99-1059� � Return copy to: F - Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �R�G�NAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �- k15q , Green Sheet # �S�y �2- 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Frank T. Pilney as documented in Technology and 2 Management Services Department File Number 9-1999, public properties hereinafter described are 3 hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the 4 easements within those public properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and 10 Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line i l of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's 12 Addition to Hyde Pazk and lying westerly of the west line of L,exington Pazkway, as 13 widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. 14 15 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 16 Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 17 18 1. 19 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 50 days of the effective date of this resolution. That a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company-Electric Distribution in the following property described as follows : all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Souiherly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I,ots 25, 26, and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I.ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. , i 2 3 4 6 7 8 3. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. 25 26 27 28 Giq- fosq That a permanent utiliry easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, Inc. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 Requested by Departrnent of: By: '- I \ Approved by By: Technology & Management Services By: - �� Director Form App ed by City Attorney sy: �,(��G�wyv,e. ��1�14 � Adopted by Council: Date ��� . a'l �� Adoptior,�Certified by Counc� Secretary r� PublicHearin Date- October 27, 1999 `��'t�S�{ T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 8I10/1999 Greea Sheet Number: 09514 oat8et BeLSOa aad Phoa6 Nt�bOr: 'L BPART!ffi�1'P D CT�� �) 4 CITY COVNCIL E� G1eI1si PiChB 266-8862 "'�"° y=TY Arrox�r g xxr c�.axx � DLGBT DIRBCTOR O�FFICS OF FIIa+NCIAL SVCS. st be On Couacil Aganda by: OG J � ��� 3 ypg (OR ASSISTA9Tj , a AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATIIRE) CTIO23 RSQIISSTED: acation is needed at the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, all and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Le�ngton Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of exington Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve hat part of the alley. (Vacation �le number 9-1999) COPIDffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT R) ERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MU3T AN$W&R T8E FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm aver morked uader a coatr�ct�for this epartmeat? YES NO PLANNING COlRISSSION A STAPP Has this parsoa/fism ever baen a City employee? Y85 NO CML SBRVICE COlIIII58I09 Doas this 8ersoa/£irm 8ossass a skill aot aormally gossessed by y Y8S NO eze coxnrxxea curreat City employea? Explaia all YES aaswers on a s araYe shaet aad attach. P�&TS WKICA COSINCIL OBJSCTIVE2 COUNCIL 07ARD(S) 1 DI3TAICT PLANl3ING COONCIL 13 INSTIATING PROBL&M, ISSO&, OPPORTVNITY (S4ho, What, ➢Jhea, S4hare, Why?): utting property owners have requested vacatiag an unimproved a '"� ich ublic Works has no intention of opening. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: �` roperty owners can make productive use of the land._ =5,�,��s =F �PR�: C��;;a�i4 Reseae�h Center ��� ��q oae. � (,1� R� ISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED: AUG d.� O��7JJ �� G��C) Q\ a land will remain unimproved and abutting property �' not be able o make productive use of the land. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIONZ „yfiS.UO cosTixsv�as svnca ccxxcr.z oNa) �s aro IN6 SOIIRCB: ACTMTY NWffiER: Q01�013Q0—z833 INANCIAL INFORIdATION: (HXPLAIN) Transaction amouat is an administration fee for the vacation. Saint Paul, IvIinnesota November 15, 1999 To the Honorabie, the Ciry Council Saint Paul, Minuesota Dear Council Members: We, �:ne undersigned petifioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 99-1059, adopted by the City Council on October 27, 1999, and approved by the Mayor on November 1, 1999. Extendicare Ho�,es, Inc. By cyy",- � . � v I t s tt +�-..�'" � ; �'� ���� � F�arik T. Pilney, M.D. �- �� i/�-� .,cC�. � �� DEC 1 � 1999 ;P Q Y ��Es�� ( %a;4.t� ,. � f M r'"' �� � j { t �� t j 4�� x . ' n "f t �^....�i�' . I '�l�n. �lF/�i � ti�tri�l"��'f.�'N'�+Ii. `' /� L V .1:iti_. ,_�7�1�'�Yt:�}` ;�.'t,f�.. . . � , . � � ' � i , c�g - l osq ;�--� � � L ----- ---.-. ----� --� _---, ���� _. ---� � - .i m -- -- - � --- — -- �--- - � liD�s�.ri �s iv y�L ° ��e. x � h 5 -� �o�s.�.a pUz P� ,�r v�i� '- � , � O ►'1 '�_ ': ° E� 9y <'st o�i' _. � �V � �k � ,��� a � . �• � M � �. �� „j; c }1 � � T i Ch ' c �M i' 4 � �, � � `�------- � � � � N � ~ N ` 1 � � f ---- a -� � a � N � - -v.b1 . _ n ,� ` --�•i � � \, '• _ � , : �, ., =,� •�vn.• 9 nl ba� � aN�' �aQ I � ! - o� �� t n,� 90 69L1 �� �: ._ �=, K y , ' _ , ;_ , �<� : ~ '- r '.. : : ` .—' ` :- . ,. ' � O_h"1 _' - /'I� 01 � d � L^. �.r oc J J � �r.� ti � a 3 L�iE � � � � �M1 c M v ' � q �C ,. A�j " c. 90, �r� � � N ^ :� �� \ ' 1,' N � \� � � — -�-- '---=-` -- -- -o' `v �,� N � � < m � � o � N � o �•' � � o ��;;� � �^. � v . '� -� o � . \, � � � e � ^ � \ � , � tt`� pz _ _ 99 r_r , :, �_}.� 566 �-�J , _ '-� - SY=6-L/ �. i i . 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I � i \ __"'_' _�_' ' _'__ _ "_.�� � Or'yE/ -(D5`� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: I�ian cy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall From: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 10, 1999 I have requested a date of October 27, 1999 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Lea�ington Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of Le�ngton Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve that part of the alley. (Vacation File numbez 4-1999) I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. These properties are located in City District 5, Planning District 6. This petirion is in proper form. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me at 266-8862. Thanks. ca Council Members cc: Nancy Anderson ������ ��m���� � (9 1999_Vacation hearing letter Nancy Research) ����' ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 Regina Trujillo ROW Engr for IA MN & NB US West Communications 700 West Mineral Littleton, C� 80120 Phone: (65i}2b6-8850 Fax: {651) 266-8855 G19 - ! �s� Suir�eet:. ., . , ;fL�5Bggartts�ent.i"�le�a:-9�999 Dear Ms Trujillo: The City 4;!, �ncE°��'�,�"s:��dx�ioit #e FE�de PaY�"T�� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of vacahon is ur�,�e�£o�t����r�i�t��.�r�nees��ia�e��e��a�ma2n�r��hezr� ,e�5?i�� b�ti�'i�. Wiil you please advise me of any existing utiliry easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before:".June 11, 1494 so i can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiIl find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. c �S p in�c�erely, , � G� P �h ��i�. (4-1999 inq) i : To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-7999 'Fmnc P�et„�'na cuy o[ �c. Yaul ROW Engr for TA MN Real Esiate Division & � us w�� Communications 700 FVest ?�ti.ncral _ _ _ _ I,ittleton, CO 8U120 99-to� FaC # We have no objecrions to ihis vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We will approve this vacacion, subjecc to rhe foilowing eondirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the Po]lawing reasons, we canttot agprove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � --� � . (�- - - � "(�1�-� � �Y�� S"rt, Eac-, CP�� (?�� CL�P_c�uz'�.� � Pl'�o�C��, Co1�R�vuouS fr'AC�u T�� 2S-s��Jec..sctA � c_cA-s As c.��� r.� s;'�-i� L�. � to.�.C Uv1 �5� �c.P� �- Ce_�n'�'�.� �� Date � � :i�.�` }���.%: "' . .;1y�."# :�°i;�:.;:<� : i) cS{•: ��z;f„�.���.;�:;;e'�;. .. � I . . ' .-- . :��'�' ? 99-l05� � - � ---�----� � . 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';' - , _ oz� _ - ' ..._.�.,_._.__._ _ , s sY=6L/ =6-!/ 'oQ :¢ti I o8 $/� f 5'0 � I . � 0 0� . � � \ 3\ ; �, � o �� i o � i � � %� ^ 0.7 -- --- � � �.y"so/ m `.' c Y1 S 1 �S co �J o � �\ I � --' � :y ° c '(� �S �J � � e I ;. � o. cJ O j � [,, i \ .. i �n� --_`._�- \� ' __. _-"_' _r" ' " -._.� o�'rE� ^ � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division q 9- /059 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Ma11- 7th FI. Minneanolis MN 55401 Suli��c�t. _ , : :; ` : . ' , ; . '�'MS Department F�te No� 9 � 999 Dear Ms Pagel: The City Clerk, 2r����"� ail;dFB�rt��v�r�'t��fxain���cTe�Pa� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or ali of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is iri iT'i�[Te�S`�t'�'ia��a� ��na}t��ti �tet� ���°A'�LO�b�f�: �.,. _�, �,,, ,., „ � £., �._ . Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended fiature ase of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before°tJune 11, 1449 so I can prepaze a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiil find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, / / A � ��� V� 1G enn Picha (9-1999inq) >• ' S # of Pages j Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #9-1999 To: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division 'Ftom: I.Ori P2�E1 (2'13ig8T'E� Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Minneapolis MN 55401 RECENEL JUN � � moaer Faz # 266-8855 612-330-6590 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For ihe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easement within the "west 95 feet`� of the proposed vacation area for electric facilities. C�/tCI � Signc�d Date � 9� ro�'� Maahs) �f' 0 jl U % Y � /3<.yo r - � - - - - �- �- o i r+ i � � � � /GP.S� i :O.YY r. � ; G> : C � J J ` O � 0 p � 0 � .¢ o_ � , _ c _._..,�... i `° -- - � � -� �..- -- - — . � v, � � �—.'_ ,� � � ^� t _ ' " '_ � ~ 5 r h �, � � Y o l � ' �� �- -� 4_.- �,-� � F n '{ �' �'. � i 'C `- �-- — '� '4.." 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V • �`+ •� � . � � �' � �i�: ..... � ' ,,. `u `. c ^ (y 41 � hi.\ � q... . . . , -. . __ . � '�__ � S N � o t0 u' l.. -1� W tv a ` � .~ ?l �± <„= k• � � � � = ..,,�._—,/93.%S_ —1.._.. ._ .�.1�3 j� �_.__'t, .sI_3n 1. �3o Jr,> E;� l3v _ Jo 3o:Z!i ,�wm<< -- ,- , . o /(fhYYid�n�OvisiOO��L11 Xa'� `� �- - -- -- — �----- � � 1 -- .. � r, , ae:<�xv:�'��'�c�r���`r:`cti�:?i�^`;N:v;. � 7th qr ,�s� iyis�o� ura��r: GC) - --� - � GJ �� � ------ �--- ---�� .. -__ ----- ' � � t - -- �---- _ «7' � - t N - r Department of Technology and ManagemenfServices Real Estate Division 9 9- I o5 9 ' I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAI{VT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Mark Nelson NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul MN 55117 ��c � � � , �j s �� U, �� s y � ���p s �� � � / �uli�e�, ' ' �'1415. �paz`t��ier�i �+�le.l�nr � �9� Deaz Mr. Nelson: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of ����'�; �'ilney for the vacation of ATt i�t �#�t cs�#1se ��St ��t:111ey; littu�€ 3� R'< Hi� 4C�.�sts ��}'lrtVY sMxiL_�ftF} ���:flft� .#1i V+slF ���{}k.Rieat 4�<��]'[�C i�,f{�.# IF+!��f :�':+/N3LC{j„T: SF� y� 1�V����T �;`_$ait aui� Srai�'� Ad#t�tii�� tcr Hyil� Park� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. _ _ _ _. . The purpose of this vacation is i�r�rxlerfur �e�roperEy aWi�ers tir�ta�e aecess ta m�iiita�n^th�ir ��i-ic�r:laQitd: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this progosed va�ation. I would like to receive your comments before 3une1 i, 1599 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to ihe above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regarding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � 1G enn Picha � (9-1999 inq) � #ofPages 1 pl:�/bC� 7 7 .rJ Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Cilenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: NSP - Gas Aistributioi 825 Rice Street Saint Paui MN 55117 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We wili approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed N�P �'- �s/Zf�q� Date . t� . kj� E � , i � :;�;s?: :�?a.;���.,;�.�='�;�K{� =-'~ �: , , � � � - L ��i—/0.5�' C � _,_� � I � �----- -- ----� ._. .. _ c , . ''^o.i-l EF' C. �"" _ .... "{ '^ .`"' r lz , t � _- - -----. - - - �d � 9 ^ .� �._.. _�. _ . - _ : i� -:� � ' 1 ;v . .. =�.' — �� , - -� �� ° � ��.\ . K . � - —~'''�1- - ... _ �: i�"� 'y �' c� � , }' t' r 1: Q�?: . •! y • °y� � 0 �e' o Sfl '7Vn't��t ' _' " � M-}. - . _ ; � � < N 9��L/ �'�'`' � <' � ... _. n. W � oN�' �' M 1 �` '� .� • ` ; � � � ` _ w �, � _ _ �- --- --- _. t:':. � . \ ,� -- c � -o- � - - }, \ :�. c:�:� :� — 'r - _------------ ------------ a � t ` '`�- °�1 �, ; `�� 3 � r_ -s. --• - - "::':.;1 �.. ' ' � �l � ' _ .; r '� w o- • - h a ; ,.; - �1 � � . ,�� : i N� n/. ` . O/r� -- ^�,:.. r� �. v 90 6�L�'• ^ �: � vr' a ; � � � N ��., � � 'p � — /�'I �7��/g r . .. - - �:Y �^ a 31Cj7' � � ` � � � c °C - � � v � 0 9o/iGG . r� °' N � :� ,,,� ' ^�� � N L \ > '�_ ' �'" ' j � � _ � '__"'� _ _ � � . . � `" �,a N 7 � � � o � � � ry v � � ` � v � °,` ��.i � � � � � —. � .� o t� I . � � u ` N � I .� h � ; ^ �- � � • �� 1 � � � � � - -':G�oz - %9 .r_'s • s. ° •-�-S S66 ti.�� __ -- o�i -_ Y F . ' , i L os : :�� �- .. .... ._ ..y � ' . �� - - - -.:1 �. +�' � `.� � , C{' �� � ' �" "'_ --4 . � • . y . . . '.. 1 � , i.: , � �_ :\ ,F � l a 1— — —, � , i `; �: , ': � • ,' 1 ���� -- _ til �- _Z -- --{' ,, ok, �� �� gt. � � , .� -� - -- t--- -� -� !• `�, � . 1= 1--- :o ��---�- - � 4� ..`� - ��. . � � � � �-- -' - -. � .. —i _{ o�'_ ,h � .•� - � - -- - - , �- : , � _..,...Y;.. _ 1 � � \� � � � � \ �3� , a o ._ r-s , „ o - .� � � � � � � N - v �=�" � �o � � : � s . f [�� l - C �+ �n�T' \ " — - cV c _ � _ � .� � � � L �---- ---.. � , ,� � m � — �--- Go.si�i� �s ��.-.���-.�-«._:_— - lloisi� i p �nu ��x 1�1c� �'p►'1 ��v�, 9y �sr or " uE�s, � - � � � � 'l:n � "�('��I� + . t �[� � oB �A � f b'o : . j --- � i — i i I ___'_. _ , , � F L OF'yf� 99-ia 59 � MCI WORLDC4M June IS, I999 i�Ir. Glenn Picha City. of Saint Paul Department of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Div. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 National Support / investigations Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lal:eside Blvd. Richardmn,l'X 75082 �� v �' � �� `���` Z ;t f99� ?fflfES�� p-�6S�Q�( REF: Vacation of Alley Row, Altey s/O Central Ave. E/O Lea�ington Ave. 9-1999 MCI REF: 2497-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been nofified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attenfion of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need fiirflier assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call Charles Welch at 972-656-6016. Sincerely, � ?, _ .�,_ �,,( �.,,...,, Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant 99Y���9 � M�1 WORLDCOM National Support / Inves[igaLions Dept2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Aichazdsoq 7"X 75082 June 30, I999 Mr. Glenn Picha City of Sain Paul Department of Technolog,y and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saiat Paul, MN 55102 RECEIVED J Ur_ O � +�' � REAL ESTATE DIVi;�,^pi REF: Vacation Request, Alley Between Bigelow Ave. & Central Ave. 0-1999 ING MCI REF: 2712-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will stiil be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address conespondence concerning any furixre projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �� ! ,Q..���r"V�/hJd'�CW � .�..��. �/ Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant `y� # of Pages 1 ,�,�ply to Vacation Inquiry ,� � 199 Fife #9-1999 r �TF D���SiQ�` To: Phone r Fax � Glenn Picba Ciry of S[. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8850 266-8855 'From: David Uike District Energy St I II1C 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55 221-0353 We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. . Signed DA�ID L: URKE, p.E. PROJECT MANAGER JUNE 11, 1999 Date q9-ios . . � " � c : ��'( � � -; , � L ----- --- . -- --- ; �---� -�-'� m � — �-- -- ---- U�iS/�ri� 1si �Clb,(A U�/ �� �, �. X l t1 -� Uoisi� 5 O n '� �-1.`oi oG " n£� � <'S! o�l' �.' ` ` (V � �' I � . n 'Ol O � �h _,� � � � �� � � � � • 2 ' i � . � t9 ` i � .—�::_-• _� rA t� c � W P i �� ------� -, �;F. a;^;�K'. Y J'�'; v , Hbe : ,: h � <,t s: 1 s"-.�.:: , -. � � ^ �q� y .' . � "�X� • . /J .�;;G,.: , ; �a;t.;,�,';,;r?��,a4,,KF��/- . `. . -�.:.,� . :.: .,: � , -. .. ... .9�i -/os9 �+ I I � ----- -- � 'vPuz !J°.S1 �/f// ' '- . U � � . ' �T Jflf. D.9'��^0.f1.. �' Ff f,%i—'__ _ "_'�_'_`���6�___�••... 4 ' , 5 �� � t 'j •^ <� �: � n� l —' � "'_'. '- - , c4 � �` N N � _ � _ � . °� �, h Q � N � !� ; . d �. . : � : r�. -- v - ' - ._S � � �"--° e -_ �, - ,' 1 ,ti \ N - _. � ... � ,�,�� . K .. � - --+-� ._ _ �::.1'� J. �,� 1 ; _ , � � ; 1 Q?; .� ��vn•.�� - -- -- y n'`�, .... 9��[/ ..'�. . �' ..'... - . - � r" . i � l �` M 1 Y: , 'r _ oN�'�o¢ . ' I � � '_"' '_'_ _.4::_ � � � 1 - o - � • '- - ,� 1 '^,•, � C�? :� � . . ,` �_ : �> .- 3 �- --1 r� s- .... - - �<..:..1 � ' �, a � ' � � ''',j � �., � =1 � _'— __' _ �I . n. � . Oh,J_ � "<:.. — � . il J ( 90 6��1'• �, " I 1 Y � v ��'N� �Q �' ' � � Q ` N �'�,�•, � '" �.. � - Nf - 7.� �lQ� t � .. - • :Y 031 � O (\. � M /� O � a � � � ' o . 9oi �t�� � N � ;i ; " � � N �v -�-- �, . i �----- ---�...----- -o-.- ,. � � U � �, ,. , v �, � N � � 7 �. � � N ` � -� 1`•. . � � � : \ � ��.� � ti � a '' . : v �a N o � � : v : � � �,� �� � � � , - �t�o1 -- .r_r ° %-�- S' 5 6 6 1.A � "' , _ �_ ozi _ _ sr�-ti ;sC� � � o � � � � ` o � � \ 0 \ � � � � � � N� ; v ° � `� . I 'n`9 `� \ �o � �. ° - -, . � C '�>� F - .... ._ ..� . �� y � . � � - -, .. ` �, l \.t�. l � � � - �? • � " . . i� -� .._ ---�.., � � � � , _ . �. _ :,.. � �– —� � `;-• 1. � � ; ,:, _;1 , i N _" .. ,,` � `��'� O/r �— _T� — � `. ..� __. _.J. I i ' � t �` � � � - �.•. .. . _ _ o Q �- � _ � g '• `` °_ . �`;. �—^ •''� 4. � � ��_.... _ °'-, ..'. _ � t� �. � ,--- - - �a � .. � _ _' '—i _ � _� h _:.l `� _ i -- -- - — „ t_ �: ; \ p� --- � v ; � � W . ' -' � I od S/� I � •� � I - �y j o � \ ; eseo7 1 � � N { < i ; _r_ ov>E/ s .46'0: � � c 4. n • � Department of Technology and Management Services Real �state Division 99 -�059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fcu: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole»uzn, Mayor May 17, 1999 � G � e ���/ �� �� � Scott Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 55075 `S 4 � J �� �� � U'G �S� �� S�liject ,,..-- , ,$,. ° ' �'3Y�S IYepartmeiii Fi'T�3,!To_`9_�999 Deaz Mr. Ruppert: The City ���'°��i� �D�►��t�„��,���r���t���_'a�`�? This inquiry gertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is �r $��'�, e1��1'°_�:� Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of th.is proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments beioreaJune i i, 1993 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, • Glenn� P .- _ ��� (9-1999inq) �r � Ii of Pages 1 I y Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: rnone# 'From: 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 266-8850 I Ph OIlZ ¥ VJe have no objecuons to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Far uie iollowing reasuns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �— � ��� Date Real Estate Division N :} ;,.=5 }, ••uti;>�a�',�f'�} `�;".�{x,:��., v., . / , � ��: . � I •: , . . ' . ,:.;. ,,...� 9y��os9 . _ _ �-{ �n � I -- , 1 �.,� � ---- --- �� — --- --i , � -----� ------�'�'� � ---- -- -----.� 1—_--.— -- �- � m --� tioisi.ri �s ' .�b y�L ° ;�.-,�.�:� � r � liois.�.ppr�Z f"�'.lf �/f// Et �, �e. x �� 5�Cp n' I� v�, r� . � oc �• nE� .`��9 a'sc o p.� ' �'-� uE's' as�. .-o„f7`_' F � r.. �' '"'.�._'-`��S6i--r•'. . I � , . , �--•'— ^ �„ <' 1': _ t ` cv 1� d- � `J � = - - - � - i n Ql � � � � � ^ 1 � ,:� ��� � • ;"� � �'"' �.. -..� � ; ;. r � - �, - ' V 1` � N ' • -. , ... ^ E - � rt ��� �'; ; . �4 . ... � ., ,�.� �, �� L' z � � 7<: . , 3 �,`�� ?; �= 1' �: . •� ; ,� ' � ��� � i5 '�v,?'�� - -- - ,'', M+... ..... - ' � ` N 9n16�[/ �',� �~ ' <° � t� � . -- h � ONI � '�Q � M .1 �� ,f � i : t _ I lfl ��• e -� h ' H � �--- _'.. __._ _, L?..:_ � �:.—,:-_--_--\--------`--�--��----a�1'�-' .'_ _' , 1 \_ •^.•'��.'''� � � �' � �' ` �> ." �, " _a, � � '.. - ' ,.�.. � , � , a, ,_ \ � .,. c � W v• — h p � ,., 01 t - L�=- - i N �n n/. ' . OhiL _' !'Z:.. _r.l "_ "' _ 90 6�G1'• `: 1 --� t}. $� � 'vN' oQ , m � � ` � ��., o .. .. - - �`�l - 73�l� r- � . - - �:Y O31 7bA �. � o . . � � jr� �, o� - �',� . - + - - n _ .... ._ .y� � t� � ' t�. � 0 9 Kldo : `~ ��� �� �� � t1 :r, � � � � N i > ' �L �.,� �-- - G- �..— _� . �, ---- -�-- ----.._-- � �- �-- . V' + .... :� 1 � . �..•.� � -� -o - - :�... i, � � ^� t `� i � � v � �� a � � � - - ,� �--. . . ._ .� � � '� 6^, ° �� � .� • -- -'��.` �—� ' ._ `I ; . � " N � „� �. � � oy . -Tg � � 4 . .. v . �. � � -� [�.. • � ' � tl- v � o� �_� r ___'"` Q Y � c''. `� � , . �:. ° 1-- - -� v� � = 1 � UI � � � � �` ` � `n 1� I"' *� �, . � � � � O � I ��_"" _' � \. .. . _ :7 v h ! . � � j : a � � � , \ � \ 1_"_ " _ _' �� � .. � •`. � � �c . .l.o� ' 9 % .r-'r s. _. _I ._i _�_ �' " '_ '"_ � ` ' '�^ ' -;-.5 S �i �'c, 1 J►� _._ ! .._�..�::__ � -- ozi -_ � � 1 • � � sr�-ti _ � 0 o . � � o � f � � � ° ° �i � I : �-i �� � � �� . � ' 3� � � � ---- � ;d, W - 9 � o . ---- � �sa��— , ` . i � � � —r OF'YE/ i6'o: � ` � r� # of Pages I � 99- / 05 , To: ('ilenn Picha 'F�om: Linda Dickhut ReplytoVacationinquiry CiryofSt.Paul PublicWorks File #9-1999 Real Estate Division g00 City Hall Annex Phone# 2,OO-$$5� phone# F� # 266-8855 I F � � We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ RECEIVEE ��G i '� 1999 REAL ESTATE DNISION Signed �1, ll � . /��� Dar�— g g-iosq DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engirse¢r CITY OF SAINT PAUL gpp City Ha11 Annex Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Sueet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Glenn Picha Phone: 651-266-6I50 Fax: 651-298-4559 Reai Estate Division Room 140 City Hall FROM: �inda Dickhut Public Worksl R�ght-ofi-Way Jivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Biock 3, F. W. Hoyt's Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Fiali and Srown's Add. to Hyde Park Currentiy this alley is oiierl ar paved thro�gi� 1118 Central. Then there is a 6 for�i drop offthe east end of ihe ailey. There's a fence across the end o# the alley pavemsr�t which heionas to the nursing home. The east end of the alley ls posted with a dead-end a!IEy sign. There is �ur,ently no turn-around area and if you 8rove to the east end you'd have #o back out 200 ft: This vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. �rank Piiny, the pet�tioner, is the owner cf the �roperty on the souti� side of Central from Lexington Ave. through 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spake to Ray Faricy, the petitioner's attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions ofi physicaliy changing anything out there at this time. Whai instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do scme �r!airatenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didn'4 want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to the nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the Fetition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, maintenance, etc. The Department of Pubiic Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gailagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qua(iry Facilitres • Emplayte P�ide � � d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor �.r August 12, 1999 Linda Dickhut Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Siibjeet: . .-,. . Deaz Ms Dickhut: Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99'��59 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: {651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' :: TMS;°Department File No;:9'1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of �"raa��' �T�e� for the vacation of;;the property described as follows: east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park and lying westerly of the west line of i.exington Pazkway as widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utilit; The purpose of this vacauon is g � e�te�`�o��d: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before€August 20, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, " �� ��-�, Glenn Picha (9-1999inq) qq-ios9 From: To: Dat6: Subject: TO_ Linda Dickhut <linda TMSD.TMS(glennpi) 6/21/99 4:04pm Alley Vac$9-1999 Glenn Picha Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11 dickhut@ci.stpaul.mn.us> FROM: Linda Dickhut Public Works/ Rightofway nivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Block 3, F. W. Hoyt�Bs Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Hall and BrowneES Add. to Hyde Park Located in the block bounded by Central, Dunlap, St. Anthony & Lexington Currently this alley is oiled or paved through 1118 Central. Then there is a £oot drop o£f the east end o£ the alley. There�Es a£ence across trie end o£ the alley pavement which belongs to the nursing home. The east end of the alley is posted with a dead-end alley sign. There is currently no turn-around area and if you drove to the east end youlEd have to back out 200 ft. This Vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. Frank Pilny, the petitioner, is the owner of the property on the south side of Central from Lexington Ave. throu5h 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spoke to Ray Faricy, the petitioner�ES attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions of physically changing anything out there at this time. What instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do some maintenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didxuEt want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to trie nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the petition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, main[enance, etc. The Department of Public Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gallagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida CC: H2O.WATER(billt,'jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... r M '�ofPages 1 99-ioSS To: Repty to Vacation inquiry File #9-1999 �e� Fas � 'Fmm: (;ity of St Panl Wgter Uhlity R�1 Estate Division 200 Commerce 266-8855 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❑ We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � si�ea �I � � � 2- Date 1 9 a e� e �")I � .. J✓ e� e�� bB26 • i � � 0 i� L � � �e, .c ec �r \ lV �h �' � ° � � � � � h � 7 �� � ' � t0 C7 0 � ' ti � ' � M . � I \ o ��£$� a � o�.SLs� LZ9B �.