89-873 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun i Resolution �7 ! Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (TD #18746) for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License y t. Casimir's Charitable Activities at 1324 E. Rose, be nd the same is hereby approved/�ed. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In F vo �,�ez xertu►an Scheibel Agai st BY -9sAiillt < wilson � MAY I 8 Form Appr ec�by Cit At rney Adopted by Council: Date ' /�/ Certified Pa-sed by Council Secretary BY . Bp A►pprov y Mavor: Date —� rr"�Y � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PUBtlSt�9 '','?! - : 198 . > �T�OR" 'y-..� • .' .. . - �DATE � . 04$.COA/Ll�1 . ..� '- . �. . � .lr. .�I/ (� �� . J. carched� �f�N SHEErt �. 002484 corrr�r.ensoN �,r� wwoa ioA�asr�nn Ci�ristit� ozek �,�, oa __�.��� 3`�«� . � �� �*� 2 Couacil Research . , . — — . - ,: :: . F�n . ._: , .. : -5 , 1 . cmi�„oa�� . Approval of an application or renewa1 of a State Class A �amb�ing License. ifi : 4-17-89, Heari : 5-i8-89 �noNS:u+aao�s c�r«�c�1 n�o�r: ' � WJN/iMp�OQM�SqN _ CNL,�EflVICE CO�MtI3810N D�TE - � . . DATE�Olff � .. MIAI.YBT . � PI10t1E N0. �� .� . . . � �q OO�f�8810N� . �T 18D C26 8CilO0L 80ARD - . . . . . . . � . � 3TAFF, - - �. � . ClIAATEA COMMI3.810N - . . I18 18 -_ADOL NFO.ADDED� � _�ADDi�IP U��- � _,_��pf AOGED . ... • .. DIBfiMCT OOk111C�. � - *. . . . - . _ .' 8UrP01Y18 MIFMCM COUNCL OlJECTIVE9 . - . � . . . . .� �. . . . �. . . � . .. .� . . .. � NTM7MalIIOBta1.AM1F'C/PO117U1'Nfr(YYhO,WhM.WFIln.W11Bn�Why): , ' Dario Dagastino, on behalf . f . t. Casimir's .Charitable Activities at 1324.E. Rose, requests Coun i1 approval of his appli.cation for renewal of a S"tate .C1ass R Gamb1ing Li ense. Bingo s�ssions are heJd :Friday's. . . betwe�n the hours.of 7�0� P a d i1:00 PM. Proceeds are d€�rta�ed to the church. . ,ra�vc�►nat c�:,+ea�o..,n�,n�: . ; " : . Al1 fees and applications h ve been submitted. . oo�+e�crrn+�.wn.a n,e rc•v�: . : .. . . If Counci'� approval is give , t. Cas�rnir's w�11 continue to operate , � bin�o. game at. 1324 E. Ros . �u.�t,A�es: . . ` oo�� �: . �►�rrrs: � , �tc�NwES: _ ` I�Pr� � 0 i��J �� ��3 UIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADMI IS TION llATE 3 a9 �� � � INT�.RDF.PARTTiFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Rece've by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � . `�js�m� � h� Home Address �rlr� �l�l/S7"/nD Rc ���+r�s I` �o y� Toc.�i Bus ine s s Name Home Phone � ��— ���'1 7 Business Address o� �-{ �Ci �U 5 Type of License(s) �.Q r(,Q%l.�i,�� 1.�� SS Business Phone � C]Q/m b f r v�(,� �1 C P,r�S-v ��c ,` Public Hearing Date -5/]$ � License I.D. �i /0 7 7 � at 9:OQ a.m. in the Counci�Chamber , �1� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t Uate Notice Sent; �b ( Dealer 4� �lA- to Applicant ��f rederal I'irearms �� �l�{' Public He<.iring DATE INS ECPIUN REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 UTER) CUMMENTS A roved ot A roved � Bldg I & D 1 lul�}- , Health Divn. ' N�� ' � Fire Dept. � i NC'� I � � Yolice Dept. ��5 I �l O/� � License Divn. ' � i�1��� �K City Attorney � `� 1� � ' dlL Date Received: Site Plan To Council P.e_search � Lease or Letter � � � � D te from Landlord , _ t , , ���_��3 � ti i i Charitable Gambling Control Board , � �. Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg. p 'r For eoard Use Ony { 1821 University Ave. '� ° . P�� - � St. Paul, MN 55104-3383 � • Check No. _�: �• (612)642-0555 � Date: '� ' GAMBLING CE SE RENEWAL APPLICATION ^3* UCENSE NUMBER: A-1l169-112 '/EFF. AT : I1 /AMOUNT OF FEE: • ,� : 1.Applicant-legal Name of tkganization 2.S�Feet Address ` "CNUAtM OF ST tASINER tNAfITAELE ACTIVITIES ST PAUI 43� E Itnin� Aw _: 3.City,State,Trp 4.County 5.Business Phone St Nel� NM 55116 - A��s�y i12 11�-1365. 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7.Business Phone . , : . �-Jo�a.tiatpi 412 119-I�M3 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues _ 9.Business Phone To■ M�rer ` ' 612 Il�•1363 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12.Business�Phone Oario Oa9astirto 213fi11 612 111-219� .. 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Witl Take Place 14.County 15. No.of Active Members , llanqints Phalen Park Hall , St Paul Ra�sey 111 16. Lessor Name 17.Monthl Rent: Mic!c Maagini 758. 00 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify ays nd times of Bingo. Days Times a Times Days Times FF�tddaj�;00P.M.-11:00 P.M. 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: ❑ Suspended Date: O Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? l�'Yes ❑ No(If"No;attach copy) 24. Has curcent lease been filed with the board? [� Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach oopy) 22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? Yes� O No(If`No;attach copy) ' . (3AM IN SITE AUTHORIZATION . r' . By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agent of t e Board are hereby suthorized to enter�on the site,at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the;gambling and to enforoe the I fo any unauthorized game or pracUce. "'" . BANK REC RDS AUTHORI2ATION ' Y, By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to ins th bank records of the General Gambling Benk Account whenever neceasary W fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH . ",';: I hereby declare that: ' 1. I have read this application and'all information submitted to he ard; . ''� 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete� ' �� 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; , 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; .. , 5. I assume fuil responsibility for the fair and lawful operation all ctivities to be conducted; � 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minn a re pecting gambling anc�.rules of the board end agree,if licensed,to abide by thoee laws and rules,including amendments thereto. .. , � � 23.Official Legal Name of Organization Signature( hie Executive Officer) Date Title - � g, - r Church ofSt.�Casimer" Char. _ Q,,,�, .�, � 3/27/ 9 C.M.O. -' �� C � � aACKNOW DGEMEN OF OTICE B LOCAL GOVERNING BODY _ � - � ' : I hereby acknowledge receipt of�a copy of this application. By no edging receipt,l admit havin�been served with notice thaf this appli�atfon wiR�,.; be reviewed by the Charitabte Gambling Control Boerd and if o by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(rated .�a below),unless a resolution ot the Focal goveming body is wh h specificat(y disallows such acWity and a copy of Mat resolution is received - the Charitable Gambli Conho4 Board within 30 d �`' '� ng sys of the ted date. :; � :� � , 24.C' 1County Na e(Local ovemin Body) Township:If site is located within a township,.please complete itema 24 : f , and 25: .;� .�.' { . ��' Signature o P n Receiving Application: 25.Signature of Person Receiving AppNcatlon ` ` , �� , � , . .