89-939 WHITE - C�TV Cl_ERK PINK - FINANCE GIT F SAINT- PAIIL Council /�/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT J/�/��� BLVE - MAVOR File NO. /� / � 4 u il Resolution �6 Presented By Refe Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That applicatio ( D #11404) for a Clai�s B Gambling Location License by Reus In . DBA Macaluso's at 733 Pierce Butler Route, be and the same is hereby approved/denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n a r Goswitz Rettman B s�he;bet _ Ag ins Y soo�o wa�on �Y L 51 Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certifie :sed by Council Secret y By �Z " ' gy. Q�Uc� Approved Mavo : � L 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B ' ����_ . BY PI1RI ISl�D .►U - 1989 . y ��-�'� DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/COUYGL D IN ATED I Fi nance/l.i cense GREEN HEET No. 1�7 7 4 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV OOUNGL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 M F� g CITY ATTORNEY m GTY CIERK MU8T BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(OATE) �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. 5-25-89 ❑"""voR coA"ssieT 12���1 R TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PA�iE8 ( P A L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT E) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of an application fo a Class B Gamblin Location License. Notification Date: 5 �� Hearin ate: 5-25-89 RECOAAMEN 710N8:App�ow(Iq a Re�sct(R) NCI COMMITTEE/RESEARCH OPTIONAL _PLANNIPN3 COMMIS310N _CML SERVICE COMMISSION � �Y3T PHONE NO. _dB OOMMITTEE _ ME 3: _STAFF _ —DIBTRICT OOURT _ 3UPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INIT1A71NO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsrs, Reus Inc. DBA Macaluso's a 7 3 Pierce Butler Ro e requests City Council approval of its app1icatio f r a Class B Gambli Location License. This license will a11ow the liq or stab1ishment to 1 se space to a charitable organization (Neighborhood Ho se) for the sale o pulltabs and/or tipboards. All fees and app1ications av been.submitted. 1 required divisions - Zoning, Fire, Police and L ce e have given thei approval . ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: 'I If Council approval is give , charitab1e organi ation will be able to sell pulltabs and/or ti oa ds at Maca1uso's. There have been no gambling vi lations at Macalus 's. DIBADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: � I � . DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; COST/REVENUE BUDO 0(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ���'"�:: r��"�;"c i� C en�er FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) ��1r�Y 1 J I J�J . , �. ��a�. .:.y�.v - � , . � ���q DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AD IN STRATION llATE � b / / `C ��� ( �� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL I:EVIEW CHECKLZS A.ppn o ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant !.(,S � h � Home Address Rusiness Name a�N-IU��S Home Phone Business Address C.t' �/'� ��ype of License(s) 1.�Q5S �j �G r� h�� �1� Business Phone (�D C�ti-t'��n Public Hearing Date � o�� � License I.D. 41 � 1 y � � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cham rs, � 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthous State Tax I.D. �� iVl�' � �� G� �"'3 llate Notice Sent; G �� ,� � � Dealer 41 �I/�' to Applicant y IZ- p� �E� rederal Pirearms �� � /�- Public Heiiring DATE 'SP 'CTIUN REVtEW VERFIE (C MPUTER) CUMMENTS Approved t A roved ' � Bldg I & D ` + .