89-946 i WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PA U L � Council �+���/„ CANA�tV - DEPARTMEN T � �BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. d �� - Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Pa 1 City Council req�ests that the Mayor form an ad hoc committee comprised of re resentatives from t�e Saint Paul Civic Center, the Saint Paul and Minneapoli d wntown business coy��ncils and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitor's Bureau o tudy the feasibilit�y of cooperation with the University of Minnesota to host U iv rsity hockey games at the Saint Paul Civic Center. � � � � -2- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n F vor c4sw►cZ Rettman �he1be� D __ A gai s t BY Sonnen Wilson �L '6 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i /� Certified Pass n . e BY ��'�� '/�� ��.��' S+- `���� gl' . + L, — 7 � Approve y Mayor for 's 'on ouncil Appro y iNavor. D — By PUBUS�D J U L 15 19 ' y � . I c��-�� DEPAHTMENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � 3 9 6 City Council 5-�s-s GREEN SHEE No. INITIAU DA INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER80N d PHONE PARTMENT DIRECfOR �CITY COUNGL Council President Jim Scheibel �� 0 TMArro�N�r �►�'1N S ❑cirvc�RK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO � UDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. � YOR(OR AS8ISTAN 0 nne TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL L A IONS FOR SIGNATUR� � � ��N R���: MAY 1 7 1989 ��TY ���°���; RECOMMENDAT10N3:Approve(A)u Re►sct((� COUNCIL M E/RESEARCH REPORT ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII 3ERVICE COMMISSION _GB COMMITTEE _ COAAMENTB: —STAFF _ _DISTAICT CWRT — SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Resolution requesting the Mayor form an d oc co�ittee compr ed of representatives from the Saint Paul Civic Center, the Sa nt Paul and Minneapol downtown business councils and the Saint Paul Convention a d isitor's Bureau to study the feasibility of cooperation with the University of Mi ne ota to host Univer ity hockey games at the Saint Paul Civic Center. ADVANTAQES IF MPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDO (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER v��.+i�'�il Re�earch Center FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) f:��aY 15 i°�9 , . �d� ���� " Members: .CITY OF S INT PAUI: Bill Wilson, chair ,s;»;,��p ` Tom Dimond _ OFFICTz OF H CITY COIINCIL KIICI SOM@(1 Date: WILLIAM L. WILSON r . RECEIVED MARK VOERDING Councilman V�m I l G G R�i p O I l Legisiative Aide �uN 2 s 19a9 To: Saint Paul City Counc I ci�� c�E�c� � From : Housing and Eco ' ' Developmer�t Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes , MINUTES of the MAY 10, 1989, co ittee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Consent to issuance of $2,89 ,0 0 tax exempt Port Authority revenue bonds for Source, Inc. - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L F PROPOSED RESOLUTION (original resolution and green sheet a ta hed) 3. Summary presentation on Econ mi Development Strate�gy COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L F THE PROPOSED REVTIEW PROCESS (no Council action required) ' 4. Approval of bonds for COPCO, s lease to Colder Products Company COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO L F PROPOSED RESOLUT$ON (original resolution and green sheet tt hed) 5. Resolution accepting the Ne r ast Side Neighborhald Improvement Strategy, requesting the sh rt r list of priority ,�trategies be incorporated into the City' A inistration' s worl¢� program, requesting said Strategy be used as ba kg ound information fq� updating the Comprehensive Plan and to e al ate private develop�nent proposals to guide city and neighborhood 'ac ion and investment�� on the Near East Side (C.F. 89-844) i . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL AS AMENDED � (map clarifications listed n ttached sheet) ;I . Resolution supporting the p si ion of Governor Pe ich pertaining to the , U of M sports facilities, e co raging the continu�d.and expanded use of CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINN�OTA 55102 � 612/298-4646 9�46 COMMITTEE REPORT Page Two Housing and Economic Development Committee Meeting Date: June 28, 1989 r` � the St. Paul Civic Center for athletic events, and requesting the Mayo'r � to form an ad hoc committee of representatives as listed to study the feasibility of cooperation with the U of M to host hockey games (C.F. 89-946) �' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7. Hearing to consider the Appeal of Laurel Ann March to a Summary Abatement Order for property locted at 230-240 Dale COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TO DENY THE APPEAL AND TO PROCEED WITH THE ASSESSMENT 8. Appeal of Charles Rafferty to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission regarding the west wing of Gillette Hospital located at 1003 E. Ivy Street COMMITTEE RECONIl�IENDED THE APPEAL BE LAID OVER IN COMMITTEE UNTIL AFTER AUGUST 31, 1989, AND THAT IT ALSO BE REFERRED TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR FURTHER ACTION 9. Resolution requesting the HRA and Port Authority consider and adopt replacement housing policies similar to St. Paul' s (C.F. 89-867) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 10. Ordinance enacting the replacement housing policy and providing procedures for its implementation (C.F. 89-760) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 11. Resolution to bring city to compliance with the new state law on replacement housing (C.F. 89-1038) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL OF THE RESOLUTION 12. Ordinance amending Section 189.04 (4) of the Legislative Code pertaining to Truth in Housing forms and requiring a zoning classification (C.F. 89-1045) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AN INDEFINITE LAYOVER IN COMMITTEE, PENDING A STAFF RECOMMENDATION i , , Q i � . _ - - - - _ __ _ _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ -- NiMITE - CITV CLERK '�I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council /{/'�' /� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT I File NO. V ���" � - RealrEstate Division C�unCZ es�lut��n ;I ` s� �� I Room 218 C.H. ) (Star ) • I _ _..% Presented By Referred To Committee: i Date Out of Committee By ! Date WHEREAS , the Council o t e City of SaintjPaul by Council Resolution C .F. 8g-388, on ar h 7 , 198g, did �uthorize the proper city officials to co de n a permanent s wer easement on, under, and across propert� wn d by Eric J. anl� Julia M. Mattson legally described as : I The north 20 feet of th south 30 feet �f vacated Chicago Avenue fro t e east right-of. way line of vacated Livingston ve ue to the west � right-of-way line of Robert Stree . Also , to authorize a t mp rary constructi n easement over and across the south 10 fee o vacated Chica� Avenue from the east right-of-way line of v ca ed Livingston Ai enue to the west right-of-wa� line of Robert S reet. Said temp rary easement to expire December 31 , 1990, o completion of ' he project , whichever comes first. WHEREAS , the Council o he City of Sain�lpaul held a final hearing on Tuesday, M y g, lg8g for the !�urpoae of ratifying and confirming th aking of easemer� s for the STARKEY/PLATO STORM SEWER P 0 ECT and for mak��g an award of damages for the taking of t e e easements incl�uding an award of damages in the amount of $8, 2 0. 00 to Eric J. jand Julia M. Mattson. WHEREAS , as a matter of ublic necessity�� construction of the storm sewer should be om enced immediate y to avoid delaying the separation of the stor s wers from the s ' nitary sewers , such separation being mandated y he State of Min esota. WHEREAS , in order to ro eed with constrt�ction immediately, it is necessary for the ci y o have title tolthe above described easement interest . !'I COUNCIL MEMBERS ` ����y�.,4� Requested by Deprartment of: Yeas Nays,�,���x� Dimond Finance & Ma a ement Servi �� ���� �� In Fa or co�� I Rettman B DiYeCtoY Scheibel A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approv b Cit At rney Adopted by Council: Date � C` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Ulavor. Date _ Appr d by May}�r for Sub ' si cil BY - — i