89-834 WHITE -�G1TV CLERK � PI�IK - FINANCE COl1I1C1I BLUERr-MAVORTMENT CITY F SAINT PAiTL File NO. �J • � n� P, r a N 0. !� ��- _ . , Presented By - l Ref�rr�e,d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ord in n e to amend the Sa int Paul Legis a ive Code concerning charitable g bling . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S I T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: . e tion 1 Section 4Q12.10 of the i t Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : _ "Sec. 402.10. Use o gambling profits. Profits from lawful gambl ing m y be expended only for lawful purposes as auth r ' zed at a reg ular m eeting of the conducting organi at on. Organization holding a Class A or Class B Sta e f Minnesota Charitable Gambling License to conduc ingo and/or the sale of pulltabs , tipboards and pad 1 wheels shall. pay to ��� ���� �l�d� �������lA����! ���� � �+�� p��tl8��1� �� �k��?���� �I����� ��f� d����t����� �� �� ���j� ������� one or more eligible recipients on the li t established pursuant to section 4f�9.235, followi he �rocedures established therein, ten (101) percent f the net profits from the sale of _ _ pulltabs, _tipboar s _nd paddlewheels. �� �� d�Ed'���bi���� �� ����p �������� �� ���������� ��� �� �� �������� �M4 ���� ������ �� � ����� �� �������E�� �� �4��l�lE����� ��������� ������� �� ��� COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� Ifl F VO[ Gostvitz Rettman B Sc6eibel Agai st Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date 1 • �p Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � ����a ( By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ," By gy � � � � � � - . � 89- g3� /7G�'�. s ction 2 Section 404.10 (6) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f 1 ows : "(6) Ten (10) per en of the proceeds received from the gambling activit s all be paid to ��� €�A� e�������lae� €�xdt� 8ee��e� 4 g: �� �€ �1�� Sa��� P��� b�e����a���� ��e7es one or mo e eligible recipients on the list establi hs ed�urs an to section 4�J9.235, following the procedures estab is ed therein." S ction 3 Section 4PJ9.22 (n) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f 1 ows : ���n) Shall pay t.o. � e e��� ���2 e��a������e� �����r����� �y� ��e ���g eett� �� one or more eligible recipients on the list estab is ed �ursuant to Section 409 .235 , following the pr ce ures established therein, ten (1�J) percent of the n t rofits from sellin�g of pull-tabs, paddlewheels and ti boards. �e �e �7�a����stt�e� �� ��l�e� _ _ . �bt��� a�l��e��e e � a�����eA� �E� �� e�p�i�e12� €e� see� �av��t�� p��_�eses as s�ee�€��el �� �4�ae���e�� &�a�t���eT E�a��e� �49: S ction 4 The following new e tion 409. 23 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereb e acted : 2 �R,Sl5 . � . . . . �-�` �9- �3� . . i 7G s"-z "Sec . 409. 235. C nt ibutions to Eligible Recipients. (a) Youth Pro ra s dvisor Board established. The mayor with h advice and consent of the city council shall ap o ' nt a Youth Advisory Board, whose membership s a 1 contain youth and adult representatives f o each of the city's wards, as well as four at=large e bers to advise the city council on the creation of a d subsequent changes to the list of eligible recipie t . The present membership of the predecessor Youth A hletics and Sports Advisory Board shall automatica 1 become and remain Youth Programs Advisory Board m e b s until new m embers are appointed by the mayor a d approved by the council . The appointment of ne m mbers shall specify which members if any are being e laced. Such Board shall continue to advise the i y on the administration and disbursement of m n � from the fund established^under section 409.23 of th code. (b) List establis e . There is hereby e tablished a list of recipients eligible for dist i tion of the proceeds contributed by charitable gam li g in on-sale liquor establishments as specified in t is chapter, and in private clubs and other places as p ovided in sections 40�2. 10 and 4P14.1g (6) of the hapters. The list of eligible recipients shall e prom ulgated by resolution by the city council upon t e advice and report of the Youth Advisory Board. S c list may be am ended from tim e to time by the city ou cil to add or delete recipients. Notwithstanding th oregoing, the city council m ay by resolution prom 1 ate a list having on it those organizations whose applications for funding under a previous ordinance h d been approved but not funded or moneys actually di b rsed without the advice or report of the Youth Progr m Advisory Board. Such list shall 3 �s15 � . � . . � . . � 89- ��,� /7�a6� be maintained fo ublic inspection in the office of by the City Clerk a d shall be mailed quarterly to all organizations con uc ion charitable gambling