� =`�.� � ��..8 - � N �� N o � a a 0 J� N p \ � \. n z � I a � a, 9 Q 9 :I � . m . N � ��cye I •. •� �� �� \ ���.�.— .� � �� r� � � 28Z6 BLZ6 o " �OL✓IV'/��� � '�� IBZ6 9/ 6L26 �s�.�� �v � ���.����. 99 I ' s� _�z. I . �� 7 Nn J �. �� y_ �.� �� 1 I N� Q� Q a- atG 0 • I j N o z � �. • I � � � i �► Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 `I — �059 140 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street Su��ee� :: . . : TMS �epaztir�entT+kt��o;�-�� Deaz Traffic & Accadent Unit: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�ian�'I`i 1'i1neY for the vacation of �Ii.�at-parL �f 12z� ea�t�v�st a1��3'3 �l�k �, �: �Y� I3�ytsReari�ang�iciento�I.c�#s 25, 2�, and 2'1, T�ail �o��is Ac�ii��ii. t� H�d� I�ar� I�ia� Easterty vT fb�e �authernl� ���hsin� �if tl�e �e�sL I�� c�� I;�t Z'7� Biue� 3,°F. � ; I��y�,s �iE��iratlge�i �i�L�,ts �� �?6> �iiT �7, FI�til �d BrQ�?s AtitLi€ti€tin tu H�*;�e 1*air�. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of ffiis vacation is in�rtler�prt�� prri�aerky'u^��ne�rstr�have access to rrfaiiifa�n th�ir �feripr`lii�€tc�; Wiil you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before<June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, `'�� ��� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) .3 # of Pagu 1 To: Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �ile #9-i999 Phone r Fax # Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'From: COIIllI12IldC7'1�i2 Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department � 100 East Eleventh � I � We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q s "-! 7-� Date /3 <. ro • � � ; _J_ '�'_—_ � 1 � � — � -- i - i �. �o.yr �� � d�ao I i��: � I � ' `/ � � ' r,— "-, -` " ' y' _� i_ I —"_ � . � � - - - ---i � I ` T ` h _ ..., �. . 'l 1- - _ - - '� - � - i . G. � v , 1 y, p 1 . ( �- � ---t a U - - _, �:,- , I :. 1- � � z t — az_ _� �.o �. c� }-- -- –, th � N . .. i: o "' "_ i ' �� �' ', 'V� � ^ ,._ — . .� r - \t r •'I: s . •� L •� � � i -- -�- --, ,U . . . �.. Vi _ Z 7� t. �T1 F ;m ,� _ _ _ o, � �� '•� i i-. _. .... ' ..]� ��'. � O�" \ � �� � � ' - IZO -' G+�i ggS •S�'. � � .s . r. -s' G 6 "' �o.>-..-.�' "' \ � ^-� � , � � � r \ Y V � 1� u C i c�, I � o � ` , N .. ' . � y � �. Ut �. �. r. � � :' � e `, � � , - o ,. I � ^ � o ` � a ♦ � w � N w �� : (� ^ �`; �; --- �- - - - - ` - � � � N - �v � \ � .N_-- -- T,� -- ' ��` i ..� . .. �, � N '� ...o G� va6 '� r � , V fo � � � —" � . . o � 7ED � � I .. a r h� (U > � � � � ' { w.�. � � � � � YG � � V4C �.; .. .. .. � 1���jEL Ir�( - :.. � Do " y1 ' • � _ ' �7C ' �� i r — — •-- --- a 2 ''� - Tyc ';... - - .._ s _� 1 ��- -. F -�. `�� . .:'_ ...>> •:': \ �` 1 �' - ' -. . • _p_ � �'. �- f * � ••"S ' .1, _' """ � 1. r U Dor..!. ' ' ' - . .. t� . � L .. y _ �� _ y.,s /7c� � a� .t f- I. �� �� J� .1 14 ; � 4 � C .� t. �t . y �_....: ' � '�"�� . ��:', _.... '. , '- Iv 1 �` �- - '� - •^�� ; . . �a: .... , . `� _; � � � - , -• •. __ .::� '�, _ . � � �1 � ':1 '± ,.:= °, , ,�__/93.%5_.--L".. _ _.�.I'.'s 33 g__Liro-�.s.;4"_ . : . o 3. f I� � r` � N ,�.1 � �. o � � ' 1 \ o � :-0 � "' �" -� _ ` ' V ' �� � Y V —� _. �. .L i Q'j � . 1� �:• : � � c � .� t�.� • _wF ` �v W a ib `' .� ^P W N. �30 L"._'I30 JS> �� L34 3n 3o_Z• i� Q!O � U O� � � � siait U 1 X � o irn �rQra, i3i uiYisio� —.__ _ GV (---- -- --1 - —�— � G��, i-- � -- �-- ---_ _ ..._-- ----� ' � � �- � J `� Ur t--� , . �-----_ � - :,;.�.<:,:.::, �.. ,.: ! � ,_ :,�;: : ::,�r �; �� �, - f :�' . . � `, ' - `��'a��.t��''.�stxKr~S''��',''�lt:� };i:.`:' W __ " � , G? : --- � �� o o�� o � N i ° � 5 � �. V � � _ � _ "' U �•y � ' N 4> e DepartinentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 9—/0 5 q' 140 City Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Chris Cahill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Bleventh Street , . _: �ii�,�ect ° °: . . ° : .'�'� �spaztn��nt �t�.l��; 9-1999 Dear Mr. Cahill : The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Erf �`ran1�.'S'. Pii�e_y. for the vacation of aTl#hat. part n�`the �tw��t�e�; Bl� �; ��. �3ir�ts Iie�rc�n�ez�ent �ats 25;:2�, an� 27, Hai� ant� 73�cr�n's: �i�cTii��n:t�s.�T�cTe:�*ar� I�zi� Easteri� ��'tiie.�QUitheznt� �ii.��,�n a� t�r� �est 14n� a�T�t 27, 8fvclz 3� F. �. Nuyts`�iearrarigem�ut tzfI;�ts°25; ��, a€ad �'7, �IaT� ant�.I#�rnc�ii's Arldiftari ta H�t�e P�; This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is inard�r�'or #he pro�y c��priers ta ��veareess tfl �aintain t�ie'ir ex€erior bii�iild. Will you please advise me of any exisdng utility easements ar of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid like to receive your comments before 7une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glen�a �� (9-1999 inq) # of Pagu 1 Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-1999 'ro: Glenn Picba City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: Chris C2hill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone k ��5� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �/ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacafion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed 5 �f � 9� Date /3 <. �O • / ` � i � s ». >�� � ` i � ao.vv !' �. _J_ � I � � I � �' � � � � W : CO 0 N � � �w v °I�� �° � i 1 0�} � _ ��...�_-._. � _,_.,_� � � - � -y � -�.- -- - W , -�- �-- �- - � . � � --� � _ - - T ' h �,;� � ^�� �_ 0 1�� � � �- � ---1�a `- -" .`l-' � '. 1'� • � {-- -- ?.. ''1} - �- —' yo � c� ` � �1 i:o � ' t N 1 ,' �� '•' 'v � ' r F — — - .—{ - . �: .� �:• ,. - � .,.., � ` . . .. �-.. . � _ t ' �' _" ' A _ � ` U . .� • ' �� �' �W ., _ __ _ 4 ' °, � `:�' �) i 1--.. _. .... _ .� l<. � .:, {' YG . . �;� - - . .. � BI�jEL w - � � -- �« -- Gv-i 99S S� � � � .r . r.-3' L6 -__ co.>._..�... , . , � y a ° � �'�`' � � � C \ � w r' ` N ., ' o � , y �' �. �n U `' /_., � b \ i \ 1 v.� � O • ` O � , . N `� � . O � � W . � ' ' � N w `� ^ ^ � i w , �, -_.o- --- - ., �N -..--- --fi- ----- � � � N � �` ' i, � N � ' � � ip6 o � v p 1 /O � U G� � � . . p �. 7ED � � o �v� IU , C I � 'k —.N.,. � � � r � � , . - Do� - `�z - � �� - -- �.���9 _ "_ _'_ � � '� THG ._ _ 2 u ' ,j:;. ... � \ 1 'd _. '� • .S _� 1-- -. F _. �i ��.i:_ - ' .._ S . : , "' . J: \ `, �: -. : ' � '� T 1 ':••; '- -- --- � E-. " '_' i �- i '� .l. . :{ �' r V Do�:,�it ... - .. . . � Ly � ? , y � _y.,s � ��� � ' ' `' - --� - r��.J 106 . ,: ,'� .' S . � � �` �•�.. _ ... . � _ __: �N. :( � �.�� ..�. ... � - Iv { �� +' - 'v - `m;'=� -{ S�i ��-.. �:�: ..... `- -' � c- �_. .'� _ v `• - _ - . — . � , _ es � ^ °.' . . _ ..:,- � , � ' >1 � `_' �. •. �.r-- . .,n__../93.%$_-1..__ J 3 j � ' � - ---�' �-` _�.C—.._._.. .s . a .r-e�.a t �_ . _ /1fh W��� 2.� I' - --' '- _'---- 1 � � . 1 .. � � '�'i'a:ti�✓���5�''� �" .:. .� � , t � ' y� �'#a�.�'. f� 41,.M, fiNry}}.-��. - ''� ..�. 4 �#�ef��' /�aj,�?�':i t n ;i..:,. 1 ��'a4�' K�N.` :'3.tiSn..�.4-:i .. � i o N �. lq � �. C _ �, _ � � � y N m 3 � • I� ON �, . S— `'�� ,� � � t � � Y F�i ^� V� � 1 � i � � � I . M V \ r � 1� � � 4 ;)� a � 4�' � -A W n� 1 ' _ ' �JO JS) � Lgu _ 30 3o,Z� �,� u O� � � � � Y siar� Ul X� /Y/! �"r4li%� i.�/ .ci/Y/.S/O/! .. _ W ._. _ � � �. i --- � ----- �-'--- ----� ' w ` `- � �� � � ) W �., Department of Technology and Management 5�r�ces Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Halt Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Lany Zangs LIEPBIdg Inspection 310 Lowry Professional Bldg <.,_ �ut�,�eet� ° . ' i° ` °. : - ': '£�tS �p�z�eut�t� ��. � ��9 Dear Mr. Zangs: The City Clerk has the vacation of ai1.� 25, :26, .and �; IT; ed to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�rau�€.`T..1'ilneg for �tt ��#�� �astwes€.alte�::i31� �; �+: �:;Hvgts I�eaxr��eine�ta�T:ats d�i�a�n�s AcTditr�n t4 HYd� �!�:k Tv+��; �siterly a!' f�ae �dii�earnlv fk8 (k�_�.U� �r`�.� ��[jC� �; �'� �..'� �A�`YS �L'�k'.�'A�_I_E�TTl1e11�-Ct�"�Q�S �.�Ji �i� `d7t(� �dcIft�an ter H�cie P'ar#: This inquiry pertains to tYie vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use far the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is irinrderY�rr t���irtipertygsunerstmhave�c� tn m�airt�3n tIteiir e�t�ns`ht�ii�l. - Will you please advise me of any exisung uuliry easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before_7une 11, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesdons regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha MRY-20-1999 07�45 FROM C1TY OF ST PAUL L1EP .: To: V �� � � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 Phone n Fax d TO 6B855 P.001i001 r.-� 99- l 05 � 'Prom Real Estate Division � 31Q Lowry Professional W We have no objecaons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this �acarion, subject to the following condiaons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �/ r S �j � Date TOTRL P.001 ., � � 1 � _ - �c.l„ �� — -, � �„� � ----- ---�� ------_ ;: ------� '�-'� m � _ .__ __ __ � �o�s.,�. � .�a y�� � �.X ti1 �iois.�.Of,uz f".!f �ff// - o . - ' � 5 �O n ��v2 . . . �,-Z`�f oc .: nE 99 <sr o� � u r• 0.9 1`- f � c _.. ... 1 S,, .I � Ej , �_:; F �- 7'— "'T"_�.s6.._�,,.. ` ' r, + . � � . �•i � _ , '� •o r� 1: t f M--. (V M! �' p. � � � N � I7 �7 � ! '�' e ^ ,- ' � � --_� . _ - ' - ;b � � . � � � . ;-o � ' b r � j . - �; , - �'-� �� � :� �.._. , ... E' � ;�°�.� . K .. � - ---*'� . ... _ ; ,�'� '�' � :C J� :e =-,� }" �n (� • 1 z f<_� � 3 �� oai T � `+J: S` M •� � `u1 ' a � o t6 •�vn'�� +.. ... - � � I v (J 9 0� 6.�U � :• : �~ " i '� �1 � � - ' • . - � i. o0 or�•.oa � M , , . - i cD '�: N N . t: v , � i �- --� --- -• 1 ' ` ' � -- - �-1 —'�_�= =---------- ---- 1 ' \ :�;. . <;:; ,� � - ` --- c . -�- • '- . 1, ti � � ,� ° � - � .. �' ' '�"' } a .- 3 , .- r -S. _.. - - ,:_:.:�, �{ ' ,� � ,� ' � , 1 � • _ ,. .,,�(� . W v-: N O I " �a --- --' — � _ �'/ n, � . Dh.J_ __ ^'••':.. _.. � t • L � ' l� 5� l: .90 6oa {�. � �, ' ' m � � ` ,� � � - M ���lg t- • - - 'Y O 31�7t•/� t � o . . � � M � o � - ... . ' �� . - .... ._ , h � ` � , � -+ .� t '� a- � cV -� ` 9o��da . IY ' _. .. ..� �' �' � �S � , � \ ' N N ' a Y �c ' �,� � - — ---i . L, � �l � �' � ^� ---- -�-- ----.._---- -o--- -�`_ '. v. ��.... "r, � . �.: � �. ;�1, `� �' V ; �, � % _._' �� 1• .�..: � � �� � N � � � - - -�;� !-- — --� . �y �,; ? � '� m , ° ` , ; ,:, _:, , i N � �' � ,� ��.� o.� ,— 'Z� — �� z � . � � tl� � M -� t`•- r Z _� 4 • � � ` �5 : °` � c..� �, � , _ �; _�,1 �' t--. Y _� � �, - - - Q �n -� 1. '"` ` ° ,-�� �=. �— h � � � v � a o . i � ��_- .. _. ` .'. . �. � h ! . � I' . .�. � � � � h J . N . \ I___ .' _ _. � � • n v �� � � � ~ � � • .. "'""'<.°-a _" .r.s i ... _. _I —' n �h .��. � 9 9 r. _2 "� ` ° "� S S 6 6 � .� � -- � -- -- - — � �: <_ '; - - - oz� - � , .�.,.Y...._ _ , . � � sY�-�, t-l� o-� J 0 4 I ` �� � 0 3 ° � �D — � � � 0 ; � �� � \ ,� -- > � � ���_ .—_'_.—�- �" — � f6'o: , � � ` .l,� . Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9�i-/ 059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Carole Williams Librazy Administration 90 West Fourth Sueet �uTs,�ect : `: '_ ? �� ^Ue _ paitii�eittI�l€ T�T�; 9-1999 Dear Ms Williams: 'I'he Ciry Clerk has referred to this the vacation of �tii t�tat paz�t rif`t}i� 25�; 26, a�u1 Z"f; f1a� and �ru�ii for recommendation the petition of I�'ra�il�'�> Pi�iiey for estalt�y;B1��s�` iTY.:Ha�sRearra�z�eznenti►f��s i��n:tp Hvd�°Par� Ti�u�: �asterly af;�e.�aaiz�tc3r�it� ick �� �'. �'t;, �Tp�t,s.3te�`x2usgemei�fi. R� �.vfs 2Sj ��,-�iad �?, �all -�iid Brow�'� r�ticiiti�in ttt Hycle �ar�, This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is in+prder�nr tll�°p�i�rty nivi�erstci�iaxe acc�sst� m�ntain:th�ir ea��iar btiili�> Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befo:e 3une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. • If you have any questions regazding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle"—` P �� (9-1994 inq) � { # of Pagu 1 To: Reply t� Vacation Inquiry rile #9-1999 Phone# Fax,u. Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'Fsom: Cazo10 Williams Library Administrati� 90 West Fourth�Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed t ��-��� �- I �''�`� Date q-i v59 > � .� > "'' � / ; a.vv / -- —' � _ � f� �' -- -- 1 /. o r' \ /1 �' w � �1�� 1� � i�� � � _ _._�.,� _. � I � I� � � � S N .�.1 F �, U1 4 � I ¢ � Q i�-s�:,zs J �- izo -- -�� ��� ( c ' , — -..- -- -- 1 — , G+� i g 9 S S' `f � 1`^. 4� �—' � � s's� 66 "' �o.T._ - � . ._ " '" . \ . , \ � '� ` \ � . ` � �'� - -� N.' y ° � � u � c .. � r � ^ : ,�h _ .._:;.. `� Y- - ` . � �l � � � � �t � ' . �' , a `�1 ��� ° -;. �' ��. �- T - - - - 1 a ` - -' �- •'� - ' I " f••.� c � � � � � h � � ,-- 8Z � ' -vo .� w .J . . b o � .p ., . I-- -- ?-. -� �t � . _ 1 �„ i N ° � . ,—:�� � , o � w I . •� ' 1' � c •;, r � • i-- _ . .� t - w � N w �� = � °i . i: .� 1 r . . �: - i � ` ^ � N , .., s '_. ' ,� - ---0 i 1 �- � r -� - -�- -- 1 ��, � •{° . � �� � � - N - - - - � - : w � ` ' ' � �. � S� F i�J .` op�., >: � N '� „O G� � �:�' ; � /7Vj✓o6 'o � V �. —. ... .� �i� J � �P � �, _ � � $ _ ..� {. yc . fo v t � ' . . o v , 7 � �.�� a ; �i • - � .. —� J� �GEL. �/ — ., 7 E p ��f IU C � . =Do .N�. �, � � r � � , "' --�� ' . '� _ _ •.I�c9 06 _ _ "_ _"_ � r2 '✓ Ti'G vu V�` � -. � � A � � 'J::•. ... � � 1u. _' .� • O � `, � � �-- F _ . ; � �. �. � .....:. . . .... .s _� -' t� , -� 1: -, � . ,� Q - � �` -�'�'' -� ` I ' '..i � ' v: `1 _ _' ' • _p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _.., :l _ y ` ' _'__ "'_ � �". " _ i rJa � ' \ I ', ':..\ � < ` y �- : � � � - � ' ' . t. . :� �' '" Do�:. �Na CO v ' � �I V ' L ��? _ j y;_y /7cy U 6 �y � (� I � � �� � '� ar.VAC. 9> 0 0 . _ . I. .::.. ,� .� i '; c - � . . � ' : rl Z 7 � \ .. `U �. c. �(� S: , � � 4 ; �-�� �� � ... . �_ _ � • �•� � � �� n. � \j 1 � .�. 'v � ~\ � _ I `� ����� �\� � q:::. _ �` • : - =— .'.� �,-- ��' g � �.'' 4 W � N 'a, � -P W Jv� W � � �v . b 1 y � =.1 � a `-- :. C ` � ' <.�- . .� J I . .,,�_.._l93.%5__—i_".. ._ _ -33 .�__.Li� �.s:a�.s�3o �'L.�—do �s> �;� 13u _ �o sp_-L'� . . � � O 1 � �,�sSdsr*�•��,� ' . o //th y3'��_d, z��0 �siori '+' �tl X�� °� --- --- o � ith ��ora, isr �ivisio�7 W I --- -� -- -- - � G)�, i--- � -- �- ---�— --- ----- ' � � t - I '_,!-----_ "'� �' - ' ' "� �' ,y. • �' : .' ;'' `' i I J ;,}�'"ti 5;t �i �S:`•�' '' `• j N (/ - �- `1�'a4!:4����"�'m }^. W � /3<..so r -- - - - - --1- —� A !t ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 9 9- �vs g 14D City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 John Wirka Pazks & Recreation 300 City Hall Annex Su�r,�ect� -' �lufS �epar�ent F,�le No 4-1� Dear Mr. Wirka: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petition Q� �caak'I`. ��Zie,y for the vacation of aI� �li�t part�i£t�te ��st�+est a1T�y� �31tx:k 3; �: Y�.:HQY� I�arraz��mtent af"T.(zks 25, �6, axi� 27, �atl azid �ra�n .A€Tdi��n tQ �T�de:l'� T�ist�:�aste�ly'vf. the.`��aif�erni� i�`t�a�nn �f i�e �?4Tesc�ii?� i��T.ot 27 B%ci� 3, F'� ;5� �i��ts �earr�i►ge�uer�t af I.afs ��; 2;�, �nd �7��i1 �icl Brn��'s �idditio� ta �Ij?ile.P�7�: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petifioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be xetained. _... The purpose of this vacation is �invrder �ctr t�e p�ii� Qiu��ccha�*��cr.�ss tti rr�nfa�tth�ir ��rmr buiitl. Will you please advise me of any e�sting urility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesfions regarding this matter, piease ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha (9-1999 in� MRY-18-1999 07:35 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION A ., y TU: r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry � File #9-1999 �, �� Glenn Picha Ciry of SC Paui Rea] ES�Atc Divzsion 'rKOm: 7ohn VJirka Parks & Recreauon We havc no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �-- Wc must retain our cascmcnts within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacauon, subjec� to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foliowing reas�ns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed 612 292 7405 P.Bii01 � . �G'G.�,.� SOI � �1 �� I� Datc rc�ra� P.01 � /3 <. yD � . r — - ---;— ,� � A 7" o.vv e� _.I — - ` !`i � p : --- � � O � p �� 4 1 -� _ c �...�_., j -'-.^T-, , - �' � —� - -- — ►_ = G+r i g g S S `E ' L r ' y .- tii ' 1 _. " � 'r r. -s' 6 G � ' , f � � r � � " _ " "_I I I � v ' 4 y r � ^ . • y 4 � ,�, � � � — ,�'' � y o �- Q� ro 1_ p � �_ �_ '—� \ V,. .. _ ..�' ' ' � � �,':, � b � 1� `._ . . `. (� � • � � � _ �__ ? ' HO .,a (v • � � I-- �-- .. .� � : 1 �`�„ 1 N ::�- , o �` ' '� � �' .:i � a ~ � � � . r ' � N w �' ^ .�I: ' �� � �� w � � ► :, •4 ` .....".. ' � '` "'0' '�' � � ' �' _" '�' � ' U � .: ' <V C � N _ -..'_ -' - � • � t � .� N. 1 P � �' sT1 F �m °,� �;06 o ro � � t:� - - - ,-,} ^ � �. _ «., a , � '' �, , � �' . .... _ '�� 't yc _ . 4o v p( �� Y-�C TED � ?.;° - - .. .-1 .B��jEL w - _ � •• o r'� r�S, N ' �`' � va .w.,. � v 9 i� " `}1 ' . �� _ '_ •.I�c9 06 — � � =.� T vu r� � i `�1.:.. . _ _'_ , 1 � e O � � ' t i +-"�:'� - _ .._ _ _� I._ .. F _. �� • r `� , Sb ' � 1�. '. \ . �' L% Q� � ;� �,: ` ,1 - '. . -�-j� °- ---------- ------ . � ••; � •- --- ��-- --� !-. - -' i . � N ` _ , . , � :� �' w Doc.�No �- v � > . . . _ - f - � L r? j � _r: � /7c9(v6 N v 1 � 0 1 �N �. F ,_ o f V� \ I � � 4 .�-�: zs- _� - iZO -- � �. w _ a�. � n c. So 0 t. '�f .: ;r ^ J11 1U ._ • .S_o ��; � J . : r� {�. �ll � 1 i. \"�' t��i,_ - �j ����' � 4 �' 7l � )' • — ... . <_ V ' f" .. , ' �% � 1� �' ' �`.�) '^'� � � �±+ . `� ,� \ . .. f "' ' •.... � , , '; v : • ' �^ �4 Cd � N. \ ` °�� . . .. `' " ' '_'_' '.� ,` — 1 � (V .. 6 Lb u � •V { ~ �� , �� t.r-- .' '. [ . . ,.�_ ^ /93. %S_ _ ._ .� �3 j � __'L�� :.6:4�.s ( n 1 _ � � o �r. > ��G! o U O� � � //fh yY rd, .2.��Q �sio� U 1 X 2� t 7th �'�'Qr.>, /sf ITiyisia� — �- - -- -- — ----- -- ; - . �� ---_, ...--- -- 1'� � :.,�_, �:.,:,,:: .. :.. � � i.:a5:�.':..�..:,,-.:.n`.... : � ">�}r.:�w yk y `' 7YYL T'?��s�i�4���;�` ,' :'� .JFE � yYY � 1 � :.^ � - ''��I�".1 D.�`:S!ivj' �—. oN � � �w v lV C,t) �a� �---- � � � �' 1� � - � W �i JUN-22-1999 15�36 ST PRUL PLRNNING & ECON To: Glenn Pit�a Reply #o Vacation lnquiry �, � ,� � File #9-1999 6512283314 P.02i02 s of Pagrs 'Acom: Brian Swee�ty - Planning & Economic Development • 2200 City Hait Annex F� � 266-8855 F� � — 'We have no objecuons to this vacafion . . . . . . . . ................... we must retain our easements within the righc-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the foilowing condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� For rhe foIlowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: .,..... .................. 0 � > / J�/ Date /055 TOTRL P.02 •� DepartmentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Paul Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 City Hall Annex ,: . _ �u�jeek '. . �I'l'w'#� 3�eg�i�ent I+�1€,l�a: 41999 Dear Mr. Dubruiel: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the_petition af �'a�k:'I'.I'��acy for the vacation of aii �tia� part�s�th� c,a�t�v�st a1T�y; Bl�ck �� ��. �Tayts l�eari�a���izent c�f �ts �5.r 2�, a� 2'�r Hafi� and 1�rriv�nis Ai�iU�� t�i"H�de 1"�rk I.yiin� �asterly. ii� ihe, �au�ee.ri�� ���saa� �i#' i�e �� I�ue,o��T.at �7; 8t�!ek 3 F� �: HuyCS �teaaE'r�u€i�eme�� c�f L�is?��> �G, a�d �'t; T�ati.anaI Brtrwttxs;Atlt�tT+�t tn H�t3t�,P�rk: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is i�t�zrxi�r Y�i� the gro�erty a�wriersti� ��ve �ceess tv r�nfain th�i�r e�teripr. tti�[d� Will you please advise me of any exisung utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before_ June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 2b6-8862. Sincerely, ��.w 6'� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) MqY-25-1999 16�27 PED 14TH FLOOR Reply to Vacation inquiry File #9-7999 6512283z20 P.01iO4 'ro: Glenn Pic6a 'Fmm: Paul Dubruicl �'j-�QSQ C�ty �f St. ram planning & Economic Real Estate Irivision Development I 100 City HaIl Annex 266-8850 I Ph°°"" � { Fua L00-bb�J { •�^°� � W e have no objeetions �o chis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacacion, subjec[ to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacadon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ � S� R��i.tC �n�ra►�R�'rws.�� W�cw�b+�►ndt . �i�r�, �i 1w"`� � Signed �=�.cf'fy Date � MRY-25-1999 16�29 PED 14TH FLOOR • ` - 6512283220 P.04iO4 99-�059 Interdeparemental Memorandum CIlY OF SAIISf PAi3L DATE: -.� � ^ � � TO: 1) G �-S � �� � ��l (DISTRICT P ANNET2) PROM: � 2) L�rry/ Soderho�w� - �J ��Rc�fi- �'�� U 3) �au.t� i�ubf-�.�eL . Vacation Request No. � --- / f / � The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Division on.s' rl q`� , pSease review and return cornments or recommendations to me by — �� , so that may prepare the Divisions recommendations. ZONING SECTTON• Is this vacation proposal also tied to a rezozung oz ��ariance request2 YES NO� If yes, explain below: • � •• • � � �• � � . ; � . , . i . s r i � . •�' r �I i i � `� �.,� i / - � i � / � / .LJ / � �: � , � �� f � � '� . '� TOTAL P.04 MRY-25-1999 16�28 •'`'''., �'1 Y � i PED 14TH FLOOR •t � a � � -- � '�'_ � ` Q C� � V�p ` 6512283220 P.03iO4 � q 9-i o5� O �' � � 6 ' W 1� o o (�, v I � � 1i \ y 4 � 4 ` I O �G O. 9'f , a'-P! 60 /7rf: ` O. i74. /7'¢'�S r- ` 120 f I �p . .� _ e ..e.�. � i' '_ Gv- t g g S S ° f-- v - t� I �^+. .s _ L 6 - +.o. . . \ }� \ � � � �SS , �� �' � � � � . � I� v F � �� ' � . ,� . ...:?. ` ._ �_. + � u t" � N � , � > ^� `i, 1� I y �' �k .._. �i � G � v� `_ � �" �_ i. � � t�. �- ---, o "�'' � fy � b � � � • . h rl ,; �q �.. ; Z a ..� .., � `, t � `' S.Z_ ' NO (v O � � ` ;— — ''�� r'� a � ,�.. .�. .. . � 4 i: o"' __ i .' � o �.�. Gf + � I .. •\ �'�:, ,, }, 4 ' �. _. . �- r � � N �°,� `� y �v � �:. .� - ' � '' � (� � N •,i: ., r . ... ".. _� -.�- -=� � -- --- ------ - - --- � ,., . � � - - ^ , _ ..� -� - �. —" " � _ � I� � i < � � N' : w c � ' �� H •(D _ . _ _ °P � .. � N � -o C� ' �� -� i7 ~ �p6 ;o V p .�.li - . . .. _ �i C`��E.. 'i� �"� � � , � e^. r, a �' N • o �.. ; . vo 40 � �r{ � '� . YAC TED � • �, � - - � .. � B�GEL_ W - - �' •• � �i� � t` � `� � Do ,Mn. � �} , `� _ •.l�G9 0 6 _ _ '-- --- a �S 7.� - i�yp ' vu r,� N� � ... � O :.a Qy i � ,i:L ... � . � \ � s. \' t� 1! � ,-- n ��a:.. - - .._ .s .a .. F _. �� � �' �, - :� y -: �' -, - � � c . `� s �" :;� 'i,� •� � • �-o-�- ------- -- ------ -- _:._..ci-- 1 .:�•� _ -•-- ..__. � �. -� ;�� j N y � > '� � a , _ - t ' �. . :� \' w ao.:. �No 00 � v ' , -... , L .'> _ � .:i,•.s i7c9(ob N � i� � � - '^,r ... {., . :� ��nNAC. O� O 0 , � � � W i. .?.. . � ", i •. 7: � - A � I` i : rJ 2 .4 � � .. V N <., r , - , � , �` �.�i:, _ ... . �,�._ .-' `'• _'1 �1 ..�i= ..v.a � J� <�-. v ' � h { �, �- - '� - ' `� .��i . `.v � .. \ �� � � �:: _ ...., ..�.:�__. ....� �'\__ ..v ;S ti� � W C 6.4 . .� -A W . l_ ;_ 2a.`i� a � �31� �r„c �, , f C I N . —. _�._ ._ .�'7 .1`..__..L 'SL3� �_.:_.�JO J.TT F� L3u _ 30 30:� � . O � ��thW,d �.��o�s a �� �ut xa'� ; � 0 7f v� , s �visio� i _ _ _ __ - ___ __. _ � � �{ �------ � - � ----- ..._--- ----� � � � i - - . �-�--- `�'� i':lt'r»�i,= -� ,�:..,,'. . � ) . ;, � ;r'� Y "�.y;;��;�+ � N . t! �. , :" �) '� .� . � y'y` '��'r�� i..) �. ♦ ..:C�2 � !'R`��l �I�7.i L� qq-�a�9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor CTT7ZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, City Clerk 770 City Hall ZS W. gellogg Baulevmd SerttPOU7,Minnesata 55102 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8684 Web: http✓/www.stpauLgw 7DD: 266-8509 April 26, 1999 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 Dear Peter: Ap�,� ���FO ��� �Sl9 S`9�� N I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recorrunendation, the attached petition of Raymond Faricy and Frank Pilney for the vacation of an alley in Block 3 of Hoyts Rearrangement according to the petition on file and of record inthe Office ofthe Saint Paul City Clerk. They were no maps submitted to my o�ce. Sincerely, � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments 255 Park Square Court 400 Sibley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 512-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 ���� Commonweatth COMMONWEALTH LAND T�TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY 7uly 17, 1998 Raymond W. Fazicy, Jr Attorney at Law 1616 Firstar Center 101 Fast Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101-1808 RE: 98-130 Abstractor's Certificate Dear Mr Faricy: �,� Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as of June 2, 1998, a search of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjoining the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Aall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. (See Ephibit A attached hereto.) Respectfully, COMMONWEALTA LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPA � o ert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This repozt cites matters appearSng in the public records of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errozs or omissions. Enclosure 9g-to59 �,� � �� �IV PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), the undeisigied, coastitufing a majority o[ the owne[s (or theirlegally designated mpr¢entadves) of the abutting properti¢, do here6y peti6on t6e Council af t6e City of Saint Paul to vante its interests in the properq�(ies) legally described as follows: the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, B1ock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park L(we) requect this racation for the Collowing reason(5J. so abutting property owners can use land. I(we) have attached six copies of [he site pians of any development int¢nded for constrvction on the lands to be va�ated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the -- - - - - - - - - terms and conditions of the vacation: N�,�,e: Ravmond W. Faric;� Jr. (��28290) N�e: Frank T. Pilney Phone: 6�-Z-297—$4$4 Phone: Aaaress: 1616 Firstar Center naare�s: 385 Lexin�ton Pkwy No. 