89-862 WHITE — CITY CLERK PINK — FINANCE COUIICIl CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL � �6�2 �ubstitute BLUE — MAVOR File NO• • • '_,. -� �,���^`�,�v 4�a•.•a Counci esolution ; ��� �-� �- � �"�'- 1 .3 � Presented By � �9R9 � � Referred To Committee: Date � '� � h ; - �'d'4� Out of Committee By Date � �� W HBRfiAS,The May�pursuant to Section 10.07. of e{�arteraf t6e City of SaintPaul,does c��tbe� �"'�;`� i �: ere available for appr�nanon funds in excess of cho ' �ted in the 19�l9 budget;and �,. : � �� ��WHERfiAS,TheMay�recommendsthatt6efoll 'tionbemadetothe1989budget: '"�j� '�9� FinancYng Plaa Bu et C�n e Revised BuT � . `9 � � �� 001 Generat Fw�d AllotherFu'�anc�ag theSame $ 124, , � 0 $ 124,045,033 � 04000-9848 Eu�B�lance(1/3 Savings) 2 7 +55 216 327 928 Totat 124,3 7,7 5 +55,216 124,372,961 �ndin� Plan Bn et C e Revised Bod¢et 001-OZO10-0219 0- + 12,000 12,000 001-0228�2-0279 0- + 17,216 17,216 00]-02283-0279 0- +2b,000 26,000 AtlOtherS�eading 124 7 5 -0- 124.317.745 Total 124, 7, 5 +55,216 124,3?2,961 To apprapristepact of 1987 General Fvnd saviags. Now,therefae,beit RBSOLVED,th�tLe C'ity Conncil adopts the� ad �tions to the 1989 budget. APPI20VED: '� � 7 �'o-- �% Budge ' � . -�/�/�� Direcx fFiaanceand anagement �; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requeste by Department of: Yeas Dimond NaYs �U�,/ ��- `/ C C� �i1��7 Long [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman �be1�� Again t BY _ Sonnen � � � 4 Form Ap o ed by City A ney Adopted hy Council: Date /� Certified • sed by Council Se etary BY � `���� - i � By t#pproved y Mavor. D te ��u � 4 � Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council �. _ — By �aus�r s�P - [.� I s a. _ � �. � , .• % ��� �i � . . � 'DE AFITMENT CEICOUNqL DATE INITW D � /� O /� Public works-Administration 3/l0/ 9 GREEN SHEET NO. '{ `"t INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Tom Eggum - 2 9 8-4 2 9 9 Nu� G1Y ATTORNEY 0 c�rv c�p� MU8T BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �flN.fl I�l�1CC MAYOR(OR A8818TANn � TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAGES , (CLIP AL LO TIONS FOR 81GNATUR� u 1 1989 ACTION REQUESTED: � '�°�/ ���Y ���� Use 1987 Public Works General Fun b lance (1/3 savings inc��tiv �m�t ,: fund one-time performance improve n activities in Public ��orks. EIVED REOOMMENDATION8:Apprare W a Reject(R) couNCa ITTEE/RE$EARCH I�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION ��Y� R � � ���t1 ��E�. RE _qB COMMfTTEE — � —sT,� — ooMMe FaP R 2� —DISTRICT COURT _ OFF CE F THE DiRECTOR SUPPORTS WHlpi OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 DEP RT EN� OE F+N�NCE AND A GEt�4El�� S�RVICES i���',Yt��'S O�FICE INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who,Whst,When,Whsre,Wh»: City �udget policy provides a 1/3 e ate to departments of General Funds unus d at year end as an incentive to spe d carefully within approved budgets. Publi �7orks returned $588,000 for 1987. h attached resolution approves the expenditure of the $196,888 rebate f r several one-time performance improveme t activities that are described on t e attached sheets entitled "1987 General Fund Rebate Uses"� (y�,,� s � �-.a�¢.�, !�� �►wt ��✓w�sw�� G►t' 'u,l�"� �jLr�e^'''Q ti`"� �,k,�,Q �" � !9$q ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: We selected projects that would i r ve performance by improving productivity, quality, job satisfaction or work n ironment. Each activity is described on the attached sheets. This was pre 'o sly initiater� very late in 1988, but withdrawn when it became clear tha ince this rebate would be placed in a General Fund activity, it would be ' ost' at the end of the year. See attach d sheets entitled "1987 General Fund R bate Uses" . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - _n None. µ�i�w- � � S S�2f 6 ��4�( .�- P.�t�%i,��.. ,�1Q,�►���1/ " � l 2�000 ( J . ����Gl�. ��i1�,P�cI�. a�^� � '�3 �216 � �� , � rr v�� . �� ����� �- � ���� �� �� ���,Q � ��� fi� ,w. � D�7q - . �-g-gq . C ����.���- l DISADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The activities listed would not b d ne now. City budget policy would not be follow�d. When this first came b fo e the City Council Finance, Management and Personnel Committee in late 1 88 they asked for an explanation of the la ge amount of unused 1987 General Fum m �ey. This is exp�C�l1 �g����i��d memo entitled "Explanation of Amo nt of 1987 General Fund Balance for u c Works" . fti`1al' 0 5 ;��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 19 6 H H COST/REVENUE BUO�iiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �uNa�o souac� Genera 1 Fund ACTIVITY NUMOER 0 2 0 3 0 FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� _ _ �. « . r � - . . ` "' " � . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the flve most nequeM types of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor : :4s, Mayor/Aasistant 5. Finance 8 Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City"Council 6. Fnance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCfL''FIESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Act'rviry Manager 1.