89-798 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COU�ICIl PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File �O. �r�� - (BurnsAve) (DN) �ou/`CZ esolution �� Return copy to � �� � Real Estate Div. — 218 C. � �i� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the City of Sa nt Paul has , for the purpose of expansion of Burns Avenue P rk secured an agreement , subject to City Council approval , for th purchase of the property located at 1463 Burns Avenue and le al y described as : Lot 3 , except th w st 111 . 61 feet thereof, and all of Lot 4, Bl ck 34, Auditor ' s Subdivision No . 52 , Saint Paul , N. according to the recorded plat thereof, an s tuated in Ramsey County Minnesota. The conditions of said sale ar contained in the Purchase Agreement attached hereto a d ncorporated herein by reference ; and WHEREAS , the acquisist ' on of the property herein described will provide additional par f cilities for the community; and WHEREAS , compensation o he property owner in the amount of $28, 000 being a fair and re so able price for the subject property according to compa ab e sales in the area ; and WHEREAS, the Real Esta e anager has recommended the purchase of the said proper y t the price stated above ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE OL ED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and d ' re ted to pay to the owners of record the sum of $28, 000, said su t be charged to (CPL) Fund C89- 3A003-0881-34052 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Financ & Mana ement Ser ices �� In Favor Goswitz xettman b B Dire Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen �� Wilson ,nQn � 1/� MAY — 9 1� Focm Appr v City Atto ney �\� Ado pted b y Council: Date � 0 Certified Pass d b uncil Se By C�r �' By _�M Approve y May �S� ission to Council A►pprov y IVlavor. Date � B ' �. Y P� ltSHfD MAY 2 01989 . i ���� �Fi ance & N�anagement Servi ces 4�1`4-89 ��� �„�f�� �����` N�.�:Q`�j 2 2 'rJ carr�cr o��M n�c� �w,ro��cn,+asmr�►m: �3d V@ ��S Oq � Fwwx�d w�+�oe�r e�a o�r+�ccron �cm�wc Fi nar�ce� 298-5317 c `�O�O� �`�DR — . cm�r�w�r To approve papment o� $�8,000 to the Ameri an S�vings.j;$ 1.oan Association of Stockton, California far property aidjacent ta the we t f Surn��'Avenue Park. Reference: 1. Council , Resoluti�n fvr s��nature; 2. Map of area� 3. Copy o� C.f. 89-618 _ � � �ce���:(�vvrw.t�t a�tfn f can+ca. �r: � PLAI�MNO OOh�B610N �CNN.80MCE fiOA�tA13SI0N DATE IN DATE OUT . ANKYST� � . . PFIOME N0.. � , � . . . . . � � � � � � �'i , . -� . . . . � . DONMIO OObMM8SI0N � . 18D.EQd 9C1p01.BOARD . . � '� � .. � � . . . . �. . � . . BTAFF .. � . - G111RTER�OOYM116810N . � . A8 I AQO'l NiO.ADOED; . ..AETD Tt? �._ � �� � �COW61'ffUpV(► � .. - . . . � —� _ � . ._—FOF�M61 M1F0. �PEEDCAp�AW�lD•- .-. . DIBTlYCT 00lMCL . . .. !(J�/� - *IXPIAfiATqN: '', 1I`�/y � � � � _�8l1PYONf'$VVlIIp100UNCN.Ol�IECTIVE7 . '� �' `' "• ,�^ - . . Netighborhood Recreatiana� Facilities ; qN��Q��T u1�89 , � ' _ 'F`p�/R�cCTQ �Vr M.q,�, R � �i���� � F ..a►,.���.��.�.,�,,,�«..�,: ;; _ - The Parks and Recreation Division has rece ve a $30,q00 grant fran the Target Stores (Apri1 11 , 1989 Council Agenda) to finance th park e�pansion. i i �ue,.qcnnoN ccoarea+.w..�w.o.