89-938 WHITE - C�TV CLERK I COVIICII Q PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEOARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAU L e��E - MA�oR File NO. �7 , � � r� . Cou ' Resolutio� 'f����`� � � W5 � . ; � , � Presented By �y'`' i, ,_,�,�.._._� �___% Refer o '� ��—� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I #18160) for a ClasS B Gambling License by Neighborhood us at Macaluso's , 7;33 Pierce Butler Route, be and the same is reby approved/denied. � i � I I , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by 'Departrment of: Yeas Nays Dimond � �� � In av r Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A g i n S Y Sonnen Wilson �Y [ � 9 Form Appr ed by City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date ' - Certified � sed by Council Secretary By /� By, Q-t�� . Approved �Vlavo . Dat rw"�Y 1 � Approved by (Nayor for Submission to Council � — By ``� BY P�l�l.l�D J l;i�d — �; 1989: ' � ���� �P NT/OFFJ(�/OOUNZYL DATE NITIA o GREEN S EET No. 17 7 5 Fi nance/Li cense , IAU DATE INRUWATE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR �CfTY COUNGL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 N� g GTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON�UNCIL A(iENDA BY(DAT� �BUDQET DIRECTOR �flN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. 5-25-89 ❑�Y�(��ST m�un,cil R TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATU ) ACTION RE�UEBTED: Approval of an application or a State Class B Ga bling License. Notification Date: � 4� Hearin Date: 5-25-89 REOOMMENDATIONB:Approve(l y a Reject(R) CO CIL OMMI�I OPTIONAL _PLANNINfi O�IMIS810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � �E�� _qB COMMITTEE _ OOAA E _3TAFF _ _DIBTRICT COURT — BUPPORTS WHICH OOUNpL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whst,When,Where,Why): Phil Ravitsky on behalf of ei hborhood House Ass ciation requests City Council approval of hi a plication for a St te Class B Gambling License at 733 Pierce Butl ute. Proceeds fro the pulltab sales will be used to support pr ra s at Neighborhood ouse. All fees and applications have been sub it d. ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: If Council approval is giv n, eighborhood House ssociation will operate a pulltab booth at 73 Pierce Butler Rou (Macaluso's). DISADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: OISADVANTI�OES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BU ED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ���"���� n e�e�r c h C e n te r FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �y��� 1 J I JC� 1. O NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypes of dxumeMS: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepsrtmeM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attomey 3. Ciry Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Fnance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCII RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayodAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PAGES Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and PBpercNP each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the iss�e in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatfon or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an ennual budget proc�dure required by lew/ charter or whether there are speciHc ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens wili benefit from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved7 Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are�dressing, in gerreral you must answer two questions: How much is it gang to cost?Who is going to pay7 , ���� UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AD IN STRATION DATE �lly D� / � ��I � � � INTP.RDF,PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIS ' Appn Processed/Received by , Lic Enf Aud Applicant �e 1�j 11�ju�- �l nd� �pt,� SSr-� Home Addres� Rusiness Name U�u_ IU SD j Home Phone Business Address � �J'� �prCZ �p,e �`E Type of Licsnse(s) C�C�5 S �"� Business Phone �(�w��j�� rli� L\ (� v��� Public Hearing Date � �J� O License I.D. ,�{ 1 g � �v at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council hauib rs, � `� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthous State Tax I.b. �� � Date ATOtice Sent; Dealer 4� lU��' to Applicant rederal P'i_re�rms �� Public He�.