89-811 ��!► 3,� , . 4 /� r City of St.Paul COUNC�I,FILE NO. �/ , ; � f Resolution Ratifying and Confirmi g By—� '' - �l"�'`' � � Condemnation and Awards of Dam ges and Assessment Therefor File No. In the matter of Condemning and taking a perpet a easement for public utility purposes over , under and across the foll wi g described properties : That part of the Northeast Quar e of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey Co nty , Minnesota , described as follows : , e , , > -� 0 The west 20 feet of v c ted Water Street located east of the Starkey Street e st right–of–way line ; Lot 9 , and adjacent alley fr m tarkey Street to 20 feet west of Starkey Street and al of Lot 10 , Block 4 , Bazil and Roberts Addition ; 11 of Block 175 , Robertson ' s Addition; the west 35 f et of Lot 1 and 3 , Block 174 , Robertson ` s Additio ; the east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from F 1 more Avenue south right–of–way to the centerline of ac ted Fairfield Avenue. That part of the east half of he Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County , Mi nesota , described as follows : The west 35 feet of va ated Fairfield Avenue located east of the Starkey S reet east right–of–way ; the west 35 feet of Lot l a d Lot 2 , Block 173 , Robertson 's Addition; the west 3 eet of vacated Indiana Avenue + between Starkey Street nd Custer Street ; the west 35 feet and the south 10 fee o Lot 1 , Block 172 , Robertson ' s Addition ; the nort 5 feet of Lot 2 , Block 172 , Robertson ' s Additio ; the east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from he centerline of Fairfield Avenue to 170 feet south of th south right–of–way of Indiana Avenue. The north 20 feet f the south 32 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue fro he east right–of–way line of Wabasha Street to 1 eet east of the centerline of Starkey Street. That part of the east half of t e Southeast Quarter of Section 6 and the west half of the Southwest Qu r er of Section 5 , Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey County , Minnesota , des ri ed as follows : Excluding the east 6 eet , the south 35 feet of Lot 3 , Block 13 , Bazil and R bert ' s Addition excluding the east 110 feet , the o th 20 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , and the west 45 fe t f the east 110 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , Bazil and o ert ' s Addition. 1 � 3/22/8 � C�''!`7�� �. r01� � _ o�..tu o,►te G Finance & Management�Servfces 3/14 84 ����� ����� �".�0��J� cONracr PE�OI+ o�ankr�er,r ow�croA wvor��oa�srMm Peter �lhite - �o�t � — �aµ,w�err�s a�oq 2 crrr c�wc nc�r . ��a. _ — �r oiaECroa 1 . , 1 rch Valu�tions & �sPS 5317 : �` — o,n,�r�oar,eY � a n�1.�.Ii��.B - . -.� Mu�t ba ia._G�t er.1c Qf -�ce ao: e� than oen; Monday, March 27th. 1Kust be oti �ge a ' by March 28th 1. Sett�ng hearing date far ratification of easemen�s. 2 Ratify pe�manent and t+emporary ease� ts for the �Stsrkey/Rlato Storm Sewer Pro�ect. (Finance Fi1e #18537-E) lEObl�lIDATIOf16:(/�anr(A)a Ry�ct(Rl) COUDIqI. pEPORT: �_ � PLAM�W�10 OOMMIBSION .CNIL B�ikICE COMMISSION DA1"E NI DATE OIJT -� ,.MW.YBT .. � . � PHONE NO. � �. � �0lMNO OOI�MA�SION . IBD 04i.8CH00L BOARD � � .. . . . . � . ,�j, sr� c++�ars�co�anssiorr ns�s �ooti ruo.,+�o� _��o w�PO".� .r_� • o�srn�cr oounca * _ au�voA�rs w�na+couNCx�oa�crrvEV j _ Ward 2 wrtu►�ra�nos�,�,�oa�uNrtr(wno.wn�.wnen.wnb►a.wny>: The construction and future maintenance f he aboue-eie�ntioned storm sewer project requires the easements as described on the attach d. . .ws*r�'no�t000��oM.,w,�w�aww.�n�: . , . . These pe�nent an& temporary easements facilijtate the building of the above pientioned storm sewer pro�ect resulting in more e fi ent an� economic routing of storm water runoff. � �co��.twh.s,.wn.