within the City of Saint Pau b the license and permit di�'sion. (c) Qualification f r inclusion on list. Those organizatio s hose applications for f unding were approved by the Y uth Programs Advisory Board ' s predecessor unde previous ordinance �a� ��� �e� ��ee���� ��g �t��► e �B � �2����r are automatically qualified for inc u ion on the list established above and shall remain h reon until removed by resolution. Other applicatio s for inclusion on the list, and recognition as eli ible recipients shall meet the following requir m ts in order to be included on the list : (1) Applican s or inclusion on the list must be incorporated, n nprofit organizations form ed for the purpose o upporting youth programs. Booster clubs organize for a recreation center or a specific spo t may be eligible, but organized school clubs, activities and teams, whether public or private , il not be eligible. Evidence that an organizati n has been recognized by the IRS as exempt from ax tion pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 501 or is usi g an organization so recognized as a fiscal agent ha 1 be accepted as proof that it is a nonprofit o g ization, but such evidence is not the exclusiv ethod of establishing nonprofit status. (2) Each appl ca t for inclusion on the list shall provide info m tion setting forth its stated purpose , num e of participants served , area served and th r asons why funds are needed . 4 �s�g � . - . � � � 89- �3y� . . `���� (3) The sub i ting organization must provide at the time of pp ication: (a) Verifica i n of nonprofit status and copy of organization 1 ylaws (b) List of f cers or Directors (c) Letter v rifying organization's approval of the pr o po sa 1 (d) Previous e r ' s budget and financial statement (e) Current b la ce sheet and income statement, if applicable (f) Proposed u get (expenses and income) for the activity (g) Evidence t at insurance, if needed can be obtained by t e rganization (h) Area served number of participants served , and reasons w y unds are needed. The financial i formation must demonstrate that the majority f he orqanization's funding is used for the benef ' t of the public in providing youth programs for ou h 20 and under . (4) No organi at on operating charitable gambling in the State f Minnesota will be eligible for inclusion on t e list . {�� �� e������ � �A ��� �� ���g���ee €�� �� �e��� �4 ����I�s ��a� �� �� a� e����b�e ��e�p�e��� �{f�� (5_) An o ga ization formed , incorporated , operated or m n ged by the members, officers or directors of a y organization operating or conducting la fu gambling, or subject to the 10� percent contri u ion requirem ent in this section, shall not be a ligible recipient. ��5 � . � . . � . . � �9� 83� ���s�. , �'�} (6) An li ible recipient, as a condition to continuatio n the list may not engage in or operate c ar ' table gambling , nor use any contribution eceived as a result of its status as an eligib e ecipient for anything other than a lawful purpo e. Each recipient as a condition of receipt of c nt ibutions must execute the verified receipt and ep esentations required above. (d) Contribution r uired. Organizations con u ting charitable gambling within the city of Saint Pau s all, to meet requirements imposed by law, including b t not limited to sections 4P12.10, 4414.10 (6) and 409 2 (n) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, give ten p rc nt as required therein to one or more eligible reci ie ts on the list promulgated by the city council. E c organization shall report every required contrib t'on which is m ade by it on a quarterly basis, s at ng the nam e of the recipient, the amount of the c n ibution, and shall enclose the verified receipt f the recipient' s office.rs as provided by (e) be o . All such contributions must go only to eligible r ci ients on the list provided above. An organization ca n t contribute €� �l�e sa�� ����g �� �ti�e eet��������ae � � ada� g�a��T ��� to any recipient not furnishing the ve ified receipt as provided . (e) Verified rece pt Each eligible reci ie t shall at the time of accepting a contribution fro n organization subject to the ten percent requirem en erein shall prepare and tender to such contributing o ganization a verified receipt, sworn under oath a d notarized. Such verified receipt shall be under oat , nd shall require each officer of the recipient to s at that the contribution shall be expended for a la fu purpose and state the purpose, 6 �sy WMITE �-�ITV CLERK COl1flC11 C, . PINIt - FINANCE ^ CANAFtY -OEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL X � � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. r, � • ndnce Ordinance N 0. f��` °Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date that all previous