89-796 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll �� �'] � BLUER� - MqPpqTMENT GITY OF AINT PALTL File NO. � 9 Counci esolution ���: , �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Senator Marilyn L nt y introduced S.F. 1287 which would exempt cities of the fi st class from design standards relating to width and park'ng lanes for municipal state aid streets; and WHEREAS, the Senate Commit ee on Transportation did not approve the legislation bu d' rected the Minnesota Department of Transportation to look nt the problems experienced by Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Senate Commit ee on Transportation agreed to reconsider such legislatio n xt year if the Minnesota Department of Transportati n ailed to address the concerns of Saint Paul and outstate ci ie ; and BE IT RESOLVED, that the C ty of Saint Paul work with the Minnesota Department of Tr ns ortation as they begin the process of reviewing the r le and standards relating to width and parking lanes for muni i 1 state aid streets. In addition, the City of Sain ul is directed to again pursue legislative changes during t next legislative session if their concerns are not add es ed by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Fav Goswitz Rettman Q ��;�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �Y ' 9 Form A prov d by City At ney ; Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe b 'I Secr By �� gy, App by Mavor: D � MAY 4 � App ov May or Su 'ssion to Council B ) J �.E,�"-� Y Pt�BLlSEi�D Pai!�,Y 2 19 � ����� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL OATE INI D N � Of f ice 4 26 a GREEN SHEET No. 3 0 8� COWTACT PERSON�PH�IE �NITIALI DATE INIj1AUDATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL .i Bonnie Balach 298-4323 �M� cm�rroRNev �cmc�FUC 4 MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BUDOET DIF�CTON �FIN.8 MQT.SERVICES DIR. cl S d MAY01i(OH ASSIS7MIT) 1 TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� '►�'°"RE�,E�°: APR 2 6 1989 Sign attached council resolution. CITY ATTORNEY RECOMMENOATI0N8:Mp�W a Aele�K(R) COUNCIL ITTEE/RESEARqI REPORT OPTIONAL _PUWNII�Ki COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� ��E�' R� _qB COMMITTEE X COUIIC 11 _�,� _ Leg. Com. �M� APR �� J —DI8TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNdL OBJEC11VE9 E�AI�C�R'S Gi������ INITIATINO PR�LEM,ISSUE,OPPOR7UNITY(YW�o,What,Whsn,Whsre,Why): Request to exempt cities of the fi s class from design standards relating to width and parking lanes for mun c'pal state aid streets. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DtBADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF 1�T APPROVED: Councii Research Center APR 2 � i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(dRCLE OI�1� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FlPIANCUL INFOR�AIITION:(EXPWt� � � �i-�y- �y� �iTi�l CITY OF SAINT PAUL :0� '�. OFFIC TI3E MAYOR O M � II��������� ; + ���� ����� ^ • 7 ITY HALL (3EOBGE LATIMEE SAINT P UL, INNESOTA 55102 MAYOB � 12) 298-4323 DRAFT April 21 , 1989 Commissioner Leonard Levi e State Department of Trans or ation 411 Transportation Buildi g Saint Paul , Minnesota 55 55 Dear Commissioner Levine: On April 11 , 1989 , the Se t Committee on Transportation heard S.F. 1287 (Lantry) . T is bill would have exempted cities of the first class r m design standards relating to width and parking lanes fo unicipal state aid streets. After considerable discuss ' o and expression of support from outstate senators, the Com i tee did not approve the legislation but did direct t e Department of Transportation to look into the problems we r having. The Committee agreed to adopt some form of legisla i n next year if the Department failed to work out some so u ions. The City of Saint Paul rou i ly requests and generally is granted variances for MSA t et width and parking requirements when reconstr ct 'ng city streets. This appeals process is time consuming, an there do seem to be inconsistencies in the cas s hen the va,riances were denied. For instance, there are ca es in which the standards imposed for state aid streets are or stringent than those imposed upon other state-maintaine s reets. In addition, there have been times when a variance ha been granted to allow a 40-foot street with two-side parki g, when it has been disallowed in other similar circumstance . Judging from the response of Committee members, this is a roblem being experienced in other older cities, as wel . I have enclosed a copy of t e resolution signed by the Saint Paul City Council in h s re�ard. Please keep us apprised as you begin the p o ess to review the rules and regulations governing munic 'p 1 state aid streets. Cordially, <6- 5 . . ��y-79� BRIEFING PAPER: MS S R ET WID AND D SIGN STAN ARDS BACKGftOUND The Saint Paul City Counci ecently passed legislation directing the Intergovermm � al Relations staff of the City to initiate and lobby for leg s ation that would exempt cities of the first class from stree idth and design standards for municipal state aid street . STATUS Senator Marilyn Lantry int o ced S.F. 1287 , which would allow statutory or home rule cha te cities of the first class to adopt their own width and ar ing lane standards for municipal state aid streets. This b 11 was heard March 11 in the Senate Committee on Transportatio . A motion to pass the bill to the Senate Floor failed. The Committee directed the Mi nesota Department of Transportation to look int t e problems experienced by Saint Paul in conforming w th the width and parking lane standards for municipal st te aid streets. The Chair of that committee, Senator Purfeer t, a�reed to look at similar legislation the following eg slative session if the Department of Transportati n as unable to address the City' s concerns. THE SAINT PAUL POSITION The City of Saint Paul will w rk with the Minnesota Department of Transportation as they g n the process to evaluate the street width and parking la e standards for municipal state aid streets in the city. T e should be ready to pursue legislation again next sess' o if the Department fails to address concerns raised dur'n the hearing before the Senate Committee on Transportation