89-828 WHITE - CiTV CIERK � �/ • �� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF I NT PAIT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - K/1VOR File �O• . _ uncil esolution . � Presented By e erred To Committee: Date ��°? " ' Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the use of chemical f t lizers and pes�.icides continues to grow despite repeated warn 'ng about the hazards they present to the environment; and WHEREAS, chemical fertilizer nd pesticides continue to be applied improperly and in inc rr ct amounts by a public that is neither trained ���operly in pp ication nor educated about the use and hazards of such produc s; and WHEREAS, the use of chemical er ilizers and pesticides for lawn care presents a threat to du ts who apply them, to young children and to animals, es ec ally when there is inadequate rainfall to dissolve, di ut or otlierwise allow for effective utilization of the p od cts; and WHEREAS, the sewer separatio p ogram in St. Paul will divert surface water runoff cont in ng significant amounts of fertilizers and pesticides ir ctly into lakes, rivers and retention ponds thereby poiso in fish and wildlife and creating the potential for buildup of d ng rous concentrations; and WHEREAS, the cumulative eff ct of chemical fertilizers and pesticides leaching into th soil and groundwater through percolation has the potential o ecome a long-term environmental problem for future generations th t may not be corrected; and WHEREAS, there is a need to r du e the volume of toxic chemicals introduced into our environmen ; and WHEREAS, environmentally safe or anic fertilizers and pesticides have the potential to provide th same net results for lawns and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B �hQ1�� A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �'__�-o��` WHITE — C�TV CLERK COUIICII ;�-g,� 0 IjE — I.bAVORE CITY OF AINT PAiTL File NO. �e��'� �a CANARV DEPARTMENT � Council R solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date gardens, can result in a hea t ier plant, and are less of a threat to humans, animals and h environment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, there is hereby est bl ' shed the Toxic Chemical Task Force under the City Council o the purpose of holding public hearings and making recommen at'ons to the council regarding rules, regulations and possibl b nning of non-organic chemical fertilizers and pesticides; an it further RESOLVED, that said task f re shall be made up of 2 representatives from enviromm �t list groups, 2 lawn care industry representatives, 1 So 1 nd Water Conservation District representative, 1 agricultur 1 education representative, 1 representative from a recycli g rogram and 2 St. Paul youth; and be it finally RESOLVED, that said task fore s all complete its hearings and make recommendations for change i legislation within 90 days. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz � Rettman B scneibe� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN ' � '� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yas e uncil S et By By, Appr v by Mavor: D ! � N � `� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .� By BY PUBLtSt�fD J UN 17 1989 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNGL DATE INITIATED ����4 CITY COUNCIL - Councilmember Wilson 5/17/89 GREEN SHEET NO. i�� OONTACT PERSON d PHONE EPARTMENT OIRECTOR �GTY OOUNCIL Ma.rk Voerding 298-4646 N�� m a��r �qTV p.ERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVN:E8 DIR. AYOR(OR ABSISTANT) � TOTAL#►OF 81GNATURE PA�B 2 (CLIP ALL L T N$FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: To establish a Toxic Chemical Task Force u de the City Council for the purpose of holding public hearings and making recomme da ions to the Council regarding use and application of lawn chemicals. RECOMMENDnTIONS:Appove(N c►Ryect(iq COUNCIL I REPORT OPTI�IAL _PUWNINO OOMMI881�1 _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��YST PHONE NO. _���E � Cn�mri l momhor BruC2 oh isel 298-5309 _8'fAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTB WNICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Protection of Groundwater. iNm�n��eM,�ssue,OPPORTUNITY(Who,whu,wn�,wn.re,wny�: There is a need to reduce the volume of to c hemicals introduced into our environment. There exists a potential future impact on r round water supply from the misuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for la c re, and an increase in surface runoff contamination as a result of the sewer sepa at on program. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Reduction of the adverse effects on our hea th groundwater, and fish and wildlife from the misuse of chemical fertilizers and pest ci es for lawn care. DI8ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �fliie DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED: Increasing amounts of toxic chemicals going nt our groundwater su 1 PP Y• TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a N/A T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO 80URCE A IVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . ����� c , 11. RESOLUTION 89-625: Ho ding the State harmless Approved 3-0 for granting a vari nc to allow existence of three utility poles wi hin the two-foot clear � zone required by MS s andards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. 7 h nd Smith. (Laid over in Cortanittee 5/17/89). 12. RESOLUTION 89-323: P1 to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Lai ov r in Committee Committee to 5/17/89)• 6/7/89 13. RESOLUTION 89-828: st blish Toxic Chemical Approved 3-0 . Task Force. .; . �; 14. DISCUSSION: Street a en Laid over in Notices. Comnittee to 6/7/89 15. DISCUSSION: Solid Wa te N/A 16. Other Discussion. � Member� ! 1��°�� CITY'��O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair - �� �i,,,,, � Janice Rettman _{;���, . . OFFIOE O T E CITY COUN(7IL Tom Dimond � Date: May 31, 1989 � Com it ee Report � . To: Saint Paul City Counci � From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee � .: - Roger J. Goswitz, C a r � ,:;. , 1. Approval of minutes o M y 17, 1989. Hearing Date _ 2. 6/6/8� FINAL ORDER: Acquisi io of a part of Approved 3-0 Lot 1 , Block 19, Beav r ake Heights. Purpose is to bring ALGONQUIN ST EET up to MSA standards. 3. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Sidewal c nstruction and/or . reconstruction at fol ow ng locations: S-8909 - North side G N AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Fairview to S. Wheele S reet; S-8910 - North side U IV SITY AVENUE from Approved 3-0 Pillsbury to Hampden e e with integral curb; S-8906 - South side AN Y AVENUE from Etna Laid Over to Hazelwood Street, a d ast side ETNA STREET Indefinitely from Reaney Avenue to us Avenue; S-8907 - Both sides WI SO AVENUE from White Withdrawn - Bear Avenue to Ruth St ee . C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOUR SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA 55102 . _ . . � � �. ���.�� � , 4. FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk construction for the Approved 4-0 following projects reconstructed in accordance with the ep rtment of Public Works recommendations and he Heritage Preservation Cortani ss i on - Resol ut'on 89-1 : S-8902 - South side SU MIT AVENUE from Heather. Drive to Ram ey Street; S-8903 - North sid S MMIT AVENUE from Portland Avenue to K nt Street; S-8904 - North side SU MIT AVENUE from Selby Avenue to Western Av nu ; � �f S-8905 - South side SU MIT AVENUE from Ramsey -:; Street to approximat ly 70 feet east of the � extended east line o N na Street, and S-8908 - West side NI A STREET from Summit Avenue to Maiden Lan ( rder on Nina Street to . be amended for work o done in accordance with the Heritage Pr se ation Commission) (Laid over in Commit e /3/89). 5. FINAL ORDER - 89-746: C nstructing sanitary Approved 3-0 sewer and service con ec ions in HALL LANE from Delos Street to 50 feet north of Delos Street. (Referred bac t Committee 5/11/89). 6. 6/29/89 . RATIFICATION OF ASSES ME TS: For the grading Approved 3-0 and paving of the Nor h- outh/East-West alleys in Block 1 , King's Ar ad Park Addition (bounded by Wheelock, Ar ade, Sherwood and Walsh) . (Laid over i C mmittee 3/22/89) . 7. RESOLUTION 89-821: A en ing the 1989 budget Without by adding a545,248 to th Financing and Recommendation Spending Plans for Pu li Works Traffic Signal Lighting Maintenance un . (Referred to Committee 5/11/89). 8. REPORT of the Parks a creation Division on N/A the PIG'S EYE WOOD RE C ING CENTER. 9. UPDATE - Signage, etc. fo traffic signal N/A modifications at vario s ocations along I-94 corridor in downtown S . aul . 10. RESOLUTION 89-770: Re ue ting the Mayor to Denied 3-0 direct the Department f inance and � Management to reduce b S 8,000 the 1989 assessment against pro er ies which did not receive promised stree c eaning services in the Fall of 1988. (La d ver in Committee 5/17/89) .