89-890� WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAIT L �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � -- Coun i Resolution 50 � Presented By � 'Vt ����' � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ID #u9815) for a Gambling Manager's License by Stephen J. Roc ef rd DBA The Town House at 1415 University Avenue, be and the same i h reby approved/denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n av r Goswitz � Rettman B Scheibel A g 'n s Y Sonnen Wilson �1 � � Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a�•ed by Counc.il Secretar By � � By, . t#pproved avo : Dat � Z � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By / �' BY ���c�s� .�,�►v _ � �� � �. � r r �� �� DEPARTM�NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL °"�' "'" ° GREEN SHEET No. 17 3 5 FinancejLicense 4 4 9 INITIAU DA7E INITIAUDATE OONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNqL Chri sti ne Rozek - 298-5056 NuM F �(�Ty ATTORNEY g GTY CLERK MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVI(�3 DIR. 5-18-89 �MAVOR(OR A8818TANT) m C�unr i 1 R TOTAL#�OF 81�iNATURE PAOES (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SI�iNATURE) ACTION REQUEBTED: Approval of an application r Gambling Manager's License. Notification Date: 4-25-89 Hearing Date: 5-18-89 RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(/U a ReJect(R) CWJ MMITTEE/RESEARCH RHPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL 3ERVICE COMMI8810N �� PHONE NO. —GB COMMITTEE — COM M'S: _3TAFF — —DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 INRUITINO P#tOBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.Whsn,Whsro,Why): � Stephen J. Rocheford DBA Th M nnesota Aids Project, requests City Council approval .of his application fo a Gambling Manager's License at The Town House, 1415 University Avenue. A1 f es and applications have been submitted. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is give , tephen J. Rocheford will manage pulltab sales for MAP at The Town House. DISAOVANTAOES IF MPROVED: DIBADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO ��a�s���� ����,.,�,�-�'� Center. FUNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �, -, -: r� ^n 1���:�-1�i� U J ivli.� . ' ���1'-�� DIVISION OF LICENSE ANB P�:RMIT ADM IvI TRATION llATE �o�$ a / / � Jd o � I N T F,R P F P A R T M F 1�T T AL k E V I E W C:H E C K L I S T A�pn Pr esse d/Recei e d by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �� Home Address a�c?J� 1�J�GV��G� � �C7 C(t�I-e- 2,DO Rus ine s s �,'ame �!►�n � �JPL�Home Phone ,o/�� M r, �5�/v�-{ Business Address � (,� Type of License(s) �G ►�y -I.� Business Phone 1 y��un� ,� �-y �-7 Public Hearing Date � � License I.D. 41 p � S�5 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council aui e s, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �(/�' Uate Notice Sent; �� � 1 Dealer �f ��/� to Applicant � rederal I'irearms �� �1/q' Public Her.�ring DATE I 'SP 'CTIUN REVI�W VERFIE (C MPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved t A roved � Bldg I & D � ti Health Divn. � � � i Fire Dept. � � I I � � ' �j.Pn�' � �I �� Police Dept. I � 3 O/�- License Divn. � � �i � 0� City Attorney � ,1 .�� Date Received Site Plan �U � / � To Council P.esearch S � Lease or Letter ate from Landlord � ' • • 'it � of Saint Paul ' Department of Fi ance and Management Services C���-�l7 . Division of ic nse and Permit Registration IA'FO:tMATIQN REQUIRED t�ITH APPLICATIO F R PERMIT TO C0�'DUCT PLTLLTAFs/TIPBOaRD SALES I�: SAINT PAUL (Class B �ambling Licens i Liquor Establishments - New Application) 1. Full and complete name of orga 'za ion which is applying for license The Minnesota Acquired- Immun eficiency Syndrome Project 2. Does your organization meet th de inition of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of Se ion 409.21 of the Legislative Code? No Attach to this application per in t financial and/or organizational information to support your answer to this qu st' n. NOTE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations nd the revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualif ied appli an s will be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be he d 415 Universit Avenue St. Paul 55104 Number Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this a pl cation who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Ste hen J. R c Date of Birth 6I 7 � 53 (a) Length of time manager has be n member of applicant organization 4 yea r� 5. Address of Manager 1354 Westminster St. Paul 55101 Number Street City Zip 6. Da�•, dates, and hours this app ic tion is for annual , starting May 1 � 1989 _ 7. Is the applicant or organizati n rganized under the laws of the State of i-!N? yes 8. Date of incorporation April 7 � 1983 9. Date when registered with the ta e of Minnesota April 27, 1 9 8 3 10. How long has organization been in existence? 