•:: 9nitiatfig.IDep�rtmeM Director 2. Department Accountant � • 2• �Y A�J ;;-� 3. Department Director • • 3. MayoH��tant� 4. Budget Director �4. Ciry�UnCil � 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistent 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and p� each of the�pages. ACTION REGIUESTED Deacribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal oMer or order of Importance,whichever is most approp�iate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your liat with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, EC�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC3ET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANU/iL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL - INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. , ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED .Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa s in wh�h the Cfty of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�ecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effecta or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,treffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequenc�s if the promised action is not approved?inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, �cideM rate4 L�s of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Atthough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two queatlons: How much is it going to cost7 Who is going to pay? .. ._ .._ , ... _., __ . . ---� . . . ', ""'^�"'-'^^.+'^,.^-_._.._ _ _ .,.. . . � . _. . _ ..__ ,. �... ..-. _ _.._. . ..��..-.�...:_,r r.-: . _ ..:._. ...._... � �� , i � � i , • .. � . . � .. �V �� ' .. DEPARTMENUOFFICE/COUNCIL`: ` �';?' , INI U1 E �� . Pubi�cwor�s � . , , :�- ; r. . . sisiss � � GREE�V S!-iE�T, . . � No: ._-1509 . . CONTACT PERSON t PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATc-..—..- ' Tom E um/4299 orJim SChwertz 6143 OEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR cirrcourva� ' gg ` � � � NUMBER FOR CIN ATTORNEY �CfTY CIERK. � J i , MUST BE ON COUNCIL MiENDA BY(OATFa , ROUTINQ BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. . ' , :i ��':I� �. � . . . , .. . �� ORDER MAYOR(OF ASSISTANI� . � ... . � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CUP ALL C ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REWESTEO Use 1987 and 1988 Public Works General Fund balance ( /3 avings incentive) to fund one-time performance improvement ,,, activities in Public Works. � '" �' : � , RFC�OMMENDATIONS:Appw.(pa�Mct(R) COUNCILC MMI EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL � " ._PLANNINpCOMM18810N _CIVILSERYICECOMMI8810N ' ANAl.Y8T PHONENO. �CIB COMMITTEE � _STAFF � • � COMMENTS � _DISTHICTCOUNCIL _ f� I SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 ' : , .. ., '.i , , . , . , , , '' ., . . ' . . � ��. � � .. . . . , � INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WHEN,WHERE,NM7): � , '�,- City budget policy provides a 1/3 rebate to departments o Ge eral Funds unused at year end as an incentive to spend carefully; �,' ' within approved budgets. Public Works returned$588,00 fo 1987. Of the 1988 Public Works General Fund budget$172,782< '�" was not spent and returned to the General Fund. The att ch res�lution approves the expenditures of the $55,216�rebate for a one-time performance improvement activity. , , � � ; � ;. : ; ; _ �� , � � � I .i , ] , , , � ADVANTAOES IF APPqOVED: : ( We selected a project that would improve performance b im rovmg productivity,'quality, job satisfaction or work environment. , Fringe benetits were under budget in 1989 and this wili b co rected by this budget opening. This will enable us to pay for a . ' productivity serIlinar and fringe benefits. ; . , � , ' ' ' . . ' ; � /~ ; ;. � I ; ; ' ' . } 1 I � , DISADVIWTAC3ES If MPROVEO: � � ' � � I I ! � ! : � : � ' , � , , � ! - ! ; :� � I '� ' ' I �� I DISAOVIWTAC3ES IF NOT APPROVED: � � � ' � ' � � i �� ! ' j ` I ' 'I i . , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 55,Z16 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO -, , FUNDING SOURCE FUf1d BdlB(1CA ACITVITY NUMBER 00000-9848 I I FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAINI ; This action follows approved City budget policy. ' ?� � � . _ " " "._ .. ._"' _" __— ..._ .,_. ._. -��._........�..-.�.:.1...1-.�'.u.L�y'.-....-�.,'-�•`i`wMMi�feCa.