89-799 _ _ _ � WMITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FIN4NCE G I Ty O A I NT PA LT L Council (��y��' /%/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �(A � -/G.f 9 BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• � l � � �......... eturn copy to: CQUnCZ esolution ( �5 ' Real Estate Div. - 21 .H. (PW) (Starkey) ' \_.__.._.%' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of t e City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution C .F. 89-388, on M r h 7, lg8g, did authorize the proper city officials to con e n a permanent sewer easement on, under, and across propert wned by Fastgrow, Inc . , legally described as : The north 20 feet o t e south 32 feet of vacated Indiana Avenue from t east right-of-way line of Wabasha Street to 10 fe t east of the centerline of Starkey Street. Also , to authorize a te po ary construction easement over vacated Indiana Avenue ro the east right-of-way line of Wabasha Street to 10 feet ea t of the centerline of Starkey Street. Said tempo ar easement to ezpire on December 31 , 1990 , or on com le ion of the project , whichever comes first. WHEREAS , the Council of th City of Saint Paul will hold a final hearing on Tuesday, Ma 9 1g89 for the purpose of ratifying and confirming the ta ing of easements for the STARKEY/PLATO STORM SEWER PR JE T and for making an award of damages for the taking of th se easements including an award of damages in the amount of $11 , 66 to Fastgrow, Inc. WHEREAS , as a matter of pu lic necessity, construction of the storm sewer should be co me ced immediately to avoid delaying the separation of the storm ew rs from the sanitary sewera , such separation being mandated by th State of Minnesota. COUNCIL MEMBERS L.�" ���2��' J Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ✓ Dimond Finance & na e e �� � e'�" In Favor Goswitz r„ Rettman scne�ne� _ Against BY Di ector sonnen � Wilson Form Approv d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY C 2� gy Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved y M for Su ission to Cou il BY — WMITE � - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council /� q CANARV - DEPARTMENT (y/ (%/ BLUE - MAVOR File �O. ` �• � Return copy to: Counc 'l I�esolution � Real Estate Div - Room 218 (PW) (Starkey) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , in order to pr c ed with construction immediately, it is necessary for the city t have title to the above described easement interest . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES L ED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul by this resolu io hereby suthorizes the proper city officials to depoeit wi h he Clerk of District Court the amount of $11 , 660. 00, which ep esents the award granted to the above named property owner, s result of the condemnation referred to in Council resol ti n C .F. 89-388. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , th t upon deposit of said amount into District Court and upon pa sage of title as directed by the court , the proper city offici 1 are hereby directed to commence the construction of the propose sewer improvements in the easement area . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Finance & Ma.na ement Service ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman �he1�� Against BY � Director Sonnen Wilson Form Approve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY ` � z � By, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve May or Su 'ssion to Council BY - – — , ��t-7Q� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEfCOUNCIL DATE INfTIATED Finance & Ma.nagement Services REEN SHEET No. 8 7 5 CONTACT PERSON d PFIONE INfTIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEP TMENTDIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL Peter White 7 � CfTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK NUMBEF FOA MUBT BE�1 COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU7NQ BU ET DIRECTOR FIN.8 AiKiT.SERVICES DIR. MAY R(OR A8818TMIT) � TOTAL�OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL LOC 10 S FOR SIQNI►TUR� ACTION REWESTED: Authorize deposit of Award of Damages with th D' trict Court for easement interest in land owned by Fastgrow, Inc. Taking is in conjunc io with STARKEY/PLATO SEWER PROJECT (see attached resolution). � RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/Q a RsJeix(F� �NC��CQMM E$EA�1 _PLANNING COMMIS810N _qVIL SERVICE COMMI8310N A�� p P R 2 '? 1989 P�NE NO. _qB COMMITTEE - �STAFF _ COMMENTS: _����� _ i Y ATTORI�EY SUPPORT8 WHICH OOUNdL OBJECTIVET IN�TIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Where,Why): The Real Estate Division has b en notified of the in�ent of Fastgrow to appeal the Award of Damages. ADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: Depositing Award upon order of the Dis ri t Court would permit entry onto the subject property for sewer constru ti n by ensuring the passage of title for interest in said land in ti f r seasonal construction. � _ - _ _ _ � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � /� � r� r Action ` (i� �t on the property, thus crE � s,ame. ,� ����� � DIBADVMITAQES IF NOT APPROVED: �O Uy l C � To not ld result in a delay in the r�S Q�,.� C r project. � � u...�;��;► F�e�e�rch Center � �1 r,.,.�., i.i;;� i`v0:� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 1�-� 660.OO T/i�VENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO cPl.-c8�-2T�ZZ-�?�84-�90'�� �uNa�a sou� 1989 Storm Sewer System Charge �m Nu� ��'?.;�,.-:�,=� FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(pCPLA1N)