5 and a half years 11. How long has organization been in existence in St. Paul? 5 and a half years 12. What is the purpose of the org ni ation? MAP is dedicated to arretstina trans- mission of the AIDS virus� elim n ting discrimination against people affected with the AIDS virus, and making a ailable hi h ualit � com rehensive and coordina e services to persons a fected by AIDS illnesses 13. Officers of applicant organiz io : Name Eric L. Name Address 859 W. Ct . Rd G-2 oreview, M4�idress Title Executive Dir. DOB 9 Title DOB Name Name Address Address Title DOB Title DOB ' � „v �ames of officers, or ar. � o he ersons tihe paid for services to the L� �i �� 14. ui e . . � P organization. Namesee attached membershi li t Name Address Address Title Title (Attach sep ra e sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of nam s nd addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will organizat' n` records be kept? Name Janice Seller Address 2025 Nicollet Ave.M�1 � , MN 55404 17. List all persons with the autho it to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name Janice Seller Name Siq Peck Address 2615 G Address 501 Parkview Terrace Member of Member of DOB 11 � 1 I 46 Organization DOB � �i � �a Organization?yes Name Eric L . E Name Kris Wayne Address 859 W, _ • eW Address 5Q09 Excelsior Blvd. t�0. 126 Member of Mer.:ber of DOB 9 � 5 � 58 Organizatio ? es DOB 8 �12 �51 Organization�,eG 18. Have you read and do you thoro gh understand the provisions of all laws, ordinznces, and reguiations governing the pe ation of Charitable Gambling games? ves 19. Will your organization's pullt b peration be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes e no 20. Has your organization signed, r oes it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any er on or company to assist your organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording ke ping? yes no no If answer is yes, give the nam a d address of the person and/or company contracted. Name n a Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will su consultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) tt ch a copy of said contract to this application. n a 21. Operator of premises where ga es will be held: Name The Town House Mar er ma Business Address 1415 Univ r Home Address 11/�Rlt�' e 65 �e,e I S-1 t� /L SS! �/o���( /l�c n n e�'1 L l/l/'_/��'� ,St, :#/.��'1� St���/l/1N $�S/fl'J Z . ���'9��� , 22. a) . Does vour organization pay o i tend to pay accounting fees out of ga�bling funds'. Ye � yYP.^� no b) If you do pay accounting fee , o whom will such fees be paid? Name MAP General Fund Address 2025 Nicollet Avenue S. Mpls. DOB Member of Organization? c) How are the accounting fees ch rged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) hourly d) What do you anticipate will be your average monthly deduction for accounting fees? $400.00 month (estimate v ra e) 23. Amount of rent paid by applica o ganization for rent of the hall: $400.00 month for approx ' m tion 40 s . ft 24. The proceeds of the games will e isbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the foll wi g purposes and uses: To support the programs an ervices of the MN AIDS Pro 'ect 41� (St . Paul ) plus 10$ ( o th St. Paul ) e uals 51� 49� rest of Minnesota equ 1 100$ 25. Has the gremises where the game a e �o be held been certified for occupan�y by the City of Saint Paul? yes 26. Has your organization filed fed ra form 990—T? y eS If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. f nswer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant as ociation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. �-tz� M;��„� �.1..o.s P������-�-- Organization Nam _./ u � � Date February 22, 1989 By: Ste �n J. o �or M a r in cha� of ga:ne Eric L� Enq trom Organization Presi ent or CEO / � ,�� _ _ . ; - .. --�... ,. .. . _ _ p . . _ .. . . 8'9�i.�, � y o���,��� � , _ . °N""�`a �'�"�'o���s.�.' ���l� 203 Gt�►Hall S�Ps M Msola SS10Z•2965�6 -� APPLI ON FOR LICENSE CAS►1 CNE�CK CLASS N . ew Q 0 . � - . � ' �' �. coe.No. rnw a u�. Fro,� �—/ ��T� �-_3/ ,�� 07 � �-.c� ^ ,5a � (� . � 1 ,00 � +-? � I�LG.f�� ,• o C �i �}��� �, �k�� ' ,o0 1 �j C�, � i n i�.Pso�� A l�s �ro�P� ta0 ew�ss r+an+� �?O- J7 i --�� / / ,o—o Q� `�a I n�,�n t-f ou s�- �..,�... .�.�. �� l u 1 / / ' .J �� /� � ✓'-�YS/7'i{ � l�'�.i 100 Msil to AdM�ss ��� � �. � i �-.� � ' 'j �( �.� ` .�� . . � f �/u`_i' too } J`� OAaeaO«rown«•Na�N 100 t00 �sn�paKrwnM•�ion�e�dw�ss �a�Na IpM Aqrliestbn iN yp !� 0 1Cp %� _ �.o.aow�w•cM►.a�au a n�coe. - . - . �oo a� �oo ,, j i .. �„�/ Lk�ns�tnsp�cto► pr. ��� �d�Or�+� , : . . . . . • - _ rt; , Cenq�r Nanr Po�icp No. � �11i11faf1C!' EzOM�tion0�lf Conqanr Nanr ►�1►Ha , MMn�aofa Stat�Identitiwtlon No Social Secu�ity No - V�Aki�lntotn�atbn• � fMld Nu1nbM ; a� ' � � TMis IS R CEIPT i011 APP�ICATION f � I. TMlS t8 NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your spplkat tor ��will e1tMr b�pnnbd at n�eCt�O wbj�ct to IM ptorbio�s d eM sonMO • ' Ordlna�q Md eanplMbn Of!M inspktions b!►tM M Ith. in.Zonlnp anala�k�ns�Insp�etors. ' . s15.00 CHAR � ALL RETURNED CHECKS ��o � � �/ �- � � � � � ���-�� 10 BE COMPLETED BY ORGANIZATION PR Si ENT AND GAMBLING MANAGER I understand and will uphold Saint Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21 and 409.22 relating to pullt bs and tipboards in bars. Further, I understand that m j rbar rr�ust meet city standards; that 10;� of the net profit from pullt b ales must be returned to the City-Wide Youth Fund on a monthly basi ; hat monthly financial statements must be filed with the City; and tha 5 0 of net proceeds must remain in St. Paul or be used to support St. Pa 1 esidents. �j � ° ' i _ , , �; �- - �y--i--..� i:''�:.. '-r ;;� . Si g a u� - Manage'r ' �,' Signature - Orga ization Pr si ent Minnesota AIDS Pro 'ect rgan�zation ame 1415 Universit Avenue S . Paul MN 55104 Gambling Location February 22, 1989 Date Please retai t e attached ordinance for your records.