�.�>: � � The expansion of the park wi11 b�tter meet th needs �f the comnunity far-recre�rti�nal faci 1 t�i�es. ; _ ` �(M�d.vNMn..na To vNarn): , : � The City will pay to Amer ca Savings & Loan �he sum �of.$28,000. , { ; � , w;�wtrnes: , ; cp� � _ N/A_ � . , ; _ : �ro�r�rs: _ � NJA . ; ��� ounci esearch Center N/A _ APR 2 r� �989 . . _ . :; � . .. . ��=��� � F�reRealty 51 Edi a lndustriai Boulevard eusiness:612-893-0900 The Fndpe ofReal ESf2l�Today Edi M nnesota 55435 t�w,L `1, �9 � 5 —T1�.,S N o�' c,c�- 5..�.�v� �s B r¢ �-'� r� �� N � vC � �l o�-C.�` , �o � �-��,.,_..,�" o� �- "r�.�, �. t4 e 3 ��-�.�s, S d- � , yv�� . c � � . �����; � � � J � PURCHASE AGREEMENT � This form approved by the Minnesota/�gsociation of � REALTORS�: Minnesota Association oi REALlORS� � ; disclaims arry liability arising out of use or misuse of this form. 1. Date �r." L � 14 k 9 I ' � 2. Page 1 of� Pages 3. RECEIVED OF � � ' I ' 4. the sum of ���a� �$ �'� � � 5. CHECK S -NOTE as earnest money to be deposite up n acceptance of Purchase Agreement by all parties, on or � �---- ��.�---_ & before the next business d after acceptance, in a trust co nt of listing broker but to be returned to Buyer if Purchase 7. Agreement is not acce by Seller. Said earnest mon y i part payment for the purchase of the property located at: 8. Street Add � ��!s 9. Ciry of � _ , Counry of , State of Minnesota, 10. Legally described as: ' 11. 12. including the following properry, if any, owned by Seller and ed nd located on said properry: garde� bulbs, plants, shrubs, and � I 13. trees; storm sash, storm doo�s, screens and awnings; window ad , blinds, traverse and curtain and drapery rods; attached lightin9 I 14. flxtures and bulbs; plumbing fixtures, water heater, heating pl nts (with any burne�s, tanks, stokers and er eqwpment used in ; � 15. connection therevvith),central air conditioning equipment,electronic air fi er,Water Softener OWNED/RENTE__NON built-in humidifier � ; 16. and dehumidifier, liquid gas tank and controls (if the property of Iler), sump pump; attached television antenna, cable N jacks � 17. and wiring; BUILTINS: dishwashers, garbage disposals, tras co pactors, ovens, cook top stoves, microwave ovens, hood fans, 18. i�tercoms; ATTACHED: carpeting; mirrors; garage doo�open rs d all controls; smoke detectors; fireplace screens, doors and ; 19. heatolators; AND: the following personal property: 20 � 21. ;; 22. all of w ich � Seller this day a reed to,sell to Buy for sum of: ($ • � I� 23.-r+� � S� Dollars. !! 9 1 6 O i 24. which Buyer agrees to pay in the followin manner: Earnest n of $ 25. and $ � 4 cash on or be( e � , the date ot closing, and ; � �e �an� �$ by financing in accordance with the attached addendum: 27. Cornentional FHA __ VA _ As�u��tion __Contract f _D d ___Other: C.�� ;. 28. This Purchase Agreement IS IS�,I�OT ontingent upon the s e � another property. (If answer is IS, see ariached addendum.) ! 29. Attached are other addenda whic re made a part of this Pur ha Agreement. (Enter page or pages on line 2) � 30. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Upon performance by Buyer, Sel r s all deliver a � �j..