89-913 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY SA I NT PAU L -9/3 BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. �`• ou c Resolution � Presented By ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper it officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreemen g anting $1,000.00 to the GRAND AVENUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION for the pu po e of staging Grand Old Day; to be held June 4, 1989 and conducted in a co dance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Ag eement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and M na ement Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� 7 [n F vo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel Agai St Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date 2 3 Form rov by Cit orne � $� Certified - sed by Council Secretary BY ! By. �-�� Approv y M or. �� d 9 ApproL by Mayot for Su i 9 � > > —� s Pl1BltSl�9 -!'-!"� 3 989 �v ` �-`� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE 1 �O Q � COMMUNITY SERVICES 5 3- GREEN SHEET NO. ° INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNdL BILL PETERSON 292-7415 � �o AITORNEY CITYCLERK MUST 8E ON WUNGL AQENDA BY(DAT� UDOET DIRECTOR FIN.A MOT.SERVICES DIR. N�q voR cop�ssisr ��$ s � TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAQES 5 (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� �.v(/ G/7 ACTION REQUE8TED: Signatures by Department Director, As is ant City Attorney, City Council , and Director of Finance & Management Services. REOOMMENOATIONB:Approvs(p a Re�sct(Fq COUN MMITTEE/RESE/1RCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO O�AMISSION _dVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y �E�EIVEQ r��� ft�CEIVE _qB COMMITTEE _ -�$T�F - �"M � r�r�Y 1 l 1989 MAY p 8198 -������ _ MAY 101989 � su�rrs w►+�a+oouNa�oa,ecnv� CommunrtJ� ' Recreation �IA�'t��`S 0�°�'�� - iNm,nnrx3 Paoet.�,�ssue,OPPORTUNIT1f(Who,wnac,wnsn,wners,why): Grand Avenue Business Association ha r quested financial assistance in staging Grand Old Day; scheduled to be held June 4 1 89. ADVANTAQES IF APPFiOVED: Local corrununity, businesses, and cha it ble organizations would benefit if event is held. aSADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Event will not be held. ua e..�. �,,,�,�..� M��! ���1��3��'� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 1,OOO.00 COgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNp�Np gpupCE $ 2C1 d� Serv� S ACTMTY NUMBER 2��4� ��iN��,u►noN:cocPwr� � �-�-�/3 �� �,��,�.�-r� AG EEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and en er d into this o�y day of �,�cG _, 1989 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PA L, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred o s "City") , and GRAND AVENUE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, (hereinafter referr d o as "Association"). WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987 th St. Paul City Council established a Community Festival Lo n Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Pa ks and Recreation, for the purpose of assisting neighbor oo festivals with expenses, startup costs and insurance coverage a d WHEREAS, the St. Paul City ou cil has approved rules and regulations to ensure the fair an e uitable distribution of the funds; and WHEREAS, the Association ha a plied for a grant in accordance with these rules and regulati ns. NOW THEREFORE, the parties gr e as follows: 1. That the City shall grant t e Association the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for th pu pose of helping to fund Grand Old Day, to be celebrated June 4, 1989 s ore particularly outlined in the Association's application t hed hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement. 2. That the Association will re re and submit to the City a report outlining all expenses and re nues derived from the Festival and specifically detailing how th grant money was spent within 90 days after the completion of the festival noted above. Association further will permit the Division of Par s nd Recreation staff full access to its books and_records concerning the fe tival . , 3. That the Association shall su mit to the City a copy of the Association's liability insurance policy na ing the City as an additional insured, said policy shall be forwarded o ity by May 28, 1989. 1 —„� , �. ��-�� �;3 4. That the Association underst nd this agreement is not binding until the City Council approves of it y esolution. Approved as to form: For the City: � Paul McCloskey, Assista City hleen Stack, Director Attorney epartment of Community Services By Eugene Schiller, Director � Grand Avenue Business Association: Department of Finance and . Management Services By ct�/ � �C�d�r� �2 By ��.l�t � 2 , ��.