89-829 -- — /,�, WHITE - UTY CLERK � �d'v�� PI/�K - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council CANARV -QEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ou cil solution ��o�� , . _ _- Presented B . eferred To Committee: Date ��� ` Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services, Di ision of Libraries, has received funding from the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library Associat on in an amount not to exceed $4,000 for the sole purpose of the construction of a supply/s or ge closet in the auditorium of the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library, and WHEREAS, The said amount of $4,000 is to cover al expenditures connected with said construction with the understanding that any unexpended bal nc will be returned to the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library Association, and WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services, Di ision of Libraries, has building projects approved in prior years, not completed in 1988, a d WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07. 1 f the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in ex es of those estimated in the 1989 budget for the Library Special Revenue Fund, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following c ng s to the 1989 Library Special Revenue Fund budget: COMMUNITY SERVICES - LIBRARIES ur nt Amended ud et Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 349-33400 Library Special Revenue Fund -6905 Gifts and Donations 0- $4,000 $ 4,000 -9890 Use of Fund Balance 0- 46,500 46,500 All other financing 19 ,500 -0- 195,500 19 ,5 50,500 46,000 SPENDING PLAN 349-33400 - Library Special Revenue Fund -0271 Building repair 0- $35,000 $ 35,000 -0299 Other Miscellaneous Serv. 1 ,010 9,000 20,010 -0219 Fees - other professional ,000 3,100 6,100 -0898 Building improvements ,000 3,400 11 ,400 All other spending 1 ,490 -0- 173,490 1 , ,5 46,00 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� _ Against BY sonnen Wilson Form Appr d by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date � Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary By � By � , A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approv May fo Submis 'on to Counci � < By WHITE - CITV CLERK �Q1 PINK - FINANCE COUflCll r CATIARV -pEPARTMEN7 G I TY SA I NT PA U L BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. Cou c l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date resolved, That the City Council approves th se changes to the 1989 Budget. Approval Recommended: -1 S � '� , Bu get Di ctor COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: Dimond Commu ' Serv i ces �� In Favor � � xet�ao �be;be� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson �qY 2 5 f� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Cerlified a ed by Council Secretary BY 7 a// By, R �/`'f� Approve ,;Navo • _ M�,Y 2 �� Approv � May fo u ' sion to Council . (�� gy ���1��1�9� —__,ti Lr�r �6r-- lSHE� J'J N - `� 1989 � � � , i - � DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED � (�I� �9 Community Services - Libraries 4��4�s9 REEN SHEET NO. c3 J nnu a►r �Nmnwnre CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE EPA TMENT DIRECTOR �I ► CITY COUNqI Gerald W. Steenberg 292-6211 �� nv rroRN�r ��� MUST BE ON CaJNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROU7INO U DIRECTOR FlN.d MOT.BERVICEB DIR. AY (OR AS81ST N TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL LOCA ION FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: �� 0./ Approval of Council Resolution bringing fund ba ance forward Construction of a storage/supplies closet in th auditorium of the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library REOOMMENDA710N8:Approve(A)w Rs�sct(R) COUNCIL COMM E RCH f�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COOAMISSION _qVIL SERVI(�COMMIS810N A�� • PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ RECF`��� REC�I COMMENTB: �� APR 2 �1 1°89 —o�icr oouRr — /�P R 1 `l 198 SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNdL OBJECTIVEI , tf r '' � ��1{II�}� INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Where,Why): Building projects approved in prior years but no completed. A lack of storage space for-supplies, equipme t n the auditorium of the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library. This space receives a lot f se from the community groups, additional storage would benefit all. The Saint Antho y ark Branch Library Association is desirous of contributing funding for this project. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Necessary building projects will be completed Additional storage space will help in making he auditorium more functional and adaptable for many types of activities. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED APR 2 0 1989 DIS/1DVMITAOES IF NOT A�ROVED: pUDGGT W��V E Building projects will not be completed. Equipment/supplies will not be locked away 1 av'ng the auditorium with a cluttered look and 1 imit the use of space. Co��:c�! E�e��arch Center APR 2 5 ���9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION s 5Q �nn C T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON��( YES) NO Use of fund balance 349-33400 J FUNDIN�i SOURCE Anthon Park Branch ' r A IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(IXPWM As soc i at i on � r / �U / �(�� l// (/ Resolution 89-829 - amending t 1 89 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $50,500 to the Financin 8 pending Plans for Community Services Oivision of Libraries for supply and storage closet in au it rium of St. Anthony Park Branch Library. ( ef rred from Council May 9) 7. Resolution 89-832 - amending th 1 9 budget y pproved 3-0 adding $16,448 to the Financing S ending Plans for Police Special Investigation , arcotics Control Surveillance Program. ( ef rred from Council May 9) 8. Resolution 89-833 - amending the 19 9 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $11,200 to the Financing S nding Plans for Police Special Investigations fo the purchase of certain investigative equipmen . (Referred from Council May 9) � 9. Resolution 89-816 - authorizing s ve ance pay in Approved 3-0 the amount of $4,000 to the estat o Sergeant Michael D. Markuson. (Referred f m ouncil May 4) 10. Resolution 89-764 - approving and at'fying Memorandum Approved 3-0 of Agreement between the Professio al Employees Associ- ation. (Referred from Council May 4) 11. Resolutio� 89-767 - amending Secti n .A. 1 of the Laid over Civil Service Rules pertaining to itling vacancies. indefinitely (Referred from Councii May 4) 12. Resolution XX-XXXX - supporting rep al of Section 89, Approved 3-0 Tax Reform Act of 1986. Additional item Reports on budgeted administrative rd rs were distributed. �, �_ .. _ _ . ... . . . . . . . . . . ._ ._....... ... ....:_�_ .... _....�......_�...._ - �-_ � , , ,,, `���� i�s-r '4 r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � .'� ' z�r�s�❑ . i-='-z ��`D =� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Committee Report Finance, Mana ement. & Personnel Committee MAY 15, 1989 1 . Approval of minutes of May 1 , 1989 meeting. Approved 3-0 2. Compietion of discussion regarding Capital Resolution A•llocation Financing Policies, 1990-1994. Approved 3-0 3. Completion of discussion regarding 1990 Resolution Budget Goals and Policies. Approved 3-0 4. Discussion of Mayor's mid-year budget supplement Information only recommendations including the following: no action required . A. Resolution 89-400 - amending the 1989 budget Approved 3-0 by adding $45,071 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Services Department Parks and Recreation Building Maintenance. (Referred from Council March 9) B. Resolution 89-493 - amending the 1989 budget Approved 3-0 � by transferring $5,000 from Contingent Reserve to � Executive Administratio� Personnel Office Labor I Relations. (Referred from Council March 23) C. Resolution 89-495 and 89-496 - amending the 1989 Approved 3-0 budget by adding $30,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans from General Fund to Executive Administration for the five-year implementation plan changing to a two-year budgeting process. (Referced from Council March 23, laid over April 3) 0. Resolution 89-831 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding' $19,215 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans ` for PED Data Processing Hardware fund to replace .. and add equipment. (Referred from Council May 9) 5. Resolution 89-744 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 addding $1 ,425.84 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Public Works Equipment Services. (Referred from Council May 2) - CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6�46