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55104 t. au , - Altemate Contact Person N�e: Lori Henlev N ,,, ie; Extendicare Ho Inc * pnoae: (414) 908-8236 Pnaa�: 14141 1 ?OS-A23h naa:eSS: 111" W_ Michi g�, Sr _, Sth Flr Address: 111 W. Michi�an St. Milwaukee. WI 53203-2903 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 *£jk/a Unicare Homes,Inc. Name: Addres5: q t-io59 File No. 98-130 E�ibit A Properry Talc ID No. Fee Owner/ Address Taxpayer! Address 34-29-23-41-0032-5 34-29-23-41-0033-$ 34-29-23-41-0034-1 Frank T. Pilney 385 Le�ngton Parkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Frank T. Pilney 385 Lexington Patkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Lux-caze III, Inc 7727 Portland Ave S Minneapolis, Mn 55423-432o Plastic Surgery Associates 385 Le�cington Pazkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Same Unicaze Health, Inc 105 Michigan St W/f 120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 34-29-23-41-0035-4 Unicare Heaith, Inc Same 105 Michigan St W #120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 �j�i-to59 Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: 'I � 1, FTdriIC T. P 11132 Y, am the petitionu, or one of the peutioners in the abqve maner, and I do hereby swear and verify that each of the signalures on this ition waz signed in my presrnw b t1�e person described in the petition. v ` � (➢ f toner) v f . y d � f 2 �nfiincn a. lio�ay Subscribed and swom ro before me this �� s �'� � -��� day of � . I99 � /s/ 1 � � (Natmy) �'. l�SY COAiMiSSfON E7IPIRF.fw ;_ `�� JANUA[Y31.2000. (ca7rxf-]0>vg) �Sl j�-� From: Glenn Picha To: CAO.Attorney.warner Data: 8/12/99 9:13am Subject: Vacation 9 1999 Lexington Central This vacation was requested by Ray Faircy, who stated that the property owners had no intention of doing any building. So he preferred to just have inquiries sent out instead of Certificates of Intended Non-use. All inquires are in except for Linda Dickhut, who wi11 be sending that in shortly. Linda has stated in a E-mail that she has no objections to the vacation, and wi11 sign the inquiry for PW. A£ter you have looked over the file, I will replace the E-mail with the inquiry. The E-mail is with the other inquiries. Linda has approved the legal_ She pre£erred having the dociunent for widening Lexington on the legal, because she did not want the legal to be anyway ambiguous and the Water Utility requested it be done. Thanks . Glenn �'/�i /051 -._ _. .. -- - ..- _ _.__. . __.. , RP'r. �1 '9_ �":�� FR EH5 LEGRL -il� ?r^ ���� TO 91h`1?2� �~ / ��� � Stczfe of De1�2vtcre �ffire of the Secretary of State r.�^. �= ��i—ID`�'j PAGE 1 :�.:- <,� � .� � I %�: �i I, EDWARD J. FREEL, SECRETARY OF' STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIPY THAT THE SAZD "UNICARE H6MES, INC_", FILED A CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT, CAANGINC� ZTS NAME TO "EXTENDICARE HOMES, SNC.", THE TWENTY—FOURTH DAY OF 3LJNE, A.D_ M 1997, AT I0:30 O'CLOCK A_M_ 04�3gUp 2Q.10�.69 �320 °71�62167 / !�\°-�' �:/ ;: � 1 \,�� i� -_ � _ _. f� —., � m � pEQp2TJ�+IEMT t OF SSAfE FtLED A�� 121997 �,�r(�`•de�e.a/ ,bGe+�r� t� � � s�a n , 1 � ���� £.7.<'�ini J. Friel, Ccir. oi Stn�c '.L il �� I I�__1 I 1� �\. . ... n593606 - - _ _._ ._- . _ _. f �.if1. { i 1. � Q'o mr. TOTA- F�GE.�? l: ��,��5q I � � � , , the � � ����o �� r�, ���for Extendicaze Homes, Inc., f/k/a Umcaze Homes, Inc., Assignee of the Interest of Ltix-caze III, Inc. and on behalf of Unicaze Health, Inc. do hereby sweaz that Extendicaze Homes, Inc., is one of the petitioners for the vacation of the alley described in this Petition. Eactendi ��omes, By: �/ Its: �/D ibed and sworn to before me this ciay of ��� 1999 ,� �� . �N�10.. ., �Ale�.ny PubIic (� v ������� �S��sc— �5 �\^��.�2�� i �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Code»zan, Mayor Ju1y 30, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall- '7"' F1. Minneapolis, MN 55401 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division �/�i—l05�J 140 Czty Hall Phone: (651} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (651) 266-8855 Sulijeet ., � ` :. , , . ,.,} ,.. ._x �acafiozi 9, �999; Ce�►traT & �e�thgYc+nE ,_:: Dear Ms Pagel: The resoluuon for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of 5aint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolufion allows the Northern SYates Power Company Electric to exercise its urility xights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerel�, (� �� x�.�.�-- � U ( e.� Glenn Picha Real Bstate Division (Resolution letter to NSP vac 9-1999) ✓� � Qq-io5� Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone (612) 330-5500 RECEiVE� August 4, 1999 Mr. Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 c..P�,!,tytT�r aStQ? RE: Vacation 9-1999 — Central & Lexington — Review of Resolution Dear Mr. Picha, AUG 0 5 19gg REAL ESTk;`E p;viSIGY I have reviewed the resolution for the release of easements, enclosed with your letter dated July 30, 1995. NSP had requested retaining an easement over the "west 95 feet" of the vacation area, and I believe the description in ihe resolution retains an easement over everything but the west 95 feet. I propose the foilowing description for the area required by NSP: all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Reurangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lois 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel �vith and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to tiv�e i•a:ic. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review the resolution, and please contact me at 612- 330-5893 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Margaret aahs Real Estate Representative Land Services N1.'S'.: r., +� S �- :tS?�{.i�, ;�;;,Yl `�"83r'�''���r4t'��.; : - _ ,) . r � �:'_�, a:s.;�.;�:{}..,� - :•. , - °$�:°�'�� .�9-io 9 . - � � -------�-� . _T _. ) M -�_ � / J { � —_�".. -_��-� � : --� _______, ��� � � - --- - ---.� � ----�- - - � m - -- -- �- - � GO/S/if/ �CS�� �%b !/{� . ° � „a uoisi.fip puz f'�'.S�f yf// ��x th5 �'p►1 "�v�, � � . . ,dC�t oC 'T n �� �9 e'ff or!' pF}S.�D.4'�--_lY---� .. " _"�_', -e,��: E€ £c�' - -r--,i's6i�._''.. � _ 1 � � . � �V�� �� � '� •e t� ,�' .� _ " ' ' ' cv M d- ; ., a o� � �1 0 ` `.� .. � . :ti " ; , t ,� 'n � i .: ,\ . �:.. �:. _ . - .:,� ^ � b �' �, - � - ,_, `; ! N •._. .. E -c ; . K "' ' 4� z ` � ?r . , :r � ��' S '„� ; • �: ... — . i�'� ', � .i = �' •i ' • o 'r o - --- - -' � •.�v,��a M t� ` N t � � : < � � N � � -':�-' �'- _ ' ~ — � � _�_ """ _"' � -� — G .°� '�' '4 co r: N ^ i ' `�/ �—__� _ n i � � � N �� �° � M e a 1 � � � h \ � c�m � N �' � �� � � N n - - -�-- - — � .� -� � V -----� -- - � � � �, d N � � m � ; o � N r � ^ � ^-� 1'.. q \ � �C*•.) v � � � � , � � Q N . � . ` N �' � . .1�� \ � � � c \ � -�x�oz _" 99 .t-sL- •,�S g66 �.� a � � ;� �° + �I t. +.. 9 oI6�G/ r;, ,. 'F _ =, - ..... - . - � � � �'_ ,�. � _. oNi' � oQ „; � � ; � _' _ `� t __.. '_'_ _' t-°.:." ' 1 � � �, � �� -a � 1 -o- • - - ,\ �� � . �. I ,� � : . __ - �a :?' 3_ ._ _`, �- � -�+ - - ,_'.� n. � . O/r� _ n '•'•:.. r� t _'-, -' i t� � 90 67G1'• � �; ' - V(1 Q 5 �" � 17 ` - /�'1 �7.��/Q C' • � - CY a 3 t�j�t•n �. � a � �.. . ' o.s � � ' . Y1 � - .... .� .y � o� 9o�x'q[i I:' - -' - -..� , � � � :� �.�do ' a >� . � - .. � .. �_ .._ __..,� . ` ' v_ . -,,, � . �.., � - � � . - -, - - �_ �; - _ � �� . . - �.. � � � � � , �"' ,r, `• 'I N . . � . __ ..�:. , ' \ � � ��.� o�s ,—' __ _ � f - �Z -- --{ �. � .. N R I. µ l � _h, \ _x � . "�.. "' "_ — }— � —{ n ` N� r.. I '. ` � .-�\ 1; 4 - •n G . y � � +�--- ' � - � t � .. • _ ' . � •, a � � I—' _ "' ' ' � > f _..�I _; 1!2 h ' ' "_ _'— � �" " �l " �__ ; ' � � .��..�_._. � � °I ft31� �- �,� � � N� �, -- � ; d � \ .. _ -_ � � � -4, . � . � I � i ___'_' _r_" a� _'_ .� f 5 'o : , � � ` P� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99—lO�y' 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul,MN55102 Fac: (651)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 30, 1999 Regina Trujillo Us West Communications 700 West Minarai Litfleton, Co 80120 Dear Ms Trujjillo: The resolution for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of Saint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolution allows US Communications to exercise its utility rights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, .� "�"` ,9..�nM� �i,C/� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division .J <_ (Resolution letter to US West 9 1999) .�. ,- q9-t o59 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 6,1999 Ray Faircy 1616 Firststar Center 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Subject: Dear Mr Faircy: � �� f�'� '' C Vacation Upda"te - File No. 9=I999 The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the progress on your petition. 'Your petition is � sufficient � not yet snfficient for the following reason(s): � does not include a Certi�ed Ownership Report; � is nof signed by majority of abutting owners as indicated on the Certified Ownership Report; I�I ► tl does not clearty define area to be vacated (legaI description): other Your petition is a copy for the sib atures by a majority of the owners of abutting properties. Inquiries and, if required for release of utility easements, Certificates of Intended Non-Use were maited to the deparfinenfs and utilifies on dates indicated in the following chart. The chart also shows which responses have been received. A check in the left column designates those departments and ufilities from which we must receive responses before proceeding further. „� . _ Lltilities ✓ U.S. West ✓ N.S.P. EIectric ✓ N.S.P. Gas MCI Metro ✓ District Energy ✓ MediaOne Other City Departments ✓ Public Works ✓ Water Utility ✓ Police Department ✓ Fire & Safety ✓ LIEP Libraries ✓ Parks & Recreation ✓ P.E.D. Design Center Neighborhood DistricY Voting District 5/ 17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1499 5/19/1999 5/19/19 5/ S/18/1999 5/26/1999 5/26/I999 If you have any questions, Please call me at 266-8862. Sincerely, _ w �"' �""'��v. Glenn Picha Real EsYate Division Inquiries Mailed Received 5/17/1999 6/3/1999 5/17/1999 6/9/1999 5/17/1999 5/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/10/1999 5/17/1999 6/U1999 r{ 9-l059 11 U D' � �� (9-1999inq) Certificates Mailed Received JUL-23-1999 11�48 TRRFFIC ENG MRPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 P.a1/01 Department of Technology and Management�erv, � Real Estcrte Division ]40 City Ha11 Phone: (65I) 266�8�0 Saint Paul, MN SSIOl Fmc: (651) 26G-8855 � CITY OF SAINT PqUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 1Y '^: . . � _ � . 1�/�V :4 T� � ' ! '� ' IT ._.l. � ~ � " �`�'' : � `±:��.. _ U [_s � ¢.. . : l'�.C.� � �. < 3nly 13, 1999 `!"' Lin Dickhut Public orks 800 City Il Annex Subject: Deaz Ms Dickhut: TMS Aepartment Pile No. 9-1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendatioa the petition of' Frank T. �ilney for the vacatiom of a11 that part of the east west alley, Block 3, F. �V. � Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Ha[I and $rovvn's Addition to $yde Park lying Easterly of the Southerniy eaxtertsion of the'West line of Lot 27, Btock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Iiall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park�.'�'his inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depenciing on the petitioner' intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some c ,�e... i . , 1 ,r , . . t•. ia` ,., .... . . ��:':" , r; � �; reason for requesting this vacation and t6e alt of the utility easements may be retained. f .. �. .. , . . r . The purpose of this vacation is in order for the pr perty owners to have nceess to maintain their exterior build. Will you please advise me of any existing uf ity easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. T woul like to receive your comments before Au�ust 6, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Co �I on this matter. For your convenience, you will find reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather espond on yoar letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions garding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Si �n� ,,� Crtenn Pich�� CP,ulP ki�iiul ��'�� �� ��'��' ����� (9-1999 inc� ��W� CGo �� �p,, G�oC � �� - Q G�=="� � �G�� t�oC�rt � �� SP,�B� -/'/ � �*�'����. "�., n " ": .. r. .,r, ._ �zYYhz � � TOTRL P.01 !I � � l 06/09/99 RBD 10:40 FAS aJ0 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST f� 001 9 9-1 �54 �' � a � Facsimile�-Cover Sheet IVorthern States Power Company To: � � �, Company: a��f/- � Phone: -� Fax: / oZ6 � � �i�.i .5� FI'Ot17: Margaret Maahs - Land Services Address: 414 Nicollet MaII � M�Is, MN 55401 Phone: 6i2-330-5893 . Fax: 612-330-6590 Date: Number of pages including this cover sheet: 6 /9��'g � Comments: � e /yy D ��� � � 06/09/99 FYED 10:40 FA% 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST �„ ,_,.._ �002 a � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Phone # F�cY X ef Pages 1 .. :: 1 �F�o,n� �.on �a3et (-Ma.rgare Norchem Scatrs Power Co. 414 Ncollet Mall - 7th F1. Minneapolis MN 55401 rh°°e'�i12-330-5893 We have no objections to thzs vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � '4Ve musc retain our easemen�,s w?rh3n the ri;ht-uf-way - . _ . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • • - - - • - • - - [X.X] We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditi.ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we can.not approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easement wi,thin the "west 95 feet',�' of the proposed vacatioa area for electr3e faciliti.es. � � 9 9 Sign d Date Crlenn Picha Citv af S[. Paul R�1 Esrate Division Ma ahs ) E � i i ti' �•, /�L B t_— W � � ' ` � T ��XINGTOi` C/ TY OF �,5. Co� I SHE6 � h AoO/� _ ` ¢ " - �. m c'.;:`�'<; > Z . u-.v • . �a a `_ 6a R T' S , � '�-'--, f � � b � • • c _ ' -_ : � _ Q � ti :..K -T- N- ^x� ..ti J >.'N ' �'+' �. -'� " ";11> r�� :.i ., ` �ti 7^ p -i � �s .a � W ; � i � h 9 I 2. � � t � , � 2 �' �' � I � s � r ,`�. I � �_ � I I� L EX/NGTON fl VE AO O- � ro/SSl3a-v/.byNRRYCO {/p>i/3d/S99�e�s�>msSC.e�een a[o0a�d �9a S�S. ___._.__.-.�=.C�_______ _ ___. _______ ____ _/3�SYJ ; , o.n _" _ _ "- ' _ _ .a . • _ 6 ' . v . • _' ' � z ' Ta _ � � v..�.�t � �-- � � I_ . .,�._ .�. ., _ �. , i, , ., � , e ' ' I i � i 2 O � Z � �� � HAGERMA S UBO/� � B/SHOPSAOO � W%`L ovNW%9oF�SYt!%9oF SW� OF' aSEC26T 29/'�Z3. .�E %¢ ov/(lE �4 ov cSEC. 27 T� L 5. R z 3. /h�.�:.ycertfyfhat/s.o.i=c .df���s ...y�fh<lo.,d.asc�iv.L�.r/hece�f.��.E Fu�/non-�e.edu.,e�%wl�h.s :. _ co �/coq>F�l.e .;q,.,o/p/cf n � 7 .. _ �. LXS<t�Q4.Fi1��_ _. 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'_.___—____ -__"_—'—' —_'—___—'_'_'__,_ _ _—__"____—"'_ '__ _"' —_—_—_+ _'_ ' � _ _ ".-, .,..-: `° - .� ° � ' � �. p. .�� h ti,' j< < -!; t ' , C`-�-:_.; : ._�: �:=�_s^ � � ��-- — � -- :e �%-$ ��� - � � - - -- -� = -- ") .,. V� .. c e Z �5`��� k 2 .Q � ;,+ .:� .,. �• LL I I I � � _� T �; :� z � � � �� �� m = ` i ���- FITZHU�HS J UB- � J I j °� � . Ha��'s floo ,- l o� HY D E PAF�Fi. s ��,:r � =1 + :; '� �I D D. ' STREET OR �1_i.L�Y VACATION NO. 9-19 YEAR 99 �� Vacation of: Petitioner :........................................................ Frank T.Pilney SUFFICIENCY Map yes-# 32 Ownership Report yes Petition Signatures yes but copies VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Hearing Date Approval of Legal Description: Referred 13 Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Pagel) � N.S.P. Gas (Nelson) MCI Metro (White) ✓ District Energy (Urke) ✓ MediaOne (Ruppert) Other ( ) City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut) � Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Commander) � Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Design Center (Agness) Librazies (Williams) � Parks & Recreation (Wirka) � PED (Dubruiel) Neighborhood District #[District] Voting District #[Ward] Inquiries Mailed/Received 5/17/99 6/3/1999 5/17/99 6/9/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 6/23/1999 5/17/99 6/10/1999 5/17/99 6/1/1999 5/17/99 a Certificates Mailed/Received 5/17/99 5/17/99 � �, �� Q 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/20/1999 5/17/99 ---------------• 5/17/99 5/18/1999 5/17/99 5/17/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 5/17/99 � � Reaort co�iesia Petitinner ✓ Essential Repiies (proceed with resolution after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: .- Petitioner's Contact: Ravmoud W. Faricy_(612) 297-8484 Alternate Contact: Lori Henlev14140 908-8236 � � Return copy to: F - Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �R�G�NAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �- k15q , Green Sheet # �S�y �2- 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Frank T. Pilney as documented in Technology and 2 Management Services Department File Number 9-1999, public properties hereinafter described are 3 hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the 4 easements within those public properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and 10 Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line i l of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's 12 Addition to Hyde Pazk and lying westerly of the west line of L,exington Pazkway, as 13 widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. 14 15 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 16 Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 17 18 1. 19 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 50 days of the effective date of this resolution. That a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company-Electric Distribution in the following property described as follows : all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Souiherly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I,ots 25, 26, and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I.ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. , i 2 3 4 6 7 8 3. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. 25 26 27 28 Giq- fosq That a permanent utiliry easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, Inc. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 Requested by Departrnent of: By: '- I \ Approved by By: Technology & Management Services By: - �� Director Form App ed by City Attorney sy: �,(��G�wyv,e. ��1�14 � Adopted by Council: Date ��� . a'l �� Adoptior,�Certified by Counc� Secretary r� PublicHearin Date- October 27, 1999 `��'t�S�{ T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 8I10/1999 Greea Sheet Number: 09514 oat8et BeLSOa aad Phoa6 Nt�bOr: 'L BPART!ffi�1'P D CT�� �) 4 CITY COVNCIL E� G1eI1si PiChB 266-8862 "'�"° y=TY Arrox�r g xxr c�.axx � DLGBT DIRBCTOR O�FFICS OF FIIa+NCIAL SVCS. st be On Couacil Aganda by: OG J � ��� 3 ypg (OR ASSISTA9Tj , a AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATIIRE) CTIO23 RSQIISSTED: acation is needed at the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, all and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Le�ngton Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of exington Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve hat part of the alley. (Vacation �le number 9-1999) COPIDffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT R) ERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MU3T AN$W&R T8E FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm aver morked uader a coatr�ct�for this epartmeat? YES NO PLANNING COlRISSSION A STAPP Has this parsoa/fism ever baen a City employee? Y85 NO CML SBRVICE COlIIII58I09 Doas this 8ersoa/£irm 8ossass a skill aot aormally gossessed by y Y8S NO eze coxnrxxea curreat City employea? Explaia all YES aaswers on a s araYe shaet aad attach. P�&TS WKICA COSINCIL OBJSCTIVE2 COUNCIL 07ARD(S) 1 DI3TAICT PLANl3ING COONCIL 13 INSTIATING PROBL&M, ISSO&, OPPORTVNITY (S4ho, What, ➢Jhea, S4hare, Why?): utting property owners have requested vacatiag an unimproved a '"� ich ublic Works has no intention of opening. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: �` roperty owners can make productive use of the land._ =5,�,��s =F �PR�: C��;;a�i4 Reseae�h Center ��� ��q oae. � (,1� R� ISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED: AUG d.� O��7JJ �� G��C) Q\ a land will remain unimproved and abutting property �' not be able o make productive use of the land. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIONZ „yfiS.UO cosTixsv�as svnca ccxxcr.z oNa) �s aro IN6 SOIIRCB: ACTMTY NWffiER: Q01�013Q0—z833 INANCIAL INFORIdATION: (HXPLAIN) Transaction amouat is an administration fee for the vacation. Saint Paul, IvIinnesota November 15, 1999 To the Honorabie, the Ciry Council Saint Paul, Minuesota Dear Council Members: We, �:ne undersigned petifioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 99-1059, adopted by the City Council on October 27, 1999, and approved by the Mayor on November 1, 1999. Extendicare Ho�,es, Inc. By cyy",- � . � v I t s tt +�-..�'" � ; �'� ���� � F�arik T. Pilney, M.D. �- �� i/�-� .,cC�. � �� DEC 1 � 1999 ;P Q Y ��Es�� ( %a;4.t� ,. � f M r'"' �� � j { t �� t j 4�� x . ' n "f t �^....�i�' . I '�l�n. �lF/�i � ti�tri�l"��'f.�'N'�+Ii. `' /� L V .1:iti_. ,_�7�1�'�Yt:�}` ;�.'t,f�.. . . � , . � � ' � i , c�g - l osq ;�--� � � L ----- ---.-. ----� --� _---, ���� _. ---� � - .i m -- -- - � --- — -- �--- - � liD�s�.ri �s iv y�L ° ��e. x � h 5 -� �o�s.�.a pUz P� ,�r v�i� '- � , � O ►'1 '�_ ': ° E� 9y <'st o�i' _. � �V � �k � ,��� a � . �• � M � �. �� „j; c }1 � � T i Ch ' c �M i' 4 � �, � � `�------- � � � � N � ~ N ` 1 � � f ---- a -� � a � N � - -v.b1 . _ n ,� ` --�•i � � \, '• _ � , : �, ., =,� •�vn.• 9 nl ba� � aN�' �aQ I � ! - o� �� t n,� 90 69L1 �� �: ._ �=, K y , ' _ , ;_ , �<� : ~ '- r '.. : : ` .—' ` :- . ,. ' � O_h"1 _' - /'I� 01 � d � L^. �.r oc J J � �r.� ti � a 3 L�iE � � � � �M1 c M v ' � q �C ,. A�j " c. 90, �r� � � N ^ :� �� \ ' 1,' N � \� � � — -�-- '---=-` -- -- -o' `v �,� N � � < m � � o � N � o �•' � � o ��;;� � �^. � v . '� -� o � . \, � � � e � ^ � \ � , � tt`� pz _ _ 99 r_r , :, �_}.� 566 �-�J , _ '-� - SY=6-L/ �. i i . J �` J C C -�- ��-- � � �� � � �7 O _._. -�-- ` � �, N ' ,� � �._ � > _. _i 0 4 o �3 � w � „/1 ! �.J W c • --� F£' r: � -' .._.�_--`T� �_�,•'... __��, �'' • t =.,. - �:_. �--�_ -�:-. � _ .: • - 1� i :� .._. ... ,�` �. .� . ... — .,l•� �� < y It Q?: ' ..... - ' . . .� Y_ •� , - . _ :� � "" '_._ _' � _ ,� \ :r.. - ��.� -� 3 ,. . .. � r- �s� -� � - - ...-..-i i- ,1 ` � � ol t --- . �. ,,;: _ --� — —� � . . L� _. �����g r' • -- �.� . '� i . •.�� , Q t�� - _. � _ _�:1 � - .... ._ .y Y , �' �' �I 1iS �G' y� `'_' - �- -._ _,� . V, � - � �..•. . � .;\. . -�_� �. � • : � - - ,� 1-. . . _ � "' ;;} ,1. :i ' • -- ...�:, � � o.y �— 'Tg — �-- ..Z -- --{ � t �•. � , w � _. ._ _ :,� g ' Y ' •' � � � '. ` � :�� 1�. �-- •� '�_ - — 1 � .. • - �•. a � � h I —__ •. _ ' � .. � _i � �� � ,� f -- -- - — � �.. .: �,� - I :b�� � 06 s�.9 1� � f 5 o ---- ' � � � - �: j � � � , � � 6S'6o� u `� c I �- O r, �• C I `�p� o. I � i \ __"'_' _�_' ' _'__ _ "_.�� � Or'yE/ -(D5`� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: I�ian cy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall From: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 10, 1999 I have requested a date of October 27, 1999 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Lea�ington Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of Le�ngton Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve that part of the alley. (Vacation File numbez 4-1999) I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. These properties are located in City District 5, Planning District 6. This petirion is in proper form. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me at 266-8862. Thanks. ca Council Members cc: Nancy Anderson ������ ��m���� � (9 1999_Vacation hearing letter Nancy Research) ����' ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 Regina Trujillo ROW Engr for IA MN & NB US West Communications 700 West Mineral Littleton, C� 80120 Phone: (65i}2b6-8850 Fax: {651) 266-8855 G19 - ! �s� Suir�eet:. ., . , ;fL�5Bggartts�ent.i"�le�a:-9�999 Dear Ms Trujillo: The City 4;!, �ncE°��'�,�"s:��dx�ioit #e FE�de PaY�"T�� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of vacahon is ur�,�e�£o�t����r�i�t��.�r�nees��ia�e��e��a�ma2n�r��hezr� ,e�5?i�� b�ti�'i�. Wiil you please advise me of any existing utiliry easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before:".June 11, 1494 so i can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiIl find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. c �S p in�c�erely, , � G� P �h ��i�. (4-1999 inq) i : To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-7999 'Fmnc P�et„�'na cuy o[ �c. Yaul ROW Engr for TA MN Real Esiate Division & � us w�� Communications 700 FVest ?�ti.ncral _ _ _ _ I,ittleton, CO 8U120 99-to� FaC # We have no objecrions to ihis vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We will approve this vacacion, subjecc to rhe foilowing eondirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the Po]lawing reasons, we canttot agprove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � --� � . (�- - - � "(�1�-� � �Y�� S"rt, Eac-, CP�� (?�� CL�P_c�uz'�.� � Pl'�o�C��, Co1�R�vuouS fr'AC�u T�� 2S-s��Jec..sctA � c_cA-s As c.��� r.� s;'�-i� L�. � to.�.C Uv1 �5� �c.P� �- Ce_�n'�'�.� �� Date � � :i�.�` }���.%: "' . .;1y�."# :�°i;�:.;:<� : i) cS{•: ��z;f„�.���.;�:;;e'�;. .. � I . . ' .-- . :��'�' ? 99-l05� � - � ---�----� � . Y___ � rn "" 1 � ' J � '_._'_. _'_"'" _ _" �-y " _'�_� '_'_"i '�� 1 � - �-- - - --- � � ---- - - - � m — — -- �— - � /��isi�i s ' aa y�L . ° � '�.X l�1 l.�ors�.t.p��,�.z f"t��f �I�t/ i- o `a3a�1 • .s t � 5 �O ►1 �vQ c - (�Z��s�•' nE� ,99 asr or�-:'I �F a.r'�-^a��l_ � FF £s�' _.:...