�ring � DATE I 'SP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) ' COMMENTS Approved N t A roved � Bldg I & D 1 '�� � N � Health Divn. � I� � i Fire Dept. � � ,, � N (A � � � /}prz,�� � y .� e Yolice Dept. I �il, II License Divn. ' I�� s��� � i o,� ,; ) Cit Attorne ,� y y � IZ � I I , I ��I!III Date Received: Site Plan �-� ��' To Council P.e�$earch � � Z' Lease or Letter ' ate from Landlord � . . . ������ ' ' Charitable Gambling Contr 1 Bo rd FOR BOARD USE ONLY Room N-475 Griggs-Midw B ilding �N� 1821 University Avenue ' St.Paul,Minnesota 551 33 3 ° AMT �� i (612)642-0555 ' � CHECK# . _ DATE :.�' , GAMBLING LICENSE A IC TION � •,_ INSTRUCTIONS: �*�, '� . t��� A. Type or print in ink. . ~ • �'� B. Take completed application to local goveming y,o tain signature and date on a�ll copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1 copy and sends original to the above address wit a c ck. C. Incomplete applications may be retumed. - D. Enclose license fee with application. Type of Application: `t ❑Ciass A— Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewh els, ipboards,Pull-tabs) �Class B— Fee S 50.00(Raffles,Paddlewheeis,Ti bo ds,Pull-tabs) M'�"�"P'Y'a'tO� ❑Class C— Fee$ 50.00(Bingoonly) ���'�'��O"trO�� ❑Class D — Fee S 25.00(Raffles only) Check one: ❑1 A. Organization has�ever been licen ed. ' [$1 B. New site—Give base license num e�. 0253� - ❑1 C. Renewal of existing license—Giv co plete license number. � - 0 - 0 ❑1 D. Change in class of an existing licens — ive complete license number. � - 0 - 0 ❑Yes fj�No 2. Has organization eve�received a La ful ambling Exemption Permit from the Board? If yes,give complete permit number ' ❑Yes QNo 3. Have Intemal Controls been submitt p� viously on a fo�m provided �r the Board?If no;please attach copy. 4. Applicant(Officiel,legal name of organization) 5. Business Addresa of Organization ;1ei,hbarhood Nouse Asso.r.iation 17? �. P,obi� Street �� 6. City,State,Zip 7. County 8. Business Phone Number St. 'aul , M�� �5107 Ramsey � 612 ► 22 -92 1 9. Type of organization: ❑Fraternal ❑Veterans R igious C�Other nonprofit"' � "If organization is an"other nonprofiY'organization,an er uestions 10 through 12.If not,go to question i 3."Other nonprofiY'organizations must document its tax-exempt status. • Yes�No 10. Is organization incor orated as a no pro it organization7 If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and •�- . book number. F'3 �9 5• j A ach copy of certificate. � �Yes ONo 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary f S te? SoC i a 1 F il e i�1 1&� • y� Yss�No• 12. Is organization exempt from Minnes ta Federal income tax?If yes,�lesse attach Ntter from IRS or Depa�tment of Revenue declaring exemption. ° •-• " • " �Yes C�4No 13. Has license ever been denied,susp d or revoked7 If yes,check all that a ly: ❑Denied ❑Suspended ❑R vok Give dete: - • 14. Number of active members 15. Number of ea in existence Note: Attach svidsnce of tluse years existence. - 90 I''i 16. Name of Chief Executive Officer(Cannot be 17. Name of treasuqer or person who accounts for other revenues Gambling Manager) of the organizat�on(Cannot be Gambling Manage�) Marilyn Vigil SherT 21gan - ��` Title Title Executive Utrector Bookkeep �h Business Phone Number I Business Phon Number � 612 ► 227-92 1 ( 612 � 2�l 9 18. Name of establishment where gambling�will be . 19. Street address( oLP.O.BoxNumbe�) conducted ►�ca 1 uso's '� 733 F 1 erce�.8u t l er Road 20. City,State,Zip 21. County(where�ambling premises is located) St. Paul , MP1 55107 Ramsey � CG-UU01-0318/88) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Goveming Body Page 1 of 2. ..