89-933 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE TF' COIIIICII �/'j Q � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT 1 AUL File NO• �� • ��`� - BLUE - MAVOR au c Resolutian �.� , � J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That application (I #17998) for the transfer of a Gas Station ticense with 1 A di ional Pump and a C�garette License currently held by Jay W. � nt etit DBA The Downtowner Car Wash at 228 E. 7th Stree , e and the same is Mereby approved for transfer to J-Mo t nc. (J. W. h9ontpeti't-Pres. ) DBA The Downtowner Car 1�J sh at 520 E. 7th Stre�'t. with the following stipulations : 1) Stormwater m na ement facilities sh�all be constructed and operatio al in accordance with the approved plans and specificatio s n file with the Pu�lic Works Sewer Division. 2) Landscaping us be installed as shown on sheet A-3 of the approved sit p an. 3) Driveways , s'de alks and curb improvements on Kittson Street shall be constructed to city standards under a permit issu the Public Works 'Sidewalk Division. 4) Customer pa ki shall be marked and designated both in the front alon E. 7th St. and in the rear of the property. 5) The conditilns specified above shall be completed by September 1 1 89. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by�!Department of: Yeas Nays pimond Lo� __� [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman �J Scheibel —.�L__ A ain t BY Sonnen �il�o MAY � 5 � Form Approvqd by Cit Att ey Adopted by Council: Date ' - �' � � Certified � sed by Council Secretary By By y I MA 2 `� Approved bylMayor for Submission to Council t�pproved 1Aavor. Dat — By v L4.�- ! BY PUBUS�D ! N - 3 198 i _ _ _ _ �; _ 4` _. WHITE - UTV CIERK � � � -�- � �� � PINK - FINANCE � COI1flC11 f BLUERV - MAVPOqTMENT , � G I TY O � SA I NT � PAU File NO. ��� I �^' -� �Cou ' Resolutio � :� � � _ Presented By �i'`= '� ' 1 Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date RESOt.i�O; T�st �liartf.� is9le� f�► ti�s .� et a srs ststi�n ltc�e r#fi 1 t t !� �d a Ci lic�se c�rr+rtlr hs1A b�r J�r Y. 1t Of� Tf� i`�sr ris� at �r�s� �sS�eMrt �ur�Jt�. � �q� 1�' . DYA �r 0�' 6ae t �20 E. 7#� St�et r�M t1r l�o11+�e�!ug :�. stip�iatiMS: `:�` : 1) St.o�' fat'ttit#� 1 b� qitlt"rcL� . sAd a�srat '� � � rttlr aPl� R�m s�d spicf!'f #fh �tit tAe P� �c tioets 3�wr �l�sto�. 2} �� � t�str�t�1�/ u +� si�tt JI�� �f tl�t R - 33 Drt�s. iks a�d a� iu Klttso� .,_ `. Str+�et sMt i te ci sts�dard� �r • � #�enirlt 1 !�e ri�lfc �t dMwtk Dfrfsia�. r 43 t:�ttaitr 1 �Mtttt b� �riurd d��+pNt�d ti� f• tb� ie+e�et ai E� 7� St. vN �1w r�u ai tAe praop�rty. ' 5) ii�e eo�dtti ftsd abe�t s!� be caple� Ajt SoptrM�s� 1 1 . ; , ; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ' r r.ons f I Fa or Gosw;tz ��1°a° F A ain t BY ��i� � s��o vvit�n Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . j f, gy, f, .f � . A►pproved by A�lavor: Date Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By By - I �,��^9� pEpARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNdL DATE IN o 17 3 9 Fi nance/�i cense - GREEN SH T No. i a►re iNmnwn� CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCtL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 N� cmr�Tror�ev �CITY