�„' l'£di`_ . � � � � ': ,^ . -"' ��� i . � � �� �+ 4� cv M d� � , h {� � ^� ` �— ' ----. -- _ - ��^ 1 �J j» �} .. � f so ^: l �. . V ' ' _ :j� • � � �, �.m � � ' � *��i � • `i �; :.. _ � . ,_} 1 N .._. -.. n b �: � ` � � �°1 . � ,. j ' _..}�.V' ' ':: � 't c :C �l :� =-? y � �n� �' � z �r _. . � � = 1' �?: . .� ; �, ' a o `� - -- - F ��' C1 '�v.?'�r m _,}. .. _. ' ' �` . N 9 P 6�G / c`.: i�" ., < •� � � ..... - . - � i t9 . � � t� -� oNi' �06 � . � �= • ,t „ ` _ . .� . < � �y � . y _ __.. _�_ _.l?..:_ � � � " '� ,-- ° �'i � _'�:°'_ ' _ ' • _ " "_ "" _ `, \ : . Cf;i .f _ _ ' ' ' _ _ _ ' ' ' � ` " ` , " . 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';' - , _ oz� _ - ' ..._.�.,_._.__._ _ , s sY=6L/ =6-!/ 'oQ :¢ti I o8 $/� f 5'0 � I . � 0 0� . � � \ 3\ ; �, � o �� i o � i � � %� ^ 0.7 -- --- � � �.y"so/ m `.' c Y1 S 1 �S co �J o � �\ I � --' � :y ° c '(� �S �J � � e I ;. � o. cJ O j � [,, i \ .. i �n� --_`._�- \� ' __. _-"_' _r" ' " -._.� o�'rE� ^ � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division q 9- /059 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Ma11- 7th FI. Minneanolis MN 55401 Suli��c�t. _ , : :; ` : . ' , ; . '�'MS Department F�te No� 9 � 999 Dear Ms Pagel: The City Clerk, 2r����"� ail;dFB�rt��v�r�'t��fxain���cTe�Pa� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or ali of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is iri iT'i�[Te�S`�t'�'ia��a� ��na}t��ti �tet� ���°A'�LO�b�f�: �.,. _�, �,,, ,., „ � £., �._ . Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended fiature ase of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before°tJune 11, 1449 so I can prepaze a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiil find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, / / A � ��� V� 1G enn Picha (9-1999inq) >• ' S # of Pages j Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #9-1999 To: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division 'Ftom: I.Ori P2�E1 (2'13ig8T'E� Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Minneapolis MN 55401 RECENEL JUN � � moaer Faz # 266-8855 612-330-6590 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For ihe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easement within the "west 95 feet`� of the proposed vacation area for electric facilities. C�/tCI � Signc�d Date � 9� ro�'� Maahs) �f' 0 jl U % Y � /3<.yo r - � - - - - �- �- o i r+ i � � � � /GP.S� i :O.YY r. � ; G> : C � J J ` O � 0 p � 0 � .¢ o_ � , _ c _._..,�... i `° -- - � � -� �..- -- - — . � v, � � �—.'_ ,� � � ^� t _ ' " '_ � ~ 5 r h �, � � Y o l � ' �� �- -� 4_.- �,-� � F n '{ �' �'. � i 'C `- �-- — '� '4.." '_' Z" '� � � '" HO � `l I � /: C � � ` �` - '� �� ;, �' � � - . ..� �; - �`, " : . ✓i: . . . • _ . _ _ �_ . : �� L � � 5 r-- -- -�- --� `� ; � t�� . U � V � T1 F , (a •\ _ _ _ �P t:�" , �j /7b}/06 � i_. _. .... _ .� k. J �` � , YG . �f0 � V•1C TE �:: - • . . .. -a .B��jEL In/ - : �� .. no .,,., '} •.17C9 �6 ' �� ' . � r � , u — T -VG �u � .__ ___ i u �''�"` ... � , \ 1 � � �. � , �=_::. - - �•- -S- -� � " � -� �� `. . � . � -� � T �� i.S) ' tJ �, � • F, � - --- --- -� : ! 3. �- * .`~ .l. . �,� �' w Do�:.iHo� � U � - - _ t � ` r? _ y � y.s ���9(�6 V C 99-i o59 -L---�-�'� � oN � � \ � �� ' `. I� � � c \i �_ � l O � N V �J \ � � o O i7�F /7-sS,ZS -- 120 -- ' Y' { 9 g S s`�'. e —LS. �s 66 "" �o.T-. _..,.. - . _ ^�. N \ � 0 � �. �v � \ � � � � � � ; C � � � , N � , . � �., �t � r,� w e � "' � , .., � o � � �, . � � � � L � N w `� `� � 1 i � (1 � N I � , 'i - �Y � � - -N-�-- --�- :w�z �- N "� -n G� N � � � � ' , �� *•�� N � r � � ' �� � , ``� N ' °, � `-0 � Y � �� ' � � � � --a----- ----------- - � :.L._ � N � � � � v � = y. a� � N > �� � •., � � s��. A p � /� O � 1. ..... ,r � ., Z - -: c - ,� ; !` i : >J 1� ' 2 l':•, I • i .. �JJ 1v � �� �� �• , _�] � �; �t--�t`., ._ ... . ;� .-;— ..� �, =•{ � : �.�t� � � � Ti ,. � ' ti 4 ;•1 1- ' `� _ `� ^! V • �`+ •� � . � � �' � �i�: ..... � ' ,,. `u `. c ^ (y 41 � hi.\ � q... . . . , -. . __ . � '�__ � S N � o t0 u' l.. -1� W tv a ` � .~ ?l �± <„= k• � � � � = ..,,�._—,/93.%S_ —1.._.. ._ .�.1�3 j� �_.__'t, .sI_3n 1. �3o Jr,> E;� l3v _ Jo 3o:Z!i ,�wm<< -- ,- , . o /(fhYYid�n�OvisiOO��L11 Xa'� `� �- - -- -- — �----- � � 1 -- .. � r, , ae:<�xv:�'��'�c�r���`r:`cti�:?i�^`;N:v;. � 7th qr ,�s� iyis�o� ura��r: GC) - --� - � GJ �� � ------ �--- ---�� .. -__ ----- ' � � t - -- �---- _ «7' � - t N - r Department of Technology and ManagemenfServices Real Estate Division 9 9- I o5 9 ' I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAI{VT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Mark Nelson NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul MN 55117 ��c � � � , �j s �� U, �� s y � ���p s �� � � / �uli�e�, ' ' �'1415. �paz`t��ier�i �+�le.l�nr � �9� Deaz Mr. Nelson: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of ����'�; �'ilney for the vacation of ATt i�t �#�t cs�#1se ��St ��t:111ey; littu�€ 3� R'< Hi� 4C�.�sts ��}'lrtVY sMxiL_�ftF} ���:flft� .#1i V+slF ���{}k.Rieat 4�<��]'[�C i�,f{�.# IF+!��f :�':+/N3LC{j„T: SF� y� 1�V����T �;`_$ait aui� Srai�'� Ad#t�tii�� tcr Hyil� Park� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. _ _ _ _. . The purpose of this vacation is i�r�rxlerfur �e�roperEy aWi�ers tir�ta�e aecess ta m�iiita�n^th�ir ��i-ic�r:laQitd: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this progosed va�ation. I would like to receive your comments before 3une1 i, 1599 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to ihe above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regarding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � 1G enn Picha � (9-1999 inq) � #ofPages 1 pl:�/bC� 7 7 .rJ Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Cilenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: NSP - Gas Aistributioi 825 Rice Street Saint Paui MN 55117 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We wili approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed N�P �'- �s/Zf�q� Date . t� . kj� E � , i � :;�;s?: :�?a.;���.,;�.�='�;�K{� =-'~ �: , , � � � - L ��i—/0.5�' C � _,_� � I � �----- -- ----� ._. .. _ c , . ''^o.i-l EF' C. �"" _ .... "{ '^ .`"' r lz , t � _- - -----. - - - �d � 9 ^ .� �._.. _�. _ . - _ : i� -:� � ' 1 ;v . .. =�.' — �� , - -� �� ° � ��.\ . K . � - —~'''�1- - ... _ �: i�"� 'y �' c� � , }' t' r 1: Q�?: . •! y • °y� � 0 �e' o Sfl '7Vn't��t ' _' " � M-}. - . _ ; � � < N 9��L/ �'�'`' � <' � ... _. n. W � oN�' �' M 1 �` '� .� • ` ; � � � ` _ w �, � _ _ �- --- --- _. t:':. � . \ ,� -- c � -o- � - - }, \ :�. c:�:� :� — 'r - _------------ ------------ a � t ` '`�- °�1 �, ; `�� 3 � r_ -s. --• - - "::':.;1 �.. ' ' � �l � ' _ .; r '� w o- • - h a ; ,.; - �1 � � . ,�� : i N� n/. ` . O/r� -- ^�,:.. r� �. v 90 6�L�'• ^ �: � vr' a ; � � � N ��., � � 'p � — /�'I �7��/g r . .. - - �:Y �^ a 31Cj7' � � ` � � � c °C - � � v � 0 9o/iGG . r� °' N � :� ,,,� ' ^�� � N L \ > '�_ ' �'" ' j � � _ � '__"'� _ _ � � . . � `" �,a N 7 � � � o � � � ry v � � ` � v � °,` ��.i � � � � � —. � .� o t� I . � � u ` N � I .� h � ; ^ �- � � • �� 1 � � � � � - -':G�oz - %9 .r_'s • s. ° •-�-S S66 ti.�� __ -- o�i -_ Y F . ' , i L os : :�� �- .. .... ._ ..y � ' . �� - - - -.:1 �. +�' � `.� � , C{' �� � ' �" "'_ --4 . � • . y . . . '.. 1 � , i.: , � �_ :\ ,F � l a 1— — —, � , i `; �: , ': � • ,' 1 ���� -- _ til �- _Z -- --{' ,, ok, �� �� gt. � � , .� -� - -- t--- -� -� !• `�, � . 1= 1--- :o ��---�- - � 4� ..`� - ��. . � � � � �-- -' - -. � .. —i _{ o�'_ ,h � .•� - � - -- - - , �- : , � _..,...Y;.. _ 1 � � \� � � � � \ �3� , a o ._ r-s , „ o - .� � � � � � � N - v �=�" � �o � � : � s . f [�� l - C �+ �n�T' \ " — - cV c _ � _ � .� � � � L �---- ---.. � , ,� � m � — �--- Go.si�i� �s ��.-.���-.�-«._:_— - lloisi� i p �nu ��x 1�1c� �'p►'1 ��v�, 9y �sr or " uE�s, � - � � � � 'l:n � "�('��I� + . t �[� � oB �A � f b'o : . j --- � i — i i I ___'_. _ , , � F L OF'yf� 99-ia 59 � MCI WORLDC4M June IS, I999 i�Ir. Glenn Picha City. of Saint Paul Department of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Div. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 National Support / investigations Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lal:eside Blvd. Richardmn,l'X 75082 �� v �' � �� `���` Z ;t f99� ?fflfES�� p-�6S�Q�( REF: Vacation of Alley Row, Altey s/O Central Ave. E/O Lea�ington Ave. 9-1999 MCI REF: 2497-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been nofified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attenfion of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need fiirflier assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call Charles Welch at 972-656-6016. Sincerely, � ?, _ .�,_ �,,( �.,,...,, Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant 99Y���9 � M�1 WORLDCOM National Support / Inves[igaLions Dept2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Aichazdsoq 7"X 75082 June 30, I999 Mr. Glenn Picha City of Sain Paul Department of Technolog,y and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saiat Paul, MN 55102 RECEIVED J Ur_ O � +�' � REAL ESTATE DIVi;�,^pi REF: Vacation Request, Alley Between Bigelow Ave. & Central Ave. 0-1999 ING MCI REF: 2712-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will stiil be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address conespondence concerning any furixre projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �� ! ,Q..���r"V�/hJd'�CW � .�..��. �/ Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant `y� # of Pages 1 ,�,�ply to Vacation Inquiry ,� � 199 Fife #9-1999 r �TF D���SiQ�` To: Phone r Fax � Glenn Picba Ciry of S[. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8850 266-8855 'From: David Uike District Energy St I II1C 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55 221-0353 We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. . Signed DA�ID L: URKE, p.E. PROJECT MANAGER JUNE 11, 1999 Date q9-ios . . � " � c : ��'( � � -; , � L ----- --- . -- --- ; �---� -�-'� m � — �-- -- ---- U�iS/�ri� 1si �Clb,(A U�/ �� �, �. X l t1 -� Uoisi� 5 O n '� �-1.`oi oG " n£� � <'S! o�l' �.' ` ` (V � �' I � . n 'Ol O � �h _,� � � � �� � � � � • 2 ' i � . � t9 ` i � .—�::_-• _� rA t� c � W P i �� ------� -, �;F. a;^;�K'. Y J'�'; v , Hbe : ,: h � <,t s: 1 s"-.�.:: , -. � � ^ �q� y .' . � "�X� • . /J .�;;G,.: , ; �a;t.;,�,';,;r?��,a4,,KF��/- . `. . -�.:.,� . :.: .,: � , -. .. ... .9�i -/os9 �+ I I � ----- -- � 'vPuz !J°.S1 �/f// ' '- . U � � . ' �T Jflf. D.9'��^0.f1.. �' Ff f,%i—'__ _ "_'�_'_`���6�___�••... 4 ' , 5 �� � t 'j •^ <� �: � n� l —' � "'_'. '- - , c4 � �` N N � _ � _ � . °� �, h Q � N � !� ; . d �. . : � : r�. -- v - ' - ._S � � �"--° e -_ �, - ,' 1 ,ti \ N - _. � ... � ,�,�� . K .. � - --+-� ._ _ �::.1'� J. �,� 1 ; _ , � � ; 1 Q?; .� ��vn•.�� - -- -- y n'`�, .... 9��[/ ..'�. . �' ..'... - . - � r" . i � l �` M 1 Y: , 'r _ oN�'�o¢ . ' I � � '_"' '_'_ _.4::_ � � � 1 - o - � • '- - ,� 1 '^,•, � C�? :� � . . ,` �_ : �> .- 3 �- --1 r� s- .... - - �<..:..1 � ' �, a � ' � � ''',j � �., � =1 � _'— __' _ �I . n. � . Oh,J_ � "<:.. — � . il J ( 90 6��1'• �, " I 1 Y � v ��'N� �Q �' ' � � Q ` N �'�,�•, � '" �.. � - Nf - 7.� �lQ� t � .. - • :Y 031 � O (\. � M /� O � a � � � ' o . 9oi �t�� � N � ;i ; " � � N �v -�-- �, . i �----- ---�...----- -o-.- ,. � � U � �, ,. , v �, � N � � 7 �. � � N ` � -� 1`•. . � � � : \ � ��.� � ti � a '' . : v �a N o � � : v : � � �,� �� � � � , - �t�o1 -- .r_r ° %-�- S' 5 6 6 1.A � "' , _ �_ ozi _ _ sr�-ti ;sC� � � o � � � � ` o � � \ 0 \ � � � � � � N� ; v ° � `� . I 'n`9 `� \ �o � �. ° - -, . � C '�>� F - .... ._ ..� . �� y � . � � - -, .. ` �, l \.t�. l � � � - �? • � " . . i� -� .._ ---�.., � � � � , _ . �. _ :,.. � �– —� � `;-• 1. � � ; ,:, _;1 , i N _" .. ,,` � `��'� O/r �— _T� — � `. ..� __. _.J. I i ' � t �` � � � - �.•. .. . _ _ o Q �- � _ � g '• `` °_ . �`;. �—^ •''� 4. � � ��_.... _ °'-, ..'. _ � t� �. � ,--- - - �a � .. � _ _' '—i _ � _� h _:.l `� _ i -- -- - — „ t_ �: ; \ p� --- � v ; � � W . ' -' � I od S/� I � •� � I - �y j o � \ ; eseo7 1 � � N { < i ; _r_ ov>E/ s .46'0: � � c 4. n • � Department of Technology and Management Services Real �state Division 99 -�059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fcu: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole»uzn, Mayor May 17, 1999 � G � e ���/ �� �� � Scott Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 55075 `S 4 � J �� �� � U'G �S� �� S�liject ,,..-- , ,$,. ° ' �'3Y�S IYepartmeiii Fi'T�3,!To_`9_�999 Deaz Mr. Ruppert: The City ���'°��i� �D�►��t�„��,���r���t���_'a�`�? This inquiry gertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is �r $��'�, e1��1'°_�:� Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of th.is proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments beioreaJune i i, 1993 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, • Glenn� P .- _ ��� (9-1999inq) �r � Ii of Pages 1 I y Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: rnone# 'From: 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 266-8850 I Ph OIlZ ¥ VJe have no objecuons to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Far uie iollowing reasuns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �— � ��� Date Real Estate Division N :} ;,.=5 }, ••uti;>�a�',�f'�} `�;".�{x,:��., v., . / , � ��: . � I •: , . . ' . ,:.;. ,,...� 9y��os9 . _ _ �-{ �n � I -- , 1 �.,� � ---- --- �� — --- --i , � -----� ------�'�'� � ---- -- -----.� 1—_--.— -- �- � m --� tioisi.ri �s ' .�b y�L ° ;�.-,�.�:� � r � liois.�.ppr�Z f"�'.lf �/f// Et �, �e. x �� 5�Cp n' I� v�, r� . � oc �• nE� .`��9 a'sc o p.� ' �'-� uE's' as�. .-o„f7`_' F � r.. �' '"'.�._'-`��S6i--r•'. . I � , . , �--•'— ^ �„ <' 1': _ t ` cv 1� d- � `J � = - - - � - i n Ql � � � � � ^ 1 � ,:� ��� � • ;"� � �'"' �.. -..� � ; ;. r � - �, - ' V 1` � N ' • -. , ... ^ E - � rt ��� �'; ; . �4 . ... � ., ,�.� �, �� L' z � � 7<: . , 3 �,`�� ?; �= 1' �: . •� ; ,� ' � ��� � i5 '�v,?'�� - -- - ,'', M+... ..... - ' � ` N 9n16�[/ �',� �~ ' <° � t� � . -- h � ONI � '�Q � M .1 �� ,f � i : t _ I lfl ��• e -� h ' H � �--- _'.. __._ _, L?..:_ � �:.—,:-_--_--\--------`--�--��----a�1'�-' .'_ _' , 1 \_ •^.•'��.'''� � � �' � �' ` �> ." �, " _a, � � '.. - ' ,.�.. � , � , a, ,_ \ � .,. c � W v• — h p � ,., 01 t - L�=- - i N �n n/. ' . OhiL _' !'Z:.. _r.l "_ "' _ 90 6�G1'• `: 1 --� t}. $� � 'vN' oQ , m � � ` � ��., o .. .. - - �`�l - 73�l� r- � . - - �:Y O31 7bA �. � o . . � � jr� �, o� - �',� . - + - - n _ .... ._ .y� � t� � ' t�. � 0 9 Kldo : `~ ��� �� �� � t1 :r, � � � � N i > ' �L �.,� �-- - G- �..— _� . �, ---- -�-- ----.._-- � �- �-- . V' + .... :� 1 � . �..•.� � -� -o - - :�... i, � � ^� t `� i � � v � �� a � � � - - ,� �--. . . ._ .� � � '� 6^, ° �� � .� • -- -'��.` �—� ' ._ `I ; . � " N � „� �. � � oy . -Tg � � 4 . .. v . �. � � -� [�.. • � ' � tl- v � o� �_� r ___'"` Q Y � c''. `� � , . �:. ° 1-- - -� v� � = 1 � UI � � � � �` ` � `n 1� I"' *� �, . � � � � O � I ��_"" _' � \. .. . _ :7 v h ! . � � j : a � � � , \ � \ 1_"_ " _ _' �� � .. � •`. � � �c . .l.o� ' 9 % .r-'r s. _. _I ._i _�_ �' " '_ '"_ � ` ' '�^ ' -;-.5 S �i �'c, 1 J►� _._ ! .._�..�::__ � -- ozi -_ � � 1 • � � sr�-ti _ � 0 o . � � o � f � � � ° ° �i � I : �-i �� � � �� . � ' 3� � � � ---- � ;d, W - 9 � o . ---- � �sa��— , ` . i � � � —r OF'YE/ i6'o: � ` � r� # of Pages I � 99- / 05 , To: ('ilenn Picha 'F�om: Linda Dickhut ReplytoVacationinquiry CiryofSt.Paul PublicWorks File #9-1999 Real Estate Division g00 City Hall Annex Phone# 2,OO-$$5� phone# F� # 266-8855 I F � � We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ RECEIVEE ��G i '� 1999 REAL ESTATE DNISION Signed �1, ll � . /��� Dar�— g g-iosq DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engirse¢r CITY OF SAINT PAUL gpp City Ha11 Annex Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Sueet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Glenn Picha Phone: 651-266-6I50 Fax: 651-298-4559 Reai Estate Division Room 140 City Hall FROM: �inda Dickhut Public Worksl R�ght-ofi-Way Jivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Biock 3, F. W. Hoyt's Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Fiali and Srown's Add. to Hyde Park Currentiy this alley is oiierl ar paved thro�gi� 1118 Central. Then there is a 6 for�i drop offthe east end of ihe ailey. There's a fence across the end o# the alley pavemsr�t which heionas to the nursing home. The east end of the alley ls posted with a dead-end a!IEy sign. There is �ur,ently no turn-around area and if you 8rove to the east end you'd have #o back out 200 ft: This vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. �rank Piiny, the pet�tioner, is the owner cf the �roperty on the souti� side of Central from Lexington Ave. through 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spake to Ray Faricy, the petitioner's attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions ofi physicaliy changing anything out there at this time. Whai instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do scme �r!airatenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didn'4 want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to the nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the Fetition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, maintenance, etc. The Department of Pubiic Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gailagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qua(iry Facilitres • Emplayte P�ide � � d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor �.r August 12, 1999 Linda Dickhut Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Siibjeet: . .-,. . Deaz Ms Dickhut: Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99'��59 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: {651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' :: TMS;°Department File No;:9'1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of �"raa��' �T�e� for the vacation of;;the property described as follows: east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park and lying westerly of the west line of i.exington Pazkway as widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utilit; The purpose of this vacauon is g � e�te�`�o��d: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before€August 20, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, " �� ��-�, Glenn Picha (9-1999inq) qq-ios9 From: To: Dat6: Subject: TO_ Linda Dickhut <linda TMSD.TMS(glennpi) 6/21/99 4:04pm Alley Vac$9-1999 Glenn Picha Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11 dickhut@ci.stpaul.mn.us> FROM: Linda Dickhut Public Works/ Rightofway nivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Block 3, F. W. Hoyt�Bs Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Hall and BrowneES Add. to Hyde Park Located in the block bounded by Central, Dunlap, St. Anthony & Lexington Currently this alley is oiled or paved through 1118 Central. Then there is a £oot drop o£f the east end o£ the alley. There�Es a£ence across trie end o£ the alley pavement which belongs to the nursing home. The east end of the alley is posted with a dead-end alley sign. There is currently no turn-around area and if you drove to the east end youlEd have to back out 200 ft. This Vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. Frank Pilny, the petitioner, is the owner of the property on the south side of Central from Lexington Ave. throu5h 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spoke to Ray Faricy, the petitioner�ES attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions of physically changing anything out there at this time. What instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do some maintenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didxuEt want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to trie nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the petition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, main[enance, etc. The Department of Public Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gallagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida CC: H2O.WATER(billt,'jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... r M '�ofPages 1 99-ioSS To: Repty to Vacation inquiry File #9-1999 �e� Fas � 'Fmm: (;ity of St Panl Wgter Uhlity R�1 Estate Division 200 Commerce 266-8855 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❑ We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � si�ea �I � � � 2- Date 1 9 a e� e �")I � .. J✓ e� e�� bB26 • i � � 0 i� L � � �e, .c ec �r \ lV �h �' � ° � � � � � h � 7 �� � ' � t0 C7 0 � ' ti � ' � M . � I \ o ��£$� a � o�.SLs� LZ9B �.� =`�.� � ��..8 - � N �� N o � a a 0 J� N p \ � \. n z � I a � a, 9 Q 9 :I � . m . N � ��cye I •. •� �� �� \ ���.�.— .� � �� r� � � 28Z6 BLZ6 o " �OL✓IV'/��� � '�� IBZ6 9/ 6L26 �s�.�� �v � ���.����. 99 I ' s� _�z. I . �� 7 Nn J �. �� y_ �.� �� 1 I N� Q� Q a- atG 0 • I j N o z � �. • I � � � i �► Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 `I — �059 140 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street Su��ee� :: . . : TMS �epaztir�entT+kt��o;�-�� Deaz Traffic & Accadent Unit: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�ian�'I`i 1'i1neY for the vacation of �Ii.�at-parL �f 12z� ea�t�v�st a1��3'3 �l�k �, �: �Y� I3�ytsReari�ang�iciento�I.c�#s 25, 2�, and 2'1, T�ail �o��is Ac�ii��ii. t� H�d� I�ar� I�ia� Easterty vT fb�e �authernl� ���hsin� �if tl�e �e�sL I�� c�� I;�t Z'7� Biue� 3,°F. � ; I��y�,s �iE��iratlge�i �i�L�,ts �� �?6> �iiT �7, FI�til �d BrQ�?s AtitLi€ti€tin tu H�*;�e 1*air�. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of ffiis vacation is in�rtler�prt�� prri�aerky'u^��ne�rstr�have access to rrfaiiifa�n th�ir �feripr`lii�€tc�; Wiil you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before<June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, `'�� ��� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) .3 # of Pagu 1 To: Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �ile #9-i999 Phone r Fax # Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'From: COIIllI12IldC7'1�i2 Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department � 100 East Eleventh � I � We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q s "-! 7-� Date /3 <. ro • � � ; _J_ '�'_—_ � 1 � � — � -- i - i �. �o.yr �� � d�ao I i��: � I � ' `/ � � ' r,— "-, -` " ' y' _� i_ I —"_ � . � � - - - ---i � I ` T ` h _ ..., �. . 'l 1- - _ - - '� - � - i . G. � v , 1 y, p 1 . ( �- � ---t a U - - _, �:,- , I :. 1- � � z t — az_ _� �.o �. c� }-- -- –, th � N . .. i: o "' "_ i ' �� �' ', 'V� � ^ ,._ — . .� r - \t r •'I: s . •� L •� � � i -- -�- --, ,U . . . �.. Vi _ Z 7� t. �T1 F ;m ,� _ _ _ o, � �� '•� i i-. _. .... ' ..]� ��'. � O�" \ � �� � � ' - IZO -' G+�i ggS •S�'. � � .s . r. -s' G 6 "' �o.>-..-.�' "' \ � ^-� � , � � � r \ Y V � 1� u C i c�, I � o � ` , N .. ' . � y � �. Ut �. �. r. � � :' � e `, � � , - o ,. I � ^ � o ` � a ♦ � w � N w �� : (� ^ �`; �; --- �- - - - - ` - � � � N - �v � \ � .N_-- -- T,� -- ' ��` i ..� . .. �, � N '� ...o G� va6 '� r � , V fo � � � —" � . . o � 7ED � � I .. a r h� (U > � � � � ' { w.�. � � � � � YG � � V4C �.; .. .. .. � 1���jEL Ir�( - :.. � Do " y1 ' • � _ ' �7C ' �� i r — — •-- --- a 2 ''� - Tyc ';... - - .._ s _� 1 ��- -. F -�. `�� . .:'_ ...>> •:': \ �` 1 �' - ' -. . • _p_ � �'. �- f * � ••"S ' .1, _' """ � 1. r U Dor..!. ' ' ' - . .. t� . � L .. y _ �� _ y.,s /7c� � a� .t f- I. �� �� J� .1 14 ; � 4 � C .� t. �t . y �_....: ' � '�"�� . ��:', _.... '. , '- Iv 1 �` �- - '� - •^�� ; . . �a: .... , . `� _; � � � - , -• •. __ .::� '�, _ . � � �1 � ':1 '± ,.:= °, , ,�__/93.%5_.--L".. _ _.�.I'.'s 33 g__Liro-�.s.;4"_ . : . o 3. f I� � r` � N ,�.1 � �. o � � ' 1 \ o � :-0 � "' �" -� _ ` ' V ' �� � Y V —� _. �. .L i Q'j � . 1� �:• : � � c � .� t�.� • _wF ` �v W a ib `' .� ^P W N. �30 L"._'I30 JS> �� L34 3n 3o_Z• i� Q!O � U O� � � � siait U 1 X � o irn �rQra, i3i uiYisio� —.__ _ GV (---- -- --1 - —�— � G��, i-- � -- �-- ---_ _ ..._-- ----� ' � � �- � J `� Ur t--� , . �-----_ � - :,;.�.<:,:.::, �.. ,.: ! � ,_ :,�;: : ::,�r �; �� �, - f :�' . . � `, ' - `��'a��.t��''.�stxKr~S''��',''�lt:� };i:.`:' W __ " � , G? : --- � �� o o�� o � N i ° � 5 � �. V � � _ � _ "' U �•y � ' N 4> e DepartinentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 9—/0 5 q' 140 City Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Chris Cahill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Bleventh Street , . _: �ii�,�ect ° °: . . ° : .'�'� �spaztn��nt �t�.l��; 9-1999 Dear Mr. Cahill : The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Erf �`ran1�.'S'. Pii�e_y. for the vacation of aTl#hat. part n�`the �tw��t�e�; Bl� �; ��. �3ir�ts Iie�rc�n�ez�ent �ats 25;:2�, an� 27, Hai� ant� 73�cr�n's: �i�cTii��n:t�s.�T�cTe:�*ar� I�zi� Easteri� ��'tiie.�QUitheznt� �ii.��,�n a� t�r� �est 14n� a�T�t 27, 8fvclz 3� F. �. Nuyts`�iearrarigem�ut tzfI;�ts°25; ��, a€ad �'7, �IaT� ant�.I#�rnc�ii's Arldiftari ta H�t�e P�; This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is inard�r�'or #he pro�y c��priers ta ��veareess tfl �aintain t�ie'ir ex€erior bii�iild. Will you please advise me of any exisdng utility easements ar of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid like to receive your comments before 7une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glen�a �� (9-1999 inq) # of Pagu 1 Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-1999 'ro: Glenn Picba City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: Chris C2hill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone k ��5� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �/ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacafion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed 5 �f � 9� Date /3 <. �O • / ` � i � s ». >�� � ` i � ao.vv !' �. _J_ � I � � I � �' � � � � W : CO 0 N � � �w v °I�� �° � i 1 0�} � _ ��...�_-._. � _,_.,_� � � - � -y � -�.- -- - W , -�- �-- �- - � . � � --� � _ - - T ' h �,;� � ^�� �_ 0 1�� � � �- � ---1�a `- -" .`l-' � '. 1'� • � {-- -- ?.. ''1} - �- —' yo � c� ` � �1 i:o � ' t N 1 ,' �� '•' 'v � ' r F — — - .—{ - . �: .� �:• ,. - � .,.., � ` . . .. �-.. . � _ t ' �' _" ' A _ � ` U . .� • ' �� �' �W ., _ __ _ 4 ' °, � `:�' �) i 1--.. _. .... _ .� l<. � .:, {' YG . . �;� - - . .. � BI�jEL w - � � -- �« -- Gv-i 99S S� � � � .r . r.-3' L6 -__ co.>._..