89-863 //�-� G�''>�t'-�1'✓ WHITE - CITV CLERK , PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PAU L Council GANARV - DEPARTMEN T 1 J[J/ BLUE - MAYOR FIIC NO. r v �� Co�nci esolution 15� �, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Marilyn H. Johnson, f rm Director of the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights has resigned effect e eptember 22, 1988; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislativ C e Section 183.14 requires that the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights be nd the direction of a director, said individual to be appointed by the M yo with the consent of the City Council; and WHEREAS, A final candidate has be selected by the Human Rights Commission and the Mayor, through the procedur o tlined in the Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 183.14; now, therefore b it RESOLVED, That Glenn J. Valenz el is hereby appointed to be Director of the Saint Paul Department of Human ig ts effective June 12, 1989. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t y Sonnen L �� Wilson �/ Form A oved Ci orn Adopted by Council: Date '�- Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— s'-s-�y gy, Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Appr e y Mayor for Submi io to Council .. By _ . _ • • ���G 3 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIATE ��O Office of the Mayor 5-9-89 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE IN�TUW DATE IrNTIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL George Latimer 298-4323 � C�TYAITORNEY �cma.e�c MU8T BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECfOR FIN.Q MOT.BERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR A8618TANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL L A IONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUEBTED: Confirmation of Glenn J. Valenzuela as the it of Saint Paul Humarn-Rights Director RECOMMENDATIONS:/lpprove(N or Re�sCt(Fn COUNCI.L M �N REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. _p8 COMMIITEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _D18TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI�IECTIVE9 INRIATINO PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Whsro,Wh�: Resignation of Marilyn H. (Monroe) Johnson n eptember 22, 1988 ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: New permanent City Human Rights Director DI8ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Further delay in filling this important posi io . Eight months have elapsed from date of resignation without a permanent director. Co�r;ci? �e�earch Center i�iaY � o i�s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION a T/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE A IVITY NUMBLR FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � � �� -��3 CITY OF INT PAUL �.T,�. F0� ; . . OFFICE O HE MAYOR ; I�ii'�i ; . �... 347 TY HAT.T. C�EOBdE LATIME$ SAINT PAUI., IN ESOTA bS108 MAYOE �812) 9 -4323 MEMORANDUM T0: James Scheibel , President City Councilmembers FROM: George Latimer, Mayo DATE: May 9, 1989 RE: Appointment of a Permanent Hu an Rights Director I am pleased to submit for your c ns deration the name of Mr. Glenn J. Valenzuela as the Ci y f Saint Paul Human Rights Director. Mr. Valenzuela is the top scoring ca didate from an extensive nationwide search conducted by the City Huma R ghts Commission chaired by Dr. Marge Charmoli . Mr. Valenzuela is currently the C mm nity Development Director for Winters, California . His name is be ng submitted to you for confirma- tion as someone who, I