p.ERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BY(DAT� iiOUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICES DIR. tiu►voR coR�ssisr Q�.nc�l R TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � AGT1ON RE°"E�D`Approval of an appl i cati on to tr nsfer a Gas Stati o Li cense wi th 1 Addi ti onal Pump and a Cigarette License. � � I Notification Date: 5'2'89 Hearin D e: 5-25-89 RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw(A)a Re�ct(Fq COU CO MIT7'EE/RESEARCH REPORT _PUWNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ��v� P�E� _dB COMMITTEE — _STAFF — �� . I _DISTRICT COURT — I SUPPORTS WHICFI OOUNqI OBJECTIVE? I INITIATIN(�PROBLEM,ISBUE.OPPORTUNRY(INho,What.Whsn,Wlts►e,Wh�: Application has been made fo t transfer of a Gas Station License with 1 Additional Pump and a Ciga et License currentl held by Jay W. Nbntpetit DBA The Downtowner Car Wash t 28 E. 7th Street t J-Mont Inc. (J.W. Montpetit- Pres. ) DBA The Downtowner Ca W sh at 520 E. 7th S eet. All fees and applications have been submitted. All re ui ed divisions . - Fir Zoning, Police and �.icense have given their approval . on ng has approved wi stipulations. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, T e Downtowner Car W sh will be licensed to operate at 520 E. 7th St et i i � I DISADVANTA(iES IF APPF�VED: � I I I aSADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION s COST/REVENUE BU ETED(CJ�I.E ONE) YES NO E•+.,�..,..Y1 V�eSea,"Cn �ef1t@r FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM9ER q FINANqAI INFORMATION:(IXPLAIM �r I/a Y O U ���;J . . - ��-�� � a i �a �� S� DIVISION OF LZCENSE ANI) P�RMIT A.DMI 'IS RATION DAT�E � � � � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW (;HECKLIST Appn roce sed/Received by r u /� � J a y J�o���.�-��-,�ua Applicaut �J��U�1'� �hC� Home Acldress 3 �� Q(,(�n��� /-�M�fl Rusiness Name l,�,y�-�^Q(,�ylylZ �t( W Sr1 Home Phone '' � 3�—S`1�� Business Address �ab � ~�1 Type of Licen,se(s) C7Q5 S-�A� �-�'�'�r Business Phone oZ�a� �bYJ � (�,�� �,c r'n ���C( Q��'� t r Public Hearing Date u �� � License I.D. � ' � � f�?O at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambe s, t�S d�s �P 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.I�, 41 � llate l�otice Sent; � /'�'01- Dealer 4� � N��Q- . to Applicant � �, lU Pederal I'ire�rms �� � Public He�.�ring DATE I 'SP 'CTIUN REVI�W VERFIE (C MPUTER) COMMENTS Ap roved N t A roved � Bldg I & D (�[ l � Q, � Health Divn. � I . _ ' . ' ���� � Fire Dept. � � � ' � a-� � I o�; , i Yolice Dept. ' i � �� � blC.: License Divn. ' �al� � a � City �ttorney � ' z� � ������� , Date Receive : ' Site Plan �� �l � , G To Counci�. RPSearch � O � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord (.�/Y) .Q � � (��-�.� C I OF ST. PAUL DEPAR'17�lIT OF F C'E APD MA� SSRVZCES LICENSE DI975ION � T�eae statement forms are ia�wed in d te. pleas� aasMe� a11 qnestio�na !'iil�jr aad co�letely. This application is thor cbecked. Any�al,�irication rill be csuse for denial. /af5 i9 ��� l. Applicatioa for �s �u.�, I s ' - .r r� ��� Li�)' (Permit) 2. Pa,ee o! applicsnt � /,(f' o,v � � j / 3. If applicsnt is/hsa been a msrrie f e, liat maiden netee �� ji4 b. Date of birth '� f O /v /�G e �L Place of birth +�, a,,r.� I'�.