�� � �� • JE GITY OF AINT PAUL � . -: ����`'`'""'i'��,�—� uuAt[;m _ <~�r "�� °�'"' OFFICF. OF CITY COIINCIL - Com itt e Report Finance Mana eme t & Personnel Committee JU Y l, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 1 , 1 89, meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending e 989 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Con ing nt Reserve to Police Administration for full ti e position to oversee license renewal and a li ation process. (Referred from Council March , 1 id over July 10 for amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the Financi g Spending Plans for Community Services Utilit Ne ds. (Referred from Council June 6, laid ove Ju y 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financin & Spending Plans for Community Services Divisio o Libraries Maintenance Services. (Referr d rom Council June 8, laid over July 10 for me dment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending t e 989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Financi g Spending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance i pr vements activaties. (Referred from Council June 20 1 id over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amending he 1989 budget by Withdrawn addding $17,068 to the Financi g nd Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Services A mi istration. (Referred from Council June 27 w thdrawn by Administration) 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declaring nt nt to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt to r so ve firefighters resolution issue. CTTY HALL SEV N FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s ae , .�.,,- �.,,,.. ., . .... _, _.__..d,, . .-„�Y � _ ,... r. ..,... . _,,.,,,,,,�..,.,,� ... .__._ ._,.....•,.. ...���.�,..-��.+n.�*���.-R...,,.�....+.-.•.-- 4. Discussion of Police and Fire Pension Consolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - directing the Port Authority Laid over to use funds from its net income to refund to St. Paul taxpayers �1,639,504 collected in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22) 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 8/21 adding $15,733 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Special Projects-Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11); and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing a Federal Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Council July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Chapter 33 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to reimbursement for car expense by providing a monthly increase for elected officials. (Referred from Council June 15) 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amending Section 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to procedures for the acquisition and improvement of property (Referred from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Section 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to special assessments. (Referred from Council June 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amending Chapters 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pertaining to building (presenter is requested trades business licenses and certificates of to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred from Council May 23, laid over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - amending the Salary Plan and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Unclas- resolution � sified Positions. (Referred from Council May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - granting wage and benefit Approved provisions of contracts between the City and the Supervisors Organization to non-represented managers who elected not to be covered by the new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Referred from Council July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - amending Section 28.B of the Approved Civil Service Rules concerning compensation. (Referred from Council July 13) .. • . ` •M // `' ��-I / _� "1 ��I� � � CITY OF AINT PAUL INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Long, Finance Com it ee Chair FROM: Greg Blees, Budget Di ec or ,_ ^ ���.�--- DATE: August 10, 1989 RE: 1989 Budqet Amendment fo Public Works CF 89-862 At the August 31, 1989 Financ C mmittee meeting, Janice Rettman asked for an amended resoluti n o reflect the Mayor's revised recommendations on using fund ba ance financing for Public Works. I have amended the "Action Re ue ted" section of Green Sheet 1404 to recognize the Mayor' s reco me dation to use $55, 216 instead of $196,888. I am transmitting a marked up co y of Council File 89-862 which you can offer as a budget ame dm nt at the next Finance Committee meeting. GB: fs cc: Janice Rettman Tom Eggum A1 Olson Gary Pederson Jim Schwartz Don Sobania , : . ..___ � �- . . � �i A_�✓i-� � • a , � +N1TE - C�TV CLEHK �INK - f'INANGE (j I TY O1' A NT I�A U L Council ` :4NI�RV - DE�'aRTMENT � u � fLU[ - MqYO�t File ,\O• ��J � — Council � so u ion �-� � �-- `�--°�- 'resente �E3�� __� %i " � �, - / � �'-/ •-�.9 � / �� /l� Referred To ��"-�� ` � Committee: ate =� '�"' �--.�G 2�% -�'�'. Out of Committee By ate WHERHAS,The 1�iay�;puisuant ta Sec�on l0.07.i oi C -v3;of the Citp of Saint Paul,does cenlfy thatfiere are , a��il�ble[or appropriarr�n iunds in ezcsss of tho�e esdmate i.1 19�9 boQget;and WHEREAS,Ihe Mayur�comrn�ends that the folloving a4 iv�o De rr�ade oo the 1989 budget: Finsncinr F3an Cwrnern Bwd t Chan�e ReviseQ Bud�ec 00: Gen,eral Fuu�xi -F S.5,Z I t� �� 7 4�'�e 7 OU000-9848 FunQ Balance $ 694,591 $ +�96;6�3- Svevdin: Pl.en Currant BuQ t Cha�e ReviseQ BuQ�et oZ��LS-0"L�q �{ i'Z�dCv 001-(�}a"C�A-Oi"'S9� -0- +--�?9Ca9 �t';6f�- 1 Z��:ci• a22�c► — c�Z��i � �e3,z�b QO:-C�B�A-A39� -0- +-�33 i�?