�al� Warranry Deed 31. joined in by spouse, if any, conveying marketable title, subject t : 32. (A) Building and zoning laws,ordinances,state and federal regula ions (B) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of the property without i 33. effective forfeiture provisions;(Gy Reservation of any mineral righ by t e State of Minnesota;(D) Utiliry and drainage eMs which do not 34. interfere with e�cisting improvements; (E) Rights of te�ants as oll (unless specitied, not subject to tenancies� 35. --- 36. (F� Others (Must be specified in writing): 37. TITLE d, EXAMINATION: Seller shall, within a reasonnable Ume of this agreemerrt, fumish an abstrad d title, or a regi�ered j 3g, properry abstrad, certfied to date to include proper searches ' bankruptcies, state and federal judgmenLs and liens, and levied and 39, pending special assessments.Buyer shall be allowed 10 business ays er receipt of abslrad for examination of title and maklng arry objections 4p. which shall be made in writing or deemed waived. If arry objection s so made,Seller shall have 10 business days irom receipt o f Buyer's written 41. title object�ions to notity Buyer of Seller's intention to make title m within 120 days irom Seller's receipR of such written objection. If notic:e 42. is given,paymeMs hereunder required shall be postponed pendin c�r ion ot title,but upon correction of title and within 10 days after written 43 notice to Buy�the parties shall perform this Purchase Agreem t a ing to its terms. If no such notice is given or if notice is given but � - �------,..:�+�,r this Purchase Ag m nt shaN be null and void,at option of Buyer;neither party shall be liable �. .-- 4-----• a...�arui Seller a9ree to s�gn carx�tladion of Purchase 4 - .._.._ :c.�.,.�+ncrtv , - ` ���3 g�,�.,� �..�,�� '�� � PURCHASE AGREEMENT - `- 73. Date �O lr:l.. 4� l l�S 9 74. Page 2 of � Pages 75 SUBDIVISION OF LAND: If this sale constitutes or requires a su ivi on of land owned by Seller,Seller shall pay atl subdivision expenses 76.and obtain all necessary governmental approvals. Seller warrants he I al description of the real property to be c�nveyed has been or will 77.be approved for recording as of the date of closi�g. 78.GENERAL WARRANTIE3:SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE BUI ,IF ANY,ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNQARY UNES OF THE 79.PROPERTY.SELLER WARRANTS THAT THERE IS A RIGHT OF SS TO THE PROPERTY FROM A PUBLIC RI(iHT OF WAY.THESE 80.WARRANTIES SHALL SURVIVE THE DELIVERY OF THE DE D O CONTRACT FOR DEED. 81.SELLER WARRANTS THAT PRIOR TO THE CLASING P YM NT IN FULL WILL HAVE BEEN MADE FOR ALL LABOR, 82.MATERIALS, MACHINERY, FIXTURES OR TOOIS FURNISHE W HIN THE 120 DAYS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE CIASING 83,DATE IN CONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATIO OR REPAIR OF ANY STRUCTURE ON OR IMPROVEMENT TO THE 84.PROPERTY. 85.SELLER WARRANTS THAT SELLER HAS NOT RECEIVED ANY N CE FROM ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY AS 1�0 VIOLATION � 86.OF ANY LAW,ORDINANCE OR REGULATION. IF TNE PROPE Y I SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,SELLER WARRANTS � 87.THAT SE�LER HAS NOT RECEIVED ANY NOTICE FROM ANY N OR AUTHORITY AS TO A BREACH OF THE WVENANTS.ANY 88.NOTICES RECEIVED BY SELLER WILL BE PROVIDED TO B YE IMMEDIATELY. 