�� 5. Are you a Mtizen of the United S at s c�S Astive X Faturalized _ � ,( 6. Are you a regiatered voter �� 1�ihere !���t_�;"" /�1 '�oN v��.v !1�' , � 7. Aome address .�g 0 u.�N��a.r �� �a�:�-���,� SSarj Aome teltphone C/:�SY.3i R. �Present business a�ddreas �:,�c; E � ?' Pe�.! .�+�S��Bus�ness telepboa ,'�=_'�G��S 9. Including your present business/ 1 nt, �st basiness/ea�loys�nt ha�e yon - followed for the past live y�ears. ' Buaineas/F�ployment , Addrets �f'�-���y v wNC� � G�c/¢sy� a( f�d�oa��ss` �g 7� � —�¢..t/�i.+. s'�/o l � / ._. — s� � /�1� b r,ur v cJ N e,^ �u,.� ��i'�sd� u. ftd�rtss .s�G ,� �'�-S7 S'T��c� /'�i" SS/o/ 10. Married � If ansaer is ",ves", is nase and address aR spause z f i��c'ti /"����� � �ci.,, /ae,.� 2 So , .�e �.uo� S'D S�_3 21. ?�iave you ever been arresLed for o fense tbat has ��Ilted in a com►iction!/Lv I! ans�+er ia "yes", list dstea of sts, �rhere, c6argel�, comrictio� and aenteoces. Date of arrest 19 Whe�re � t�AF.GE COAVIC.'!'ION g� � � Date o: arrest I9 ere CHARGr CONV IGTZOiI SERTENCE � 12. List the names and addresses (if married, aame ot spoase also) °of alT persons, corporations, partnerships, sasociations or organizations M�ich in say v�y have� a. A mortgage interest in the 1lcenaed premise, /��'��liCSf �nJ� � ; �E C S8A b. A security interest in tl�e licenaed premiaea, licenae, ar irirnishing6 of the licenaed premise, /Lp�"� c. A pra�aissory note for lunds loaned for the aperatien of t1u licensed premise or the pnrchase ot 'the license, ^/l`o�v � d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self /1/,�i� 2 e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise � in the licensed premise or the licenae itself, ��o�v� Attach a copy hereto of auy and all docuiaents referred to in this atfidaviL. 1?. Give names and addresses o! two persons, resideata of St. Psul, Miffiesots, vho can give infarmation conceraing y�. AAI� ��� . ��o�`� C,(�c�o�fl ��gas `d�' sT �Ne /G� �J�l�d��,�N"` S f ev� ���e�: ��1�SU c�aN �v� ST ��� �N SS/0� lk. Addreaa o! premises tor �hich License or Permit is m�de S�o � 7� z� Address S� �Gt-<.c�� /"�n� �s/O I Zone classificstion 1- 1 15. Bet�een vhst cz�oes atree�:. /�r 7T�ow s�' d' 7�5T�+cL �3ds c: st:a2t_:�� 16. Nax under vhich this buaineaa �+ill be conducted /ib��/��' ��c.�^ `�aS�1 17. Busivess telephone n�ber ��a - 70 ys 1�. Attach to this application, a detsiled description oP the desi , locstion, and squsre Pootage of the premises to be licenaed 4�P ,��ac�e�( ar k �9. �re oremises now occupied �t=what business �+4� H� long S= i����� (ru.s ��,xP � . ��-�� 20. List cense �iych•you rent •y ol , or�noer� he , or mqy hav sa intere . � i n ' /'/'at, � ` cvN o' ^ �,�^ � s 4,� s �C. w�� e �o�a►���� : /�oNe � ,1. 21. Have of the licenses listed in No. 20 ever b�tn sevoloed. Yes Na . If ariaver ia "yes°, i dates aad reasons: 22. Do you have an intereat of a�r t in a�► other busiae�s or busiaeaa premises. ,, I.• answer is "yes", list busine , inesa addreas and telephc�e t�umber.� 23. Sf business is incorporated, gi e te of incorQoration `f '(�S 1975 and attach copy oP Articles of nc rporation and mirnrtts of first meeting. 