�f� � DIVISION ARKS AND RECREATIOIV COMMU IT FESTIVAL FUND P LICATION Date ��3�8� Check n : Loan Grant �� Organization Name r ue iq�ss A sv �a�'ovt Description of Organization, ri f history � �jfdMl� �'VP,�IuC �11yIn�55 D d ' b�. ro � o f �h ve eh�cle r � u� e l o e ra� � � t 5 n� t�h�� � A rvrno e e avenu �s n r�n srand OJd � oF Q,/' D " � '✓al ►�, �� Upprx M������ Non-Profit Status 503c Y s No Don' t Know Project Coordinator Name �I I �, Address i�ZZ A � � �, �,� � �51Dy' Phone 6�J��'Qb�� Q day e ening Project Description (purpose nd impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) A,1'1 �) � I a-F 5 D OQD / �v S�. a-u�r. G ��en-! '' r n`�e � " a w of �n ��'► �, �o ou.r mer . i� �le c� r�mo -n e a,U r D I �� e o ►' ��F �i� � o - r i� �Zu,��vn . e evenf r� �" aG�� de a e f ,� a e r�n d �� rt� D!d � u� �� Total Amount equested From C mm nity Festival Fund: �, QOQ, 0� If this application is a requ st for a grant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (At ac additional sheets if necessary) . eMr%�i��ny om ��nd ue 5� �sse �e /r�a o�er �oo, oo . %n d;hon e ' e o � �o e�' �s �i�u h �� �ys�pn e� ,�'P�I" /�S lttic� �1C �SG'//n o /Iir� " �II ll'Iu , If this application is a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay � it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . Please attach the following information to your application: 1 . Verification of nonprofit status and copy of organizational by-laws 2 . List of Officers or Directors 3. Letter verifying organization' s approval of the proposal 4 . Previous year' s budget and financial statement, if applicable 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget including revenue and expenses that will be made from loan or grant funds. 7. Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization 8. Plan for staging the festival event. District Council �`Jf'l�il� ��O District Council Review - Signature ��� �J� ���� ��7'� Date of District Council Review �'��1� '�' � ��g� COMMENTS: Please send application to: Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 15/FESTIVAL.APL . April 4, 19�9 Community Festival Fund Division af Parks and Recre ti n 200 City Hall �,nnex 25 W. 4th Street 5t. Pau�� ��v 55102 Dear Yarks and Recreation B ar , The Board of Directors of t rand Avenue Business �ssociation does hereby approve the enclosed r posal/application form for Community Festival Funds to offset ex n es in relation to Grand uld tlay 1989• Thank you for your considera i n. Sincerely y ours� , . • 1�r� �iarv D�imi Doran Executive Director Grand Ave�e iness Association 1422 Ashland Avenue • t I,Minnesota 55104 • (612),645-0680 . ��. �� • . Section 5 , reading in its e tirety as follows : Section 5 . It sh 11 be the duty of the Executive Director to keep a cu ate minutes of all meetings of the Association and o the Board of Directors , and to submit all docum n s and correspondence to the Association. It sh 1 be his or her duty to receive all dues or ot-her mo e of whatever kind, from whatever source, and to pay th same to the Treasurer, taking his or her receipt t e efor. He or she shall report at every regular meetin nd make a report for the year at the annual meeting The Executive Director shall perform such duti s as usually devolve upon the officer. Resolved, that Arti le v, Officers , Section 6 of the Bylaws be amended by deleting i i its entirety and insertion of a new Section 6 , reading in its e tirety as follows : Section 6 . The Trea u er shall be the custodian of all funds of the Associ t 'on and shall honor all bills or orders for funds h n authorized by the Board of Directors . He or s e hall report for the year at the annual meeting. Th esident shall have the right to delegate up to 10 without having the Board's approval . Resolved, that Art 'cl VI , Committees , Section 2 of the Bylaws be amended by dele i g it in its entirety and insertion of a new Section 2 , reading 'n its entirety as follows : Section 2 . Committ es to be appointed are Membership, Grand Old Da Gran eander Business Programs, Land Use, Entertainment, No inating, and such others as may be determined by the B ard of Directors . Resolved, that the ollowing Bylaw be deleted in its entirety: Article VII Meetin s Section 1 . At all meetings , except as otherwise p ovided, four voting members in good standing shall o stitute a quorum. Resolved, that l�rt cl vII , Officers , Section 2 of the Bylaws be amended by dele i g it in its entirety and insertion of a new Section 2 , reading ' n its entirety as follows : Section 2 . At all e ings of the Board of Directors , eight ( 8 ) voting mem e s shall constitute a quorum. - , ��y� Section 4 . The Vice P esident shall be Chairman of the membership committee dur'n his or her period in office, and he or she shall be assiste not less than three members of the Board of Directors and t e xecutive Director of the Association. Section 5 . It shall be t e duty of the Executive Director to keep accurate minutes of a 1 meetings of the Association and of the Board of Director , and to submit all documents and correspondence to the As o iation. It shall be his or her duty to receive all dues o ther money of whatever kind, from whatever source, and to y the same to the Treasurer, taking his or her receipt therefor. H or she shall report at every regular meeting and make a repo t for the year at the annual meeting. The Executive Director sh 11 perform such duties as usually devolve upon the officer. . Section 6 . The Treasure s all be the custodian of all funds of the Association and shal onor all bills or orders for funds when authorized by the o rd of Directors . He or she shall report for the year at t e annual meeting. The President shall have the right to delega e up to $100 without having the Boards approval . Article VI . Committees Section 1 . The President sh 11 appoint all committees subject to the approval of the Board of Directors . Section 2 . Committees to b appointed are Membership, Grand Old Day, _ Grand Meander, Busi es Pro rams, Land Use, Entertainment, Nominating, and such othe s as may be determined by the Board of Directors . Article vII . Meetings Section 1 . The Board of D rectors shall meet on the first or second Tuesday of each m n h. Absence from three consecutive regular meetings without x use deemed valid and so recorded by the Board of Directors sha l be construes as a resignation. Section 2 . At all meetin s f the Board of Directors , eight ( 8 ) voting members shall const ' t te a quorum. Section 3 . At committee e tings a majority shall constitute a quorum. Section 4 . All question f parliamentary procedure shall be settled according to the o erts Rules of Order, whenever they are not consistent with th Constitution or By-Laws of this organization. ���'r �r� no later than 21 da s be or the date established for the annual meeting. Section 3 . The Executiv irector shall mail to all members a list of candidates who ha e been selected by the nominating committee and membership. Section 4 . Ballots shall b distributed to all members qualified to vote at the annual me t ng. the majority of votes cast for each candidate shall elec . Section 5 . Members shal c st their ballot for those candidates representing the district i which the voter's place of business is located. Section 6 . Only members i good standing shall be eligible to vote. Article IV. Vacancies Vacancies in the Board of D rectors shall be filled by the Board of Directors for such an 'n pired term. Article v. Officers Section 1 . Offices o he Association shall be those of President, Vice President, xecutive Director, and Treasurer. Balloting shall be at t e annual meeting and from a list of candidates proposed by a no inating committee . Nominations from the floor will not be val d. The term of office for th resident and Vice President shall be one year, and neither ma s cceed himself or herself in office. The Vice President shall au omatically succeed to the office of President. The term of o f ce for treasurer shall be two ears . The ro osed new treasure s all work with the existin treasurer be innin on Januar 1 f the ear in which he or she would assume office until the e ec ion at the annual meetin . Assumin he or she is elected at t e annual meetin the treasurer nominee shall assume the res onsi il ' ties of the treasurer from and after the election. Section 2 . It shall be t e uty of the President to preside over all meetings of the assoc ' at 'on, convene all meetings as provided for in the Bylaws , and t ppoint all committees except as may otherwise be provided. Section 3 . It shall b hs duty of the vice President to officiate as President in hi or her absence . . 