�.y .... ......: .�_.. . ,.�ac_'."� �..-�. . -�._'.�.1 y_'..-- '�.'' "�'.IL). . . . .. .. . . . �i . .r�r . . .. � �.� � ... i .a , , � ' . . � . . . .. � .'..'. .:.s'. ; � ��i--�� 4 Gambling License Application � � Type of Application: �Class A �l Class B Class C �Class D �Yes❑No 22. Is gambling premises located withi ci Iimitsl � ,� lUYes❑No �2�. Are all gambiing activities conduct a the premises listed in,�18 di this appiicationT if not,complete e separate f application for each premises(exc t r Ies)as a separate license i equired for each premiaes. ❑Yes[�No 24. Does cxganization own the gambli p� mises?If no,attach oopy tFN Isass with terms of at least one year,and_ attsch s skstch of the premises i� ica ng what portion is being I�ed. A lease and sketch are not required for � Class D applications. - - I; "` 25. Amount of Rent Per 26. Do you plan oncon ucti g bingo with this IicenaeT If y�,give days and ti�s of bingo,p�casions. "' Morrth or Bin o Occasion Day ime Day i i Time Day :,� . x �:Time � 400.Od u . . ❑Yea❑No 27. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond require by innesota Statutes 349.20 n obtained? 28. Insurance Company Name(not agency name) 29. Bond Number State Surety Company ii #3256i1 30. Lessor Name 1. ddress I I 32. City,State,Zip Macaluso`s i 33 Pierce 9utier R ad St. paul , �lPt 55104 33. Gambling Manager Name 4. ddress 35. City,State,Zip Phil Ravit2ky 79 E. Robie Streetl� St. ? 36. Gambling Manager Business Phone 37. Date am ling manager became � 612 � 22�-92g1 mem r organization: Mo nh Year � � ❑Yes ONo 38. Has the license termination form been om eted?Attach copy. ❑Yes ONo 39. Has the compensation schedule been pro ed by the organization?Atta�#h copy. 40. List the day and time of the regular meeting of the or niz tion.Day_���i �b nd a v �, `1,�r c�i Time �Joo n 41. Bank Name 42. nk ddress 43. Bank Account Number Cherokee State �lank 17 . Smith 35-643-� GAM IN SITE AUTHORIZATION By my signature below,local law enforcement nffice s or gents of the Board are her�eby authorized to enter upon the site at any time gambling is being conducted to observe the ga bli and to enforce the law fqr,any unauthorized game or practice. _ BANK EC RDS AUTHORIZATION - By my signature below, the Board is hereby authori ed o inspect the bank record�i of the gambling bank account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rule and law. I; I hereby declare that: OATH I I 1. I have read this application and all information s I bmi ed to the Board; I 2. All info�mation submitted is true,accu�ate and m ete; "`` � 3. All other required information has been fully dis ose ; �; � 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organizati n; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawfu o ation of all activities to be ksonducted; ' �: « � :�, b� ,. - 6. I will familia�ize myself with the laws of the Sta e o Minnesota respecting gembling and rules of the�Board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those1aws and rules,inclu ing mendments thereto; 7. Membershi list of the or anization will be avail le ithin seven da s after it is'C uested b the board. 44. Afficial,Legal Name of Organization 45. Signature(must'�Ibe signed by Chief Exec�tive Officer) ,:eighborhood Nouse Association � X ,� .;r=�;> � . �w�,., • � �, ,,r -: .v � Tit�e of sign�er , �ate � . ,i �'' ::i' Execvt-tve Director � -- ; � �r - ACKNOWLEDGEMEN OF OTICE BY LOCAL GOVE ING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this applica on. y acknowledging receipt, ladmit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Ga bli g Control Board and if ap�oved by�e board,will become effective 60 days from.the date of receipt (noted below) unl s resolution of the local go�r�� rning body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution i rec ived by the Charitable Gar�ibling Control Board within 60 daya of the below