24. List all officers of the corpor ti n giving their namee, office held, hooe address, and home and business el hone numbers: �j �U. /��v,�= � �i � — �so% C�/' o�'=�-�� o��c� _ Q� �.0���u v �o . ��� �GN� /j1� S''O i�� 25. If business i$ partnership, li t r(s) address at�d telep�ooe nt�bers: / Name ' ��'� Address 41e1.11o. ._� r.- �_ 26. Is then a�yone else vho xill aD itYterest 3n thSb buaineas o� pradaesY Zf answer ia "yes", give name h addreas, telephoefe a�bers and in r�at manner is tbeir intereat: � t'_ 27. Are you goin�t to operate this bu inesa personal�}r � it not, �o rill operate it: Pame Home address Sel.IIo. ---_ kre you going to have a !�ians�er o; assistant �n this business? It ans�er is "yes��, give naak and ho:ae address and home telephoae number: d � / 6�� �"' sT�»` ^'° Name �aoYJ� ���5 wo�ff� Home sddress Qa�� MN Ss��y Te l.No. .3S-�`T 3� 29. Has ar�yone you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes°, list n�t�f person, dates of arrest, where, cha.-ges, comric- tions and sentence /lG � � 1 �. 3�• I ��- ��'✓ �!�'�++ !: •�° /_� j understand this premise me�y be in- spec�ed y the paZice, : re, health and other city officials at ar� and ali times when the business fs in aoeration. State of �li.nnesota} )SS County of Ramsey ) being Pirst duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statetaeat bearing his sigaature and lmows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own imm�rledge except as to those matters �herein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed ar�d sworn to befoze me ��l ' �"f!?v G� ,� � ignature of App aat this � da4Y of ��' f�`�1��� � ��"�'V 1 1 � � ��'��� Notary Public, Ramaey County, Minnesota '�fy comn�ission expires �4��`_,y+.,..�+r-�,I�,1� ��'-~�L.•r�i . , . `� ..i��... �- J;.. •� - ..�,,. ." � ' ,i � ���. ' . ' .� � .. . , :'71:.J.' .. � . . . �r��...'...... . . ✓'b�^`��:s ��._r- " • ity of Saint Paul �0 � ��� � , Department o Fi nce and Management Services Lic ns and Permit Division 203 City Hall St. aul, innesota 55102-29&5056 n PP C TION FOR LICENS� + I CASH C�HEC�K CLA�. �� New Renaew 0 �, � Date � C � 19�._ Code No. Title of License From �Z�,,.SZL-19�To �`� � 19� � �a� C�5 5-�fi�n- 3 ��m �, � .� - �-��ru�S �n� � Tr�{'-r' 10° t Ap Can ompany Name 100 I ! 'L ��rn — �l �:t�r.��,�(�cr ��A►' (e?��i� �oo s�S��e8gM8me �-rf=r ,00 ac,> , -� aa-'7 Busines3 Address O1 P�e Na• 100 .�0�-1 i _ r- -- . c7�,1 —��� 100 Maii to Address P��Na• � � ,00 �t .� I �L ' Mana�eNOwner•Neme ,00 ��� QLU rt�An � !�' � `-3L�! " 100 AtanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 Recefved the Sum of 100 ����� m� ��� ���(�- �e Ar� �/� •q ManaqetlOwner-City,Slate 3 Zip Code 100 tal 100 LiCense InspeCtor �� 8y: Signature ot Applicant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiretion Date Minnesota State Identification No. �� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number �thef: THIS IS R CEIPT FOR APPLICATlON THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.You►applicati for Iicense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of the inspections by the H alth Fire,Zoning and/or License lnspectors. Csld � �Lo'7�o $15.00 CHAR E OR ALL RETURNED CHECKS �' �( �;POCf�G�1 � ��' � �� � � � 5av � h�' �: - S�n-�� �c.%n� j �"�.. ;� y�� ' `� kecl Ic.l a �'���� ��'�`F�{ - R.�� cl.!'�`�b� `-r1-`cc.�' ��wr's-� � I � 4,., � a��' �'�� n���porz�� na�.e. - �iIC.