�- 4 31 L l� nr�,,(; ;ri-��? -0- +-5�;868 � � P?1 Other S�en�iir�g i23.9Q7.693 -C- �� ► 2 3��.c?�b y g :o�l 123,907,698 �-}46;959� __.�;!� SS,Z�b � z3,9�2 ,yty To approPriate ':�3 ssviags of 1937 General Fumd savings. Not?,tfcereio�,be it S 4 RE SOLFED,that�e Ciry C�wncil aQopt�the abov�a adQi�o m 1959 budget. � Ct�- �(�►,�,��+�-K,�X APP'FtOYE17: ^ � � � /) �1.]�.,�..� � �►�-�-��� � Bt�Q etD r � � � � � -�� G�--� Dixscnr F�i�nce and Mat�age COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Department o[: Yeas Nays G Dimund �/ `„/ �Q/�i7 c.o� In Favor Gosvitz Rettman ' �n�be� Against By Sonnen �Ison orm Appr e by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date / �� Certi[ied Yassed by Council Secretary BY � l gy. � _, ` „_ __ �,_�_ prov d May��ubini�ssion to Coun�il � _ . _ - ����-- ' OATE INtT1ATED w I - stration 3/lo/s9 REEN SHEET No. `=' 'r""' 2y�qmi n� IN�TIAU DATE INITIAUOATE �� OE ARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNGL 2 9 8-4 2 9 9 ASSION CI ATTOHNEY � r:E- uIn — NUMBER FOR �CITY CLEHK._ :,, .. �q�CDUNCiI AGENDA BY(OATE) ROUTING BU ET OIRECTOF � � '�--� ������� �r �.ue+ ORDER �FIN.8 Ma�:SERVI��S DIR. t ` M OR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOC TIO S FOR SIGNATURE) � ;� j ���(j ACTION REOUESTED: Use 1987 Public tiaorks General Fund b la ce (1/3 savings incehtive�) ` to.��" � fund one-time performance improvement a tivities in Public �•�orks . � C IVED RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) COUNCiI COMMI TE RESEARCN REPOHT OPTIONAL � _PLANNING COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION i4NA�YST �L � ' ( 1,• ,� PHONE NO. r?r{;r,�b f..e-'� �� _CIB COMMITTEE _ � ` �l �J r _STAFF CAMMENTS: - �; :.� i!J:•'u . _DISTRICT COURT OFFICE f T l UIH�CTOR �';!?''': .-' � DEPART 6_�J' Q� �!n��NCE ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVET 1 �`� .� t `�t �';�.�.�t:i•`y v \+'"�'�'•�r I AND MAI� ._t:i �_RVtCES . � - - I INITUTING PHOBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): City i�udget policy provides a 1/3 reb te to departments of General Funds unus d at year end as an incentive to spend ar fully within approved budgets. Publi ��7orks returned $588,000 for 1987. The t ached resolution approves the expenditure of the $196, 888 rebate fo s veral one-time performance improveme t I activities that are described on the t ched sheets entitled "1987 General ' Fund Rebate Uses" . (�,,,L s ��}'Yj � ���,� � ,��^�,�,ny�J� {'�,• `� ) B i /! nr,1' ` , j('�N.� .,,L� �,.tK.�i,` r 6.K,r..,Q /�y':H.,V..�(.�.H�. '��`I N� /N/ L.1.►'�.��,•�,.,:�y �� � v � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: We selected projects that would improv erformance by improving productivity, quality, job satisfactio� or woric envi o ment. Eacn activity is described on the attached sheets. This was pre�uou ly initiateu very late in 1988, but withdrawn when it became clear that si c tr�is -r�bate would be placed in a General Fund activity, it would be ' lo t' aL the end of the year. See attach d i sheets entitled "1987 General Fund Reb t Uses=' . • �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: n None. �C� i►�w- �� � S 216 .Q�-�' .�� ,�- �tiv�-�,�c=wt�.. . �� I � � ��� � 12�DOv � c� ( C.���Q�,-v�,l�.J 4 i �N� ��C!�� i �� � `�3 �216 �- ,��� � �- �� �,� ,,�{�i, , - I � 0 �,1��' �_ ,�. T��� ,��,�Q � � � ��� �- ��� �'� �►^-- e� D�7q . —g—$q . � 1�(��s�)�����- ) � �SADYANTAOES IF N07 APPfiOVED: � The activities listed would not be don n w. City budget policy would not be followed. �9hen this first came before th City Council Finance, Management and Personnel Committee in late 1988, e asked for an explanation of the la ge � amount of unused 1987 General Fund mon . This is exp�ath�ll ����e�����y�d memo entitled "Explanation of Amount o 1 87 General Fund Balance for ufifi'ic 47orks" . (:iaY 0 5 ��?�;J �OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 19 6.8 S S T VENUE BUDGETED(CIRCIE ON� YES NO � ��� General Fund NUMBER 02030 � �NAMpAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) uy WHITE - C�TV C,LERK PINK - FINANGE COUflC1I /J CANAitV - OEPARTMENT G I TY O F A I NT PA iT L �.[ BLUE -MAYOR File �O. ��' �v ' - �'ounci -�so ion ~� � . I�-(��� Presente y � � �f"-/ 9 Referred To Committee: ate �—,.--�.�-r Out of Committee By ate WHBRB�S,T7ie I+iay�a;pursv,ant m Secr�cn!0.47.1 f• Ct��r vf tha City of Saint Paul,d�s cerafy that d�ne are a�ai]�bie for appr�griaaon f�mds in szcsss af ttmse e � i.1 the 1989 bwdget;and WtiSREA3,Th$Ms�3�rr recomm�er�ds tt�at the iall,�. ' diean De ma�d$o�the 1989 budget: Financin� Plan �,� Cvrnent v,d ex Ch�x�� Revised Bv�et ,` 441 GenerslFtutii � 00000-98�8 Fwmd B�lan�e � 69 ,59 $ +196,888 $ 369,302 Svar�fn� Plan Cwrrent wi e� Chan�e Revised Bt�d�et ooi-o�esao� + 1?,00o i�,000 coi- o2o3D-p5`F� 6e,ao� 60,000 001-02030-DZ99 C���� +}.