believe, b se upon his clear commitment to Human Rights, good references, extensiv b ckground and quality educational credentials, would make an excell nt choice as the Director. For your full review, please find hi resume attached. I am confident your confirmation of Mr. Valenzue a ill assist a11 of us in our joint commitment to removing barriers t j b, housing and economic opportuni- ties for all of our citizens. ey Attachment (1) cc: Human Rights Commission Memb rs R�CEIVED �AY � o�9a9 CSTY CL�R� a6 5 ,. • ' � CITY CL�RK'S OFFICE Albert Olson, City Clerk CITY OF AINT pAUL 386 City Hall e`�trt o�� . � = OFFICE F I3E MAYOR Saint Paul, MN 55102 o �� � ii�li��ii > +� ,..� 3 RECEIVED ��^�G sa7 ciT HA7.7. dEOBOE LATIMEE SAINT PAUL MI NESOTA bS102 MAY 1019a9 MAYOE �612) S 8-4323 CIT1C CL��tK MEMORANDUM T0: James Scheibel , President City Councilmembers FROM: George Latimer, Mayo DATE: May 9, 1989 RE: Appointment of a Permanent Hu an Rights Director I am pleased to submit for your c ns deration the name of Mr. Glenn J. Valenzuela as the Ci y f Saint Paul Human Rights Director. Mr. Valenzuela is the top scoring ca idate from an extensive nationwide search conducted by the City Huma Rights Commission chaired by Dr. Marge Charmoli . Mr. Valenzuela is currently the Co mu ity Development Director for Winters, California. His name is ei g submitted to you for confirma- tion as someone who, I believe, ba ed upon his clear commitment to Human Rights, good references, extensive ba kground and quality educational credentials, would make an excelle t hoice as the Director. For your full review, please find is resume attached. I am confident your confirmation of Mr. Valenzuel w 11 assist all of us in our joint commitment to removing barriers to jo , housing and economic opportuni- ties for all of our citizens. ey Attachment (1) cc: Human Rights Commission Member �6 i 5 : � ' . � (,�"�-�G 3. . � FESUr.E Ir'am�: Glenn J . Vsleazuela Ad res=_ : 22 F'iskE Aver�ue Fhcne: (916: 6G1-069G Hom� �'ood'1�na, CA �5695 (9i6) ?G5-358f, k'ork T�:arital Status: Married, two dau ,ht rs Education: Masters of Arts, Soc ology� Pepperdine tiniversity fsachelor of Arts, So i logy, Pepperdine University Three-Weel�: Xsnagemen oursE, Wester�n Association of Pusiness OfficErs nivei-sities ar�d Colleges Three-Week course� I ± rnational Perso:�nel Officers As=_ociation � �u�iified Py: Over fifteen years o ncreasing re��por�=_ibility in tY,e public and private c or. Pos�se�.s highly deveioped ��i11=• in decision k ng, critic�? ar.alysi�, m�tivGtian of peopl , eeting of desdlinej ar,d o�jectives. E:cverience: GITY OF �►'I2�TEkS OMMUNITY DEVELOPME&T LI�:ECTGk Uecelop and recom�ne d ity' s respcnse to e�ar.omlc d��•elop;n�n: issues; me t wit}; prirate sr_d goverr,ment se�tor repre�en±ati e� ta coordinaLe app*_'opiate City derEloUmer.t; advi�e or_ anci p:-epare �ran��•; oversee implem?ntatien a: g . Gi: �; enf^rce zo:�i::�. ar�d =.ubdi�i�ic�n ordinar. e=. p1"E•UEi:e at.� revie�a Envir�nmer_ta] repar �; up�z.te Ge.n�r�il ?lan; assure tiroely and accurat.e pr cES�:ing o� plan� and. permits; a��e=� and recomJUer� o : al J. planni r.g; serve a=_ staf f � liaison te Planr,ir�g Go is�.ior.; e��er�ee operation� of commLnjty center, p rY . m�intensnce, aad recreation; hir2 seasona� e:r��1G ee s:.�d =�o:dina�.E events, f ac� ?ity use, ar.d a -t i Tit ie� te as=.ure conf ormance to law �.n� Cit�' s i �u nr,�_� �r��tices; prEp�re an� ii�t�ie���tit. :c�lt:},ie �� �e:.s, �raF.