�F� ;,. Fs v Title � �( Date Re eived(thi date begins 30 y Title,�' ' .�5�' ; � ,. 3 .. �� , ,,� ., . .�t,La.y ��r. � , Name of Person Delivering AppFicadon to Local Governing Township Name } M' � CG-00022-01 (5/8� White Copy-Board Canary-Apppcant Pink-LxaF Goveming Body t � � . � . / � 75�6 itr Gi 5sint Paul � O�psMm�nt o Fi nc� and Manaq�m�nt Ssnrices r� � �.3 L and P�nMt Oivision � ` � zao ctcy Nan 3� ul. Inn�sota 5St02•298�5068 • - APPI. C TION FOR LICENSE C�SN CNECK CLASS NO. New Ren�w � � � a Date G� 19'J C 1 �',pd�No. Tifl�of Lk�ns� From 19_To��t g a c � j� �v� � y i.� � - a � 1Cp s"'I' . � �� �uM'�.L.r�S (�1 i.rt.-! �,�i.�.�� �'-ir,�.; :� j /lvC, APP��CanllCompany Name �.�—� 100 (�.Li.'-e.:,:,tL-:. c:� I � � �' � �'v ti,:J �oo ew��N,m. �oo � Bw�n�ss�ddnss PAOne No. � 100 100 Msii to Addr�ss Phone No. 100 � l�i n a .� � � ;' ,'fe Mu+apa/OwnK•Name ' — � -- 1� �, � , 7� U � .��c,�>� �� � y� 100 AlinaqKlGwnN•Home Address Phone No. � �ON �OP�kation R« tM �n o 2 t00T �t� �� ����� `�� �L��i • �(J� Q(J Manap�qOwnn•City,Slafe 3 Zip Cade t00 T al 100 , � /� �' /./i��'d' ± �IC�IIN 111fp�CtO� � `/ 8y: ��� S" sture ol Applicanl y Cpmp�ny Na�M pp�iey Np, Expiratio�Dale � Cpmp�ny NaiM ROIiCy NO. Expintion Date MM�NSOta Ststs Idee�tificstion No Social Security No VMicN Inlormation• � ���� Plats Numbsr ah.►� � . THiS IS A RE EIPT FOR APPLICATiON � TNIS 13 NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your sppllcatbe li will eitMr bs qnMed o�n�eeted subject to the provisions of the zoning �� ordinane�and canpl�tioR ol tM Insp�etbns b�r tM Hq h. n.Zo�inp anNo►Lfe�np Insp�etors. - • . r w , . � �15.00 CHAR6E FO ALL RETURNEO CHECKS ���-9 � 7. / , ' � C ty of �aint Paul "' ��_o �3 Finance and Manageme t ervicesjLicense & Permit Division INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION FO PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GaI�IBLI:TG GrLtitE I�1 SAINT PAUL (To be used with the foll wi g: New A & C application, renew A & C Licenses, and new and renew B in Priv te Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organi at on which is applying for license St_ C'_aGimir [' ' 2. Address where games wi11 be held 324 Rose St. St. Paul, Minn. Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this app ic tion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Dario Daga t no Date of Birth 1-12-15 (a) Length of time manager has b en member of applicant organization 21 y rs. 4. Address of Manager 704 E. o a, St. Paul, Minn. 55106 Number Street City Zip S. Day, dates, and hours this appli at on is for Friday 7:30 P.M.-11 : OOP.M. 6. Is the applicant or organization or anized under the laws of the State of MN? yes 7. Date of incorporation 8. Date when registered with the St te of Minnesota September 3,1957 9. How Iong has organization been i e istence? 33 years 10. How long has organization been i e istence in St. Paul? 33 years 11. What is the purpose of the organ za ion? To aid all charitable activites within 12. Officers of applicant organizati n: Name Name Fr. Tom Meyer, OMI Address 922 E. Hawthorne Address 934 E. Geranium Ave. St. paul, Minn. 55106 Title Drc�i,ae„� DOB 10— 4 33 Title c���, ,m_�,,,. DOB o „_�o _�...