�... , . , � y a ° � �'�`' � � � C \ � w r' ` N ., ' o � , y �' �. �n U `' /_., � b \ i \ 1 v.� � O • ` O � , . N `� � . O � � W . � ' ' � N w `� ^ ^ � i w , �, -_.o- --- - ., �N -..--- --fi- ----- � � � N � �` ' i, � N � ' � � ip6 o � v p 1 /O � U G� � � . . p �. 7ED � � o �v� IU , C I � 'k —.N.,. � � � r � � , . - Do� - `�z - � �� - -- �.���9 _ "_ _'_ � � '� THG ._ _ 2 u ' ,j:;. ... � \ 1 'd _. '� • .S _� 1-- -. F _. �i ��.i:_ - ' .._ S . : , "' . J: \ `, �: -. : ' � '� T 1 ':••; '- -- --- � E-. " '_' i �- i '� .l. . :{ �' r V Do�:,�it ... - .. . . � Ly � ? , y � _y.,s � ��� � ' ' `' - --� - r��.J 106 . ,: ,'� .' S . � � �` �•�.. _ ... . � _ __: �N. :( � �.�� ..�. ... � - Iv { �� +' - 'v - `m;'=� -{ S�i ��-.. �:�: ..... `- -' � c- �_. .'� _ v `• - _ - . — . � , _ es � ^ °.' . . _ ..:,- � , � ' >1 � `_' �. •. �.r-- . .,n__../93.%$_-1..__ J 3 j � ' � - ---�' �-` _�.C—.._._.. .s . a .r-e�.a t �_ . _ /1fh W��� 2.� I' - --' '- _'---- 1 � � . 1 .. � � '�'i'a:ti�✓���5�''� �" .:. .� � , t � ' y� �'#a�.�'. f� 41,.M, fiNry}}.-��. - ''� ..�. 4 �#�ef��' /�aj,�?�':i t n ;i..:,. 1 ��'a4�' K�N.` :'3.tiSn..�.4-:i .. � i o N �. lq � �. C _ �, _ � � � y N m 3 � • I� ON �, . S— `'�� ,� � � t � � Y F�i ^� V� � 1 � i � � � I . M V \ r � 1� � � 4 ;)� a � 4�' � -A W n� 1 ' _ ' �JO JS) � Lgu _ 30 3o,Z� �,� u O� � � � � Y siar� Ul X� /Y/! �"r4li%� i.�/ .ci/Y/.S/O/! .. _ W ._. _ � � �. i --- � ----- �-'--- ----� ' w ` `- � �� � � ) W �., Department of Technology and Management 5�r�ces Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Halt Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Lany Zangs LIEPBIdg Inspection 310 Lowry Professional Bldg <.,_ �ut�,�eet� ° . ' i° ` °. : - ': '£�tS �p�z�eut�t� ��. � ��9 Dear Mr. Zangs: The City Clerk has the vacation of ai1.� 25, :26, .and �; IT; ed to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�rau�€.`T..1'ilneg for �tt ��#�� �astwes€.alte�::i31� �; �+: �:;Hvgts I�eaxr��eine�ta�T:ats d�i�a�n�s AcTditr�n t4 HYd� �!�:k Tv+��; �siterly a!' f�ae �dii�earnlv fk8 (k�_�.U� �r`�.� ��[jC� �; �'� �..'� �A�`YS �L'�k'.�'A�_I_E�TTl1e11�-Ct�"�Q�S �.�Ji �i� `d7t(� �dcIft�an ter H�cie P'ar#: This inquiry pertains to tYie vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use far the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is irinrderY�rr t���irtipertygsunerstmhave�c� tn m�airt�3n tIteiir e�t�ns`ht�ii�l. - Will you please advise me of any exisung uuliry easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before_7une 11, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesdons regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha MRY-20-1999 07�45 FROM C1TY OF ST PAUL L1EP .: To: V �� � � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 Phone n Fax d TO 6B855 P.001i001 r.-� 99- l 05 � 'Prom Real Estate Division � 31Q Lowry Professional W We have no objecaons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this �acarion, subject to the following condiaons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �/ r S �j � Date TOTRL P.001 ., � � 1 � _ - �c.l„ �� — -, � �„� � ----- ---�� ------_ ;: ------� '�-'� m � _ .__ __ __ � �o�s.,�. � .�a y�� � �.X ti1 �iois.�.Of,uz f".!f �ff// - o . - ' � 5 �O n ��v2 . . . �,-Z`�f oc .: nE 99 <sr o� � u r• 0.9 1`- f � c _.. ... 1 S,, .I � Ej , �_:; F �- 7'— "'T"_�.s6.._�,,.. ` ' r, + . � � . �•i � _ , '� •o r� 1: t f M--. 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Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9�i-/ 059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Carole Williams Librazy Administration 90 West Fourth Sueet �uTs,�ect : `: '_ ? �� ^Ue _ paitii�eittI�l€ T�T�; 9-1999 Dear Ms Williams: 'I'he Ciry Clerk has referred to this the vacation of �tii t�tat paz�t rif`t}i� 25�; 26, a�u1 Z"f; f1a� and �ru�ii for recommendation the petition of I�'ra�il�'�> Pi�iiey for estalt�y;B1��s�` iTY.:Ha�sRearra�z�eznenti►f��s i��n:tp Hvd�°Par� Ti�u�: �asterly af;�e.�aaiz�tc3r�it� ick �� �'. �'t;, �Tp�t,s.3te�`x2usgemei�fi. R� �.vfs 2Sj ��,-�iad �?, �all -�iid Brow�'� r�ticiiti�in ttt Hycle �ar�, This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is in+prder�nr tll�°p�i�rty nivi�erstci�iaxe acc�sst� m�ntain:th�ir ea��iar btiili�> Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befo:e 3une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. • If you have any questions regazding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle"—` P �� (9-1994 inq) � { # of Pagu 1 To: Reply t� Vacation Inquiry rile #9-1999 Phone# Fax,u. Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'Fsom: Cazo10 Williams Library Administrati� 90 West Fourth�Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed t ��-��� �- I �''�`� Date q-i v59 > � .� > "'' � / ; a.vv / -- —' � _ � f� �' -- -- 1 /. o r' \ /1 �' w � �1�� 1� � i�� � � _ _._�.,� _. � I � I� � � � S N .�.1 F �, U1 4 � I ¢ � Q i�-s�:,zs J �- izo -- -�� ��� ( c ' , — -..- -- -- 1 — , G+� i g 9 S S' `f � 1`^. 4� �—' � � s's� 66 "' �o.T._ - � . ._ " '" . \ . , \ � '� ` \ � . ` � �'� - -� N.' y ° � � u � c .. � r � ^ : ,�h _ .._:;.. `� Y- - ` . � �l � � � � �t � ' . �' , a `�1 ��� ° -;. �' ��. �- T - - - - 1 a ` - -' �- •'� - ' I " f••.� c � � � � � h � � ,-- 8Z � ' -vo .� w .J . . b o � .p ., . I-- -- ?-. -� �t � . _ 1 �„ i N ° � . ,—:�� � , o � w I . •� ' 1' � c •;, r � • i-- _ . .� t - w � N w �� = � °i . i: .� 1 r . . �: - i � ` ^ � N , .., s '_. 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'v � ~\ � _ I `� ����� �\� � q:::. _ �` • : - =— .'.� �,-- ��' g � �.'' 4 W � N 'a, � -P W Jv� W � � �v . b 1 y � =.1 � a `-- :. C ` � ' <.�- . .� J I . .,,�_.._l93.%5__—i_".. ._ _ -33 .�__.Li� �.s:a�.s�3o �'L.�—do �s> �;� 13u _ �o sp_-L'� . . � � O 1 � �,�sSdsr*�•��,� ' . o //th y3'��_d, z��0 �siori '+' �tl X�� °� --- --- o � ith ��ora, isr �ivisio�7 W I --- -� -- -- - � G)�, i--- � -- �- ---�— --- ----- ' � � t - I '_,!-----_ "'� �' - ' ' "� �' ,y. • �' : .' ;'' `' i I J ;,}�'"ti 5;t �i �S:`•�' '' `• j N (/ - �- `1�'a4!:4����"�'m }^. W � /3<..so r -- - - - - --1- —� A !t ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 9 9- �vs g 14D City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 John Wirka Pazks & Recreation 300 City Hall Annex Su�r,�ect� -' �lufS �epar�ent F,�le No 4-1� Dear Mr. Wirka: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petition Q� �caak'I`. ��Zie,y for the vacation of aI� �li�t part�i£t�te ��st�+est a1T�y� �31tx:k 3; �: Y�.:HQY� I�arraz��mtent af"T.(zks 25, �6, axi� 27, �atl azid �ra�n .A€Tdi��n tQ �T�de:l'� T�ist�:�aste�ly'vf. the.`��aif�erni� i�`t�a�nn �f i�e �?4Tesc�ii?� i��T.ot 27 B%ci� 3, F'� ;5� �i��ts �earr�i►ge�uer�t af I.afs ��; 2;�, �nd �7��i1 �icl Brn��'s �idditio� ta �Ij?ile.P�7�: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petifioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be xetained. _... The purpose of this vacation is �invrder �ctr t�e p�ii� Qiu��ccha�*��cr.�ss tti rr�nfa�tth�ir ��rmr buiitl. Will you please advise me of any e�sting urility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesfions regarding this matter, piease ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha (9-1999 in� MRY-18-1999 07:35 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION A ., y TU: r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry � File #9-1999 �, �� Glenn Picha Ciry of SC Paui Rea] ES�Atc Divzsion 'rKOm: 7ohn VJirka Parks & Recreauon We havc no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �-- Wc must retain our cascmcnts within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacauon, subjec� to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foliowing reas�ns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed 612 292 7405 P.Bii01 � . �G'G.�,.� SOI � �1 �� I� Datc rc�ra� P.01 � /3 <. yD � . r — - ---;— ,� � A 7" o.vv e� _.I — - ` !`i � p : --- � � O � p �� 4 1 -� _ c �...�_., j -'-.^T-, , - �' � —� - -- — ►_ = G+r i g g S S `E ' L r ' y .- tii ' 1 _. " � 'r r. -s' 6 G � ' , f � � r � � " _ " "_I I I � v ' 4 y r � ^ . • y 4 � ,�, � � � — ,�'' � y o �- Q� ro 1_ p � �_ �_ '—� \ V,. .. _ ..�' ' ' � � �,':, � b � 1� `._ . . `. (� � • � � � _ �__ ? ' HO .,a (v • � � I-- �-- .. .� � : 1 �`�„ 1 N ::�- , o �` ' '� � �' .:i � a ~ � � � . r ' � N w �' ^ .�I: ' �� � �� w � � ► :, •4 ` .....".. ' � '` "'0' '�' � � ' �' _" '�' � ' U � .: ' <V C � N _ -..'_ -' - � • � t � .� N. 1 P � �' sT1 F �m °,� �;06 o ro � � t:� - - - ,-,} ^ � �. _ «., a , � '' �, , � �' . .... _ '�� 't yc _ . 4o v p( �� Y-�C TED � ?.;° - - .. .-1 .B��jEL w - _ � •• o r'� r�S, N ' �`' � va .w.,. � v 9 i� " `}1 ' . �� _ '_ •.I�c9 06 — � � =.� T vu r� � i `�1.:.. . _ _'_ , 1 � e O � � ' t i +-"�:'� - _ .._ _ _� I._ .. F _. �� • r `� , Sb ' � 1�. '. \ . �' L% Q� � ;� �,: ` ,1 - '. . -�-j� °- ---------- ------ . � ••; � •- --- ��-- --� !-. - -' i . � N ` _ , . , � :� �' w Doc.�No �- v � > . . . _ - f - � L r? j � _r: � /7c9(v6 N v 1 � 0 1 �N �. F ,_ o f V� \ I � � 4 .�-�: zs- _� - iZO -- � �. w _ a�. � n c. So 0 t. '�f .: ;r ^ J11 1U ._ • .S_o ��; � J . : r� {�. �ll � 1 i. \"�' t��i,_ - �j ����' � 4 �' 7l � )' • — ... . <_ V ' f" .. , ' �% � 1� �' ' �`.�) '^'� � � �±+ . `� ,� \ . .. f "' ' •.... � , , '; v : • ' �^ �4 Cd � N. \ ` °�� . . .. `' " ' '_'_' '.� ,` — 1 � (V .. 6 Lb u � •V { ~ �� , �� t.r-- .' '. [ . . ,.�_ ^ /93. %S_ _ ._ .� �3 j � __'L�� :.6:4�.s ( n 1 _ � � o �r. > ��G! o U O� � � //fh yY rd, .2.��Q �sio� U 1 X 2� t 7th �'�'Qr.>, /sf ITiyisia� — �- - -- -- — ----- -- ; - . �� ---_, ...--- -- 1'� � :.,�_, �:.,:,,:: .. :.. � � i.:a5:�.':..�..:,,-.:.n`.... : � ">�}r.:�w yk y `' 7YYL T'?��s�i�4���;�` ,' :'� .JFE � yYY � 1 � :.^ � - ''��I�".1 D.�`:S!ivj' �—. oN � � �w v lV C,t) �a� �---- � � � �' 1� � - � W �i JUN-22-1999 15�36 ST PRUL PLRNNING & ECON To: Glenn Pit�a Reply #o Vacation lnquiry �, � ,� � File #9-1999 6512283314 P.02i02 s of Pagrs 'Acom: Brian Swee�ty - Planning & Economic Development • 2200 City Hait Annex F� � 266-8855 F� � — 'We have no objecuons to this vacafion . . . . . . . . ................... we must retain our easements within the righc-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the foilowing condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� For rhe foIlowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: .,..... .................. 0 � > / J�/ Date /055 TOTRL P.02 •� DepartmentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Paul Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 City Hall Annex ,: . _ �u�jeek '. . �I'l'w'#� 3�eg�i�ent I+�1€,l�a: 41999 Dear Mr. Dubruiel: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the_petition af �'a�k:'I'.I'��acy for the vacation of aii �tia� part�s�th� c,a�t�v�st a1T�y; Bl�ck �� ��. �Tayts l�eari�a���izent c�f �ts �5.r 2�, a� 2'�r Hafi� and 1�rriv�nis Ai�iU�� t�i"H�de 1"�rk I.yiin� �asterly. ii� ihe, �au�ee.ri�� ���saa� �i#' i�e �� I�ue,o��T.at �7; 8t�!ek 3 F� �: HuyCS �teaaE'r�u€i�eme�� c�f L�is?��> �G, a�d �'t; T�ati.anaI Brtrwttxs;Atlt�tT+�t tn H�t3t�,P�rk: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is i�t�zrxi�r Y�i� the gro�erty a�wriersti� ��ve �ceess tv r�nfain th�i�r e�teripr. tti�[d� Will you please advise me of any exisung utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before_ June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 2b6-8862. Sincerely, ��.w 6'� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) MqY-25-1999 16�27 PED 14TH FLOOR Reply to Vacation inquiry File #9-7999 6512283z20 P.01iO4 'ro: Glenn Pic6a 'Fmm: Paul Dubruicl �'j-�QSQ C�ty �f St. ram planning & Economic Real Estate Irivision Development I 100 City HaIl Annex 266-8850 I Ph°°"" � { Fua L00-bb�J { •�^°� � W e have no objeetions �o chis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacacion, subjec[ to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacadon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ � S� R��i.tC �n�ra►�R�'rws.�� W�cw�b+�►ndt . �i�r�, �i 1w"`� � Signed �=�.cf'fy Date � MRY-25-1999 16�29 PED 14TH FLOOR • ` - 6512283220 P.04iO4 99-�059 Interdeparemental Memorandum CIlY OF SAIISf PAi3L DATE: -.� � ^ � � TO: 1) G �-S � �� � ��l (DISTRICT P ANNET2) PROM: � 2) L�rry/ Soderho�w� - �J ��Rc�fi- �'�� U 3) �au.t� i�ubf-�.�eL . Vacation Request No. � --- / f / � The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Division on.s' rl q`� , pSease review and return cornments or recommendations to me by — �� , so that may prepare the Divisions recommendations. ZONING SECTTON• Is this vacation proposal also tied to a rezozung oz ��ariance request2 YES NO� If yes, explain below: • � •• • � � �• � � . ; � . , . i . s r i � . •�' r �I i i � `� �.,� i / - � i � / � / .LJ / � �: � , � �� f � � '� . '� TOTAL P.04 MRY-25-1999 16�28 •'`'''., �'1 Y � i PED 14TH FLOOR •t � a � � -- � '�'_ � ` Q C� � V�p ` 6512283220 P.03iO4 � q 9-i o5� O �' � � 6 ' W 1� o o (�, v I � � 1i \ y 4 � 4 ` I O �G O. 9'f , a'-P! 60 /7rf: ` O. i74. /7'¢'�S r- ` 120 f I �p . .� _ e ..e.�. � i' '_ Gv- t g g S S ° f-- v - t� I �^+. .s _ L 6 - +.o. . . \ }� \ � � � �SS , �� �' � � � � . � I� v F � �� ' � . ,� . ...:?. ` ._ �_. + � u t" � N � , � > ^� `i, 1� I y �' �k .._. �i � G � v� `_ � �" �_ i. � � t�. �- ---, o "�'' � fy � b � � � • . h rl ,; �q �.. ; Z a ..� .., � `, t � `' S.Z_ ' NO (v O � � ` ;— — ''�� r'� a � ,�.. .�. .. . � 4 i: o"' __ i .' � o �.�. Gf + � I .. •\ �'�:, ,, }, 4 ' �. _. . �- r � � N �°,� `� y �v � �:. .� - ' � '' � (� � N •,i: ., r . ... ".. _� -.�- -=� � -- --- ------ - - --- � ,., . � � - - ^ , _ ..� -� - �. —" " � _ � I� � i < � � N' : w c � ' �� H •(D _ . _ _ °P � .. � N � -o C� ' �� -� i7 ~ �p6 ;o V p .�.li - . . .. _ �i C`��E.. 'i� �"� � � , � e^. r, a �' N • o �.. ; . vo 40 � �r{ � '� . YAC TED � • �, � - - � .. � B�GEL_ W - - �' •• � �i� � t` � `� � Do ,Mn. � �} , `� _ •.l�G9 0 6 _ _ '-- --- a �S 7.� - i�yp ' vu r,� N� � ... � O :.a Qy i � ,i:L ... � . � \ � s. \' t� 1! � ,-- n ��a:.. - - .._ .s .a .. F _. �� � �' �, - :� y -: �' -, - � � c . `� s �" :;� 'i,� •� � • �-o-�- ------- -- ------ -- _:._..ci-- 1 .:�•� _ -•-- ..__. � �. -� ;�� j N y � > '� � a , _ - t ' �. . :� \' w ao.:. �No 00 � v ' , -... , L .'> _ � .:i,•.s i7c9(ob N � i� � � - '^,r ... {., . :� ��nNAC. O� O 0 , � � � W i. .?.. . � ", i •. 7: � - A � I` i : rJ 2 .4 � � .. V N <., r , - , � , �` �.�i:, _ ... . �,�._ .-' `'• _'1 �1 ..�i= ..v.a � J� <�-. v ' � h { �, �- - '� - ' `� .��i . `.v � .. \ �� � � �:: _ ...., ..�.:�__. ....� �'\__ ..v ;S ti� � W C 6.4 . .� -A W . l_ ;_ 2a.`i� a � �31� �r„c �, , f C I N . —. _�._ ._ .�'7 .1`..__..L 'SL3� �_.:_.�JO J.TT F� L3u _ 30 30:� � . O � ��thW,d �.��o�s a �� �ut xa'� ; � 0 7f v� , s �visio� i _ _ _ __ - ___ __. _ � � �{ �------ � - � ----- ..._--- ----� � � � i - - . �-�--- `�'� i':lt'r»�i,= -� ,�:..,,'. . � ) . ;, � ;r'� Y "�.y;;��;�+ � N . t! �. , :" �) '� .� . � y'y` '��'r�� i..) �. ♦ ..:C�2 � !'R`��l �I�7.i L� qq-�a�9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor CTT7ZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, City Clerk 770 City Hall ZS W. gellogg Baulevmd SerttPOU7,Minnesata 55102 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8684 Web: http✓/www.stpauLgw 7DD: 266-8509 April 26, 1999 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 Dear Peter: Ap�,� ���FO ��� �Sl9 S`9�� N I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recorrunendation, the attached petition of Raymond Faricy and Frank Pilney for the vacation of an alley in Block 3 of Hoyts Rearrangement according to the petition on file and of record inthe Office ofthe Saint Paul City Clerk. They were no maps submitted to my o�ce. Sincerely, � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments 255 Park Square Court 400 Sibley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 512-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 ���� Commonweatth COMMONWEALTH LAND T�TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY 7uly 17, 1998 Raymond W. Fazicy, Jr Attorney at Law 1616 Firstar Center 101 Fast Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101-1808 RE: 98-130 Abstractor's Certificate Dear Mr Faricy: �,� Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as of June 2, 1998, a search of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjoining the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Aall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. (See Ephibit A attached hereto.) Respectfully, COMMONWEALTA LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPA � o ert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This repozt cites matters appearSng in the public records of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errozs or omissions. Enclosure 9g-to59 �,� � �� �IV PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), the undeisigied, coastitufing a majority o[ the owne[s (or theirlegally designated mpr¢entadves) of the abutting properti¢, do here6y peti6on t6e Council af t6e City of Saint Paul to vante its interests in the properq�(ies) legally described as follows: the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, B1ock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park L(we) requect this racation for the Collowing reason(5J. so abutting property owners can use land. I(we) have attached six copies of [he site pians of any development int¢nded for constrvction on the lands to be va�ated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the -- - - - - - - - - terms and conditions of the vacation: N�,�,e: Ravmond W. Faric;� Jr. (��28290) N�e: Frank T. Pilney Phone: 6�-Z-297—$4$4 Phone: Aaaress: 1616 Firstar Center naare�s: 385 Lexin�ton Pkwy No. 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55104 t. au , - Altemate Contact Person N�e: Lori Henlev N ,,, ie; Extendicare Ho Inc * pnoae: (414) 908-8236 Pnaa�: 14141 1 ?OS-A23h naa:eSS: 111" W_ Michi g�, Sr _, Sth Flr Address: 111 W. Michi�an St. Milwaukee. WI 53203-2903 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 *£jk/a Unicare Homes,Inc. Name: Addres5: q t-io59 File No. 98-130 E�ibit A Properry Talc ID No. Fee Owner/ Address Taxpayer! Address 34-29-23-41-0032-5 34-29-23-41-0033-$ 34-29-23-41-0034-1 Frank T. Pilney 385 Le�ngton Parkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Frank T. Pilney 385 Lexington Patkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Lux-caze III, Inc 7727 Portland Ave S Minneapolis, Mn 55423-432o Plastic Surgery Associates 385 Le�cington Pazkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Same Unicaze Health, Inc 105 Michigan St W/f 120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 34-29-23-41-0035-4 Unicare Heaith, Inc Same 105 Michigan St W #120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 �j�i-to59 Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: 'I � 1, FTdriIC T. P 11132 Y, am the petitionu, or one of the peutioners in the abqve maner, and I do hereby swear and verify that each of the signalures on this ition waz signed in my presrnw b t1�e person described in the petition. v ` � (➢ f toner) v f . y d � f 2 �nfiincn a. lio�ay Subscribed and swom ro before me this �� s �'� � -��� day of � . I99 � /s/ 1 � � (Natmy) �'. l�SY COAiMiSSfON E7IPIRF.fw ;_ `�� JANUA[Y31.2000. (ca7rxf-]0>vg) �Sl j�-� From: Glenn Picha To: CAO.Attorney.warner Data: 8/12/99 9:13am Subject: Vacation 9 1999 Lexington Central This vacation was requested by Ray Faircy, who stated that the property owners had no intention of doing any building. So he preferred to just have inquiries sent out instead of Certificates of Intended Non-use. All inquires are in except for Linda Dickhut, who wi11 be sending that in shortly. Linda has stated in a E-mail that she has no objections to the vacation, and wi11 sign the inquiry for PW. A£ter you have looked over the file, I will replace the E-mail with the inquiry. The E-mail is with the other inquiries. Linda has approved the legal_ She pre£erred having the dociunent for widening Lexington on the legal, because she did not want the legal to be anyway ambiguous and the Water Utility requested it be done. Thanks . Glenn �'/�i /051 -._ _. .. -- - ..- _ _.__. . __.. , RP'r. �1 '9_ �":�� FR EH5 LEGRL -il� ?r^ ���� TO 91h`1?2� �~ / ��� � Stczfe of De1�2vtcre �ffire of the Secretary of State r.�^. �= ��i—ID`�'j PAGE 1 :�.:- <,� � .� � I %�: �i I, EDWARD J. FREEL, SECRETARY OF' STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIPY THAT THE SAZD "UNICARE H6MES, INC_", FILED A CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT, CAANGINC� ZTS NAME TO "EXTENDICARE HOMES, SNC.", THE TWENTY—FOURTH DAY OF 3LJNE, A.D_ M 1997, AT I0:30 O'CLOCK A_M_ 04�3gUp 2Q.10�.69 �320 °71�62167 / !�\°-�' �:/ ;: � 1 \,�� i� -_ � _ _. f� —., � m � pEQp2TJ�+IEMT t OF SSAfE FtLED A�� 121997 �,�r(�`•de�e.a/ ,bGe+�r� t� � � s�a n , 1 � ���� £.7.<'�ini J. Friel, Ccir. oi Stn�c '.L il �� I I�__1 I 1� �\. . ... n593606 - - _ _._ ._- . _ _. f �.if1. { i 1. � Q'o mr. TOTA- F�GE.�? l: ��,��5q I � � � , , the � � ����o �� r�, ���for Extendicaze Homes, Inc., f/k/a Umcaze Homes, Inc., Assignee of the Interest of Ltix-caze III, Inc. and on behalf of Unicaze Health, Inc. do hereby sweaz that Extendicaze Homes, Inc., is one of the petitioners for the vacation of the alley described in this Petition. Eactendi ��omes, By: �/ Its: �/D ibed and sworn to before me this ciay of ��� 1999 ,� �� . �N�10.. ., �Ale�.ny PubIic (� v ������� �S��sc— �5 �\^��.�2�� i �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Code»zan, Mayor Ju1y 30, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall- '7"' F1. Minneapolis, MN 55401 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division �/�i—l05�J 140 Czty Hall Phone: (651} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (651) 266-8855 Sulijeet ., � ` :. , , . ,.,} ,.. ._x �acafiozi 9, �999; Ce�►traT & �e�thgYc+nE ,_:: Dear Ms Pagel: The resoluuon for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of 5aint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolufion allows the Northern SYates Power Company Electric to exercise its urility xights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerel�, (� �� x�.�.�-- � U ( e.� Glenn Picha Real Bstate Division (Resolution letter to NSP vac 9-1999) ✓� � Qq-io5� Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone (612) 330-5500 RECEiVE� August 4, 1999 Mr. Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 c..P�,!,tytT�r aStQ? RE: Vacation 9-1999 — Central & Lexington — Review of Resolution Dear Mr. Picha, AUG 0 5 19gg REAL ESTk;`E p;viSIGY I have reviewed the resolution for the release of easements, enclosed with your letter dated July 30, 1995. NSP had requested retaining an easement over the "west 95 feet" of the vacation area, and I believe the description in ihe resolution retains an easement over everything but the west 95 feet. I propose the foilowing description for the area required by NSP: all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Reurangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lois 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel �vith and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to tiv�e i•a:ic. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review the resolution, and please contact me at 612- 330-5893 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Margaret aahs Real Estate Representative Land Services N1.'S'.: r., +� S �- :tS?�{.i�, ;�;;,Yl `�"83r'�''���r4t'��.; : - _ ,) . r � �:'_�, a:s.;�.;�:{}..,� - :•. , - °$�:°�'�� .�9-io 9 . - � � -------�-� . _T _. ) M -�_ � / J { � —_�".. -_��-� � : --� _______, ��� � � - --- - ---.� � ----�- - - � m - -- -- �- - � GO/S/if/ �CS�� �%b !/{� . ° � „a uoisi.fip puz f'�'.S�f yf// ��x th5 �'p►1 "�v�, � � . . ,dC�t oC 'T n �� �9 e'ff or!' pF}S.�D.4'�--_lY---� .. " _"�_', -e,��: E€ £c�' - -r--,i's6i�._''.. � _ 1 � � . � �V�� �� � '� •e t� ,�' .� _ " ' ' ' cv M d- ; ., a o� � �1 0 ` `.� .. � . :ti " ; , t ,� 'n � i .: ,\ . �:.. �:. _ . - .:,� ^ � b �' �, - � - ,_, `; ! N •._. .. E -c ; . K "' ' 4� z ` � ?r . , :r � ��' S '„� ; • �: ... — . i�'� ', � .i = �' •i ' • o 'r o - --- - -' � •.�v,��a M t� ` N t � � : < � � N � � -':�-' �'- _ ' ~ — � � _�_ """ _"' � -� — G .°� '�' '4 co r: N ^ i ' `�/ �—__� _ n i � � � N �� �° � M e a 1 � � � h \ � c�m � N �' � �� � � N n - - -�-- - — � .� -� � V -----� -- - � � � �, d N � � m � ; o � N r � ^ � ^-� 1'.. q \ � �C*•.) v � � � � , � � Q N . � . ` N �' � . .1�� \ � � � c \ � -�x�oz _" 99 .t-sL- •,�S g66 �.� a � � ;� �° + �I t. +.. 9 oI6�G/ r;, ,. 'F _ =, - ..... - . - � � � �'_ ,�. � _. oNi' � oQ „; � � ; � _' _ `� t __.. '_'_ _' t-°.:." ' 1 � � �, � �� -a � 1 -o- • - - ,\ �� � . �. I ,� � : . __ - �a :?' 3_ ._ _`, �- � -�+ - - ,_'.� n. � . O/r� _ n '•'•:.. r� t _'-, -' i t� � 90 67G1'• � �; ' - V(1 Q 5 �" � 17 ` - /�'1 �7.��/Q C' • � - CY a 3 t�j�t•n �. � a � �.. . ' o.s � � ' . Y1 � - .... .� .y � o� 9o�x'q[i I:' - -' - -..� , � � � :� �.�do ' a >� . � - .. � .. �_ .._ __..,� . ` ' v_ . -,,, � . �.., � - � � . - -, - - �_ �; - _ � �� . . - �.. � � � � � , �"' ,r, `• 'I N . . � . __ ..�:. , ' \ � � ��.� o�s ,—' __ _ � f - �Z -- --{ �. � .. N R I. µ l � _h, \ _x � . "�.. "' "_ — }— � —{ n ` N� r.. I '. ` � .-�\ 1; 4 - •n G . y � � +�--- ' � - � t � .. • _ ' . � •, a � � I—' _ "' ' ' � > f _..�I _; 1!2 h ' ' "_ _'— � �" " �l " �__ ; ' � � .��..�_._. � � °I ft31� �- �,� � � N� �, -- � ; d � \ .. _ -_ � � � -4, . � . � I � i ___'_' _r_" a� _'_ .� f 5 'o : , � � ` P� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99—lO�y' 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul,MN55102 Fac: (651)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 30, 1999 Regina Trujillo Us West Communications 700 West Minarai Litfleton, Co 80120 Dear Ms Trujjillo: The resolution for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of Saint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolution allows US Communications to exercise its utility rights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, .� "�"` ,9..�nM� �i,C/� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division .J <_ (Resolution letter to US West 9 1999) .�. ,- q9-t o59 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 6,1999 Ray Faircy 1616 Firststar Center 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Subject: Dear Mr Faircy: � �� f�'� '' C Vacation Upda"te - File No. 9=I999 The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the progress on your petition. 