89-822 . ' �,F.,-� . , , ���.. !.� ..� ��.��:. �,ri�..�:.��,.�� , _ _ ._ , . � _ : : , � . �;. , ..: �1 ciTV oF sr. P,au� COUNCIL FILE N0. �� �o��� FINAL ORDER By File No. �'89-0$ Voting In the Matter of Ward . Sidewalk reconstruc io at the following locationt 1 West sfde �ina Street fr m Sumar3t Avenne to Maidea Laae. � ESTIMATED COSTS AND RATES AESIDENTIAL rates (SI�iGLE PAMILY T ARSE FAMILY) — For a S—ft Wide sidexalk: Replacemeat of old side a k, S6.50 per frant feaot. For a 6—ft wide sidewalk: Replacesent o o d �alk, $7. 50 per front f�ot. All corner residentisl propertie ill receive a credit up to the' first ISO feet of reconstruced si ev lk alang and sbutting the "lon� side" of tt�e property. � COMMERCIAL ratea (all property oth r than residential) • . 100X of actnal C cost estisated to be spproxisat 2 $4 .00 per square foot of walk � constructed. ��$'� under Preliminary Order � approved � � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has on ucted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Ci C arter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all person , o ections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, th refo e, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City f S int Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby irec ed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the c mp tion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the sa e t the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Diaeo�d Nays C,ps�►its Certified ssed by Council Secretary Lc�ng Retit�l� I Fav r By 3cheibie2 � +ga�� A ain iiilson Mayor - ' V&A 3/22/8 C��7 ��' ` DEP EN�lOFF1 Nql DATE INITIA Public Works Sidewalks 3�l�is GREEN SHEET No. 8 6 0 (�ONTACT PERSON d PFIONE IN171AU DATE IMITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT WfiECTOR �CITY COUNqL Thomas P. Keefe -- 292-6283 N� qTY ATTORNEY Q CITY CLEF�C MUST BE ON OOUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� 3� /$9 ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.�RVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's ��fice no �Y���,��,� � Council Research TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACiION REWEBTED: Reconstruct old, defective, an u safe sidewalk in Ward 1 -- File No. S-89-08 W.S. Nina Street - Summit Aven e o Maiden Lane RECO�AMENDATION3:Apprare py a Rs�ct(R) COUNqL EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. —CIB COMMITTEE — � A srn� _ coM�rrrs _DIBTRICT COURT _ BUPPORTS WNICN OOUNqL OBJECTiVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV(1Nho,Whet.Whsn,WMre,Whyg The problem "defective sidewalk w s created because of tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alterating f ee e/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature ar ations, etc. These problems occur on a city- wide level and must be addresse a d corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrecte , the sidewalk condition would rs n to a state where it would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedest i in3uries from falls and possible litigations. ADVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: The communtty will benefit fro t is project because it will provide safe defect free sidewalksfor its m ny citizens. ` The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so it fol ow that private sector jobs are created as a res�lt of this activity. DFSADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk re on tructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction p oc dure' and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assess en s, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized i still remains controversial. DISADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the ' f structure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate o personal injury suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure of larger do lar amounts in eventual repairs and/or replacement, as well as clai p youts. 4�;,:�.� , ���:���.'