�.a�a ro vYr�o�: ,, . . -:. . . Tlie•�per�anen� eas�ments will be an enc br nce on the properties affected. The temporary construction easements will expire on ce er 31,� 1989 or upon completion of construction which ever comes first. _ :_ . , : i ��ta�►n�a. r�ws co� �cs be determined j COt1�3Ct R@SCat'Ch Cel1�@r � AR 2 �i�89 �,���: This is the normal precedure for ease nt acquisi�ions , t- _ �.; ��: None• at this time- � - -- ' � � � CARL E. NORBERG C� �-�f'�C� ATTORNEY AT LAW 800 LANDMARK TOWERS 345 ST.PETER STREET ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 551� TELEPHONE (61�297'-6l00 TELECOPIER (612)Y97-6341 IVIay 5, 1989 ihe Honorable City Council of he City of St. Paul c/o St. Paul City Clerk 386 Courhouse ST. Paul, i�IN 55102 RE: Starkey/Plato Sotrm Sewer S tem Final Order 89-388 File No. 18537E Dear Honorable Council: I represent Eric J. and Jul ' a M. tdat'tson, 2102 Timothy Lane, I�Iendota Heights, Minnesota 55 20 owners of property wherein it is proposed to take an easerne t for the a�ove project. This is to inform you that Mr. and M s. �lattson obj ect to t�ze proposed award of damages as being inad q ate. S ' cerely, � � Carl E. Norbe�g CEN:nk cc : Eric and �ulia P�at�son RECErV'ED MpY A 81989 CITY CI.ERK l � . � • City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. � ��� Report of Director of Finance BY � � on Condemnation of Lands . File No. In thc matter of Condemning and taking a perpet al easement for public utility purposes over , under and across the follo i g described properties : That part of the Northeast Quar er of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , II Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey o nty , Minnesota , described as follows : Commencing at the nort e ly most point of the Starkey Street easement , at th centerline of the 50 foot wide said easement ; thence ou h b0 degrees 37 minutes west for 30 feet to the po nt of beginning of the easement to be described : thenc s uth 60 degrees 37 minutes west for 55 feet or the o th corner of said property thence north 27 degre s 53 minutes west for 150 feet ; thence southeasterly 1 0 feet plus or minus to the point of beginning. The west 20 feet of v c ted Water Street located east of the Starkey Stree e st right—of—way line ; Lot 9 , and adjacent alley fr m tarkey Street to 20 feet west of Starkey Street and al of Lot 10 , Block 4 , Bazil and Roberts Addition ; 11 of Block 175 , Robertson ' s " ' ' ' `� -- • *hp west 35 f et of Lot 1 and 3 , Block 174 , "" `��* �f vacated Also , temporary constructio asements for the Starkey/Plato Combined Sewer Separation Pro� ect ac ,os properties as shown on the map on file with the Department of Fin n e and Management Services , Division of Valuations and Assessments R om 218 City Hall and Court House. Said temporary easements to expir o December 31 , 1990 or on completion of the pro3ect. y ,i ;. . • City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ``% ,� Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By y ,, Proceedings File No. In the matter of _ Condemning and taking a perpet �al easement for public utilitq purposes over , under and across the follo i g described properties : That part of the Northeast Quar er of the Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N , Range 22W, Ramsey o nty, Minnesota , described as follows : Commencing at the nort � e ly most point of the Starkey Street easement , at th c nterline of the 50 foot wide said easement ; thence ou h 60 degrees 37 minutes west for 30 feet to the po nt of beginning of the easement to be described : thenc s uth 60 degrees 37 minutes west for 55 feet or the outh corner of said property thence north 27 degre s 53 minutes west for 150 feet ; thence southeasterly � l 0 feet plus or minus to the point of beginning. The west 20 feet of v� c ted Water Street located east of the Starkey Street e st right—of—way line ; Lot 9 , and adjacent alley fr m tarkey Street to 20 feet west of Starkey Street and al of Lot 10 , Block 4 , Bazil and Roberts Addition ; 11 of Block 175 , Robertson ' s Addition; the west 35 f et of Lot 1 and 3 , Block 174 , Robertson ' s Additio ; the east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from Fil more Avenue south right—of—way to the centerline of ac ted Fairfield Avenue. That part of the east half of h Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County , M nnesota , described as follows : The west 35 feet of v cated Fairfield Avenue located east of the Starkey ; Street east right—of—way ; the