�};888 69,�8g 1�- 69,S�d� 001-02030-0857 - �50,000 54,000 A14ther Spendin� 123 90 6 -0- 119.Q21.969 :or�l 223,90 ,5 +1�6,888 119,218,957 To apl�roPrla*s 1 t3 ssvi�gs of 193?General Ftn�d ss s. ` Now,ttLexeiore.be it � RE SOLFED,tt�t the Cit3��Councii�dopB tive above �,i n5 m the 1989�v�dget. � Q2 �-tr �Lr.t.�u�,,� �e�� r � �'�"� APFF�p�T'ED: Q��,er;�. P�.v�.e,u u1.►� ��:�, �' '?i��1���,-- / ppp Bad etD r �-�. ���� �- � 6 ��,, / � � �,p.� lJ��L � �' � '�,� ""- �r� L�ceo�C Fi�18�nr.e and Mattage •�/1- � . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays G Dimond �/ �„/ �Q/L�i7 � i.ong [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B ' Scheibel A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ve by City Attorn� Adopted by Council: Date / _ �'�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � l r By Approved by Mavor: Date Approvr�d May u ' sion to Coun il ` By � � �� . ; :: . . �������' 1987 Gener I und Rebate Uses This money is available t P blic Works through a City budget policy that authorizes a rebate to epartments that have unspent General Fund amounts at the en o a year. For 1987, Public Works returned 5588,000. 1/3 of this amo t i S 196,888. r f n rf mn imrvmn • • Producti vity impro veme t • Quality improvement • Job satisfaction improv me t r i I nl - im x n i r • No staff increases or o go g commitments are proposed Am n Av il 1 : AP A P li r — $4000 — (02030-259) Objective: To parti p e in a national study that will identify and propose needed sta d rds for public facility management, operations and mai te ance. Measuremen P oduction of a bound report with recommendations a th end of the study. • We believe that Saint P ul hould participate in this American Public Works Association project • This is a nationally man ge cooperatively sponsored research program • It will investigate and pro os cost-effective standards for PW facility management • St. Paul will be one of se er I cities leading this study • The project will focus on m roving the operation and management of Public Works facilities Th T D hl P ivi I r v m n Pr ' — $12,000 — (02030-259) Objective: To impro e he performance and job satisfaction of Public Works manag rs Measurement: Pr duction of individual wrilten work improvement plans a w I1 as a departmental and a Citywide March 3, 1989 Page 1 ' ' �� '�" plan. • This will fund the partici ati n of PW managers in this Citywide management developme t roject • Tor Dahl's approach fo us s on both personal satisfaction and productivity • Past clients have report d ng term productivity improvements I ri I D v I m n in r — $5000 — (02030-259) Objective: To pro d a self-improvement workshop for Public Works clerical staff t t ill improve productivity and job satisfaction. Measureme t: ndividual manager observations about changes in behavio . • Clerical employees are he ackbone of PW support staff • We will provide a depa m t wide, day-long seminar focusing on clerical productivity and job satis ct n • This will build on the Ci wi e clerical development program initiated by the City Personnel Office • This is our first attempt t f rmally recognizing theimportance of building this human resource Clerical seminars an w rkshops are usually not included in our PW training budgets • We intend to work with t e ity Personnel Office to set this up rMn vi fr P n h wrDivii n — $5,000 — (02030-259) Objective: To con c an American Socieity of Civil Engineers subsidized review of th management practices and procedures used to lement the Combined Street and Sewer Program and to op at the Sewer Division. Measurement: A oral presentation to PW managers followed by establis nt of a plan to imp/ement improvements. • The American Society o Ci il Engineers offers a program of low cost management review to g ve nment civil engineering agencies • Peer review focuses on u ity and consistent practices March 3, 1989 Page 2 . ,� . : � . � � ����z • We want to review our es gn, construction and project management policies, procedures and pr ctices • The review is done by xp rienced managers from other organizations • Since we have assiste ot er agencies with these reviews, Saint Paul is eligible to receive such re iew • Reviewers salaries are o ated; we would pay for transportation and lodg i ng costs r i I n P ri izin — $3,000 — (02030-259) Objective: To do st at gic planning for the first time in Public Works following a str ig tforward, simplified approach Measurement. P oduction of a set of recommended priorities for Public W rk • 5 1/2 years ago PW un ert ok a prioritizing process with 24 departmental supervisor • This resulted in focusin o several major initiatives including sewer separation, garage const ct on and computer use • We plan to undertake a i ilar process expanded to consider more factors in determining pri riti s • This funding will allow u t pay for consulting assistance M i r m r r f w r r — $57,888 — (02030-857) Objectives: To obt in needed and useful computer equipment not included in Publi rks 1989 General Fund budgets. Measuremen s: dentfied improvements in services. • This is for electronic tool t t will boost productivity • This wil enable us to o tai additional equipment which will enhance productivity in 1989 li W r h r i i r r m — $50,000 — (02030-299) Objective: To allow h continuation of the Public Works Youth Training Program duri g he Fall of 1988 and its expansion beyond income-limited stude ts. March 3, 1989 Page 3 . � � : � . � . ��-���- Measurement: T e i creased number of youth that will be trained. • We have initiated a new pro ra within PW; it has been very successful • It piggybacks on our succes w h the Transitions program • We are attempting to provid w rk opportunities for youth and other un- or underemployed citizens • This also provides a trainin gr und for possible future PW and other City employees • This will allow us to provide a f II 1988 program not limited to only tow-income students wr M I I r v m n — $60,000 — (02030-299) Objective: To fund a o ion of the expenses for the relocation of a portion of downto n ublic Works offices. Measurement: M ve successfully completed. • We have been carefully pl n ng a move for the Sewer Division for almost a year • Most other divisions need a s all amount of increased space also • This will pay a portion of t e ecessay moving costs for: New partitions, walls, f rni ure, telephone changes, wiring Standards will match t os used in City Hall Annex and Courthouse March 3, 1989 Page 4 . • • ���G� 1 n fl 7 n 1 n B 1 n f li Works At the end of 1987 the Public Works pa ent had a favorable balance in its combined General Fund activities in th ount of$588,000. All but$32,000 of this balance came from Traffic and Li ti g Division activities. The amounts of the turnback by activity at each major bj ct level are listed on the attached "Schedule of Expenditures and Transf rs ut—Budget and Actual General Fund for the Fiscal Year Ended December 1, 987". The reasons for this larger than usual turnback are as follows: Costs of Power —Spending f r ectricity to operate the City's 21,700 street lights and 332 signalized inter ct ons forms a major portion of the Traffic Division lighting and signal budgets. In 987 we anticipated a rate increase which did not occur. This resulted in a sig fi nt savings over expected costs. Proiect — In 1987 there w s ore project work than expected. This new installation and replacement work is fu ded from Special Funds and was done in lieu of the maintenance work that ul ordinarily have been done. Since this ongoing maintenance work is fund f om the General Fund, we spent less than expected. i h R n A r — The Traffic and Lighting Division is one of the few areas in the City th is seriously implementing the principles recommended by the City's Rand tu y. Traffic fund management was in transition to this approach in 1987 ing Rand principles the Special Funds and General Funds are managed in an int grated way under an overall or `umbrella' Special Fund. This encourages ti ht r accounting, which resulted in General Fund savings in 1987. These are the main reasons for b lk of the turnback. We do not expect to enjoy a rebate of this size for 1988. TJE/es 3/6/89 . . : : . _ ��� , �� .. .-� ,.,,,,� � City of Saint Peul, Minnesota Schedule S SCHEDULE OF EXPENOITURES AND TRANSFERS OUT - B ET ND ACTUAL GENERAI FUND For the Fiscal Tear Erded December 31, 1987 � Variance ,, Budget Favora4l�e � , a Amended Actual (Unf�vorable) � - -------- --------•--- �--------- � - Emergerxy Preperedness �� aleries T3,857 76,236,! (2,379) Se ices 65,592 43,2$� 22,305 � Meteri s 35,547 t�-,$67 19,680 Capital sy 70,755 ��5,577 -__._35.178 � � .-245-751 ---.170:967 -----74-784 Fire Radio Maintenance � Services 129 6 128 812 634 � Materiels '. ,058 - 22,058 ------/--- -------- G. 151 504 ----128=812 ..---22,692 \� � Fire CamRx�ications Center Salaries 261,4 269,581 C8,153) '� Services 35,950 18,904 17,046 � Materials / 16,096 � 5,492 10,604 Capital Outlay 49,415 20,323 29,092 � __-362,889 _-__314,300 ___-_48,589 � Fire Hydrants W er Charge � Materials 7,000 6 288 � ----------- -------I--- -------.712 � Total rtment of f i re 8 ,�.J Sa ty Services 19,099,714 19,060,436 ,27$ C T AL PUBLIC SAFETY .43,686,660 .44,638,723 (952,06 �'' ----------- ---- � NIGHWAYS 3 STREETS "� Department ot Public Works Office of Director �'ie Salaries 56,439 55,576 863 ti Services 2,320 2,286 34 Y Materials �ZO 115 5 �� Other 50 44 6 � ----------- ----------- ----------- r 58,929 58,021 908 ...-------- ----------- ----------- � � i Solid and Hazardous Waste �"" � Salaries 12,638 12,617 21 � � Services ------1�025 .-------692 --------333 � 13,663 13,309 354 � ----------- ----...