89-831 '�NITE - C�7V CLERK � � ��" 1:NK � FINANCE C�uACll CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAU L I BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun i Resolution +\��` ` _!J Presented By eferred To Committee: Date ��� Out of Committee By Date Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, Policy 0-8 (Spending Reduct on Incentive For General Fund Activities) in the City of Saint Paul's 1989 Budget Go ls and Policies allows for 1/3 of money saved in one year be designated for d partment in fund balance; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning nd Economic Developraent has $11,706 available to it in this 1/3 Savings Incentive ro ram; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning nd Economic Development is in need of computer equipment which will replace existin o solete computer network hardware; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sect on 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropr at on revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the fo lo ing changes to the 1989 budget: Current Budget Changes Amended Bud�et FINANCING PLAN 126 PED Operations Fund S6-126-36000-7399-88018 Transfer fr m Government Employment & Traini g Programs Fund (JTPA) $ 189,200 $ 7,509 $ 196,709 S6-126-36000-7299-88003 Transfer fr m General Fund 1,526,420 11,706 1,538,126 All Other Fund Financing 6,414,993 -0- 6,414,993 Total PED Operations Fund $8,130,613 $19,215 $8,149,828 001 General Fund 9840 Fund Balance - Designated f r 1/3 Budget Savings -0- 11,706 11,706 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Dep��en f: Yeas Nays Dimond �� �� [n Fa r Gosw;tz � �� A ains BY � �' `�, Scheibel — g Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved ayor o Su mi ion to Council V gy By �-d''�/ 't.i 1 T E — C I T V C L ER K c COU�1C I I [12!��.c_L_(V�I—_ PINK — FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L , -7�� CANARV� DEPARTMENT �Lql���- BI.UE — MAVOR File NO. �� � Cou c 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 2 Current Budget Changes Amended Budeet SPENDING PLAN 126 PED Operations Fund 36010-0857 Data Processing Hard ar $ 30,700 $19,215 $ 49,915 All Other Fund Spending 8,099,913 -0- 8,099,913 Total PED Operations Fund $8,130,613 $19,215 $8,149,828 345 Governmental Employment & Trai in Fund 36540-0537 Operating Transfer Ou $ 93,300 $ 3,755 $ 97,055 36541-0537 Operating Transfer Ou 55,800 1,877 57,677 36543-0537 Operating Transfer Ou 14,700 1,877 16,577 36540-0547 Payments to Subcontra to 1,076,700 (3,755) 1,072,945 36541-0547 Payments to Subcontra to 477,700 (1,877) 475,823 36543-0547 Payments to Subcontrac or 59,000 (1,877) 57,123 Al1 Other Fund Spending 2,914,000 -0- 2,914,000 $4,691,200 $ -0- $4,691,200 001 General Fund 06000-0537 $1,526,420 $11,706 $1,538,126 RESOLVED, that the City Council appro s hese changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: �� ��.�L Bud et D r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Dep rtment of:,�� Yeas Nays �'� Dimond �ng [n Favor � �Zl�` �� .O ��� / scn�i�i � A ga i n s t By �� -'�'''� �—r��":�..L-----��- Sonnen Wilson MAY 2 5 � Form Appr d by City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date ��J�'✓� Certified a ed by Counc' Secret BY � By, ' n. Approve y Ma r. C�- _ 2 APPr May for ssion to Council F ` ' � By —� ��— B �9--Z �--- PUBL� J'J�J - 319 9 � DEP �ENT/OFflCEI00UNpL DA INI TED �I Pl anni ng & Economi c Devel opment 4 3/ 9 GREEN SH NO. 6� CONTACT PER80N 6 PHONE IN INITIAUDATE DEPM7�AENT DIRECTOR �J CITY COUNGL William Patton 3253 pTyATTORNEY �cmrcx�K MUBT BE ON OOUNCIL ADENDA BY(D/1T� BUDOET pIREC'TpR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAQE8 1 (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR 81QNATURE� �E ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of attached resolution amending 1989 budget. APR �.� 1989 �ITY RECOMMENDATIONS:�PP�UU o►Rslea(AJ COU L MITTEElI�SEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLMININ(i COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION A� PHONE 1�. _GB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMM NTS: A P R `- •� _DI8TRICl'COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpI OBJEC11VE4 �<�AYGR�.