89-840 WMITE - CiT,V CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O A I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 BLUE • - MAVOR File NO. nc esolution , ���� Presented By Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul will be n ucting a sewer separation project called Albema�le-Nebraska as part of its 1 9 ombined Street and Sewer Progam (CSSP�, and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Waste Contr I C mmission (MWCC) will be building a new sanitary interceptor, called the Trout o Interceptor Nathwest {TBNW), within the Albemarie-Nebraska project area, and WHEREAS, it has been ageed to betw th City of Saint Paui and the MWCC that Saint Paul's Albemarl�Nebraska and the o mission's TBNW work can be most efficiently and economically �ilt under a n� set of plans and specifications to be referred to hereinafter as "Joint ProjecY', d WHEREAS, it has been furthered ageed t th t the construction contract for the Joint Project will be admininstered by the City o S t Paul and that the MWCC agrees to pay to the City of Saint Paul approximatel $2 0,480 plus construction costs to be deposited into Public Works Account No. P C89-2T622-478429�9 for its sh�e af the desi� and construction en�neering, a ment acquisition, administration and constructi� costs, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the City af Saint aul pprave Ageement No. C-2480 with the MWCC for its sh�e of the engineering, c uction, administration and easement acquisition costs of the Jant Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pr per City offiaals are �ected and authorized to execute the ageement. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond u 1� WO S D JD 4—2 0—8 9 � t.o� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman O B � �he1be� _ Agains Y Sonnen Wilson y� 1"YiY � U Form Appr v b Cit ''Attorn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa s b Co n ' Se t BY— y / ' „ 1 By' A►ppr by Mavor: Date � Approvg l ' ay r ubmis 'on to Council c. _J � � PUBItStiE9 Pr1(�l' ;� i' 19 9 � C�. g�9-g�,�D _ � � JOINT DE IG , CONSTRUCTION AND � �.�� .�!.��.-.� COST RE MB RSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR __.�'!; :_.�. ��, .:� TROUT BROOK INT RC PTOR NORTHWEST EXTENSION � AND � ALBEMARLE NE RASKA CSSP PROJECT MWCC P OJ CT NUMBER 88-51 SAINT PAUL PROJECT U BERS 89-5-8051 and 89-P-8038 MWCC CO R CT NUMBER C-2480 THIS AGREEMENT, made nd entered into by and between the Metropolitan waste Control ommission, hereinafter called the "Commission" , and the city of S . Paul, hereinafter called "St. Paul" . WHEREAS the Commission an t. Paul are joint NPDES permittees for the discharge combined sewer ov rflows (CSO) and are both required by NPDES permit to eliminate c m ined sewer overflows by December 31 , 1995; and WHEREAS the Commission nd St. Paul are required to build CSO sewer projects within the sam ime schedule in the same location; and WHEREAS the Commission an t. Paul have agreed to jointly design and coordinate construction of CSO projects in order to cause an overall cost savings for both p ties; NOw THEREFORE the parties h reto, in the joint and separate exer- cise of each of their powers, an in consideration of the mutual cove- nants herein contained, hereb a ree as follows: SECTION l . RECITALS 1 . 1 Commission The Commission has det rm ned that a new sanitary sewer interceptor, called the T out Brook Interceptor Northwest Extension (TBNW) , should b built to comply with the com- bined sewer overflow (C ) NPDES discharge permit require- ments . The TBNW has be n scheduled for 1989 construction and is funded accordingl n the Commission' s 1989 Capital Budget. 1 . 2 St. Paul . The city of St. Paul ha d termined that a project, called the Albemarle/Nebraska C S pro�ect, should be constructed in 1989 . This pro�ect i cludes local sewer separation, storm and sanitary sewer o strction, and street paving. The Albemarle/Nebraska pro�e rea coincides with the TBNW. A map of both projects is s o n on Attachment A. -1- � � 1 . 3 Joint Desi n and Constr ct on ��� ` � � 0 St. Paul ' s Albrmarle/Ne ra ka work and the Commission' s TBNW can be best and most e on mically built under a single set of plans and specifica i ns . The combined work will be � referred to as "Joint P oj ct" hereinafter. SECTION 2 . FACILITIES CONST C ION 2 . 