89-860 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK Z FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Councit g9-860 - Substitute EANARV -OEPARTMENT � BI.UE -MAYOR F1IC NO. Counc 'l Resolution ���� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative R so ution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of C mp nsation regarding Unclassified Positions. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan nd Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, UNCLASSIFIED POSITION , striking out, in its entirety, the last paragraph, and inserting, in lieu t er f, the following: "�reni�ec�-farther;-hoevener,-t t-aa-appo'ratee-te-anq-ef-�he-fe��eaiRg posrtrens-maq-be-pai�-at- q f-the-stepa-rn-�he-Sa�arq-Range- A�m=n=at t' rt4sarstan� Affrrmet' e- ctron-Brrecter t�aaratan �e tke-Maqer-�f Aaaistan to the-Maqer-�� �4dmrn2atr tr e-6ecr�tsrq-�e-tke-Saperrn�eee�ent $ndget-Bi ec er 6htef-ef- e� ce 6=tq-Atta ne 6i�q-6�er -a d-6enutraatener-ef-Regiatratran Bepntq-6r q- tterneq Birecter; Be ar�ntent-ef-Eenmtesnitq-Servreea Brre�tar; Be nrimer�t-ef-Frnttr�ee-&-Mar�s�eenent-6ernieea Brre�tar; �e nrta�ent-ef-P�annins-&-�eenem�c-Bede�epinent Biree�er,- Be artment-ef-Pnb�=�-Werka �xecutine ,4a ra�an�-ta-the-?iager Fire-6hie �aber-Re� ti na-Mana�er i�eraenae� Bi e�ter (cont'nu d) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: y� Nays Dimond Loog In Favo coswitz ��� A gainst By Sonnen Wilson Form ppro d b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By B}� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci( Approved by �llavor: Date By By WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUACIl //`f BLUERr•MAYORTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL rillC NO. � r "-� Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2 However, with the approval o t Mayor, the appointing officer may appoint a person to any of the exemp p sitions hereinbefore noted at any step in the salary range applicable o ch title. COUNCIL MEMBERS Request partment of: y� Nays OFF CE OF PERSO L LABOR RELATIONS Dtmond � �,� [n Fav r Goswitz �� 'V Against By sunnen Wilson ,'n AW � 7 � Form pproved by Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: Date By ` Certified Pas Council S et By� �A � 8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv Mlavor. Date By PUBtIS� �'�G 2 � 198 x • � (��1�lo d �"�'�'�` �►,�'�,",� 9 3 9 Personnel & Labor Relations 04-24-89 REEN SHEET NO. �M��� oarr�cr�neoN a rnoNe os+ �r ar�cron [3�cmr oa� James C. Lombardi 292-7301 � �T��' �aTM� Musr eE ow oouHCK.�c�nan sr 1a►rq nounNO o�croR �Fw.a Mor.s�nv�a an. w► �oR�vurn ❑ TOTAL N OF SK�NATUi�PAQES � (CLIP ALL T FOR SIONATUR� �eraH a�ouesteo: This resolution amends the Salary Plan and Ra es of Compensation. RECOMMEND/►T1oN8:MPro+'r W a►ii�ot(ih : COUNCIL RFFORT —�+��� —���� "'r""� ��. MAY - ; 198 —��� _ ��; -�"� - MAYOR'S OFFI E _o�s�acr oouRr — suvPORTS v�►+iai cou�oer�cnvE� Mrrv►tuu��oei.�t.�.o�oarurarr twno.wn.�.wi,.n.wns�..wMx Currently there is an inconsistency in wh t s allowed as the starting salary for unclassified tities. This amendment is b si ally a housekeeping amendment which will eliminate the inconsistency and establish a olicy which is consistent for all unclaesified titles. /1pWWTApEBIF APPR�VED: Establishes a consistent policy. Will e 'm' ate confusion as to what is allowed for a starting salary for the unclassified t'tl . as�ov��s��oveo: None as�ovMrr�s�Nor�novEC: An inconsistent policy will continue an b a source of confusion as to what is allowed. Co�rc:' ?e���rch Center. i�i�;r` 98i;;�s9 TOTAL AMOIMIT OF TRANBACTION C08T/R[VENUE WDOETED ICM�LE ONEI Yq NO FUI�WQ SOURCE ACTIV�iY Nll11lER �r+a�iNrror+�noN:(exPUK+I I k NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINQ OFFlCE(PHONE NO.298�4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below ere prefened routinpe for the flve most frsquerrt typee of documents: CONTRACT3 (asaumes autho�ized OQUNqI RESOLUTION (Amend� Bdyts./ budqet exists) Accept.OraMa) 1. Outaide Agency 1. Oepertment Director 3. Ipty At��t 3. qtY Att DaneY 4. MayOr 4. MeyOdA�acsM . 6. Flnerx;e�Mpmt S1res. Directa 5. Cily COUndF 6. Flnance AccouMirq 6. Chbt Accountant, Fln 8 M�mt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (R�get, COUNdL RESOLUTION (all others) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Menager 1. In�laHrp Department Director 2. DspeRment AccouMaM 2• �Y Ana�Y 3. DspeRment Diroctor 3. MayrxlAse�aM 4. Budgst Diroctor 4. qty Council 5. Gty Clerk 8. Chief Accountent, Fln&Mgmt Svca. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiadn�DspeHmeM 2. Gty Attomey 3. Maya/Assistent 4. CHy Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(�NATURE PAGES Indfcate the#�ot pa�es on wh{ch slpnetures are required and p�perclip esch of these pe�ea. ACTION REQUE3TED peecribs what the project/requset aseks to aaomplish in sither chronobpi- Cal ordet or order of importence�vrhichever Is rtwat app�+opriets for ths iseue. Do not write oomplets sentences. Begin�ech ksm In your Ilst with a verb. RECOMMENDATION3 Complete if the issue in question has been prosaMed before any body,puWic or privats. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicats which Councll objecNve(s)your proJec,�Urequsu support�by Iisdng ths key word(s)(HOU31Nfl, RECREATION,NEIQHBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATIOI�.