'Your petition is � sufficient � not yet snfficient for the following reason(s): � does not include a Certi�ed Ownership Report; � is nof signed by majority of abutting owners as indicated on the Certified Ownership Report; I�I ► tl does not clearty define area to be vacated (legaI description): other Your petition is a copy for the sib atures by a majority of the owners of abutting properties. Inquiries and, if required for release of utility easements, Certificates of Intended Non-Use were maited to the deparfinenfs and utilifies on dates indicated in the following chart. The chart also shows which responses have been received. A check in the left column designates those departments and ufilities from which we must receive responses before proceeding further. „� . _ Lltilities ✓ U.S. West ✓ N.S.P. EIectric ✓ N.S.P. Gas MCI Metro ✓ District Energy ✓ MediaOne Other City Departments ✓ Public Works ✓ Water Utility ✓ Police Department ✓ Fire & Safety ✓ LIEP Libraries ✓ Parks & Recreation ✓ P.E.D. Design Center Neighborhood DistricY Voting District 5/ 17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1499 5/19/1999 5/19/19 5/ S/18/1999 5/26/1999 5/26/I999 If you have any questions, Please call me at 266-8862. Sincerely, _ w �"' �""'��v. Glenn Picha Real EsYate Division Inquiries Mailed Received 5/17/1999 6/3/1999 5/17/1999 6/9/1999 5/17/1999 5/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/10/1999 5/17/1999 6/U1999 r{ 9-l059 11 U D' � �� (9-1999inq) Certificates Mailed Received JUL-23-1999 11�48 TRRFFIC ENG MRPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 P.a1/01 Department of Technology and Management�erv, � Real Estcrte Division ]40 City Ha11 Phone: (65I) 266�8�0 Saint Paul, MN SSIOl Fmc: (651) 26G-8855 � CITY OF SAINT PqUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 1Y '^: . . � _ � . 1�/�V :4 T� � ' ! '� ' IT ._.l. � ~ � " �`�'' : � `±:��.. _ U [_s � ¢.. . : l'�.C.� � �. < 3nly 13, 1999 `!"' Lin Dickhut Public orks 800 City Il Annex Subject: Deaz Ms Dickhut: TMS Aepartment Pile No. 9-1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendatioa the petition of' Frank T. �ilney for the vacatiom of a11 that part of the east west alley, Block 3, F. �V. � Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Ha[I and $rovvn's Addition to $yde Park lying Easterly of the Southerniy eaxtertsion of the'West line of Lot 27, Btock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Iiall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park�.'�'his inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depenciing on the petitioner' intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some c ,�e... i . , 1 ,r , . . t•. ia` ,., .... . . ��:':" , r; � �; reason for requesting this vacation and t6e alt of the utility easements may be retained. f .. �. .. , . . r . The purpose of this vacation is in order for the pr perty owners to have nceess to maintain their exterior build. Will you please advise me of any existing uf ity easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. T woul like to receive your comments before Au�ust 6, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Co �I on this matter. For your convenience, you will find reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather espond on yoar letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions garding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Si �n� ,,� Crtenn Pich�� CP,ulP ki�iiul ��'�� �� ��'��' ����� (9-1999 inc� ��W� CGo �� �p,, G�oC � �� - Q G�=="� � �G�� t�oC�rt � �� SP,�B� -/'/ � �*�'����. "�., n " ": .. r. .,r, ._ �zYYhz � � TOTRL P.01 !I � � l 06/09/99 RBD 10:40 FAS aJ0 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST f� 001 9 9-1 �54 �' � a � Facsimile�-Cover Sheet IVorthern States Power Company To: � � �, Company: a��f/- � Phone: -� Fax: / oZ6 � � �i�.i .5� FI'Ot17: Margaret Maahs - Land Services Address: 414 Nicollet MaII � M�Is, MN 55401 Phone: 6i2-330-5893 . Fax: 612-330-6590 Date: Number of pages including this cover sheet: 6 /9��'g � Comments: � e /yy D ��� � � 06/09/99 FYED 10:40 FA% 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST �„ ,_,.._ �002 a � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Phone # F�cY X ef Pages 1 .. :: 1 �F�o,n� �.on �a3et (-Ma.rgare Norchem Scatrs Power Co. 414 Ncollet Mall - 7th F1. Minneapolis MN 55401 rh°°e'�i12-330-5893 We have no objections to thzs vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � '4Ve musc retain our easemen�,s w?rh3n the ri;ht-uf-way - . _ . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • • - - - • - • - - [X.X] We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditi.ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we can.not approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easement wi,thin the "west 95 feet',�' of the proposed vacatioa area for electr3e faciliti.es. � � 9 9 Sign d Date Crlenn Picha Citv af S[. Paul R�1 Esrate Division Ma ahs ) E � i i ti' �•, /�L B t_— W � � ' ` � T ��XINGTOi` C/ TY OF �,5. Co� I SHE6 � h AoO/� _ ` ¢ " - �. m c'.;:`�'<; > Z . u-.v • . �a a `_ 6a R T' S , � '�-'--, f � � b � • • c _ ' -_ : � _ Q � ti :..K -T- N- ^x� ..ti J >.'N ' �'+' �. -'� " ";11> r�� :.i ., ` �ti 7^ p -i � �s .a � W ; � i � h 9 I 2. � � t � , � 2 �' �' � I � s � r ,`�. I � �_ � I I� L EX/NGTON fl VE AO O- � ro/SSl3a-v/.byNRRYCO {/p>i/3d/S99�e�s�>msSC.e�een a[o0a�d �9a S�S. ___._.__.-.�=.C�_______ _ ___. _______ ____ _/3�SYJ ; , o.n _" _ _ "- ' _ _ .a . • _ 6 ' . v . • _' ' � z ' Ta _ � � v..�.�t � �-- � � I_ . .,�._ .�. ., _ �. , i, , ., � , e ' ' I i � i 2 O � Z � �� � HAGERMA S UBO/� � B/SHOPSAOO � W%`L ovNW%9oF�SYt!%9oF SW� OF' aSEC26T 29/'�Z3. .�E %¢ ov/(lE �4 ov cSEC. 27 T� L 5. R z 3. /h�.�:.ycertfyfhat/s.o.i=c .df���s ...y�fh<lo.,d.asc�iv.L�.r/hece�f.��.E Fu�/non-�e.edu.,e�%wl�h.s :. _ co �/coq>F�l.e .;q,.,o/p/cf n � 7 .. _ �. LXS<t�Q4.Fi1��_ _. 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'_.___—____ -__"_—'—' —_'—___—'_'_'__,_ _ _—__"____—"'_ '__ _"' —_—_—_+ _'_ ' � _ _ ".-, .,..-: `° - .� ° � ' � �. p. .�� h ti,' j< < -!; t ' , C`-�-:_.; : ._�: �:=�_s^ � � ��-- — � -- :e �%-$ ��� - � � - - -- -� = -- ") .,. V� .. c e Z �5`��� k 2 .Q � ;,+ .:� .,. �• LL I I I � � _� T �; :� z � � � �� �� m = ` i ���- FITZHU�HS J UB- � J I j °� � . Ha��'s floo ,- l o� HY D E PAF�Fi. s ��,:r � =1 + :; '� �I D D. ' STREET OR �1_i.L�Y VACATION NO. 9-19 YEAR 99 �� Vacation of: Petitioner :........................................................ Frank T.Pilney SUFFICIENCY Map yes-# 32 Ownership Report yes Petition Signatures yes but copies VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Hearing Date Approval of Legal Description: Referred 13 Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Pagel) � N.S.P. Gas (Nelson) MCI Metro (White) ✓ District Energy (Urke) ✓ MediaOne (Ruppert) Other ( ) City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut) � Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Commander) � Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Design Center (Agness) Librazies (Williams) � Parks & Recreation (Wirka) � PED (Dubruiel) Neighborhood District #[District] Voting District #[Ward] Inquiries Mailed/Received 5/17/99 6/3/1999 5/17/99 6/9/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 6/23/1999 5/17/99 6/10/1999 5/17/99 6/1/1999 5/17/99 a Certificates Mailed/Received 5/17/99 5/17/99 � �, �� Q 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/20/1999 5/17/99 ---------------• 5/17/99 5/18/1999 5/17/99 5/17/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 5/17/99 � � Reaort co�iesia Petitinner ✓ Essential Repiies (proceed with resolution after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: .- Petitioner's Contact: Ravmoud W. Faricy_(612) 297-8484 Alternate Contact: Lori Henlev14140 908-8236 � � Return copy to: F - Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �R�G�NAL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �- k15q , Green Sheet # �S�y �2- 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Frank T. Pilney as documented in Technology and 2 Management Services Department File Number 9-1999, public properties hereinafter described are 3 hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the 4 easements within those public properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 8 9 the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Aoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and 10 Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line i l of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's 12 Addition to Hyde Pazk and lying westerly of the west line of L,exington Pazkway, as 13 widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. 14 15 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 16 Saint Paul I.egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 17 18 1. 19 20 21 22 2. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 50 days of the effective date of this resolution. That a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company-Electric Distribution in the following property described as follows : all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Souiherly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I,ots 25, 26, and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of I.ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. , i 2 3 4 6 7 8 3. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. 25 26 27 28 Giq- fosq That a permanent utiliry easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, Inc. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 2 9 Requested by Departrnent of: By: '- I \ Approved by By: Technology & Management Services By: - �� Director Form App ed by City Attorney sy: �,(��G�wyv,e. ��1�14 � Adopted by Council: Date ��� . a'l �� Adoptior,�Certified by Counc� Secretary r� PublicHearin Date- October 27, 1999 `��'t�S�{ T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 8I10/1999 Greea Sheet Number: 09514 oat8et BeLSOa aad Phoa6 Nt�bOr: 'L BPART!ffi�1'P D CT�� �) 4 CITY COVNCIL E� G1eI1si PiChB 266-8862 "'�"° y=TY Arrox�r g xxr c�.axx � DLGBT DIRBCTOR O�FFICS OF FIIa+NCIAL SVCS. st be On Couacil Aganda by: OG J � ��� 3 ypg (OR ASSISTA9Tj , a AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGBS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATIIRE) CTIO23 RSQIISSTED: acation is needed at the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, all and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Le�ngton Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of exington Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve hat part of the alley. (Vacation �le number 9-1999) COPIDffiNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT R) ERSONAL SERVICS CONTRACTS MU3T AN$W&R T8E FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm aver morked uader a coatr�ct�for this epartmeat? YES NO PLANNING COlRISSSION A STAPP Has this parsoa/fism ever baen a City employee? Y85 NO CML SBRVICE COlIIII58I09 Doas this 8ersoa/£irm 8ossass a skill aot aormally gossessed by y Y8S NO eze coxnrxxea curreat City employea? Explaia all YES aaswers on a s araYe shaet aad attach. P�&TS WKICA COSINCIL OBJSCTIVE2 COUNCIL 07ARD(S) 1 DI3TAICT PLANl3ING COONCIL 13 INSTIATING PROBL&M, ISSO&, OPPORTVNITY (S4ho, What, ➢Jhea, S4hare, Why?): utting property owners have requested vacatiag an unimproved a '"� ich ublic Works has no intention of opening. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: �` roperty owners can make productive use of the land._ =5,�,��s =F �PR�: C��;;a�i4 Reseae�h Center ��� ��q oae. � (,1� R� ISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT APPROVED: AUG d.� O��7JJ �� G��C) Q\ a land will remain unimproved and abutting property �' not be able o make productive use of the land. AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIONZ „yfiS.UO cosTixsv�as svnca ccxxcr.z oNa) �s aro IN6 SOIIRCB: ACTMTY NWffiER: Q01�013Q0—z833 INANCIAL INFORIdATION: (HXPLAIN) Transaction amouat is an administration fee for the vacation. Saint Paul, IvIinnesota November 15, 1999 To the Honorabie, the Ciry Council Saint Paul, Minuesota Dear Council Members: We, �:ne undersigned petifioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 99-1059, adopted by the City Council on October 27, 1999, and approved by the Mayor on November 1, 1999. Extendicare Ho�,es, Inc. By cyy",- � . � v I t s tt +�-..�'" � ; �'� ���� � F�arik T. Pilney, M.D. �- �� i/�-� .,cC�. � �� DEC 1 � 1999 ;P Q Y ��Es�� ( %a;4.t� ,. � f M r'"' �� � j { t �� t j 4�� x . ' n "f t �^....�i�' . I '�l�n. �lF/�i � ti�tri�l"��'f.�'N'�+Ii. `' /� L V .1:iti_. ,_�7�1�'�Yt:�}` ;�.'t,f�.. . . � , . � � ' � i , c�g - l osq ;�--� � � L ----- ---.-. ----� --� _---, ���� _. ---� � - .i m -- -- - � --- — -- �--- - � liD�s�.ri �s iv y�L ° ��e. x � h 5 -� �o�s.�.a pUz P� ,�r v�i� '- � , � O ►'1 '�_ ': ° E� 9y <'st o�i' _. � �V � �k � ,��� a � . �• � M � �. �� „j; c }1 � � T i Ch ' c �M i' 4 � �, � � `�------- � � � � N � ~ N ` 1 � � f ---- a -� � a � N � - -v.b1 . _ n ,� ` --�•i � � \, '• _ � , : �, ., =,� •�vn.• 9 nl ba� � aN�' �aQ I � ! - o� �� t n,� 90 69L1 �� �: ._ �=, K y , ' _ , ;_ , �<� : ~ '- r '.. : : ` .—' ` :- . ,. ' � O_h"1 _' - /'I� 01 � d � L^. �.r oc J J � �r.� ti � a 3 L�iE � � � � �M1 c M v ' � q �C ,. A�j " c. 90, �r� � � N ^ :� �� \ ' 1,' N � \� � � — -�-- '---=-` -- -- -o' `v �,� N � � < m � � o � N � o �•' � � o ��;;� � �^. � v . '� -� o � . \, � � � e � ^ � \ � , � tt`� pz _ _ 99 r_r , :, �_}.� 566 �-�J , _ '-� - SY=6-L/ �. i i . J �` J C C -�- ��-- � � �� � � �7 O _._. -�-- ` � �, N ' ,� � �._ � > _. _i 0 4 o �3 � w � „/1 ! �.J W c • --� F£' r: � -' .._.�_--`T� �_�,•'... __��, �'' • t =.,. - �:_. �--�_ -�:-. � _ .: • - 1� i :� .._. ... ,�` �. .� . ... — .,l•� �� < y It Q?: ' ..... - ' . . .� Y_ •� , - . _ :� � "" '_._ _' � _ ,� \ :r.. - ��.� -� 3 ,. . .. � r- �s� -� � - - ...-..-i i- ,1 ` � � ol t --- . �. ,,;: _ --� — —� � . . L� _. �����g r' • -- �.� . '� i . •.�� , Q t�� - _. � _ _�:1 � - .... ._ .y Y , �' �' �I 1iS �G' y� `'_' - �- -._ _,� . V, � - � �..•. . � .;\. . -�_� �. � • : � - - ,� 1-. . . _ � "' ;;} ,1. :i ' • -- ...�:, � � o.y �— 'Tg — �-- ..Z -- --{ � t �•. � , w � _. ._ _ :,� g ' Y ' •' � � � '. ` � :�� 1�. �-- •� '�_ - — 1 � .. • - �•. a � � h I —__ •. _ ' � .. � _i � �� � ,� f -- -- - — � �.. .: �,� - I :b�� � 06 s�.9 1� � f 5 o ---- ' � � � - �: j � � � , � � 6S'6o� u `� c I �- O r, �• C I `�p� o. I � i \ __"'_' _�_' ' _'__ _ "_.�� � Or'yE/ -(D5`� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: I�ian cy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall From: Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: August 10, 1999 I have requested a date of October 27, 1999 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to vacate the east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park between Lea�ington Avenue, as widen and 153 feet west of Le�ngton Avenue, because the alley is unimproved and Public Works has no intention to improve that part of the alley. (Vacation File numbez 4-1999) I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution, and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. These properties are located in City District 5, Planning District 6. This petirion is in proper form. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me at 266-8862. Thanks. ca Council Members cc: Nancy Anderson ������ ��m���� � (9 1999_Vacation hearing letter Nancy Research) ����' ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 Regina Trujillo ROW Engr for IA MN & NB US West Communications 700 West Mineral Littleton, C� 80120 Phone: (65i}2b6-8850 Fax: {651) 266-8855 G19 - ! �s� Suir�eet:. ., . , ;fL�5Bggartts�ent.i"�le�a:-9�999 Dear Ms Trujillo: The City 4;!, �ncE°��'�,�"s:��dx�ioit #e FE�de PaY�"T�� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of vacahon is ur�,�e�£o�t����r�i�t��.�r�nees��ia�e��e��a�ma2n�r��hezr� ,e�5?i�� b�ti�'i�. Wiil you please advise me of any existing utiliry easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before:".June 11, 1494 so i can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiIl find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. c �S p in�c�erely, , � G� P �h ��i�. (4-1999 inq) i : To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-7999 'Fmnc P�et„�'na cuy o[ �c. Yaul ROW Engr for TA MN Real Esiate Division & � us w�� Communications 700 FVest ?�ti.ncral _ _ _ _ I,ittleton, CO 8U120 99-to� FaC # We have no objecrions to ihis vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We will approve this vacacion, subjecc to rhe foilowing eondirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the Po]lawing reasons, we canttot agprove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � --� � . (�- - - � "(�1�-� � �Y�� S"rt, Eac-, CP�� (?�� CL�P_c�uz'�.� � Pl'�o�C��, Co1�R�vuouS fr'AC�u T�� 2S-s��Jec..sctA � c_cA-s As c.��� r.� s;'�-i� L�. � to.�.C Uv1 �5� �c.P� �- Ce_�n'�'�.� �� Date � � :i�.�` }���.%: "' . .;1y�."# :�°i;�:.;:<� : i) cS{•: ��z;f„�.���.;�:;;e'�;. .. � I . . ' .-- . :��'�' ? 99-l05� � - � ---�----� � . 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';' - , _ oz� _ - ' ..._.�.,_._.__._ _ , s sY=6L/ =6-!/ 'oQ :¢ti I o8 $/� f 5'0 � I . � 0 0� . � � \ 3\ ; �, � o �� i o � i � � %� ^ 0.7 -- --- � � �.y"so/ m `.' c Y1 S 1 �S co �J o � �\ I � --' � :y ° c '(� �S �J � � e I ;. � o. cJ O j � [,, i \ .. i �n� --_`._�- \� ' __. _-"_' _r" ' " -._.� o�'rE� ^ � Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division q 9- /059 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Ma11- 7th FI. Minneanolis MN 55401 Suli��c�t. _ , : :; ` : . ' , ; . '�'MS Department F�te No� 9 � 999 Dear Ms Pagel: The City Clerk, 2r����"� ail;dFB�rt��v�r�'t��fxain���cTe�Pa� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or ali of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacarion is iri iT'i�[Te�S`�t'�'ia��a� ��na}t��ti �tet� ���°A'�LO�b�f�: �.,. _�, �,,, ,., „ � £., �._ . Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended fiature ase of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before°tJune 11, 1449 so I can prepaze a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you wiil find a reply form, with f� transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, / / A � ��� V� 1G enn Picha (9-1999inq) >• ' S # of Pages j Reply to Vacation lnquiry Fite #9-1999 To: Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Fstate Division 'Ftom: I.Ori P2�E1 (2'13ig8T'E� Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th Fl. Minneapolis MN 55401 RECENEL JUN � � moaer Faz # 266-8855 612-330-6590 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For ihe following reasons, we cannot approve this vacauon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easement within the "west 95 feet`� of the proposed vacation area for electric facilities. C�/tCI � Signc�d Date � 9� ro�'� Maahs) �f' 0 jl U % Y � /3<.yo r - � - - - - �- �- o i r+ i � � � � /GP.S� i :O.YY r. � ; G> : C � J J ` O � 0 p � 0 � .¢ o_ � , _ c _._..,�... i `° -- - � � -� �..- -- - — . � v, � � �—.'_ ,� � � ^� t _ ' " '_ � ~ 5 r h �, � � Y o l � ' �� �- -� 4_.- �,-� � F n '{ �' �'. � i 'C `- �-- — '� '4.." '_' Z" '� � � '" HO � `l I � /: C � � ` �` - '� �� ;, �' � � - . ..� �; - �`, " : . ✓i: . . . • _ . _ _ �_ . : �� L � � 5 r-- -- -�- --� `� ; � t�� . U � V � T1 F , (a •\ _ _ _ �P t:�" , �j /7b}/06 � i_. _. .... _ .� k. J �` � , YG . �f0 � V•1C TE �:: - • . . .. -a .B��jEL In/ - : �� .. no .,,., '} •.17C9 �6 ' �� ' . � r � , u — T -VG �u � .__ ___ i u �''�"` ... � , \ 1 � � �. � , �=_::. - - �•- -S- -� � " � -� �� `. . � . � -� � T �� i.S) ' tJ �, � • F, � - --- --- -� : ! 3. �- * .`~ .l. . �,� �' w Do�:.iHo� � U � - - _ t � ` r? _ y � y.s ���9(�6 V C 99-i o59 -L---�-�'� � oN � � \ � �� ' `. I� � � c \i �_ � l O � N V �J \ � � o O i7�F /7-sS,ZS -- 120 -- ' Y' { 9 g S s`�'. e —LS. �s 66 "" �o.T-. _..,.. - . _ ^�. N \ � 0 � �. �v � \ � � � � � � ; C � � � , N � , . � �., �t � r,� w e � "' � , .., � o � � �, . � � � � L � N w `� `� � 1 i � (1 � N I � , 'i - �Y � � - -N-�-- --�- :w�z �- N "� -n G� N � � � � ' , �� *•�� N � r � � ' �� � , ``� N ' °, � `-0 � Y � �� ' � � � � --a----- ----------- - � :.L._ � N � � � � v � = y. a� � N > �� � •., � � s��. A p � /� O � 1. ..... ,r � ., Z - -: c - ,� ; !` i : >J 1� ' 2 l':•, I • i .. �JJ 1v � �� �� �• , _�] � �; �t--�t`., ._ ... . ;� .-;— ..� �, =•{ � : �.�t� � � � Ti ,. � ' ti 4 ;•1 1- ' `� _ `� ^! V • �`+ •� � . � � �' � �i�: ..... � ' ,,. `u `. c ^ (y 41 � hi.\ � q... . . . , -. . __ . � '�__ � S N � o t0 u' l.. -1� W tv a ` � .~ ?l �± <„= k• � � � � = ..,,�._—,/93.%S_ —1.._.. ._ .�.1�3 j� �_.__'t, .sI_3n 1. �3o Jr,> E;� l3v _ Jo 3o:Z!i ,�wm<< -- ,- , . o /(fhYYid�n�OvisiOO��L11 Xa'� `� �- - -- -- — �----- � � 1 -- .. � r, , ae:<�xv:�'��'�c�r���`r:`cti�:?i�^`;N:v;. � 7th qr ,�s� iyis�o� ura��r: GC) - --� - � GJ �� � ------ �--- ---�� .. -__ ----- ' � � t - -- �---- _ «7' � - t N - r Department of Technology and ManagemenfServices Real Estate Division 9 9- I o5 9 ' I40 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAI{VT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Mark Nelson NSP - Gas Distribution 825 Rice Street Saint Paul MN 55117 ��c � � � , �j s �� U, �� s y � ���p s �� � � / �uli�e�, ' ' �'1415. �paz`t��ier�i �+�le.l�nr � �9� Deaz Mr. Nelson: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of ����'�; �'ilney for the vacation of ATt i�t �#�t cs�#1se ��St ��t:111ey; littu�€ 3� R'< Hi� 4C�.�sts ��}'lrtVY sMxiL_�ftF} ���:flft� .#1i V+slF ���{}k.Rieat 4�<��]'[�C i�,f{�.# IF+!��f :�':+/N3LC{j„T: SF� y� 1�V����T �;`_$ait aui� Srai�'� Ad#t�tii�� tcr Hyil� Park� This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. _ _ _ _. . The purpose of this vacation is i�r�rxlerfur �e�roperEy aWi�ers tir�ta�e aecess ta m�iiita�n^th�ir ��i-ic�r:laQitd: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this progosed va�ation. I would like to receive your comments before 3une1 i, 1599 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to ihe above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesuons regarding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � 1G enn Picha � (9-1999 inq) � #ofPages 1 pl:�/bC� 7 7 .rJ Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Cilenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: NSP - Gas Aistributioi 825 Rice Street Saint Paui MN 55117 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We wili approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed N�P �'- �s/Zf�q� Date . t� . kj� E � , i � :;�;s?: :�?a.;���.,;�.�='�;�K{� =-'~ �: , , � � � - L ��i—/0.5�' C � _,_� � I � �----- -- ----� ._. .. _ c , . ''^o.i-l EF' C. �"" _ .... "{ '^ .`"' r lz , t � _- - -----. - - - �d � 9 ^ .� �._.. _�. _ . - _ : i� -:� � ' 1 ;v . .. =�.' — �� , - -� �� ° � ��.\ . K . � - —~'''�1- - ... _ �: i�"� 'y �' c� � , }' t' r 1: Q�?: . •! y • °y� � 0 �e' o Sfl '7Vn't��t ' _' " � M-}. - . _ ; � � < N 9��L/ �'�'`' � <' � ... _. n. W � oN�' �' M 1 �` '� .� • ` ; � � � ` _ w �, � _ _ �- --- --- _. t:':. � . \ ,� -- c � -o- � - - }, \ :�. c:�:� :� — 'r - _------------ ------------ a � t ` '`�- °�1 �, ; `�� 3 � r_ -s. --• - - "::':.;1 �.. ' ' � �l � ' _ .; r '� w o- • - h a ; ,.; - �1 � � . ,�� : i N� n/. ` . O/r� -- ^�,:.. r� �. v 90 6�L�'• ^ �: � vr' a ; � � � N ��., � � 'p � — /�'I �7��/g r . .. - - �:Y �^ a 31Cj7' � � ` � � � c °C - � � v � 0 9o/iGG . r� °' N � :� ,,,� ' ^�� � N L \ > '�_ ' �'" ' j � � _ � '__"'� _ _ � � . . � `" �,a N 7 � � � o � � � ry v � � ` � v � °,` ��.i � � � � � —. � .� o t� I . � � u ` N � I .� h � ; ^ �- � � • �� 1 � � � � � - -':G�oz - %9 .r_'s • s. ° •-�-S S66 ti.�� __ -- o�i -_ Y F . ' , i L os : :�� �- .. .... ._ ..y � ' . �� - - - -.:1 �. +�' � `.� � , C{' �� � ' �" "'_ --4 . � • . y . . . '.. 1 � , i.: , � �_ :\ ,F � l a 1— — —, � , i `; �: , ': � • ,' 1 ���� -- _ til �- _Z -- --{' ,, ok, �� �� gt. � � , .� -� - -- t--- -� -� !• `�, � . 1= 1--- :o ��---�- - � 4� ..`� - ��. . � � � � �-- -' - -. � .. —i _{ o�'_ ,h � .•� - � - -- - - , �- : , � _..,...Y;.. _ 1 � � \� � � � � \ �3� , a o ._ r-s , „ o - .� � � � � � � N - v �=�" � �o � � : � s . f [�� l - C �+ �n�T' \ " — - cV c _ � _ � .� � � � L �---- ---.. � , ,� � m � — �--- Go.si�i� �s ��.-.���-.�-«._:_— - lloisi� i p �nu ��x 1�1c� �'p►'1 ��v�, 9y �sr or " uE�s, � - � � � � 'l:n � "�('��I� + . t �[� � oB �A � f b'o : . j --- � i — i i I ___'_. _ , , � F L OF'yf� 99-ia 59 � MCI WORLDC4M June IS, I999 i�Ir. Glenn Picha City. of Saint Paul Department of Technology and Management Services, Real Estate Div. 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 National Support / investigations Dept 2855 Loc 642 2250 Lal:eside Blvd. Richardmn,l'X 75082 �� v �' � �� `���` Z ;t f99� ?fflfES�� p-�6S�Q�( REF: Vacation of Alley Row, Altey s/O Central Ave. E/O Lea�ington Ave. 9-1999 MCI REF: 2497-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been nofified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project azea. However, it will still be necessary for you to contact the local One Ca11 System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attenfion of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need fiirflier assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call Charles Welch at 972-656-6016. Sincerely, � ?, _ .�,_ �,,( �.,,...,, Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant 99Y���9 � M�1 WORLDCOM National Support / Inves[igaLions Dept2855 Loc 642 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Aichazdsoq 7"X 75082 June 30, I999 Mr. Glenn Picha City of Sain Paul Department of Technolog,y and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saiat Paul, MN 55102 RECEIVED J Ur_ O � +�' � REAL ESTATE DIVi;�,^pi REF: Vacation Request, Alley Between Bigelow Ave. & Central Ave. 0-1999 ING MCI REF: 2712-1999 Dear Mr. Picha: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. However, it will stiil be necessary for you to contact the local One Call System at least 48 hours prior to any construction. You should address conespondence concerning any furixre projects to the attention of National Support/Investigations at the above address. If you need further assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call John Bachelder at 972-656-5038. Sincerely, �� ! ,Q..