89-907 WHITE - CI7Y CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT D� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � f Co n 'l Resolution ,. l � � Presented By '��"" �_ rt Referred To Committee: Date �r°�3��,� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnes ta Department of Transportation, has taken certain permanent easements cr ss Kellogg Mall Park to provide the necessary right-of-way for the Rob rt Street bridge project, and WHEREAS, the State of Minnes ta has paid $20,550.00 for said permanent easements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor a d dvice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that th payment for said permanent easements is to be utilized for improvements to Kellogg Mall Park, and the Capital Improvement Budget for 19 , s heretofore adopted and amended by the Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars: ACC CODE PROJECT CURRENT CHANGE AMENDED AP ROPRIATION APPROPRIATION C87-3R001 Kellogg Mall Park 1,086,500 $20,550 $1,107,050 AP VED AS TO FUNDI � �" �` I'he St. Psul Long-Range Capital I�pzo��emc-�t Di recto , Fi nance and Management er 1 Budget Committee received this request on APPROVED (date r�'�//�,� and r�cou�:zierac3.� �' • i . � _ � / Budget Di r t Signed: ` COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Commu n' e v i c � Lo� [n Fa or — Goswitz �� A ain t s�ne�nei g �see�oa � Wilson ;JUN � 5 Form Ap roved by 'ty t1torney Adopted by Council: Date � ��/� � ,, , . Certified Yas d y C uncil Se y B3' _ ��� � 1 ��, ,, � By l , ` t#pprov y Mavor: Date � N 16 19 Ap o d b May o m ion to Counci B , US J UN 2 4 19 9 . . C��-�o� 8. 6/20/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g he alleys in Block 26, Laid over in Chas. Weide's Subd. f ocks 25 and 26 of committee to Arlington Hills Addi io by grading alley to the 6/21. easterly North-South all y and grading and paving the westerly r -South alley from Sims Avenue to the north lin of Lot 24 in said Block 26. Also construct s er in the alley for storm water purposes. so for slope construction in the bo said alley grading and paving. (Project bou e by Edgerton, Sims, Payne and York) . 9. RESOLUTION 89-862: me ing the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding a196,888 to t e inancing and Spending with . Plans for Public Wor s erformance improvement amendment. activities. (Referre t Committee 5/18/89). 10. ORDINANCE 89-896: A o inance amending Chapter 71 of the Legislativ C de pertaining to house �, numbering and requir ng building permits within Approved 3-0 one year after a wai er is granted. (Referred to Committee 5/23/89 . 11. RESJLUTION 89-907: pp oval for use of MnDOT Approved 3-0 pay�nent for easement t ken on KELLOGG MALL for Kellogg Mall Park co st uction. , 12. RESOLUTION: to autho iz City officia s o ' execute an Agreement wi h Minnesota Department of Transportation fo c st participation for Approved 3-0 EAST 7TH STREET RETA NI G WALL over Bridge No. 90386 between Payne ve ue and Mounds Blvd. 13. RESOLUTION 89-323: la to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Lai o er in Committee committee 5/31/89) . until 6/21. 14. DISCUSSION: Street nd Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. committee until 6/21. 15. RESOLUTION 89-1013: Au horizing proper City Approved 3-0 officials to execute an agreement with Minnesota Pollution Control Ag nc pertaining to stormwater into the is issippi River and amending the 1989 bu ge by adding $150,000 to the Financing & Spen in Plans for Public Works Sewer Service Enterp is Fund. (Referred to Committee 6/6/89) . . Members: CITY OP` SAINT PA UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - ,���,,,n Janice Rettman �n ��qn . OFFIC� OF THE CITY COUNCJIL Tom Dimond �� Date: June 7, 1989 RECEIVED Committee Report �uN o�1989 To: Saint Paul City Council ciTY c�ERt�, From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee . � Roger J. Goswitz, Chair ' 1. Approval of minutes of �May 31, 1989. � Heari ng Date ` �� 2. 6/13/89 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority, Twin Approved 3-0 � City Testing and Michael E. Ryan for the vacation of MYRTLE STREET between Cromwell Avenue and Pelham Blvd. Purpose is to expand Twin City Testing facility. 3. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved 3-0 � and taking a permanent utility easement under with and across Lot 28, Block 4, Rice Street Viilas stipulations , for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER PROJECT. � Easement required by the MWCC. 4. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved 3-0 and taking temporary easements in conjunction with the reconstruction of the MARYLAND/JESSIE intersection. 5. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking permanent Approved 3-0 utility easements and temporary construction easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and Approved 3-0 taking permanent utility easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER SEWER PROJECT. (Amended order to be required). � 7. ACQUISITION: of property for the SYLVAN/ACKER Approved 3-0 pond from Glacier Park Company. with . amendment. CITY HALL SEVENT'H FLOUR - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a���se