89-797 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflC1I [//�� CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO• u • _��� BLUE - MAVOR Counc l Resolution 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date '�/����' � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City offi ia s are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Count o Ramsey, providing for the sale of asphalt by the City to the County, subject o he terms and conditions as set forth in said agreement, a copy of which is o kept on file and on record in the office of the Department of Finance and Ma ag ment Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas a s Requested by Department of: �x LongN Y � Public Works �� Goswitz In Favo Rettman � Scheibel b Sonnen __ Agelltst BY ' �g�ac Dimond Donald E. Nygaard, Direc wilson MAY — g Form Appro e by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Vass d y ncil S et BY By, U�� Appr y Vlavor: D � �"1 Appr ve y Mayo ubmi ion to Council Bv - — PU�liStim h1 AY 2 01 8� � ��-7�� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIOOUNqL DATE INITIA O Donald E. Nygaard 4/13 s9 GREEN SHEET No. 19 01 iNmnu w►r� INITIAUOATE coNrncr��a�e R �ciTV couNCi� Allen J. 5hetka 292-6676 � pT1/ATTORNEY �CITY d.ERK MUST BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU7INQ BUDOEf DIRECTOR �FlN.d NIOT.BERVICEB DIR. As soon as possible wu►voacoR�sr,�rm �5 Ai�ahetka 900 CHA TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES 4 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of resolution and agreement be een County and City for sale of asphalt. Resolution and agreement attached. ���C'1,CD L, S/� RECOMMENDA710N8:Approve(N c►Ryect(Fq COUNCH.C MMI EUf�BF.ARCF1 REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ OOAAMI8610N _qVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION """"'� RECE9VE �E NO. y� QQ �., _CIB COMMITTEE _ —8T� — �MME�: AP R 2 Ei 1989 ���V� _D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE9 �AYUR'S O�Fl�E INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsrs,Wh�: Convenient and quick service for Cou y o pick up materials. ADVANTACiES IF MPROVED: City has variety of asphalt mixes th c nty needs. DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Go�r�ci! Research Center. APR 2 71°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� . ��, ,�-��G,"�� �� �� �9� THIS AGREEMENT, made an en ered into this day of , 1989, by and between he CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Saint Paul" a d THE O NTY OF RAMSEY , hereinafter ref rred to as "THE COUNTY" • WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Saint Paul is autho iz d and empowered to operate and maintain an asphalt plant pursuant to M nn sota Statutes, Section 160.11, Subdivision 2; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul and are road authorities as defined in Minne ot Statutes, Section 160.02, Subdivision 9; now, therefore, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY N BETWEEN SAINT PAUL AND THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY AS O LOWS: 1. That this agreement shall co nce April 1 , 1989, and terminate March 31, 1990, - t 2. That at the discretion of Sain P ul excercised in supplying its own needs for asphalt, Saint Paul will sell to THE NTY asphalt as available of the type and at t e rices noted as follows: Public Works Mixture Cost Item No. Snecifications Per Ton Item #2 Bituminous Mixture or earing Course Mn/DOT Spec. 234 A phalt Cement content shall be ap ox 5.5%WITNESSETH: (Available only with d nce notice) $19.65 Item #3 Bituminous Mixture or ase Course Mn/DOTSpec. 2331 As halt Cement content shall be ap rox 4.5% �4vailable only with d nce notice) $18.55 Item #5 Bituminous Mixture or urbing (2535) Mn/DOT Spec. 234 or equivalent shall include mineral fille Available only with dv nce notice) $20.40 Item #4A Bituminous Mixture or hin overlay Mn/DOT Spec. 234 m dified. Asphalt cement content to b a prox. 6.0% $20.56 Item #7A Bituminous Mixture or atching with mix design as follows: 1880 #- 2341 Modi ed ggregate 100# - Asphalt Ce e 85/100 20#- SC-800 As hal $21.21 Item #9A Bituminous Mixture or atching with mix design as follows: 1880#- 2341 Modifi d ggregate 60#- Asphalt Ce e 85/100 60# - SC-800 As hal $22.51 3. That Saint Paul reserves the ri ht upon thirty (30) days' written notice to THE NTY to ncrease the price per ton to a maximum of Fifty Cents ($0.50). e 4. The books, records, documen a d accounting practices of Saint Paul relevant to this agreement shall be subje at II reasonable times to inspect, review or audit by personnel of the County, perso n I authoriied by the County, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as a pr priate. . � � . 5. That this agreement may b te minated by either party upon thirty (30) days' written notice. IN WITHNESS HEREOF, the rti s have set their hands the date first written above. F RAM Approved as to Form: BY B Assistant County Attorney hairman, Board of Ramsey County Commissioners B Chief Clerk-County Board ITY F AINT PA L Approved as to Form: BY /� j MAYOR ' ;�.-ll , s}"stant City Attorney 1 f BY � � Director, Department of Finance � and Management Services BY � Director �� Department of Public Works