89-935 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE TT COI1RC11 �� BI.UERV - MAPOR�TMENT G I TY SA I NT PA ll L File NO. � • �� - ' �O� � solutian tr� � �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B I Date Y � RESOLVED: That applicatio ( D #92787) for a 2nd� Hand Motor Vehicle Dealer's Licens b R. G. Bartosch In��. DBA Executive Auto Sales (Robert B rt sch-Pres. ) at 520 E. 7th Street, be and the same is her by approved with the �Following stipulations : 1) Stormwater an gement facilities �hall be constructed and operati na in accordance wit� the approved plans. 2) Landscapin mu t be installed as ;'�hown on the approved site plan. 3) Driveway, id alks & curb improv'�ment on Kittson St. shall be c ns ructed to City star��ard under permit from Public Wor s idewalk Division. ' 4) Customer p rk ng shall be marked �nd designated in front on E. 7th tr et and in the rear. 5) The condit on specified above shall be completed by 9-1-89. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond t.ong � [ Fa or Goswitz � Rettman Sc6eibel _ A ain t BY Sonnen Wilson MAY l Form Appr N�d by City ttor ey Adopted by Council: Date I • - Certified a ed by Council Secretary By '�'� B. G�d//' S Approv by M or. ate M Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � g � �� By PUBl1SHm J J��� - 1989 _ � � U"_���7 DE`I�ARTMENT/OFFICEJCOUNqL °"� �" ° GREEN S EET No. 1 7 5 5 Fi nance/Li cense , �,�,� �Nm�►wA� CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CfTY COUNdL Kri s VanHorn/298-5056 NuM R 0�TM ATTORN�' ��'�''a�" MUST BE ON COUNGL A(iENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. 5-25-89 ��YOR(ORA8818TA � Council R TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAQES (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGINATU ACTION REQUESTED: Application for a 2nd Han tor Vehicle Dealer' License. � Notification Date: Hearing te : 5-25-89 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve pq a RsJect(R) COU CIL MMITTEE/RESEIIRCH REPORT IONAL A ST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE OOMMIS810N _CIB COMMITfEE _ COM E _8TAFF — _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNpI OBJECTIVE7 INITIATIW(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI'fY(Who,What,Wf�en,Where,Why): R. G. Bartosch Inc. DBA E ec tive Auto Sales re uest Council approval of their application for 2 d Hand Motor Vehic e Dealer's License at 520 E. 7th Street. All f es and applications h ve been submitted. All required departments av reviewed and appr ved this application. Zoning has placed stipula io s to this license see Resolution). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: I DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: Co�r,c�l Research Center f,�AY o 9 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : C08T/REVENUE dU ETED(CIRq.E ONE) YES NO PIJNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORAAA710N:(EXPWN) - . ����� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIN ST TION llATEI/Y �d� � / / �_ INT�,RDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW (:HECKLIST A.�pn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud A �licant ��� - P� � �Ai�?�/.1"c,✓� _ Home Addre s s�vt�� .�;,,��.v��L f�'� � Rusiness Name . � wJ� /G Home Phone �,�„�_ „��„�� Business Address .