�IZI�� ; � � Health Divn. ; ��L�� � o� � Fire Dept. �� � � ��z � � �lL i � Police Dept. I ' � License Divn. ' �` �I ' ��� City Attorney ��' � � � 6�- Date Received• Site Plan G To Council P.esearch � Z 0 Lease or Letter � r � Date from Landlord 4 /� �o� _ C:ty of Saint Paul � Depa�tment f na�ce a�d Management Services �����G� L e e and Pennit Division 203 City Halt St Pau, Minneaota 55102•298�5056 . APP I TION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO New Fienew aQ � o � _ Date 1 G Cods No. Title of Licenss From 6—/ 1�To �'�/ t8 , . � � ^ �/i��':�it� �„'S 9 �(..r�.�r./ r ,tf7.� `�, �� ; ,00 �; � , � . 11..,, � � l �i�'_ r ��.iL�(.!-�� � � ApplkantlComPany Nanw � i /G �rX-aa. io0 . I .�� � � ;'� ^ ^ � � ���C.4..i.:,�_"_+: �� ��,i ` 100 Busln�yi Nam� � T, ��\ .. 1/�/� �\� ��n/ v� / ` • f�� W ' ' ��� � .'��./1./�r'.I �l L i�f.L/� . .� • Busineu Address PhoM Na 1Q0 rL1' ;^ ��4 � +-���. !:� �d... 1� _ �.�.:',Y . n ..��- � .�� % � � � 100 Mail to Address " phons No. �� - 1�0 ,�.i.�-�„�`c.�!.. � i" Manap�NOwner•Nam� - —- - -- 100 J 100 AtanaqerlGwner•Home ACdress PhoM No. 4pg8 Applicatfon Fee 2 � Reeeived the Sum of 100 „ Mana9eqOwner•City,Slstt 3 Zip Codt 100 tal 100 . I. �,, � � � �1 'f �� ' , �) � �..�-��,�7�.� � !f�/�� Licenae Inapector By: ` � T Siqnaturo o1 Appiwnl 8ond• ComDanY Name Poliq No. 6�pirstlon O�h If18UfdflC9' COmpany NaiM Poliey No. EapNatiOn pN� Minnesota State Identificatlon No Social 5ecurity Ni� Vehicle Information• s.n.�Nw�ar �• Other THIS IS R CEIPT FOR APPLICATICyN THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application for I cense will either be granted or reiected subiect to the provisbna ot the 2oning ordin�nce and compleUon of the inspsctions by the H. Ith, ire.Zoninq and/or�ic�nse Inspecto�s. �15.00 CHARG F R ALL RETURNED CHECKS ��� �o � �l��� � ..� �—/��9' ��/ I ' �_� /�'lc� . ► TO BE CGMPLET�D BY BAR OWNER ��y-y�y _ Application No. ate Received By - CI F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C I I ABLE GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be fi le out with a typewri.ter or by printing in ink by the sole owaer, bq each ar ner, by each perso�u who has interest in excess of Sx in the corporatio a d/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICAT ON IS SUBJECT TO REVIEGI BY THE PUBLIC — — --- — — 1. Application for (name of lic ns ) �� �/y�c 2. Located at (address) ^'3; � �c� �./' 3. Name under which business is op rated ����_� 4. True Name G-� r� Phone �f,��j -pQOt (First ( id le) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth �- � Place of Birth s/ (/"�„� / (Month, Da , ear) 6. Home Address C� �� _ Home Phone ��7�3'S' ' ' �S 7. Have you ever been com►icted of any gambling violat�ons? /(Y(� 8. List licenses which you curr nt q hold at this location. � j � ,���_ . 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE G LING BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GI 0 MATERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I herebq state under oath that I av answered all of thei above questions. and that the information contained thezeia is ru aad correct to the !�est of my knowledge and belief. I h�reby state further uader oath t I have received na money or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, in conaa ti with this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwis�, th thaa already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) ss Countq of Ramaeq ) Subscribed aad swora to before m� th ( gnature f Applicant) day of 19 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Min ao a My Commisaion expires . . - , , ��_��� TO B C MPLETED BY BAR OWNER I under�can�l �n�l wi11 upholl c, e rdinance amending Ch1pcer �tf1� of �he St. Psu! Legi�lacive Co�le (Inc xic Ling �ic�uor) . I further undersc�nd chac fail re o comply may resul'C in ttte >i��pension or revocacion oti , On Sale Li or and corresponding 'llicenses . Signacure ,� EsLablishmenc a-� �- �� Daca Recurn �a: License � Per�ni� Division Room '_U3, Cicy Hall � Sc. Paul , �tN 551U� Please retain the attached ordin nc for your records. ��sb