�r�• rcr�or�e aa� ar�a1S•si=.; direct re p�-„sive buildin� inspect:on �ervices; super °�e valuat�, train, assign, and di�•cipline subor�in *.e �at�ioyFe�; re�ol��e citi�en comr�iaint�; maintai zd ei.bz�r�ce s�ill�. thro��gh atten�ar.ce at aFp:a �i te seminar� anc? mer.�t,_r�hip in relat.ed profe«i r. ? as��c�atic�ns; and related d��rtie= as re5uired o provide efficient services in Cor,�u:�ity developme ,t and a�=:gne3 service�. CALIFORNIA HISPA1vIC A FAlk� GQL1vCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICEFi The gener.al gurpos o tY,e Caliiornia Hispanic Affairs C;ouncil i� to impr •e the pLblic �in3 econamic �tatus of Hi��panics in tb S ate ol C;aliforn�a. It is tve re�pon�it.ilit.�► of he Executive Oificer io research ar.d pur�ue� f ur,d i n� se rces, deve 1 op pul�l icat i on�. org�nize and condu�t e�inG:�. ir�plem_nt conferer,ces� br.d develop �I'omot an 1 r�atei�:als . 7t,� ::xecutive Of1 icer � wY,ere app e�: ete , a1=o har�:s te develop . ' . . " . � and m�intain relation�Y,iF>� witL elected oif icials for , thE purpo��e of pro�idiu�; H:�panic input in tY,e legislat ive prece=•s. TiI XEF:/SCOTT� I NG. F 1 ELD RfiF'FE�EIv'TAT I VE t As Field Represen�:ative, responsibiilities included e�tabl ishing support f rom elected of f icial��, coir.raunity organizations, busi.ne�s trade organizatiens, cities, and Hispanic community concerning off-shore energy development. The contract through the 4�estern 011 and Gas Association sought to develop, organize� and maintain support and endorsements frem non-tre.ditionai supporters of the oil industry. 1 identified possible groups and indi�viduals, made educational presentaions, ClEVElOpEd strategic plans (both short �nd long term) , and prep�red Con�re.ssional te=t:mony for witnPSSe=. I wa� also re=paiisible for re��rts �n�l recormEndsi ;ons to the industry for contributibns and prom�tional acti��itZ� in the Hi.spanic c�r.�.�m.;nity. UPi I t'EkS I TY OF CAL I FORD�1 A, SANTA CRUZ D]kECTGk E. O. P. /S. A. A. Developed and mana�ed three programs bas�d on the principl�•s oi a�2irr,�:tive action. The programs i , in��luded Ea.rly Outreach, Imm?diate Outreach� and SupUartive Services. ThESe rrcgrc��� were desi�n�d to enahle access and retention cf. students f.r�:� i�istorically underrepres�nted poFulation�. Yi-ir_c�pu] i-esponsibilities included the adicinistration c•f a�? : outrEach and support program= , de�.igr� cf �11 rr.arY.et.ir.�, pro�,ra:�.,=, and s�?r.vi.s,i.on of tkEnty e�*.,ployee�, m�nagemer.t of a g'95V��"JO budget , deve] epment ci trans�tion programs, development of evaivation�l m�turiala to a.�ses� t�e succes�. of the progra�s, F�reperstion of rEperts a� required t�y legi�lation r,.��date. GbRLETOtd COLLEGE. FORTHFIE?U� I�L2Y ASS1�TAhT i%IR�:;TU�i TY,e A=sistant Director of Third Worla Affairs was an an�ir.i=•trat.ive pesition in the areas of administrati:=e a���istance, a.cadenic advi=ing� and suj�ervis�Dn _nf tY�e peEr coun.selin� program. Administrative ti�si�ts7ice: at ' the d�r���tTon �*f �t�e 'Director, werked with ether departmEnta ar,d com.�elttEES ir� the d�veiopmEnt of program ac+i�-ities in order to en=_ure tha.t proSram goals werE met. Acade�ic Advising: wa�. respor,sibie tor advi=.ing 130 Third World �tudents or, the Carlet.on. campus. This ir.vol��Ed the developmEr,t of acadenic plar,s which demonstrateci academic progress memL-ership on the academic �tanding comrcittee , and working with " !