1�-�� �,3 GRAND AV NU BUSINESS ASSOCIATION BYLAWS Article 1. Membership Section 1 . Any person, fi m or corporation interested in Grand Avenue or adjacent stree s hall be eligible for membership. Section 2 . Membership d s shall be payable annually and are due and payable by the 15th of anuary of each year. Section 3 . The organiz ti n will operate on the calendar year basis . Section 4 . Members may b lected at any meeting of the Board of Directors . A majority ot of the Directors present shall be necessary to elect. If t east four voting members are present at a meeting this will be e ough to pass a motion. Section 5 . Any member ma e expelled by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of i ht or more voting members, for nonpayment of dues or o he indebtedness , or after notice and opportunity for hearing o f r conduct not becoming a member. Section 6 . The change of o ership shall terminate membership. Section 7 . New membershi d es shall be prorated. Article II . Voting voting shall be by indiv du 1 only and no member can cast more than one vote. Eight ot ' ng members present at a Board of Directors meeting can be c n idered a quorum. .Article III . Election of i ectors Section 1 . For purpose f electing directors , Grand Avenue shall be divided into f ve sections , which section shall be determined from time to t m as deemed necessary. Each section or area shall be repre en ed by three directors , with one director from each sectio b ing elected annually to serve for a term of three years . Section 2 . Nominations s a11 Ue mad.e by a nominating committee of not less than two m ers of each section as well as nominations submitted b t e membershi at lar e . The Executive Director shall rovide fo m for submissions of nominations b the membershi at lar e t east fort da s before the annual meetin . Nominations shal b returned to the Executive Director ���� Boar Directors President� Jim �'uollet, Wu 11 t 13ungalow l�akery Vice President: Billie You , t�ld l�lexico Shop Second Vice President, Bob l�c lay. Johnson, IvicClay & iyelson Treasurer� Laura 1Vichols� ir t t3ank Grand Executive Directors i�timi ll ra Officersa l�tike ivtischke, Grand Gazette �3eth Wollerman, Gosselin's f ourse Bob Hylton, Macalester Pict e Framing Greg Roedler, Baby Grand �tella Martin, IVtella & Compa Tom D�artin, Kowalski 's Gran �i rket Jim Rouleau, First 73ank Gra Roxane Freese, the Bibelot Polly Vannelli, Four Seasone C eese �iatt McDonough, Grand Specta 1 l�ichele Poire� Odegard Books o 5t. yaul Tony Gagliardi, Grand Centra Sr. Rosalind Gefre, �rofessi iYtassage Center Grand Av i�ss Association 1422 Ashland Avenue • 'nt ul,Minnesota 55104 • (812)645-0680 ' �'I-��k/ Proposed Budget f r ommunity Festival l�unds Parade High school marching bands' ex enses (5 X �300) 1500.00 �iarching band competition j dg s' fee 230.00 Marching band competition p iz s 870.00 5tages for judges 10U.00 Trophies for all bands 100.0U Total marchin� band competi io costs 2,�300.00 Grand A 'ness Association 1422 Ashland Avenue • Sai Paui,Minnesata 55104 • (61�645-0680 _ � . - «�`�"�P� _.a�._..:Y.�., �_�.�__.�1CR'��_.�L1�!�_ � �4�5��J ESS _,S'o c!�7"Lv•c� _s �,�._a �___=�o�,L S l8�____._x�-er�'te,� _-� _._. -- 8�..�$_.�..���.�����. __z,�.�__..��a__� _..,_.__ �_u__.�____ ___--- -�_---_.._.._ �d _ e_�r_�__ _—__ ----_:..��.. ,�__-_� _- . 3� a,� QG • + S�g, �S - - _.. ��.�_, .__._ ... _ 89 __ .:.__ 2�as_r7'__��_�_ �_._s____.____�__._._..� - vx__-�_ � ___--_____a_. 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F L}c:i ic;3S �:;cji,, i i��� �i?i i„c7��} t�4r't��:;l89 L�LF�U�I1" �Ta�- -'lt:� i�F`�.��, t:�ti UU'T i�41���:'I�9 mc,nthl u scrv. chry� �.3i��>1`; 1�?. ��r 1�.,. .`_;-F i��Flf=� ;/�3';� i.nt�res�k ���rnc_=.d ��=j=?:lv `�1. . ;:; �:i ,.�,:; S��rnrriar��y �S�I ancc� 6817., :L�.� 6r�nd Old Dav Fund Actual kenart ��T`ff F �fo First Bank 6rand, 1�111 8rand A�enue St. Paul. �N SJLUJ 04/�13/89 8:49 aa Att: Laura l Nichols Fage 1 Inca�eiExpense Jan fz6 Mar hp May �un Jul Auq Sep �ct Nov �ec Tatal ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- --- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- RE'�ENUES Revenne5 Interest In�o�e fi 0 �) 22 u 0 �i 4 0 v �7 u ?= Tran�fer fraa 6ABF �i1 b275 975 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 7�OU t986 6rand Pleander u 0 5�0 v U 0 ;l �i 0 0 U 0 SU:j 1988 firand Otd Dav U 0 0 1 25 0 0 �i 0 4 Q �1 � ��?� ------- ------- ------- --- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Totat RErE+VUES: 56 6�?5 1475 1 47 �1 0 � 0 ti � t� 0 924' EXPEh5ES 6�neral « ��ninistrative {�t111t185 1) 11 E? L$ � �} � U � � �) 0 L5 Fdvertising �1 ;� 0 ;4 �J 0 0 U 0 U 0 � 84 5hipping t) 0 U 49 �; 4 u 0 �� u t1 � 149 Travel & Ent�rtaim�ent 0 d U JJ U 0 0 0 0 4 G 0 2�5 I�terest Expense 13 u 0 t3 �) 0 �l 0 4 �i �i 0 :fi 1988 6rand "4eander �4 q b:i 4 0 0 0 U 0 U 0 U 95 Cost of Sales ------- ------- ------- --- - ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- tntal EXPEN5ES: 47 50 53 79 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 d 63� Net Profit or Lass: 3 b225 1412 B 0 0 0 �) � 0 U 0 8608