���i:il i,��il2t" I'��I,'-�,� u �� �i':��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 2�S OO � ENUE 9UDGETED CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE 89-M-0658 A. PIA 89 = 38 ,0 ACTIVITY NUMeER A2201 - 02150 FlNANdAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) B. AST = 3O �O C. CIB 89 = 50 00 R � � � a . . . rx, , � � . ✓ NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONB NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2 Budget Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. Ciry Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayodAsalstant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty Council 6. Finance Ac�unting 6. Cfiief Axountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ail other's) � Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attomey 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAasistant 4. Budget Dlrector 4. City Council 5. Gty Gerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepaRment 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these psges• ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIt3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPAFi�►TION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNCiL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa s in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�ect/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom7 When1 For how iong7 DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traific, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Afthough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat ansNrer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? , - � . . . . . . ����.�. � ' , Members: CITY OP' AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair � . i=iijiiio , OFFIO�3 OF T � GITY COQNOIL JanIC@ R@t�fllafl � Tom Dimond . f Date: May 3, 1989 RE�;�3���Q Com i tee Report MAY 0 31989 To: Saint Paul City Coun il � cirY c�trcK From :Public Works, Utilit e , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, ir � The Public Works Committee at i s eeting of May 3, 1989 took the following action: � 1. Approval of minut s f April 19, 1989. Hearing Date 2. 5/11/89 FINAL ORDER: S e lk reconstruction for the Laid Over In following pro� ct to be constructed in Committee to accordance with he Department of Public Works 5-31-89 recommendations nd the Heritage Preservation . Commission Resol ti n 89-1: , 5-89-02 - Sout ide SUMMIT AVENUE from Heat er Drive to Ramsey Street S-89-03 - Nort ide SUMMIT AVENUE from � ' Por a Avenue to Kent Street 5-89-04 - Nor side SUMMIT AVENUE from Sel y enue to Western Avenue � S-89-05 - Sou h side SUMMIT AVENUE from � Ram ey Street to approximately 70 � ft. ea t of the extended east line of in Street 3..:-5-/-�./$9 FINAL ORDER: id walk reconstruction at the t,�,�.d Ov�er..::�n • following: Co�rmnittee To 5-31-89 S-89-08 - Wes s de NINA STREET from Summit Ave ue to Maiden Lane 4. 5/9/89 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved permanent and t mporary easements for the 3-0 ' STARKEY/PLATO TO SEWER PROJECT. 5. 5/16/89 FINAL ORDER: aking a permanent easement on Approved land descri ed as part southeasterly : of 3-0 SEVENTH STREE o Lot 1, Block 12, Brunson's Addition for t e purpose of improving and maintaining t e ridge. C1TY HALL SEVE H LOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESO'TA 55102� .�,�e .. � . : � �� , . . . . ������ 6. RESOLUTION 89-621: C ncurring with action Approved taken by the Board f ater Commissioners and 3-0 approving water m n easement on property owned by Andrew Rea ty orp, known as SEEGER SQUARE. (Referred t C ittee 4/11/89) . 7• RESOLUTION 89-623: ending C.F. 88-1757 by Laid Over In changing the width of construction of PASCAL Committee To from Marshall to Co co dia from 44 feet, with 5-17-89 parking on both sid s o 36 feet, with parking on one side. (Refer ed to Committee 4/11/89) . 8. RESOLUTION 89-624: H lding the State harmless Approved for granting a var an e to MSA width standards 3-0 on a portion o URLINGTON ROAD between Springside Drive a d otem Road. (Referred to Committee 4/11/89) 9. RESOLUTION 89-625: H lding the State harmless Laid Over In ' for granting a va a e to allow existence of Committee To three utility po es ithin the two-foot clear 5-17-89 zone required b M A standards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. 7 h and Smith. (Referred to ' Committee 4/11/89 . 10. RESOLUTION 89-62 : Authorizing proper City Approved officials to pay ra s City Investment the sum 3-0 of $97,680 for t a quisition of ponding area . in connection it the STILLWATER/NOKOMIS SEWER PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/11/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-6 7: Authorizing proper City Withdrawn officials to ep sit with the Clerk of District Court 35 120 for easement interest in land owned by Ad ell, Inc. in conjunction with the H L/HAMLINE SEWER PROJECT (Referred to Co i ee 4/11/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89- 61 Authorizing proper City Denied officials to 1 ase to Naegele Outdoor Advertising, In . , property located at 1060 W. 7TH STREET to d sp ay advertising sign. (Laid over in Committ e /19/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89 9 : Autho�izing proper City Approved officials to e ec te an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County and th c ties of Roseville and Falcon Heights for th cost, maintenance and operation of ra fic signals on LARPENTEUR at Hamline, FER WO D, DUNLAP and LEXINGTON PARKWAY. (Refe re to Committee 4/20/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89 23: Plan to phase out certain Laid Over In water syste s. (Laid over in Committee Committee To 3/8/89) . 5-17-89 15. CABLE ACCESS EP RT. No Action Required 16. _SOLID WASTE . Yll�TE - No Action Required . L r � � � � � � � ST�. � PAUL CI CaUNCIL PUBLIC HEA I G NOTICE �''`�" SIDEWALK C STRUCTION ���-�°�� File No. S-89-08 Dear Prorerty Owner: City Council District ll 1 Planning District Council ll8 To consider the recon tr ction of all or part of the public sidewal PU R POS E in front of your prop rt . The limits of this pro3ect are as follows: AN D West side NINA STRE T rom Summit Avenue to Maiden Lane LO CAT I O N +��EIVED APR 2 41989 CITY CLERK H E A RIN G Thursday, May 11, 1 89 at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chambe s, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------- -- ------------------------------------------- Please note that th P blic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item d evelop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please b in any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on We nesday, May 3, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:0 A M. If tl�e Council ap ov s the orders (or any part thereo , a port on IN FO R M ATIO N of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. You il only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. T e stimated rate for this project is as foll.ows: $2.75 per square foot Please Note: Tli s dewalk reconstruction will be done in accordance wi h he Department of Public Works' recommendations an t e Heritage Preaervation Commiasion Resolution 89 1. The sidewalk re on truction will consist of poured concrete sidewalks that will be sc re (not saw-cut) in a two-foot square pattern where tt�e current wid h s ten feet and on blocks where new nine-foot wide poured concrete si ewalks with a two-foot square scoring pattern already exist, nd scored in an 18-inch square pattern where the current width s ne feet with 18-inch tiles, and expansion �oints will match the sc ring. Also, the Depa tm nt of Public Works proposes to provide all property owners in this ar a the option to have ttie public sidewalks along ttieir property re laced with new poured and scored concrete sidewalks under City con ra t in 1989, or to have the existing tile sidewalks repaired to D ar ment of Public Works standards and specifications in 1989 under pr vate contract and a permit issued by the Department of Public Wor s if a property owner chooses the repair option but fails to comp et the work in 1989, the Department of Public Works proposes to i pl ment the pour-and-score option under City contract in 1990) . Notice sent 4/24/89 by the Real Estate Div. Dept. of Finance & • Management Services 218 City Hall - Court House, St. Paul, MN 55102 Please call 98 4255 for construction questions or - QU ESTIO N S (Voice or T ) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available t a swer any last minute questions on the project in Room 218 Ci y all from 8:30-9:00 A.M. tl�e same day as the hearing. . � ' � �� . , . . � � ����t _���-- � � .. � � � R *,nx`��fr { :} � � a*t+M a� x� . •p � ��1� -� u, x,;�i�� 1 '�� � � �I�J,A 2 `G�� � r°y'�" �:�. � ,-�, �w � - 1 - . . , � a , �� `'' � M � z . � .� �: ,.,,� -.. � � � �._ , . .: � i.:�. . : uM�. ,. � I -��?- �^ .� a a�' � �'d�?PMr��rsw��Wl��,s�," . RF�SIDENT�AL retes�singie fa ly t 3 tamiIp) � ,-�_�"-"�'y`'�i�:� For a 5-foot wide sidewslk:ReP� �.of ald s' ewalk � . " For a 8-foot wide sidewalk:Re � � �r�t�' A���e1t� A _ oId sid�*alk S�.BQ�isont 11�pt, ; , P�Ptrties i11 ve a c�t np,ta t,i�x�i3�tit�t:o� " �v` ot ne��retrueted siidewaIlt o an�.abuttir�g the '•Ioa��#�••,���:. ca �`' , . c�AL ratesiatl prope y o er tk�an resiaentia�) 3t1R°+fo pi acttual cust estimated,t be . walk roastivctec�. �Ps�cncimately S4.QO�r+er squsre tctt�t�qst � The Gqunci,t of tl�e.Gitg of Saint au1 ving arecesved the r�port ot'the;��yoF ' �upon f}ie above improvement, vin cons�dered said resolves: � ?�3�Ort, hereb�! 1. That the safd report and th same is herebY aPP�v� with na aIternatives, and that the t�d eost thereof is,see above,faP cbafs' and rates financed by asses en . : � 2. �'hat a public hearing be had a ic3 imgrovement on the.l lth daX cti��� . 2989,at 9:00 o'clock .m.. ' t#�e ovncil Chambers of the t,'�'�" , oi ouse tu img in th Cit ot Ssint AauL 3. That notice of said pubiic ea g be given to the persons:and ia the maaaer provided by the C rte ,st�ting tlie time and place of hearin�, ;�e nature of the improvem t d the total cost thereof as esti�mat�;d: File l+�o: S-89-08 Adopted by the Cauncil April 19 : AFri15, 1989. tA ril 5, 1989) ,....._._ _ r�___._.�, ,. ,. _:. .. . __ _ ..,�.�.:._ --- - -- �-;--,-,�,-,-. .�,,,..� . .: . �. � � � . � � C��- �a�. , , 4. FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk co struction for the Approved 4-0 . following projects to constructed in . accordance with the De ar ent of Public Works , recommendations and th H ritage Preservation Commission - Resolutio 8 -1 : S-8902 - South side S MM T AVENUE from .,: ' Heather. Drive to Ramse S reet; . S-8903 - North side U IT AVENUE from Portland Avenue to Ke t treet; S-8904 - North side UM IT AVENUE from Selby Avenue to Western Ave ue � ��;� S-8905 - South side UM IT AVENUE from Ramsey -:,�� Street to approximate y 0 feet east of the � � extended east line of Ni a Street, and S-8908 - West side I STREET from Summit Avenue to Maiden Lan ( der on Nina Street to . be amended for work o e done in accordance with the Neritage Pr se vation Commission) (Laid over in Commit ee 5/3 89 . 5. FINAL ORDER - 89-746. onstructing sanitary Approved 3-0 sewer and service c ne tions in HALL LANE from Delos Street t 3 feet north of Delos Street. (Referred b ck to Committee 5/11/89) . 6. 6/29/89. RATIFICATION OF ASS SS ENTS: For the grading Approved 3-0 and paving of the N rt -South/East-West alleys in Block 1 , King's rc de Park Addition � (bounded by Wheelo , rcade, Sherwood and Walsh). (Laid ove i Committee 3/22/89) . 7. RESOLUTION 89-821: A ending the 1989 budget Without by adding �545,248 to the Financing and Recomnendation Spending Plans for Pu lic Works Traffic Signal Lighting Maintenan e und. (Referred to Committee 5/11/89). 8. REPORT of the Par s nd Recreation Division on N/A the PIG'S EYE W00 R CYCLING CENTER. 9. UPDATE - Signage, et . for traffic signal N/A modifications at ar ous locations along I-94 corridor in down wn St. Paul . 10. RESOLUTION 89-77 : Requesting the Mayor to Denied 3-0 direct the Depar me t of Finance and � Management to re uc by �28,000 the 1989 assessment again t roperties which did not receive promised st eet cleaning services in the Fall of 198 . Laid over in Committee 5/17/89). _:..... .. . _ ------ ,, ._ . ...:��__._� --- -� �- �, .- : , , . . . . - .- _._ .. � _�r:r....,,,...� _:. .._ .. -- :�...: ,-�i.-s-:_ . .�>�.:, ,._:�.... ..:..... . R. ` � . , 4. FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk reconstruction for the Approved 4-0 following projects to be reconstructed in . accordance with the Department of Public Works recommendations and the Heritage Preservation Commission - Resolution 89-1 : S-8902 - South side SUMMIT AVENUE from ., Heather. Drive to Ramsey Street; . S-8903 - North side SUMMIT AVENUE from Portland Avenue to Kent Street; S-8904 - North side SUMMIT AVENUE from Selby Avenue to Western Avenue; � �s S-8905 - South side SUMMIT AVENUE from Ramsey ':.� Street to approximately 70 feet east of the ' extended east line of Nina Street, and S-8908 - West side NINA STREET from Summit Avenue to Maiden Lane (Order on Nina Street to . be amended for work to be done in accordance with the Heritage Preservation Commission) (Laid over in Committee 5/3 89 . 5. FINAL ORDER - 89-746: Constructing sanitary Approved 3-0 sewer and service connections in HALL LANE from Delos Street to 350 feet north of Delos Street. (Referred back to Committee 5/11/89). 6. 6/29/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the grading Approved 3-0 � and paving of the North-South/East-West alleys in Block 1 , King's Arcade Park Addition � (bounded by Wheelock, Arcade, Sherwood and Walsh) . (Laid over in Committee 3/22/89) . 1. RESOLUTION 89-821: Amending the 1989 budget Without by adding �545,248 to the Financing and Recotr�nendation Spending Plans for Public Works Traffic Signal Lighting Maintenance Fund. (Referred to Committee 5/11/89) . 8. REPORT of the Parks and Recreation Division on N/A the PIG'S EYE WOOD RECYCLING CENTER. 9. UPDATE - Signage, etc. for traffic signal N/A modifications at various locations along I-94 corridor in downtown St. Paul . 10. RESOLUTION 89-710: Requesting the Mayor to Denied 3-0 direct the Department of Finance and � Management to reduce by $28,000 the 1989 assessment against properties which did not receive promised street cleaning services in the Fall of I988. (Laid over in Committee 5/17/89) . � � � �r`�"y--�a'� IN I HEARING D T : May 11, 1989 d1 PROJECT: CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK W . NINA ST. from Summit Ave. to Maiden Lane. INITIATING ACTION: This order was i iti ted by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of an ir��p cti n of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is Id ile with broken tile, holes in tile and asphalt patches. ......................................... ..... .............................................. 1 . . MMARY F EN IN IN RE MMENDATI N ��� �d� HEARING D T : May 11, 1989 ad1 N. . mmi Avenue - I n Av n K n r This order was initiated by the Director f P blic Works as a public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint, 1 request for repai , t e request of Joseph Koenig (City Engineer) and an inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with broken tile, hol s i tile, asphalt patches, uneven tile, settled tile and heaved tile. The Engineering Recommendation is f r pproval of the order for reconstruction as per the Heritage Preservation Commi io (HPC) resolution 87-4 passed on July 9, 1987. This resolution pertains to the r pl cement criteria for sidewalks on Summit Avenue. The resolution states: 1. Any proposed Department of ubl c Works activity within a Heritage Preservation District and requi in City Council approval should be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Co mi sion before going to the City Council for approval; the recommendatio s the Heritage Preservation Commission should be sent to the City Co nci along with the Department of Public Works proposal; and 2. The concrete tile public side alk along Summit Avenue between Selby Avenue and Dale Street and lo g streets which intersect Summit Avenue between the alleys and Sum it venue should be replaced with poured concrete sidewalks with the II ing conditions: The need for replacem nt s documented; The sidewalks are a wi h of 10 feet and scored (not sawcut) in a 2 foot square pattern where t e urrent width is 10 feet, and a width of 9 feet and scored in an 18 inch p tte n where the current width is 9 feet with 18 inch ' - � � . � � (�,������ • tiles; The expansion joints match he coring; and Handicap ramps are installe a on the northeast and northwest corners of Summit and Western Aven es, with a section of granite curbing lowered and the ramps on the insid of he curbs as part of the poured concrete sidewalk; and 3. Stone slab sidewalks along Su mit Avenue generally should be maintained and repaired as necessary with ri inal materials; asphalt and concrete patches should not be used; an 4. Any historic public sidewalk, cu in , street lighting or other public property, including brick and stone pavin , s ould be protected by property owners, contractors, the Department of u lic Works and utitlities from damage due to construction, snow removal or th r reasons; and historic property that is damaged should be repaired ith riginal materials; asphalt and concrete patches should not be used. Because of the historic aspects of th ar a, the amount of pedestrian use and the resolution by HPC, the Engineering ivi ion of Public Works will not be making the normal recommendations for replac e t of sidewalks. Our recommendations are as follows: 1. Replace all old tile (2 feet by fe t, 18 inch by 18 inch, hexagon or other) with new mono walk as indicated n e drawings (approximately 1 ,300 lineal feet). 2. The new mono walk will be th r 9 feet or 10 feet wide. 3. The new mono walk will be co d (not sawcut) to either 2 feet by 2 feet or 18 inch x 18 inch and the expa sio joints will match scoring. Where a new 9 foot wide mono walk exists with fe t by 2 feet scoring, the new walk will match the 2 feet by 2 feet score tile lo k. 8 inch by 18 inch scoring witl take place only if . . . . ���a� - the walk is 9 foot wide and no new si e Ik exists. 4. Handicap ramps installed where nee e . Follow the HPC recommendation on the installation. 5. The Department of Public Works pr po es to provide all property owners in the area the option to have the public s' e alks along their property replaced with new poured and scored concrete si e alks under City contact in 1989, or to have the existing tile sidewalks rep ir to Department of Public Works standards and specifications in 19 9 nder private contract and a permit issued by the Department of Public Work (if a property owner chooses the repair option but fails to complete the w k i 1989, the Department of Public Works proposes to implement the pour a d core option under City contract in 1990. HPC has reviewed our recommendatio fo reconstruction in 1988 and then again in 1989 and passed resolution 89-1 (see a hed) on February 9, 1989. The Department of Public Works has r vie ed the HPC resolution 89-1 and agree with it in principle with the following ex ep ons: 1. Items 1 and 2 under resolved a e Iready discussed above. 2. Item 4 asks for the driveway b ck cross the sidewalk at 362-364 to be preserved. This is contrary to ta dard sidewalk policy. We question the preserving of this brick. 3. Item 5 discusses that drivew c ossing patterns should not be changed at certain locations. We agree n t is except at 526 Portland and the open lot between 294 and 266 Sum t. hese patterns are in front of open areas and no driveways exist. � . � � - � �����a� CiTY O� SA1NT PAUL H�RITAGE PRESERVATION C MMlSSION RESOLUTION FILE NUMBER 89_1 DATE Fcbruary 9, 198 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritagc Preser at on Commission is authorizcd by Chapter 73 of t}:c Saint Paul Legislativc Code to revi d make rccommendations concerning all city activity to change the nature or appearan e o designated Heritage Preservation Sites or Hcritage Preservation Districts; and WHEREAS, Chaptcr 73 stated purposes in lu e to safeguard the heritage of the City of Saint Paul and to enhance the visual and est etic character and interest of thc City; and WHEREAS, thc Saint Paul Department of Pu lic Works is proposing to replace scctions of public sidewalks along Summit Avenuc b tw cn Selby Avenuc and Kent Strcet, within the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Distri t, hcre the sidewalks are deteriorated and where thc sidewalk grade needs to bc rai d o ensure adequate drainage; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for m int ining public sidewalks in a safe condition and can be held liablc for accidcnts and nj ry resulting from sidewalks with holes, heaves, sharp changes in gradc, and inadequate rai age; and WHEREAS, thc Summit Avenue Plan, ad pt d by the City Council as part of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan on September 9, 19 , c !ls for repiacement of the tile sidewalks on Summit Avenue east of Dale Street with po rcd concrete sidewalks scored to resemble the old tiles by 1990; and � WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservation C m ission, on July 9, 1987, unanimously adopted Resolution 87-4 setting design guideline fo sidewalk replaccment on Summit Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public or proposes to install new monolithic poured concrete sidewalks at a width of either in or ten feet to match the existing width where replacement is necessary, as called for i H C Resolution 87-4; and WHEREAS, the new monolithic poured o rete sidewalks will be scored (not saw-cut) in a . two foot square pattern where the curr nt idth is ten feet and on blocks where new nine foot wide poured concrete sidewalks w th two foot square scoring pattern already exist, and scored in an 18 inch square patter w ere the current width is nine feet with 18 inch tiles, and ezpansion joints will match t e s oring, as called for in HPC Resolution 87-4; and WHEREAS, handicap rarzzps will �r. in all d as necessary according to the HPC - recommendation in Resolution 87-4; a WHEREAS, the current diversity of si ew lk materials along Summit Avenue reflects the historic contribution of original owne s, a chitects and builders to Saint PauI's sidewalk system; and W�iEREAS, several property owners i th area have expressed an interest in repairing the ezisting concrete tile sidewalks along hei property; and ' , . ^ . . , ����a a (1[��• 1`,_'.Ul'J�i'.11: :z.;� �' I V P:le:. r'.vq w'FiEREAS, HPC Rcsolution 88-4, adoptcd o J nc 9, 1988, calls for rcp3ir rathcr than rcplaccment of sidcwalks along a numbcr o Su mit Avenuc properties; and VVHEREAS, the Dcpartmcnt of Public Work h s since rcccived cstimates for repair of existing concrcte tile sidewalks as well as f r r placcment with new concrcte tile sidewalks, and thc cost of such work would generally e bstantially higher (estimated to be two to four times higher) than replacement with p ur d concrete sidcwalks scored to resemble the old tilcs; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Wor s p oposes to provide all property owners in the area the option to have the public sidewal s a ong their property replaced with new poured and scorcd concrcte sidewalks under City on ract in 1989, or to have the existing tile sidewalks repaired to Department of Publ' rks standards and spcciCications in 1989 under private contract and a permit issue by the Department of Public Works (if a property owner chooses thc repair option ut ails to complete the work in 1989, the Department of Public Works proposcs to i p! ment the pour and score option under City contract in 1990); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha the Hcritagc Preservation Commission � recommends approval of thc Department f ubiic Works proposal to replace deteriorated sections of public sidewalks along the no th ide of Summit Avenuc from Selby Avenue to 329 Summit, 345 Summit to 365 Summit, 15 Summit to 5 Mackubin Strcet (Summit Avenue side), and 526 Portland Avenue (Summit v nue side) to 533 Summit, and along the south side of Summit Avenue from 516 Summi to 456 Summit, 432 Summit, 400 Summit to 340 Summit, and 324 Summit to 294 Summit ub ect to the following conditions and ezceptions: l. The existing hexagon concrete tile s de alks at 245 Summit, 251 Summit, 79 Virginia Street (Summit Avenue side), 361 S m it, 365 Summit, 445 Summit, 465 Summit, 344 Summit (the square conerete tiles s oul be replaced), and 324 Summit should be repaired as necessary, using hexago c ncrete tiles taken up elsewhere to replace broken tiles, if the property owner ag ee; if the property owners do not agree to pay the gencrally higher cost of repair, the sidcwalks should be replaced with scored concrete as recommended by Publi W rks; and 2. The existing square concrete tile s' e alks at 275 Summit, 285 Summit, 301 Summit, 495 Summit, 470 Summit, 432 Sum it, and 366 Summit should be repaired as necessary, using square concrete tiles takcn e sewhcre to replace brokcn tilcs, if the property owners agree; if the property own rs o not agree to pay the generally higher cost of repair, the sidewalks should be re lac d with scored concrete as recommended by Public Works; and 3. Sidewalks on the north side of Su m t between Selby and Nina which are replaced should be replaced with 9' wide on lithic poured concrete sidewalks scored in a 2' square pattern to match the exist ng attera; and 4. The hexagon tiles between the si ew lk and the street at 265 Summit and the brick driveway crossing at 362-364 Su mi should be preserved; and 5. Driveway crossing paving at 295 Su mit, 301 Summit, 526 Portland (Summit Avenue side), 344 Summit, and the open ot etween 294 and 266 Summit should be replaced with poured concrete scored to at h the existing paving or should not be changcd; and ' " ! • i:i''_ .. . . ,,.... :r. �x?:j-I l/� 0 ���� ~� t�:l�_ i ,lf':;: 6. Thc sandstone sidewalk along the east ha f of thc lot bctwecn 294 and 266 Summit should not bc changed; and 7. Thc stonc panels in the sidewalk alon th west half of thc lot between 294 and 266 Summit should be lifted and re-laid, it thc asphalt patches cleaned off, rather than rcplaced (in one place where a piece f s one panel is missing, it should be patched with concrete; if the entire panel nce s t be replaced, it should be replaced with a 5' by 10' concrete pane! without scoring ; a d 8. Asphzlt handicap ramps installed in 98 at Portland, Kent, Oakland and Heather should be replaced with handicap ra ps installed according to the recommendation in HPC Resolution 87-4, with a section f ranite curbing lowered and the ramps on the insidc of the curbs as part of the po rc concrete sidcwalk; and 9. The existing 6' widc mono walk at t e n rthwest corner of Summit and Arundel should be replaced with a 9' wide monolith' p ured concrcte sidewalk scored in an 18" square pattcrn. MOVED BY Committee SECONDED BY IN FAVOR 8 AGAINST 0 ABS'TAIN 0 � � . . � � U��� , . , ST. PAUL C T COUNCIL � � �sr-�'� � �,��. .,: � y --y � �t��� PUBLIC HEA NG NOTICE c/��- ,�� ,,,. �J/�\ � `�j �rf' SIDEWALK C STRUCTI�N `` l � rTr �;' � � File No. S-89-02-03-04-05-08 Dear Property Owner• City Council Ai4trict �/1 & ��2 � Planning District Council �8 & ��16 To consider the reco st uction of all or part of the public sidewalk PU R POS E in fron[ of your pro er y. The limits of this project are as follows: AN D South side StJMMI A NUE from Heather Drive to Ramsey Street. North side SiTMMI A ENUE from Portland Avenue to Kent Street. � LO CATIO N North side SITMHII A ENUE from Selby Avenue to Western Avenue. South side SUMI�II A ENUE from Ramsey Street to approximately 70 feet e ended east line of Nina Street. est side NINA S RE T from ' .,.Avx�.,,,,�o Ma„�.__ide,ii _ane"� Tuesday, June 27, 1 89 at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Chambe s, Third Floor City Hall - Court House RfCEIVE� �ur� 151989 CfTY CLERK INFORMATION If tl�e Council ap ro es the orders (or any part thereof) , a por[ion of, the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. You il only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. T e stimated rate for this project ie as follovs: RESIDENTIAL ES (one, two or three family home) 9 foot w de sidewalk - $12.38 per front foot 10 foot w de sidewalk - $13.75 per front foot COMMERCIAL RA ES (more than a three family home) $2.75 pe s uare foot Please Note: Tii s dewalk reconstruction will be done in accordance wi h he Department of Public Works' recommendations a t e Heritage Preservation Commission Resolution 8 -1. The sidewalk re on truction will consist of poured concrete sidewalks that will be sc re (not saw-cut) in a two-foot square pattern where the current wid h s ten feet and on blocks where new nine-foot wide poured concrete si ewalks with a two-foot square scoring pattern already exist, nd scored in an 18-inch square pattern where the current width s ne feet with 18-inch tiles, and expansion joints will match the sc ring. Also, the Depa tm t of Public Works proposes to provide all property owners in this ar a the option to have the public sidewalks along Notice sent 6/15/89 their property re laced with new poured and scored concrete sidewalks ' under City con ra t in 1989, or to have the existing tile sidewalks by the Real Estate Div, repaired to De ar ment of Public Works �tandards and specifications Dept. of Finance b in 1989 under ri ate contract and a permit issued by the Department Management Services of Public Wor s f a property owner chooses the repair option but 218 City Hall - Court fails to comp et the work in 1989, the Department of Public Works t�ouse, St. Paul, MN proposes to i pl ment the pour-and-score option under City contract 55102 in 1990) . Please call 2 8- 255 for construction questions or 298-4513 C�U ESTIO N S (�oice or TD ) or assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available to an. wer any last minute questions on the rroject in Room 218 Cit H 11 from A:30-9:00 A.M. tlie same day as the hearing.