��-- �- 7 � � ; Type of Licens�e(s) ,,�7�'v� 1`d•a•�o 1������K Business Phone ��'yb,Q ��,�,�je�'", � Public Hearing Date License I.D. �� ��7�� , at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Cham er , 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l ,Jj�� llate l�utice Sent; Dealer �� j���3~ to Applicant Pederal I'irea�ns 4t ?��j�' _ __ Public Hearing DATE I SP CTIUN REVtEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) COMMENTS Approved N t A roved �.t,a`� ,�J'� " U M-�J�1.�,e�C.C.a Bldg I & D � �o�7� Sc�,(.e. G-�-�-- \ ' 0�✓�..,�-c� uY— 1,���-� �.J _ � � � �I �`l , Health Divn. � � �� I Fire Dept. � � I � ����7 � f � Police Dept. ���5�$ � i�. d License Divn. + ) � a � �� , City Attorney � ` I� ' �� � Date Receiv d: Site Plan /Y�'�7�� To Councii F.esearch � Q�� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord /'�'� �i'�� �=.. , �'. `� - . • • _-: ='� _ _ /�" .,--_�-,��_�, , c OF ST. pavL ���,—��� DEPARTf�NT OF' F A1fD MAHAG�RP 9ffitVZCES LICENS P'�T DI4I5IO�P 1�ese ststement torms are isau�ed in d icate. Please aas+rer all quesLicoa 11i3.� aad co�letely. This applicstfon ia th r chtcked. Ariy lalsilication Mill be cavse for denial. ��,�, � /�.��� te � :� '�- 19 ;� 1. Appl3catlon foi' �?�,.v r �/�-r� '� �`': ;�-✓f;' (4f Cente �Perilt) , 2. lia�ee of applicsnt '' , 3. If applicant is/haa been a mdrr ed female, liat msiden neme ' b. Dste ot birth �� �� -- [�, ! � Place o! birt� ��,��������j�� 5. Are you a citizen of tbe United S tes �/E?5 Astive � Faturalised _ 7'_' , 6. Are you a registered voter where �G�,�'- �i G 1 �' bZ �-�7T�FC�nn��o�,� t � � ' T. H�ooe addreaa ��?�� � Vi� f E � �lepy�e ���� R. Preaent busineas address _ � � Bnsiness t,ol�p6ope �.��, '' !.l � �'Yl r► " 9. Including your present business ' lvyment, vt�at bnttiness/e�ployseat ba�e yeu folla+ed for the past tive year . Buainess/F�aployment Address !' � E; � 1 _, ,,� f � � r- n?c`������i�1 C? . �ti'. �-t- �a�� I � l�`��i.� 10. Married � If ans�rer ia "yes" 1 t na�e and address oT apouse 21. Nave you ever been arrested tor an lfense that has re�lul,ted in a camrictiool� I! ans�+�er ia "yes", list dstea f sta, v6ere, chargjes, emivictioo� and sente�ces. Dste o! arreat ' 19 t�e �—"' CAAF?GE CONVICTION —"'�' S�WCE Date �f arresL 19 ere CHARGr CONV IGTIOi1 g�� . ��'��-�`� ` of all peradns, name ot s ouse slso) h�ve: 12. List tbe A�s �tnershiP ,s Csocimstiona�°'=' orga�iZ tions �ich in any �+�4Y corporstions, P f� ���N �_ �� �t� ' terest i t e l.icenaed Pr�Se' "�'�' � a. A mortga8e in .�` 13c: � �',-�_ 1 - �l�l � �zi � �� #.�5) , 1,� << Ci�irn�, b. A aecurity interest i t licensed preniae#, liceaat, o� itsrnishings of the licensed premis�, `� remise �. A promiasory note fo ds loaned =or the '�Pu'ati°° of the licensed p �A im E-% or ttu purchase of 't e iceaae, --, Financially contribuled to the purchase oY the premise or the licens� it- d. � self l�t p other interest e t r direct or indirect, either financlal or other�+'is� e. � i � in the licensed pre 'se or the license itaelf, St� � Attach a copy ��to o! any all documents referred to in this s!lidavit. . Wo rsons, resi dents ot 3t. Psal, l�i�meso�ts, � t addresa o Pe 1?� Give n�es aad � c� give intormation c ce ning Y�• AA1� � 1� `� r�-��i S f /" !^ . I'� � Iti 1 � �� ; e L� ss �� � � ��-• . 14. Addreas ot pr�iaes f W Sch License or Permit is aisde S " -� -�. 