---- ----------- r continued .... � � � � � � � s 100 ,,, s . . ' . ' � ,� • � ��y��� ,� City of Saint Peul, Mi mesota SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES ANO TRANSFERS QUT - BUDGET NO cTU�� Schedule 5 ' GENERAL FUND For the Fiscal lfeer Ended December 31, 1987 Variance I B t Favorable e -._Actual __ (Unfavorable) ' ''� - ---- --- ------ ------------- i Maps, Records and Permits I Salaries 15 ,684 149,937 3,747 i Services 1,900 941 959 Materials 200 196 6 ' ( i -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- � 15 ,784 151,074 4,T10 -- --- ---- ----------- ---------39 � Accant i ng Bureau Salaries 14 ,614 149,575 Services ,000 932 68 � Msterisls ,100 956 144 , , �-- --- ---- -------,--- --------251 I 15 ,714 151 463 � -- --- -•-- ----------- ----------- Persax�el i Clerical Salaries ,627 51,641 12,986 Services 4 ,285 43,395 3,890 Materials ,155 1,275 5,880 Capital Outlay ,108 3,058 50 -- --- ---- ------•---- ----------- 12 ,175 99,369 22,806 -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- Street Engineering Salaries 1 ,420 166,331 89 Services ,800 721 2,079 Materials 700 - 700 -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- 16 ,920 167,052 2,868 -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- Bridge Engineering Saleries ,129 83,034 95 Services ,021 235 1,786 Materials 400 10 390 -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- - 8 ,550 83,279 2,271 -- --- ---- ----------- ----------- Constrtxtion Inspection Salaries ,127 62,102 2,025 Services ,395 1,378 17 , ;� Materials ,050 1,812 23g ; 6 ,572 65,292 ------2,280 - ---- ---- ----------- ----------- Survey Section Salaries ,885 70,829 56 Capital Outlay 450 - 450 - ---- ---- ----------- ----------- ,335 70,829 506 continued 1 1 , ___ � -���-�''' • .• . . - � r„� �� �, r City of Ssint Paul, Mimesota SChedule 5 SCNE�ULE OF EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS OUT - BUOGET ND CTUAI GEMERAL FUND � for the Fiscsl Year Ended December 31, 198T Vari arxe � B et Favorable � S � Actual (Unfavorable) Minter Street Maintenance � Operating Transfer Out 3,4 1,592 3,481 592 ' -- ----- -------I--- ----------- � Traffic Engineerin 2�314 � e ar�es 27,263 324,949 Services 18,750 18,709 41 � Meteriels 7,700 6,524 �.�76 tepital Outlay 6,895 6,431 � � Opereting Transfer Out 15,000 15,000 ' -- ----------- ------3,995 --- ----- � , _ 3�5 bpg 371,613 ' . ..----- ----------- ----------- Treffic and�liyhting Maintenance 8 � Salar�es 27,210 27,202 � Services 73,559 70,417 3,742 Materiels 1,058,450 1,010,205 48,245 � Capital Outlay 28,680 17=912 10,768 Opereting T�ensfer Out 7,000 7,000 ----------- ----------- v I 1,194,899 1,125,736 69,163 �;,,,,� --------- ----------- ----------� � jraffic Oaerations and Maintenance � l Services 806,975 806,916 - 59 � 686 � Capitel Outlay � `� 1 ----------- ----------- ---------59 807,661 807,602 � ------•---- ----------- ----------- � �ianal Orxretions and Maintenance � Services � 772,651 618,365 154,286 _J Materiels - (193) C��� `` 4,170 4,018 152 � Capital Outtay ----------- ----------- ----------- � 776,821 622,190 154,631 ----------- ----------- ----------- � �ighting Ooerations and Maintenance_ ('�',� Services 1,247,153 917,538 329,615 Cspital Outlay 5,000 4.�� � � r --'-------- ----------- ----------- �t �" ,252,153 922,439 329,714 � ----------- ----------- ----------- � . TOTAI NIGHWAYS AND STREETS 8,785,376 8,190,860 594,516 � � ----------- ----------- ----------- vr H t N ,,.�e :�i i p t of Comn�x�i ty Servi ces � N�al ' ion Public Me inistration "� Seleries 467,091 467,091 '� -' 47,729 37,033_ 10,696 , , Services � ''r Nsterials 19,396��-- - ,194 1,202 r, : - Cspital Outlay -- ` -;'_ ""1�6,356 9,099 1,257 _ - ° � .. _ ----------- -------/--- ----------- �s�;� � �r, 544�572 _---531 417 13�155 ----------- ---- .__.__---� ✓ +�� cont i nued � �; , �, , ,. ♦-�_ 102 : . . . . e t�? y�,r /.:� /� WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COLL�ICIl / BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF INT PAUL File NO. �� �" � Council o ion ��;,; Presente y ..� �--/ - 9 Refe red To Committee: ate �G�=c�a� '� Out of C mittee By ate � - �9'�RQAS,TT�e ayor pucausnt�a Secti�on 10.07.1 o tt� harc�r of t9��Ciry of Sadnt Paul,daes ce�thattl�en are availabbe for approp n fa�mda in ezce�s oi Q�ose in�a 1989 badget;sund �PSBREAS,The Mayar mnaernds d�at the follo i�on be msda m d�a 1489 b�dgec: Ffn�aa�ci� Fla�t Gur�aemt t G1�e Revise� Bud�et 001 C•e�reralFu�nd 00044-9848 Fwmd Balance � 6 ,59 $ +196,888 $ 369,302 S�andi�cr� F1en uu� et Chan�e Revfs� Bud�et 001-0�0�-0�99 + 1'��000 ]7,OOQ 401-02030-0299 +129,68$ 129,�886 OQ1-0�030-0857 �50,000 50,000 All O�sr Spending 123 90 -0- 119 AZ 1.969 ' Total 123, , + gb,ggg 119,218,8.57 T'Q 8tppmpiia691f3 ssvings o�19�8?Ge�net'dl Ft�ond sa Na�r,d�eatefoxs,be it RESOLYED,t'h�t the Citp Cowacil sdopl�1�above afl n5�o t'he 1989 budget. APP'ROYED: � Bnd etD r l/`�L Directar F�nce sund a \ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ,-/ �y"G Dimond �/ �../ �/�i�r+7 i� Lo� [n Fa or coswitz � Rettman B Scheibel A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr e by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date / , ��l Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � t / gy, A►pproved by �Navor: Date Approv d May u ' sion to Coun il ` By — � L L� , - II i ._ , _ � , �. � , . _ !� _ ...... : , .. . .. .:._: � : . . . .. ,:� � .