west 35 feet of Lot a d Lot 2 , Block 173 , Robertson 's Addition; the west S eet of vacated Indiana Avenue between Starkey Stre t and Custer Street ; the west 35 feet and the south 10 fee f Lot 1 , Block 172 , Robertson ' s Addition ; the nor h 5 feet of Lot 2 , Block 172 , Robertson ' s Additi n ; the east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from th centerline of Fairfield Avenue to 170 feet south of t e south right—of—way of Indiana Avenue . The north 20 feet of the south 32 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue from he east right—of—way line of Wabasha Street to 0 feet east of the centerline of Starkey Street. That part of the east half of he Southeast Quarter of Section 6 and the west half of the Southwest Q a ter of Section S , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County , Minnesota , de cr bed as follows : Excludi:�g tt-�e east 5 fee� , the south 35 feet of Lot 3 , Block 13 , Bazil a d obert ' s Addition excluding the east 110 feet , the n rth 20 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , and the west 45 f et of the east 110 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , Bazil an R bert ' s Addition. , �A�L �SLR.1 P71oT�1- F�12_. T K.�E� �L-�T'O s��(�l E�N I .� ✓ �. � � � U � �►1�.. �- l� 5 3� ��. . �tJuR� N � -t�+E i'c.��t..�C. f-t�Eft�t �U G a�v Sr�l-8q � I� ��� . ` � �P A Pa�.T?O� a'F T�-� P �C�-�G.-T c.�1 l..C, l3� �..�..M��/�D_ That part of the Northeast Quarter f he Southeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22G1� Ramsey Coun y �tianesota , described as follows : �t�5 t5 �'iHE �` " �// SEC,T101�! OF i '"fN�E D�-SUetp- I -n o►� u,rt�c�{ W t�-c.. P�� STR 1 GtC.�N � The west 20 feet of vaca ed Water Street located east of the Starkey Street e st right—of—way line; Lot 9 , and adjacent alley from ta key Street to 20 feet west ' of Starkey Street and all o Lot 10 , Block 4, Bazil and Roberts Addition ; all o Block 175 , Robertson ' s Addition; the west 35 fe t of Lot 1 and 3 , Block 174 , Robertson ' s Addition ; h east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street f rom Fill o e Avenue south right—of—way to the centerline of vac te Fairfield Avenue. That part of the east half of the S utheast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 28N, Range 22�1, xamsey County, M a sota, described as follows : The west 35 feet of v ca ed Fairfield Avenue located east of the Starkey tr et east right—of—way ; the west 35 feet of Lot 1 a d ot 2 , Block 173 , Robertson's � Addition; the west 35 fe t of vacated Indiana Avenue between Starkey Street an Custer Street ; the west 35 feet and the south 10 feet f ot 1 , Block 172 , Robertson ' s Addition ; the north 45 feet of Lot 2 , Block 172 , Robertsoa ' s Addition • t e east 20 feet of vacated Starkey Street from th enterliae of Fairfield Avenue to 170 feet south of t e south right—of—way of Indiana Avenue. The north 20 feet o t e south 32 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue from t e east right—of—way line of , Wabas.ha Street to 10 f et east of the centerline of Starkey Street. That part of the east half of th Southeast Quarter of Section 6 and the west half of the Southwest Qu rt r of Section 5 , Township 28N, Range 22W, Ramsey County, Minnesota, desc i ed as fo2lows : Excluding the east 6 f et , the south 35 feet of Lot 3 , Block 13 , Bazil and R bert ' s Addition excluding the east 110 feet , the orth 20 feet of Lot 4, Block 13 , and the west 45 feet f the east 110 feet of Lot 4 , Block 13 , Bazil and o ert ' s Addition. � _ . G����/ RECEIVED PROPERTY APR2n�9a9 S E R V I C E S CITY CLtrtr� To: Council Members I From: Mr. Ronald Savi a Regarding: Easement m enaation April 18, 1989 �e do not feel the com e sation offered i=9,992.00) for the permanent easement t o gh our property, the �abasha Busineaa Center. ia auf ci nt and do not accept this offer. �e also feel the =1,74 I.0 offered f� the tempcxary easement is unaccepta !e ecause of ihe najoc inconvenience this �vill p t our tenant through by blocking or particially blocting c as to hia loading area. c.c. Eugene Schiller �,NA� v��l�� 8 9 - 3 8 8 m�� g, ia �q � � 24 5 East Sixth Street, Suite 704 St. Paul. �11N'jj101 1988 I� Tele:(612)291-73�3 Telex:910 563-360(G.'NT LTBC � Fux:(612)292 Ob'�l . _ . ;�� �9 ��i � • Members: CITY �3AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair . , ���,,;,, Janice Rettman n��tu�: OFFI�B7 F TR� CITY COQNUIL Tom Dimond Date: May 3, 19 9 Co ittee Report RECEIVED • MAY � 31989 To: Saint Paul City Cou c I CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Transportation - Committee Roger J. Goswitz hair � The Public Works Committee at ts meeting of May 3, 1989 took the following action: � 1. Approval of minu es of April 19, 1989. Hearing Date 2. 