noted date. 46. Name of City or County�Local Governing Body) If site is located withirt a township,item 47 must be completed,in C�ty�..C�f S t. Pau 1 addition to the coun{y signature. If township is not organized. county must sign. � Signature of person receiving application 47. Name of Township l; . �j > X ; 1 �.,- �f � � � � ' . � elCeiving application Title � Date r�ceived(60 day pe Signeture of person r , begi�fro this te - ,��� fi X _I� 48. Name of person deliveri application to local Govemi . Title � CG-0001-03 18/881 White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Goveming Body � ge2of2 ' � it of Saint Paul I �0 ry�-3O ' � ' � Department of Fi ance and ManagemenC Services , Division of ic nse and Permit Reg�stration INFORMATION RE UZRED WITH APPLICATIO F R PERMIT TO CONDUC PULLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling Licens i Liquor Establishments - New Application) 1. Full and complete name of organ za ion which is applyt,ag for license Neighborhood House �,ssoci ti n. 2. Does your organization meet the de inition of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of ec ion 409.21 of the Legislative Code? N� Attach to this application pert e t financial and/or �organizational information to support your answer to this que ti . NOTE: Only 5 ],arge organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations u e the revised city ardiaance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applic t will be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be hel Number Stree't City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this ap ic tion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Phil Ravi s � Date of Birth q����� (a) Length of time manager has b en member of applican�C organization ](� �parc 5. Address of Manager Number Street City Zip 6. Day, dates, aad hours this appli at on is for � daysllMonday through Saturday up u or za on 7. Is the applicant or organization or anized under the l�s of the State of MN? yPG 8. Date of incorporation 1 9. Date when registered with the St te of Minnesota l�j/2/03. 10. How long has organization been il e istence? 91 yea�ls 11. How long has organization been i e istence in St. Pau}II Same 12. What is the purpose of the organlza ion? To �rovide ar�K ft1fi11 the h�n and social services needs of the people f he West Side of St,, Paul. (See attached) 13. Officers of applicant organizati n: j Name Craig E. Lindeke, Presidenl N�e Dr.IlMarjorie Neihart,vp 1657 Dodd I�oad I� 334 Cherokee Ave. �401, St. Paul Address 55118 Address Title president DOB 6 fi3 46 Title Vi b P�eaident DOB 3/17/20 Name Har Gaston � Name Address Address �24 Angel Road, Sunfish Lake Title �ecretarv DOB 3 1 1 Title T�asurer DOB 8/18/50 � , ����3� , 14. Give names of officers, or any o he persons who paid �or services to the organization. ', Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach sep ra e sheet for additi,nal names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of naml� s nd addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will organizati n' records be kept? Name Marilyn E. Vigil Address !179 East Robie St. St. Paul MN 55107 17. List all persons with the author ty to sign cbecks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name �rilyn E.Vigil Name Address 179 E. Robie St. St. P 1 Address �179 E. Robie St. St. Paul Member of ' Member of DOB 1/11/43 Organiaation? years DOB 5/18/45 Organization? 4 years Name Name Address Address � Member of I Member of DOB Organization. DOB � Organization? 18. Have you read and do you thorou hl understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the o er ion of Charitable Gambling games? Yes 19. Will qour organization's pullta o ration be operated,/managed solely by members of your organization? yes Ye no I 20. Has your organization signed, o d es it intend to sigon, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any p rs or company to assist your organization with the pulltab sal.es and/or recording ee ing? yes no No If answer is yes, give the name an address of the perlson and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will such a onsultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) At ac a copy of said co�tract to this application. 