89-947 , � ��� . _ _ _ _ � wHITE - Cirr C�eRK COUf1C1I /� /J PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U� % �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT (/ "/ BLUE - MAVOR „ File NO. • —� • Return copy to: Coun i Resolutioa� � � Real Estate Division � �� �� Room 218 C.H. ) (Star ) � '' w..___.�_% Presented By Referred To Committee: '�� Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Sai�t Paul by Council Resolution C .F. 89-388, o M rch 7 , 198g, di authorize the proper city officials to on emn a permanentlsewer easement on, under, and across propert o ned by Eric J. ' nd Julia M. Mattson legally described as : The north 20 feet f he south 30 feelll of vacated Chicago Avenue f om the east right- f-way line of vacated Livingsto A enue to the we' t right-of-way line of Robert Str et ,I Also , to authorize a te porary construclion easement over and across the south 10 f et of vacated Chic go Avenue from the east right-of-way line of va ated Livingston' Avenue to the west right-of-way line of Robe t treet. Said te porary easement to expire December 31 , 1990, or on completion o the project , whichever comes first. WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saillt Paul held a final hearing on Tuesday, Ma g, lg8g for th� purpose of ratifying and confirming e taking of easem nts for the STARKEY/PLATO STORM SEWER PR JECT and for ma ing an award of damages for the taking of th se easements in luding an award of damages in the amount of 8, 50.00 to Eric JF and Julia M. Mattson. WHEREAS , as a matter of public necessit , construction of the storm sewer should be co menced immediat ly to avoid delaying the separation of the sto m ewers from the anitary sewers , such separation being mandated by the State of Mi nesota. WHEREAS , in order to pr ceed with const uction immediately, it is necessary for the c ' ty to have title t the above described easement interest . �il N IL MEMBERS ' COU C /� Yeas Nays�����G�'LaC�����'`'� Requested by D�partment of: Dimond �� �� -�; Finance & na ement Servi �ong � � In F vor Goswitz I Rettman B Director scne;t�► Agai st Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approv Cit Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date , : � � C� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By� Approved by Mavor. Date _ Appr d by Mal�or for Sub ' si cil BY - — . _ WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE T CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT 1 AU L COUIIClI �j BLUE - MAVOR � File N0.- �-�/ / Return copy to: Real Estate Division Coun i Resolutio j I Room 218 C.H. (PW) (Starke ) � Y Presented By Referred To I I Committee: Date Out of Committee By I I Date I I NOW THEREFOR� BE IT R SO VED, that the C�uncil of the City of Saint Paul by this reso ut on hereby autho�}izes the proper city officials to deposit it the Clerk of D}�strict Court the amount of $8, 250. 00, which re resents the awa�d granted to the above named property owner, a a result of th�i condemnation referred to in Council reso u ion C .F. g9_388�1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, hat upon deposii�llof said amount into District Court and upo assage of titlel s directed by the court , the proper city offi i ls are hereby di� ected to commence the construction of the pro o ed sewer improve� ents in the easement area . � w: II II - I � il , > � COUNCIL MEMBERS � ��./�G �� � �� ..� Yeas Nays�'°" " Requested by Deparh �nt of: Dimond ��� ---� � LO"g [n Favor Fina & Ma.na ent r 'c Goswitz Rettman s�be�n�� _ Against BY � Director Sonnen Wilson ` III Adopted by Council: Date Form Appro d by 't Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � ( 7 � By Approved by INavor. Date _ Appro d by Mayor for I� ubmis n to ouncil � By _ _ -- - —- --- I ` _—— - 11�— '� � � � l�V • �i / DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/OOUNqL DATE ITW ED Finance & Ma.nagement Services GREEN S EET NO. 897 CONTACT PERSOPI 8 PHONE 1 DATE INITIAUDATE Peter White 298-5317 �°�ARTAAp'�a�croa cm couNa� � GTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON OOUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PA�S (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIQNATU ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize deposit of Award of Damages th the District Court for easement interest in land �wned by Eric J. and Julia M. Mattson. Ta ing is in conjunct on with the STARKEY/PLATO SEWER SEPARATION P.ROJECT (see attached es lution). RECOAAMENDA710NS:Mfxaro W a RN�(� COUN L MITTEFJi�BEARCFI I�PORT ONAL _PLANNIN(�COMMIBSION —qVIL 8ERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y PF�ONE f�. ae ooMMm� 1 ��� _ OOMME . —WSTRICT COURT _ �,�WH�������,,E�z MAY 1 N 1989 , . INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPORTUNCIY(Wla,Whet,WMn,Whsro,Wh»: �/ r The Real Estate Divisi n notified of t intent of Mr. Mattson to appeal � of Damages. MAY 5 989 OFF�CE OF T E IRECTOR DEPP,RTMEN OF FINANCE ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Depositing Award upon order of the District Court ould permit entry onto the subject property f r ewer construction ensuring the passage of title for intere t n said land in tim for seasonal construction. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Action will s t in an easement o the property, th c eating an encumbra ce on same. DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: To not proceed as re uested would resul in a delay in the constructi n f the sewer projec � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 8�2 S O.OO �gT/REVENVE 9UDOETED( ONE) YE8 NO �Na��� 1989 Storm Sewer SySteIIl Char ���NuMe�a �I- FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) MAY �t7 i�7HJ