89.SPECIAL WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS NOTED ON REAL ESTA E T NSFER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: 90.SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERTY IS DIRECfLY CO NE D l�: CiTY SEWER�YES�NO CITY WATER�YES ONO. 91.SELLER WARRANTS THAT ALL APPLIANCES, HEATiNG,AIR DI ONING,WIRING AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS USED AND LOCATED 92.ON SAID PROPEHfY WILL BE IN PROPER WORKING ORDE ON THE DATE OF CLOSING. BUYER HAS THE RIGHT'i0 INSPECT 93 PROPEf�TY PRIOR TO CLOSING.BUYER ACKNONVLEDGES TH ORAL REPRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE 8Y EITHER SELLER 94.OR AGENT(S) REGARDING POSSIBLE PROBLEMS OF WATE IN EMENT, OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATER OR I(:'E BUILD-UP 95.ON THE ROOF OF THE PROPERTY AND BUYER RELIES SO LY THAT REGARD ON THE FOLLONVING STATEMENT BY SELLER: 96' c «» -- ' -- «» -- � y� � , � . . BuYer 98, A�HAS NOT received and accepted a real estate transfer d' u statemeM.(If answer is HAS NOT, Buyer relies solely on Buyer's ���„ 99.awn inspection of the property and the warranties of Seller ex set forth in this agieement.)BUYER HAS RE(�IVED THE TRUTH 100:IN HOUSING INSPECTION REPORT, IF REGIUIRED BY MUNI IPA Y. 101.BUYER & SELLER INITIAL: Buyer(s) Seller(s) 102.RISK OF LOSS: If there is any loss or damage � the property n the date hereof and the date of closing, for any ►eason induding 103 fire,vandalism,flood,earthquake or act of God,the risk of bss I on Seller. If the property is destroyed or substantially damaged before 104,the cbsing date, this Purchase Agreement shall become null ' , � Buyer's opiion, and eamest money shall be reiurxied to Buy�; 105.Buyer and Seller agree ro sign cancellation of Purchase Agreem t. 106. ER/SE ARBIT N STEM: 1Q7.ANY R , UYER(S),BROKE AGE S),OR Y OF TH THE PH L CO SE AGRE EN INCLUD WITHO 109.LIMITATIO , , ND NEG ENCE�, HALL B RATIO 11 CORDANCE WI THE RULES, THE IN ECT, A D SS TION A 11 , S A TE VO TARY A EEMEN ETWEE IES ND .BROK AGE IWRE SE T. 11 ION SY M IS NLY E I AND B KER O 1 . A KNO GED B ITIA BEIAW. � T ELUNG BROKE . . - � ��`�"7��' ' ' BUYER PURCHA9Ni!"' "AS IS" ADDENDUM "'-- This form approved by the Minnesala/lssociation of REAL7DRS�: Minnesota Association d REAL70RS� ' disclaims a Iny fabiliry aris�'ng°(�� �or misuse oi this form. � 1. Date �ip y� � 2. Page � of -� Pages 3. Addendum to Purchase Agreement between parties date . , 19� pertaining to the purchase � � 4. and sale of the property at r` � - � � I � j 6. CONDITION OF PROPERTY:The property being purchas by Buyer,including the dwelling,other improvements,fixture�, � 7. appliances and personal property,is not new.Buyer unde tan s and agrees that no representations have been made j 8. regarding the property by the Seller or the Agent(s), exc t a follows; � b1J� ; 9. � 10. 11. RIQHT AND DUTY OF INSPECTION:Buyer shall have th rig and dury to inspect the property or to have them inspected I 12. by a person of Buyer's choice, at Buyer's expense. � i 13. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: WITHIN TEN DAYS AFT YER SIGNS THIS ADDENDUM, Buyer shall submit to � 14. Seller a list in writing describing the defects noted i th inspection. Within ten days after receipt of said list � 15. of defects, Seller shall select one of the following option : 16. A. Seller shall make repairs at Seller's expense t t exceed $� 17. B.Seller shall reduce the purchase price to the Buy r e ual to the cost of repairs not to exceed$ � ; 18. C.Seller may cancel the Purchase Agreement and I ea nest money shall be refunded to the Buyer;Seller and Buyer 19. agree to sign cancellation of Purchase Agree nt. 20. Buyer shall have the right to make a pre-closing inspecti n o the property, to determine that the property is in the same 21. condition as of the date of this addendum and that the gr d upon repairs (if any) have been completed. ' 22. SETTLEMENT IS FINAL: It is understood the Buyer ac ept the property "as is" ANY WARRANTIES OF PHYSICAL 23. CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY CONTAINED IN THIS � R HASE AGREEMENT ARE VOID.The Selle�and the A�ent(s) � �a have no further responsibility or liabiliry with respect to the nd ion of the property.This provision shall survive delivery of the ; i I / `GLc / ( � I ' Q I � ��"� �I (io0� I 0 � ~� �/ I '_ � ✓ ,/� �jl7 (� (Z � ` � v I v I I , I �� * `� v' � ;2,) I (2a) .I (r 9) Q p Ib) ��5� I 2 /5�3 �� I 4 9 3 I --t J!.� ..4 U. 'tc. l > p 1 , Cre) ���) !. �'J l'►j�li. /00.lS ;�oJ � ;9. _ 16 - � ,qG, ,,�,_ . � _s �-�-7�� ��2lJ. -�, . �if �a „r. „ \. oi � � Ca4) <�+) � �4°� � C � (�) 145� L �, � (y. ��v ,30 � � r� v v �1 +� � � � n r �t�� �4s) w( � G o�� � / ;---,/.. ..Burns Avenue Park t °31 �+ � "� � � � � I Q �� / /. . ..Proposed Acq�aisition o 6: , � 70 6 . ��) p j' ^ r , � � v w � � ' o 7 8�.�s �: � � � 16 oez ` '� Q l3�) � � � � ��'� 31 N . ' N � � M W ..2 j3. 9�••.. .•:� 1/ . 3 iif.! � /is.63 /iS.Bt� � � o.�� 6 - , � ,_ �:��s�2 � % �.i?�aT� 1 AC A7c!' . r�- st D �. M C L � 3y � °. ;.�.r:� �. .�►� 't tZ �t'.. .'.� i- - - - -��3/. 66 — .�, 3o I c--- � + 'r 8 � _.... ; � I I 9 �� ° � : I�:u4,"5,,, (4e? I I ► - � �� I e� � v'' e ° � ,� � h � ` � I i ��� --�-_�.:>_� - � � � �xn�•' �•r'J da � .� ' , � �� � I •` � � I� Z �, o e� M � I � �' I r. h "� m �+ S w p I � �, N _,, 1 � � ' ' � �¢�� OZ D N '� �m> So . , c.�s�e.� � I j � � 3� OUTLOT "; W o9 � p 1 ,/f� �4 � � �. i A � °' � � �So� • � �o ' ��' � J ��9� I Q'� o�i � a . �I on, . ,; . • o -► 3 I a� Q�I � '� G I �►'�«;. ,�,.•� ieo. ��I � r � ; i � 5 � ��i ` � o ( ( �4 �. ua � 2 � > � i I ,'"` � � .as.�. ` M 4 05� � �:..� i : lo � iz7.3 °� M CSZ) . �� � � ^ 1 Z i (� I� �.3$� J N ..�;•N �•f • 4 �:, ; • , �.9,3 c _ ;i �r � I ° e�.� _:� � I`� ti } .� ao -.I � NI ' � a ' � • ..I ' � � I�' 4 0 � 2 Q -J �= ��t' .. .;► `i � I M '3 U �' ( ^ ''I � � � � I ` � Jos4 � �,� �:; W � � i �� 3 1 a 34 � . 7 � I � �z:b ... 1 m ��' I � � ... ttZ7S _ i0 : p ,., � � �: �- ��.�`�.. .; ,: _ .r.�._ avuRNS � � � _ ,� �E.� = CI,TY CLERK . .. � . � _ ^ . C. ARV - DEPARTMEN 7 'i ! ,1�°� FI/JANCE COU�ICIl f . � e�uE - M��oR GITY OF S INT PAUL File NO. ' � Council _�solution - ��-�� _ - _ �: �._...w.._ Presented By .__-,-R�°-='_,—fi� _,�.,- _ .,.