� �i���CE INfT1ATIN(i PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPOR7UNITY(VViw,Whet,Whsn,Where.WNy): The Department of Planning & Economic ev lapment has $11,706 avai1able to it under the 1/3 savings incentive program. PE a1 o has a need for replacement computer equipment and two additional microcomp e . ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: PED will be able to maintain its automa ed programs with the needed replacement of computer hardware. DISADVANTAOES IF APPpOVED: � ^�one. /�PR 1� "iy�39 BUDGET Ur��°,�� asnov�wr�oes iF rior nP�oveo: Pdany of PED's current automated programs ou d be discontinued. Co��r��i! R�search Center APR 25 "i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 19°Z 15 COST/i�VENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ON� � NO FUNDINQ SOURCE Federal grants, General Fund A���N�� 36010 FlNANCIAL INFORMA110N:(DCPWNj . ... . .. ... .: ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. .__..... ... _.... _ ;. �_. ..�_..._�_..,�..z�..�� � C.f- ��/�f;'.':: s' _ ��'1' GITY OF INT PAUL � ��. :�s� t'-I �!'° = OFFICE OF ' H CITY COUNCIL Comm e Report Finance Mana eme t Personnei Committee MAY 1 , 989 1. Approval of minutes of May 1 , 1989 me ting. Approved 3-0 2. Completion of discussion regarding Ca ital Resolution A•llocation Financing Policies, 19 -1 94. Rpproved 3-0 3. Completion of discussion regarding 19 0 Resolution Budget Goals and Rolicies. Approved 3-0 4. Discussion of Mayor's mid-year bu et supplement Information only recommendations including the foll wi g: no action required A. Resolution 89-400 - amending e 1989 budget Approved 3-0 � by adding $45,071 to the Fina ci g and Spending � Plans for Community Services ep rtment Parks and � Recreation Building Maintenan e. (Referred from Council March 9) B. Resolution 89-493 - amend ng the 1989 budget Approved 3-0 by transferring $5,000 from C nt ngent Reserve to Executive Administration Pers nn 1 Office Labor Relations. (Referred from Co nc 1 March 23) C. Resolution 89-495 and 89- 96 - amending the 1989 Approved 3-0 budget by adding $30,000 to t e inancing and Spending Plans from General Fund to Ex cu ive Adrninistration for the five-year implementation la changing to a two-year i budgeting process. (Referred fr Council March 23, laid over April D. Resolution 89-831 - amend ng the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding' $19,215 to the Financi g Spending Plans ` for PED Data Processing Hardw re fund to replace ., add equipment. (Referred fr m Council May 9) 5. Resolution 89-744 - amending the 98 budget by Approved 3-0 addding $1.425.84 to the Financin 8 Spending Plans for Public Works Equipment Servic s. (Referred from Council May 2? - CiTY HALL SE EN H FLOOIt SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 . .a . � ������ 6. Resolution 89-829 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $50,500 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries for supply and storage closet in auditorium of St. Anthony Park 8ranch Library. (Referred from Councii May 9) 7. Resolution 89-832 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $16.448 to the Financing 8 Spending Pla�s for Police Special Investigations, Narcotics Control Surveillance Program. (Referred from Councii May 9) 8. Resolution 89-833 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $11,200 to the Financing � Spending Plans for Police Special Investigations for the purchase of certain investigative equipment. (Referred from Council May 9) 9. Resolution 89-816 - authorizing severance pay in Approved 3-0 the amount of $4,000 to the estate of Sergeant Michael D. Markuson. (Referred from Council May 4) 10. Resolution 89-764 - approving and ratifying Memorandum Approved 3-0 of Agreement between the Professional Employees Associ- ation. (Referred from Council May 4) 11. Resolution 89-767 - amending Section 8.A. 1 of the Laid over Civil Service Rules pertaining to filling vacancies. indefinitely (Referred from Councii May 4) 12. Resolution XX-XXXX - supporting repeal of Section 89, Approved 3-0 Tax Reform Act of 1986. Additional item Reports on budgeted administrative orders were distributed. •A