1 Plans and S ecification The city of St. Paul has r tained the firm of Short-Elliott- Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) o both design the Joint Project and prepare plans and spec fi ations . Soil testing work for design of the Joint P oject was �performed by Braun Engineering, on contract w th St. Paul. 2 . 2 St. Paul St. Paul shall advertis , eceive bids, and shall award the contract for constructio f the Joint Project. 2 . 3 Contract Administration The construction contra t for the Joint Project shall be administered by St. Pau nd St. Paul agrees to cause the Joint Project to be o leted in accordance with the construction contract. t. Paul has retained the consulting firm of SEH to provide n ineering and inspection services during ,7oint Project co s ruction. St. Paul has retained the consulting firm f Braun Engineering to provide construction material te ti g for the Joint Project. 2 .4 Contract Desi nees Both St. Paul and the o ission shall appoint and name designees to take any a ti ns or exercise any rights under this agreement. SECTION 3 . PROJECT COSTS 3 .1 Step II Desiqn The Commission agrees t eimburse St. Paul for Step II design costs for the TB ork built as part of the Joint Project. The estimated c st for this should include SEH work of approximately' $12 , 80 and Braun Engineering testing work of approximately $8, 0 . 3 . 2 Easement Costs The Commission agrees to pa for easement acquisition costs which St. Paul pays in o ection with easements required for TBNW construction as pa t of the Joint Proj ect. These costs shall include paym t for easements, recording fees, plus the prorated amount f t. Paul' s administrative expen- ses for easement acquisit o . These costs are estimated to be approximately $70,000. 2- � � 3 . 3 Construction Costs �/ o�O � The Commission shall pa t. Paul for all work, materials, � equipment, and supplies u ed for construction of the TBNW portion of the Joint P oj ct. These costs shall be based upon actual payment qua i ies of unit price items contained in the bid proposal or the construction contract. Attachment B lists the es imated quantities for unit price items attributable to th TBNW work. The costs shall include some limited re to ation work estimated at approxi- mately $2,000 which wil e done by city of St. Paul Parks and Recreation Departmen . 3 . 4 Change Orders All change orders on work shall be coordinated and reviewed with the Co i sion' s project designee before approval and proceeding. 3 . 5 Ste II En ineerin /Test n Costs The Commission shall re mb rse St. Paul for Step III engi- neering and testing cos s for the TBNw work. These costs for engineering and ins ec ion are estimated to be $74, 600 as seen on Attachment C. n addition, construction testing costs are estimated to b $ ,000. 3 . 6 Administration Costs Construction administra io costs by St. Paul personnel incurred internally shal e reimbursed by the Commission. These costs shall be det r ined on a prorated basis between the TBNW construction c st versus the Joint Project construction cost. 3 . 7 Payment The Commission shall pay a 1 pro�ect costs as incurred and allowed in accordance w th the preceding paragraphs. St. Paul shall submit not m re than monthly statements on pro- ject costs. Payments h 11 be made within 30 days of receipt of statement. SECTION 4 . OWNERSHIP, MAINTE N E AND USE 4 . 1 Use of Pro 'ects On completion of the Joi t roject and payment of all costs thereof, the Commission s a 1 be entitled to sole and exclu- sive ownership, maintenan e and use of the TBNW built by the Joint Project. Each party agrees to ope at and maintain their own facili- ties in good working orde d without causing damage to the other party' s facilitie . If it becomes necessary for either party to excavate rtion of the ad�acent right-of- way containing the facili i of each, such party shall give 3- � - �f 8����� the other party notice f it' s intention to excavate. Such notice shall be given n t less than two days prior to com- mencement of excavatio xcept in case of emergency, in which case notice shal b given prior to commencement of excavation. Written n i e may be delivered or mailed to the St. Paul Director f Public Works or the Commission' s Chief Administrator. n the case of emergency, if the Commission' s offices ar losed, the city shall give oral notice to the Commissio ' Chief Administrator; and if the St. Paul city offices a e losed, the Commission shall give oral notice to the city� irector of Public works. Written notice shall follow oral n tice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t e parties hereto have executed this agreement on this day o , 1989 . CITY OF ST. PAUL METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION By gy Lurline Baker-Kent Mayor - Chair and gy Gordon O. Voss City Clerk Chief Administrator and Approved as to form: Director of Public Works By Mark D. Thompson _ and General Counsel Director of Finance -4- AT� C MENT A �1 ' Location Map f Combined Projects � �� o �v TBNW and Al e arle/Nebraska .'f ._� _ '1 '- QTTO AVF/ .