21. Operator of premises where game w 11 be held: Name Macalusos, Geor e Reus P esident Business Address 733 Pierce B tl r Road, St. Paul 55107 Home Address St. Paul MN 551 4 ' C�"�'��°`° . ._- • - , 22. a) Does your organization pay orlin end to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no b) If you do pay accounting fees � t whom will such fe��s be paid? Name Address I' DOB Member f rganization? li c) How are the accounting fees ha ged out? (flat fe�, hourly, etc.) � d What do ou antici ate will le our avera e monthl deduction for accountin fees. ) Y P 8 3�I 8 23. Amount of rent paid by applicantlor anization for rentl�f the hall: , 24. The proceeds of the games will b d bursed after deduclting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the follo in purposes and uses: , r i I 25. Has the premises where the games re to be held been ce�rtified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Ye3 � 26. Has your organization filed feder 1 orm 990—T? � �If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an wer is no, explain� why: Any changes desired by the applicant a so iation may be made� only with the consent of the City Council. rgan at e � �I Date � By: M��n ger in ch of game r �i� Org�hi ion President r CEO i � C�ty of Sai�t Paul /���� � � ' Oepartment Fi ance and Msnagement Servkes � Li en and Pennit Division C��� 203 City Han St. aul.Min�esota 56102•299�5058 ' APP IC TION FOR IICENSj� CA�SH CHECK �LA� Nsw � '�I � , ae• ».� Cod�No. Title of Lkkeeas Fro �� 19�f ! 19� ^ � 7� � ` //y�� - � � � � d �n ,-�-'"�. �� 1�-+.i �l /�i a�,��!�. .l�.. ,J_M �t [_ �� .rr� .� ��_� Appl u Nanw . ioo .� ��� �; � , ,: � i � -`�'� % t s_�.;'�.�: 100 Bwin�ss Nsn� �1 �� 1, ^. � 1 100 � �F�� ��_:.�-�.+c f s �.a_L•+°;.�,..��� Bwin�a�Mddnss P1an�Na 100 � � � � �!� `�!�.�ci --�1 . 100 Miil to A nss PDOn�Na � � loo � t�' �^' � , 1`.G. � ` 7 _..,"Yc fi Mansq� n�r•Narrw r 1� r�; �S/i:'!" r� .i; .�� 100 Afanaqt ner•Hom�Addnss PAOn�No. 10p8 Applieatfon Fee 2 Sp , � � ,... eceived the Sum of 100 �'F .;. �''',�..i� �� � "�`' � � � p�,02� Mans9� .Sbb 3 21p Cod��` �. / . 100 T tal 100 n '' � � ` . � �_ licenae Inspecto� ^.��� By: �� �un ol��wm BOnd• " COmPmY Nsme Poliep No. ' Expiatioe Dat! Insuranc • company N.m. v�a�ep No. E:pk.�an at. Minneaota State Identificatio�No Social Secu�ity I 4 Vehicle Information• S�rial NumOU � Other THIS IS R EIPT FOR APPIICATi N THIS tS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your appUcation for I � nse will either be 9ranted ire�ected sub��ct to ths provisbns ol th�zoninq ordleanc�and compl�tio�of th�Inap�etfons by th�H• Ith, in.Zonfn�andlor Uc�ns�I , p�cton. �15.00 CNARG F R ALL RETURNED CHECIKS �f/��`1 � 7-� �� - (.i�a �'��" � �� �� U� � � �1 ��� � ' � ��� j � Y I i �v�L�c �� _ ��c �o��►-_c�: . I��C,EZ� ��: P L�GTA'�Z�O�I� �CEIVED ; APR 11 ��g Cli'Y CLER� . _°'=' v�. � Dear Property Owners: LOIJERT � � � Application fo a Class B Gambling Lo�cation license. This � license would 11 w the liquor establishment to lease space � }7U'��S ;� to a non-profi o ganization (veighbarhood House) for the . sale of pullta s nd�or tipboards. , ��pT=���� Reus Inc (Geo e eus-President) dba Macalusos . • , � rr*- I���_!r��l "33 Pierce Bu Ile Route .� -� Li v 25, 1989 °?:'JO '.- � i i.=._� �.-=�C Cir7 Ca 'T �cers, 3r:: i?oor Ci'7 :a? - Cau=-_ ausa � 3y I.icsas ' ?�t Di�.s+cs. De�sr—`e�c a= =�cs az.: l -- 5-�-�, *r+ ��ea Sa :tts, 3ao� 2�3 C+trl caL' - C�tr:. �usa, �Q�!�i� Sai=� ? , w cca �a8-��So ' . • _ ? aaca �p be c��;e� � `+o t t�e c��¢szat �ra./or L.�G?e�,_ o:. cs= L�cs�sa �:c °s�T= IIitr*��on _ is su�a=s�ad �::�= ?oL c�:?' c�e Ci=:% C—==:ti� S OL--C= 'c.0 ?a8—•+LL - dt2 'w:Su C��1=�—gr=Q'G.