�1 �.:- WMITE � CITY CLE�iK "' � . � . � ,: �� � � � PINK - FINANGE � COUnC1I /'/' CANARY - DEPA�RTMENT • _r ['lle NO.`�- �`+ � ��� B� UE�. -MAVOR . � GI lY OF S � - INT _PAUL r _ j�L,,��..._�--- --� (/`i�'y/`� Z_ � } . . ' � : Counci eso�u,�ion ' c: t�,�.' �---_ { � /Presente y . �,.r-�`�..,�� ,�" _ _,,,� _ - ,�` ,; �/`j' Referred To '` ,`�' Committee: � ate '-* ` a��`�� �� " ��`' �'#' Out of Cvqimittee By ate �„ 1�R�f�o�t�0�. E�[�[11t��[�tP�t.MM�+eel���lt��r a�Ml��lt �f��lo�e�rot�w �stil�I�ri�rt;�t '�l�i.3�lhlar i�tr Malillal�ilM'�eyrt �.F�t ` .,�'. S'� �.,D� �7t�11�t -� 1�1����I�rr `��,� 3 � +1�,A� #�,�o�d , . �t�t :` S� �l�l�]E�le� �� �lT�i00 1?pqD r' �"� �',�� �� ��'� ��� �� ��� � �L� � 1�! � ,�0� �ti,3�B,AR - - . 'm►�r iA�nr�pr�it�t�e��t ��:� �: . �.i�111�,�!t r.��°.''°' �'�t.1lt1,�t�C��10�Yi� ��tf��IL ll�: , , .� , ��` 1( � � �, .� �;� Di�#tai� . :� � ; ; COUNCIL. 1t+fEMBERS '� � �'' +` Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond /..!�%���-!(� &�i�l�y� � `� �� [n vo / ' CiOSWI�Z ''-,L ' i f _� r{�p,., i,�. �.. � + .�.� ' . R¢ttNHII � g ����j ,•�F � ° � . scne�n�i Aga� St y - Sonnen F. Wilson � . . Fotm Apprbve� by City Attomecy Adopted by Council: Date t' ' ;Y` i -' 3 Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �' . ' F 1 Y � ' � ��� � � . . . �8}�. - � f . ��� . 1p ,,. . ;� .. � • . �� - . . Approved by 1Aavor: Dete ARprov�d by Mayqr f bmission to Council �.��_ � �_ .� , BY . , .. By _ . ` ` . �� ._.. y w - � (��1-�1��� 8. 6/20/89 FINAL ORDER: Improvi g he alleys in Block 26, Laid over in Chas. Weide's Subd. 0 6 ocks 25 and 26 of committee to Arlington Hills Addit'on by grading alley to the 6/21. easterly North-South 11 y and grading and paving the westerly r -South alley from Sims Avenue to the north lin of Lot 24 in said Block 26. Also construct s er in the alley fot^ storm water purposes lso for slope construction in the bo e said alley grading and paving. (Project bou de by Edgerton, Sims, Payne and York) . 9. RESOLUTION 89-862: me ding the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding 5196,888 to t e inancing and Spending with . Plans for Public Wor s erformance improvement amendment. activities. (Referr t Committee 5/18/89) . 10. -896: n rdinance amending a 71 of the Legislati e ode pertaining to house ,,,. numbering and requi in building permits within Approved 3-0 one year after a wa ve is granted. (Referred to Committee 5/23/8 ) . 11. RESOLUTIUN 89-907: Ap roval for use of MnDOT Approved 3-0 payment for easemen s aken on KELLOGG MALL for Kellogg Mall Park c ns ruction. , 12. RESOLUTION: to aut ri e City officials to ' execute an Agreeme 'th Minnesota Department of Transportation or ost participation for Approved 3-0 EAST 7TH STREET RE AI ING WALL over Bridge No. 90386 between Payn A enue and Mounds Blvd. 13. RESOLUTION 89-323: P an to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (L id over in Committee committee 5/31/89) , until 6/21. 14. DISCUSSION: Stree a d Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. committee until 6/21. 15. RESOLUTION 89-101 : Authorizing proper City Approved 3-0 officials to exec te an agreement with Minnesota Pollution Control Ag ncy pertaining to stormwater into t e ississippi River and amending the 1989 bu get by adding $150,000 to the Financing & S en ing Plans for Public Works Sewer Service Ent rp ise Fund. (Referred to Comrr;ittee 6/6/89) . �. r � - Members: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - Janice Rettman ���n�uin nnl�upi . OFFIC� OF TFI� CiTY COUNUIL Tom Dimond ���� Date: June 7, i9s9 RfCEIVED Committee Report �uN o 71989 To: Saint Paul City Council c�tY c�ER� From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee , , Roger J. Goswitz, Chair 1. Approval of minutes of �May 31, 1989. � Hearing Date 2. 6/13/89 VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority, Twin Approved 3-0 ,� City Testing and Michael E. Ryan for the vacation of MYRTLE STREET between Cromwell � Avenue and Pelham Blvd. Purpose is to expand Twin City Testing facility. 3. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved 3-0 and taking a permanent utility easement under with and across Lot 28, Block 4, Rice Street Villas stipulations ,for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA SEWER PROJECT. ' Easement required by the MWCC. 4. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved 3-0 and taking temporary easements in conjunction with the reconstruction of the MARYLAND/JESSIE intersection. 5. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking permanent Approved 3-0 utility easements and temporary construction easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 6/13/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: Condemning and Approved 3-0 taking permanent utility easements for the SYLVAN/ACKER SEWER PROJECT. (Amended order to be required). � 7. ACQUISITION: of property for the SYLVAN/ACKER Approved 3-0 pond from Glacier Park Company. with . amendment. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUUR - SA[NT PAUIw MINNESOTA 55102 s�„�e