-1 • __��.... Name Katherine Schulte Name 1131 E. Cook Ave. Address Address Title Vice Pres. Dpg 4-16 1 Title DOB 13. Give names of officers, or any o he persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach sep ra e sheet for additional names.) . . . . , . �-��-�73 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of name a d addresses of all members oi the organization. 15. In whose custody will organizatio 's records be kept? Name Fr. To, Me er OMI Address g�4 E. Ceranium St _ pa»1_, 55106 16. List all persons with the authori y o sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name see attached list Name Address Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? Name Name Address Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your organization pay or nt nd to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no b) If you do pay accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Address DOB Member o 0 ganization? c) How are the accounting fees c ar ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) 18. Have you read and do you thorough y nderstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the ope at on of Charitable Gambling games? ves 19. Attached hereto on the form furni he by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes all receipts, exp ns s, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organization w o have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepa ed and verified by Fr. Tom�M ,�Pr� nMT 934 E. Geranium St. au min ' Address who is the Secretar /Treasu r of the applicant organization. N me 20. Operator of premises where games il be held: Name Phalen Park Halls Business Address 1324 Rose St. ul Minn Home Address . _ ��� �7� "L1. Amount of rent paid by applicant rg nization for rent of the hall: 22. The proceeds of the games will be di bursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the follow ng purposes and uses: To aid all charitable acri i ies of our arish, our school, senior citizens, etc. 23. Has the premises where the games re to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Pau1? yes 24. Has your organization filed feder 1 orm 990-T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an wer is no, explain why: Religious organizatio Any changes desired by the applicant a so iation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. �t �'aqimir ('„h�ritahlP Artivi +'lPC Organization Name , Date gy; �C <c '. ,�� .�' �,, Manager charge of game ____._�..T�=� Y� S " Q�g�a,izaC�n P esident or CEO L� i � s = 9 ,e �� (� � � - n ^ r - � 5 � � R T iO T . i��1 S � .� R � � �s � �, � ti i � ^� �. '� � - � � : � : � -� � � � � � ,� 3 '< i � � �e 3 � �e 7 3 • a` " � .� .�. C � ^ g � y � T � � 3 d C l �C '� " � A ~ � � p � 5 3 a � 3 �� � � 3 � n � m � � � S � .r � r► 3 f1 ` � � •+ t 3 � I i � Q � 7 • � • � � � Z I R �t 9 "If � 3 s � a :a = 1 — _ 'e � r. + b ' - � � � — - � � _ ��r, � � � � � � A m rn � I S;. � � ' ,O CA 9 'A '! I � r m � � •� s I � `�C .. .� v s r. I � n � � � i �I � � C � a ' 7 � h � � : az � „ a � r f�9 9 ' � ' o,�o < .-~i I � S '9 .+. f"� '9 I � �� r � � � i „� ( � S f9 C': ; � � � � � b A �...0 { � � 7 I n "� 7 �y�� � � � I � � e� .i A I e1 � A , � 7 "'� ? �"�)�� s A � 9 � ,,,� �� � I � S S I � = b � �f a i � ' � _ 9 < � � � = A � 9 ••I , � � t � 7 �D i � I � I(�U = A 1 '.7 ,� ' ,� �0 O a "' � : I I � � � �e .. i i � . Citq o Sa nt Paul Yage t Department of Finan e d Management Serviess . Division of License and Permit Administration ���---��� � . UNIFORH CHARI?ABLE INC FINANCIAI. REYQRT Dace 3/27/89 1. Hame oE Orgaaization ST. CASIMI C ITABLE ACTIVITIES 2. Addraes vhere Charltable Casbling is on cted 1324 E. Rose Ave. 3. Raport for period covsriag 19� through DEC. 31, 19 88 . 