}i.e �.Lear�in.g �ki71s Uirectoe in analyzing, learning • �vcill�: of tY,e stude�ts. F'Eer (:ounsEling ��rogram: hiring of, �tudent�.a prograic development trainin�� snd r e p:n-t •'r�*r�viii�: ' . • . : , . �d�i-�63. : � . . • CALIFQRNIA STA?E U 1V RSITY� SACfiAI�IEENTO COt'NS�LOk ' A� a Counselor wit ucational Oppoi'tunity F�r�ogram, � r�y responsit,ilitie • i cluded: counseling a ca�.eload of 350 students and m ni oring their academic progi•e��. instructing the cl �s entitled "Strategie�. of : Learning" , a cours d signed for speci�l adiuits, and the recrUitment of pr sective �tuder,t�•. COI�TFA COSTA COUDT ADM1b]STRA7IVE A�P.LYS? Fesponsible for le is ation affeciing the coUnty and local governments. Se ved a� the county' s liais�n .to Congre�sman George i ler. Specific dutie� included: presenting the courty s position to the Congressman� meeting with cc�L ii groups, researct,ing . ?egi�latior,, an� w it r,g reports as requested. Prioi- � to tnis po=i tior:, I c -r�d�ini�tc�r�3 �thc c�uaty' � :�.aapower pr ogra�. i h i r.c 1 uded mor.i tor i ng sub- granteES, reports t he feder�l gove-rn�er�t� � o:-ganizing the coun y' s first �ob fair with co�*e�nity organizations, mar.i o ing affir�ti�*e a=tion, and p�rticipating ir. ot e pers�nnel dUties as assigned.. COD?CERTED SERV i CF.S, I G. LI���T�F Adxr�inistered the Eni r ency Scheol Aid Program designed I to ease raci.al ten= o in the Kt. Diablo Ur,ified ScLool district. �u � i � -� a �taf f of tEn; de:�elepeo . rnulticuitural cur�i ��1 m, teGcLer ins�:�Tice train�r..g, � ar,d orgar.ize�3 commu it group m��tir�g=, � C I TY OF P I T;�BiTRG CGNTkl�C,T St'E�:I AL I�T The third rb.n�ing c fi ial for the ?!odEl Citie� pr�graru. Res�onsibilities in lu eri negetiating a:►3 r��n3tor�r.� '� ali contra�ts with ub rantees� and trie Kodel Cities ��rogram. Org�nized o Lnity mee: in�s. anci served �s a !iaisor. with cor�.���n ty group iueetings�. fiCTICITIE�: Y�?� C�u-!t� P�a::Z�n . C .mra`��io::er EYecutive Board, Corci ic of �olo ��ount� Execvtive Eoard, Wir, e � Rot�r•S Glub Conference Cc•ordin�t r Califorr.:a �ta.te Hispanic Chanber an:�ua2 co _� r,tion, 1G5� Executive Eoard, Yol ounty Hispanic Ghamber � 1�83-85 I�ember� Yole C�Lr.±y o unity Actior, Eos:d City of F'ittsbUrF, C unity Adviso:y Board Eoard af Directer�. e nedy-Kin� :c:holarshig Com�itt�ee Pa:ticipated in r.uze o = speaking eugagements ir. the areas of Mar•ketint. d cation, Nictiva�ion, Affir�matire Action. and Organiza i nal i�evelopment PINK� - FINANCE"" G I TY O F I NT PA U L . CANARM�r- DEPARTMENT COUt1C1I BLUE - MAVOR � ti ' r File �O. ,�'9-�3 Council solution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Marilyn H. Johnson, form r irector of the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights has resigned effective Se tember 22, 1988; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative C de Section 183.14 requires that the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights be und r he direction of a director, said individual to be appointed by the Mayo w th the consent of the City Council; and WHEREAS, A final candidate has be n elected by the Human Rights Commission and the Mayor, through the procedure o tl' ed in the Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 183.14; now, therefore, b i RESOLVED, That Glenn J. Valenzuel i hereby appointed to be Director of the Saint Paul Department of Human Rig s ffective June 12, 1989. COUNCIL MEMBERS uested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond 0 r ICE OF THE MAYOR �"g In Favor Coswitz Rettman I s�ne��� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson F rm A oved Ci orn Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified Passed by Council Secretary By_ �S=5-�y gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ A pr e y Mayor for Submi io to Council By