�1.�—. A NA � l.�'L.._�. �� :_�ST .]►L.—_..� � T � �' _ANO / '� Q , \ y _/- � . ! �vE _ / •CW7 w . ,`� PA K �'�i: � � � < '� Z Q ,"'r��T� � Q mp � Y > Z '� Z � �+, ' � � ¢ Q � m U Q } � m a "tl �� , / . / w � � Q ¢ a t/! � Q � . � � ` ,\ J ` LARPENTEUR � ROSEVILLE M TE HOUSE , _ /' // � �� � � / �� � `� � i ; /" � � I � � � . � � � � � �i � � � �� � i ' PKW ` � �` ��.,K 1 c ` � W NEEL IDAHO •••�;; _ � . • � ,� ;n�n �u�'i� unn�� �`_� � ' 8 _ :_ :,::,:.. ,�;>�� � � � .: 41 � � � � ��` . •'� - >; ���iaw� :� ' , 2 � :p � ° `` `` ` ' � �' S ` ` . ; 1</ ` ` \ > , y � �� � Z HOYT •� �• �n��n•- finn�nunn��ulii (n � � ` O � � � �,/����� \``�``� O Z Q '�1=-y � ``���• y � � Jt� •��n����n�� MOI�TANA �.9� � J � � Y Q � �� � � � ��;i:: ,; ::,:� � -' ' �` Q u. � � 1� _�� � 09�` � i :� , .�s, TIEBRASKA n�n�nu.��������::... .... .. ..� �I � � � � � �. �••= •� : � _� �� ' ��� �`. 9 : ?� i `� `. : � . �EVADA ... .... •JNfH��MM+� .�. ..�� �' `' i ' :i:: <;�- . . .` ..� �., �_� __�•1� � � � ARI_INGTON �in�nnu�unun n��u in�u�nn���n�numm�unu�ni�i������:�-�1 i-- TTi�Ly L� . � 1 � � I � J - � � U � ' ' � i � U j t Y . � � O COTTAGE % � m - -- _. _ . � -- -- --- ----- L--'J--�-� ' , � �� � ___- BN RR --_ ,� �� O¢ -- ,___--- --- --- --------------- _ _� '-\;�---------- � INDEX MAP �'� NOT TO S(:AI F ` LEGENO STORM SEWER ��'�"��"""�'��" SANITARY SEWER �������� MWCC INTERCEPTOR �••••••••••••• • STREET PAVING �� ARI.N(3TON POND � PAVINO SHEET NO. O SEWER SHEET NO. � ATTA H ENT A � AT ACHMENT B � �j�/�$L�a D I TBNW Esti at d Cost Items on the . i t Pro�ect � Ineligible Item Unit (TBNW) Mobilization L.S. 0. 5 Clearing Acre 0 .4 Clearing Tree 14 Grubbing Acre 0.4 Grubbing Tree 14 Remove Curb L.F. 3645 Abandon Sewer Pipe (Any Size) L.F. 45 Remove Pipe 12"-60" L.F. 285 Remove 96" RCP L.F. 32 Remove Concrete Walk S .F. 2033 Remove Trench Pavement S.Y. 1631 Pavement Removal S.Y. 394 Remove Concrete Driveway Pave en S ,y, 78 Remove Catch Basin of Manhole Each 15 Common Excavation (P) C.Y. 3462 Subgrade Excavation (E.V. ) C.Y. 9291 Replacement Backfill (L.V. ) C.Y. 24345 Topsoil Borrow (L.V. ) C.Y. 3695 Granular Borrow (C.V. ) C.Y. 9291 Common Laborer Hour 15 lcy Shovel Hour 15 3cy Front-end Loader Hour 10 Street Sweeping Hour 11 Water 1000 Gal. 11 � Aggregate Base Placed, CL. 5 ( . . ) C.Y. 2915 Bituminous Material for Mixtur Ton 133 Base Course Mixture Ton 2555 Binder Course Mixture - Ton 318 Bituminous Material for Mixtur Ton 75 Wearing Course Mixture (MOD) Ton 1145 Asphalt Cement Ton 8 Wearing Course Mixture Ton 93 Bituminous Material for Tack C at (Undiluted) Gal. 832 Aggregate Bedding (L.V. ) ( 3149- ) C.Y. 2015 Treated Timber Piling Delivere L.F. 10725 Treated Timber Piling Driven L.F. 10725 Precast Concrete Pile Bent Each 93 Cast-in-Place Manhole Base for Pi e Each 3 ' Cast-in-Place Continuous Pile en S.Y. 23 4" Drain Tile W/Fiber Sock L.F. 4830 8" VCP L.F. 1274 10" VCP Sewer L.F. 112 12" RCP Sewer CL. 5 Design 3006 C Lead L.F. 287 15" RCP Sewer CL. 5 Design 3006 C Lead L.F. 194 8" DIP Sewer CL. 51 L.F. 88 10" DIP Sewer CL. 51 L.F. 88 12" DIP Sewer CL. 51 L.F. 60 18" DIP Sewer CL. 51 L.F. 130 i . � ��,��v AT AC MENT C � Estimated os s for Step III . ' Engineerin f r MWCC' s TBNW RHIBIT B SUPPL AL P►GREEMENT NO. 1 E TI TB OF COSTS FOR ADDITIONAL ENGI E ING SERVICES - CONSTRUCTION ON ALB L /NSBRASRA PROJECT CITY PR JECT NO. S-8051 P-8038 MWC P OJECT NO. 88-51 st mated Hourly Estimated Direct Labor ou s Rate Cost Project Manager 5 26. 50 S 1,325.00 Project Engineer 1 2 21. 50 2, 838.00 Drafter 6 10. 50 168.00 Pro�ect Representative ,0 8 16.20 16,329. 60 Survey Party Crew 0 1.6. 45 1,316.00 Survey-Rodman 0 6.85 548.00 Clerical 6 10. 50 168.00 Direct Labor $ 22, 692.60 Overhead and Fringes ( 1.6 �) 38,350.49 Profit 10,772.31 Expenses, Equipment, Mile ge 2,790.00 Total Design Budget $ 74, 600.00 (Rounded) , AT AC MENT C