4. ?otal number of daqa played S. Cros� reeeipta far abovs period = 1 F�9.461.40 6. Groas prize payouts for abwe period (in lude eaah shart) ; 14�.�25.00 . 7. Net reeeipts - Iine 5 minus line 6 3 29,436.40 8. Expenaes incurred in conductiag and pnz ting gae: A. Groas vagea paid. Attach vorker lis vith nam�s. addrenses. grass vagea, n s of houra i vorked. and amouat paid per hour • H. ltent,for �_ weeks i 7.200.00 C. Lieense fee ; ���•�� D. Insurance ; � E. Bond ; 100•�� P. Dishonored ehecks not recovared ; 306.�0 G. Acconnting Ezpense ; - H. Employera F.I.C.A. ; . I. Pulltab Sa�c Paid to Depar�ent f R enus = 1,393.45 � J. Hinn. U.C. 'faz ; 1C. Federal Exeise iax b Stamp ; L. State Gambling Ta�c ; 1,$23.56 li. 1�Siecellaaeous Expensea. Ideat y t a amount . and to vhom paid. 1• Purchased pulltabs Z• Transfer Fee 3• Worker Snacks � � �. _ 9. Total Expenses $1,4 .5 ToiAL i 12,956.51 L0. H�t Zncose - lina J drnia 21as 9 = 16,479.$9 11. Checkbook balance beginniag of Qes ad S ��F+4 7 R - 11. Total of line 10 aad 11 ; 19 122 69 . "' . 13. Tacal eontributiona (from attaehed vor h�et) � 1� 228 � �- --- I4. Checkbook balanes end oE reportiag per od - : 1,894.58 • . 13ne 1Z Iees line 13 '4... ..' : � ' . UNIFORM CNARITAB MBLING FINANCIAL REPORT � . � � LAWFUL PURPOSE CO TR BUTIONS - WORKSHEET ���7� Line �13 - Total Lawful Purpose Co tr butions. S 1 7,� ��. /J List beTow all checks writte f qambling funds which are charitable lawfui purpose co ri utions. The totai dollar amounts of these checks must t h the amount claimed in line �13. Use additional sh ts as necessary. CHECK # OATE � PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE 1. �C �.S- ��,i�f��� .ST.Ci4S'IJ�1 ii� C I N N 5'��,d� su�pc s f schco� 2. � 3� yf��/;� Sr. C�S�m„2 C yeoE.ca SuY�c;t� S�jiccz�:.. 3. _���f �l��J:�a' C���' e F Sr_ �.qu J.�. ss y Ci7Y�rH��r�c �1�.�.� 4. �5.�. �/��f�� sr- cNS���in fNu. _ ��cc�.�c, sc�/'p�r?-s�lc�,c. 5. �.�3 1���►C��' Cr� t�y G�� .�r: �AtC 6. (aS� I�/.�►y/�" C�fY �:� �T- �i3 ��x. C��' ��x!«rrc ,��-� �i7Y.4-� /f�cr� � . �Cy�s 7. (S� i�����rh" -'T Ct�`i�»��L CHi� � 'X 3��aE�: �- S�f�}�'e r� Sc:./X c�c� 8. �;GC: �i/=✓/,r� ��i�� c � �. P��c- S-��-3 t �ry .v tKt e t�:�. �-�,�� 9. ��6 � � {� `� 7 ,G ���/�� C �rr o r- s� y � C�7'y �7'Hl��T�� -�r,c� � �, 10. ��':� ���t�� Si C1�5����? � If �cc:a.�u SCt�'��2r S C/J GOL 11. 12. � I3. � TOTAL CHECK A UNT $ �����L 11 NOTE: These expenditures will be prov de to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial rep rt is complete and accurate. _ � � « _ • = 3 s = ��: .r .. • '� e'1 y � .� • � tn..,.. _ �• � i e ! w � i � � s C� r. .r � - � � • !� � + .� .Zi � ` f� + � � e ` y y � ; '� Q � .' i I i � � � _ �. : � � = O s � o A `� � �. = a � v � i T• = 7� C � ^ � � M � � r � � 7 � � ' �, _ � ' � n w . s � I� � � o �s o !; � y1 � � I � ~ � i = • � 1 � � , y a � � I-S� x�- - � �1 !� O � s i O ~ � � � �7 v -= • '� ,'� � � � • Q A � i .r•�v s �7 te C ; .: . � • • 'r � ,� 7 i 7 � � � y� C � .� � 2 � � s w f • :! Z _. �. : � w � � �� v • • � r 4 � � f�� �i=: _'' .� :j i ! t � .'�i O � � �� 4� m ._' : a s .� s O + � .� � � C ^ >• w f � w � . � � • � a ... a � • s I w � � � � �.i e� � r ,. � � � -` s i ,.� s + � � � ; �� � ! � _ : tvw�n�vww� � � ^ � -�1 , �a . =_ ' a� S � si s � � � _ �'� r� �s I � i � � { 1