5-�- Zone classificatior� f� Address a � � � -�-_e�,�•�±Which side of street �i�'S 15. Betweea r�hat croas st ee s ''% " „ l, 1 . `�,S _ � �f � T. �r � l G 16. Na�e unde= Which this bu ineas �aill be condurted -8� � n be .,..� , ���tl������ � �a-�� 17, Business Leleph locstion, � lic ti n, a deteiled descriptioa of the design, 1Q., Attach to this apP r �ises to be licensed square footage o! the p ` What business -- H� long � y�. ?re oremises now occ p2 a � _ . � � �-��,�� 20, . Liat license �+hich y u curren ly hold,_ or former held, or me�r have an intere;;� in �, J 1 : J �� _ E' � , + `� �J��b� ' �t � tr � E'l� !` 'C'd�5�� 21. Have , of the licenses list d y you in No. 20 eve� been revoked. Yes No �. If ana� is "yea ', ist dates aad resaopa: 22. Do you have an intereet of t e in aqy ot.�er bus3�ness or businesa premises. I.• answer is "yes", list busi es , buaiaeas address snd telepbone number. - � 'C � � � , , � '�1 �� � ' � ��' � � _��r��.� � , , , , 23. If business is incorporated, iv date of inco�porat�on ���19� and attach capy oP Articles o I corporation and mirnrtes of first meeting. 24. List all oPficers of the corp ra ion giving their names, office held, hame address, and home e►nd busines t ephone numbers: t�'2-���,.�,r� � " '�` �" � '� _ �1 �;� (("�I -F 't �1 -� � 't r' ► �3�-� �'!� y����.��:� n . �" � � � � Kc�:nt�I 4 �-_ I��''�C��� fl SE>. Ci �u!✓cy�' ��}�1'" �' VI'��' }� (y,crt,� � _7�,��c 1 J � ;� t�S. � ' -�� r cSc �t IC �1� , r�- �_ •, ;,, � �� `�, ..�ti �� - � � :, �K,-,�) 1 F��- . .,.,� ����' �l'4��IC���f �� �` �'�" l�3'1-IG�- • � �. � 1,� , � r � ��f:.�7 y ,,-,�y � �, -c: c:�% �.L_LS�- �' ��'' � � � �S_5�1. -��',-y 25. If business is partnership, 1' t ner(s) address at�d telephooe nt�bers; Name Addreas T+e1.Ao. i -_ - 26. Ia there a�y►one else Who rrill v an i�erest fn thSs business or premiaes4 If answer is "yes", give name, h addreaa, talephorie n�bers aad in vhst manner is tbeir interest: � 2T. Are you goinq to operate this us ness personal�y 1/(-��it aot, Mho rill opesate .}�r.�ir it: � N� ^ Hane address �e1.Ao. �' - . - . �,�g �,- Are you going to have a Manager or assistant in this business? Zt saswer is '�yes��, give name and ho:ae addre s nd home tele�phone r�ber: . , C 7Sf- � r� Name T �� ; � Ho�e nddres��4' I / 1`e1.No.���J�3� -��ijl�c � /c��/, I vt 29. Has arLyone yau have named in q st ons 22 throu�h 26 ever been arrested? It answer is "yes't, list name of rs n, dates of arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence ' � _ . �t � 1� 30. I •r� � g' TC� G � understand this premise may be in- spected by the police, fire, h lt and other city ofticials at ar�► and all times when the business is in e tian. State of �linnesots) )SS County of Ramsey ) be g first duly sworn, depoaes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing st ement bearing his �3gaature and lmotirs the . c�tents thereof, and that the s8me ia rue of his own 1m ledge except as to those matters therein stated upon informa f o and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves th�m to be true. � ' Subscribed arid svora to befoze me � . - ✓ �� � , ��`7 Si�nature of Applicsat thi s � day of '�,��x! 19 $ � � . �. Notary Public, Ramsey Couaty, Minn ot . , . _ :,,;;; . !�Ey co�ission expires !��k IS 9� , � � ,.:� ,: ::�� `; ; � � •��•�-�:^�'•T.'•'i v'V vY'o v" J,°JYV�,v°JdY'vHvb-,•/V