ontributions if any have been expended for lawf 1 urposes, that the calendar year total of contribu i ns received as a result of its status as an eli i le recipient does not exceed ���T������ $4,000, that it does not operate any gambling activities� nd that no such contribution or any previous contr bu ion will be or has been used for capital expenses, s 1 ries or travel expenses except as may be allowed her in Not withstanding the foregoing, an el� i� gible reci ie t m�receive u� to $4,�10�.f�0 in addit-ional funds fr- m an�r or�anization or o�ganizations conducting charita le �ambling so long as no art of said additional u ds are counted toward said or�anization's obli a on hereunder to contribute�ten (1�1) �ercent of it et rofits to eligible recipients. (f) Alternate C m liance. N otwithstandin� an� provisio�n of law� o thercontrar�., an� o_ r�anization conducting charitab e �ambl�n�c within the city of Sa nt Faul m� satisfy it bli ations under subparagraph (d) above and sections 4(�2.1�1, 4�4.10 (6) and 409.22 (n) of the Code to �e t n (10) percent of its net rofits to eligible recipients b , in lieu thereof, contributing such ten ( 1Plw) � r ent voluntaril�r to the fund established under s c ion 4f�9.23 of the code.� S c ion 5 This ordinance sha11 tak ffect and be in force thirt� (30) da�s following its passage, a oval and publ ci ation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng _/' In Favo Goswitz Rettman fl scbe;beo Against BY Sonnen Wilson JLN - 1 1989 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � . Certified Pass d ncil S ta BY �2 �� By Approved b ayor: ate JUN ' S t t1�7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �J BY pV�t,lStlm J U N 1 O 1 89 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O A I NT PA U L Council J CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � Counc l Resolution Presented �'�� ` Re��d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date that all previous c ntributions if any have been expended or lawfu p rposes, that the calendar year total of c ntribut o s received as a result of its status as elig bl recipient does not exceed 1���#������ $ ,000, hat it does not operate any gambling activ'ties, a d that no such contribution or any previous co tri ut on will be or has been used for capital expenses, sa ar'es or travel expenses except as may be allowed he e n. Not withstanding the foregoing, an e1*��ible reci i �receive u� to $4,001�.0�J in additional funds fro n orc�anization or organizations conducting charitab ambling so lo�as no art of said additional ds re counted towrd said organization's obli ti nr hereunder torcontribute�ten (10) percent of its n rofits to el�ble recipients. (f) Alternate C o ia ce. N otwithstandin� an� rovision`of law t t e ontrary-, an� org n zation conduction charitabl ambl within the city of Sai t Paul m� stisf�r its o i at_i n under subparagraph (d) above and sections 4PJ2 1�J, 4�1 -.1P! (6) and 44l9.22 (n) of the C ode to�i e te ( �1} er nt of its net rofits to eligible receipients b in lie thereof, contributing such ten ( 10) pe c nt volu tari.ly to the fund establ i shed under se t i n 4�19 .23 0 � the code,�� ���� Se ti n 5 This ordinance sha11 take ef ect and be in fo ce thir� (30) days following its assage, ap ro al and ubl ci atio . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department o • Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favo Goswitz Rettman B sche;n�i _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson � Form Appr ed by City ttor Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' ���� By A►pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY ..�� . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . .. . . . ���WMITE - CITV CLERK � _ ��- . - � COUflCII � � � � A� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA u L � CANARV -DEPARTMENT � � � BI.UE - MAVOR � . . � F�le NO. '"�-"�� - Counc esolution _ � ���,_ � , , Presented By � f i 3 � f., t - `'•' � � Referred To ", Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date , that ail previons c atribut�ons if a�y hava baeA esPe�dad �or Ia�r� P Pv�ss, that t�e calt�a= �rear total of catatribat o � r�eeived aa a resnit af its statos as �,n elig b rael�ient does� aot exceed 1�����*��1� $� A�g, hat it daes �at ' opers�e anY ga+�blfng �ct r t e�, s d tAat ea snch ca�ttribcetiw�► or any Psevious co�tri �t Qn •ill be ar t�as bsen u�e�! foz capital expe�ses,. s a es ct Lrave? �xp�QSas e:c�pt as �: ma�► be allo�red t�ase n. �iQt witbstandinc� t?�s foaeq oin ;" a� �2i #b2e �recf i a rec• ve .a� to'�!��i� s�d t sctat funas ro n or an satioQ o= Qs :t� �cat oos :�' coo �ac � chiita m m n so �as flo �t o s_��it o�na u_. a re ceuat+edl�!�z��d y or •oisar� on'� ob i t e� #es�na e= to co�t�ta t�n eLCi!