���r"V�/hJd'�CW � .�..��. �/ Rosalyn W. VanWinkle Administrative Assistant `y� # of Pages 1 ,�,�ply to Vacation Inquiry ,� � 199 Fife #9-1999 r �TF D���SiQ�` To: Phone r Fax � Glenn Picba Ciry of S[. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8850 266-8855 'From: David Uike District Energy St I II1C 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55 221-0353 We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. . Signed DA�ID L: URKE, p.E. PROJECT MANAGER JUNE 11, 1999 Date q9-ios . . � " � c : ��'( � � -; , � L ----- --- . -- --- ; �---� -�-'� m � — �-- -- ---- U�iS/�ri� 1si �Clb,(A U�/ �� �, �. X l t1 -� Uoisi� 5 O n '� �-1.`oi oG " n£� � <'S! o�l' �.' ` ` (V � �' I � . n 'Ol O � �h _,� � � � �� � � � � • 2 ' i � . � t9 ` i � .—�::_-• _� rA t� c � W P i �� ------� -, �;F. a;^;�K'. Y J'�'; v , Hbe : ,: h � <,t s: 1 s"-.�.:: , -. � � ^ �q� y .' . � "�X� • . /J .�;;G,.: , ; �a;t.;,�,';,;r?��,a4,,KF��/- . `. . -�.:.,� . :.: .,: � , -. .. ... .9�i -/os9 �+ I I � ----- -- � 'vPuz !J°.S1 �/f// ' '- . U � � . ' �T Jflf. D.9'��^0.f1.. �' Ff f,%i—'__ _ "_'�_'_`���6�___�••... 4 ' , 5 �� � t 'j •^ <� �: � n� l —' � "'_'. '- - , c4 � �` N N � _ � _ � . °� �, h Q � N � !� ; . d �. . : � : r�. -- v - ' - ._S � � �"--° e -_ �, - ,' 1 ,ti \ N - _. � ... � ,�,�� . K .. � - --+-� ._ _ �::.1'� J. �,� 1 ; _ , � � ; 1 Q?; .� ��vn•.�� - -- -- y n'`�, .... 9��[/ ..'�. . �' ..'... - . - � r" . i � l �` M 1 Y: , 'r _ oN�'�o¢ . ' I � � '_"' '_'_ _.4::_ � � � 1 - o - � • '- - ,� 1 '^,•, � C�? :� � . . ,` �_ : �> .- 3 �- --1 r� s- .... - - �<..:..1 � ' �, a � ' � � ''',j � �., � =1 � _'— __' _ �I . n. � . Oh,J_ � "<:.. — � . il J ( 90 6��1'• �, " I 1 Y � v ��'N� �Q �' ' � � Q ` N �'�,�•, � '" �.. � - Nf - 7.� �lQ� t � .. - • :Y 031 � O (\. � M /� O � a � � � ' o . 9oi �t�� � N � ;i ; " � � N �v -�-- �, . i �----- ---�...----- -o-.- ,. � � U � �, ,. , v �, � N � � 7 �. � � N ` � -� 1`•. . � � � : \ � ��.� � ti � a '' . : v �a N o � � : v : � � �,� �� � � � , - �t�o1 -- .r_r ° %-�- S' 5 6 6 1.A � "' , _ �_ ozi _ _ sr�-ti ;sC� � � o � � � � ` o � � \ 0 \ � � � � � � N� ; v ° � `� . I 'n`9 `� \ �o � �. ° - -, . � C '�>� F - .... ._ ..� . �� y � . � � - -, .. ` �, l \.t�. l � � � - �? • � " . . i� -� .._ ---�.., � � � � , _ . �. _ :,.. � �– —� � `;-• 1. � � ; ,:, _;1 , i N _" .. ,,` � `��'� O/r �— _T� — � `. ..� __. _.J. I i ' � t �` � � � - �.•. .. . _ _ o Q �- � _ � g '• `` °_ . �`;. �—^ •''� 4. � � ��_.... _ °'-, ..'. _ � t� �. � ,--- - - �a � .. � _ _' '—i _ � _� h _:.l `� _ i -- -- - — „ t_ �: ; \ p� --- � v ; � � W . ' -' � I od S/� I � •� � I - �y j o � \ ; eseo7 1 � � N { < i ; _r_ ov>E/ s .46'0: � � c 4. n • � Department of Technology and Management Services Real �state Division 99 -�059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fcu: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole»uzn, Mayor May 17, 1999 � G � e ���/ �� �� � Scott Ruppert MediaOne 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 55075 `S 4 � J �� �� � U'G �S� �� S�liject ,,..-- , ,$,. ° ' �'3Y�S IYepartmeiii Fi'T�3,!To_`9_�999 Deaz Mr. Ruppert: The City ���'°��i� �D�►��t�„��,���r���t���_'a�`�? This inquiry gertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is �r $��'�, e1��1'°_�:� Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of th.is proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments beioreaJune i i, 1993 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, • Glenn� P .- _ ��� (9-1999inq) �r � Ii of Pages 1 I y Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: rnone# 'From: 1100 North Concord Street South Saint Paul MN 266-8850 I Ph OIlZ ¥ VJe have no objecuons to this vacauon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Far uie iollowing reasuns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �— � ��� Date Real Estate Division N :} ;,.=5 }, ••uti;>�a�',�f'�} `�;".�{x,:��., v., . / , � ��: . � I •: , . . ' . ,:.;. ,,...� 9y��os9 . _ _ �-{ �n � I -- , 1 �.,� � ---- --- �� — --- --i , � -----� ------�'�'� � ---- -- -----.� 1—_--.— -- �- � m --� tioisi.ri �s ' .�b y�L ° ;�.-,�.�:� � r � liois.�.ppr�Z f"�'.lf �/f// Et �, �e. x �� 5�Cp n' I� v�, r� . � oc �• nE� .`��9 a'sc o p.� ' �'-� uE's' as�. .-o„f7`_' F � r.. �' '"'.�._'-`��S6i--r•'. . I � , . , �--•'— ^ �„ <' 1': _ t ` cv 1� d- � `J � = - - - � - i n Ql � � � � � ^ 1 � ,:� ��� � • ;"� � �'"' �.. -..� � ; ;. r � - �, - ' V 1` � N ' • -. , ... ^ E - � rt ��� �'; ; . �4 . ... � ., ,�.� �, �� L' z � � 7<: . , 3 �,`�� ?; �= 1' �: . •� ; ,� ' � ��� � i5 '�v,?'�� - -- - ,'', M+... ..... - ' � ` N 9n16�[/ �',� �~ ' <° � t� � . -- h � ONI � '�Q � M .1 �� ,f � i : t _ I lfl ��• e -� h ' H � �--- _'.. __._ _, L?..:_ � �:.—,:-_--_--\--------`--�--��----a�1'�-' .'_ _' , 1 \_ •^.•'��.'''� � � �' � �' ` �> ." �, " _a, � � '.. - ' ,.�.. � , � , a, ,_ \ � .,. c � W v• — h p � ,., 01 t - L�=- - i N �n n/. ' . OhiL _' !'Z:.. _r.l "_ "' _ 90 6�G1'• `: 1 --� t}. $� � 'vN' oQ , m � � ` � ��., o .. .. - - �`�l - 73�l� r- � . - - �:Y O31 7bA �. � o . . � � jr� �, o� - �',� . - + - - n _ .... ._ .y� � t� � ' t�. � 0 9 Kldo : `~ ��� �� �� � t1 :r, � � � � N i > ' �L �.,� �-- - G- �..— _� . �, ---- -�-- ----.._-- � �- �-- . V' + .... :� 1 � . �..•.� � -� -o - - :�... i, � � ^� t `� i � � v � �� a � � � - - ,� �--. . . ._ .� � � '� 6^, ° �� � .� • -- -'��.` �—� ' ._ `I ; . � " N � „� �. � � oy . -Tg � � 4 . .. v . �. � � -� [�.. • � ' � tl- v � o� �_� r ___'"` Q Y � c''. `� � , . �:. ° 1-- - -� v� � = 1 � UI � � � � �` ` � `n 1� I"' *� �, . � � � � O � I ��_"" _' � \. .. . _ :7 v h ! . � � j : a � � � , \ � \ 1_"_ " _ _' �� � .. � •`. � � �c . .l.o� ' 9 % .r-'r s. _. _I ._i _�_ �' " '_ '"_ � ` ' '�^ ' -;-.5 S �i �'c, 1 J►� _._ ! .._�..�::__ � -- ozi -_ � � 1 • � � sr�-ti _ � 0 o . � � o � f � � � ° ° �i � I : �-i �� � � �� . � ' 3� � � � ---- � ;d, W - 9 � o . ---- � �sa��— , ` . i � � � —r OF'YE/ i6'o: � ` � r� # of Pages I � 99- / 05 , To: ('ilenn Picha 'F�om: Linda Dickhut ReplytoVacationinquiry CiryofSt.Paul PublicWorks File #9-1999 Real Estate Division g00 City Hall Annex Phone# 2,OO-$$5� phone# F� # 266-8855 I F � � We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ RECEIVEE ��G i '� 1999 REAL ESTATE DNISION Signed �1, ll � . /��� Dar�— g g-iosq DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum, DirectoNCity Engirse¢r CITY OF SAINT PAUL gpp City Ha11 Annex Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 West Fourth Sueet Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1660 Glenn Picha Phone: 651-266-6I50 Fax: 651-298-4559 Reai Estate Division Room 140 City Hall FROM: �inda Dickhut Public Worksl R�ght-ofi-Way Jivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Biock 3, F. W. Hoyt's Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Fiali and Srown's Add. to Hyde Park Currentiy this alley is oiierl ar paved thro�gi� 1118 Central. Then there is a 6 for�i drop offthe east end of ihe ailey. There's a fence across the end o# the alley pavemsr�t which heionas to the nursing home. The east end of the alley ls posted with a dead-end a!IEy sign. There is �ur,ently no turn-around area and if you 8rove to the east end you'd have #o back out 200 ft: This vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. �rank Piiny, the pet�tioner, is the owner cf the �roperty on the souti� side of Central from Lexington Ave. through 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spake to Ray Faricy, the petitioner's attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions ofi physicaliy changing anything out there at this time. Whai instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do scme �r!airatenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didn'4 want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to the nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the Fetition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, maintenance, etc. The Department of Pubiic Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gailagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qua(iry Facilitres • Emplayte P�ide � � d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor �.r August 12, 1999 Linda Dickhut Public Works 800 City Hail Annex Siibjeet: . .-,. . Deaz Ms Dickhut: Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99'��59 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: {651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' :: TMS;°Department File No;:9'1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of �"raa��' �T�e� for the vacation of;;the property described as follows: east west alley, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of L,ots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park and lying westerly of the west line of i.exington Pazkway as widen per document number 278136 on December 3, 1902. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of- way, some or all of the utilit; The purpose of this vacauon is g � e�te�`�o��d: Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before€August 20, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, " �� ��-�, Glenn Picha (9-1999inq) qq-ios9 From: To: Dat6: Subject: TO_ Linda Dickhut <linda TMSD.TMS(glennpi) 6/21/99 4:04pm Alley Vac$9-1999 Glenn Picha Real Estate Division Room 140 City Ha11 dickhut@ci.stpaul.mn.us> FROM: Linda Dickhut Public Works/ Rightofway nivision 800 City Hall Annex DATE: June 21, 1999 RE: TMS File No. 9-1999 Vacation of part of the alley in Block 3, F. W. Hoyt�Bs Re. Of Lots 25, 26, 27, Hall and BrowneES Add. to Hyde Park Located in the block bounded by Central, Dunlap, St. Anthony & Lexington Currently this alley is oiled or paved through 1118 Central. Then there is a £oot drop o£f the east end o£ the alley. There�Es a£ence across trie end o£ the alley pavement which belongs to the nursing home. The east end of the alley is posted with a dead-end alley sign. There is currently no turn-around area and if you drove to the east end youlEd have to back out 200 ft. This Vacation would only shorten that distance by about 50 ft. Frank Pilny, the petitioner, is the owner of the property on the south side of Central from Lexington Ave. throu5h 1118 Central Ave. as shown on the attached map. I spoke to Ray Faricy, the petitioner�ES attorney. He said the property owners have no intentions of physically changing anything out there at this time. What instigated the petition is the clinic owner had to go on the nursing home property to do some maintenance on the south side of their building. The nursing home has the alley fenced in and didxuEt want to let the petitioner get access to the rear of his property. He has spoken to trie nursing home owner and cleared everything up and the nursing home owner has signed the petition and is in agreement with the vacation. Their attorneys are in the process of writing up whatever easements are needed between the two of them for access, main[enance, etc. The Department of Public Works has reviewed the vacation proposal and has no objections to their request. LD cc: Pete Gallagher, Bill Hagland, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida CC: H2O.WATER(billt,'jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... r M '�ofPages 1 99-ioSS To: Repty to Vacation inquiry File #9-1999 �e� Fas � 'Fmm: (;ity of St Panl Wgter Uhlity R�1 Estate Division 200 Commerce 266-8855 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❑ We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � si�ea �I � � � 2- Date 1 9 a e� e �")I � .. J✓ e� e�� bB26 • i � � 0 i� L � � �e, .c ec �r \ lV �h �' � ° � � � � � h � 7 �� � ' � t0 C7 0 � ' ti � ' � M . � I \ o ��£$� a � o�.SLs� LZ9B �.� =`�.� � ��..8 - � N �� N o � a a 0 J� N p \ � \. n z � I a � a, 9 Q 9 :I � . m . N � ��cye I •. •� �� �� \ ���.�.— .� � �� r� � � 28Z6 BLZ6 o " �OL✓IV'/��� � '�� IBZ6 9/ 6L26 �s�.�� �v � ���.����. 99 I ' s� _�z. I . �� 7 Nn J �. �� y_ �.� �� 1 I N� Q� Q a- atG 0 • I j N o z � �. • I � � � i �► Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 `I — �059 140 City Hall Phone: (65I ) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Commander Traffic & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street Su��ee� :: . . : TMS �epaztir�entT+kt��o;�-�� Deaz Traffic & Accadent Unit: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�ian�'I`i 1'i1neY for the vacation of �Ii.�at-parL �f 12z� ea�t�v�st a1��3'3 �l�k �, �: �Y� I3�ytsReari�ang�iciento�I.c�#s 25, 2�, and 2'1, T�ail �o��is Ac�ii��ii. t� H�d� I�ar� I�ia� Easterty vT fb�e �authernl� ���hsin� �if tl�e �e�sL I�� c�� I;�t Z'7� Biue� 3,°F. � ; I��y�,s �iE��iratlge�i �i�L�,ts �� �?6> �iiT �7, FI�til �d BrQ�?s AtitLi€ti€tin tu H�*;�e 1*air�. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of ffiis vacation is in�rtler�prt�� prri�aerky'u^��ne�rstr�have access to rrfaiiifa�n th�ir �feripr`lii�€tc�; Wiil you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before<June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, `'�� ��� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) .3 # of Pagu 1 To: Rep1y to Vacation Inquiry �ile #9-i999 Phone r Fax # Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'From: COIIllI12IldC7'1�i2 Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department � 100 East Eleventh � I � We have no objecuons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q s "-! 7-� Date /3 <. ro • � � ; _J_ '�'_—_ � 1 � � — � -- i - i �. �o.yr �� � d�ao I i��: � I � ' `/ � � ' r,— "-, -` " ' y' _� i_ I —"_ � . � � - - - ---i � I ` T ` h _ ..., �. . 'l 1- - _ - - '� - � - i . G. � v , 1 y, p 1 . ( �- � ---t a U - - _, �:,- , I :. 1- � � z t — az_ _� �.o �. c� }-- -- –, th � N . .. i: o "' "_ i ' �� �' ', 'V� � ^ ,._ — . .� r - \t r •'I: s . •� L •� � � i -- -�- --, ,U . . . �.. Vi _ Z 7� t. �T1 F ;m ,� _ _ _ o, � �� '•� i i-. _. .... ' ..]� ��'. � O�" \ � �� � � ' - IZO -' G+�i ggS •S�'. � � .s . r. -s' G 6 "' �o.>-..-.�' "' \ � ^-� � , � � � r \ Y V � 1� u C i c�, I � o � ` , N .. ' . � y � �. Ut �. �. r. � � :' � e `, � � , - o ,. I � ^ � o ` � a ♦ � w � N w �� : (� ^ �`; �; --- �- - - - - ` - � � � N - �v � \ � .N_-- -- T,� -- ' ��` i ..� . .. �, � N '� ...o G� va6 '� r � , V fo � � � —" � . . o � 7ED � � I .. a r h� (U > � � � � ' { w.�. � � � � � YG � � V4C �.; .. .. .. � 1���jEL Ir�( - :.. � Do " y1 ' • � _ ' �7C ' �� i r — — •-- --- a 2 ''� - Tyc ';... - - .._ s _� 1 ��- -. F -�. `�� . .:'_ ...>> •:': \ �` 1 �' - ' -. . • _p_ � �'. �- f * � ••"S ' .1, _' """ � 1. r U Dor..!. ' ' ' - . .. t� . � L .. y _ �� _ y.,s /7c� � a� .t f- I. �� �� J� .1 14 ; � 4 � C .� t. �t . y �_....: ' � '�"�� . ��:', _.... '. , '- Iv 1 �` �- - '� - •^�� ; . . �a: .... , . `� _; � � � - , -• •. __ .::� '�, _ . � � �1 � ':1 '± ,.:= °, , ,�__/93.%5_.--L".. _ _.�.I'.'s 33 g__Liro-�.s.;4"_ . : . o 3. f I� � r` � N ,�.1 � �. o � � ' 1 \ o � :-0 � "' �" -� _ ` ' V ' �� � Y V —� _. �. .L i Q'j � . 1� �:• : � � c � .� t�.� • _wF ` �v W a ib `' .� ^P W N. �30 L"._'I30 JS> �� L34 3n 3o_Z• i� Q!O � U O� � � � siait U 1 X � o irn �rQra, i3i uiYisio� —.__ _ GV (---- -- --1 - —�— � G��, i-- � -- �-- ---_ _ ..._-- ----� ' � � �- � J `� Ur t--� , . �-----_ � - :,;.�.<:,:.::, �.. ,.: ! � ,_ :,�;: : ::,�r �; �� �, - f :�' . . � `, ' - `��'a��.t��''.�stxKr~S''��',''�lt:� };i:.`:' W __ " � , G? : --- � �� o o�� o � N i ° � 5 � �. V � � _ � _ "' U �•y � ' N 4> e DepartinentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 9 9—/0 5 q' 140 City Hall Phone: (65I) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (65I ) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Chris Cahill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Bleventh Street , . _: �ii�,�ect ° °: . . ° : .'�'� �spaztn��nt �t�.l��; 9-1999 Dear Mr. Cahill : The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition Erf �`ran1�.'S'. Pii�e_y. for the vacation of aTl#hat. part n�`the �tw��t�e�; Bl� �; ��. �3ir�ts Iie�rc�n�ez�ent �ats 25;:2�, an� 27, Hai� ant� 73�cr�n's: �i�cTii��n:t�s.�T�cTe:�*ar� I�zi� Easteri� ��'tiie.�QUitheznt� �ii.��,�n a� t�r� �est 14n� a�T�t 27, 8fvclz 3� F. �. Nuyts`�iearrarigem�ut tzfI;�ts°25; ��, a€ad �'7, �IaT� ant�.I#�rnc�ii's Arldiftari ta H�t�e P�; This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is inard�r�'or #he pro�y c��priers ta ��veareess tfl �aintain t�ie'ir ex€erior bii�iild. Will you please advise me of any exisdng utility easements ar of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid like to receive your comments before 7une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glen�a �� (9-1999 inq) # of Pagu 1 Reply to Vacation lnquiry File #9-1999 'ro: Glenn Picba City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 'From: Chris C2hill Department of Fire & Safety 100 East Eleventh Stre� Phone k ��5� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �/ We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacauon, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacafion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed 5 �f � 9� Date /3 <. �O • / ` � i � s ». >�� � ` i � ao.vv !' �. _J_ � I � � I � �' � � � � W : CO 0 N � � �w v °I�� �° � i 1 0�} � _ ��...�_-._. � _,_.,_� � � - � -y � -�.- -- - W , -�- �-- �- - � . � � --� � _ - - T ' h �,;� � ^�� �_ 0 1�� � � �- � ---1�a `- -" .`l-' � '. 1'� • � {-- -- ?.. ''1} - �- —' yo � c� ` � �1 i:o � ' t N 1 ,' �� '•' 'v � ' r F — — - .—{ - . �: .� �:• ,. - � .,.., � ` . . .. �-.. . � _ t ' �' _" ' A _ � ` U . .� • ' �� �' �W ., _ __ _ 4 ' °, � `:�' �) i 1--.. _. .... _ .� l<. � .:, {' YG . . �;� - - . .. � BI�jEL w - � � -- �« -- Gv-i 99S S� � � � .r . r.-3' L6 -__ co.>._..�... , . , � y a ° � �'�`' � � � C \ � w r' ` N ., ' o � , y �' �. �n U `' /_., � b \ i \ 1 v.� � O • ` O � , . N `� � . O � � W . � ' ' � N w `� ^ ^ � i w , �, -_.o- --- - ., �N -..--- --fi- ----- � � � N � �` ' i, � N � ' � � ip6 o � v p 1 /O � U G� � � . . p �. 7ED � � o �v� IU , C I � 'k —.N.,. � � � r � � , . - Do� - `�z - � �� - -- �.���9 _ "_ _'_ � � '� THG ._ _ 2 u ' ,j:;. ... � \ 1 'd _. '� • .S _� 1-- -. F _. �i ��.i:_ - ' .._ S . : , "' . J: \ `, �: -. : ' � '� T 1 ':••; '- -- --- � E-. " '_' i �- i '� .l. . :{ �' r V Do�:,�it ... - .. . . � Ly � ? , y � _y.,s � ��� � ' ' `' - --� - r��.J 106 . ,: ,'� .' S . � � �` �•�.. _ ... . � _ __: �N. :( � �.�� ..�. ... � - Iv { �� +' - 'v - `m;'=� -{ S�i ��-.. �:�: ..... `- -' � c- �_. .'� _ v `• - _ - . — . � , _ es � ^ °.' . . _ ..:,- � , � ' >1 � `_' �. •. �.r-- . .,n__../93.%$_-1..__ J 3 j � ' � - ---�' �-` _�.C—.._._.. .s . a .r-e�.a t �_ . _ /1fh W��� 2.� I' - --' '- _'---- 1 � � . 1 .. � � '�'i'a:ti�✓���5�''� �" .:. .� � , t � ' y� �'#a�.�'. f� 41,.M, fiNry}}.-��. - ''� ..�. 4 �#�ef��' /�aj,�?�':i t n ;i..:,. 1 ��'a4�' K�N.` :'3.tiSn..�.4-:i .. � i o N �. lq � �. C _ �, _ � � � y N m 3 � • I� ON �, . S— `'�� ,� � � t � � Y F�i ^� V� � 1 � i � � � I . M V \ r � 1� � � 4 ;)� a � 4�' � -A W n� 1 ' _ ' �JO JS) � Lgu _ 30 3o,Z� �,� u O� � � � � Y siar� Ul X� /Y/! �"r4li%� i.�/ .ci/Y/.S/O/! .. _ W ._. _ � � �. i --- � ----- �-'--- ----� ' w ` `- � �� � � ) W �., Department of Technology and Management 5�r�ces Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Halt Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (651) 266-8855 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Lany Zangs LIEPBIdg Inspection 310 Lowry Professional Bldg <.,_ �ut�,�eet� ° . ' i° ` °. : - ': '£�tS �p�z�eut�t� ��. � ��9 Dear Mr. Zangs: The City Clerk has the vacation of ai1.� 25, :26, .and �; IT; ed to this office for recommendation the petition Uf.�rau�€.`T..1'ilneg for �tt ��#�� �astwes€.alte�::i31� �; �+: �:;Hvgts I�eaxr��eine�ta�T:ats d�i�a�n�s AcTditr�n t4 HYd� �!�:k Tv+��; �siterly a!' f�ae �dii�earnlv fk8 (k�_�.U� �r`�.� ��[jC� �; �'� �..'� �A�`YS �L'�k'.�'A�_I_E�TTl1e11�-Ct�"�Q�S �.�Ji �i� `d7t(� �dcIft�an ter H�cie P'ar#: This inquiry pertains to tYie vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use far the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is irinrderY�rr t���irtipertygsunerstmhave�c� tn m�airt�3n tIteiir e�t�ns`ht�ii�l. - Will you please advise me of any exisung uuliry easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before_7une 11, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with faY transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesdons regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha MRY-20-1999 07�45 FROM C1TY OF ST PAUL L1EP .: To: V �� � � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 Phone n Fax d TO 6B855 P.001i001 r.-� 99- l 05 � 'Prom Real Estate Division � 31Q Lowry Professional W We have no objecaons to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this �acarion, subject to the following condiaons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �/ r S �j � Date TOTRL P.001 ., � � 1 � _ - �c.l„ �� — -, � �„� � ----- ---�� ------_ ;: ------� '�-'� m � _ .__ __ __ � �o�s.,�. � .�a y�� � �.X ti1 �iois.�.Of,uz f".!f �ff// - o . - ' � 5 �O n ��v2 . . . �,-Z`�f oc .: nE 99 <sr o� � u r• 0.9 1`- f � c _.. ... 1 S,, .I � Ej , �_:; F �- 7'— "'T"_�.s6.._�,,.. ` ' r, + . � � . �•i � _ , '� •o r� 1: t f M--. 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Department of Technology and ManagementServices Real Estate Division 9�i-/ 059 I40 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Carole Williams Librazy Administration 90 West Fourth Sueet �uTs,�ect : `: '_ ? �� ^Ue _ paitii�eittI�l€ T�T�; 9-1999 Dear Ms Williams: 'I'he Ciry Clerk has referred to this the vacation of �tii t�tat paz�t rif`t}i� 25�; 26, a�u1 Z"f; f1a� and �ru�ii for recommendation the petition of I�'ra�il�'�> Pi�iiey for estalt�y;B1��s�` iTY.:Ha�sRearra�z�eznenti►f��s i��n:tp Hvd�°Par� Ti�u�: �asterly af;�e.�aaiz�tc3r�it� ick �� �'. �'t;, �Tp�t,s.3te�`x2usgemei�fi. R� �.vfs 2Sj ��,-�iad �?, �all -�iid Brow�'� r�ticiiti�in ttt Hycle �ar�, This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is in+prder�nr tll�°p�i�rty nivi�erstci�iaxe acc�sst� m�ntain:th�ir ea��iar btiili�> Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befo:e 3une 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the Ciry Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. • If you have any questions regazding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Gle"—` P �� (9-1994 inq) � { # of Pagu 1 To: Reply t� Vacation Inquiry rile #9-1999 Phone# Fax,u. Glenn Picha Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-8855 'Fsom: Cazo10 Williams Library Administrati� 90 West Fourth�Street We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed t ��-��� �- I �''�`� Date q-i v59 > � .� > "'' � / ; a.vv / -- —' � _ � f� �' -- -- 1 /. o r' \ /1 �' w � �1�� 1� � i�� � � _ _._�.,� _. � I � I� � � � S N .�.1 F �, U1 4 � I ¢ � Q i�-s�:,zs J �- izo -- -�� ��� ( c ' , — -..- -- -- 1 — , G+� i g 9 S S' `f � 1`^. 4� �—' � � s's� 66 "' �o.T._ - � . ._ " '" . \ . , \ � '� ` \ � . ` � �'� - -� N.' y ° � � u � c .. � r � ^ : ,�h _ .._:;.. `� Y- - ` . � �l � � � � �t � ' . �' , a `�1 ��� ° -;. �' ��. �- T - - - - 1 a ` - -' �- •'� - ' I " f••.� c � � � � � h � � ,-- 8Z � ' -vo .� w .J . . b o � .p ., . I-- -- ?-. -� �t � . _ 1 �„ i N ° � . ,—:�� � , o � w I . •� ' 1' � c •;, r � • i-- _ . .� t - w � N w �� = � °i . i: .� 1 r . . �: - i � ` ^ � N , .., s '_. 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'v � ~\ � _ I `� ����� �\� � q:::. _ �` • : - =— .'.� �,-- ��' g � �.'' 4 W � N 'a, � -P W Jv� W � � �v . b 1 y � =.1 � a `-- :. C ` � ' <.�- . .� J I . .,,�_.._l93.%5__—i_".. ._ _ -33 .�__.Li� �.s:a�.s�3o �'L.�—do �s> �;� 13u _ �o sp_-L'� . . � � O 1 � �,�sSdsr*�•��,� ' . o //th y3'��_d, z��0 �siori '+' �tl X�� °� --- --- o � ith ��ora, isr �ivisio�7 W I --- -� -- -- - � G)�, i--- � -- �- ---�— --- ----- ' � � t - I '_,!-----_ "'� �' - ' ' "� �' ,y. • �' : .' ;'' `' i I J ;,}�'"ti 5;t �i �S:`•�' '' `• j N (/ - �- `1�'a4!:4����"�'m }^. W � /3<..so r -- - - - - --1- —� A !t ' Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 9 9- �vs g 14D City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Coleman, Mayor May 17,1999 John Wirka Pazks & Recreation 300 City Hall Annex Su�r,�ect� -' �lufS �epar�ent F,�le No 4-1� Dear Mr. Wirka: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendauon the petition Q� �caak'I`. ��Zie,y for the vacation of aI� �li�t part�i£t�te ��st�+est a1T�y� �31tx:k 3; �: Y�.:HQY� I�arraz��mtent af"T.(zks 25, �6, axi� 27, �atl azid �ra�n .A€Tdi��n tQ �T�de:l'� T�ist�:�aste�ly'vf. the.`��aif�erni� i�`t�a�nn �f i�e �?4Tesc�ii?� i��T.ot 27 B%ci� 3, F'� ;5� �i��ts �earr�i►ge�uer�t af I.afs ��; 2;�, �nd �7��i1 �icl Brn��'s �idditio� ta �Ij?ile.P�7�: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petifioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be xetained. _... The purpose of this vacation is �invrder �ctr t�e p�ii� Qiu��ccha�*��cr.�ss tti rr�nfa�tth�ir ��rmr buiitl. Will you please advise me of any e�sting urility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fazc transmittal memo on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any quesfions regarding this matter, piease ca11 Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, � �� Glenn Picha (9-1999 in� MRY-18-1999 07:35 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION A ., y TU: r� Reply to Vacation Inquiry � File #9-1999 �, �� Glenn Picha Ciry of SC Paui Rea] ES�Atc Divzsion 'rKOm: 7ohn VJirka Parks & Recreauon We havc no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �-- Wc must retain our cascmcnts within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacauon, subjec� to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the foliowing reas�ns, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed 612 292 7405 P.Bii01 � . �G'G.�,.� SOI � �1 �� I� Datc rc�ra� P.01 � /3 <. yD � . r — - ---;— ,� � A 7" o.vv e� _.I — - ` !`i � p : --- � � O � p �� 4 1 -� _ c �...�_., j -'-.^T-, , - �' � —� - -- — ►_ = G+r i g g S S `E ' L r ' y .