(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OP'TIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the sftuation a co�dfdo�a that created a need for your Projact a requsst. ADVANTADES IF APPROVED Indicete whetMr tMa Is eimply an annual budyet proc�dure roquired by law! charter or whsther thera ere ap�ciflc wa In wh�h the Gty d SaiM Paul and its cRizens will bensilt irom this pro�t/sctlon. DI3ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What neyatfve eftects or major chanpes to exiating a past Pro�might thls projecflrequsst Producs H R M paseed(e.p..trafHc dslaya.ndse. tex increaaee or ea�rtbntsl4 To Whom7 When?For how bnfl? DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be the negatfve conssqusnces If the Promised sation la not approved?InebilRy to deliver service?Contlnued fifph trefBc.raise, eccideM rate7 Loss of revenue? FlNANdAL IMPACT Although you musl teibr the intormatlon You provide here to the iesue you are addreesing�In 9enera�Y�ou must answer two qusstlons: How moch is ft going to coat?Who is yoing to pay7 � � 89-860 - Sub. ������� �� � 2151 Personnel & Labor Relations GREEN SHEET NO. oo�rt�cr��a P►a� urruu a►� irm�u�� �o��wn�rrr o�cron �crrv oou� • Q CRY AITORNEY GTY CLERK MU8T SE ON OOUNpI AQEND/19Y(OAT� �BUDOET DIRECTbR �FIN.i AKiT.BERVICEB dR. �AIAYOA(OR ABBIBTAWi) � TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAQES � (CLIP OCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� �craH�oues�n: This resolution amends the Sa:lasy.� 1 and Rates of Compensation r� none:Mp�W«R.1�AO REPORT OPTIONAL _PLA11NN0 OOMMI8810N _qvlL BERVI(�OO�AAII8810N µ� PF1011E NO. -C�OOMA1fiTEE _ -STARF _ . _DIBTNCi OOUR'f _ BUPPORT8 NMICM COUNdL OBJECTIVE9 � Mxrv►n►u�w�oe�w.resu�,o�o�uNmr lwho,wn.�.wn�,.wn.�..wny� Currently there is an inconsistency in a is allowed as the starting salary for unclassifie titles. This amendment is basically a u keeping amendment which will eliminate the inconsistency and estabiish a policy wh' h 's consistent for all unclassified titles. �ov�wr�s��r�+oven: Establishes a consistent policy. Will e im nate confusion as to what is allowed for a starting salary for the unclassified tit es ois�ovu+v►cc�s iF�+ovEn: None qBApVANTApE8 IF NOT APPROVED: An inconsistent policy will continue and e source of confusion as to what is allowed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN�AC'iION COSTlREVENIIE SND�iETED(CNICLE ONE) YES NO FlJI�IDNKi S011RCE ACTIYrTtt NINIlER FlNAWCUL IPIFORMATION:(EXPIJUt� � � NOTE: COAAPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET IN3TRUC710NAL MANUAL AVAtLABLE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFlCE(PHONE NO.29�225). ROUTINa ORDER: Bebw are preferred routinpe for the flvs moet frequent lypes of documeMs: (�tJ'TRAGTS (assumee authorized OOUNqL RE90LUTION (Amsnd.BdpteJ buciget exi�s) Ac�cept.Orarns) 1. Outslde Agen�.y 1, DepartmsM DireCtor 3. �Gty A��t 3. (�ty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�stant 5. Flnance d�Mgmt S1res. Dlrecta 5. I 6. Flnar�ce/►ccounUny 8. Chief 1lcoouMant.Fln d�Mymt Sbcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �ud�geot' OOUNqL RE30LUTION (�O�)�� t. Activtty Manapsr 1. Initiatirp Departrnsnt Director 2. DepaRmsM A�ocouMaM 2• �'�Or� 3. DepartmeM Director 3. MayoNAselstaM 4. B�Mpet Diroctor 4. Gty Council 5. Gty L'lerk 8. Chlef AccouMant, Fln d Mgmt S1res. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. (all others) t. Inftiatln�DepaRmsnt 2. City Attomey 3. MayoriMsietent 4. qty qerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PA(iES Indicate the i ot papes on which elynetures ara requlrod and a efCN sach of theae ps�es. ACTION REQUESTED Daecribe what ths proJecUroqueet seeka to ar.complish in either chronolopl- cal order or order of ImpoRar►ce,wh�l�ever is most appropriats for ths iasue.Do not write complete sentences.Bsyln eech item in your Iist wkh a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete ff the issue In quesUon has been presented before arry body,publ� or prlvate. SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? indiceta wh�h Councll abjscdve(s)your projsct/requesi supports by Iisdnp the ksy word(e)(HOUSINO, RECREATION,NEICdHBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEINER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE Li3T IN INSI'RUCTIONAL MIWUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UE3TED BY OOUNCIL INITIATIMO PROBLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situadon or corMitlons that crsated a need tor your project or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indlcats whether thls Is simply an�nnu�l bud�st Procedure required by law/ �chaASr a w►�etl�x thero ere spsciflc wa In wh�l►the City of Saint Paul ancl its citizens wi8 beneflt from thls pro�ect/action. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Whrt nepative elfects or ma�cherpes to exiating or past Processae miyM Mfa Prolecf/reqwst Produce M k le psssed(e.g.�traffic dNays.nolae, tax irxxeeees or a�smeMs)4 To Whom?When?For how bng? DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED ilVhat wlll be ths r►ep8tivs consequer�cee M the promieed aCtion is not approved?Inabiliry to delfver service?Continued high ireffic, noiee, exidsnt rats?Loss of rovsnus? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Afthouyh you must tailor the informetion you provide here to the iasue you eue addressinp,M Qeneral you muet answer two quesUons:How much is k 9drW to cost?Who is goinp to PaY't . , �'-t-�r+-p�—n-�2 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA IT L Council r CANARV - DEPARTMENT y/ �j� BLUE - MAVOR . F11e NO• • �`�� � Counc 'l Resolution �� Presented By eferred To Committee: Date ��1��`�� Out o ommittee By Date An Administrative Res lu ion amending the Salary Plan nd Rates of Compensa io regarding Unclassified P itions. RESOLVED, Tha the Salary Pla a d Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, UNCLASS IED POSITI S, Subsection D, by inserting immediately after the first paragraph of sa'd Subsec io D the following: "However with the a ro 1 o th Ma or the appointin officer ma a oint a erson to an of the ex m t o itions hereinbefore noted at an ste in the salar ran e a licabl t s ch title. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:� Yeas Nays Dimond ICE OF PERS NEL LABOR RELATIOt1S ��g in Fa or Goswitz Rettman B s�he;ne� _ A gai n t Sonnen Wilson Form Approve by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY gy, Approved by 1�lavor. Date _ Approved ayo or ission to Coun il By �`�� . . ���o 4. Discussion of Police and Fire Pensi n onsolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - directing the or Authority Laid over to use funds from its net income to re und to St. Paul taxpayers $1,639,504 collected in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22) 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 19 9 budget by Laid over to 8/P1 adding $15,733 to the Financing & pe ding Plans for Special Projects-Police, Unifo m rime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11 ; and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing F deral Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement with th Bu eau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Cou cil July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Chapt r 3 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to reim ur ement for car expense by providing a monthly in re se for elected officials. (Referred from Counci J ne 15) 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amending Sect'on 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to procedures o the acquisition and improvement of property (Ref rr from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Sec io 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to special as es ments. (Referred from Council June 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amending Cha e 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pertaini g o building (presenter is requested trades business licenses and ce ti icates of to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred from Cou ci May 23, laid over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - amending th S lary Plan and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation Resoluti garding Unclas- resolution � sified Positions. (Referred f om ouncil May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - granting ag and benefit Approved provisions of contracts betwee t e City and the Supervisors Organization to no -r presented managers who elected not to be covered y he new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Re rr d from Council July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - amending Se tion 28.B of the Approved Civil Service Rules concernin c mpensation. (Referred from Council July 1 ) . ... .. . . . .. . . . --� -- - � „ . . _ .. .... _.,. _�.u�:.: _ _•�.�,-� , . r W-<M ���,.� GITY OF SAINT PAUL ._ � - � }'"'�`'� eiii°t(�n;' -�-�— -....��.• OFFICF. OF TAE CITY COUNCIL _ Committee Report � Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee JULY 31, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 10, 1989, meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Contingent Reserve to Police Administration for full-time position to oversee license renewal and application process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Utility Needs. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over July 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Referred from Council June 8, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Financing & Spending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance improvements activities. (Referred from Council June 20, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amending the 1989 budget by Withdrawn : addding $17,068 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Services Administration. (Referred from Council June 27, withdrawn by Administration) � 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declaring intent to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt to resolve firefighters resolution issue. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 s�4e . .�...p..,>.�.. �f..�... ..r �-.�.�� .,,,ri�.�.-.�-,.,....n-.-..m.�.F,..-...�..�.�.._R+,.,.«.,-.y.-,�.�-n..,�..i.�._.-.-.._.--.--_,._._.-.. _.�,r,,...e. .»,a,.c,,,,.e,,,...,.,..v..�....,—r,,.+�.,._.;