=fC � � i� C� _� ta f�e te�e�lCe� „�f , 111terawt� Co is ��. �►a�t�ritt�stend#o � a� rovis oa a �'�a v t e ontraz � c� n - at on ._ 'coo nct on chat�twb a�b 1r th o tAe �.t� o a nt � ° PaT�st ts o at o ��'n'�e= sub asa �a h�` ..._., , �o`re aad s�ct oas !� .I aa �� �p ,� '� t � o�to�g�ire_ te � r r�t o s'�w rofies to �,,�` , e�gi�'e rece�eQti� b �n e�a� t�ereof c��tr a�in s�ch ten ( �) e e nt v�r�t�to t�he _a� eat�rbl�shfd n�et s t ori���l.�o��a c�e� a,, S t 4A 5 .� � � �+ T h!s c►r8i�anc� sba12 tak� e fect ��d ba it� f �` ce th_ itt�+ �3�t j ds s ��tv�r��ts ~" `— "" 9 Pa�saqe, a t va a�pab3�cat o . � � ,�_....�_._._ _... o.. _._ .,...� .....�_.,�_ ! , � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department o€� � Yeas Nays ,� Dimond � Long [n Fav r Goswitz ;�; Rettman B � , - ��;�� Agains y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By . Approved by Yfavor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By By : . . � g9 �� - � �.,�-y- , . ; -. � /�71�.�� Members: �� r��� ' Janice Rettman, chair -%� %�� GITY OF INT PAUL gill Wilson 1it�:��.!.;(' : !iEI(i.�1R � �,:� orFic� or � ci2`Y COUNCIL Bob Long Date: May 4, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN RECEIVED Councilperson. C o m m tt e R e p o r# MaY o ��1989 To: Saint Paul City Council CITY Cl.tttK From : Community and Hu a Services Committee Janice Rettman, Ch ir A meeting of the Community and Human er ices Committee was held on Wednesday, May 3, 1989. 1. A roval of Minutes of A ril 19, 89. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 10/20/89, Item No 3: First Readin - 88-1674 - An ordinance amendin Cha ters 409 and 410 revi in and u datin various rovisions of the Saint Paul Le islative code re ula in the sale of alchoholic bevera es and the conduct of licensed establishments Referred to Communit and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from Decem er 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined b � Kiki Sonnen ) (Laid over to A ril 5, 1989.) (Laid over to Ma 3, 1989. Phil B rne w 11 develo rotot es of matrix.) Recommended for approval of substi ut ordinance on a 4-0 vote. Phil Byrne will subnit ordinance to Chair. F rs reading to be scheduled for May 11, 1989. 3. Cit Council A enda 10/27/89, Item No 5: First Readin - 88-1721 - An ordinance amendin Section 409.36( ) f the Saint Le islative Code ertainin to resum tivp enalties for licen e iolations. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Commi te .) (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined b Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over to Ma 3, 1989. Phil B rne will d ve o rotot es of matrix.) � Recommended that 88-1721 be withdr , on a 4-0 vote. 4. Presentation of ordinance addressi od ins ection crisis situations. OrdinancP will be brought directly o he City Clerk's Office for introduction. ___...�--_..._,..�.__�...___. - -..�._._____—� e. W---_--_e. 5. Presentation of rou h draft of new am lin ordinance. ` The Committee recommended for appro al on 4-0 vote, to the City Council the attached ordinance. The 'first read'ng should be scheduled for May 11, 1989. �...-___. --�.____ ---�---__.. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 S 46 .� � - Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT May 3, 1989 Page Two 6. City Council Agenda 4/6/89, Item No 22: Resolution - 89-604 - Approving the appointment by the Mayor of KatP Seng to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. 7. City Council Agenda 3/23/89, Item No 27• Resolution - 89-501 - Requesting the Mayor to direct a 30-day moratorium commencing April 24, 1989 on the sale, transfer, requisition, or gift of any animal under the City's possession or control to any medical and/or product-testing laboratory or their agents or representatives and requesting the Mayor to direct animal pound officers and cable TV officers to implement and broadcast a weekly TV program showing all lost and abandoned animals currently at the pound with instructions on how to reclaim pets and for people interested in adopting an animal (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to May 3, 1989 City Attorney's Office to draft amendments.) Recommended for approval, as amended, on 3-1 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 3/23/89, Item No 30: Resolution - 89-504 - Authorizing Division of Parks and Recreation to undertake a Pest Control Program on City park properties and post notification of same. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr � ., ,• . . -}. • ,--- � �� • . lst � .— _ • '_..._-_-- 2nd �"�a?�--�� . 3rd _��?.5-�,�y' Adopt � -�-�� Yeas Nays DIMpNp �°'=' d c�"��� GOS�IITZ /7�5� LONG RE'I'TMAN SONNEN WILSON . P�t. PRESIDENT� SCHEIB L