�:�; .,�-''� '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Cit}� afi S�it�t Paui i t � awr��r cf certain ia�cSs ��scrihed as Siocks I and Z, Sarcaay Es�at�s, ��awr� s urns Avent�e Park; and � WhEREA5, Burr�s �v�nue P�rk r�as acq f d ir� 198a �ith a grant frc��t 7ar�e� Stores, Inc. and Tarr�et also provided nd t� assist with d�velcp��►�t of this aeighbarh�ad park; and �if��TE�S, �Burfls Aver�ue Park 1s us�d �x e�sivei,�r by �eigi��orhti�d r�sider�ts �nd is often ov�rcro�ded; a�d IdNE�EAS, a parc�l imm�diately adja �n to �urns Averu� Park, dcscribed as all of Lot � aRd the e4st G4 fe�� vf th s e��h 12� f��t �f L�t 3 and �xcep� the s�t��h I50 f��t, tfi� east 1�C3 fest cf Lo 3 dlack 34, Au�titor's Su�divisicn No. 62 �s curr�ntly fc�r sai�; and �Ii�E42E�5, Target 5ttar�� I�as indicat d u�illin�n�ss to prc�i�� « gr.:nt to Lhe City af Sair.t Paul for acquisltion nc! d�velo�ent oF said pare�l in the amcunt of �30,�+�0 fcr usc as passfve p� k pace; anct ��fE�E�S, 7i;e O�partrr�ent Q� Ca�ur�i y ervi:.�:s. Uivisi�,� of ?arks and [t�creati�i� expects to z�pp3y for said gr �t frcrn Targ�fi S�ore, Ir�c. ���� tc� utilize the grant �o �cGuire and dev�Ia� sa�d p rc 1 ; �nd �iC�!, THEFtEFflRE 8c I7 #t�SULYED, by ai t F�ui City C�vr.cil that th� �r�Qer Ci�J oft'iciais are h�reby authvriz�d to su r�it a grattt appiicatfcan �0 7ary�t 5�or�s Ir�c. fc,r th� ad�iti�n tc �urr�s A en e F�rk; and FURTNE�t fiES�LVE�, t�rat the praper it c�fticia3s are authcsriz�d tc� execute such agree�ents as may h� rec�sS4ry and ta ir�p�€�me�t �he �3�rn� Avrnu� �«rfc Aclditiar� pro„�ct; ar�d � ,;: .� Page 1 of 2 . - i � 1 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond - "`'" Lo�g [n Favor �-`� , t ,J,. Goswitz _ � f f y� �,1 ReKman ,,,.<` j- J � g •% scne�be� _ Against Y Sonnen � Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bp I�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . _. , ��W,��Hj•�T�E ,.ICITV CIERK ��\� ��. . C,. . .. , . . C/lTARV J OEPAi7 MENT ' T .. � ' : r �� Council BLUE - MA'VOR � � G,l_TY OF IAINT PAUL File NO. �� �� ' -' � Council solution ���9� Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date , ' fISRTHER RESULY�D, that upan receip o said grant Lt�e fl�partTaent of Finance and �4anage�nt Services is t:ereby authu iz �S to prEpare a Final t3rder for acqujsition ofi said addition; and . FtiR?N�� RESOtVED, that upon r�eoa�u nd tien af th� �iayor and �dvice of the Long Range Capita3 Improve�enL IIudg�� C � ttze, �h�t upon r�c�ipt a� said �r�nt • the Capi�ai Ir�prov�m�nt Sudget fr�r I989 a heretvfcr� �do�sted and am�s�ded by ttie Cr�ur,cil sha�i be a�aended ta i�clu�� th� f� laming new pro�cct. Currer� Amend�d Budget Ch�nggs 8udq�t . -` C&9 Capital Pro3�cts i.ed�er U. U $30,fl40.00 #3fl,000.GQ Burns Av� Park Acidition Acquisitia� and Dev�lo�nt � J APPRQV�D - ,; APPHOVED AS TO FUNDII►tG x�, ., _,�._::-• .�:,�.�� Grego y „'�lee� Bud�et Director " '� Gene 3chiiler, Director � '� � � T. Finance &� k�anag�m�nt Sereic�s - `� •- � �� Pag� � t�f 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas . Nays Dimond � Ca�r�ity Services ...�.op� In Favor f--- � ;f' Goswitz ;� � ��� Rettman Scheibel + A ga i n s t BY .. ,�..,`..j�� � � i"'�:�' ; Sonnen �Ison �, � . .: ta .�,,,• :�,.'� � � ���`s� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BS, -�,_ `� � �",'�,{ `'i�\.`,�:� . , A►pproved by l4favor: Date � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY '