89-820 � �.. . �,.,:� � � ,�'� ../ �`� ,'� . . . . • . l, .. � �J��/',,=''�..�C r`"� ✓ . � �/� %� WHITE - CITY CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT PA U L Council ��'aO CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR� F1I@ NO. �ou ci Resolution � Presented y - / Referred T � Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date of lmc�m 1989 General Fund bl et revisi n S s in�order tos p re an �.nven o udg, priorir�e then► so thatythe use of fund balance cauld be maintained a t 12-31-88 level, and Wf�EAS, The Mayor proposes 1989 budget r i ion priority for the City Attorney's office autcenatiari project, and WI-�EREAS, The Mayors pursuant to Section 1 .0 .1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for app�opriati r enues in excess of tlx�se estimated in the 1989 budget; and Wf�REAS, The Mayor recarmer�ds the follaw' g hanges to th,e 1989 budget: Ctirrent Amended __Budget____ Changes __Budget____ FII�NCING PL1�N ------------ 001 General Ftznd 9890 Use of Ftiux3 Balarbce, Unreserv 0 83,181 83,181 Un�designatec� 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserv 0 16,574 16,574 Designa ted, 1/3 Savings Program All Other Fin.aricing 124,907,698 0 124,907,698 ------------ ------------ ------------ S��I� �� 124,907,698 99,755 125,007,453 001 General Ftiuyd Office Of The City Attorney 00200 City Attorney-General O�erat 00200 0259 Othex-Travel Trainu�. es 0 10,600 10,600 00200 0299 Other Miscellaneous ic s 3,500 1,650 5,150 00200 0815 Desks Chairs or Tables 1,7b0 5,640 7,360 00200 0856 Data Processing Softwar 5,000 8,920 13,920 00200 0857 Data Processing Ha�lwar 24,500 69,460 93,960 00200 0859 Other Coimnanication Equ t 3,000 .3,525 6,525 00200 Other Spex�ling 1,664,537 0 1,664,537 All Other Sper�cling 123,205,.4Q1 0 123,205,4Q1 ------------ ------------ ------------ 124,907,698 99,755 125,007,453 �' � 99.755 RE90LVID, That th�e City Council appraves changes to th�e 1989 budget. Appraval Reco�ner�ded � _� I COUNCIL MEMBERS get D tor Yeas Nays Requested by Depart t of: Dimond � �� ��✓�`n Fa or �OO:amex�dl0.wk1 Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� Again t Y Sonnen � Wilson /� � /�/� Form Appro ed by City At ey Adopted by Council: te Certified Passed by Council ,ecretary BY By � Appr ve by Mayor ubmiss to Council Approved by 1Navor: Date — � -,� i ^ � ` v-e By B'y'�- � ' .� -� � . . ����d .. . . OFF CE AUTOMATION C TY ATTORNEY 1. INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this report s o present a budget request for funds necessary to automate the f ice of City Attorney. The City Attorney's office is in nee o modern equipment to maintain the efficiency required by the C ty Council, Mayor and departments and offices served by the attorne s. The office of Citywide Information Services has prepared an ou 1 ' e of the equipment, software and training required to meet the bj ctives of the City as a whole, while maintaining conformity with it -wide standards. The goal of this program is to commence design f he system immediately, and equip the office during the current f' c 1 year of 1989. A key factor to guarantee success of the prog am is to provide training for staff in � the use of the hardware and so tware as that will be required to implement the transition fro e isting methods used by the office. This program is supported by he over-all plans of the City of Saint Paul, by the office of Mayor n the City Council and care will be taken to provide a system with n he office of City Attorney that will complement the �needs of those of ices. 2 . OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY: , The office of City Attorney is currently made up of two divisions: Civil Division and Criminal Di is on. The Criminal Division is in the process of completing its aut ma ion needs by means of a local area network system (LAN) , connecti g he Division with the Prime computer = and the Ramsey County Court s st m computer. The network system is installed in the Lowry offic s of the Criminal Division and work stations are being installed f r 11 of the professional and clerical staff. The primary functio o this system is the handling of criminal complaints and their re ated files. Staff of the Criminal Division located in the City Ha 1 ill be equipped for computer access to the Prime and County system , ut will not have direct connection to the net work. However the Cr minal Case Management system being designed and programmed by CIS i not complete or ready yet. The Civil Division presentl h s two CPM mode PC's and one IBM PC (DOS mode) . The two CPM mac 'n s are 1982 Xerox micro and are no longer manufactured. The exis i CPM system must be replaced as it is not compatible with other e i ment within the City of Saint Paul environment. The office of City Attorney 's professional law office consisting of professional and clerical s af , much the same as is a private law office. The office has lagged fa behind in the evolution of modern equipment needed to supply th any demands of our era and it is necessary to provide the capa il ties made possible by automation. . 1 �.. .- ����o . . , . . Correspondence has increased it a need for the ability to prepare _ and change documents with a s orter turn-around time. Creating, changing and tracking of recor s and other forms of information is in greater demand, and will co ti ue to be so into the foreseeable future. The flow of informa 'o and the means used for the inter- change of information has als c anged. Automation with the propos d systems will provide computers for word processing, record mai te ance, communication and research. Professional staff will be a le to prepare drafts of documents at their work stations by means o a net work, and the clerical staff can then complete the documents ro their own stations. Exchange of messages between staff (and ci y-wide using Prime) will be made possible. Transmission of documents ia telecommunication lines (FAX) will be possible, as will the p ication of documents via optical scanning. Paper work will be ca ned and entered electronically into � the office's computer system o s to permit normal word processing of that text. These records ca t en be accessed by the lawyers almost instantly. - Computer research via WEST W and LEXIS will be possible for each work station, as well as other o rces available via telecommunication lines. Indexing of legal opin'on and legal research, including brief and form files, can be mai ta ned and ac�essible to all staff. Calendaring and use of to-do li ts are an important element in the functioning of a law office. Of equal importance is the creation of on-line data bases about eac ndividual case that the office is handling. Relatively uncompli a ed cases can involve reams of paper, including depositions, copies o relevant precedents and the court -: record itself. More complex a s may well involve small mountains of files. Citywide Information Servi es Division has recently commissioned a study by Public Administrati n Services or PAS and the advice given to the City regarding this of ic , underscores the need for a modern system: It is also important that t ity Attorney Office's Information system be able to pass dat t whatever word processing system is chosen for the office. T is will significantly lower the office's correspondence an d cument production costs. Office Automation will provide Ci y Attorney Office staff, all divisions, with an effectiv m ans to manage office and telephone messages. It is envisione t at Office Automation will be one part of the Automated System n ds of the City Attorney's Office. An office automation (OA) s stem would remedy many of the management ills that exist n he office due to the size of the office, numerous telephon ontacts, meetings and calendar assignments. The crimin 1 division staff indicated that . 2 . . �� �a-o . . .. telephone message slips we e often misplaced or delayed in _ transmission. OA will allo m ssages to be immediately sent to the respondent's terminal OA automates common office functions, and operates on rinciple of networking commonly shared files in the office. The advice given by Citywid nformation Services Division is to use the network system approa h. This is the use of a centralized large memory capacity for th ivil Division with computer work stations located throughout he office. Following is the cost estimate as submitted by the C t ide Information Services Division, together with estimates of cos s associated therewith. R ectful s ' ted: P. ST � City Attorney ,:� "": �, GR�EGO J�HA� PT ` itywi �"nfo�nation ervices ( � � , 3 , . � : � 4 ��-��d C=TY A T RNEY— C2V= L NETWORK ONF=GURAT =ON FILE SERVER Samsumg s386 System(4 b RAM, 20mhz, $8,419 295 mb hard driv , ntrack Disk Manager, PTI Datashield S S) Gateway 16 bit NIC @ $425 850 Everex 120mb tape b cE: p 1 , 500 File server setup 425 Novell Advanced Net r /286 v2. 15 software 2 , 995 Lanspool Printer Sh ri g Novell VAP 395 � Brightwork NetRemote S ftware 595 Carbon Copy Remote C m unications 300 Coverup Network Menu S ftware 20 15 ,499 NETWORK APPLICATION SOFTWARE: Wordperfect 5 .0 LAN 1 t station) , 395 Wordperfect addition s ations 18 @ $90 1 , 620 dBase IV LAN 695 2 , 710 WORKSTATIONS: Samsung s550 AT Work t ions 16 Q $2 , 100 33 , 600 Gateway 8 bit NIC 18 C� 349 6 , 631 Workstation setup 19 @ 30 520 Furniture 16 C� $350 5 , 600 46 ,401 NETWORK CABLING: Cable installation 2 , 500 1000 foot spool of c bl 650 Connectors, etc. 375 3 , 525 CONVERSION OF EXISTING DATA: Conversion of existi g ata on 1 , 650 Xerox CPM to DOS or perfect 50 8" disks C� $33 1 . . l .. ��{'�I O�� , �� TRAINING: On-site training and c nsulting support i0 ,000 Netware supervisor t aining 2 C $300 600 10, 600 PRINTERS/SCANNER: HP Laser Jet Series I with 2mb RAM & 13 , 770 IQ Tech. Super Ca t idge 3 c� $4,590 13, 770 � COMMUNICATIONS: Micro computer ' 3,000 NACS Software 2 ,000 Communications softw r 600 5 , 600 --------- NETWORKTOTAL-------- -- -----------------------------$99,755 ACTIVITY NO. 00200 0259- TRAINING 10, 600 � 0299- MISC. SERVICES 1 ,650 -� 0815-FURNITURE 5 , 600 0856-SOFTWARE 8, 920 0857-DATA PROCESSING HARDWARE 69 ,460 0859-DATA PROCESSING-OTHER- 3, 525 CABLING TOTAL $99 , 755 2 , � � ���� .t, DEPARTM�tNTlOF61CFJCOUNqL DATE NITIA ED � Cit Attorney 5 �/ 9 GREEN SHEET No. 2,5,�TE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE Q pEPAqTIdENT DIRECTOR COUNqL Jerr Se al 298-5121 cmr�rroR,�v c,rvc�K � MUST BE ON f�UNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) BUDOET DIRECTOR FlN.3 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAY�i(OR A881STAN7] TOTAL#�OF 810iNATURE PAQiES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACI7�1 REQUESTED: Automate City Attorney' s Office: ord processing, record maintenance, communication and research. RECOMMENDATION3:Approve pp a ReJect(F� L MI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN�COMMISSION _qVIL SEHVICE COMM18810N A� PHONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ _$T� _ COMM NTS: _018TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INfMTIN(�Pf�BLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What.When.Whero,Wh�: �y������yE3�Ilji�E���S ���'��E3i�'�����:3"!i'1'�.'�3F3�i X ��l�i3bnJE�����s7uU� � `�S�ffi�E��L�� 3E����� ��XXXXX Office has lagged far behind in h evolution of modern office equipment to the detriment of performance. C S as aided in planning and costing appropri te automation approach for City Att r y. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Shorten turn-around time on cor s ondence and documents. Increase efficienc and reliability of creating, ch g ng and tracking records. Aid time management . Improve communicati n of ineetings and phone calls. Decrease paper copies. DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAOEB If NOT MPROVED: Office automation and advantages d layed. �:.�=���:?��:1 Research Cer�ter f,1�aY 0 3 i;;�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s 99 755. OO CpgT/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ 80URCE 9890 Use of Fund Balanc ACTtVITY NUMOER 00200 City Attorney-General �wwa�wwRtiu►noN:cocPUiN� Ope rat i on s _. : . . __ ... . - -. . ..-----�--.. .. . ........,--. . ... ...... . . . . .. . ._ . ..._ ��. . ..,... - _...... . - - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ,, • �::�: _ . . . v;�.o-;�. CITY OF INT PAUL � �� "�'"� � iru[�sin " " �� x; "° ��' OFFICE OF T E ITY COUNCIL � Commi e Report Finance Mana emen Personnel Committee JULY 10 1989 1. Approval of minutes of June 5, 1989, ee ing. Approved 2. General discussion of the Mayor' s mi -y r budget adjustments. (Laid over June 9) 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 198 b dget by Laid over two weeks transferring $32,062 from Contingent Re erve to for amendment Police Administration for full-time os tion to oversee license renewal and applicat on process. (Referred from Council March 2, laid ov r June 19) 2b. Resolution 89-354 - amending the 198 b dget by Withdrawn adding $51,661 to the Financing and pe ding Plans for Police Vice Unit to conduct inv st' ations of liquor and Class III license applic nt . (Referred from Council March 2, lai o er June 19) 2c. Resolution 89-830 - amending the 19 9 udget by Denied transferring $38,574 to Community S rvi ces Parks and Recreation Administration and F na ce and - Management Services for renovation f hird floor of City Hall Annex. (Referred from Co ncil May 9, laid over June 19) 2d. Resolution 89-820 - amending the 1 89 udget by Denied adding $99,755 to the Financing an S nding Plans for City Attorney' s office a to ation pro�ect. (Referred from Council M y 1, laid over June 19) 2e. Reso ution 89-1004 - amending the 98 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $112,000 to the Financing & Sp nding Plans for amendment for Community Services Utility Nee s. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over Ju 1 ) CTTY HALL E NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 S�ib46 7. Discussion of surviving spouse benefits for Police. Approved Resolution 89-1182 and related resolution 8. Resolution 89-860 - amending the Salary Plan and Laid over two weeks Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Unclas- sified Positions. (Referred from Council May 18) 9. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Public No recommendation ' Health Division Manager in Grade 32, Section ID4 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council April 7, 1988, laid over June 19, 1989) 10. Resolution 89-1003 - amending Section 11 of the Approved as amended Civil Service Rules pertaining to provisional employment. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over June 19) 3