5/11/89 FINAL ORDER: S de alk reconstruction for the Laid Over In following pro� ct to be constructed in Committee to accordance with he Department of Public Works 5-31-89 recommendations nd the Heritage Preservation . Commission Resol ti n 89-1: , 5-89-OZ - Sout ide SUMMIT AVENUE from Heat er Drive to Ramsey Street � 5-89-03 - Nort ide SUMMIT AVENUE from � ' Port an Avenue to Kent Street S-89-04 - Nort ide SUMMIT AVENUE from � Selb A enue to Western Avenue � 5-89-05 - Sout side SUMMIT AVENUE from ' Rams y Street to approximately 70 � ft. as of the extended east line of N na Street 3. 5/11/89 FINAL ORDER: S de alk reconstruction at the Laid Over In � following: Committee To 5-31-89 S-89-08 - West id NINA STREET from Summit n Lane 4. 5/9/89 RATIFICATION 0 WARD OF DAMAGES: For Approve permanent and em orary easemen.ts for the 3-0 ' STARKEY/PLATO ST RM SEWER PROJECT. 5. 5/16/89 FINAL ORDER: ak ng a permanent easement on Approved land described a part southeasterly : of 3-0 SEVENTH STREET o L t 1, Block 12, Brunson's Addition for t e urpose of improving and maintaining the ri ge. C1TY HALL SEVENTH LO R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102� .. . , - - �'�_�'�� 6• RESOLUTION 89 62 : Concurring with action Approved taken by the oa d of Water Commissioners and 3-0 approving wat r main easement on property owned by Andre R alty Corp. known as SEEGER SQUARE. (Refer ed to Committee 4/11/89) . 7• RESOLUTION 89- 23 Amending C.F. 88-1757 by Laid Over In changing the id h of construction of PASCAL Committee To from Marshall o oncordia from 44 feet, with 5-17-89 parking on bot s des to 36 feet, with parking on one side. ( ef rred to Committee 4/11/89) . 8• RESOLUTION 89- 24 Holding the State harmless Approved for granting a va iance to MSA width standards 3-0 on a portio f BURLINGTON ROAD between Springside Dri e nd Totem Road. (Referred to Committee 4/11 89) . ' 9. RESOLUTION 89- 25: Holding the State harmless Laid Over In ' for granting a ar ance to allow existence of Committee To three utility ol s within the two-foot clear 5-17-89 zone required by MSA standards on CHESTNUT STREET between . 7th and Smith. (Referred to Committee 4/11/ 9) 10. RESOLUTION 89- 26 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to pa T ans City Investment the sum 3-0 of $97,680 for he acquisition of ponding area � in connection wi h the STILLWATER/NOKOMIS SEWER PROJECT (Referred to Committee 4/11/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89- 27 Authorizing proper City Withdrawn officials to de osit with the Clerk of District Court $3 ,120 for easement interest in land owned b A well, Inc. in conjunction with the SH LL/HAMLINE SEWER PROJECT (Referred to Co i tee 4/11/89) . 12, RESOLUTION 89- 61: Authorizing proper City Denied officials to le se to Naegele Outdoor Advertising, In . , roperty located at 1060 W. 7TH STREET to d pl y advertising sign. (Laid over in Committe 4 19/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-6 3: Authorizing proper City Approved officials to exe ut an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County and the it es of Roseville and Falcon Heights for t e cost, maintenance and operation of tr ff c signals on LARPENTEUR at Hamline, FERNW OD DUNLAP and LEXINGTON PARKWAY. (Referr d o Committee 4/20/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-32 : Plan to phase out certain Laid Over In water systems. Laid over in Committee Committee To 3/8/89) . 5-17-89 15. CABLE ACCESS REP RT No Action Required 16. $OLID WASTE. .UYD E i�o Action ReQUired