �, .�.'.. �� _ 5 � � I� ���,�� M.��1111L1 f +iY � � �'�tP�� s bet�ra�'►;$O'�. � sad, �- Fe�i►'iew Ay�e�-� a`f�the G and paving.�l �,, ���`•Pt�3� :��� sa�#t+aty.and������ �� i�€�d�t"�tti�g sr3'st�etn. L �aas�if �.tli�e�ir�rtY�rwne3� Vot�g � . �'�• .'�,e�otu�cil.a�f�iefia�Y�Sst#c►t` . �.?�eived tbe report�df �►gr�, , �s�n the above"improYea�ent� an�' v c����a �ia �,et,y, ree�sives: �,� . . ,�,�:� � ,. ;:. That f�t� s8id report.an$ '' �s i�i�eby�'appr�ed th �o . y ' �alt�rp�t�t►�sr a�sd t.3�at the estf . ea�rt theTeoY is-$80,� AsOe�i�at� �Q,�T. Capft� t�itt+t��k` '�onds � ` St��� serif'tar_y and water tonnectia �t�.per connecti 3. �t #ilic hearii��be ha�I on d 'TavemenL dn t1�3i�[ t�st � .' ° I8i'A,��t�'clock:a cn.,.in<th Chamber�of ia the C �.o �n#Paui. : , � �.'' That noti4e'bf saixl'public'ttea g ,:�Lv�ri to tlie perstras ` in t�: a�aita�p�vid�b3'the Gtsart ; ` the,tfine aiad pla�se` t�e,tiat'��`o!fihe improvemen#,. d: total c�st thereof as es ted. ' �� �'i2e�Icr,�1$�i7B ;. _ I Ado�tBii by the CotiYieii AprI1 11.1 � � :�roved Apri3#2..1$88. S . ' (Agrf 12 29: �j � , . , ___ I ��� ��� P�i,TI.�'Ii A� ORD�S. . _ - Council File No:89-633=-By Kiki So e ' In the Matter of improving Se y venue betWeeti'Howell reet and�, , Fairview Avenue, as part of the Cle ela /Portland C3SP Project gradiag and paving and installing a grEen 1 te street lighting system. o storm;. sanitary and mater connections, if re ue ed by the pmpe�y'o n Voting'' Ward 4. The eouncil of the City of Saiat P 1 ving received the report o e Mayor upon the above irnprovement, and ha ng considered said , hereb�r' , resolves: 1. That the said report and e ame is hereby„approved with iro'�' alternatiyes, and that the est' a d_cost thereof�is$80,00(� anced by assessments $20,OQ0; Capita I provement Bc►t�ds $60. Stormt;. sanitary and water connectio as ssed at cost per evnnecti 2. That a public hearing be had o sai improvement o the 30th d of Ma 1989, at 9:00 o'cicek a.m:, in t e C uncil Chambers o e : a an Court House Building in the ty Saint PauL 3. That notice of said public he rin be given to the persons . d in the manner provided by the.Cha r, ating the,time acs8-}�ce,, heariag�n;; the nature of the improvemen an t�ie total cost Lh�t�of as ted..; File No:_1�517B . . Ado��ed by the Council A�rr'si,,ll, $89. Approved April 12, 1989. - "� (April 2-2 1989) � �I