- tii ' 1 _. " � 'r r. -s' 6 G � ' , f � � r � � " _ " "_I I I � v ' 4 y r � ^ . • y 4 � ,�, � � � — ,�'' � y o �- Q� ro 1_ p � �_ �_ '—� \ V,. .. _ ..�' ' ' � � �,':, � b � 1� `._ . . `. (� � • � � � _ �__ ? ' HO .,a (v • � � I-- �-- .. .� � : 1 �`�„ 1 N ::�- , o �` ' '� � �' .:i � a ~ � � � . r ' � N w �' ^ .�I: ' �� � �� w � � ► :, •4 ` .....".. ' � '` "'0' '�' � � ' �' _" '�' � ' U � .: ' <V C � N _ -..'_ -' - � • � t � .� N. 1 P � �' sT1 F �m °,� �;06 o ro � � t:� - - - ,-,} ^ � �. _ «., a , � '' �, , � �' . .... _ '�� 't yc _ . 4o v p( �� Y-�C TED � ?.;° - - .. .-1 .B��jEL w - _ � •• o r'� r�S, N ' �`' � va .w.,. � v 9 i� " `}1 ' . �� _ '_ •.I�c9 06 — � � =.� T vu r� � i `�1.:.. . _ _'_ , 1 � e O � � ' t i +-"�:'� - _ .._ _ _� I._ .. F _. �� • r `� , Sb ' � 1�. '. \ . �' L% Q� � ;� �,: ` ,1 - '. . -�-j� °- ---------- ------ . � ••; � •- --- ��-- --� !-. - -' i . � N ` _ , . , � :� �' w Doc.�No �- v � > . . . _ - f - � L r? j � _r: � /7c9(v6 N v 1 � 0 1 �N �. F ,_ o f V� \ I � � 4 .�-�: zs- _� - iZO -- � �. w _ a�. � n c. So 0 t. '�f .: ;r ^ J11 1U ._ • .S_o ��; � J . : r� {�. �ll � 1 i. \"�' t��i,_ - �j ����' � 4 �' 7l � )' • — ... . <_ V ' f" .. , ' �% � 1� �' ' �`.�) '^'� � � �±+ . `� ,� \ . .. f "' ' •.... � , , '; v : • ' �^ �4 Cd � N. \ ` °�� . . .. `' " ' '_'_' '.� ,` — 1 � (V .. 6 Lb u � •V { ~ �� , �� t.r-- .' '. [ . . ,.�_ ^ /93. %S_ _ ._ .� �3 j � __'L�� :.6:4�.s ( n 1 _ � � o �r. > ��G! o U O� � � //fh yY rd, .2.��Q �sio� U 1 X 2� t 7th �'�'Qr.>, /sf ITiyisia� — �- - -- -- — ----- -- ; - . �� ---_, ...--- -- 1'� � :.,�_, �:.,:,,:: .. :.. � � i.:a5:�.':..�..:,,-.:.n`.... : � ">�}r.:�w yk y `' 7YYL T'?��s�i�4���;�` ,' :'� .JFE � yYY � 1 � :.^ � - ''��I�".1 D.�`:S!ivj' �—. oN � � �w v lV C,t) �a� �---- � � � �' 1� � - � W �i JUN-22-1999 15�36 ST PRUL PLRNNING & ECON To: Glenn Pit�a Reply #o Vacation lnquiry �, � ,� � File #9-1999 6512283314 P.02i02 s of Pagrs 'Acom: Brian Swee�ty - Planning & Economic Development • 2200 City Hait Annex F� � 266-8855 F� � — 'We have no objecuons to this vacafion . . . . . . . . ................... we must retain our easements within the righc-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the foilowing condiuons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� For rhe foIlowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: .,..... .................. 0 � > / J�/ Date /055 TOTRL P.02 •� DepartmentofTechnology andManagementServices Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor May 17, 1999 Paul Dubruiel Planning & Economic Development 1100 City Hall Annex ,: . _ �u�jeek '. . �I'l'w'#� 3�eg�i�ent I+�1€,l�a: 41999 Dear Mr. Dubruiel: The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the_petition af �'a�k:'I'.I'��acy for the vacation of aii �tia� part�s�th� c,a�t�v�st a1T�y; Bl�ck �� ��. �Tayts l�eari�a���izent c�f �ts �5.r 2�, a� 2'�r Hafi� and 1�rriv�nis Ai�iU�� t�i"H�de 1"�rk I.yiin� �asterly. ii� ihe, �au�ee.ri�� ���saa� �i#' i�e �� I�ue,o��T.at �7; 8t�!ek 3 F� �: HuyCS �teaaE'r�u€i�eme�� c�f L�is?��> �G, a�d �'t; T�ati.anaI Brtrwttxs;Atlt�tT+�t tn H�t3t�,P�rk: This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. The purpose of this vacation is i�t�zrxi�r Y�i� the gro�erty a�wriersti� ��ve �ceess tv r�nfain th�i�r e�teripr. tti�[d� Will you please advise me of any exisung utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacafion. I would like to receive your comments before_ June 11, 1999 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this nouce. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 2b6-8862. Sincerely, ��.w 6'� Glenn Picha (9-1999 inq) MqY-25-1999 16�27 PED 14TH FLOOR Reply to Vacation inquiry File #9-7999 6512283z20 P.01iO4 'ro: Glenn Pic6a 'Fmm: Paul Dubruicl �'j-�QSQ C�ty �f St. ram planning & Economic Real Estate Irivision Development I 100 City HaIl Annex 266-8850 I Ph°°"" � { Fua L00-bb�J { •�^°� � W e have no objeetions �o chis vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W e must retain our easements within the right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We will approve this vacacion, subjec[ to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacadon : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ � S� R��i.tC �n�ra►�R�'rws.�� W�cw�b+�►ndt . �i�r�, �i 1w"`� � Signed �=�.cf'fy Date � MRY-25-1999 16�29 PED 14TH FLOOR • ` - 6512283220 P.04iO4 99-�059 Interdeparemental Memorandum CIlY OF SAIISf PAi3L DATE: -.� � ^ � � TO: 1) G �-S � �� � ��l (DISTRICT P ANNET2) PROM: � 2) L�rry/ Soderho�w� - �J ��Rc�fi- �'�� U 3) �au.t� i�ubf-�.�eL . Vacation Request No. � --- / f / � The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Division on.s' rl q`� , pSease review and return cornments or recommendations to me by — �� , so that may prepare the Divisions recommendations. ZONING SECTTON• Is this vacation proposal also tied to a rezozung oz ��ariance request2 YES NO� If yes, explain below: • � •• • � � �• � � . ; � . , . i . s r i � . •�' r �I i i � `� �.,� i / - � i � / � / .LJ / � �: � , � �� f � � '� . '� TOTAL P.04 MRY-25-1999 16�28 •'`'''., �'1 Y � i PED 14TH FLOOR •t � a � � -- � '�'_ � ` Q C� � V�p ` 6512283220 P.03iO4 � q 9-i o5� O �' � � 6 ' W 1� o o (�, v I � � 1i \ y 4 � 4 ` I O �G O. 9'f , a'-P! 60 /7rf: ` O. i74. /7'¢'�S r- ` 120 f I �p . .� _ e ..e.�. � i' '_ Gv- t g g S S ° f-- v - t� I �^+. .s _ L 6 - +.o. . . \ }� \ � � � �SS , �� �' � � � � . � I� v F � �� ' � . ,� . ...:?. ` ._ �_. + � u t" � N � , � > ^� `i, 1� I y �' �k .._. �i � G � v� `_ � �" �_ i. � � t�. �- ---, o "�'' � fy � b � � � • . h rl ,; �q �.. ; Z a ..� .., � `, t � `' S.Z_ ' NO (v O � � ` ;— — ''�� r'� a � ,�.. .�. .. . � 4 i: o"' __ i .' � o �.�. Gf + � I .. •\ �'�:, ,, }, 4 ' �. _. . �- r � � N �°,� `� y �v � �:. .� - ' � '' � (� � N •,i: ., r . ... ".. _� -.�- -=� � -- --- ------ - - --- � ,., . � � - - ^ , _ ..� -� - �. —" " � _ � I� � i < � � N' : w c � ' �� H •(D _ . _ _ °P � .. � N � -o C� ' �� -� i7 ~ �p6 ;o V p .�.li - . . .. _ �i C`��E.. 'i� �"� � � , � e^. r, a �' N • o �.. ; . vo 40 � �r{ � '� . YAC TED � • �, � - - � .. � B�GEL_ W - - �' •• � �i� � t` � `� � Do ,Mn. � �} , `� _ •.l�G9 0 6 _ _ '-- --- a �S 7.� - i�yp ' vu r,� N� � ... � O :.a Qy i � ,i:L ... � . � \ � s. \' t� 1! � ,-- n ��a:.. - - .._ .s .a .. F _. �� � �' �, - :� y -: �' -, - � � c . `� s �" :;� 'i,� •� � • �-o-�- ------- -- ------ -- _:._..ci-- 1 .:�•� _ -•-- ..__. � �. -� ;�� j N y � > '� � a , _ - t ' �. . :� \' w ao.:. �No 00 � v ' , -... , L .'> _ � .:i,•.s i7c9(ob N � i� � � - '^,r ... {., . :� ��nNAC. O� O 0 , � � � W i. .?.. . � ", i •. 7: � - A � I` i : rJ 2 .4 � � .. V N <., r , - , � , �` �.�i:, _ ... . �,�._ .-' `'• _'1 �1 ..�i= ..v.a � J� <�-. v ' � h { �, �- - '� - ' `� .��i . `.v � .. \ �� � � �:: _ ...., ..�.:�__. ....� �'\__ ..v ;S ti� � W C 6.4 . .� -A W . l_ ;_ 2a.`i� a � �31� �r„c �, , f C I N . —. _�._ ._ .�'7 .1`..__..L 'SL3� �_.:_.�JO J.TT F� L3u _ 30 30:� � . O � ��thW,d �.��o�s a �� �ut xa'� ; � 0 7f v� , s �visio� i _ _ _ __ - ___ __. _ � � �{ �------ � - � ----- ..._--- ----� � � � i - - . �-�--- `�'� i':lt'r»�i,= -� ,�:..,,'. . � ) . ;, � ;r'� Y "�.y;;��;�+ � N . t! �. , :" �) '� .� . � y'y` '��'r�� i..) �. ♦ ..:C�2 � !'R`��l �I�7.i L� qq-�a�9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor CTT7ZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu, City Clerk 770 City Hall ZS W. gellogg Baulevmd SerttPOU7,Minnesata 55102 TeL: 651-2668989 Fax: 651-266-8684 Web: http✓/www.stpauLgw 7DD: 266-8509 April 26, 1999 Mr. Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 Dear Peter: Ap�,� ���FO ��� �Sl9 S`9�� N I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recorrunendation, the attached petition of Raymond Faricy and Frank Pilney for the vacation of an alley in Block 3 of Hoyts Rearrangement according to the petition on file and of record inthe Office ofthe Saint Paul City Clerk. They were no maps submitted to my o�ce. Sincerely, � � Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments 255 Park Square Court 400 Sibley Street St. Paul, MN 55101 512-227-8571 Fac: 612-227-1708 ���� Commonweatth COMMONWEALTH LAND T�TLE INSLTRANCE COMPANY 7uly 17, 1998 Raymond W. Fazicy, Jr Attorney at Law 1616 Firstar Center 101 Fast Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101-1808 RE: 98-130 Abstractor's Certificate Dear Mr Faricy: �,� Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that as of June 2, 1998, a search of the public tax records in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, discloses the names and address of the property owners adjoining the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Aall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park. (See Ephibit A attached hereto.) Respectfully, COMMONWEALTA LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPA � o ert A. Anderson Licensed Abstracter This repozt cites matters appearSng in the public records of Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errozs or omissions. Enclosure 9g-to59 �,� � �� �IV PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), the undeisigied, coastitufing a majority o[ the owne[s (or theirlegally designated mpr¢entadves) of the abutting properti¢, do here6y peti6on t6e Council af t6e City of Saint Paul to vante its interests in the properq�(ies) legally described as follows: the alley lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, B1ock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Ha11 and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park L(we) requect this racation for the Collowing reason(5J. so abutting property owners can use land. I(we) have attached six copies of [he site pians of any development int¢nded for constrvction on the lands to be va�ated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the -- - - - - - - - - terms and conditions of the vacation: N�,�,e: Ravmond W. Faric;� Jr. (��28290) N�e: Frank T. Pilney Phone: 6�-Z-297—$4$4 Phone: Aaaress: 1616 Firstar Center naare�s: 385 Lexin�ton Pkwy No. 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55104 t. au , - Altemate Contact Person N�e: Lori Henlev N ,,, ie; Extendicare Ho Inc * pnoae: (414) 908-8236 Pnaa�: 14141 1 ?OS-A23h naa:eSS: 111" W_ Michi g�, Sr _, Sth Flr Address: 111 W. Michi�an St. Milwaukee. WI 53203-2903 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 *£jk/a Unicare Homes,Inc. Name: Addres5: q t-io59 File No. 98-130 E�ibit A Properry Talc ID No. Fee Owner/ Address Taxpayer! Address 34-29-23-41-0032-5 34-29-23-41-0033-$ 34-29-23-41-0034-1 Frank T. Pilney 385 Le�ngton Parkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Frank T. Pilney 385 Lexington Patkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Lux-caze III, Inc 7727 Portland Ave S Minneapolis, Mn 55423-432o Plastic Surgery Associates 385 Le�cington Pazkway N St. Paul, MN 55104-4612 Same Unicaze Health, Inc 105 Michigan St W/f 120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 34-29-23-41-0035-4 Unicare Heaith, Inc Same 105 Michigan St W #120 Milwaukee, WI 53203-2903 �j�i-to59 Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Below: 'I � 1, FTdriIC T. P 11132 Y, am the petitionu, or one of the peutioners in the abqve maner, and I do hereby swear and verify that each of the signalures on this ition waz signed in my presrnw b t1�e person described in the petition. v ` � (➢ f toner) v f . y d � f 2 �nfiincn a. lio�ay Subscribed and swom ro before me this �� s �'� � -��� day of � . I99 � /s/ 1 � � (Natmy) �'. l�SY COAiMiSSfON E7IPIRF.fw ;_ `�� JANUA[Y31.2000. (ca7rxf-]0>vg) �Sl j�-� From: Glenn Picha To: CAO.Attorney.warner Data: 8/12/99 9:13am Subject: Vacation 9 1999 Lexington Central This vacation was requested by Ray Faircy, who stated that the property owners had no intention of doing any building. So he preferred to just have inquiries sent out instead of Certificates of Intended Non-use. All inquires are in except for Linda Dickhut, who wi11 be sending that in shortly. Linda has stated in a E-mail that she has no objections to the vacation, and wi11 sign the inquiry for PW. A£ter you have looked over the file, I will replace the E-mail with the inquiry. The E-mail is with the other inquiries. Linda has approved the legal_ She pre£erred having the dociunent for widening Lexington on the legal, because she did not want the legal to be anyway ambiguous and the Water Utility requested it be done. Thanks . Glenn �'/�i /051 -._ _. .. -- - ..- _ _.__. . __.. , RP'r. �1 '9_ �":�� FR EH5 LEGRL -il� ?r^ ���� TO 91h`1?2� �~ / ��� � Stczfe of De1�2vtcre �ffire of the Secretary of State r.�^. �= ��i—ID`�'j PAGE 1 :�.:- <,� � .� � I %�: �i I, EDWARD J. FREEL, SECRETARY OF' STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIPY THAT THE SAZD "UNICARE H6MES, INC_", FILED A CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT, CAANGINC� ZTS NAME TO "EXTENDICARE HOMES, SNC.", THE TWENTY—FOURTH DAY OF 3LJNE, A.D_ M 1997, AT I0:30 O'CLOCK A_M_ 04�3gUp 2Q.10�.69 �320 °71�62167 / !�\°-�' �:/ ;: � 1 \,�� i� -_ � _ _. f� —., � m � pEQp2TJ�+IEMT t OF SSAfE FtLED A�� 121997 �,�r(�`•de�e.a/ ,bGe+�r� t� � � s�a n , 1 � ���� £.7.<'�ini J. Friel, Ccir. oi Stn�c '.L il �� I I�__1 I 1� �\. . ... n593606 - - _ _._ ._- . _ _. f �.if1. { i 1. � Q'o mr. TOTA- F�GE.�? l: ��,��5q I � � � , , the � � ����o �� r�, ���for Extendicaze Homes, Inc., f/k/a Umcaze Homes, Inc., Assignee of the Interest of Ltix-caze III, Inc. and on behalf of Unicaze Health, Inc. do hereby sweaz that Extendicaze Homes, Inc., is one of the petitioners for the vacation of the alley described in this Petition. Eactendi ��omes, By: �/ Its: �/D ibed and sworn to before me this ciay of ��� 1999 ,� �� . �N�10.. ., �Ale�.ny PubIic (� v ������� �S��sc— �5 �\^��.�2�� i �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornz Code»zan, Mayor Ju1y 30, 1999 I.ori Pagel Northem States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall- '7"' F1. Minneapolis, MN 55401 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division �/�i—l05�J 140 Czty Hall Phone: (651} 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Faz: (651) 266-8855 Sulijeet ., � ` :. , , . ,.,} ,.. ._x �acafiozi 9, �999; Ce�►traT & �e�thgYc+nE ,_:: Dear Ms Pagel: The resoluuon for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of 5aint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolufion allows the Northern SYates Power Company Electric to exercise its urility xights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerel�, (� �� x�.�.�-- � U ( e.� Glenn Picha Real Bstate Division (Resolution letter to NSP vac 9-1999) ✓� � Qq-io5� Northern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Telephone (612) 330-5500 RECEiVE� August 4, 1999 Mr. Glenn Picha Real Estate Division 140 City Ha11 c..P�,!,tytT�r aStQ? RE: Vacation 9-1999 — Central & Lexington — Review of Resolution Dear Mr. Picha, AUG 0 5 19gg REAL ESTk;`E p;viSIGY I have reviewed the resolution for the release of easements, enclosed with your letter dated July 30, 1995. NSP had requested retaining an easement over the "west 95 feet" of the vacation area, and I believe the description in ihe resolution retains an easement over everything but the west 95 feet. I propose the foilowing description for the area required by NSP: all that part of the east-west alley, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Reurangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lois 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park, and lying westerly of a line drawn parallel �vith and 95 feet easterly of said Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 27, Block 3, F.W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Hall and Brown's Addition to tiv�e i•a:ic. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review the resolution, and please contact me at 612- 330-5893 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� Margaret aahs Real Estate Representative Land Services N1.'S'.: r., +� S �- :tS?�{.i�, ;�;;,Yl `�"83r'�''���r4t'��.; : - _ ,) . r � �:'_�, a:s.;�.;�:{}..,� - :•. , - °$�:°�'�� .�9-io 9 . - � � -------�-� . _T _. ) M -�_ � / J { � —_�".. -_��-� � : --� _______, ��� � � - --- - ---.� � ----�- - - � m - -- -- �- - � GO/S/if/ �CS�� �%b !/{� . ° � „a uoisi.fip puz f'�'.S�f yf// ��x th5 �'p►1 "�v�, � � . . ,dC�t oC 'T n �� �9 e'ff or!' pF}S.�D.4'�--_lY---� .. " _"�_', -e,��: E€ £c�' - -r--,i's6i�._''.. � _ 1 � � . � �V�� �� � '� •e t� ,�' .� _ " ' ' ' cv M d- ; ., a o� � �1 0 ` `.� .. � . :ti " ; , t ,� 'n � i .: ,\ . �:.. �:. _ . - .:,� ^ � b �' �, - � - ,_, `; ! N •._. .. E -c ; . K "' ' 4� z ` � ?r . , :r � ��' S '„� ; • �: ... — . i�'� ', � .i = �' •i ' • o 'r o - --- - -' � •.�v,��a M t� ` N t � � : < � � N � � -':�-' �'- _ ' ~ — � � _�_ """ _"' � -� — G .°� '�' '4 co r: N ^ i ' `�/ �—__� _ n i � � � N �� �° � M e a 1 � � � h \ � c�m � N �' � �� � � N n - - -�-- - — � .� -� � V -----� -- - � � � �, d N � � m � ; o � N r � ^ � ^-� 1'.. q \ � �C*•.) v � � � � , � � Q N . � . ` N �' � . .1�� \ � � � c \ � -�x�oz _" 99 .t-sL- •,�S g66 �.� a � � ;� �° + �I t. +.. 9 oI6�G/ r;, ,. 'F _ =, - ..... - . - � � � �'_ ,�. � _. oNi' � oQ „; � � ; � _' _ `� t __.. '_'_ _' t-°.:." ' 1 � � �, � �� -a � 1 -o- • - - ,\ �� � . �. I ,� � : . __ - �a :?' 3_ ._ _`, �- � -�+ - - ,_'.� n. � . O/r� _ n '•'•:.. r� t _'-, -' i t� � 90 67G1'• � �; ' - V(1 Q 5 �" � 17 ` - /�'1 �7.��/Q C' • � - CY a 3 t�j�t•n �. � a � �.. . ' o.s � � ' . Y1 � - .... .� .y � o� 9o�x'q[i I:' - -' - -..� , � � � :� �.�do ' a >� . � - .. � .. �_ .._ __..,� . ` ' v_ . -,,, � . �.., � - � � . - -, - - �_ �; - _ � �� . . - �.. � � � � � , �"' ,r, `• 'I N . . � . __ ..�:. , ' \ � � ��.� o�s ,—' __ _ � f - �Z -- --{ �. � .. N R I. µ l � _h, \ _x � . "�.. "' "_ — }— � —{ n ` N� r.. I '. ` � .-�\ 1; 4 - •n G . y � � +�--- ' � - � t � .. • _ ' . � •, a � � I—' _ "' ' ' � > f _..�I _; 1!2 h ' ' "_ _'— � �" " �l " �__ ; ' � � .��..�_._. � � °I ft31� �- �,� � � N� �, -- � ; d � \ .. _ -_ � � � -4, . � . � I � i ___'_' _r_" a� _'_ .� f 5 'o : , � � ` P� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 99—lO�y' 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul,MN55102 Fac: (651)266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 30, 1999 Regina Trujillo Us West Communications 700 West Minarai Litfleton, Co 80120 Dear Ms Trujjillo: The resolution for the release of easements, as documented in the Technology and Management Services Division as vacation 9-1999, is enclosed with letter. This resolution will be submitted to the City of Saint Paul for approval at a future date. Please look over the resolution to deternune whether or not the resolution allows US Communications to exercise its utility rights. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me (651) 266-8862. Sincerely, .� "�"` ,9..�nM� �i,C/� Glenn Picha Real Estate Division .J <_ (Resolution letter to US West 9 1999) .�. ,- q9-t o59 Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 SaintPaul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor July 6,1999 Ray Faircy 1616 Firststar Center 101 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Subject: Dear Mr Faircy: � �� f�'� '' C Vacation Upda"te - File No. 9=I999 The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the progress on your petition. 'Your petition is � sufficient � not yet snfficient for the following reason(s): � does not include a Certi�ed Ownership Report; � is nof signed by majority of abutting owners as indicated on the Certified Ownership Report; I�I ► tl does not clearty define area to be vacated (legaI description): other Your petition is a copy for the sib atures by a majority of the owners of abutting properties. Inquiries and, if required for release of utility easements, Certificates of Intended Non-Use were maited to the deparfinenfs and utilifies on dates indicated in the following chart. The chart also shows which responses have been received. A check in the left column designates those departments and ufilities from which we must receive responses before proceeding further. „� . _ Lltilities ✓ U.S. West ✓ N.S.P. EIectric ✓ N.S.P. Gas MCI Metro ✓ District Energy ✓ MediaOne Other City Departments ✓ Public Works ✓ Water Utility ✓ Police Department ✓ Fire & Safety ✓ LIEP Libraries ✓ Parks & Recreation ✓ P.E.D. Design Center Neighborhood DistricY Voting District 5/ 17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/2999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1999 5/17/1499 5/19/1999 5/19/19 5/ S/18/1999 5/26/1999 5/26/I999 If you have any questions, Please call me at 266-8862. Sincerely, _ w �"' �""'��v. Glenn Picha Real EsYate Division Inquiries Mailed Received 5/17/1999 6/3/1999 5/17/1999 6/9/1999 5/17/1999 5/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/26/1999 5/17/1999 6/10/1999 5/17/1999 6/U1999 r{ 9-l059 11 U D' � �� (9-1999inq) Certificates Mailed Received JUL-23-1999 11�48 TRRFFIC ENG MRPS PERMITS 612 298 4559 P.a1/01 Department of Technology and Management�erv, � Real Estcrte Division ]40 City Ha11 Phone: (65I) 266�8�0 Saint Paul, MN SSIOl Fmc: (651) 26G-8855 � CITY OF SAINT PqUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 1Y '^: . . � _ � . 1�/�V :4 T� � ' ! '� ' IT ._.l. � ~ � " �`�'' : � `±:��.. _ U [_s � ¢.. . : l'�.C.� � �. < 3nly 13, 1999 `!"' Lin Dickhut Public orks 800 City Il Annex Subject: Deaz Ms Dickhut: TMS Aepartment Pile No. 9-1999 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendatioa the petition of' Frank T. �ilney for the vacatiom of a11 that part of the east west alley, Block 3, F. �V. � Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Ha[I and $rovvn's Addition to $yde Park lying Easterly of the Southerniy eaxtertsion of the'West line of Lot 27, Btock 3, F. W. Hoyts Rearrangement of Lots 25, 26, and 27, Iiall and Brown's Addition to Hyde Park�.'�'his inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depenciing on the petitioner' intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some c ,�e... i . , 1 ,r , . . t•. ia` ,., .... . . ��:':" , r; � �; reason for requesting this vacation and t6e alt of the utility easements may be retained. f .. �. .. , . . r . The purpose of this vacation is in order for the pr perty owners to have nceess to maintain their exterior build. Will you please advise me of any existing uf ity easements or of any concems over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. T woul like to receive your comments before Au�ust 6, 1999 so I can prepaze a report to the City Co �I on this matter. For your convenience, you will find reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather espond on yoar letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions garding this matter, please cail Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Si �n� ,,� Crtenn Pich�� CP,ulP ki�iiul ��'�� �� ��'��' ����� (9-1999 inc� ��W� CGo �� �p,, G�oC � �� - Q G�=="� � �G�� t�oC�rt � �� SP,�B� -/'/ � �*�'����. "�., n " ": .. r. .,r, ._ �zYYhz � � TOTRL P.01 !I � � l 06/09/99 RBD 10:40 FAS aJ0 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST f� 001 9 9-1 �54 �' � a � Facsimile�-Cover Sheet IVorthern States Power Company To: � � �, Company: a��f/- � Phone: -� Fax: / oZ6 � � �i�.i .5� FI'Ot17: Margaret Maahs - Land Services Address: 414 Nicollet MaII � M�Is, MN 55401 Phone: 6i2-330-5893 . Fax: 612-330-6590 Date: Number of pages including this cover sheet: 6 /9��'g � Comments: � e /yy D ��� � � 06/09/99 FYED 10:40 FA% 330 6590 NSP DEL SYS CONST �„ ,_,.._ �002 a � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #9-1999 To: Phone # F�cY X ef Pages 1 .. :: 1 �F�o,n� �.on �a3et (-Ma.rgare Norchem Scatrs Power Co. 414 Ncollet Mall - 7th F1. Minneapolis MN 55401 rh°°e'�i12-330-5893 We have no objections to thzs vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � '4Ve musc retain our easemen�,s w?rh3n the ri;ht-uf-way - . _ . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . • • - - - • - • - - [X.X] We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditi.ons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we can.not approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easement wi,thin the "west 95 feet',�' of the proposed vacatioa area for electr3e faciliti.es. � � 9 9 Sign d Date Crlenn Picha Citv af S[. Paul R�1 Esrate Division Ma ahs ) E � i i ti' �•, /�L B t_— W � � ' ` � T ��XINGTOi` C/ TY OF �,5. 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'_.___—____ -__"_—'—' —_'—___—'_'_'__,_ _ _—__"____—"'_ '__ _"' —_—_—_+ _'_ ' � _ _ ".-, .,..-: `° - .� ° � ' � �. p. .�� h ti,' j< < -!; t ' , C`-�-:_.; : ._�: �:=�_s^ � � ��-- — � -- :e �%-$ ��� - � � - - -- -� = -- ") .,. V� .. c e Z �5`��� k 2 .Q � ;,+ .:� .,. �• LL I I I � � _� T �; :� z � � � �� �� m = ` i ���- FITZHU�HS J UB- � J I j °� � . Ha��'s floo ,- l o� HY D E PAF�Fi. s ��,:r � =1 + :; '� �I D D. ' STREET OR �1_i.L�Y VACATION NO. 9-19 YEAR 99 �� Vacation of: Petitioner :........................................................ Frank T.Pilney SUFFICIENCY Map yes-# 32 Ownership Report yes Petition Signatures yes but copies VACATION NOTICE SCHEDULE Hearing Date Approval of Legal Description: Referred 13 Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Pagel) � N.S.P. Gas (Nelson) MCI Metro (White) ✓ District Energy (Urke) ✓ MediaOne (Ruppert) Other ( ) City Departments ✓ Public Works (Dickhut) � Water Utility (Bullert) ✓ Police (Commander) � Fire (Cahill) ✓ LIEP (Zangs) Design Center (Agness) Librazies (Williams) � Parks & Recreation (Wirka) � PED (Dubruiel) Neighborhood District #[District] Voting District #[Ward] Inquiries Mailed/Received 5/17/99 6/3/1999 5/17/99 6/9/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 6/23/1999 5/17/99 6/10/1999 5/17/99 6/1/1999 5/17/99 a Certificates Mailed/Received 5/17/99 5/17/99 � �, �� Q 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/19/1999 5/17/99 5/20/1999 5/17/99 ---------------• 5/17/99 5/18/1999 5/17/99 5/17/1999 5/17/99 5/26/1999 5/17/99 5/17/99 � � Reaort co�iesia Petitinner ✓ Essential Repiies (proceed with resolution after receiving these) Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTACTS: .- Petitioner's Contact: Ravmoud W. Faricy_(612) 297-8484 Alternate Contact: Lori Henlev14140 908-8236